Exeter Advocate, 1901-8-8, Page 5THE esettr boarate, Is published every Thursday Morning, at the Office, ' II/CAIN-STREET, EXETER. —Ey the— ADVOCATE PUBLISHING COMPANY TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION, One Dollar per annum if paid in Advance 01,50 if not so paid, rt oat). *E./splice.- No paper ,lisoontinuod. until all arra rage are paid. Advertisements without specifie direetions will be publishecl till forbid ana charged accordingly, Liberal discount maclo for transcient a1vertisernens inserted for long periods. Every description of JOB PRINTING turned out in the finest style, and at moderate rates. Cheques, m onoy ord. ere &c. for advertising, subscriptions ,etc .to be naado payable to Chas.II. Sanders, EDITOR AND PROP Professional Card S. R. KINSMAN, L. D. S. Sz DR. A. R. KINSMAN, L D. S., D. D. S, Honor graduate of Toronto University, DENTISTS, Teeth extracted without any pain, or any bad effects. Office in Fanson's Block, west side Math Street, Exeter. nR, D. ALTON ANDERSON (D.D.S. D.S, "1-"' --DENTIST Honor Graduate of Toronto University and Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario. Also Post Graduate of Chicago School of Prosthetic Dentistery (with honorable mention.) Alluminum, Gold and Vulcanite Plates made in the neatest manner possible. A perfectly harmless an- aesthetic used for painless extraction of teeth. Office one door south of Carling Bros. store, Exeter. Medical TAR.T.P. McLAUGFLLIN, MEMBER OF -1.1 the College of Physicians and Surgeons Ontario. Physician, Surgeon and Acoouch- our, Office, Dashwood, Out. ONININO Le al DicKsoN- CA.RLING, I3ARRISTERS, Solicitors, Notaries, Conveyancers, Commissioners, Solicitors- for the Molsons Bank, etc. Money to loan at lowest rates of interest. Offices, Main Street, Exeter. I. R. CARLING, B. A.. L. R. DICKSON. 151VV. G-LADNIA.N. (successor to Elliot & . Glaciman,) Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public Conveyaliocr, Eto. Money to loan at lowest rates of interest. Office Main Street, Exeter. AnetIoneers JT BOSSENEEREX,Grand Bend, Licensed 1 Auctioneer for County f-furon. Sates promptly attended to, anti charges moder- ate. Orders by mail will receive every at- tention. BROVVN,Wincheisea. Licensed Auct- 1.-1... ioneer tor the Counties of Perth and Middlesex, also for the township ofUshorne Sales promptly attended to and terms reit- seubale.Sales arranged at Post office, Win- o helsea. Insurance. ELLIOT, '1E4 Insurance Agent, •Main. St. ' Exeter FARMS FOR MONEY TO LOAN.• The undersigned has a few good farn-i' s for -sale cheap. Money to loan on easy terms JOUN SPACKMAN, Sam well's Block Exeter THE LEADING MEAT MARKET. woo— For Fresh, eebod and the choisest cuts of -meat, call on the undersigned. While all our &its of meat are the 'finest, we make a specialty of meat delicacies. Meat delivered to all parts of the . . town . . John Manning TO CURE A Cart IN ONE DAY Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab- lets. All druggists refund the money if it fails to cure. 25c. E. W. Grove's signature is on eac.b. box. Wo giro ahandsomeopen face, Polished Nickel 1Vatell, Amert. can Lever aloycnient for selling only 2 doz, packages of Sweet Pea Seed at 10e. apackage. Each pack- age contains asplendid mixtureofthe most fragrant varieties of all colors. You can earn this fine Watch 10 an V afternoon by setting to work at once Millis this advertisernent and wo will forward the Seeds: Sell them, return the money, and wog,uaranteo safe daily. ery.of your Watch at once. Write to day. as the season f r ealingseccils short. Seed Supply to., Turontii , Erup tions Pimples, bolls, fetter, eczema or salt rheum, Are signs of diseased blood. Their radical and permanent cnre, there- fore, consists in curing the blood. Angus Fisher, Sarnia, Ont., and Paul