Exeter Advocate, 1901-8-1, Page 8TH NEW TAILOR Having bought Mr. J H Grieve."'S stock of GeI31'b Saitings, Pantings, Over:coating and Tztilor's Trimmings at a low ratt: on the $. 1 will offer to the public clothing, prices aw:ty down. Aatest Stylesrl HaVing had ten years of practical experience in cutting and recently of the Cleveland Cutting school, I ani prepared to p,•Ive tU the latest cuts in gentlemen's garments, A GOOD FIT GUARANTEED. A CALL SOLICITED. Grieve's old stand, opposite postoffice. W W TAMAN " Hot weather? yes; but really. not Compared with weather twice as hot. Findemnfort, then, in arguing thus, And yon 11 pull through. victorious For instance while you 'grasp and pant And try to .cool yourself—and can't— With soda. cream and lemonade, The heatatninety in the shade— Just candy sit and ponder o'er These same degrees, with ninety more • On top of them, and's° Concede The weather nOw'is cool indeed!" Hens:111's voters' Est contains 308 names: Wingham's civic holiday to -day (Thiirs . ay.) To -day (Thursday) 'Is Seaforth's.Oi vic Holiday. ' Read W. W. Taman's new "ad" in this issue. " Change of "ad" for H.Bishop & Son in this issue. Read E. S. SPaCk m an's change of • "ad" in this issue.. , Ailsa Craig will.observe August15th as their Civic holiday. , • The NationalIron Works at Wing: ham wastipe.ned on Tuesday: - The Brussels Post s4S be a Sin all drciP inthat locality. The people of Brussels will observe August 7tb as their civic holiday. Messrs. Wood & .Load man, shipped a carload of export cattle 'on Saturday. The Royal Hotel at St. Marys has been sold to lir. William liurplay, of Stratford. 40 cents secures the ADVOCATE till January let, 1902. Now is the time to subscribe. Farmers are already declaring- they will sowniuch less wheat next season, because of the Hessian fly. It is said that an excursion under the Masonic Order will be run to the Pan American about August 26th. Mrs. Jrrines Elliott gave a most en- joyable pic-nick to her Sunday school class at Grand Bend, Thursday. As an easy, side and sure stomach and liver regudator, use Dix Little Liv- er Pills. For sale at C. Lutz's Drug Store. An exchange of electric light signals between Buffalo and Toronto is pro- posed by the Exposition managers • The 'man who refuses to pay a news- .. „ paper subscription is:usually too mean a thief for even the law to trifle with. ; lhe raspberry sea,son is abont over , being very' short-lived ,owing to the dry weather at the early part of t'ne season. Mr. Thos. Ilusbarid;-..of Lucan, did . . several jobs of graining in town last week, including the woodwork of the R. Pickard Co's Store. At the Iast regular meeting of Leb- anon Forest Lodge it was called off for two months. The next meeting will ' be held on September 23rd. The School Inspector of East Huron . says there has been a decrease in school attendance in the inspectorate of twenty per centin ten years. Mr. Abe B.igshaw has disposed of his lot at the re:tr of the bakery to Mr; Thos. Brooks. We nuclerstaud Mr. Brooks will build in the near future. A very heavy and welcome rain, ac- companied by loud thunder ;rind fierce lightning„ fell in this section on Sun- day night. There has been no damage reported from the storm. For a delightful hair dressing and to relieve dandruff, itching of the scalp and promote the growth of the hair, try Imperhd Hair Tonic 50ca bottle. Sold at Lutz's drug store. We have been offered by a United States firm a $150 parlor organ for $85 in cash and the balance in advertising. We are willing to face the music but object to paying the fiddler. Some one suggests a new punctua- tion mirk that will show the point of a joke. A zero would sufficiently in the point of n3any a paragraph that has long masqueraded as a, joke, Thewheitt yield of Manitoba and the Northwest Territories is estimated ati 55,000,000 to 65,000,000 bushels. Gratve „ fears are entertained thnt enough lab- orers cannot be obtained to harvest yet Miss Eurith Myers, of London, form- erly of Exeter, was married in that city on Thursday, July 181h, to Mr. J, C. Inwood; Her many friends here will join in best. Wishes for her future happiness. The denpind for English Stock Food is still increasing. Farmers ftorn a a disuince e noW sending in orders for s it. Sold at Lutz's drug store, w d44 Turkish Scalp Food is daily grow..