HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1901-8-29, Page 5THE (5tet.er buya,catt, Is published. every Thursday Morning, at the Office, MAIN-STIkEET, EXE;PER. By the , ADVOCATE PUBLISH NG COMPANY TERMS OF SIIIISCRIPTION,' One Dollar per annum if paid 1A Aelvanoe :1111.50,if not so paid, 2i-c1.-srertir.-Azzg MZ'o.tcs,x oxx 1•To paper discontinued until all arra rage ar'e paid. Advertisements without specific directions will be published till forbid and charged accordingly. Liberal discountma,de for transcient advertisements inserted fc>r long periods. Every description of .TOB PRINTING turned ont in the finest style, and at moderate rates. Clog ues, m oney prd- ers, &a. for advertising, subscriptions,etc.to be made payable to Vhas.11, Sanders, EDITOR &ND PROP Professional Cards. H. KINSMAN, L. D . S. & R. A . B,, KINSMAN, I. D. S., D. D. „.FLonor graduate Of Toronto University. DENTISTS. Teeth extracted without any intin,, or any bad effects, Office in Fanson's 13look, west side Main Street, Exeter. DE. D. ALTON ANDERSON (D.D.S. L,D.S. • DENTIST Honor Graduate of Toronto UniversitY aild Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario. Also Post Graduate of Cliiiiago SchoolofProsthetic Dentistery (u ith Honorable mention.) Alluminum, Gold and Vulcanite Plates Made in the neatest manner possible. &perfectly harmless an- aesthetic used for painleas extraction of teeth. - Office One door south of Carling Bros. store,.Exeter. Medical rt.T. P. MoLAUGHLIN, MEMBER OF. • the College of Physicians and Surgeons Ontario. Physician, Surgeon and Accouch- ear, Office, Dashwood, Out Legal. DicKsoN & CARLING, BARRISTERS, Solicitors, Notaries, Conveyancers, Commissioners, Solicitors for the Alolsons Bank, etc. Money to loan at lowest rates of interest. Offices, Ma.in Street, Exeter. r. R. CARLING, 13. A. L. H. DicKSoN. FW. GLADMAN .(successor to Elliot,' St • Glarlinall,) Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public Conveyancer, Etc. Money to loan at lowest rates of interest. Office Main 'Street, Exeter. - Auctioneers Jr BOSSENEERRY, G rand. Bend, Licensed' .1-. Auctioneer for County Huron. Sates promptly attended to, and charges moder- ate. Orders by mail will receive every at- tention. . . 11BROWN, Winehelsoa. 'Licensed Auot'- , ioneer for the Counties of Perthand Middlesex, also for the township ofUsborne Sales promptly attended to and terms rea- sonbale.Sa,l,ps arranged,at Post OffiCe. Win- chelsea. •. . Insurance. . E ELLIOT, ,. ., . ' Insurance Agent, Main St. Exeter PIIRM3 FOR BALE. MONEY TO LOAN. .. . The undersigned has a few good farms for sale cheap. Money to loan on easy terms .TORN SPACKMAN , Samwell's Block Exeter .... THE LEADING MEAT MARKET. -‘010,...-- For Fresh, good and of meat, call on While all our cuts.of finest, we make delicacies. Meat delivered to -......r. .. the choisest cuts . the undersigned. meat are the a specialty of meat __. all parts -of ..the . John Ma.nning ... . • • TO CURB A COLD IN ONE DAY Take. Laxative Bromo, Quinine Tab- lets. All druggie'os refund the money if it falls'to'cure. -25c. E. W. Grove's signature is on ee,,ch box. - WATCH ..,..-. - Wu ghe.a handsomoopen 11.3" 4' S..: ( face, P olished k. . . '5Nickel Watch, Arnerl- "---41 :,.., , can Lever Memel eit '-.... -1 s kci Vir selling Only 2, Li, ,,,,.;,;„•,, , . packages of Sweet Pea Secant 10c.apankage. Each pack- .. age contains a splendid mixttfre ofthe most fragrant varieties of all colors. ,•. ' You can earn this lino Watch in an s -,." afternoon by setting to work at, once. ittallus this advertiscinont mild we will forward the Seeds. I Sell them, rit.tgait!gznoercieyiralowto guarantee Parc. deliv. 