HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1901-8-1, Page 1\ THE PERFECT CURE TO PROTECT YOUR
We have unlimited private funds for in-
vestment upon farm or village property, at
o west rates of interest. ,
Barristers, etc., Exeter.
Ihave a large amount of private funds to
loan son tarth and. village properties at low
rates ofinterest.
' Barrister, Mem Street Exeter
The nntlersignedis offering for sale or rent the,
property Of the late Wm. Martin, at Devon, being 2),
aores of land. There is on the premises a frame
house and stable, a well of water and other conven-
iences. For particulars apply at the Telegraph
Office Exeter.
( We have remodelled. our
Mill to the„Gyrator Sys-
tem, the best plan for
makin.g, C 0 od Flour.
Those desiring GOOD
Bread should give us a
trial . . .
• ';
u.taavrammoraummaaeue.g.rawmamoismensrimonortrotaesennonamaticooluvi...antuararamonat...r.....,..ma9.1.......,emmaawmasr....o............r.....atea-jonme.mlor, ,
Mrs. (Dr) Shaw has been visiting at Flax pullers are now having their in -
S. Campbell's.—Miss Pearl and. Master nings, bat the recent rains have some-
ll'erd.Tilacrett, are 'visiting their :tent, what retarded the work—Mrs. WM.
Mrs. W.A..'Turnbulk—Both our thresh- Holt has been visiting her daughter
ers have . comMenced • the season's in Bay City and Mends in Pigeon,
operations. `J'AVestlake had a Wreneh Mid). —ThQ, new minister preached his
get into the cYlinder causing him a first sermon in Shiplea on Sunday to a
trip to Stratford, hut no serious delfiY laa•ge congregation. —Mr. Jas. Heaman,
resulted.—The recent rains are keep- who has been 00 a trip to Saginaw,has
ing the harvest back. The wheat and returned. lie says there's no place like
barley is nearly all harvested and some home,—Our popular thresher, Mi.
are cutting a their oats. ---Mr. 1.-Iem•y Baynhani is again on duty with a first-
Straffon, of Michigan, is visiting his class machine. Don't fail to give them
daughter, Mrs. W. Fletcher.—T. A. a trial.—The trustees are having a lit_
Duncan has been holidaying at home. tle trouble about moving our school
—It is with sorrow we learn that our house, More particulars later.—We
teacher, Mr. j. A. MeNaughton, has are sorry to have to record the death
resigned to accept a similar position of James Wilson, of Boston, who was
at Centralia. During Mr. McNaugh- killed on Wednesday last by being
ton's stay here helms been well -liked caught in the. threshing machine. His
and has advanced the pupils in a most remains were interred in the Parkhill
becoming manner. • We wish him suc-
cess in his new fielcl of labor,—Mr.
and Mrs, James Hackney left last
Tuesday on a trip to Manitoba. They
took the boat from Owen Sound,—Mr.
Hackney has been in poor health this
• I it is ho eel he will be re-
cuperated by the trip.
'Clandeboye ,
: Miss Sadie: Neil, of :Brantford, is
visitingfriends here, the guest of her
grandmother, Mrs. Geo.. Lewis.—Miss
G. Jell, of Preston; is :Visiting her
grandfather, Mr. Jell, station agent.
Master. Harold .and Perry Rice, of
Clinton, are visiting their. uncle, Mr.
Ira Bice.—The Rey. Brownlee, who
was attending the convention at De-
troit, was compelled to: retinal home
owing to illness.. His pulpit was filled:
Sunday by Rev: Stout,. of St. Patrick's
church, Bieldalph.—Mrs. Jas. Atkin -
pop' is seriously ill, her Mindbeing de-
ranged, Ela,rrY Sehoff; of Toronto,
is visiting friends ,here.—Mr. and Mrs.
'Harton, and son, Bertrand,' 'of Lon --
don,. are visiting Mrs: }Luton's Mah-
er, 1VIrs. Blackwell. —Mas. Blackwell is
having a foundation put under her
&welling and otherwisarenairing
Jos: Lewis is also having a new
foundation put under her house.—Dr.