- ins- in favor. 50c, a bottle at Lutz's DIA* Store, Eizindford & Elliott shipped two c.11;4c)1•(.1.S horSes from here Wed nesday to Wionipeg. „ A number from here attended the game of lacrosse at Seaforth between Clinton aard Mitchell temps. Mr. Jannis Murray has purchased the remains of the machinery desttny- eb in Mess/ s.Dyer ()ward's planing factory and will remodel it. The dwelling incl real estate of the late Susannah \Vestcott, situated on Huron street, was disposed of by Priv_ ate sale to Mrs. Henry Harris, on Wed nesday for the sum of $505. A man nanied Smith, from near \\i 1101)11 'is the latest addition to the "-louse of Refug,e, whose inmates now nuniber 7.1; this is a lower number than the House has been accustomed to for a considerable length of time. The improvement in the cemetery is being vigorously pushed alotig. The directors would respectfully request that all those who have not yet con- tributed, but who intend to do so, would kindly hand in the amount to one of the directors. Mr. R. N. Anderson, of Constance, has been engaged to teach in S.S. No. ,3, Stephen, the school taught by Mr. B. Hooper. Mr. J. A,111cNaughton,of Farquhar, has been engaged to teach in No. 1, Fairfield, the vacancy being caused by Mr. Wm, Bagshaw's death. Mr. Chas. Snell, Sr., Met" with a painful accident on Friday last. He was milking the cow when the animal, crowding over, stepped on his leg, bruising the limb eunsirerablY and wrenching the foot badly. He is now compelled to walk by the aid. of a stick. A Yankee country weekly pi nts an advertisement, according to the New York "Press " that deserves a re- sponse. It reads; " If John Smith, who twenty years ago deserted his poor wife and babe, will return, said babe will knock the stuffing out of him. . A good deal of damage Was done ,in the vicinity of Deleware fry Sunday night's storm. The rain fall there was in the nature Of a claud,barst. Small creeks became raging streams,and several 'farm houses were flooded. A heaVyss ind tccouip anted the vtin, and, standing crops were knocked down. The Seaforth Fire Brigade intend sending a team to the Pan-American, at Buffalo, to compete in a tournament there which is to be held the latter part of August. The boys have al- ways come out victorious in such con- tests and we have no doubt that they have just. as good mutterial on hand now as ever they had.—Seaforth Ex- positor. On Wednesday of last week the half - holiday agreement was inaugurated at Goclerich and frotul o'clock nearly every store in the town was closed. The druggists have joined the move- ment also, but as calls for medicine are somethnes sudden and peremptory the drug store will be closecl,only,frona 1 to 6 o'clock. A correspondent sitys:--"The Grand Trunk have in their employ as section foremen at Hensall a Protestant Priest. Some people may think he recanted or changed his Christianbelief but not so; froin birth to the present time he has neither chimeed his religious belief or name. This is a fitct. Some people will say of an eloquent -Priest he WaS mitural. born one and so he is. Quarterly Meeting Services will be held in James street church -next Sun- day morning Love -feast M the 4--,hool room beginning at -9:15. Public Ser- vice at 10.30.