HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1901-7-25, Page 56).
ier buorcite
, - • , •• .•, • • •• )
x.. Plaillshed 'eve.13r l'h,u, raday Morning,
at the (ghee, ' ,
, . ,
---,,,By tlie-----s- ,
, . .
• • ,, ... _ . .
no-Doilar per annUM if Pfki51 in Advanee
$1,60'irnet so Pant
Lama"' csztio.5.2•%0- =z•.aeta-•-• 'owl -n-IY0.-- 11•=0;',
No paper diseontinu.ed until all arre rirge
re paid, Advertisements Nriholi.t ByLedi.ms
irections will be published till forbid and
sarged aceorilingly, Liberal discount neetde
n transationt advertisementis inserted. for
. ds Every description of .TOE
orig perm . ., .
s, &O. for advertising, subscriptions dite.to
einaclepayable to .
Chas,11. Sanders, ,
14 eadache11
Sick ... , ,
, Bilious headache is the Same thing
. • ISfos.t PeoPle that are Bilbject to It do
nothing for it until it prostrates tbena.
) '
'Ilion the Only take, a, dose of pliy,sic r
an emetic
. ' . ' d
'And Soil conlee On.' goori agaitn-lust as
soon as the stomach is again distarbed by
' •
the bilibli habi o the s tem '" -
-. ° , t f -• YP , • . e .
Mrs.' 14 A. McLeod"' Godertch One,
josePh Co.le' , .Reno, Oh'io, Ge,o, ' W,',,Dc'n:
. .,
LoCust Valley, l'a , and J. Vial Hee Vault-
' . i '
Aeyvple, NeY,' were all subject to it, and
ha ()lantern' i stifled ' as oth rs ha -fortune.
ve v y e , , ,e ,baye
.done,, that they Were Permanently cured by
, , „
1100d's Sarsap artita
pan:brolly tfncon t.hi,s;.great medicineCo'r,
reots the bilious habit and gives vigor and
tone to all the vital organs. '
t . od's SarsaPa-
, .Accep no substitntefor Ho
Li tt. 0 U 1. .. , ,.
II N s bstlute acts like it .
n . . . .
OLD EGYPT PASSING Alay .,.z %..,......., ..,...,.. .t.:::..
. , ., ,
1-11,0 breed or a, ' raa.e of -humail.
, ' ' ' , '
„, ', • be
Pco tS Is the •.1111,12ing .eht sll isii. ,
rnmenced this year, in Boneo,, licence.
. - ... .
LOBD C OMER 11.1.111..RS 0 MA \)
. .
the, anelent capital a NOrinandY and
the Scene Of the hUrninge ef jOun or
' ' - ' •' '
Aro. ' 'Connt i'.,• 'Ouell de Pier-reeon101.,
wil°%nas Just left an endowment ,T-
2000000 to eliPPort the Unile'rtaltin,g,
,L ,
' a, ne-eendant of William , of Nor, '
Alose. 10 LanK'nAge ADDilenble--E,t4t2tb-,
lielenteirt of Soliools--Kresept For
. the 11,,.,eptittiits_skitteit • IL. ittior.,,,...."
eesi„,fly liiii,,,,,,tet-i ;yew,. 04,, Da,"
Work. . '
.... ..,.,
, .-- , ey,-, eit., e.,,e.-',(1•,)
If you Want your Repairing well done
' tgoC2)cit:j.-) en.w. elitylyClaS,s--'111,8\0•1\.7anitt.(13,11;.es• C196:3
mA JitztAGF LicrsiE. . .
- ' ,
Marrhu•'e Li6°11SeS 18'SlledarldWed-
. .
dlilgRiTigs always on band.
rri. a,ndY. To regenerate the F.rench peo- ,
Tleuter's Cairo correspondent sent the
ple end ultimately the race la tile piw- - - -
"• , ' - ' ' fellewin.g. nee.ount of the laYing pf tiva
Avoid dangeroes, irritating Witch Hazel
. ., . e . i,
preparations reprLsenied to be - tile same as, ,i.
Peters Extract, which easily sours and often
. , ,
Fan,son's Block, Exeen
pose of the Count in begneathing this
His Scheme is Prnetleall31 one foundation -stone of .the British Schools,
of selective propagation.The moneY is of 111.•Ynt and of Lord Cromer's irn-
' contain "wood alcohol," a rleadlsy poison. -
left as a fund. for ericoUraging giants portant on the OccaSiO0 ;—
speech ,
and giantesses to marry.,
One ' Lord Cromer said :—When I see be-
, per cent. will be given away - .
etv‘accelliv3e.cesnao,rn•thO,InveilloornegelervSeeltehoetedeonsierl,,,-)eA'y 'a°3.11:cie• slohme en, lt.°t'n,y.e very ief, en.,4„..s, who',,.„,nonarle'ep:ts,n°a1pds' .
able stint Of $20,000 as a nest egg With older Anglo -Egyptians than mYSelf, 1
which to begin housekeeping' and to .
