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Exeter Advocate, 1901-6-27, Page 5
a,,nF.:._. d LIGHT BRITONS EYESIGHT° i' THE tet A��►., ,y WILD FOWL ATTACK A .,.��..� +I .air 4 ,fig. V �(�t q(� uoi a �GYr►i �' °r✓wi�° N N'.V 4'liuredaY illorning1 Ip V .;.,...., So many ;yand 4'' S tCeepurs Of ale= Islami ]shit KM Gt."' Ducks by the Hundred. the Hog Isl- 4"1 Optlden Says the Strong St urhht hers Jturts the Eye*. "'There are more people with defer The, Whole Story ill a fetter : t y A. - I-, �r �" .� a 1 L .moi R, Ia, pubi eliod ever;,' at the Uifioa, MAT N -STREET — EXETEl By the-- . Persons S 0 E ."' h` q�, have hair ~` "'� i' .':: ,ell: i,' s�'.ey1 that 1 One', of the keepers of and light on the Virginia coast reiatee marl a e ex ei'ience with Wild a re _ G til A fowls at that light on a recent n,G it. yesight in the elites of this tine e• country than •you will find in Great I3ritaln or Ireland ,said the hat':fraL 00. II t „.�� ., re '� �' (pea neyts+.)„ w, "`�"'"' • _ ... , peg �� TE PUJkIuHINQ COMPANY •"i ADVOCA.,, TERMS . R. „ OF SUBSCRIPTION, ,.. OE ., : t•.. Dollarper annum rf paid. rn Advanc,e r,.: )ne D ti•, 81.51) if' zot�o, paid, ... � tom. ca 11ca,- ,,� A 1 u ext_�inE; 2?l� y t,1„,...„... --a.. No Isrd soocltinu3rluntil e31arre raga t Aclvortisanlenta without speciRc e pail ire et d published till torllcl and - • will nglY,. - • IIt made LI}�oraLldisoou -. tr+h • { y c � stubborn yv 7..; 33 �, . yp�+ i 7 �id tl ;,L tiS rr. + .,+,, !., � e „ ? , .. 1 �$ eJSI . t �W! • , 4 .*' r 1• ,. Y r .O w . • e• ,.+ iy ,� �a � fin. h a t S P ,, x ; "3 gg ? t lIl e r e d S i9 11 . �i'2 iii ry + p� ] i n e a S. illi]. •llJt ; 'Gl'.D t,s � � try � watch Between end S: SO P. M. t11_ iva r i. . aroused - ,the hon'ki g „ on daisy was by , ; ed t accc.ln ,tl,i . of ,wild geese and Vent , P G c ids a ._ _ by(no ern li of ] = ads. me -'• 1 h st l s unmoved t. e other kccl.el,.,, a 1 Y t } " „ who responded With shotguns. 11),p, i Miele -: opened fire on the bewildered ,.11ci t fcjr an every gt.1 i alt battle Y..s ed an hour and a half. ll.e guns g of so hot that it was dangerous.to.use them ized New Yorker who ` serve,,] in '`t c •. British army when he,.was : a ye . ming man and who.,is n�' , a .n U1 1- ,. r t •c ^ uQ e e the n.lmosr tun. Ido r,- s g y of ne a, .who glasses here as _ �, e . tit o went is alt American cities lasses are worn i. - Sl there is the slightest trace or nevi'- hasses stahtediless W11110 few e;'Gous ticat a p glasses for this cause iu `tyre.old loon- • try'unles.; they are;so nearsightedtllat r v.n J"i'l. :, l.o a; I?olrce c ut,o:: ;i. ; b jtoutrcat:--`l',c free neniv n.o ]raga neva, 1 .11 htrl,r,r fozijr ins in f:estpn:- ,. ..,. , seams tam b t ., via/.. 'ur.i.. ,hzttiifl,e...,t us>•r,n.t ,.e, c Z •, , . ,.,, , ., bltt:>),v - r.,,tni),y, alai t,ll ,t,l t :sm., „b.ct_ .pp tefellmenizt t,i,r tns;,aon: 1 h:ce no best- 9 t 1 tatWu in sarins first x .,,a., ,za.i,t..,, rte best ranee: t, i,,tv near rt ,nn i. „ .! x„<er,iaih and L,zt Externally. ) avIiit s, 25c. sad 0e, botfles. ��r�w ,.A. ; � _ r.. r ,;> -,�? .-_.•-..