11Zlianfgrsetlls shorts' gCed SUPPIActrottl Nell: , i 1 I 3 1 ( f ( 1 1,1 I I .-6 1 r 1 ., I g. The M,olsons. Bank. (Chartered by Parliament , 1855.) Paid up Capital.........,...$2,500,000 Reserve Fund...............2 050.000 Head office Montreal, JAMES ELLIOTT, Esq GENERAL MANAGER. . . . Money adyaneed to good Farmers on -,heir own n Mies evi ill on e.or more endorsers et 7 per cent, per annum. —E X ET -ER -BRANCH— )pon every lawful day from 10 a.m. to 1.m; Saturdays 10 a.m.. to 1 p.m, general banking business transacted , . TURRENT RATES allowed for money on Deposit Receipts. Savings Bank at 3 cent. .. , . )ICESON & CAntING, X 1.) Titotne4, Solicitor*.s. Manager ' SOLID e, 1 it • . ,,, , - GOLD fit, Wo ,Ive this Th 011111 i '..', slia cr,id itilig,,s With Pearls, for aellIOSt only' 15 panknos Sweat Pea Seed at 10e.. each. packagoeontainsasplendldn turo of the most Clamant Tar ties, of all colors. Mail ns th Srivertiselhent and we will for. ward e Seeds. Sell thetn, re. the turn tho money, and tins boa tl ful, Solid Gold, Pearl set Mt wenbesentyon,cavonillypiecki ed in a volvallned box. Write ug socas is '31,41.1500d ,piaills.l.,i,,, ; ' - ' -. , 4,3 " tr, et , ' ' or e Each • t IX. 0. ' 8 nommanit 1 11$ P,Illii,, g .11,deor" , , togdf. Tho smell &run- Terolito•Van. atart12 Xsa, constitutional disease. It Originates In a scrofulous condition Of the blood and depends on that condition. It oftep caiises headache and dizzinees, Impairs the taste, smell and heltrIng, affec,,s the vocal organs and disturbs the stoma011„' It afflicted Mrs. Hiram Shiro, Batcheller- vine, N. Y., twenty consecutive yea' s, de- prived leer of the sense of smell, made her breathing difficult, and greatly affected Ler general health. She testifies that after she had taken many other medicines for it without lasting effect it was radically and permanently cured, tier sense of smell restored, and her general health greatly improved, by Hood's Sarsaparilla This great medicine has wrought the, most wonderful cures of catarrh, according to testimonials voluntarily given. Try it. Al DYNAMITE EXPLOSION, . Ottawa., Aug, 20.-A dynamite ex; 'Plosion took place in the factory at Greece's Ovesik this morning, Janes Hudson,- manager, being blown to atoms, and two other men severely in- jured. This' is the,tbird or fddrtir time the factory has suffered. The last thrie being about four years age. • C IIECONNENDED BY PHYSICIANS. 1,1, Pond's xtract Overlfty years a household remedy ifor-Burna; Sprains, Wotinds, Bruises Coughs, Colds and all accidents lia R ble to occur in every home. Isr„.,„ , CAUTION—There is only one Pond's Extract. Be sure you get the genuine, sold only In sealed bottles In buff wrappers. 11.0••=1.•••=••1.41... i 15 News of the Week Oolin Ralsron, aged 40,dropped dead at Orillia. • ,There are 502- prisorlel'S in Kingston Peni ten tiary. .• The Province of Nova Scotia has a surplus of $76,000. • , Angns • Duhamet, of Ottawa, age,d 0, was instantly killed by a live wire. • John Barr, of Toronto, aged twelve, was drowned while bathiug at the Is- la n d . • Bnildingsto the value of over- $2,- 000,000 will lie erected in Winnipeg next 'year. ' . Three barns within a radius of three miles of .eSIiiet was struck bYlightning and destroyed. &Mittel Rcithery his' Wife and theie two S•Ons.weve.drowned in the St. Law- rence River near Montreel, Alva Ellis, aged 25 years, made his escape from Cobourg jail, where he was senving a• sentence for theft. Dr.' Thoma&A. Pege, of Brockville, WaS tam _over: hy a train lArednesttay and died.from the injuries received. Wm. Featherston; aged 18,of Neepa- wa, Man., was accidentally shot and killed by Thos. Maedill, a companion °this own age. At Belleville a load of pine slabs fell on a young man named • William Ric- kett, inflicting injuries from which he died two hour's later. • President McKinley has issued a pro- clamationinviting all the nations •of the world to attend a Louisiana Put -- chase Exhibition in 1003.