Rollins and C. H. Sander, ,of the AD-
VOCATE, Were in :t0w0 Monday even-
ing.—Harvestiug will a
few day's owingto the recent heavy
rains: -Mr. Walter Pool, of London,
.Was the guest of Miss Bella Hodgins,
over Sunday. Sunday. • •••
• Winehelsea
Mrs, Thornton Smale underwent a
surgical operation on Monday for the
removal of an abscess at the hands of
•Drs. Rollins, Hyndman and Ferguson.
The patient is doing as well as can be
expected. --The hum of the steam
• thresher is again heard. in our midst.
The yield of fall wheat is not as good
as was expected, the sample contain-
ing a lot of small grain..—Mr. W. 0.
Huston, of Exeter, was in town Mon-
day.—Weare having plenty of rain
now, but we can stand more yet.—The
raspberry season is over, hence the
small pail brigade has fallen off.—We
are sorry to report that John Slemon
• s worse again. We hope his trouble
d t prove serious —Mr Harry
0113114g ProlliptIll.
Things around here are very quiet
at present.—Ilarvesting has been de-
layed by the recent rains, however
everybody has enjoyed the beautiful
showers.--Tlareshing is the order of
the day. Fall wheat is not yielding
like some people thought.—Mr. A.
Hicks and wife are taking in the Pall
American, this week.—Miss Jones is
spending her holidays in Detroit.—
Miss Weff, of Arya, is visiting her
sister, Mrs. J. J. •Colwill.—Mrs. Col.
will, of St. Thomas, is visiting at John
Ca,rpenters roofed the school last
week, the brick work being completed.
—Master Roy Nichols, of London, is
holidaying with his grandparents, Mr.
and Mrs. A. Niehols.—Mr. Wilbani
Mellin contractor of Grand Bend is re-
., ,
\-ac pairing the church here damaged by
lightning some time ago. -Mr. John
Corbett is laid up with a sore hand. --
The Trustees of Union S.S. No. 17,
Stephen, McGlillivray, have secured the
service of Miss Minnie Botterill, of
Mitclaell, as teacher for the fall terna.
She has been highly recommended.
The trustees received about thirty ap-
licants for the school.
Mooresville '
Mr. and Mrs. George -Jackson, of
etlia . London, were the guest of Mr. W. W.
a-----,64" Revington this week.—Mr. Russel Hod -
K; , .5 gins, of Killarney, Man., has been re -
nerving acquaintances here. He was
a former teacher in this section.—Mr.
Mary Lundy, of Port Austin, Mich.,
is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. James
Hemiesse this week.—Rev. Brownlee,
• of Clandeboye, is suffering from a cold,
Rey. Mr. Stout, of Kirkton, officiated
in his place at St. James on Sunday
last.—We hear with regret that Mrs,
James Atkinson, who has been a suf-
ferer from mental depression had to
be sent to the London Asylnin Tues-
day for treatment.—Mr. Frank Kent's
team of three horses ran away with
his binder and gave it a bad shaking
up. —Mr. Dan Revington is spending
his holidays at St. Ives, Nissouri.
St. Marys: Wednesday morning as
Mr. Swales was going to work a stran-
ger inquired of him if he knew where
he could get a house to rent. ,Mr.
S,waleS referred the . man to, several
likely parties and the stranger asked
his name. That same forenoon 0 Man
called at Mr. Swales home,saYing that
oes no pro . .
Easson:and wife, of Stratford, spent
Sunday with his brother, Greoege,here.
—There seems to be a big lie on the
road, somewhere between Woodham
and Farquhar. The finder will please
return at once to Winchelsea,the OW13-
er will reward. -----Mr. Will Brown, who
got injured with the horse, will soon
be alright agam.—The storm on Sun-
day night_was very heavy, As yet we
have not heard ..of any damage.—We
would like to say to,the two boys,'who
'carried clubs on Saturday night,not to
repeat the thing or trouble might arise
, c p
; he had been sent there by Mr: Swales
to gel 50 'cents. . The visitor told a
"fairy" tale andgot the money. From
.the deseriptiOn Mrs. Swales gave of
the man it was likely the same person
who 'had met her husband in the Morn-
ing. The police have been notified but
no trace of thafakir has been found.