� uns.rMratt ""�''°°"`s'•"""'""'�"�'•'�"�"-"`- JI: WILIuIIIIII I i r , ff ,— ' . , , , , s p;j. /./, . i / 1 /,' I I 1 1� i f I`(( A ;, –• ; 1 I! """. �Z'. W F/r ,,1� NVIN �' /10...0 ?awl :' qZQ ' prYlr f ., /Y fr/� ,� :if ,i ,�, ' • p� .Ig 7? � •', ar od?toaordulola, ihargeda0 'or t tra rinds, advortisenients inserted JOB RI periods, Every dthe fon: of a' TING# turned, out in life finest style, .RIN,tilleS. one ora- sad at moderate i•atos, Clreques;m y as;&c.forudvertising,subserlptLons,ntc_to n thindoesata '�` i n beeaiiln a else and the shoulders of the n e i y gfrom t , rra� � _, sere_t2 am the recoil, The rOO� •'v � a The supply or acuinunition:gave rl:,t ern.: Pfor r g �I.,'' Ili tuire feeam . `t ill''. §' r t fi It end d: Tr, the mornln iii., ll,e gl e, tit'e wearing of glasses is a positive necessity. But, taking it on file y whole then, are -snore eople ' sere 1? I',hose eyesight begins to fail at- a North `'Weutwo th (ouscrvattiveS ]lave nolilineLed Mr. T. A. Wardell, 11, P. . the Legislative seualtly, P., b . { ,, • A / t \ %� �G • /� ?A,� _ . _' i�i1°.'.,' `� ii, • • >emado payable to �il)iLS. sanders, hair stops rOYJVing it r , there were sixty` -eight dead bra:•• p £� compalafively early age than in ]gin„- unci, t:cpUnnd and ]ewer UNKNOWN SUICIDE AN TJNK :•'; �.:/ . ®+ �y-�Itifll r EDITOR eat) PROP �_.�.__®,.� loses , V . Fti 1a..,�. i. geese and -ducks at the foot of the tower. On the following -lemming the ireiand Or i _ Be:Gple who have exceptionally keen eyes,ght, iN4.1glim Falls,, Ont., June 4. --least evening a,well clressecl women wallcel i„'>e ,,� • `"r 'kms w` ---- Professional Cards. H. fiINS r1AN, L. D. S. 3 DR, A. R. KINSMAN, L D. S., D. D. S., Honor �, gran i ,, ,i ei > rra3uate of lolonto University, e• DENTIST Teeth extracted without any pain, or any bad effects, O fee in Fauson's Block, west j blain Street,Exeter. its 1115- ter. It l O 0 k S .' dead. - '� i,i7"- '" ? , ; • k. a �.�' tt pfr .F, + ay � ''• ati:"-}.y 17k,,,,"1 tower was again attacked by the ui:c'.S• stns we cctrtrless, or. There beingd,the the island, the guns were useless but the keepers fought with sticks ane' captured 150 fowls, when a ]flock, tip- patently containing thousands, ruched upon them. They were compelled` to seek shelter within the tower. So r Powerful was the flight oP the frigat ''In the British arrny you will find a doze;_ men with exceptionally soot] eyesight Lee one you will find in ilia " Aitnerican; arms, and I know a hood many soldiers in th:c country. 1 once Inew a private of the hist L_ic-titer , regiment who has since been ]tilled in the fighting near Ladys7.nith. Leis G ;jute the Parksiile. Inn,• secured a room ann� handed the manage •an A:mer•iean dt llaz bill: rat tivo o'clocl. this morn- in, sherwas called. .Not 1'eceivinj a i 1)er i' ply, ai f ey vas )rocuied an(flog decor o enc•d, Tlie �atirnRn "as feline]When. a p y lying cede] in death on the bed tell dressed. On the dresser was theernpty doses. She of tci rila•nd hadta 9 Its Ready. a7 .. 5' Te make a feature sol �r�=iffi3t1]eSS. vire , ' • suit ; 5 OYY11Se you -, o n a given dace •Wall have -4- b ,ado ,• ened geese that the wire screens were man had such keen eigi)t that he could had taken them and slept to death, e sae Dib, D. ALTON ANDERSON (D.D.S. L.D.S. ' acts almost nstantly on such h a 1 r. t penetrated, the light in the watchroom tell the time by a church clock ata extinguished and the panes in three distance oL severed miles, yet, strange \Via the woman i seems to be a nit's_ eery, reg d You need not worry about the time ,,, DENTIST windows destroyed. These fowl hail to relate, he could not read very small Honor G=raduate of Toronto University and Royal .? Also Post College Dental Surgeons of Prosthetic; Graduate of Chicago School of Prosthetic Dentzste,y .; (with m,GldandV)grounds atest muni, honorable ns and Vulcanite Plates made in the V neatestcusedrpossible. A perfectly teeth.ees an. teeth. awakens new life