Keeton, Woodstock, Ala., were greatly 'troubled with ,boils; Mrs. Delia Lord, Leominster, Mass., bad pitnples all over bur body; so did It. W. Garretson, New Bruns- wick, N. J. The brother of Sadie E. Stock - mar, 37 Miller St., Fall River, Mass., was afficted with eczema so severely that his hands became a "mass of sores." These sufferers, like others, have volun- tarily testified to their complete cure by ifood'sSarsa,oarilla This great medicine acts directly and peculiarly on the blood, rids it of all humors, and makes it pure and healthy. „ FLOOD'S rums cure constipation, Price 2 cents. STRUDK BY A TRAINi Thamesville, Ont., Ang, 3. -The five- year-old son of Wm. I:real, of ThaineP- ville, was struck by the Buffalo mail Wabash express, No. 8, this evening and had his left arm mangled and face cut. He was picked up and brought here for medical treatment. ENGINEER KILLED. Stirling; Ont., Aug. 3: -The south7 bound train from Coehill, on the Cen- tral Ontario railway, was wrecked be- tween Springbrook and Harold this morning. The cause WaS the spread- ing of the rails. Engineer Lough was killed and Fieman McClennan ai d Brtikeinan Sarles were badly scaled. STRUCK BY A TRAIN. St. Thomas, Ont., Aug. ) --Thomas Graham, who was employ- ed With Tom Hall's elting on the Michi- ganCentrw al, as sq,ruck by No. 13, near Windsor, this morning and ti ribly injured. He was brought to the hospital on No. 13 express, where he died this evening. The unfortunate man belonged to this city: oughin. .ZeitratrAltat=alitsMtkr.aili'0"i " I was given up to die with quick consumption. I then began Fi to use Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. 1 improved at once, and am now in perfect health."- Chas. E. Hart- man, Gibbstown, N. Y. .s*raeloorrawkaamo........romeeccrowonoiromaa It's too risky, playing with your cough. The first thing you know it will be down dep in your lungs and the play will be over.Be- gin early with Ayer's g Cherry Pectoral and stop the cough. Rcernow,....verWm..••••••• cola '• vie., just right for htonchitis, hos rse- neseThree sizes: 25r., onOugh for in ordinary ",?.. . bard ,olds, 1 etc.*'Pl, nioSt economical for cl.rotlit CaSeN and to 1: cop on hand. • J. C. AYER. CO, Lowell, Mass. gENERIll 81P11(E 111 V1)11'(3 "They Have Declared War Says President Shaffer. Nothing Remains. in the Matter ot the Steel Strike But to Figlt t It Oute-Au tilo Mills of the:Steel 'Trust May Be Included in the Oenerftl: .S t 'Ake OrciPP7--h.ftt One Slender liope f,eft. Pittsburg, pa.; Aug. 6. -President Shaffer arrivedat the Arpolg,amated Association headquarters at 11.15 a. M. yestei!day, and 15 minutes later called: the newspaper. men. to hiS pri- vate Office. When asked merit 'could. have been reached in New. York Saturday had they waived their rights at the Painter, Lindsay and McCutcheon and the Wellsville plants he said: . "The Amalgamated Association could have settled in New York if they had given tip these mills, pat,, we could not do that, Just as icing: as we can fight we are going to fight for them. They are as much of xis now as any of the other lodges. Their fight, is ours and our fight is' theirs, "When will you issue the call for e. general strike?"was the next ques- tion put to the president, and .his answer was: Within a week," Can you say how many men will be affected?" "I don't know," said he, "how many men the strike order will ef- fect." "Will the board be called i'or any more conferences?" "No; the board has been dismissed and will not be called unless the other side wants peace. They , have declared war." President Shaffer said that the statement in the papers of his stop - Off at Washington was true, but that he did not see President Gompers of the American Federation of • Labor, as he was not in town. Secretary Morrison was