J. 0. STANDURY, 13. A., (formerly Coffiffis
r3tanbury) Barrister, solicitor, Notary, Conveyancer
Money to Loan,.. -Exeter, Ont.
Miss Melinda Beaver .'has returned,
froril Detroit, where she has been on a
visit for eome time.—Miss 'Verde:FM.1n.
eringharia, .Of Granton, was the guest
'of her Itunt, Mrs. Wm. Sambrook; for
few days last week.:—Mrs. Matthew
Finkbeiner left for St. johns, .Friday
to attend to her daughter', Mary, who
is very ill.—The baseball match which
'was to have been played -between the
married and single' 'men of our town
'was a failuire,owine•- to the wet grounds.
Only OneinnillgTfoi. each had been
played and then thaSeore was 7-e-5 in
favor of .the single men. :We are surc.
the boys WO lild have defeated, their
elders by a geed majority., ---Mr. John
Eilber and Master Bari Madill 'left ' for
Ubly, Mich.; on Tuesday, after visiting.
here for some time.— Rev.' Knowles is
getting his colt usedto the harnesS and,
cart. Thanks to the. valuable" assist-
ance Of Dr. and a few More of mit not-•
edlaorSeinen.-seMiss Gray, of Brigdeni
was the"eonest of her cousin, Dr:Rivers,..
for a few days last weeko-eMr. "Henry
Eilber and: son, :Herbert, ,areatteriding•
the Pau -American this ,week.--sMx•s:
SohnII-thech: is visiting, 'relatives "in
Blenheina.—Flax pulling will be finish-
ed .this Week. Aboitts 600 acres was
sown this .'y ear. --Mr. T. W.Bawlesh
of London, was in the village Mondayi.,
Grand Beiicl
Mr. Sam Taylor left last week for
Hillsboro, North Dakota. We wish
Sam all kinds of success. ---We have
been experiencinc, some rather stormy
weather of late, but the heaviest storm
of the season passed over hereon un -
day night. As far as we can learn no
serious damage was done which seems
almost a miracle, considering the ter-
rific thunder and lightning that accom-
panied it.—Rev. Father Pruelhomme
and Mr. E. Becigneul were in Detroit
last week on business.—Mr. G. Camp-
bell and Mr. J. E. Hutcheson 'were in
Seaforth on business Monday.—Mr. B.
Papinean fornier Joseph boy,but
late of Bu'ffalo, N.Y., who was married
last week to Miss Drolet, of Montreal,
is spending his honeymoon with his
bride here. We wish Mr. and Mrs.
Papineau a long, happy and prosper-
ous married life. --Mr. Berjevin, of
Chicago, is spending his holidays here,
rusticating on the beautiful shores of
Lake Huron. .
(Too late for last" xs,e'elr)
Mr. HarbUrn florist, of Hensall,
ed our burg one daylast week with a
load of flowers and succeeded in dis-
posing of a large number of fine speci-
mens.—Dr. Wilson, of Parkhill, ac-
companied by Mr. McMurphy, of Lon-
don, paid a flying visit to our town
one day -last 'week. --Quite a severe
thunder storm, lightning and rain pass-
ed over here on Sunday evening last.
We did not hear of any damage being
done by the lightning and the rain did
an immense amount of good.—Mr„ J.
Hutcheson took a business trip to Exe-
ter on Monday. last.—Mr. C. Guiette,
who has been m Clinton for the past
three months, is home spending his
holidays. Charlie looks as if Clinton
agreed with him.—A livery team be-
lenging to one of the Parkhill liveries,
and which Mr. Contine had. eniployed,
made things lively for a few minutes
here on Sunday last, by unceremoni-
onsly upsetting the cab and the °cell -
pants in the ditch, when they got freed
from the cab and made a lively dash
for .liberity, but were caught before
going very far. We are pleased to
say no one WttS hart, and no seriOns
damage done to either team or cab.