• The pastor will give a short address. The sacrament will be administered at the close of this ser- vice. The Official Board will meet for the transaction of business next Mon- drty evening. "The sixth month has come and gone since Mr. E. Sanders was obliged to quit work and take. arest. The eighth mouth sees him still confined to his bed with a very weak body and a vi- gorous mind. He is being cared for by a most devoted wife and sister, and lacks for nothing that kind friends can secure, and everything that a skilful and attentive physician ban do is be- ing -done to dislodge, the insicliums en- emy and win him_ back to wonted health."—Elora Express. When the farmers have a daily mail delivery to their doors, tele- phones in their houses, trolly cars past their gates, electric lights on the fence posts, macadam roads as smooth as asphalt, they will only need a few more things to make life thoroughly enjoyable, such as the cows milking themselves, the pigs feeding by auto- matic process and commiting suicide when ripe for market, self -churning cream, and electric harvesters. Boy Wanted. A boy wanted to learn printing. Apply at ADVOCATE Office. House For Sale. A good 'frame cottage with brick cellar, 1-5 acre land. Will sell" reason- able. Apply at ADVOCATE Office. Lost Between Grand Bend and Exeter,on Wednesday last, a pearl arid gold - handled, silk utnbrella, with initials A. I. F." Finder will be suitably re- warded by leaving same at ADVOCATE Office. Dropped Dead, Robt. Porter, postmaster at Clinton and well known to many here,c1ropped dead on the street in that town on Saturday last, from heart failure. He was 68 years of age. His remains were taken to Elmvale,near Barrie.for inter- ment. The Fall Assizes, The date for the fall and winter sit- tings of the High Court of Justice are announced. For Huron county the Jury sittings is Monday, Sept. Oth, be- fore Judge Falconbridge and non jury sittings on "Monday, November Ith,-he- fore Judge Meredith. A Clever StOdelit• Edwin J; Eacrett, of Town, has heen winning laurels for .himself at the Gpd- erich Clollegiate Institute, having suc- ceeded in capturing the Peter Adam- son Mathematical. Scholarship in the recent examinations, Ile obtained an average of 89 per cent. which is a re- markably good showing. There were eight candidates writing, the next highest obtaining 78 per cent, Ed, is faithful and a clever student and vill cloubleSs yet make his mark in the orld. Now whoat. The first load of new wheat for this season was delivered at Cobbledick's mill on July SOth, by Mr. M. Thomson, of Elinaville, and sold at 700. per bush- el. The variety was Turkey Pert an:d tested 02 lbs, to the bushel. the wheat is a better sm aple than the seed im- ported from Kansas last fall, yield was 25 bushels to the acre; The miller likes the 'pure, red wheat. Call arid see him. '• , An intererting game of ball was layed TllOSday night bet 'eon the ast Side and the West Side resulting in favor of the forniei.. The Westerners are not satisfied witli the result ,ina have arranged for another game to- night (Thursday) which will ne doubt be largely attended: Following wits the score. Base Ball. East Side Hooper 3 Tainan 3 Heaman 2 Habkirk 3 Brooks 3 Eacrett 1 • Treble 1 Christie 1 Middleton 1 18 A Good Invention. • Mr. James Murray, of the Exeter Foundry, has been taxing his brain for some weeks past in the line of in- vention and by his inventive genius has at last completed a device which doubtless will bring grist to his mill and largely increase his bank account. The device we refer to is a. machine for boring out engine cylinders and is a marvel of inventive skill doing the work for which it is calculated most complete. Cylinders that have be- come practically worn-out, or become untrue from constant use, by the aid of Mr. Murray's invention may be made as good as new. Being adjust- able it can be used on all size § and lengths of cylinders, thus making it invaluable and to serve a purpose that will be appreciated by all those who have work in this