NSvlih1)1)Prt the little giantai and g'ian'tesSes. cannot .1:1e/P refleet.,Ing, 01;i,, the sundry
igh the stink may happen to droll and manliold ()helloes which ha-ve comi.
down the ' ' ' . '
chimney. A matrinionial-
agency for giants only will be immedi- :c -
ately established, and, according, to The ever this ,ountry since I first knew it,
exYaomrkinWe orld, three medical. men pow nearly 2.i.; years ago. ManY hard
the candidates who apply.' things have been. said about the old un-
will examine , regenerated,Egypt, 1 daresay many Of
Of , course such an "infant endue.b.,ye them were true. Nevertheless, even in
as this is being discussed with a zest
second only to that , given to Mr. Pier- our most 'unregenerate days, there was
always •a very special charm, interest
pont Morgan' ' , , .. and irjuandy about E...-3,115tian social
1 and his schemes. iliL P
Toledo B• and political life,, Tho ° old Egypt is
o ee says .--- •
"mug "mud Persons; two Persons of. lall7ealclayPiednitYirpealYssPilait'seedveanwiafyi.t his
• ,,,
ilensall: T.
1:'"re honIe fi'mn
they spent a venY
health of the
fitted by the‘trip,,.
Mitnbell: SOille
.f. T. ICe ie'n,
day in jainestovvn,
ed the services
'1.,lierie.ec.tOr aildchtlhiredicIiunreohw
are inquiries
Securing. lVfr.
, • ,, L, •.. ... n. ., r • '
Consit and ins nitnel
the old country l ' w here ItOLLER
pleasant time. Tile
former was gi.efitly bene-
. ' , - . MILLS.,
time ago the Rev. , .., ...... _ .. , ..., .....• , .... ,,.. , . ,.
the respected rector. of
spent a gini,- •
N. Y.,ancl, conduct-Highest prices paid
in the Episcopal chntich , •.
, is , • • 1Olean,Red'CATheat.
k11,111'ittlbeneta'l t i°eiS or .
Large stock of -mill feed
,with a YieWs to . .
Keylffil. for .the ,,POS1t101.1.
oLnuukret,lsi ipst 04)(11.3,1)et.ahlei ult.! .
,., on hand.
rroressional Card s.
TOrOlatO, ;fitly 19.—There have been
cases of child desertion late -
ly itni DetectiVe Forest, who set to
' discovered tint
work on the problem, `
since ,March 1t no less than four, of
deserted infants were dressed alike.
This clue followed up the logica,1 in-
ference that the children were aban-
cloned not by indiyidttal niothers but
, •
by some one who was making a bust-
ness of leaving babies on doorsteps.
To -night Forest arrested, Mrs. Mary
O'Rourke a widow, of 263 King street
east who as Nye young c i t von o
t'hi t ' ' hi 1 f
her own, and charged her with leaving
On doorsteps. in the eastern part of the ,
s deer
city . five male , children , from a .
park maternity honte.
It.,-KINSMA.N, L. D. S. & D. A. R.
5 KINSMAN, L. D. S., I). D. S, Honor ,nunnerotis
graduate of Toronto University,
'eeth extracted without an" Y pain , or any '
ad effects. Office in Fanson's.13lock, westthe
ide Main Street„Exeter.
great statute are setclem deg together by place o 1 we lave the Egypt the
the nuptial k t ' l' f 't 1
4° ' rile 11111" whs stands . . '
six feet is ever sighing to lin eye!), , rnotior car, the Hansom cab' and the
1 o e many -
tonnes below hie own, while the gentleman simdWieh-irian. In the Place Of tile old,'
f. squat stature Is in search of a, ,o 1 -or wicked, semi -insolvent backsheesh-be-
-1 h • • 1 " ions t' -1,- ' ' '
.0, w eu tied to ils hawser, will make ridden Egypt, which Sorne of us knew
him appear as a tug pulling a full-rigged E°713t which is
well , w ehave an e
o' .
fill, consisting of a large church, a
chapel and rectory eating hi all .
• , . .
a bout $14.0,000. It iS understood that
Mr. Kerrin has not yet made up his OOD WANTED!
, • • _ -., •
Ming whether to accept or detlme this
•---.---'!----'" •
.. ,.,
TIonor Graduate of Toronto University and Royal
;ollege of Dental Surgeons, of Ontario. Also, rteo,st
iraduate of Chicago School of Prosthetic Deans ii
svithilionorable mention,) , . , , . "'
Alluaninum, Gold and Yulcanite'Plates made Intl n)
,eatest maims'. possible. A perictly harmless an-
esthetic used for painiese extraction ef feeth.Exeter. .
Office one door sotith ofCarlinglIros. store,
, , . . •
ship- hope, le-
prosperous relatively, let us •
Can such a scheme stieeeed ? Dr. Theodore spectable, .e, a, ,. , . ... ,
'N. 0111, the eminent biologist or the Smith- • s 't. bl ' and,from comparative poll:
senile savs, that It may, provided that the tical pouit of view, Perhaps a tulle dull,.
