HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1901-8-22, Page 1FOURTEENTIT YEAR —670.
We have unlimited private funds for in-
vestment upon farm or yillage property, at
o west rates of interest,
Barristers, eta., Exeter.
I have a large amount of private funds to
loan on farm and village properties at low
rates ofinterest.
E. W. SLAntrAN,
Barrister, Main Street Exeter
The undersigned is offering' for sale or rent the
property of the late Wm. Martin, at Devon, being
teres of and There is on the premises a frame
house and stable, a well of water and other conven-
iences. For particulars apply at the TelegralTh
Office, Exeter.
Lot 26 and 27, Con, 13, Eibbert, containing 190
acres. There is about 20 acres good hardwood bush,
the balance is in a good•state of cultivation, liberty
to plow any time, 'possession given about 1st Jan.
1901. Will rent for a term of years. mile from
school, and one mile from church and store. Good
Pl'ing of water. For particulars apId.1" on premises
to PETZRMORRISON, or to Ohiselhurst P. 0.
The undersigned,* offering for sale his farm pro-
. perty in the township of Hay, being part of Lot 20,
le Con. 15, 2 miles west of Zurich, containing 16 acres
of. of first-olass land. There is on the premises a good
frame house, bank barn, driving shed and other good
Out buildings; splendid orchard, a good well of water
and ottld
er conveniences. Will 'be .soteasonnble.
IsARDA nowaLo,„ -ThOltSoN,s& CaltiNG. ,
Sealed tenders will be received by the undersigned
up to 7 o'clocl, p.m. on the let day of September, .A.
D. 1901 for the purchase of local improvement de-
bentures of the•Village of Exeter, amounting to
$1628.42, and bearing interest at the rate of 5 per
cent. per annum. The debenture s will be payable in
15 equal,mmual instalments. The amount payable
on the debentures for principal and interest in the
15 years at the said rate, will be $2353,20.
Dated at Exeter, this 19th day of August, 1901.
• Gno. 11. Emma',
Clerk, Exeter, Ont.
Notice is hereby given that a colirt will be held,
pursuant to the Ontario Voters Act, by hi S honor the
3udge of the County Court of the County of Huron,
at the Tow u Hall, 'Creditor], on Friday the 9th day
of September, 1901, at 10 o'clock. a.,m., to hear and
determine the several complaints cf errors and omis-
sions in the . Voters' Lists of the Municipality of
Stephen, for 1901. All persons having. business at
the Court are required to attend at the said time and
Dated at Crediton this 22nd day of August, 1001,
II. Ettssa Clerk
.. OF ..
truLtle AUG11._ ST
AS I intend to clear out all the old
stock in Boots & Shoes before the
end of nly Business Year, Sept. 10,
we will Sell for the above-named
time, All Old Stock at HALF the
Regular Price......
Women's and MiSS3S
Laced & Buttoned Shoes
Regular $2 and $2.25 for
Women's- & Misse'e,
XFO RDS, Reg.' $1.25 for
Women's Oxfords'
,Regular $1.,50 for
Men's & Boys Oxfords
Romano, $1.50 for
Mens' Plow Shoes
For Only
I also have ft full line of New Goods
....at Pries that will Suit....
McGillivray Council
Council met pursuant to adjourn-
ment, in Town Hall, McGillivray, Au-
gust 5th, 1901. Present R. Hutchinson,
Reeve; M. Miller, A. H. Hodgins, D.
Dorman and T. Pre,st, Councillors.
Minutes of last meeting approved of
and siguecl. Miller-Hodgms-that
an order be drawn on the treasurer•for
accoonts amounting to $246.70. Prest
-Dorman-that the council adjourn
to meet in the Town Hall, on the first
Monday in September at one o'clock
p.m. --Carried. Wm. FroasErt, Clerk.
(Intended for last week.)
Mr. Grorge Proctor, of Forest, paid
his many friends here a call last week.