Sarnia, Ont., July 21. --The badly
decomposed body of il, r•tnin WilS found
floating in the river below the Indian
reserve this morning. As there were
no means of indentification the body
was interred. ,
County Court Gocierich
On Friday, John Maxwell was tried
by His Honor Judge Doyle on a charge
of horse stealing, and was acquitted.
The defendant elahned that he bought
the c'rOsth
e' and
anlino).. te ss bern gave
inacle f
Maxwell-the benefit of the doubt. The
Crown _Attorney prosecuted, and Win,
Proudfoot defended.—On Monday Mc-
Keozie Mills, of Brussels, who has a
Charge of forgery against him, was
emetevy on Friday. We extend our before Judge Doyle for election, :Ina
yhipathy to the fannly.—.MI'.Norman decided to be tried suannarily by His
IcIntyre is at present laid up with Honor. The County Attorney appear-
yphoid fever. He was brought home ed for the Crown and Philip Holt, K.
rom Port Huron where he was taken C., for the defence, and the trial will
fr 4 boat. He is being attended by take place next Tuesday.
Dr.^0aw.—Miss Ida Portice, of Sarnia,
is the guest of he
again purchased
sold to Mr. Hari
lose Mr. Mahon
friend back to ot
every success.
Mr. ana Mrs.
visited at Mr.
week.—Mr. Isan
ington, attendee
nephew, James
it number of his
and parkhin.—.)
Ailsa Craig, is
a,cconipanied by
,Rilla, attended
father, Jas. M.
McDougall, of LI
J. McWilliam la
to hear that Da
ful at the rece
with feelings of
pen the particul
AVilson's death,
place on Wedn
threshing at Mr -
r aunt, Mrs.:W. Holt: SURVEY OF LAKE HURON. .
Wing has Ottawa, July, l0.—The hydrographic
the store he recently survey' On Lake Huron, which is being
telt): We are sorry to Conducted by the ..-N.lariere Department
but welcome our old will be. completed this season. The
ir midst and wish thin work is under the direction of me,
Fred Anderson, Who is,:on board the
steamer Bayfield. The last survey. of
eentva.Y • Lake Huron was made sixtyyears ago.
Bolding,. of Regina, When -the vessels 'on the inland waters
Ed. MePhereon's last did Mit' dr:ler:el-116re than 12 feet of .wa-
c Wilson, of Brown- -ter. It was done very hurriedly; and
1 the funeral of his the sarroundings were neither Maher -
M. 'Wilson, and visited ohs nor cornpl eta Nex.t .season.0 • snr-
friend§ in this vicinity 'vey of Lake Sonerior Will be iindertale-.
fiss RoSe Berman, of .en if the Governinent. will 'provide a
visiting mra W. : T. neneSteamer,the Bayfield being too Old
1. and R. ,Wilson, and unseaworthy- for. such a stormy
their wives and sister, sheet Of water. A. hydregraphic
the funeral.' of their vey of Lake Winnipeg is now preeeed-
WilSoM, ing under Mr. S.tervart's direction and
ensall; visited. Mr. J. Will also be finished before the close of
St week.. --We are glad navigation.
vid Shank was Sucleess-
rit entrance examina- FOSTER—GREENWAY.
. Winnipeg, July 26.—.Hon. .Robert
HETI°. DEATH.—It is Rogers says;---" We have written Hon.
deep regret that ,-we G. E. Foster offering hirn the. Censer -
ars of Mr.. james vatiVe notnination Lisgar. The
yvhichsad :affair took step has been taken :with the consent
eeday last.. He Was of the. Conservatives in the riding.