'giants' and giantesses seiected have a' /),.0:.' Fields have been drained, canals, have
nounced, tendency toward giantism in tacit, been dug, railtvaYS and roads have been
ancestry. Freak giants are often abnormal. constructed. '' Indications are not want-
tempting opportunity, his sentiments.
• ,
in regard to the matter being 'nixed.
He naturally regrets very Much the •
Give us a Call.
pt•ospect of severing his connection. -
with the Mitehell congeeg,ation, where
has been' of
told not 1 • dit ." S h- • 1 lif •about
tete air. uc giants would not ing that Egyptian national e is
serve 'the purpose of the Count de Lem:re-
court's scheme.- The issue would motif 1 1 to enter .into another phase; a phase in
. 2_ -Ley which ' 11 t 1I t ei t moral
revert. to, the normal ancestors. Such re- inte ec ua , and, i $ , , , ,
3 es lit be likely to oi, development will acquire greater , im-
Version would iu all ' .e - • ' .-
' 'attract
his itletnnbency a soui-ce
ninch good a,nd where he ,has formed
many losing associates. ' ,In addition,
„ ... , , „ J. COBBLEDICK &SO li
ueings or a unorou ghly Evangelical dis-
. . .
his relations with other
* 'Medical
DR. l l • •
the College of Physicians and. Surgeons
Intario. Physician, Surgeon and. Acoouch.
tar. Office, DaSh'v:_..........,...._,.......7,...,00d., Ont.
''''-'-<•-i.,-4.7.'"r4". "' ' - ,.• • ',.. . • • • ,,,, ,
cur now and then. . portance and greater attention
The Count de Picrrecourt was not the than has heretofore been the Case,
first to conceive of such an Industry, ac- The schoolmaster is abroad in the
ooraiag to Dr. Gill. Frederick William, the land. The results of his labors are
first King of Prussia, father of Frederick , •
as ye uncertain, y p s
the Great, attentpted It nearly two. hundred
years age. He collected 2,400 giants, whom tand ma possibly re-
main uncertain for a long time to come,
he enlisted ' in a regiment known as the but they can scarcely fail in the end to
" Potsdam Guard." King , Frederick , cow- be of an important nature, , Eventual-'
rnanded. these guardsmen to marry tall ING- ly the prophecy which was uttered some
eierg'ymen and with their cengTega-
tion have beeriof the most cordial and
stand Ililltually-helpful nature. The fi.i.m 13 'CYCLE
. . ,
he has taken in the gambling ,
question, not without risk .of mtich •
unpleasantness from a certain element
in town, ,bas further gained for him
, Stop
air a ,5 ,
• ,
"I tried Ayer' S Hair Vigor to
my hair from falling. One- -•
a bottle cured Me " iit
• ..,
. J. C. Baxter, Braidwood, Ill. 4C
Solicitors, Notaries, Conveyancers,
iommissioners, Solicitors for the Molsons
3auk, etc. Money to loan at loWestt rates
.f.interest. Offihes, Main Street, Exo er.
. R. Oantiric, B. A.. . L. FL. Dici .
- .
men, and it was Ins hope to propagate an. ,
- 3 composed of giants. 'None of the men dif- 8,000 years and more ago in a Very,,dif-
.„.„, . ' ferent connection may be fulfilled. The
in tho . front ,rank of his Potsdam Guards • e - • •
was under seven feet in height, according Egyptians, Moses said at the time of
to accounts, which, however, may he'taken ,the exodus, "whom ye have' known to-
'" " h , da e will know them' again
with a considerable allon.ince. The sc can. Y 7 -
was abandoned. before , any important re- for ever.' 1 thinit you will agree with
nuts were observed,. Tet it ts salt! that me that the intellectual revival Which
" Mit of Pots- • ,
almormally tall...men La, the vie Y
.,. , - appears to ,be taking place in Egypt is
dam, to -day claim descent from King rived- . -
h' .11 deserves our entire.
erick's famous freak' reg,iment. ' a mot. ement tv lc_.
Dr.: Charles L. Dana, fhe naturalist, be- sYmpathies. But It is essentle,1 that,
lieved giantism to be. a nervous- disorder so far as is possible,., 1 loinguaranteed.
' • 'tshould f '
due to an enlargeme ' the pituitery the out. directedm right channels
nt oi t , the be „,, .
gland, a ' growth which in normal -Persons .There iS1t0 my mind one, and only one,
the respect and admiration of ,the bet-
ter class of people which, have been er., , . . , ..
. ' ' • -
only- increased by the despicable me- . .
thodvv e have secured a numnei of High
ositeioline.kenmerf. Grade Massey -Harris .Bicyclesi.,in
Ladies' and Gents mode s, muc '
to ousts11•sheidMbYfrtohnea elemenths isp
Kerlin, under the circumstances, ,has below regular. prices .and while
a hard , arrivingthey last will Sell them at n'o-reatly
A task before hint in at a
a decision. Should he decide to . leave figures' They are new an t113, nt,o"
date in eyery respect and tufty
th t t f '
11' itchell, the loss to - a owu o one.