Mr. Proctor VMS an old-time resident
of Biddulph.-Mr. and Mrs. Ernest
Langford. of Granton, were guests of
Mr. W. W. Revington on Saturday
last. -Messrs. William Abbott and
Dan Revington, of Biddulph, left for
Manitoba on Tuesday morning. -Mr.
Fred Weil and Sister, of Silver Creek,
spent Sunday last in Biddulph.-Mr.
Thomas Smith, druggist of Detroit,
formerly of Exeter, was visiting friends
here last week. ---Mr. M. J. Deney, of
St. Marys, was the guest of Mr. Wil-
bert Revington last week. -Mr. Ernest
+1" oost --tf1P11g1Aflelds hat getse to Mani-
Mr. Edgar Willis, who came home
last week sufgring from a severe at-
tack of paralysis in the lower part of
his legs from which he WaS unable to
walk, is not improving very much. --
Fred. McTaggart left on the 13th inst,
for Manitoba, where he is engaged. to
teach. -Messrs. G. E. Case and Jas.
Jeckell left on Saturday last to visit
the Pan -American. -Mrs. Jeckell and
Miss Ann Case left last, week for Al-
ma, Mich., to visit the former's sister,
Mrs. Wright. -John is all smiles this
week -its a boy. -Mr. Geo. Allen and
sister Nellie and Miss Upshall, of
WoJdhaim, were visitors at Mr. T.
M. Case's.s-Mr. Albert 1VIcl'aggart
left last week to resume his position
as teacher near Belville.-Mr. John
Jarrott and family, also Mr.T. M. Case
and family picnicked at Grand Bend
last Wednesday.
(Intended for last week.)
Our town is besieged again by a dry
spell of weathert-Farmersarethrough
with their harvest now and a great
number are taking in the harvest ex-
cursion to N.W.T. Among them are
Mr. R. Handford, Ralph Handford,
C. Fairhall, A. Hepburn and several
others from this vicinity. -Mr. Vail
and family are visiting at Detroit. -
Mr. Thomas Abbott, of Kincardine, is
visiting his daughter, Mrs. Davis. -
Miss Garner, of London is visiting her
cousins here. -Mrs. Colwill, of St. Tho-
mas, left for her home Monday morn-
ing. --Mr. Donkley, of Picton, is visit-
ing his sister, Mrs. Anderson. --Miss
Lilly Hill, of London, is visiting with
friends here.--Mr.A.Essery, of Palmer-
ston, visited his father on Sunday last.
Mr. E. Colwill, our new merehant, has
just got in a new lot of boots & shoes.
Everybody should call and see them
before bnying elsewhere. -The Cen-
tralia S.S. purposes having their ann-
ual picnic to Grand Bend on Saturday,
Aug. 24. Let everybody go and make
the day as pleasant as possible. ,
Intended for last week,
The harvest is now all in the barns
and the farmers are now preparing for
another harvest. The dry weather is
very much against them for plowing.
-Two of our young men got a horse
and yellow geared boggy on Sunday
night last to take two young ladies
out for a drive. They drove east to
Sunshine and callectat, the house for
the fair ones, but lo, they had gone
to Elimyille. fhe, horse was turned
for Elinryille church, but lo behold -
tile girls had not gone to church, and
while the poor fellows were peaking
into the windows anotherfelloW drove
the girls home. They were bound to
have the girls and back to Sunshine
again they drove l called at the house,
asked the lady of the house if.Miss P.
of St. Marys was in. The lady sail
yeS. Did, you wish to see her, she said.
e'sa id "yes," want to take her for a
RPAIRING PROMPTLY- DONE driVe. Walk hrsaid G. tind ask
her. "I don't like to hefore so many"
said the bashful young •youth. Ilow-
Treble's Old ,Stand;
ever, they`got their young ladies' and
had their drive, pile stayin quail,. To OUT° a cold hi a nightss-ueo Vaptaereno-
ties were very good. Go again my fenc. It has beer] used extensively during more
boys. ' than twenty-four years. All Druggists.
