HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1901-9-5, Page 5`11111•11 extter buoratt, Is published every Thursday Morning, at the Office, MAIN -STREET, - EXETER. By thas----- ADVOCATE PUOL SH !NG COMPANY TERMS OF S1JI3SCRIPTION. One Dollar per annum if paid in Advance IS1.50 if not so paid, EL61.1.rortig.im.e; Ratiao No paper discontinued until all arra rage are paid- Advertisements without specific directions will be published till forbid and charged accordingly. Liberal discouutmade --for transcien.t advertisements inserted for long periods. Every description of 3013 PRI.NTINGI turned out in the finest style, and at moderate rates, Cheques, in oney ord- .ers &cl. for advertisin,g, s'ubscriptions o be made payable to Chas. I -I. Sa1tlers9 EDITOR AND PROP ofesSional Cards. 11NSMAN, L. D. S. & DR. A. R. KINSMAN, L D. S,, 13.13, S., Donor graduate of Toronto University. DENTISTS,. Teeth extraoted without anY pain, or any bad. effects. Office in Fanson,s )31ock, west side Main Street, Exeter. 'ITT DR. D. ALTO:e.T ANDERSON. (D,D.S. DENTIST ,clionor Graduate of Toronto 'University and Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario. Also Post . Oraduatc of Chicago School of Prosthetic Dentistery (with honorable mention) ` Alluminnm, Gold and'Vulcanite Plates made in the neatest manner possible. A: perfectly harmless an- aesthetic used for painless extraction of teeth. Ottice one door south of Carling, Bros. store, Exeter. ' • Medical na,T. P. McLAUG-TIL/N,` MEMBER OF the College of Physicians and Surgeons Ontario. Physician, Surgeon and Aecouch- eur. Office, Lashwood, Ont. Legal. r‘tcasoN ez CARLING, BARRISTERS, iJ Solicitors, Notaries, Conveyancers, , Commissioners, Solicitors for the Maisons Bank, etc. Money to loan, at lowest rates of interest. Offices, Main Street, Exeter. CARTANG 13. A.. 'L. IL DICKSON. W. 0,LA.DNIAN (successor to Elliot Sn (rlit,cimtin,) Barrister. Solicitor, Notary Public Conveyancer, Etc. Money to loan at :lowest rates of interest. Office Main Street, Exeter. Auctioneers fiBOSSENDERRY,G-rand Bend, Licensed Auctioneer For Co unty Huron. Sales promptly attended to, and. charges moder- :ate: Ordersby mail will receive every at- tention [A ... BROWN, Winchelsea. Licensed Auct- . ioneer for the Counties of Perth and al:, dlesex, also for the township oflIsborne Sales promptly ft ttended to and terrris ,,,r ea- senbale.Sales arranged. at Post office. Win- o helses.. ' --a-. -: Kneurance. E ELLIOT, ' Insurance .kg,ent. &fain St. Exeter .PARMS FOR' SALE. ivioNE-y TO LOAN. ' The undersigned has a few good farm s,for sale cheap. money to loan on easy terms ,TOHN SPACRM A N samweir s Block Exeter te- THE LEADING MEAT MARKET. -maw or Fresh, gockl and the choisest cuts of Meat, call on the undersigned. While all our cuts of meat are the finest, we -make a, specialty of meat delica.cies. neat delivered to rill parts of the . . -town . . John Manning TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab- lets. All druggis..-s refund the money if it fails to cure. 25c. E. W. Grove's signature is on each box. WATCii handsomeopen face, P oil shed Nickel Watch, Ameri- can Lever Afaveinent for soiling qnly 2 doz, package§ of Sweet Pen, &leant 16c.apackage, Erich pack - ago contains a splendid inkttare of tho most fragrant varieties of all colors. Yon can clue tins fine Wateli in as afternoon lzy setting to work at once, sresestannavorasemelit and wo will forward the Seeds. Sall thew, rdturn the money, alai we guarantee safe deny- er,,,y. of your Watch at G1100. Write to day. as the newton for coillngsaudIS talon. Seed Surady ve., Tanen/tel. The 0 Fs° s ark (Chartered by Parliament , 1855.) Paid. up Oap.ital ............ $2,500,000 Reserve Fund.. 1Tead office IVI.ontroai, ELLIOTT, Esq; . GENERa.L • MANAGER, Atoney arlyrinced to good .Farmers ou their own n 0 nr2s with one or in ore. amlersers It t 7 Per cent. per annum, --e-EXETER r31/A.Norl. ry3000 fill day 'from 1.0 11 rn. to 3 ale; Saturdays 10 a.m. to 1 pan, , A g (metal banking buSinoss transact ed (J fl'' RA.TES allowed' for in on oy • on 'De 1)os'ir, Receipts, Saving8 Earl k at 8 cont. DILIKSO,N & CAtiairwo, N T41r0neN, Sollei ors. • ante age e 33 0 L • •beaiitiful , Solid; Cold Ring, n el 'IA. WI Ili pettiiin, for nolt • Only rieltaiien ol S‘ce0., • en.8040.0tane.. el F. I P.,;'6C,tilti0610,4,..p11, 0.211 .' 0.1.15 VO erit.t1 t than 6'Y mat seaman 1:1,Na-heat tete tiatai .,anitteneatiee. 3. eetaeente weite So i'1/1,3r.. :The seaseareeSeill: ',Seed:€.13/04 enai.R'eretildIeekt czema It is also called Salt Rheum, Sometimes Scrofula. ' • • . It conies in patches thatburn, itchi 'ooze, dry and scale, over and over again. THINGS RIGHTAND WRONG. I, . • " r f OACHELZFI:S REFL.ECTIOT'al. I, To' break bread, 11111.01. ro3 OTHbi,Seu. ita Alirs'' fair in 1°v° are'l nt table, sitch I 1-„:t -0 I IT IS TO busInes4‘. 2. To moderate one's e'Peaklag 'voice Tiegtriinoei.tsaanli ctxnwhewnkoliendfraIVsIsT: ifinOrolt,.;e: and no"- woman who doesn't., t and to enunciate clearly and distingte, ft s,ornetimes becomee chronic, co whole body, causing intense suffering, toes of sleep, and general debility. ' It broke out wits its 'peculiar' itching on the arms of Mrs, Ida E. Ward, Cove Point, Md., apd all over the body' ot Mrs, Cleo, W. Thompson, Sayville, N. Y.; troubled vers '12° , iv Mrs. B. 3. Ohris ian, Mahopac Falls, N. Y., eix years, and J. R. Richardson, Jr., Cuth- bert, Ga., fifteen years. These sufferers testify, like many others, that they were speedily and permanently cured by Hood's Sarsaparilla which always remoyes the cause ef eczema, by tboroughly cleansing the blood, and builds up the vrhole.system. r•-•T)O-a'a Pills cents, etenneatroie.et tea ^ 'es ka' _ . FOR BURNS, SPRAINS, WOUNDS,M BA- SES OR ANY SORT OF PAIN, Used Internally and Externally, CAUTION! Avoid the weak watery Witch liazel preparations, represented to be "the same as" Pond's Extract, which easily sour and often contain "wood alcohol" an irritant externally and,taken internally, a poison. It ;1544' KILLED BY LIGHTNING: Parabann Aug: 30. -While at work preparingbreakfast this morning, Mrs. alrithomnRenclosi Was struele and hill - ed by lightning. A' twelveeyear-old daughter is partly pareliZed from the shock. 'Other 'Members of. the fain ily escaptcl'injuint. ; The house Was badly. damaged. HIS NEOK WAS BROKEN. , Ottawa, Sept. 3:-Jame5 Scheele, 65 years old, \0 is killed yesterday by a kick from a hor.se. Sehavfe was driV- ing with his son -in -la VV, H. Lutes, :1,ncl when near Gatinea'n Point the horse b Ca m e u 0 in an a ge 11110and therew Mi Selaarfe apniinst the dashboard., Then the horse kicked him in the neck,1 ill ing hint instantly. His neck '‘VitS broken. ELOPERS RUN DOWN. Mt. Clemens, Mich., Ang. 3L -Six weeks ago 0. L. Ryekman, a fennel lit ing at Mandaumin, Ont, neer Ee- brolen, arose one moining to find that his wife had left him, taking with her their youngest daughter, aged 13. In- vestigation revealed the fact that Pe- ter Brandow, a burly farm hand, was alsci- missing. For weeks he searched, but withoutecveil. Two weeks ago the little'danghter re:Mimed alone, desti- tute and hungry. She told her fct they that :her mother was in Miehigan with Brandow, under the name of Tames Moore. Ryckman arrived yesterday, and foend the couple on a farm three iniles north. \Vhen the erring wife was first confronted by her husband she denied all knowledge of hinninain- tenting that she was the wife of Moose bus the husband's tears and several entreating letters from her daughter at home broke her down end she con- senteti to return. Brandow was al- lowed to go upon promiSe to keep away from