I Call and see them.
'staunchestchampions for tl
of its the , , . judge of them '
n 1,. :I, 1..
ugut wee, me a severe one. , tuici ne your own .
Ont" Pianos,. Organs and Sewing Ma -
the best the inarket
[.? W, O.LA.DMAN, (successor to Elliot &
U . Giadman,) Barrister, Solicitor, Notary
?ablic Conveyancer, Etc. Money to loan at
owest rates of interest. ,Gffice Main Street,
yrs Hair Vigor is
certainly. .
the most eco-
nornical preparation of its1
• ,
kind on the market. A
• e .
little of it goes a lon way .
g , • •
It doesn't take much of
it to ' stop falling of the
hair yr..,
.1.1.I.RtIV* the hair grow
) •••• , s
, • y •
and restore color to gray
' ' ^Lull $1 00 botil - A
e . • a e. II druggists.
. „..„,
a HOSSENEEKRY,Grand Bond., Sates
Li. y Auctioneer for County Huron. er.
vromptiv attend.ed to, and. charges mod t
',tit- Orders by mail will receive every a -
-.,ention.' .
appears as a little depression at the bottom touchstone which should be applied to
of the brain, just aboye the roof of the - ,
throat.' It appears to separate from the all Egyptian questions—and that is, to
ie light of
blood some material with which it nour- aSk ourselves what, by tiWe
ishes the nerve centers, of the bruin. When westetm experience and western knowl-
it is destroyed the body wastes and growth edge tenipered by a careful study of
chines are
affords. •
are leaders in Children's Carriages,
Waggons, Etc.
,- •;•
stops. "%Viten it Is enlarged or overactive
excessive growth results'. local conditions is most in the interests
It is, .of course, recognized that grew- °2 the Egyptians themselves. Now,
1- gentlemen althou-h I need hardly say
stature can be inherited. • The best evi- - • '-' m • ,. ... .
deuce that such , , a ' characteristic can be that I warmly approve of instiuction in
developed by propagation may be found English being afforded in the ' school
. . ,
e ...
--- •
, s ...... . 1 .Sheet Mnsic of a Kitids. ,
. .
no BROWN, Winohelsea. Licensed Artot-
Li. ioneer to'r the Counties of Perth and
.licidlesex, also for the township ofUsborne,
lales-nromptly attended to and. terine sWilna-
onbale:Sales arranged at, Post offic . -
in the wrestlers , of •. Japan. They are' which is now• aloout to be founded, and .
much taller and very much heavier than in many other educational, establish-
the Japanese as a race. They have for ments in the country, I do not think
centurle-s been bred by selection. Moreover,,
careful breeding ot domestic animals proles _
what selective processes many accomplis . that an indiscriminateHpropaganda in
h favor of teaching the English lano-uage
s .
ves bred for food he been Increased is in the interest of the Egyptians; and,
two -fold im, Size within the past two con- . therefore, I deprecate any such propa:
turies. '•:-.....ganda.
,. s 1,'))11
\ (
- / '
I \
I a
If your druggist cannot supply,you,
SeT1(1 us one dollaranil we will express ,
yOu a bottle. Be -sure andgive the name
of Tour nearest express office. Affilress,
4 J. C. ACO., Lowell, Mass.
' - ' YER • - ..
.1' '
.. . . ,
,,......../.ne,„-: e. .Iuit nce ..-..4,:kre, ,..:.:,
sfai.n.'st. , --. BEreter.
Dut tbat the average roan is taller thane., SO, far - a -the more-, highly -educated
he ever was before and, that the stanilafil - .
elasse§ are concerned there will probab-
lits "1 'considerable
i .
20—Three burgla-
. Woodstock, July 20.
ries were committed here last. night,
and theY all took place within a„ stone's
throw of one another. The houses of
Morrison,d Mrs Ross on
Wilson an . . ,
Dilate'. street, and Of Joseph Brash, on
Oxford street, were those entered. For
the past few weeks that portion,of the
' ,-,.3,7
city inis been distut.hed at intervals h
'bureel. burglars, ncl they• becoming too
. „ a , a , are
frequent in the opinion of the police.
A week ago last night, the C.P.R. HO-
,tel, which is also in that locality, was
entered. A considerable quantity of
household valualiles was secured last
night. A suspect named Thos. Dalton
was arrested this morning, and will be
held, pending an investigation.
of stature , 1 the near future be a
of Prof. ' W. 118, 'llsrnlectGetesi,nfthies -tv,11,11..?1;.1)nholiv.°-ilt: 4', 3' in e agriculturists,
et,bnologist. . , - •
, demand for slcilled . en -
'Alfuys stature wyl continue to increaser 1 gineers, electricians .and others possese-
slowly, , said he, We are taner than ou.
piiriy ancestors because we are better emir- sing technical knowledge. Amongst the
less highlY-educated class there IS an
!shed, more. In, habits and more ro-
ample field for the employment of skill
tional in exercise." . .