• The corn crop in the States of Ne - b easka and Kansas' is a failure, and in many other states of the Union the yield will be only half a crop. Private citizens of Montreal have itbscribed nearly $17,000 toward dec- oration expenses for the reception of theDuke and Duchess of York. ' _Michael Hartnett died at St. Mich- ael's Heepital,,Tbronto, as. a.. result of a blow on the head, said to have been sust tined In a fight in ,a westend bar- ,Mrs.-II:Badger, the aged wiclovit,iYho was so"severely harried in her ditigh- ter's home in Hamilton, while prepar- ing 11 me il on Saturday died Wednes- lay evening in the citylosPital. On Weddesday fire completely des- troyed a very large building belonging to theimpetial Oil COM pa.ny,also some refined oil. • Cause of fire unknown. Loss supposed to he covered by insur- ance. FALL FAIRS. . ifclustrial, Toronto, A.tig, 26 -Sept. 7 kVestern Fair, London, Sept 5-14. - Nerthern, Ailsa Gi aig S'ept. 10-20 south Huron, Se;-tforth, Sept. 24.-25. ullarton, Mitchell, Sept. 26-27. tephen & Lishortie, Exeter, 16-17. lyth and Morris, Blyth, Oct. 8-0. Great North-western Goclerich, Oct.1-2 :Mother and child, run down—there are hundreds—lucky if you are not one. And what do you think they want? They want rest and , a change, and can't get either: Pity to speak f it ! Seott's Emulsion of cod-liver oil s almost rest in itself I Off NO FOR MILE SAMPLIt ettp.t eV IT. COTT & BOWNC, CHEMISTS. ' TOPIOF,ITO. scic. and $t.00; all druggists. EXETER MARKETS. HANGED EACH WEDNESDAY heat, . .. • . 06 67 arley, , „ • .. 40 42 )nts 30 31 (30 65 otatoes, per bag. 25 • 90 ay; per ton .... 700 800 lour, per cwt., roller.... 1 75 lanitoba , „ 200 tter1 t 15 gs 1.0 10 ides, Per 100 lbs... 4 00 4 00 oo , . 12 18 ive hogs, per cwt... , , 6 75 6 80 ressed Hogs., ......... , 8 50 0 00 ran.. „ . . . ..:. 14 00 11 00 1000 1(100 THE ISLANDER'S DEAD. AN ImpoRTANI riE-Azt.-irr The Str. flitti.ig Brinzs Some of Them ta -Dead ,Nanther Il --Jury Could'Ulatne No 0110 9 Yictoiii, 73: 0,, Actg. 24. -With her flags' at half nittst and the cuskets of smite ,of tile dead of the, Islander dis- aster on her decks, the 0, P. 14. steamer 11 tting returned feona the Meal" yestercifty, She was met by over 500 people, althelig1i there had 'been no warning of her coining. The sheries''-eatenclant to the landing of `the bodies were pitiful. As one af- ter another of the five caskets were carried ashore there were plaintive erfQs from the assembled relatives as they hurried fot:ward to claim their Purser I3ishon places the death list at 41, umde up as folios; Dead. Passengers : E. D. Millis, !vie's, Dr, Phillips and Dorothy Phillips, J. W, Bell, Dr. Duncan, Miss Kitte Larkin, Mrs. lilunre Rea.% A. W. .Jerry, J. Dahl, M. J. Brocelen, Mrs. Nickerson, Mrs. Ross and ehild, Aadrew Keeting, a millionaire, and hls son, Artlier R. -eating, P. R. ,Douglas, F, Rekate, Mrs. J. C. Henderson, II. T. Rogers, William I\icado-iys 15 Caspar, Louisa McKay. Crew : 'Capt. Foote H. Fowler ',Mlles Jock, :Claude 13i1 -ml h.ojdci 11 Vorter,.,Nor-4 man Law, S. J. Pills, George Allan, A. Kendall, P. 