Mandaum in. ,FALL FAIRS. Industrial, Toronto, Aug 26 -Sept. Western Faire London, Sept. 5-14. Northern, Ansa Craig, Sept. 19-20 &pall ITuron, Seaforfli, Sept. 21-25. Fullerton, Miteliell. Sept. 26-27, Stephen & lIsborne, Exeter, 16-17.. Blyth a hd Morris; Blyth, Oct. 8-9. Great North-western Goderich; Oct.1-2, ow,To ain Flesh Persons have been known to gain a pound a da,y by taking art ounce of SCOTT'S EMUL- SION. It is strange, but it often happens. Somehow the ounce produces • the pound; it S8erns to start the • digestive machinery going prop- erly, so that the patient is able -to'digest and absorb his ordinary food, which he could not do be- fore, and that is the way the gain is made. A certain amount of flesh is necessary for health; if you have not got it you can get it by taking con EMI forinneameasj,.f=aeesee(..-aecee:az.1 •You will find it just as useful in Stianine? as in Winer, and if you are thriving upon it dont stop because the weather is Warne.' • 50e and $t.00, all druggists, zayrr s,eovvNE, To, onto, Canada, ..9.7,91k....MM1.010.•11rtY,/,,e1 vmancvets-cu.......h...............,,,..w... F,XETER lilialo_gifli."`T.1! a riANCi1+31) EAOIT NVEDN1I161)./1..Y BexleOn t e .. - „ y, . . . c hit„ .. ...... , ... . GI ' 66' i • 40 '411 31 31-I `a 61 I c 13(dd:toes, por Ihl g . 25 • 81) 111c)ur, per ciwt,, 11)13 1, 1 75 i\frin I to be I Inns'. . . . . .. 1 -ley, per tenl,.. „ ., ... 6 00 7 001 n El 1, -lit (PP..., .. il, 275011_ '11\t,(;;I:(cl'318., I e .-1 00 4 il0 I 1 l 1 1 I 0 12 1'1 I Live hoe,..i, re 7' CVV 1..)I'L'fiS.O0 Jog -,„ . a • n 7,1 • 0 80 s 8 50 " 0 00 cl Bee i', , . . tiets. II 06 i I 1)0 I ee ' 1° °° • 1.9,' 9,(kaettli ( 3. TO answer at once an invit , to any social function, accepting o ' clining definitely. 4. To sign ene's christian nam all communications. For exain "Sincerely yours, Henrietta Jones. 5. To speak of trbusers and waist- coats. 6. For a gentleman to walk in the side nearest the eurbston.e when: ac- companying a lady. 7. To eat with a fork whenever pos- ethle. Iced creams, water ices and ber- ries are eaten with a fork. atop; 'When' It wOman goes awny from r de., home the, Tettere she writes her bus - band are half to make him jealous of lier and half to make him think she fel ° t° jealous of him. plea , Women are aWfully foolish. r was telllng four or live of them last night' about a dress saw that was 'white, with a little" dash of lavender, and. they all laughed. ,wonder why they laughed• 8. To use a knire ..at table only for cutting meat or fowl or game. 9. To place a spoon used for tea or coffee upon the sauce:- as loon as it' has served its purpose. I 10. To use a saltspoon where indi-, vidual salts are not placed at each': cover. • 11. For a' gentleman to remalni standing until after ladies have been seated at table; to assist the ladyi whom he has escorted to the dining - room. 12. To reserve all matters pertain+ hag to the toilet for the privacy of one'ei dressing -room (the care of the teeth; included). 13. To accept a firet invitation when possible to do so. 14. For people in deep mourning td decline an invitation to a social fune• tion without a written explanation. A: card sent with black border conveyp its own reason. 15. To take soup from the side o2 the bowl of the Spoon. 16. To drink moderately a smalf qualo.tity at a time, holding goblet or wineglass by the stem. 17. For a gentleman to throw away his cigar, or at least remove it from Isis mouth, when bowing to a lady. 18. Fora gentleman to remove hie hat when offering a lady his arm, and to do so in the ma,nner represented by the illustration. ' 19. To hold the fork In the right hand when eating, with the tines forming n bowl shape. Illustration. 20. To raise the fork to the mout with the right hand so that the for shall , be almost parallel with th mouth. Illustration. Women arer:'t angels, arid it's migb..