. ., . ed artisans. On. the occasion of my
The Times, New York, is cynical . recerit visit to Assouan I could not help
It is easy enough to understand why being greatly struck by the fact that
tic lcrenchman should cast about
.? patria 01' SOR1ons. of raisin°. his countrymen the contractors ,-.w • . .,,, 1
to standard height, but the Count's scheme m . , who are building the
e 1.11ren agnificent dam which is to cantro the
Nile h b bl'o•ed to
,en in waters of the ave been o re
is not likely to aceompliSh much, el, . s l
that e dh.; alwaysec Ion. The Davids of this world import several hundred Italia.n work-
twhipped the,Gollaths, and the then; as no Egyptian stonemasons were
Count's memory of the fairy stories he must to be found who were capable of cutting
have heard In childhood should have Pro- hard granite. So far as all this latter
ucrease the . ' a for-
vented Illin from trying to ,
they are aPt to class are concerned instruction in
wg.tol e° i'll eign degree required.
n a theynde even language is in no,
number of giantsb.e silly,
they are • clearly understood by
bad they are usually stupid- Of It cannot be too clea .. . ,.
' the natives 'of this country that it is in
course there have been exceptions. lots m. s . .
f the
them, bet they only prove the rule...Who no ' way the wish or intention o .
is, or was, the Count St. Oueu de Pierce- British Government to use their in -
court, that he should attempt any lutere-
ference, with natural' laws ? . it is easy t fluence in the direction of Anglicising
What the wish is to introduce
. _ _}.J
That Harness KEW pllEipisEs
1 .... 11 is
Driver and horse both feel coin-
fortable when the, right kind of
harness is used.
- —
'We'd like to show you the best We have moved into our new pre-
. .
and handsomest harness there is nuses opposite the Central Hotel and
' • are now open for business. ' Our pre -
made. • - , .
mises are modern and we give . you
Coine in and let's talk horse modern. and up-to-date goods ' and
, goods a bit if you have. an animal' made in the most modern style. •
that' likely to need furnishitnes
• s
this fall. • . 0
' .
R. H. SWEET, We Personally .
Treble's Old Stand. •
. Cut Every Garment
, . . .
. 1.110Nta TO. LOAN.
' f
The undersigned has a few good farms or
Ba le cheap. Money to loan on easy terms
saraweins niotyii Exetox
.711113001"-- ---'••,sallir
For Fresh good and the choisest cuts
1 a
of meat, call •on the undersigned.
!While all our cuts of meat are the
finest, we make a specialty of meat
delicacies... '.
. ,
Meat delivered to all parts of the
•• . towtt . .
. ,
John Manning
• 1tt- ' 11....,. .,. rs,
D e .-.- . '
'a.nd penple 'agree that ScOtt's.EinUt-
. . ,. ,
sion Of cod -:liver. oil is the best thing
*"* * ' * '
to take for "don't feel well and
don't know why," especially babies
. ,
—they. like it—men and women
"d• btle-
don't min it u babies actually
. ,•
- .t
enjoy it. -
'3corr a Dow , I Ii , OREPAIST4. TORONTO..
soc. ::Lid $1.00; all druggiStS.
believe that his family dates back to theY , ,
k 1 d and western me -
days o f Williain the Conqueror—but whose western now e ge . ...
little wisdom left for present use. Egypt.'
• t n to such an e ..
doesn't for that matter ?—siece It has. so thods .pf adrrumstra lo .
tent—and to Such an extent only—as
. ! maY be useful and serviceable to the
,. . ,,
Hensall. Another of our worthy , •
. . , That s mede up at this establishment
citizens passed aivay on Wednesday• `"" ' '
—as wen as fit it—and look' after
last, in the person of Mr. . john Mc-all the details. This is only one
. „. Egyptians themselves. To go further
. E4neation _qt Girls.
• than this would.be-both undesirable and
There is teo great a lack in t mac inadmissible. ,...
- • '
Allister. The community' is distinctly reason why our prices are nioder-
f the ass•ng away of those
poorer or e p. i . .ate. '
sturdy old pioneers courage and
• 'ation of our .girl,s. . Such a
teal edue
• practical phase of a vvoman s life as the The Two Lords Salisbury.