line, such as .thresh- ers, millmen,t etc. Be aousisteut. • We wonder sometimes if people un- derstand that publishers of newspap- ers have to pay for material,help, rent, and the things necessary to get out a paper. There are people who expect an editor to get out a paper to serve them and their interests, but it never seems to occur to them that editor's time and space in paper are the only resources of the publisher, and from these must come the money to continue the paper in the jute -rest r)f the public. We have- very often lad -people in a smooth, oily manner equest a, write-up of themselves, or their business, and go away as if -they had expected to be -thanked for the privilege of doing it for. nothing. • At the same time those smile people were hiring their printing elsewhere, pay- ing more than we charge for no better work. The AnvodATEhas never -yet disiiriminated between its supporters and the unfriendly or .inclifferent peo- ple use it as if it were a pubic 'servant. Hereafter people who buy goods in onr line from other shops must go to those shops for newspaper booming. We shall, of course, always print news impartially, but there is difference be- tween news items and advertising. This paper has often taken a half columns to say what could have been said in three lines and satisfy public interest. • visveva., West Side Bissett Boyle Southcott Newcombe Sheere McMartin Creech Belwoocl Stewart 0 2 1 0 0 1 2 PERSONAL. 3 2 Miss Violet Treble is visiting friends in London. Mrs, Blasdell is visiting friends in Brantford. Miss Ethel Sweet is visiting friends in Seaforth. . . „ Miss Lena Howard is visiting friends in St. Marys. Mr. Wm. Drew, who has been quite ill, is recovering. ,Mr. Albert Hppper, of Clinton, was in town Tuesday. " `, _ , Miss Clarke, of Toro,nto, istheguest of the Misses Kemp. Miss B. Robinson is spending a "few days at Grand Bend. Miss Nettie Fulton, of Denfield, is visiting friends in town. Mrs. Able, of Toronto is the guest of her sister, 1VIrs.Powel1. Mr. Fred Treble, of St. Marys, spent Sunday at his home here. Miss M. Milroy, of London, is the guest of the Misses Weekes. • Miss Harriett, of St. Marys, is the guest of Miss Jean Hawkshaw. Miss Waite, of St. Thomas, is visit- ing her sister, Mrs. N. Kecldy. „ Miss Harrison and Miss Lilian Amos are visiting friends in Clinton. Mrs. W. J. Hawkshaw spent a few days in London during the week. „ Miss Addie Holland, of , Niagara, is visiting her parents, Exeter North. Miss Sarah Smith,of Cleveland, Ohio, visited her brother, Mr. 1. Smith, :last week. , Mr. George Russell, of Behriore, :was the guest of Miss Pearl Rollins, Wed- nesday. The Misses Fiike, of Chicago, are the guests of their aunt, Mrs. .To. Sen tor. , The Misses Crocker, of. London, are the guests of their aunt, Mrs. J. V. Crocker. Miss Ethel Bee, of Parkhill, is visit- ing friends in town, the guest of Miss M. Gidley. Miss Mabel Follick returned home Saturday, after a pleasant visit; with friends in Detroit. The Misses Seldon, of Ingersoll, are visiting friends in town, the guests of Mrs. Geo. Sanrwell. Mr,A, Buswell, of Listowell, is spend- ing a month's holidays with friends in and around town. ' Miss Edith Sanders, milliner return- ed to her home I3,ere from Strathroy, Monday morning. Miss Lilla Johns, who has been visit- ing in Sarnia and Parkhill, returned heine Wednesday. • Mr, George Oliver, of London, visit- ed over Sunday in town, the guest of Miss L. Drinkwater, Miss Charlotte Drinkwater and•lliss Nettie Walters are spending their holi- days at Grand Bend. I Mrs, W. 3. Westcott, and daughter, of Seaforth, Were visiting at Mr. Thos. Hazelwood's last week. Mr.CharleS WesLaway.of Brantford is spending his holidays with friend here ruld :tit CE:and Bend, Miss Gerry, of Brussels, who ha been visiting Ler aunt, Mrs. 3. Crocker, returned home Tuesdiy. Mrs. J. A. Stew:tra and Falun M y, s F. J. Knight, Mrs. W. 3.