- ty lucky for the women. • Political opinion. is like a mustache; It never loolts. well on a girl's lip nu- leSs there is a man hitched to it. Probably tile -first thing Jonah's wife said a,tter he told her the -whale story was that she need.ed a lot of new cloAth:L'ian's foot is two sizes, bigger than the.shoe she wears to be stylish , and .two sizes smaller' than the ones hewearsto be comfortable. , If the --average woman could have her choice of the way she would like to be •!'won,"' she would probably choose the man that would knock her down with a club and then sit on her. A woman can always fluid 801110 flaw In a man's story -unless it isn't true. :For the first three weeks after ft gets' born a baby looks most as red a.nd uncomfortable as its father. It takes: a smart woman to make rnan out of a fool, but any fool woman can make a fool out of a man. No girl Over 16 can be expected to be satisfied with the idea of kissing that she gets out of Sunday school books. ,... A girl's way of flattering., a new man is to insinuate that she has heard the other women talkin,g- a lot about him. It is much more likely that worn. en are angels than it is that angels are Marriage is a great thing for a man; it makes him ashamed to talk about Lis 'small troubles. It the men got up a "Fathers' Club" and talked nothing but baby -talk,' all the women would believe they did - b• nothing but drink cocktails. woman can getengage anc e, the wedding, all talked over In less time thanaShe can decide,with 'another woman what is the best kind of can- ary seed,. It is easier for a woman to find a reason thanla Is for her to find a hair. - pin, and harder' for a man to find any reason'in it than it is for him to find' Or pocket IT IS WRONG TO 1. To hut sliced bread, buscults or muffins. 2. To roar or scream, even at one's family or servants. ' 3. To answer an invitation to a luncheon, breakfast or dinner in a doubtful or hesitating manner. 4. To make use of a title as a signa- ture. For example: "Mrs. Colonel, -Jones," or "Mrs. Hannah Brawn.' 5. To speak of pants and vests. 6.. For a gentleman when accom- panying a lady to permit her to walk on the out side." When walking with two ladies to walk between them. , 7. To eat anything from a spoon which can be properly conveyed to•the mouth by the aid of a fork 8.. To use a knife for cutting lettuce, fish or vegetables.' ' 9. To leave a spoon in a cup of tea or coffee. - •-• 10. To take salt with one's knife from a general salt-ceMe 11.- .For a gentleman to seat Min' self at table before -ladies have been seated and to remain seated after lad-, les have made the first movement to - war 12. To use toothpicks in public; un-, pardonable at table.- • 13. • To decline a first invitation ivithout giving satisfactory and legita, mate excuse for so doing. 14. To send invitations for ordinary' functions to a household during the first month of their affliction. We dings only are excepted. 15. To make a noise while takin soup, or to blow hot liquids with th object of cooling them 16. To clrinle the entire contents of glass or cup at one attack. To hold glass or cup by the bowl. POINTED PARAGRAPH'S --- Anger is a stone cast into a hornet's nest. The harbor buoy is a child of the tea. Keeping out of debt is a first clase life policy. • Some people are so cheerful thez snake other folks weary. , . The man who walks wires may be skillful, but he isn't in it with the politician who pulls them. A man ean• always manage to at- tract attentbin by either raising whisk- ers or having them shaved off. Let a fireman play on your piano with his hose for a few minutes if You want to get all the music possible out of it. ,The !etc?" "I" is always,in visible, yet It Is never out of sight. Trying to cut yonr own hair is shear