. . , ,
realization and meeting of 'honest obi:- All Men of any force are bilateral ;
, ,
a girl's. stu-
gations never enters into, . . most men who have .1eft. their impress
dies at school, college, or, in ,the vast,Come
majority of cases, even at htnne. We go the world are manysided. The
on and let our girls study useless &ogles two -sidedness of Lord Salisbury's na-
and isms, and accumulate a vast ture is 'so evident that it cazmot be
'unintelligible ,
amonnt of Undigested and hidden. In his own lionie, inhis own
inforrna,tion which never, even for a. ,
will be of the slightest circle at Hatfield, where he a
single mornent„ recalls all
toil made this country what it is, They
, , . .
filled a large place and left their. im-
. b •
press on the times. Mr.G-en's Furnishinas .
came to this country, from Glasieow, . . ,
"Y, a settled - ' and see us in•om new place
in 1842, at the age of 18, an in of business and examine our stock of
the township of .Bt•ock, where he Gent's Furnishings.
s .
mainecl seven years. In 1849 he came ,
a . t - f Huron,' • d ttl 'cl. "ii .
o le,couri y o an se e 1
the townshi ) of Ha The whole dis- Bert. Knight.
' ' t Ithat t' y* • 1
trict was a - tine a C enceforest-,
Take Laxative Brom!) 'Quinine Tab-
lets. All druggists refund the money
if it fails to cure. 25c. E. W. Grove's
signature is on each box.
. . •
(0' 11ATCH — .,4i,t
'5:S VII, ,,..,. 1!
. We glveahandsomoopen ? -- ,i--- '',4)
II.. face, Polished ..*1 1.-..-L.- .
'''''' NickellVateh; Aimee- otr
use to them in their lives. But or the the Past traditions of .a whose
practical things, yes, the fundamental name Is .i•nseparably linked with that
principles , which must govern their of the ritish crown where memmies
lives, they are taught either mottling .or ai.'e revived of William Cecil, first Earl
r • . 1Cecil, first T.' 1
•little. Thereeis where we are iloundel- of ,entleig 1,,and Robert _,ar
ing in this country, despite our boasts of Salisbury, the Marquis of Salisbury
e t • d frugel habits he soon had
mbutnbyaiplatient,,,indirtry: wise manage , EXETER
two farms in such eondition as to reap
the 'fruit of his labors. In 1854 he FOUtl RY
, .. , .„.,,,s „ coy e iy, 1 0 curl . %
m.1111ea ml- Mary _ L 1. ,_ .1 _ ‘ e
the Seine vessel with Mtn from
, e
,-... . de:,
"• l''
fe N
titled us this advertivornont
.Sell them,.return
ery of your Watch
can Lever Movement
for selling only 2 doz. •kr,
. e packages of Sweet Nit '
' , sciiiiat 100.aparicage. Each pack-
..,,,, ago contains a splendid mixtureofthe
ilgiitclicri4 girsleig: Catielscirat
afternoon by setting to work at ones,
raid we wilt fonvard tho Seedg.
the money, and We guarantee safe deity.,
at once. Write tO day. as tho season for
short. , Seed .*IsPivis. Coy. Toronto .
Clitaton• Mrs" Samuel Holmes ati
, , ,-,' ,., e, .,...., ., e ,' '
OiCt' resicient, of tuts place. passed away
' on Tuesday night at a ripe a'ge of four
score and eight years. She lived the
life of a consistent'Cliristiati and was
0110 or those "Mother's in Isra,er' whose
• ' ' • *
influeutte for goocl is strong in the' coin-
'unities In- which they live. Her bus-
linoi. ' ' d d *' • lat.
ind pre eCeaSeher abouteig con
, .
Hayfield: "In the midst of life we
are in deeth" has again been forcibly
' h • . 't ' ' th
irnpreSsed upon t e coati -nun' y in e
sad audPonaparatively sudden death of
Ernest Ronatt son of our. respected
citizen and hardware merchant, Alr.
R b R tt la • ' d Wed -Keep
o, t. otut , w o passe awaY.
nesdav morning July 10th aft r a few
- ' ' .,- • ,
days' illness from peritonitis. Ernest
, Was it 'bright active bay, the youngest
e ,
Of a fantilyof-foutecliildren, and 'Yvtis
t ' 1 . • ' (I: ' - ' ' th 1cl The
.we ve years an mire. mon -9 .
father„ mother and rest' of - the fennily
are heart broken gt.the sudden break-
. ..,
ing of ithis sad link -in their happy lam-
ily circle,. -
of •progress in matters educational. The is the most delightful of men: cornpan-
ion ble n affectionate father, devoted
things' we ought to know we know not, a , , a
and the . things, which 'avail 'little are to ;his . children, the best type of the
.., s P .
often our choicest boasts.—Edward Boit, aristocrat- so sur of his osition •.- so
in The -Ladies' 1-lome Journal for Julie. sustained • bee the ,past, so unruffled by.
the petty 3ealous.es of fleeting. arnbi
out on
Glasgow. He remained on the farm , -.
until the spring. at 1894, wheu he re- J.' MITRIZAY
, . , , I n a • 9
tired and mos ed to I e s.11, to enjoy
a we 11earned'He liad reached
rest. . . e '
the age of 78 and . enjoyed good Manufacturer .&, Dealer
The Molsons Bank.
(Chartered by Parliament , 1855.)
. .
Paid, up Capital...........„ $2,500,000
Reserve Fund -1 i• 2 050 000
• -- .