seen, however, and he ftSSUrt:(1 Mr. Shaffer that the Federa- tion of Labor would give its finan- cial support. "I have requested. President Com- pers to cothe to Pittsburg this week, fOr a conference," said President Shaffer, "and I expeet him here." Eveln.neay )V.ztebling Now that the suspense induced by the uncertainty of the outcome in the strike negotiations is ova:, there is less excitement here than there wa,,,s last week and the people are looking matters squarely in the face. Everybody is watching President Shaffer, as it is recognized that from him will emanate the, next move in this great struggle. .Speculation is now rife as to when he will issue .the order for a general strike ,,of all the Amalgamated men -employed in1 the , mills of the 'United States Steel Corporation's plants. Men Will Be Posted.' Although President Shaffer did not say so yesterday, he explained not long ago that before an order for a strike was issued, a eircnlar letter would be sent out from the general office to all lodges of the organiza- tion explaining the situation, giving a complete report of all that had occurred between the members of the executive board and the officials of the trust; of the earnest attempts made by the association to bring about an honorable settlement and their failure. This circular will be read in lodge meetings in order that the men in the mills can ha-ve a clear and com- prehensive insight of the entire mat- ter and act intelligently. With this information in their hands, the men will be able to see that the officers have acted cal:eft-Lily and with an earnest desire to avoid an open rup- ture. The strike order will then follow and will be taken up without the least misunderstanding on the part of the members. Still OIle Hope. An intimation has been made thaf there is still one hope of ending the strike soon, and that is by the re- turn to work of the men of the Painter, Lindsay & McCutcheon and Clark mills. These mills were non- union last year. The men went out when the strike was ordered and they are now members of the Amalgamat- ed Association. In the efforts to obtain an adjustment of the strike, however, their status has been an embarrassing factor. It is said that if the men in these mills desire to go to work there will be no objection by the association. The immediate effect would be to eliininate them from consideration of any basis of settlement. Such a course would leave the Arnalgainiated officials in a position to accept Mr. Morgan's terms with hon or. Faint miner of Hope. Just a faint glimmer of hope that a great steel workers' strike will be settled was embodied in a statement given out by President Shaffer of the Amalgamated Association Lite last night. When asked if he would pur- sue the same policy in ofclerihg strike in the mills of the Federal Steel, the 'National Steel and the National :rube Companies, ,as he did in calling out the inen in the mills of the American r.Pin Plate Com- pany, he, replied: "If it had not been fbr this determination on my part, the general strike would' have been ordered on Saturday night:" It is presumed, that the 'delay in is= suing the general order will be at least until the end of the present Week. • Nairn: Mr. Wm. Stewart, of the 2nd concession, met .with a Painful accident the other day by getting, his hand canght in the machinery of a binder: The hand was badly laceratr ted. Si. 111arys: The mony friends of Mrs. Moir, Wife'Of Archie Mair, dray - Man, Will regret to hear Of her death which took place Saturday evening after .alingering illness, at the age of 36 years. •-•Parkhill: !gr. Wm. Lonsbrough -has sold his interest in the livery bus:- , -ness- here to his partner', Mr. O'Neil. He and Alt's. Lonsbroogin purpose tak ing a holiday trip to North- Dakota next week. The fiflolsons Bank. (Chartered by Parliament, 1855.) Paid_ up Capital..... . . ..... 