'BurkeJanies, Hatch, James Bfilra, 0 Miles cpal passer, name un- known, and three Chinese, iZecoVered. The following bodies were recover- ed: • Miss Kate Larkin H. T. Rog- ers, Mrs. J. H. Ross ancl child., Dr. Duncan, Ddeothy Ptimllipa Mrs:11101-- 4M Ross, Joseph Dahl, two -passen- gers, names unknown; A. W. Jerry ot jarg, Thomas Bracelet', Alf. Ken- dall, S. J. Pitts, Ah')'!et, Chinaman, Miles Jock, Hugh Porter, P. Burke, Capt. Foote. These make 7,9 out of 10 lost, 21 bodies are still missing. Could Blame No One, An inquest was held at nitieau on the body of .Dr. Duncan .and the foie lowing verdict was rendered: ..Nve, the jury, empanellea, and sworn In the matter of the inquest upon the body of Dr., J. A. Duncan, deceased, find that lie came to his death on Aug. • 15. 3001, by wreck." of steamship Islander, and by evidence produced, we tat' that we can blame uo -one for the - accident. Signed, 1 J. Beaty, foreman; John Ols, J. C. Davies, C. .Coldsteln, J. L. ,Os- borne, R. P. Nelson. 1 PLAYED AT WAR. Boys at tranitleelc hill Blew •Up Their Fort and kierbie Beaton, Aged •12, Is Dead in Consequence. Vankleek Hill, Aug. 23 .-Herbie Beaton, about 12 years of age, died yesterday at the home of his father, Matthew Beaton; Derby aVenuee, the result • of an explosion of gun- powder. His little -brother Douglas was seriously burned, but not so seriously as was Herbie. About 15 boys gathered ' on Tuesday in Mr. R; `ThistleWaite's grove to' p14` at war. They butlt .a fort and. the at- toe- leg party was to storm it. The,' had c. ebbed together and purchased 50 cents worth of gunpowder. This was placed in a position to blow up the fort. The injured boy under- took to set fire to it by lighting a match to the powder. The result was an explosion in the boy's face. Its clothing was set on fire, and his legs, arms, hands and face were fearfully _burned. He was hurried to a stream of water which runs near by, and the fire extinguished. His brother was injured in an effort to save hint. The boy was taken home and medical •aid sumnioned. He .suffered much pain and was delirious for several hours. It was Inevitable. Paris, Aug. 24. -,Turkey has yielded to French presimre, as ` was inevitable, and a full rupture of the re.latIons between the two countries has been averted. The of- ficial communique, annOuncIng the 'granting of the French demands, Issued this morn- ing, follows: , • "In consoque.ne of the declaration made to the Porte -by the French Ambassador that, he acts under instructions from the 81lnistcrof elpig,n Affairs, an Important ira de. ha's beenissued, declaring that no obstacle shall be opposed to the free ex- ercise by the Quay Company of the rights resulting frinn their concession." A firman for the settlement of the othef matters in question will, It Is believed, be issued shortly. An Imperial Irade Issued. Constantinople, Aug. 24. -The Quays Co. •question has been settled, as expected, in accordance with the desires of France. An • imperial irade has been issued ordering that the company shall .be allowed to exercise freely all the rights granted by the concession. • Jerseys Are in the Lead. Buffalo, Aug. 23. -The report from • the Model Dairy at the Pan-Ameri- can for the week ending Aug. 13 shows that for the prize for the most profitable animals in point of butter fat the Jerseys lead with $9.70 for the herd of five, while the Guernseys are second with $8,72. The other breec's follow in this or- der: Ayrshires, Red Polled, Hol- steins, French-Canadians, Polled Jerseys, Brown Swiss, Shorthorns, with the Dutch Belted, tit the bot- tom of the list at $5.40. Chandal Svrivom.er Failed, Dover, Eng.,' Aug. 25. -Mr. Rolbein, vvtio yesterday started, Prom Cape Oris-Nex (be. tween Boulogne -Sur -Mer and Calais) In an attempt to SW1111 to Dover, narrowly es- caped drowning. Ile covered the courSe to a point Within flVe miles of Dover, and then .collapsed, after having been in the water 12 hour and 46 minutes. Hoibein's exploit was . very remarkable considering. the Toughness a the seas, and has estab- lished a record. Edicts Arrive Wednesday. LondonAug. 