• .. ,
Head office Montreal: • ,
... -
GilniiiitAr, MANA.GER. •• .
., . ,
- ' ,
'1,Tone flavg.,r.qed ,,.to go011 ' Farmers on
their ovvn notes with ono or more endorsers
. .
at 7 per cent. per annum.
' •
Open every lawfill day from 10 .ani. to 3
p.m;Saturclays /0 a.m. to 1 p.m, • -
, .
A general banking lmsiness transacted
Gunn/ENT RATES'Atilowed for m once en
Deposit Receipts, Savin gs Bank ht 3 cent
Droxsorst SD C.t.atrtie! /s1' D .I-T.',unnox, ,
S.°1te't°rs' ' Manager
, . e . ,
"Brid,get, if you break another of ton, ....o indifferent to higher honors or
those china dishes I shall take it out of rewards, funy conscious of his power,
his nalne: and hi I- 't that h n
s ieri tage,e ca
your wages." , - afford to be democratic even while re-
„ If ez talk to me like that again, ' '
maining the grand seigneur. One likes
mem, 3:1'..:9.1 leave yez!" to linger on this picture of the Lord of
my hasty.cteiri-ipe10-.
., I-Iatfield, happy hi ins • surroundings,
"You must didn't
Bridget., I didn't mean it. 1— rite,g
finding pleasure on his estate or car-
* * *. rying on a chemical be-
. , , hid cause it is the human side of the Prithe
kicking—never . 'xi
right on -Minister.Ti air,the- t , s il
. The trees, ln, soll,
health up to within nine months of
his death, when be was ,affileted with • • • ill • • •
• .
some throat tronble ' which the hest
Portable and Stationary Enolnes and
ill could do o. re- < o <
1 ' 'nothing t
medical skill
liece, and which resulted in his death Hollers, Flows,' Land R011ers, Mow -
Wednesday last. ' He was ,a, patient ers, Etc. Iron pipe and fittings, re,
d ' Christianf • P
tsulstereih.,etn enduring withtbear. Hforti- . andsgeontei general gnirtileetitilititirertayl promptlyIt-fi,pIetnenatts.
uce w a was is o e was . ,
b ftended to .
consistent and devoted mem er o , the . . • •
. , .,
d folks utter'
the -hmdering -wet s , ,...
The frog who fell into the churn kicked with all
. al
P a, pan td- of butter - , n threnody,
- -1 - - • ' and their
: • -.Chicago Record -Herald. .. ,
The 1Vlarciuis
' -, d • . hi I )—I cay •
- lornmy. (Stu ying a esson . ,
,.1 Hatfield',
pa, whore -does the Merrimac rise, an- Salisbuty,
into what sea does it erriPtSq, 1.• is another
• Pa—I don't know, my son. . , . SalisblirY,
Toinmy--Yon don't know,. eh? And
to -morrow the teacher willleast some
lick me ,oti found in
account of • • your ignorance:—Harlem Ln
— . Lord Salisbury
. eter-
their traditions, .and their..
ti ' • hastening influence
icri c
inspiration have uncon-
- . .. e. , „,
their effect.
of Salisbury Lord of
' f
is one inan; the Itlarquis o.
Prinie Minister of England,
'' d
man At, Hatfield Lor
IS a irernan being, with at
Of the emotions which are
.cominon ciay. In hit office
assumes another Char-
n,.., . ,
sons and
loss, as
' segs
' (
-cure irtli•
. D.
— .
borne in
farms, in
in Lonclesboro.
' ,
,.. , , anditstdaufncb I
good second • Land Rollers.
. e leaves a wife au our . -hand. . . -
, cheap, also 1 Steven's, & Btuns Po
four clan
, , ghters to Morten, his
table Threshino• Engine for sale • it
follows: Mrs. A. Forbes, of 0 . - ,
Mrs NV C/' Kyle ofStanley• good running order. Price $175.0(
' • ' • ' ` ' '. ' ,
Mbir, of Ushorne• Helen, at .cas_lt.' .e. 1
Iletis'all; Charles and john on * --,--
, , ' • - .
',He,a,Y:l,. William, in Anier.:ta, Sole a,gent in Exeter__nancl. vichility fot
Tettitory; Artitur teaching . .the Electric Boiler Compou tit . Guar,
' " ant.eed to he Strintly 111.st-class fol
removino• scales, etc '
e , •
..-- ,
' S
,_. .
. • ,.. . •
whecit , , . . . 66 • 67
.13,11.1ey,, .. . , •
'O44s • .... • • • • .' •'• • • .. : • : : • ' 31 . 1' tT
' Peas.. '....' . ' .'; . ' . ''. ' 6Q 65
' Potatoes; per bag ... , . . 25 80
}fay, per ten, 7 00 8 00
Flour per ewt. reller ... 1 15
Manitoba flour, ...., ...... 200
j 1r
I3utte,r... , ..... — ...... c• )
l'e; ii -1`
13°.gS1' • ' 4 • ' ''' • ' ' ' • ' ' ' ''''''' ''''''
Hides, per 100 lbs... . , 4 00 4 00
12 ' 13
. ,. ,
Illive Lrngsi 15°1* es*"*.* 6 75 6' 0
Dressed 'legs ......" . 8 .50 0 00
T3ran,.., , : , , , .. ,... , 1i1 00 14 00
, . _ .
bolts, , ...., .. . . . , . , . 16,00 ' 16 00
Lii e. acter.