Hay Council
The township couticil of Hay met on
August 5. C) HL cation frOM bite
Sutherland -Lines 0o., regarding road
in 7th con„was laid before the council.
The council will attend to the matter
at once. The following rates Were
struck for the current year: County
rate 1 1-10 mills, township rate 1 '5-10
mills, general School rate 1 3-10 mills,
special scheol rates S.S. No. 2 $100, S.
S. No. 10 $270, S.S.No. 14 $250, U.S.S.
No, 13 $127.50, S.S. No. 3 3200, S.S.No.
6 $90, S.S.No: 7 $650, U.S.S. No, 9
3109.00, U.S.S. No. 10 $325, S.S. No. 8
$150, S.3, No. 4 $150, S.S. No. 12 3204,
11.S.S. No.1 $98.80, IT.S.S.No.15 $87.63,
S.S. No, 11 $110, U. Sep. S.S. No. 1
$208.90. Zurich police village rate 1
mill. The following accotints were
ordered to be paid: -Eli Henhoefer,
cutting thistles, 0. R. $2.25; Win. Gram,
do., $2; Tp. treasurer, registering by-
laws and notices, E. and W. branches
south, $3; "E branch north, ,33;
branch north, $3; Zurich drain south,
$3; Zurich dram'? north -$3; M. Wil-
lert, rep.'cul..S.B., $1.50: The Herald,
printing, $36; do., printing- by-law J.
D. north, 36; Tp. elerk, postage, etc.',
322.66; do., expenses re Zurich drain
north, $10.50; do.„ expenses West
branch north, $18.35; do., expenses E.
and W. branches smith, 310.80; do. ex-
penses E brancb north $20.60; -Noah
Surarus, hauling lumber, $2; John
Howaid, grading con. 10,311; S. Miller,
rep. cul. con. 14, 25co J. A. Williams
& Co., flour for indigent, $22; Wm.
Becker, bridge Zurich drain $13.50;
Mrs : E. Weitzel, relief, $10; Casper
Roehrig, cut. C.R.; $2; Mrs. Nicholson,
refund license fees, $3.75; Becker,
making fence at bridge, 50c; J.Merner,
part pa-yment on E: and W, branch
south ILL -11, $50; F. W. Farncomb
expenses E. 13. north, "$6. Connell will
meet again on Monday the 2nd Sept.,
at 1 o'clock p.m.
was reCeived 13y -friends here,Saturday
of the death of Mrs. James Broadfoot,
sr., of Brig End, Tookerstnith. Mrs.
Broadfoot died at the residence of her
son-in-law, Mr. James Mustard, at
Talmage, Kansas, on Friday, August
2nd. She had attained the good, age
of 81 years and six 'months. _
BARN BDRNED.-The barn ,and out
,buildings On* the farm of Mrs. John
MeLea.n, Mill tRoad, Thckersmith, to-
gether.with their contents, *ere com-
pletely destroyed by fire on Friday
about one o'clock in " the afternoon.
Mrs. 'McLean's sons were engaged in
drawing in oats. They were unload-
ing a load in the barn, working with
a -ptilly and as -sling. It is supposed
that the pully became over heated and
„ ;
ignited the straw around it. At any
rate, the tire seemed to spring up in-
stantaneously. When the man who
was driving the horse attached to the
rope started from the barn door there
was no appearance of fire, and before
he reached the end of the rope he
heard a roar, and looking back saw
the building a mass of flames. The
man on the wagon tried to back the
horses attached to the wagon out of
the building, and in doing so the hind
wheels of the vehicle got fast in the
door post, and so rapidly had the fire
spread that he coulcfnot get the team
and wagon out. and had to leave them
and was considerably scorched before
he got out himself. The horses, there-
fore, were burned, as was another
horse in the stable below. The barn
was a large bank barns with stone
stabling underneath, and was erected,
only two years ago. It was filled with
the seasons crop, besides having stor-
ed in it a number of implements.
Everything was burned, as it was im-
possible to save anything so rapidly
did the flames spread. The loss is
estimated at about $2,600 and on
which there is an insurance of $1,700.