Janies Paxinan's and We are hopeful that he will „accept,
had just finished; 'haying giVen the sig.- and.he.can he elected."' '
nal to his gen; Rueben,Who was firing; It is alge rePoited thattfornier Pre -
Mr. R. Hanairtbn adding a new
.kitchen to his house.--Quite.a number
frein.hcre.attended the f Macro' .of the
late Mr. Wilson, of Greenway.—Light-
ning struck the Presbyterian church,
here Sunday evening, doing little darn.-
age.7-A concert was held in the 'hall
here Friday evening which Was a
grand success—We hear there' will be
field.eports held here next .Saturday
The follbWine, are camiling on, the
.Parkhill 'grounds ..herea-e-Neyerdunfil-
•lan:Mrs: Hastings, Miss A. Hastings,
Parkhill; Mise Ferguson, Louden]; Miss
0. Duff; Spencesyille; -Mr,
Hicks; Muriel, jean, Guy and Earnest
Hicks, Mitchell. Kilberry.-Mr.. and
Mrs.. Johnston and familY,i.Strathroy.
Morningside. --Mr. and MlYs.Parkinsen
an&fanaily, Miss .Parkinson,. TorOnto.
Sunnyside.--eMia and MIS. LaMent and
Strathroy. ',Sans& Lodge.—
MIS. Harney. and 'family; Parkhill.
Oak Lodge, --Mr. mid. Mrs. Djcksere, E.
Dickson, Miss Tureker,Mise Rutherford.
Parkhill. Lake View.—Mrs. Watson,
' Laugh-
ton and faniily,Parkhill. Uneedarest.
and Mre.Dent,Mitchell; Mrs.and
Miss Sutherland, Hensalle"Mayflewer"
L --Mr: W. F. May, wife and fa,mily, Of
Mitchell. Woodland.-Mrs.D.,F.I.Crillis
anal family' Mrs. Jackson,. London.
Mr. Cribb; :Of Parkhill, also occupies a
fine cottage on the erciunds. Home
for Incurables. -,-Mr. and Mrs. Gibson;
to stop, When getting off the top of mier GreenwaY is agreeable to contest
the machine some' way his, left foot Lisgar in the machine Liberals' inter-
:lei‘pepAdo ewti,teinrte liengt of r(t)Inile • liciysliii)loddeyr., est.
Rust Muir, president i
'of the .Wnni-
His son drove as -fast • as possible to peg Liberal Association, says ib is by
telephone Drs. Caw & Wilson, bat the no means settled that J. D. Cameron
poor fellow only lived to say "My God will ran. It is generally taken for
boys I'm killed, give me a drink of wa- granted that the 0100 will 'be selected
ter." He was removed to his home by Siftem'and afterwards endorsed- by
where scores of neighbors came when a convention.
they heard of the accidents Many Many of Greenway's colleagues in
could hardly believe that Wilson the the Local Legislature are aiaxiouS to
thresher, as he was familiarly called see him nominated, so that he will be
WaS death; He had been in the thresh- gotrid of as local leader.
ing business nearly thirty years and
never met With any serious accident DROWNED IN A MILL POND.
Grand Bend Park ,
The nicest spot on earth. So say
they all. New arrivals at the Park,
week ending July 29:—Alderside.—P.
Browning, Jack Spatkman, Willie
Millyard, B. Hooper and Bert Ross,
Exeter; Jack Schell, Alexander. Bof-
fins' Bower.—Mr. H. E. Huston, wife
and family, Exeter, Merv.3-n Hasten,
Parkhill and Mr. R. B. Hungerford,
London. Chesney Wold.—Mrs. Holi-
day and two children, Mrs. R. Hatcher
and two boys, Stratford. Idylwild.—
Miss Margaret Ross, Toronto; Misses
Ella Ross, Ella Monro, Ida Potter,
1Vtrunie McIntosh, Messrs. Hugh Ross,
Dan. Austin, Alex. Malcolm and Mrs.
Alex. Malcolm, Nairn, Ont.; Mr. John
Malcolm,Chicago; Miss Jessie Marshall,
California; Miss B. Helene Frasier, De-
troit. Dining Hall. —MesSrs. John
Fraser, David McKenzie, occupying
rooms. The Oaks. --Messrs. R. G.Murs-
ray, Walter Murray, and Misses S.and
M.Redford,StratfOrd. Ivanhoe.—Mrs.