32 500,000 Reserve Fund 2,050,000. Read office Montreal, .JAMES ELLIOTT, Esq. GENERAL MANAGER. • Money ad vanced to good Farmers on tlieir own notes with ono or mere endorsers 'at 7 per ccuit, per annum.' -----EXETER I3RANCI-I— Open every lawful day from 10 tt.tn. to 3 p,m; Sitturilays i ti,m. tei 1 pm, A ,gener al banking business transacted CURRENT RATES allowed for money on Deposit :Receipts. Savin gs Bank at 3 cent. DICKSON & CAR LING, N D Hun DON, Solicitors. Manager SOLID GOLD We givethis beautiful elk Cold Ring, set with Pourla, tor selling _ only `15 packages of SNITIetPeaf'diettatne.each. Each paeltaftecontalns sPlondidmix. Uri.° ofthe most fragrant yule. ties, ofrli colors. Mail nsthis advertisement and We will for. ),varcl the SeedS, Sell them, re buil the Money; and ti, is l.S Ring oa in a velvetilind Lex. 1,Vrlte td day: 'flidseitifefi ter w 11., fta. a45"ffee4 &Out* Were/00.4A*. I ,1: will be sent you,carefullY pack, 110011k up from any sickness, no matter ,vhat sort, begin with a little Scott's Emulsion of cod-liver oilIt is food, and more than food: it helps you digest what- ever food you can bear. SETIO YoR ',REG RAMPL, AND TRY IT. socrrr a ROW. and$1.00;CHnIalt;3kaists.TORONTO. 5oc East Wawanosh: A. respected resi- dent of this place, Mr. jas. Anderson. passed away on Sunday last,.14-,,,ed C5 years. Deceased had long been a resi- dent of the township, rind leaves a widow and tvvo sons and one thurghter to mourn his demise. Goclerich: Gaoler Griffin has sold his farm of one hnndred acres on the Lake Shore Road, Ashfield township, to Florence McCarthy, of Kingsbridge, the price being $4,600. It is a first- class farm, and Mr. McCarthy has finale a good bargain. EXETER MARKETS. C.HANGrED EACH WEDNESDAY. Wheat', ....... ...... . .. . (36 67 13arley , ....... .... 40 42 Oats: 30 31 Peas........ .... 00 65 Potatoes, per bag .. 25 30 I -lay, per ton , .. . . 7 00 8 00 Flour, per Owt., 1 75 'Manitoba Rohr. , 2i (j Butter, 1,1 15 Egg . . 10 10 per 1.00 lbs... 1 00 4 00 Wool, ...... ........ 12 13 Live hogs, per cwt... 75 Dressed Hogs, .. 8 50 1100 shorts. , 1000 Visit or Meets Loss, Toronto, Aug, 6.-liev,'W 11 Kidd, pastor of the First Methodist Church of Dridgeport, Orin, , Whi . , visiting in the city and enjoying the new electric tallyho had the misfor- tune to drop his pocket -book, while on the route. Dr, 7<i.d.d losses his 6 80 return tickets and all the money he 00 had for his vaCation of a Month, It 34 00 is to be hoped that, an honest per - 16 00 , Son is the finder., - KILLED BY EXPLOSION, score of People Are Likely to Be Dead --Two KnowaivIi:ktelids--.-ix ra„ Aug, 6.-A. ter- rific explosion in a block of six buildings on Locust street above Tenth street last night completely wrecked five of the structures end caused the death of from ten to twenty persons, Over forty others were more or less 8oriously injured. Some of those taken to the hospital will die. Pt is estimated that at least 25 persons were in the five buildings when the explosion occur- red, and the exact number of dead will probably not be known far 24 hours. The buildings were occupied as follows: Houseman's billiard rooms; Rosenthal's second - hand Clothing store, occupied by Rosen- thal, his wife and live children; Wil- liam Jones (colored) restaurant, 00- cupied. by Jones and tbout fifteen boarders; George McUlemmy's store, occupied by McOlemmy, clerk and Servant girl; Patrick Quigley's store, occupied by Quigley, wife and three children and his dncle; Albert Moun- tain's meat store, occupied by Moun- tain, mother, sister and clerk. The explosion occurred about 0.30 o'clOckl it is believed a ,,barrel of gasoline in one of the three grocery stores exploded, With the exception of No. 1,008 the front