Mr. Thomas Stinson and daughter,
of Bayfield, visited friends here last
week. -Miss, Lizzie Hohn, of London,
is home on a visit. -Rev. J. W. Baird,
of Glencoe, is visitinga number of his
old friends in this vicinity.--Mrs.Mary
E. Wilson, of Boston, Mass. and W.
A. Wilson, of Chicago, arrived here
Friday. -Mr. and Mrs. J. Manning, of
McInnes,visited friends here last week.
--We had a beautiful shower of rain
on Sunday and a regular downpour on
Monday evening. -Our public school
opened on Monday with Mr. J. Mc-
William in the north and Miss Mary
Hodgins hi the aouth.-Mr. D. M. Ed-
wards has given a piece of land to
Grace church and they intend to en-
large their shed and make a drive way
clear around the church.
(Intended for last week.)
Miss Jessie Clement, of Detroit, is
visiting her aunt, Mrs. J. I. MacPher-
son. -Mr. C.'Holm returned home last
Monday from visiting his daughter,
Mrs. Conch.-1Vliss Jessie Wright and
Mrs. S. Wright, of Petrolea, visited
their sister, Mrs. R. Y. Aikens last
week. -Mr. Joseph Foster and wife, of
Varna, visited a number of their old
friends in this vicinity. -Mrs. Dan
MacGregor and family, of Detroit, are
Visiting at Mr. Sohn MacGregor'. -
Mrs. Lintot, of Ailsa Craig, visitedlier
cousin, Mrs. W. T. Ulens, last Satur-
day, -Miss Della Baird, with her sis-
ter and brother, of Parkhill, visited
Miss- Alice and Carrie Wilson last
week and pic-nicked with the Park-
hill Methodist church choir at Grand
Bend, -Mr. Wm. Wickert, of Parkhill
visited his brother, Henry and other
friends here last Sunday. -Mrs. Est -
ler and her dalighter Zillah, of Chic-
ago, visited with, Mr, RobertEnglish
last week. -There is to he°. A literary
bOnCert in the Boston Methodist chureh
Tuesday evening, Aug. 20th. ABM
Lfi Lira Thibaude, graduate of Alma
College, with the choir and other local
talent make up it very interesting en-
E_TO-UST 2, 1901.
ehool re -opened on Toesday,
Miss Kinsman taking the place of Miss
0.Fergusolas i'lie Whitt Sterill 01 Mop -
day did gr dettl of clarnage in this
vicinity., `raises and fences were blown
over, While 1\ iv. Ohing's silo was
torn to pieecsf iind the chimney blown
off Ins Icitcheil, --Miss Maud Isciae has,
gone to LUCA p1 to Wait on ‘hcr sister,
Mis Geo, psaalen wit o is ill. -Miss
Gladys Green, of near Zurich, is visit-
ing her cousie, Miss Haze,' ProutY.-
A young Iteiys belougiug to Mi.. 131.
(been got tangled in a barbed wire
fence and wa, latdly cut up.
J. G. STANS1.2,'T, B. A:, (formerly Collins
Stmlbur4 Notary, Conveyancer
Miss May T: i,., ton, of Blyth, Was
the guest 13eulah Beaver for it
few days las', weels.-Mr. Albert lVfor-
leek layiag a concrete floor in Mr.
Wm, 'White's new hank barn. -Mr.
ChaS1,. Zwicker has purchased a hand-
some dadyer l'cin3 M. W. R. Elliott, of
Centralia. --'-lee.. Geo. Rivers of Rav-
enswood, was the guest of his brother,
-Dr,Riverss last Thursday.--Mrs.fienry
Lamport and. son, Eire, have left for
Manitoba. whore they will visit rela-
tives tor scaue thne.-The Methodis
Sunday scheor picnic which was hel
at Grand 'Bend last Friday was wel
attendedoeLlfiss Ida 'Winer is visitin
in PlattSville this week. -Mrs. Linl
and daughser, Ella, have rcturne
home after. visiting relatives in Zuric
in the Evangelical church Sunday
merningsa-Our public s'chool started
MOnclay, stitef"the summer holidays,
with a falit attendance. -Miss Dow, of
Mitchell, not Miss Taylor, as previous-
ly mentioned, has been engaged as 1St
assistantteacher.-Mr.'and Mrs. John
Preeter, of 'Zurich, were the guests of
Mr. and. MI s, Samuel, BrOwn Sunday.