M. J. White :Ind fan3il, miss M. V.
White,Exeter; Messrs. Clyde and Coo-
per White, Windsor. Ivy Cottage.—
Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Stinson,Miss Nancy
Stinson, Mr. arid Mrs. Arthur Francis,
Ma ster Ray Francis, 1V1r.a,nch Mrs,Chas.
Irvine, Miss Ida Irvine, Mr. and Mrs.
Wm. Francis and daughter, Myrtle,
Miss Lizzie Cooper, Mr. Wm. Davis,
Mr. TOM DU 11 CaD Kirkton. Tent No.
4.—Messrs. III. Vincent, L. Cann, F.
Sweet, F. Bawden, Exeter. Blair
Gowrie.—Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Tanner
and family, Mrs. Hay and femily,
Winghain: CM 'Wednesday of last
-week a very 'Pleasant and interesting
time was spent at the residence of Mr.
Wm. Mitchell, G e orge street, the oc-
casion being the uniting in the bonels
of matrimony of his second daughter,
Miss Lettie, and Mr. Archibald S.
Ramsay, of Plattsville, county of Ox-
ford. 'The ceremony was performed
by Rev. D. Petrie, who, by the way,
came specially to perform the cere-
mony from Pisquelsle, in the presence
of ,about forty invited guests. ,The
young couple were unsupported.
Blanshard: Mr. Jeff. Pearn, son, of
Mr. Thos. Pearn, of St. Marys, died at
his home near Anderson, on Wednes- .")
day morning, July 24. BIcincla y Dr.
Wishart, of. I.A-indon, performed an
opera tiou on Mr. Pearn for appendicit-
is. The deceased has not been well for
some time and had only returned - hose
O few days ago from a trip up the lakes
in the hope of benefiting his health.
He was suddenly taken 'worse Sunday.
Dr. Wishert stated that had Mr.Pearn
been operated. on some weeks ago his
life might have been prolonged. He '
1 eaves a wife who has been afar sev-
e; ,
eral years, lint no fairiily.
Staffa: The hand of death has again
visited this neighborhood and remov-
ed a tender husband and loving father,
in the person of ide. John Robbins,
who died on the morni lig of July 17th
and was belied at. Stafra on Friday,
19th. Though the funeral was held on
abusy harvest day, the remains were
followed to their last resting place by
an unusually la go number of relatives
and friends, after a short service at
the church by Rev. John Kenner, a
former pastor, who very ably officiat-
ed in the absence of 'the pastor, Rev.
J. Henderson. His widow, two sons
and one daughter, Mrs. G. G. Wilson,
surviVe him and have the sympathy of
a large circle of relatives and friends
in their hour of sorrow.
. Zurich:: " Miss Caroline Cothskey died
mr:MondaY morning, 22nd inst. at the
village of Dashwood, after a more or
leas serious illness from her early child- '
hood, hntil the time of her death., -
Caroline was brought up near Zurich'
and was Well acquainted here. He.y. •
taking off ryas 'not totally unexpected;
aS one in such frail health as deceased,
had little' to hope or to wish for a 3,:eing•
earthly existence.. She wa a Pod •
and kind chriStian woman and ;in lime
death, she is the ee,
liner although se
Will be Much missed by the aged wid-
owed Mother, who has been her -steads,
fast eompanion and . help diming ,
years of. sickness and.. suffering. The. a,
funeral took place on Thursday morn- '•--...-
lug from her late honaa Dashwood, to
the Bronson line Cemetety, near the
Scene .of her early Childhood' days, and
was attended by .a large number';' of
friends and acquaintances.
before. He WO one of nature's noble- IngersolkJuly 29,---A distressin& case
men. ' He 'was blunt in 'manner,saying of suicide took place on Saturday even-,
just what he thought, but had a warm ing, by which a widen., naaned Mrs.
heart and was.a stanch, true friend Johnston, took her own life. Deceased
to all he considered deserving.of friend:- thruierly lived in Chicago, and this
ship. He. was the very soul ofhenor spring her sister, :Airs. M. Dundas, of
and whs one of whom it might be said, Oxford street, went, to Chicago and
"His ward was as good ashis bond." brought her here, as she ,was in failing
The funeral toe* place : Fritley after health and losing her mental Vigor..