•Heiunan zit spenclinga few days at Grand 13end, ' Mo 3.'13:iwden returned to Ridge town Friday last. Fie WaS tcconipan i ed by his mother, illus. Joseph Baw den. INIr. Peter' Gardiner, teaeher, lef last A'vecrkon trip across the Atlanti to visit Scotland and other Europeat countries. Mr. T. Maker, wife and family, ar visiting it Mrs. P. Fisher's. Mr. Barb Hooper, who has been yrs iting his ruollier and taking iri th sights of the Pan-American, returne home Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. A. Q. Bobier and tw children, left Thursday last on 1 tw mon ths' visit in different parts irt th Old Country. Mrs. Elmer Moome, of Winghain, ac cOmpanied by Ilex: two children, spen Saturday and .Sunday in town, .tibi guest of Mrs. A. Walters. A. _McTavish, of Detroit, who ha been visiting his grandfather, .Mr.Joh HawkshaW, left Tuesday fOr Bfiyfield where he will spend a short. time be fore returning home. Mr. Norman Creech, who has beer spending his holidays here iind a Grand Bend; left yesterday; (Wed. morning to resume his duties at th Verity Plow Works; Brantford. Mrs. T. W. Hawkshaw and littl daughter, Myrta, visited friends her Sunday and Monday, leaving Tnesda to visit friends in Clinton. Mr.kHaw sha,w also spent Saturday and Sunda here. Clinton Nev Era:—J. Habkirk, a one time an emyloyee at Jackson Bros. has left Galt, where he has been sine leaving here. He now goes to Exete to assist W. Taman, \\-ho bought ou a business. 11frs. Louise Stewart; after t tw Nveek-s' visit with friends here, left t resume her position as nurse at 1,13 Elliot Private Surgical Hospital, Bos ton Monclay. She intended prolong ing her visit bere but owing toYressin emergencies.was requested to retur to Boston. Her dang-hter, remain for a few weeks longer.' • Seaforth: Mr. J. W. Ortwein has reinoved his hunily from here to Hen sall iind will close up business her this week and ti,,ke the, 1)111 1)00 of his stook to that Village, where he_hiterid ,starting in the stand he occcupied be fore 'coining to Seaforth. • Winghami. Op Wednesday as Mrs. John Glenn .was goingdown: cellar with a glass jar of friut, she slipped and fell.. She.was considerably Shaken up, and the broken glass,caused a,ver severe.cut across one. hand, Severin the•artery,. and requiring attendance froin her physician. • Winghatn: When Mrs. Joseph Gol- . tey with her infant son left Treherne, Man:, a few weeks ago, to Visit On- tario friends, she little thought that that she Would lay her child to rest in Winghani cernetery.lrefore she rettirn - ed. , At 'the age nine thiintlis and ten days, the little One passed away • on Sunday. • Gederichr, Early Tuesday the .fire alarincalled the .fire brigade to R. E. Smith and Co.'s grocery on the square. When the firemen reached the build ing, the back portion waS burnith, fiercely, and smoke passingthrough the roof in great clouds, Was too dense' to anew a person to locate the ,centre of 'danger. The brigade soon ,had two branches working,and in a fewminu- tes all danger Of the' blaze extending had, disappeared. ' • BOOTS & SHOES -----FOR TIIE BALANCE OF -- 'JULY A.I.JOUST As I intend to clear out all the old stock in Boots St. Sho 3S before the end Of my Business Year, Sept. 10, we will Sell for the aboVe-nanied time,, All Old Stock at, HALF. the Regular Price Women's and,Miss.;s , ,Laced & Buttoned Shoes 'Regular $2 and $2.25 for Women's & Misses DXFORDS, Reg $1.25 for Women's Oxfords Regular $1.50 for, Men's & Boys Oxfords Regular $1.50 for Mens' Plow Shoes For Oirly I also have a full line of New Goods ....at Prices that will Suit.... HARNESS, - RUGS, - WHIPS CALL AND SEE OUR GOODS. REPAIRING - PROMPTLY - /.ONE SWEET Treble's Old Stand. • , E.tJ p , T F , .. .,1 , I:t. TA 0 ,w1,? 0,,,c constantly on the look mit for Specialuips and New Ooocts both for Ladies and Gentlemen. . LA.DIES.