-Mr. Edintind Short hits rented Mr;
Conrad Kulin's farm, -Con. 4, for a
term of Years. -The flair is nearly all
drawn in ancl the mill is going full
sWing.-We must congratulate the
gifted poet who composed the poem
entitled `,`At Crediton" which appear -
ted. in theExeter Times last week.. Our
girls seem lio'be a great attraction to
-outsiders. What's the matter with the
home boys? Wake up boys and show
yourselves. ---Mr: Alfred Glanville has
purchased the 50 acres of land south of
hi si farm on Oen. 4, from Mr. August
-HaistaL-The following persons are at-
tending the Paii:4Ainerican at Buffalo,
this weok:- Mr. a.nd. Mrs. C. Id. Zwick-
er, tbe'Misssaizzie and Adeline Ratz,
"sir. s "-Asa .Fter1 and Mi RP
•Mary Wbff.2-Mr. William Barry, who
has-been tried in Langdon, N.D., for
the murder of Andrew Mellen, has
been found guilty and sentenced to life
imptisonment.-The choir of the Evan-
gelical shurch will picnic at Grand
Bend to -day (Thursday.a-Mr.Ben.Eil-
ber, of Ubly, Mich., paid our town a
flying visit last week.-- While working
in the fax will on Tuesday, Berb Clark
received a severe injury. to one Of his
eyes by glass getting in the brakes.
Bert is now off duty for some time.
We trust he will not have any serious
results from the accident.
Intended for last week.
The slaters have finished roofing T.
Cameron's new home.-Sontlay and
Monday night's showers were quite ;ie-
ceptable.-D. Gardiner and J. Hack-
ney took is trip to the lake last Sun-
day. --Mrs. W. Kay, Mrs, S. Campbell
ancl Miss Vera were holidaying at
Grand Bend last week. -Stu day and
Monda3r, Aug. 251h kind 20th, will be
ate anniversary Serviees at Bethany
church. Rev, S. Anderson, of Kirk -
ton, will preach at 10.30 n. In. and 7
p. On Monday tea will 1.n.l served
in the basement of the church, after
which a good program wilt be render-
ed. -Miss Jessie Hamilton has been
engaged to teach No. 2, her duties
commencing Monday 191h. -Mr. D.
& McDougal resumed. WS duties as teach-
er at Plugtown and J. McNaughton itt
Centralia. -Rev, 3'. A. and Mrs. Turn-
bull, of Toronto, are visiting friends in
this vicinity. -Mrs. D. Ha,y was cal-
ling on friends here last week.
In tend ed for last week.
James G. Gardiner, .who has been
working with C. E. Hackney, left for
Manitoba on Tnesday.-D. McDougal,
late teacher of Plugtowii, intends tak-
ing a course at Detroit Medical Col-
lege. --The harvest season this year has
been busy and short. The threshers
are very busy.-- William H. Stewart
left on Tuesday for., the West. -J. A.
McNaughton will commence teaching
at Centralia next Monday.
(rand Bend Park
Mr. Jack Kibler, of Cavalier, N.D.,
was in the village last Friday, renew-
ing acqoaintances.--Mr. John Sweit-
zer and family have moved from Exe-
ter into Mr. George Gaiser's residence.
We welcome Mr. and Mrs. Sweitzer
into our midst. -31e. Henry Either and
Mr. S. J. Henderson attended the For-
ester's High Court at Hamilton this
week. -Our Fire engine was taken to
its new home on Saturday evening. -
Miss Emma Finkbeiner, of Detroit, is
visiting relatives in this vicinity. -Mr.