There he Shuts hi/Itself utn, he
, sees no one, and he frightens his sub-
"Daughter, perhaps if' you take more .... • . .., 0 his eimetie
ordinates, ir.rn fearFOR
time with your hair it. wouldn't 10,...0,kt '
hurnor, H.Is inclination to treat every-
so rough and baggy over, Your en- thing -with cynical - indifferenee, to
ridicule seriousness, to blow the froth
es3O:eici" hours to make it look that ivaty.i°,
"Time? WhY, pa, it took me tv ...s.a way With banter end sarcastn, cannot
Dt • • d Lord a•lisi u ').,
Pc easily res tame ,.. ) t
—Chicago. Record. can be' deadly earnest at times and he
. ,
5 * *
• , is hover more , so than whet lie ap-
"What is the great motive vvhloh notv pears as the stmporter' and exponent
animates the arnbitions of the human - ,
' ifde ancl
ts • his iisua. atilt .
, . . of Toty m, but , ,
race?" inquired the abstruse lecturer. ,
it is a natural 011e and not merely a
And the man who thinka the rail- pose, is that Of the rather bored cYille,
- ' . *
Th Whole Story
e , V ,
in a. letter t ,
oii ' 'it
GI Ill' 1 e
(runny nmos'.)
n No
From Ca t, P. .Loye Police Sian() .
p ,
5, MontreaN-- • We frequently ese.Penny•
DAyis1,.1.3stiv-lpi.tnit, for pelves m yfe
eel', ria"nmat"e''', s/fiTi!essifrattn,c6, Ota -
A. Waterloo Traction Engine anC
„ ..
Monarch Separator with 12 inch Brant
lord Grinder F• 0 "B Exeter fol
$850. This iS a rare .bargalta. and Inns'
. ,
ib)eriseetoldr.owino• to the death of tbe pro
, .
J. ivtUtipri.v
SOLID -,,,,.,Y0 '-,T,p
GO LO IF -7.e
-•, oila Gold Bing, net
ror coning'
with Pearls,
, env 15 tP,olingds,, er
sweet NafiendatlOc„erddll, I,,aeh •
It'hIttel'isinrfPggrriVigrtx-..• 10
roads are becoming, an irresistible e
to Whoill most things are a nuisanCe,
power ariatverecl without a moment's but as they : ' ' . •
hesitation: The locOmotive."—Wash- y cannot be evaded 1t is wee-.
dont to treat them humorously and as
ington Star. . liehtly as Possible. Life must not be
1' ' .' . cin",,, lai.en too seriou,s137, Life is a jesti 1h1ncl.
IV-raud—Y°11 \v'4' led five miles? DI it is y011r own ,.ault if you haven't u-
dread.6-111Y tired?' ' the joke, of
maim, erronlls, a nil a
b I. i . ., 0 nd .1.11tetts which
e a 'mania ur positron. Parc no he -
tenon hi saying that FAIN-Errimn 13 the
best remedy to have neaf,at hand. o
Used Internally and Externally:
, . Two Sizes, .25'o. and'50c. bottles.
, Mitchell' -A-f,.ter a' Pr°i;r"ted illile8''
f t OM coliSIMIptiOn Mrs, Geo. Shipley'
dauo.hter of 'Mr. Fran 1 . 1 • 1 ) ),
away on, Thursda-y of laSt week. -Stu
lea. Vd4 it huSbitntl, Iwo 6.1:10thor'Et. an' c'
tidii,offilitoliirs. Mail WI
idY0itiNtn011t DO WOWInfor.„
'ward ties soeibi, solitiasn,ro.‘,0111111111MH11
rx,,,Ithotron.y.:nituhi. timid., 4eee,,ii„,„ ,
tifeLsoilanohl,roarn,,,tiang •.„, ...1,0:40.,,.,• •
•;otnieniiaoy,ow.crirefullYtel‘11, .d - tab-- ro f f h 11
d in sVoivetnnod box- rito to ay. i DM! R 0 , e, •
IN. .. roa.o. Nu.
it make you mor enough to anpree•ate
. • ,
—;.;•,.' ,.........-,..ii,nr....4.6,,,,,,,„..;„„..........,
ivtahel---AwfullY. It's such hard' Work . . . , , ,i
, 0 living.—A. Mention LoW, in Haipei S
t hold °note skirt up So long, you 'weei .1 ' . ' . .
, { v.
• . ' . " • One sister, besides her parentS,
'101ow,--0 iicaso Tribune,