in the hair bulbs. The effect is astonishing. Your hair be- ` ry taken wing because of the severe print in a book. I also knew a- man prevailing upon their feeding�'` weather' in one of the Lancer patrols who had and were blinded by the in- wonderful eyesight. In the Transvaal tense glare of the powerful light in long ago what appeared,to his watch - ful chums one day as a mass of veldt /i ' • i� �1 any more than about the quality of the goods �- or t �e fit of ie clothes You may depend o3? us' ]esthetic used for painless extraction of Ofliee one door south of Carling Bros: store, Exeter, grO.YS1 comes thicker, and all d the top of the tower. ,� Hog island light marks one of the heather, dim and blut'red in the dis- MURRAY Medical dandruff is removed. most dangerous shoals on the Virgin tante, was seen by him as an embus- r cade cunningly concealed and bristling la coast. It is an iron tower and stands ti ' J. GRIEVE , a,T, P, bicLAUGRLIN, MEMBER OF kJ the College of Physicians and SurgeonseNiis the And the Original color of earlylife is _-; 180 feet above mean high water. It with Boer riflemen, His splendid a first-clase light and can be seen sight on that occasion saved him and unpleasant surprise. Manufacturer & Dealer Opposite Post Office )visite. Physician, Surgeon and A000uch- air. Officer Dashwood, Ant. :' ; restored to faded or from the bridge of a steamer 'a dis-his comrades an _ "i have heard of American soldiers %.:, lance of about twenty-five miles. Ywho .in.. • o l Stationery Engines ----"-'—''"' are sharp sighted, but, as i said hair. This ' ortable and and Legal. < gray is t] o Irish -American before, their number is much smaller The cer,nam Boilers, Plows, Land Rollers,. Mow - ers, Etc. Iron and fittings, re- SON & CARI,ING, BARRISTERS, ,1 Solicitors, Notaries, Conveyancers, t Bank,esioners, Solicitors for the hlolso Bank, etc. btoney to loan at lowest rates Street, Exeter I came across a man whoxeter---ogisr always the case. r in proportion than In the British always colored arm} . One of there Americans Is a $i.00abottle. All.druggisis. spoke with a German accent the other man named Cullen, who can see ob- 4'1 have used Ayer's Hair rigor, day,” said a prominent stock broker. sects clearly at a distance of twelve "I pipe pairs on Agricultural In) lemeuts p and general machinery promptly at- tended to .. . ROLLER rfinterest. Offices, Main R.`CaaLYNG, B. A.. L. A. Dzcicson ' and am really astonished at the dropped into a restaurant not far ood it has done in keeping miles. During the Spanish-Americans my from the city hall for lunch, and the2 air from corning out. It is the `war, Cullen, who is an artilleryman, best tonic I have tried, and I waiter who took my order, although Good Second Hand Mowers for sale, ' cheap; also 1 Steven's & Burns' Por- W. GLAD,IIAN. (successor to Elliot & _ �. Giadnlan,) Barrister, Solicitor, loan Notary Public Conveyancer, Etc. Money to loan at Qwest rates of interest. Office main Street,"I Esetor shall continue to recommend it to m • friends." } Hoar, bidxTB Burlington, Sept. 24, 1898. Burlington, N, C. If do not obtain nil the unmistakably a colored man, spoke as aided his battery very materially in sighting the guns for long ranges and t though he had Just come from some always by bis unaided vision. Pennsylvania Dutch settlement up the account for the standard of eye- v State. The thing was so pronounced sight being better in the old country table Threshing Engine for sale in � good running order. Price $175.00 