noon an& was the largest ever seen in She was carefully watched; hat on Sat -
this vicinity. 'The procession an leav- nrdaY evening she succeededin elading
ing the residence proceeded. to Grace the vigilance of the family ;met as Soon
church, where,' the Rev. Mu. Barry as absence .Was discovered search -
gave 0511014, instructive Sermon: The ers Started out; bat all their efforts', to
remains was borne to. t -h° hearse b.li- find her :were unavailing. until ;about
his cousins, Messrs. 0; H. Wilson,' R
—': six o'clock ,on Sunday morning, wheu
Ruteheen, J: R. and jaa. I.111cPherson. Frank Dundas, . a 'nephew 'of. the , de -
Over two handred vehicles formed the ceased, and Sam..Sherlock .found her
procession to the . Parkhill ceMeterY, lifeless body floating in Sinith'S :Mill.
The bereayed fainily have q* symp8- pond ; a few feet from the west bank.
thy'of.the community: ' .
The body waS removed to the house
• - ' • , and prepared for interment No other
'FIGHT IN A BROTHEL. Cause can. be • attributed than 'mental
Fort William,July .30.—AS the reSult•
depression induced. by illness. •
of a fight hra brothel in the bush .near ..,„
Granton: The outbuildings of Mr.
15100 'Wetrxiit near Granton Were
struck by lightning Ma Sunday even-
ing and with contente totally constun-
ed. This season's fall wheat and hay
cropS, were lost as, well as a lot of nn-
plcinents: There was an insurance of
$0O, but the loss be. more than
doable that amount, •
here yesterday, Dan. McFadden lies IN A BOAT OF FIRE.
at the point of death from two knife Niagara Falls, July 29th. --Walter
wounds. One Paddy -Walsh, who is Johnson, of New York;announces that
supposed to have inflicted the, wonnd he proposes to navigate the whirlpool
is missing, and Mcloadaen is too badly
rapids and whirlpool in a boat of fire,
wounded to give a statement of how
the affair occurred. and hopes to survive the ordeal to tell
the tale of his voyage to a wondering
'CW world that is ever looking to Niagara
for a new sensation. • Captain Johnson
Smith's Fan, July 30.—Ricleau Lake
arrived it the Falls last Friday, and
was the scene of another drowning ac- immediately set about ma king Arran ge-
cident Sunday morning. R. D. Lever, ments to carry out the prethninary de -
of this place being the victim. He and tails ()fills astounding scheme. He has
his ten -year-old boy were fishing in a already interested the mayor and
"monitor" a few miles below Rideau prominent'citizens of both sides of the
ferry, and ran on a "floater" and were river, and there is no doubt but that
capsized. The boy climbed on the up- the attempt will be made shortly.
turned boat and clung to it nutil assist- caree Johnston is 45 years of age, His
;ince arrived. .They were too
late to early life was spent in England, where
save the father, who leaves a widow he developed a taste for acinatic sports
and a falinlY of six Young, children. and became acquainted with Capt.
sto' Webb, with whom he often enjoyed a
STRUCK BY LIGHTNING. sail on the Thames. One of Ca,pt.John-
Brougham, 3 -illy 2911.—During the ston's feats was the swimming off the
thunder storm which raged here all rapids of the St. Francois River, near
day yesterday the barn of Noble L. Wexen, Quebec. For some years he
Stevenson, immediately north of this was employed by the fire department
village, was struck by lightning and of New York as a specialist in explo-
burned to the ground. Owing to the SiVeS, from the knowledge of which he
presence of some boys who had taken will rely to a great extent in carrying
refuge from the storm in a vacant out his new exploit. The craft he pro -
house near by, the valuable stock was poses using will be sixty feet long,
saved, but a large quantity of hay and thirty feet beam, and will draw three
oats were destroyed. or four feet of water: It will schoo-
Fort Ericaluly 29.—Another big elec- ner-rigged, and in place of sails will
trical storin passed over this section have a network of aSbestos, which will
last night, and did considerable darn- be converted into a seething mass of
ageolthough fortunately there was no flames. The first three trips will be
loss of life. The barn of II.Curtis,who made as far as the cantilever bridge,
lives a short distance from the railway and the fourth and last one will be con -
track, was struck and barned.together tinned throagh the rapids and through
withU, three horses and. the entire sea- the whirlpool.