walls of the buildings were blown outward into the street, while the floors and roofs were blown upwards and fell straight to the ground. Ahnost every build- ing within a radius of two blocks about the scene had windowg shat- tered, and were otherwise damagnd. Every building on the opposite side of Locast street was more or less wrecked, but none of them fell. At 1.30 a.m., the only known deaths are those at the hospitals, that of an unknown colored woman and a two-year-old child. At the Penna Hospital five of the patients will, it is thou,nlit, die before morn- ing. Up to 1,30 the police or fire offic- ials, cannot add to the list of 1106 dead, but are positive that a num- ber of bodies are still buried nnrier the ruins, Large forces of firemen a,ncl policemen are at work removing the vaF:`, amount of wreckage, but at this writing have found no bod- ies. From 40 to 50 persons are lying in the several hospitals sutlering more or less severe injuries, TO BREAK WITH TURKEY. Ambassador at Paris to Be Given His Passports. Paris, Aug. 6. -The Foreign Office here refuses either to confirm Or deny the advices from Constantinople, saying the French Ambassador, there, Constans, has handed over the question of the right of a French . company, known as the Quays Com- pany,, to enjoin rights claimed under ' a cOnvention to his Governinent, at the, same, time recommending his own recai,l, and that, the Passports of the. 'Ttinleish.:Ambassador at Paris, Salih Munir Dey, be delivered to him. The Temps says there is reason to believe the Foreign Office is con- sidering the recall of M. Constans, and giving the Turkish Ambassador his passports. The Francais thinks that, instead of breaking diplomatic relatibns with Turkey, the French Foreign 0Mce will suspend them, by giving M. Constar's unliinited leave of ab- sence. .An immediate decision is improb- able, as M. Delcasse, the French For- eign Minister, and other high office officials are absent on their holi- days. Naval Manoeuvres Ended, London, Aug. 6. -The naval man- eouvres were suddenly terminated yesterday afternoon, by orders from the Achniralty, and the enemy's fleet was deCla.red to be the victor. The final.results have not yet been given out, but the.: defenders are knoWn to• have lost a dozen cruisers, two gun- boats and eight torpedo boat de- stroyers. The enemy lost only three cruisers, three torpedo boat destroy- ers and three torpedo boats, while the enemy captured an endless num- ber of merchantmen. The 'News at Ottawa. Ottawa, Aug. 6 -The following was given out by the Secretary of State last night; "His Excellency the Governor-Gen- eral has heard with the deepest re- gret . of the death of I -Ter. Imperial Majesty the Empress Frederick, Prin- cess of Creat Britain anctlre- land. Officials in charge of. Govern- ment buildings are .directed to • half-, mast all 'flags on theni, and it is ex- pected:a. similar Mark of respect will be paid to, her memory by half-nia,ste ing the flags- on ail public, buildings The Children of Mel. Montreal, Aug. 6. Report has it that there will be trouble over a sum of money collected here during the Rjel agitation, for the purpose of educating the children of the rebel leader. It appears that the children are in a pretty bad way financially, and pressure is being exercised to secure the aniount collected years ago. It is said that sensational de- velopments may be expected. Wind f'revented a Fly. Paris, Aug. 6. --Another attempt was to have been made yesterday by the Dra.zilian aeronaut Santos Du- mont to win the prize of 100,000 frames, offered by Mr, Deutsch, for the aeronaut who should sail his flying machine from the Aero Club grounds to and around the Eiffel Tower, and back, within an hour, bill: the journey was prevented by a strong wind. Killed Before the Czar. St. Petersburg, Aug. 6.