----We have secured a New lot of Fancy Zephyr Oinghams, Blue and INThite, Pink and White, Mauve and White, Red and White and Black White Cheeks, and also some pretty styles M Pink and White. :Ind 131ne and White, etc. These goods are worth a good deal more money than ,we offer them to you 110 NV f01. ' WE have also a choice lot of Parasols that you might to see before they are all picked up. Blue and White and Black ktnd White cheeks and stripes in Silk and Satin Top With Fancy Handle, also White Sateen Top with White Rod and Handle, and also a number of plan Black and Red to ' clear at away down prices. GENTLEMEN.—We have a number of Print Shirts, in stiff and soft fronts, in sizes 14i, 1611, and 17 only. Worth $1.00 each. To clear a 50e. each. And we have another new lot of Fancy Shirts in the very latest colours, viz:—Ox 13Iood, 131tie and Black and Red stripes with soft fronts, and also a fresh lot of Fancy Flowing End Bows and Duke of York Ties. This is the right place to buy ,your Neckwear. ' .±2121111SEMEMEEMEIIMISIBIESSIMIEZINEEMENEEZMISEESSIMINESENEENESEINEs. ..„ , , po r , u m Complete •stock of the latest de- b / , signs in Bed Room Sets Couches , . Centre and Extension Tables, Side" boards, Dining Chairs, 9 Rattans etc •9 , at prices to suit purchaser. Persons • - 6 intendina. furnishing new house will - find to theiradvantage to call on us before.purcha4ang elsewhere. u. , ,, . , OIDERFI14 00 SE 13 LOC}3 everley 0 Ouston, FARM IMPLE 5' :. ENTS. . The ___. _ _ ___ _ _, Prosperous Fa eralways has a __ i ,1 lit ik ' Oils' Al f, •,,..I VICIlirt4 CALL G, Otf THE - 't MECORMICK /7 ' • A. Ijal , , V 1 RIGHT-HAND 0 AGENT ''''''*••.: ‘ :, ..._ •"...„ ' i ...‘ \ •.- M • P.100 ,,,, ,, .igi , y,/,./......,../7./4 ,,,/,/...,/,..„„ % , 0,„, A ,c, Ili IVICCO 1 MICK . / 4\ $ t 4 `• '''" :-. 'i ---..*:,C:: '''j.........-77-.:., 1 .\ s • \ l'I '4 . •• i',1111,1 11 the, '6W4: . , " .." iTiVr- . 41 WE 8E11 THE- BEST... - Farmers intending to purchase FARI.MACHINERY fore'buying elsewhere. We sell the best and the best is McCORMICK EADS. WE HANDLE THE WE HANDLE BINDER SYLVESTER MOWER DRILLS PLOWS and RAKE.. CULTIVATORS, CORN BINDER WE SELL THE WOODSTOCK WAGON. SOUTH OF HAWKSHAW'S HOTEL. -t.,,-,,,..•—..7 \ - ,...., --- -,,,„,,,, . .. 11 1,•• should call On us'be- what the farn3er wants THE DISC, Et .. , S .,,t, sNELL .,, , . , EXETER , Real Estate Exchange.r g g ± - The Sale, Purchase and Exchange of Village and farm lands and properties negotiated at reasonable rates of coni- mission, For Sale. Several Valuable Farms in HAY, USBORNE, STEPHEN turd 311cGILL- For Bread, Buns, White Buns, Broll, Buns, Graham Biscuits, Cakes of all kinds, Cream Puffs, Wafers, Fancy Biscuits, Plain Biscuits, Wecldin,„,0: Cakes a specialty-- Iced and beautifully oenamented at a reaso- nahle price. IVRAY; also Three very desirable Re- sidence properties in Exeter. ------- Farms iVauted. We have purchasers for good farm . and in the vicinity of Exeter, or who will Exchange. APPLY TO Wm. Bawden David Mill Valuator. Manager. OFFICES: Dickson & Carling's New Block, Exeter. , Cakes or Pies made to order. XXX Bread'delivered to all parts of the town, on Mondays, Wednesdays and • Saturdays, We will be pleased to call on you. -- We are agent for J. Garnmag 4 Sons, Florist, London. _ Floral designs for funerals, or flowers of ' all kinds on the shortest notice. E. A. FOLLICK. only 0 ' each. Each 1 rantvaricti. -.-‘ ./.' t , et. pfitk penciled sights; pistol ii doz. paekagek SRIFLEweet l'gcSoter°1 at11.0c. " - package e ontain9 a splendid ml xtur of no of all colors, Rif The le is ot tllobeest rn a1 ke id mot. nickel barrel, trlgge rguard mul side phafes.11.8 Improved Globe gripat.d ralnut stock, and sheds with terrific forte and grcat it mune? ili 10 0010 111 ir.i bi Ex , .00 0:02, ,41,0 mson neoas 10 ' a , noy nn owliQ't. " ai On". kited StIPX0Y 4:06,1 ¶JorSJOttl