26.-"L1 Hung Chang has notified the Nfinisters of the powers," says a despatch to The Titnes froln Pekin, dated yesterday, "that edicts necessary to the signing of the protocol by the Chinese plenlpotontlarieS tire 110 W en route from Sian IN and are expected to arrive here Wednesday." South Essex Conservatives. Kingsville_ Aug. 23. -South Essex Conservative convention, held here 3..43::tertlay, placed in nomination for Legislittive Asicniinbly.. A. 13, llerring, a farmer of Colchester Township. Ris opponeet wfll. be John A, lie IlIgOt Way to Naito an Intrude's)" tiOta, N important requielte in good breeding is to know how to ac... knowledge an in.troduetiou and to know how and; when. to make, , one. i A hostess lways rises and 01{4 enus li'er hand with some cordial ex- iression of welcome to the guest who S presented A man is introduced to c woman in this manner: "Mrs. Nhite, may I present Mr. Reed?" Tao ady's name is always mentioned first, aid the man prepented to the woman tot vice --versa. When one person is qatrocluced to another it is not neces- lary for the person seated to rise. An nclination of the head, repeating the aame of the one presented, as "Mrs. 31ight" "Mr. Reverence is quite suille stent. 'When a very old lady ,or an old gentleman is introduced it is more Dourteous to rise and acknowledge the ntroduetion. When a hostess is intro, 'clueing two guests It ,s well for her fe make some remark which will serve to give each. one some slight peg on which to lting their conversation. Miss Oren, may I present my broth- er's friend, Mr. Duer? He has just returned trorn the Philippines1 ani lure yen have heard us speak of him."' This 'averts the embarrassment of soundipg the athletic young man on Wagner or boring the intellectual young woman with the subject of golf. A married woman shouldintroduce her husband in this manner; • "Let me present my husband, Mrs., Mackey'1 I believe he has not met you -Mrs. Mackey, John." Women are intro- duced by this form: "Mrs. -Pell, you, know Mrs. Livingston?" It is ceasing to be the custom to shake hands when introduced, though when one wishes to seem very cordial one may do so with perfect propriety. Off -hand in- troductions are very bad form. A man should, if possible, always ask permis- sion of his woman friend before intro., clueing any other man. e„ The Mat rim on 'al Trunk. Have you a "matrimonial trunk?" collection of • buds which burst thrbugh the petals of seclusion into , the garden of society at the beginning of the present season is responsible for starting a fashion which will na.t- - urally have 'bany followers. • It came about in this way, according to thel_exPlination of one of the young !women. The naarriage of a friend had I led to,a'revelation in the number and variety of pretty thiogs gathered by the bride In anticipation of the change In her state. The young woman who wasn't going to be married -at least not just then -was all admiration. When she had told her friends about the lovely things that Mabel had she wondered, somewhat doubtfully, if she would have as nice things at her own wedding. Her own speculation gave her the idea, "Why of course I can have just as fine," she said suddenly, "and so can all you girls. I'll tell you what we'll do. We'll start to fill a matri- monial trunk." - "What's a matrimonial trunk?" asked the others in chorus. "That's an invention of the spur of the moment," returned the proposer. "This iS'ivhat I suggest: -Let each girl set aside from among her trlinks one particular trunk which is to contain only those things which