- While the battleship "Emperor Alexander 311. was being launched yesterday during a gale a flagstaff in Ile dockyards wits blown down, kifliog -cur officer and a ca.det and injuring the corn - Mender ef the battleship 'pad three cadets. The Czar wn's present at the launching, .11 ' COOLS, COMPORTS AND HEALS THE SKIN, ENA- 13LING THE MOST TEN- DER FACE TO ENJOY A CLOSE SHAV.E WITHOUT UNPLEASANT RESULTS. Avoid dangerous, irritat ingWitch Hazel preparations represented to be "the same as" Pond's Extract, which easily sow and y6nerally Contain "wood alcohol," a deadly poison. ttlg BODY FOlIND IN THE FIRE. St. Marys, Aug- 1.---Thre broke out in Ole Garnett House strtbles tbout 0 o'clock this morning. In o few minu- tes after the ahirm was is en there were five streams of water playing, on the building. The stables were (Joni- nletely gutted, but, the surrounding buildings w.ere saved by the efforts of the lire brigade and the efficiency of the waterworks system. After the fir e Wits subdued the Temains of Geo. Eng,ler, son of Christi in Eng -ler, of the Township of Logan, a few -miles feom the Town of Mitchell, we -re founl in the ruins. • DROWNED AT 'TORONTO. Toronto, August 2.-Shovtly before noon, while Daniel Roche rt in uthinist living on Soudan avenue, North Toron- to, wits out pzuldling on the lrtke front off Hanlon's, the canoe capsized anti Roche and his little girl were thrown into the water. Help was available almost inmiediately, rind the bodies were 1100001 cd speedily, but Roche was dead. The little girl may be ' re- vived the doctors thinkn Roche, it is understood, had a weak . heart, and the accident truly have been cruised by heart failure. , Ltiter.-The girl died short13,- rtfter being tak.en out of the s-viter DROWNED AT DESERONTO. Deseronto, Ont„ Aug. 4.-A sad drowning accident occurred here last night about 11 o'clock. H. C. McKee., a young man about 21 years of ige, in company with two young lzidies- Miss AlacKie 1,rid Miss Geddess-M1 s pushing off froin the dock in a small boot, vylien McKee and Miss MacKie fell between the boat and the dock. For a few lninn es they both strtiggled when Miss Geddes, who Was in the botit, caught Miss MacKie by,the head as -she was going down and rescued her, but McKee sank zind was drown- ed. The y011np,' man had been employ- ed as clerk in the offices of the B. Q. Railway during the past four years. LONDON'S BIG FAIR. The " great heliday outing of Wes- tern Ontorie is a phrttse that some one once bestowed upon the Western Fair of Loudon, and as the years go by the description seems to become 'more ancl nuire fitting. But it is more tbau a mere holiday. It is educational in its nature. No man with his eyes and ears open can visit the Western. Fair without seeing something to svlii.ch he bad heretofore been a striinger, while, the imprevenients On old •devicesnli the improved methods of agriculture and the higher grade of -stock and cattleall combine to show the rztpid advtince be- ing made in Western Ontario, and to demonstrate that we in this section are fully abreast with the rest of the world. The entries for this year de- note a large exhibit, and space shonld be secured without delay. The speed- ing in the ring, as usual, will be one of the most attractive pastimes, and this will be made doubly so by the engage- ment of the greatest coterie of high salaried acrobats, gymnasts and aeria- lists that ever appeared in one comlii- nation in Canada, while novelty is add- ed by the introduction of a full troupe of educated performing elephants. The fireworks d:splay will be on a grander scale than ever, and will include a striking and novel representation of the "Fall of China" and "Taking of, Pekin," tog,ther with the most bril- liant, illumination and electrical effects ever