cash. Sole in Exeter for Highest prices paid for Clea,Il Red ' The ,fit. 1 .. ____ Auctioneers you hebenefits you expected from the use or the hair Vigor, write the Doctor about it. Dn.J.C.AYEY,Lowoll,Mase. that 1 spoke to the proprietor about> it, and found that my suspicions were than here principally because of the gray skies there. There are so few agent and vicinity the Electric BoilerCompouud. Guar - anteed to be strictly first-class for x targe stock of mill feed H BOSSENBEBAY, Grand Bend, Licensedsunny Auctioneer for County Heron- Sales '•` 1111 4 promptly attended to, and charges modes -to correct. The man was a full-blooded days in Great Britain and Ire- d negro, but he had been born and land that the eyes are not subiected raised in a small town near Reading. country the the same strain as in this country removing scales, etc. g FOR SALE. on k�'Ild° rte, Orders by mail will receive every at- - and had always associated with re. where there is a far greater proportion teution. • 'DROWNED ATBOSTON, whites, who spoke PennsylvaniaMCI Dutch. Queer, isn't it?" "Oh, I don't of sunny days, and the sun's rays are A Waterloo Traction Engine and BlonarchSepara,tortvithl3inchBeant- (� Woodstock, Ont.,June 25.—Dr.Gunn pp BROWN,Winehelsea. Licensed Auct- of Innerkip, near here, received word know," said one a1 the party, whose more vertical than in more northerly ]Li.. ioneertor the Counties of Perth and of the drownin of his brother Cecil, business takes him through the West. countries. The glare has undoubtedly much to do with bringing about the ford Grinder, F. O. R., Exeter, for $550. This is a rare bargain and must Y siddleses, also for the township ofUsborne at Black Rock Channel'', Boston. Cecil "A short time ago I came across a ]ales promp tly attended to and forms res.- decay of the eyesight at an early age. onbale,Sales arranged at ,Post ofEee. Win- Gunn left here about five years ago, German who spoke English with a de- ;Another. reason is the nervous temper- thatl time has been wander- tided r brogue. Ha was to 1 ament of Americana, The op tie` nerve helsea. andsinceover the world, letting of a' ing fellow, a tie sold owing to the praetor: death ;of the pro- V `� Z j" Gl�%Qi us a Cali,. Give over all })arts of graduate a cated young his fathily know very little of his German university, and he was very' ' is very delicate and responds quietly to strata the nervous system." V V V . Insurance. whereabouts. A short time;,ago •they enxioue to learn English. He- drifted : any on New York Sun. received a letter from him 'in Liver- out to Chicago, and from there to"'a �ELLIOT, pool, saying that he' was on:'his way lumber camp Ill) in Wisconsin; Here •• - receivedto this country*. The next Word they The Country Editor. Insurance _agent,he thought, would be an excellent was from a press `despatch. The country editor of a quarter of a BJNDERTWIJE J. COBBLEDICI & S W Rain St. Exeter chance to learn the language. But an He was a stowaway on the steamer century ago, says Congressman Lan- in the were Virginian from Liverpool, the men camp ;Irishmen. and was Of course, the young German didn't dis, was not a college Dred mag, but be could "chop logic" with the best FARMS FOR SALE, ordered deported by the d yesterday officials, and was drowned yesterdaLy know this, and he fell readily into . MONEY TO LOAN:' their mode of speech. At the end. of Products of the universities, quote Btck Rgcl: Channel ill an attelrlpt poetry aptly, and, at an. hour's notice, The undersiggned has a