are to be part of the trousseau." i "What trousseau?" again demanded the girls. "None of us is engaged." "Of course not," answered the in- ventor. "But we will be in the course of time. Such things have been known to happen, you know. Well, when we get married we will not be without finery. If you don't want to use a trunk for the purpose, why, you might take a box from a dry goods store, line it with rose-colored silk and cover it to match the tint of your room. "Into this box or trunk put now and then' a bit of finery. I know what I shall start mine with -that beautiful sandal wood fan I got for my birth- day. Then a fine lace handkerchief once in a while, a pair of slippers, or something like that." "Yes," put in another of the buds. "And I shall put away that eiderdown dressingsacque mamma gave me the other day. I haven't worn it yet, so It ,will do nicely." 1 All the others discovered they had something suitable to the Purpose, and so the fad of the matrimonial trunk was fairly started, Sitice the decis- ion was made the girls have been ad- ding to the collections,' and they aro aow in an advanced stage of perfection. Every three" 'months it is the inten- tion bf the Young womett. to hold a private exhibition, at which each will be given an oppoItunity to view the progress made by the others. The matrimonial trunk is now a thoroughly established institution in certain quarters. The girls, when theyi get a new piece of finery, tell each oth- er they have something more for the "m. t.," as they have dubbed the re- ceptacle. Stewed celery Is an attractive dish, and one easily made. The celery is cut into small piece's and then stewed. in a little water until tender, When milk and butter, are added. Let it come to a boil and season with salt and pepper. 4 1 • Coal s wmked so eaellY in 0h1nn that in Shansi it Sells at less thaii 25 gents per ton at the mines. „ - "1 have used Ayer's.Hair Vigor for over, thirty years. It has kept my scalp free fr�m dandruff and has prevented my hair from turn- itig F. A. Soule, Billings, Mont. There is this `peculiar' thing about Ayer's Hair Vigor—it is a hair food, not a dye. Your hair does not suddenly tun) black, look dead and lifeless. But graduallythe old color N conies back,—all the rich, dark color it used to have. The hair stops falling, too. $1.00 a bottle. All dtszgists. If your druggist CallnOt upply you, send us one dollar and we will exprcss yell 3 bottle. Do sure and giye the nalne of your nearest express °Thee. Address, q, ATER Lowell. Mabg. R If EZEPAIIIING If you syant your Repairing well done go to It. IlIcKS-Wtitelles, Clot it and jewelry ispecialty. MAIZRIAGE LICENSE MalPiagc.i.Licenseis I§Stieclaint • , clingRings :limeys on laid., Fanson's Exeter eter-Aggir ROLLER IMILLS*. ' ......... • • • • Highest prices .paid for Olean, Red Wheat: Large stock' of mill feed, hand Wine:huh:I: • 111i ss Florence llaymOnd, • about six ySars of age was rim Into by is Weicseil 00 Monday and sustained a • T broken jaw bone. The littlegirl, was crossing -John street it the,Queen's bo, . te1 when a.. wagon tuirned the corner and; the Is.oeeeS riAgi againSt the little girl and knocked her down. Feoin the:appearanee of the bruise it seems Qivie •tis a 0411. the'wheel musthave ettnek her .aem and face, and- then shoved ,her .along the paventent Without the wheel turn- ing. Forttunttely, at . the word, the horses,stoppedand thlle prevented a death. Therels mi hruise at the angle of the jaW 31160ing Ncihere the Wheel strude her; tind other '1,utiseS on the thenmgle Of. the mrinth and the pie turnece d ont in her mouth. It Was found hecessaisy wh'e the broken parts to C.'Y'C''L. body. 'When examined it Was. found. 