before seen on the grounds. Spe- cial train service is being arranged over all rralroads to leave London af- ter the fireworks. None should miss this hom:t exposition which can be so easily vis' ted and at little expense. CANADIAN n 'PACIFIC MY . - 20,000 IN MAITOBA Harvesters L1114ADIAN Wanted NORTHWEST. NIUMRTINIMMIN FARR LABORERS" EXCURSIORS WILL BE RUN -TO- FOR prom stations WINNIPEG in Ontario And all stations on Main Line Toronto to North-West, West Sarnia and and South-West to North, except North of YORKTON Toronto and IVIOOSEJAW Cardwell .Iurc. ESTEVAN AUGUST Gth and 13. ion= On complying with conditions of certificates which will be given purchasers of one-way $10 tickets, passengers s ill be returned to starting- point by same route on or before Nov. 1011, 1901, on payment 01 513 TICKETS ARE $ECOND CLASS, Apply 10 pamplet giving full particulars' to your nearest Agent or to A. H. NOTM.AN, Assistant General Passenger Agent, 1 King St. East, Toronto. The Whole Story In a., letter : ()lin e (rnunv nAvial.) From. Oapt, Loye, Pollee Station No. 5, Montreal :-- 'We frequently lac l'xnur 'DAVIS' I' a I i‘t-K r my; rt for rains in the slant - etch, rheumatism, sti ffnervs, frost bites, chit- tilains, cramps, and MI anlictions which befall men in our position. I have no hesi- tation in saying that PAM-KIT:LE:it 28 the be) reMed.1) to have near at hand." Used Internally and Externally. Two Sizes 255. and 500. bottles. R HICKS REPAIRING if you want your Repahing well clone go to R. litnics-Watches, Clocks and jewelry a ,specialty. MARRIAGE LICENSE Marrittge Li 0 en s es issued an d Wed- dingRings always on hand. Fortson's Block, Exeter Exeter— ROLLER M5LLS. Highest prices Paid for Clean, Red Wheat. Large stock of mill feed on hand. W001) WANTED/ Give us a Call. J. COBBLEDIC K & EON BICYCLE BARGAINS We have secured a number of High Grade 3fassev-Harris Bicycles in Drdies' and. Gent's models, ninth below' regular prices and -while they last wilI sell them at, stzt-attly figures. They are new and .nn -e4* -- date in every respect and ftetEty gnaranteed0s10 arA see . theta and be your own indge Of them., Our Pianos, Organs and Sewing Ma- chines are the best. the market affords. We are leaders in Children's Corniages, Waggons, Etc. Slteet Music of all Kitids. CALL AND SEE US. S. MARTIN OUR REW PRERIISES. We have moved into our new pre- mises opposite the Central Hotel arid are now open for business. Our pre- mises are modern and we give you modern ill1/1 1.1p, to -date goods and made in the most modern style. We Personally . . . . Cut Every Garment That's made up at this establishment --as well as fit it -and look after all the details. This is only one , reason why our prices are moder- ate. Gent's Furnishings . . Come and see us in our new p'ace ..of business and examine our stock of Gent's Flirt] ishings. Bert. Knight . EXETER FOUNDRY J. MURRAY, Manufacturer & Dealer • . . • . • Portable and Stationary Engines and Boilers, Plows, .Land Rollers, Mow- ers, Etc. Iron pipe and fittings, re- pairs on Agricultural IMplements and general machinery promptly ate tended to ... 4 good „Second hand Land Rollers* cheap; also 1 Steven's & Burns' Pon - table Threshing Engine for sale in good running order. Price $175.00 cash. Sole agent in Exeter turd vicinity for the Electric Boiler Compound. Guar- anteed to be strictly first-class for removing scales, etc. FOR SALE. A Waterloo Traction Engine and Monarch Separator with 12 inch Brant- ford Grinder, E. 0, B., Exeter, for $850. This is a rare bargain and tnitst be sold owine- to the death of the pro- m prietor. d. MURRAY' Ailst Craig: The young ladie8 of Mrs. Geo. Kerr's Sundtty School class met at lier home SabUrday evening ancl presented her with a. dezen silver tefispoons. Mr. and Mrs. Kerr moved to Parkhill MondaY; •