nonsense. In Zululand the women fill their mouths with water in order to keep silent. In America they fill their mouths with tea -and gossip more than ever. -Chicago News. • A full purse is the best pocket corn. d- panion. The dull man bOres you and the sharp g , one slcins you. A matchless story is a novel that ends without a wedding. About the only force some people have is the force of habit Knife wounds heal quicker than those caused by a sharp tongue. • When a man offers' you something tor nothing it will pay you to -walk around it by the furthest possible route. ' , 17. For a gentleman to speak 1,o a woman with his cigar in his mouth, or to smoke in her presence without ask- ing and receiving her permission to do se. 18. For a gentleman to seize a laclY by the elbow with an intention of aid- ing her. .1 19. To pile food upon the back of the fork, holcling it upside down for this purpose. Illustration. 3 20. To jerk the hand with the fork around to the mouth with an awk- ward bend of the elbow and to bring' the forlt directly opposite the month. Illustration. • FACTS ABOUT ANIMALS species of fish IS said to have been diseovered in New. Zealand which bur- rows in the sand, and it is reperted that farmers often find It alive burfcia In the beach some distance from. the avater. • 1 Butterflies invariably sleep hear? downWard. They raise their wings and hold them back to back against eroli other so that from above they are al- most invisible; Moths fold their outer vinge tightly clown over the brightly olored under wings., ea.ch case the :annoy of folding their wiegs scarves s protection. A rattlesnalce's bite, it is seid equals poisoebusness eonabluerl 21tes 0,C ,500 niosemitoca. A new species of Mounnain sheep as been found in Alaeita. It telc,I1OWa the "saddle -be -eked" ar"pi.gbaIii". leep, Its heed, ?leek and bredill SROW ,wIsito, The alien r .0,..DoitY,v are browii_tek. It is far better to have large feet flieo a small understanding. • The house of a tidy woman • and motion to adjourn are always in order. The actual weight -e1 a ton of coal as Veld by some dealers is a dark secret, Gall and wormwoorl are both used In making imported wine in this eosin - try. The. man who labels it supplies the gall. NIThen you see a'girl with only one tiove or. it's a Sign that she has a new ring, on the other liancl, • e A bachelor objects to female barbees' on account of a disastrous haircut a certain, Mr, Samson. °nee VeCeived tho Intrirls of one. -Chicago News. MENTAL GEOGRAPHY The most popelous country is 0bilt-4 toil; masy go there, fetv return: The largest river is Time. The, deepest ocean as Death. The region where no living, thing tall) habitation is called Yesterday. The mast highly civilized country 11 To -day: , The highest nlountein is called Sac - cess. Few reach tile top save tilos/ Who watch sharply Ilor tho pav,niyyg cAtit 01 the mountain, Oppo±1 unit aaeries,' tipward all these wao "1131 first used Ayer's Sarsaparilla in the fall of 1848e Since then have taken it every spring as re. blood - purifying arid nerve - strengthening medicine." S. T. Jones, Wichita, Kans. IF you feel run down, J' easily tired, if you rleTves are weak and your ble.oci is thin then begin to i.ake the good old stand- ' ci family medicine Ayer's Sarsaparilla,. It's a regular nerve t.ifter a perfect' blood b tigler. teen a bottle. Alt druggists. ; 'we wilt be se tisded. rnaparilla . knows all about this. grand' Bl7RNED TO DEATH. Dresden, Sept. 3.