John G. Young has had a new con-
crete sidewalk laid along the side of
his dwelling. -The fair sex of our burg
had a picnic at Grand Bend last Thurs-
day. They report having had a very
pleasant time. Our boys were left at
home that clay. --Miss Verda Fother-
inghain left for her home Granton
last Thursday, after visiting her aunt,
Mrs. Wm. Sambrook,for some time. -
Flax is coming in rapidly from the
fields. The large traffic done on our
road has caused a great deal of dust,
which has become quite annoying to
our merchants and ladies of the house.
-Miss Leretta 1VIorlock, of Dashwood,
was the guest of Miss Clara Haist last
Sunday. -Miss Taylor, of Clinton, has
been engaged as 1st assistant teacher
in our public school. -School com-
mences next Monday. -Rev. Thomas
Finkbeiner, of Elkardt, Ind., paid our
village a flying visit last Saturday. -
Ernest Hill formerly of Crediton
has accepted a position with the City
Electric Railvvay Co,, Port Huron.
We are glad -to hear of bis success. -
Miss Courcey, of Lucan, who was
teacher in our school for a number of
years, was in the -village a few days
last week visiting friends. -Farmers
are busy threshing the grain Wheat
and oats are a poor crop this year. -
Mrs. Wesley Kerr spent a few days
last week t Grand Bend with friends.
-Mr. Walter Dumart, of Berlin spent
hist Sunday in the village. -Mr.' Thos,
Ritchie, blacksmith for W. N. Wenzel
received a severe burn across the eye
froin a piece of red hot iron last Sat-
urday. -A, picnic et youth and beauty
of oor village was held at the Bend on
Tuesday. -Mr. and Mrs. Fred Siegner
have rcturned from, Durham where
they visited relatives for some time.-
11Ivs. Samuel Brown and family have
returned from PlattSville where they
have been the guests of 'Mrs. Siebert
the past two weeks.
ror Infante and Children,
Tlis fat.
The Banner Summer Resort on Lake
iinron. Arrivals for the week ending
August 12111. Ivanhoe: -M. Elford,
wife and family, Elimville. Wood-
bine Cottag,e:-Rey, G. H. Thompson,
wife and Alva E., Monkton; G. W.
Thompson, Arthur. Dingly Dell: -
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Mitchell, Clarissa
E. Mitchell, Mrs. W. Wood, Miss I.
Wood, Mrs. Wm. Peart and Laura,
Hensall. Idylwild:-Mr. and AD's. J.
Ross and John, Re -v. Wm, M. Martin
and wife, Mr. Melville and Miss J.
Martin and Beattie Martha, of Exeter.
Ivy Cottage: -Mr. and Mrs. H. Robin-
son, Mr. R. IL Robinson, Mr. and Mrs.
0. J. Rotiinson, Frank Robinson, _Mel-
ville.B.obinson, Irene Robinson, Misses
Ida and Esther Brethour and Miss
Della Barr, Kirkton. Alderside:--Mr.
and Mrs. Frank Arscott and family,
Miss Katie Byrne, Miss Katie Quance,
London; Miss Lydia Fisher, Glasgow,
Scotland. Dotheboys Hall: -Mr. and
Mrs. Thos. Peart and Miss Ida Peart,
Hensall. Rooms: -Mr.
hnclArrs,-Beresford, Loudon; Mr. W.
C. Huston and Wm. Willis, Exeter;
Mrs. Wm. Ray and Miss 'McColl, Far-
quhar; Mr. Gjeci: Reynolds and .Mr.
Brootooaallensall. _,Tent NO. -1-:---.Wi
lington Elena 1`.7orifOin Bern,
Beer; Frank -Bawden, Exeter; Victor
Sanders, Clandeboye. Sorry to lose
Messrs. Robt. Randers and Alt' Coffin
who leave to -day Inc their home in
Exeter, as they are jolly good fellows.