11 1 thaE,.the ,jitev hone, was broken just at gether. The doctor states that there Will be no deformity, The child lives with her mint, Miss Little, in town, her mother being. dead. J. COBBLEDICK & SON Harvest .i . 11,FRAETRUESRN .Excursionsrc • , , ‘,.. Winnipeg WILL BE RUN ON Apnitler- . E i Bsi,teS Nrf•th': .. .. : .. I Moosomin ..... Swan River.;. Sept. 3rd Returning- unti NOV 3rd AND Sept. Returning until Nov. 17th, 1901 1 S28 Ygo74teoiaw . Regina 1 $30 Prince Albert Calgary 1 - MacLeod J Red Deer-- .... -13 Edmonton 3 From all points 'n Canada, Onaping, Marie, Windsor and Last For pamphlet giving further particulars apply to the nearest Canadiao Pacific Agent, or to A. H. NOITNiiiitg.N.stsett• EGaesnte.raTol roanstsOg. Agent, $35 $40 Sault Ste. CREDITON ROLLER MILLS. We have remodelled our Mill to"the Gyrator Sys- tem, the best plan for making Cood Flour. Those desiring GOOD Bread should give us a trial . . . Gristillll Do4g Prolliptill 14. SEITZER EXETER Real Estate Exchange • Tile Sale, Purchase and Exchange of Village and f a rmdands and properties negotiated at reasonable rites of com- miSsion, • For Sale. Several Valuable Farms in HAY, USBORNE, STEPHEN .and MCGILL- IVRAY; also Three very desirable Re- sidence properties in Exeter. Farms Wanted • We have purchasers for good farm aricl in the vicinity of Exeter, or who will Exchange. APPLY TO Wm. Bawdon, David Mill, Valuator. Manager, OFFICES: Dickson & Carling's New Block, Exeter. The Whole ,Story In a letter : (Ai)(n' illev (1,EnnY DAVI s'.) From Capt. F. Loy°, Police Station No. f..i., 'Aloutreal :- 1 We flequently iwe PEtuer .1./Avls' l'A x-ICrt.t.un for 31in8 ia the :gam - en?', rheumatism, ca,; ss. frbst tntes, chit- blayn,q, crainps, and ell nalictions which befall mon in Our poSt lion. I have no he 1- tation in, saying that l'Ain..E.Itti'm is the '4. bcst remedy t ) haVe near it hand:, i i Ufted. Tnterttally and Externally. Two sizes, 25c. and 31. bottles. AT COST ..... . As t• he Bicycle season is getting far . advanced and we Wish to 'devote QM' attention to other departments of one business, we have decided to sell cles the remoinder.of this season while , they, last at, cost, •and we have a few • wheels that we bought :far below the regillar whole&de prices.. We e- ::tre.pr pared to give some Special Bargains hill Bieycles. One Piano, Organ and Sewing Mac.e, hine stosk i&new and of best qualiv. Call and see us. "We will lie glaa to - show you our goods. . . . . S. MARTIN OUR JEW PilEfiliSES. We have moved into our nen preee, Mises opposite the Central liTotel and are now open for business. Our pre-. Daises are modern and we give you modern and up-to-date goods and made in the most modern style. We Personally . . • . . Cut Every Garment_ That's made up at this establishment -as well as fit it -and look after all the -details. This is, only one reason why our prices are nmder- • ate. Gent's Furnishings . Come a.nd see us in our new place of business and examine our stock of Gent's Furnishings Bert. Knight. EXETER FOUNDRY J. MURRAY, Manufacturer & Dealer . • • in • • • Portable and Stationary Engines. and Boilers, Plows, Land Rolle,rs, Mow- ers, Etc. Ironpipe and. kttings, re- pairs on Agricultural Implements and general machinery promptly at- tended to. 4 . I good second hand Land Rollers cheap; also 1 Steven's & 13nriis' Ror- table Threshing Engine for, sale in good running order. Price $175,C0 cash. Sole agent in Exeter and vicinity for the Electric Boiler Oorn pound. Guai,. anteed to be strictly fiist ci iss for removing scales; etc. FOR SALE, 30 1.1. P. Boiler, 25 11. P. Engine Coln, plete with Pump and Heatnin'aleo abOut 1500 feet of inch pipe, '