Hensall: Mrs. Alex.- Gray, of the
Mill Road, died at the residence of her
son-in-law, Mr. Samuel Smillie, this
village on Sunday, at the advanced '
age of 82 years. She came to visit her
daughter some three weeks ago. A
few days after her arrival she was tak-
en ill, and although all that medical
skill arid good nursing could do, was
done, she grew gradually weaker until
death resulted. Mrs. Gray was born ,
in the parish of West Colder, near
Edinburg, in 1820. Her maiden name
was Agnes Elder. In the year 1814
sho was married td Alex. Gray and, ten.
years of their wedded life was spent in
the Old Land. They then, 'with their
small family emigrated to the wilds of
Huron and settled on the Mill Road,
Tuckersmith, where they experienced
all the hardships of pioneer life. The
energy and industry which charnoter-
ized the family resulted in a fine farm,
and, comfortable' home. In 1871 the
heaviest loss that can overtake a lov-
ing heart occurred NV 13 ell the partner
of her joys and sorrows was taken fro
her and she was left with ten children.
She did not lose heart, but proved her- ,
self a wise manager, kept the family
together and struggled on till compe-
tence was theirs. She was a woman
of striking individuality," thoughtful
and with the courage of her'convictions
in whose company one could not long
be without noticing her superior quali-
ties. Of the ten children nine survive,
Andrew, a young inan of most prom-
ising gifts having died some ten years
SO8 crop. --4”,-----
Kingston, July 29.—Lightning on Hensath The many friends of mr.
Sunday morning struck various houses and Mrs. Samuel Stoacy will very
P1 this city. The pinnacle on the House much regret to learn of the death of
of Providence \Yea knocked off. Some their infant son, James Edwin, aged a
cattle in the conntry were killed and
.,,,p, little b V Cr 8 months. The little child
the barn of George NIcOarthy, vve'm had been very ill fOr a number of
I:fItfisa.1' was hurti°d with all it 000- weeks, and, although all that conld be
To cure a coldhl O. night—me vapo:creso.. TuesdaY laSt, and Was interred 111 the
Inc. It has been used extensively during more Rodgerville cemetery On Tnesday af-
than twenty-four yeas, All Druggists, ternoon.
Hensall: The voter's list for 1901
was posted up on Monday. Part 1
contains 208 names, part 2, 71; part 3,
26; making a total of 308. The num-
ber of persons elegible. to serve as ,
'jurors 118.
Clinton: Mr. Eph.Butt here -on
Tnesday, on a trip to Brandon. He
takes with hini a car load. of waggon -
tongues (about a 1000) for which there,
is said to be a good dentand. These
are manufactured by himself hi the
rough and then finished by Thos.
McKenzie. Mr. 'Butt has made a
niunber of trips West, some of which
have been successful and others not.
He has inade considerable money ly-
ing around there loose yet, and is in
hopes he may gather it in.
EPPLETT—In Blanshard, on Strnelay,
;.Ji101013y21, the wife of John Epplett, of
SImPsoN.—In Olandeboye, on July ?A,
to Mr. and Mrs. John Simpson, a
• daughter.
WansH.—In Parkhill, On July 16, to
Mr. and 11Ir•s. T. Walsh, twin sons.
INWOOD.---01) —On July 181,h, by
ReY. Dr. Ilielgeley, JOStilla C. In-
wood to Earith L. Myers, both of
London, the latter formerly of Exe-
r clone, was done, be passed awty on
Clinton, on July
Porter, aged 68 vears.
Centralia, on ,TnIV'
tile wife of G. G. Essery, of a el:high,
, ' • , ' , '