The cool weather is favorable to our
fax men. -The Shipka mill has all
their fax pulled and mostly all drawn.
The spreaders are now busy at work.
-Mr. H. Wing, our popular merchant',
is again running business in his old
store recently occupied by Mr. Harl-
ton.-Mr. Norman 1VIcIntyre, who has
been laid up with typhoid fever, we
are glad to learn, is improving. -Mr.
John McPhee is home again looking
hale and hearty. -The school house
has been removed to the old stand for
the present, but further results are ex-
pected in the near future. --Mi'. James
Hannon, our genial merchant, has
lost his clerk, Mr. Brenner. He will
be missed by the boys. -There will be
an entertainment given in the Shipka
church on Friday evening, August
30th. A splendid program has-been
ACCIDENT. -Mr. Aligus McKinnon,
met with a painful aceident the other
day at the fax mill, having in some
way got caught in a belt, breaking his
thigh bones; and otherwise injuring
him. Under the care of Dr. McLaugh-
lin he is getting along nicely.
SCHOOL CASE. --The case of Buchan-
an Vs. Stephen school trustees had a
hearing in the single court Osgoode
Hall, Toronto, on Tuesday before Mr.
Justice `McMahan. The council acting
for plaintiff, a rate -payer and one of
the trustees of school section No. 7, in
, ,
the township of Stephen moved to con-
tinue an injunction granted by the lo-
cal judge at London,restraining the de-
fendants, the school board of the sec-
tion and the two remaining trustees
from removing the school house from
the school site, and to conamit the de-
fendants, the two school trustees, and
one Sherritt, the contractor for the re-
moval of the school house, for disobe-
dience of the injunction. Upon the
motion to continue the injunction the
plaintiffs contended that the school
board was never properly organized;
that all the proceedings of the trustees
were irregular, and that they- had no
power to order the removal of the
school house and the sale of the old
site and purchase of the new one.
Judgment reserved, Norman Buchan-
an is the prosecuting trustee, while
Peter McKenzie, Wm. Sherritt, and
Michael Finkbeiner are the trustees
being proceeded against. The affair is
creating quite a sensation in the Oeigh-
boyhood. The trustees must, under an
order of the court, replace on the old
site the school they sought to move to
another lot' in the same concession.
Then the right to remove -it will be de-
termined at the trial at London. Four
Lawyers argued the case; Three of the
trustees narrowly escaped -proceedings
for committal to jail tor violation of
the injunction against reinoving the
Goderich: Mary McCarthy, who
mysteriously disappeared from her
home about two weeks‘ ago was dis-
covered on the lake shore at Bingham'S.
It is believed that white in a fit of tem-
porary despondency she threw herself
into the Water. She was highly re-
School re -opened Monday With tA1C'
several teachers in then' places. Mr.
Snell and Miss King still retain theie
positions, While the pOpils, who were
formerly under Miss McCaughan's care
are now looked after by Miss jardine.
---7Mr. Irelancl is 1:tid of work this
week as it result of a sore throat. 'We
hope be may soon recovea.---Rev, Mors
lock and wife left on Wednesday for
a trip artiong their frieucls. While ,
away they intend visiting the Pan-
American. We hope they may have a
very pleasant time.-lifr.' and Mrs.
Harry Smith spent Sunday with -
friends ip Solm Dear-
ing and children returned Sunday co
ening atter spendine- several days,
with, Mr. Deaa-ing's
Moses Miller, who was at one time
one of our boys, hitt who is /101Y
ployed,in a western city, come home
On hiS wedding trip Wednesday, hay-,
ing married Miss of Stratford,
who was at one thne a teacher in our
public school. We, extend to the -
young couple our congratulations. -a
Mr. and Mrs. Granger,. of Sarnia, are,
spending a few days vvith Mrs. Grano's-
er's people here. '
; ,
Sarnia Aug. 17. -The old Major
grist mill, operated by James , Parks,.
and J. S. Lona -head's storehouse for.,
hubs and bent goods, adjoining,' weres
destroyed by fire this afternoon. Losa
about 349,000; partially insure& Parks!
had no insurance. The mill was an old.