-A_ little an ughter of Arthur Barber living with the tun- ily of Mr. Shaw, just west of this place met with a painful death on Friday. The little girl who was only 0 years old was trying to light a fire by the use of coal off. The blaze caught the little girl, and before any effectual as- sistance could be rendered she was burned so horribly' that she died in a short time, after 'suffering terrible agony. Mr. Shaw tried to save- the child, and in doing it had his hands burned so bealy that he will be with- out the use of them for some time, to Bridget Swift, a NVOTIlan who lives alone at Kingston, was terribly ent iLbOtit the arms ;Ind he;id by Rai nn - known man, who entered her dwelling at night. ' Harvest 1:,E4TRI:N Exciirsionsir,, , WILL BE PUN ON I 11)Wei1ioullail{%.''''' Antler........ Estevrin ... . Moosomin S•wan River,,.. Sept. 3rd Returning urIti Nov. 3rd AND Sept. 17th $RO Regina .3loosejaw Yorkton . } $30 Prince Albert Returning until Calgary ,l- $36 Nov. I 7th, MacLeod . ... . ) 1901 - Red Deer $40 Edmonton... From all points in Canada, Onaping, Sault Ste. Iclarie, Windsor and East. For pamphlet giving further particulars apply to the nearest Canadian Pacific Agent, or to A. H. NOTMAN Asst. General Pass'g'r. Agent, 1 King Street East, Toronto. CREDITON ROLLER MILLS. oo**-!Dozpo-z*,),ktc-occ-c-c-c-c,t7-c We have remodelled our Mill to the Gyrator Sys- tem, the cheboe oitd F plan uforr. Those desiring., GOOD Bread should give us a trial . grisliog Dario Promptly. 14 SEITZER EXETER Real Estate Exchange, ''.12116 &tie: Purchase and Exeliange Of Village a nd farm lands an Cl 1) r() 1) O. ties neg,oMated at reasonable lactes of com- mission, • For .Sale, Several Withal -de Farms 111I:TAY, US.I3ORNE, STEPHEN end 111e•GILL- IVRA17; ,also Three veey desirable Re- sidence properties in Rketer. Farina ,Wahted. We have purchasers for good farni and hi the vieinity of Exeter,' or who W ill Exchat API?LY TO Bawthin3 David Mill Iritluator. l‘ficnager: OFFICES: Dicicson & Carling'e Neiv 13lock, Exeter, 34 otr May Need r.;.! ero oaily 05 REPAIRINC4 ifsou want y0515' Peen-11ring 17 el,1 -gone go to 13,. lliog.s-Watches, and Jewelry a specialty. eiArtRIAnE LicENSE ATarriage Licenees issued anaWed- dingRings always on hand. aneon's Elo±k Fxnlsr Exeter---iser ROLLE MILLS* Highest prices. paid for Olean,1 Red Wheat. Large stock of mill feed on hand. WOOD WANTED! Give us a Call. J. COBBLE:DICK & SOT ICYCLES c sir As tbe Bicycle season is getting_ far nn 0000 0110001 ad we wish to devote our ittentiou to other depart In en ts of °Ur business, we have decided to sell Bic3re cies the eeniainder of this scalS011 While - they last at cost, zinc' we have a few wheels that we bought fay below the regular wholesale pelees. We a1.0 pre- pared to give sonee Special Barg;cins in Bieyeles. Our Piano, Organ and Setving Machine e stosk is new and of hest qoaliy. Chill and see us. We will be glad to show you our goods. . . 8. MARTIN OUR NEW PlifillISES. We have moved into our new pre - wises opposite the Centrill Hotel and are now open for business. Our pre- mises are modern and we give you rividehi and tip -to -date goods and made in the most modern style. We Personally . . . . Cut Every Garment That's made up at this establishment -as well as fit it -and iota after all the details. This is only one reason why our prices are modern G-ent's Furnishings . . Come and see us in our new place of business and examine our stock of Gent's Furnishings Bert. 'night. EXETER FO "THY J. 1VEURRAY Manufacturer 8?-; Dealer . 111 . . Porta ble and Stationary Eogtirles Ana Boilers, Pl ()WS, idttl R On erS, MOW- ers, Etc, Iron pipe and fittings, 18- 0 11 Agricultural Inipletneuts and general, in itchinery promptly at- tenddd to . . fi,,,,00(.1 500D11(.1 flatlet 1.:. 1111 Rollera cheap; also 1 Steven's & liarns' Por- table Threshing Illtigino for sale in good running 01;de0, .Price $175.00 cash, lo agent in Exeter and vicinity for the Electiio .Brler Compound. Guar010 - t to to be .531113 stcli350 .X0P Iremoyine• otc. 20 00 P, ,±303101-, . , , Plugine Oi 01. , . • 1:hche 10 i31 P3111)11, atal Ife,thin, also .. , 1.60'11 Teit, ()fill pipt,'. 103