Wiarton, Aug. 15. --Jas. Lindsay,.
mill-wright in Robt. Watt's sawmill,
was seriously injured by a splinter of
wood from the lath machine, the slivers,
entering deeply into his head through
the eye, producing concossi&n'oof the.
brain. He has not yet regained con-
Hamilton, Ont., Aug. 16.--Sherrifr
Fred S. O'Connor, of Bruce county,
died suddenly this morning ab the
residence of Chas. Lemon, his brother-
in-law. Sherrif O'Connor liad been
ailing of heart disease, and came -
here to consult a physician. Deceas-
was a resident of Walkerton and.
Ltd been sheriff for about five years.
He was 50 years of age, and is sur-
vived by a widow and three children.
The remains will be interred in 'Walk-
erton. '
.• I
Wingham aisinga very, disasa'
`troneViii viktedsbids1towst this in6rns-
ing, when the warehouse of Mayor
Clegg, and Mr. John Clegg were de-
stroyed, together with about 4,000t .
bushels of wheatonachinery and other --
contents. The firemen ke t the fi
confined to the two buildings thus sav-
ing the furniture factory of Button &
Fessant on one side, and the G.T.R.
station on the other. No insurance on
the buildings; contents fully insured.
Cause of fire supposed to be incendiary.
p ie
Miss Ida Steele, daughter of Dr.
Steele, V.S„ Stratford, had a thrilling
experience with a needle last summer.
While sewing, she swallowed a needle,
and, not feeling any after-effects, paid
no further attention to the episode,.
The other day the young lady noticed
a pimple on one of her knees, which,
on examination disclosed the eye of a
needle, which was working its way
out. On being extracted the needle
Wfl S f resh and. bright, looking asthough
it had never been used. How it could
pass through the body and appear in,
the knee without injuring the lady is
a puzzler.
Toronto, Aug. 17. An indication of
the conditions of the province is fur-
nished by the report; of Donald Guth-
rie, inspector of reg,istry offices. The
number of InortgageS registered in
1900 was 27,867, amouoting to $37,501,-
176, compared with 28,821 in 1899, valu-
ed at 338.640,022, it decrease in mort-
gages of 941, and in amount or $1,138,-
176. The total amount of fees receiv-
ed was $181,326, a decrease of $1,743,
while the number of instruments re-
gistered was 119,611, a decrease of 500..
STUMPF.-At the Bronson line, Hay,.
on Aug. 0th, the wife of Mr. M.
Stumpf, of a daughter.
BownEx.-In Stephen, Con. 3, on Au-
gust 19, to Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Bow
den, a daughter.
Hawmais.-In Hay, on. August 18th,'
to Mr. and Mrs. John Hawkins, a
Usborne, on August 21,
to Mr. and Mrs. Thos. 'Tonkin, a
daughter. •
NEIL. -In Centralia, on August 10, to.
, Mr. and Mrs. Sas, Neil, a daughter.
PHAIH-PEDLER. Sarnia, on Au-
gust 11, by the Rev, D. N. M. Cea-
Ines, Mr. Norman Phair, formerly of
Exeter, to lVfiss Lily Pedler.
FAIR-IRWII,T -In Clint011 on August
14th, at the residence of the bride's
parents, by Rev.Mr.Hamilton,Linnie
C., third daughter of olVEr.R. Trvvitato
Norman 1VIcTo. Fair all of Clinton
SANDRI1S.—I11 Elora, on August 13,
Edward Sander8,formerly of Exeter,
aged 133 years, 5 months and 6 days.
Illy"Wwelietilisi7nightmloSopen,iltiai%4:11:10.1bds' 0()TirdistvAtylitsii,g. basgted13t11,''
MoLttraaV,-In Ailsa, Craig on Thurs-
day Aug., 8th, 1001, 1Vialtha West,
beloved -wife of Daniel McLellan,
aged a/ years.