few good farms for to escape to the shore. Mr. Genu a Year he returned to Chicago, ver; deliver a political speech or address a tale cheap.,, Money to loan on easy terms left for Boston to bring his body here. proud of having mastered our tongue, • Sunday school al speechadorn s a f ffp4fGo- jjgrtivg ° �I IC C J;J BICYCLE �l B.ARIt • JOHN SPACKMAN, and was greatly surprised to discover standpoint of the useful citizen, he Limited COff)aIIij Samwell'sBlockExetei _ {'." ��' that he had a brogue. That was sew lost was an all around tinlshed'product. 0 We have secured a nintiber of Nigh THE LEADING MEAT MARKET. j AFTER a s era] years ago, but he has never The country editor of to -day is a It.It clings to him as closely as different person. He is a good bust- though he had been. born County ness man. He can "set type," but isbeloty BRANT a �' Grade Massey -Harris. Bicycles rn Ladies' and Gent's models, much regular prices avd whileseldom _n Nf E_____,XTRACT'l or Antrim,"—Philadelphia Record. :found at the "case." He em- they last will sell there as greatieNIIIIIIII0o -- � For Fresh, good and the choisest cuts of meat, call on the undersigned, While all oar cuts of meat are the finest, we make a specialtyof meat • delicacies: — Meat deiivered to all parts of the town ,4 ''"i t,7 COOLS, COMFORTS AND HEALS THE SKIN, ENA. SLING THE MOST TEN- ` rt, eDER FACE TO ENJOY A , r CLOSESHAVE WITHOUT '' 3r tF •+ _ UNPLEASANT RESULTS. -f, d Avoid dangerous, ; 1. , witch 7 to ;. ringepreente to be pastons , Q 4, represented to be'•the s•,me ,•:, as" Pond's Extract, which ems, r easily. sour and generallyon .'contain 'wood alcohol," deadlyripoison :.a+- :• x •` %:"" "-�''s•v'� ploys compositors, or has ornamented t3rap Microbes at Horne.his office with a type setting machine. Dr. L. Caw contributes an article 0 The young woman you see bending on influenza to one of the over the ledger is also a stenographer • French reviews. and typewriter. The country editor The modus operandi of the infiuen- now dictates his editorials and em• za microbe is peculiar. it is not tate p ploys a bright young man to write -, microbe itself that does the harm, ,Uut _° a poisonous liquid It excretes. A. local news. His newspaper is printed an improved press, the power is '' + measure of consolation is afforded by furnished by gas engine or electric .» the fact that this poison is even more motor, and the paper is folded by'ma- deleterious to the m?crobe than to the his home, Prices for Red Star, 600 :Red Star, 000 -bpeeiah Manilla, 1 .Sisa, old.... t the 9 0 $........10 ft, .......10 500 Season offigures. z c, C. ft, . 91.C. . 8 C. They are new and up -to - date in every respect and fully g uaranteed. Gail and see them and be your judge cif them. owncurrent1 Our Pianos, Organs and Sewing Ma - chines are the best the market affords. We are leaders in Clhildren's Celrriages, Waggons, Etc. Sheen Mttsie of all Kinds. . .. •T chinery. He owns own human being in whom it is deposited, keeps his own horse and carriage, Sisal talldd1d... ,'. . , .'.' , C — for the microbes end by being de-• and has credit at the bank. A picas John ManningFATAL SCAFFOLD ACCIDENT stroyed by their own exhalations. ant trip of a'month is likely to be of- . June 22.—A very serious whereas their victim has many tared time, a„d takes it glad- lerly; (These latter two not our own make.) CANADIAN FARMERS. CALL 1 AND SEE US. at any ro CURE A aOLJ) IN ONE DAY accident, happened chances of recovery. while the young womandhetwho keeps about four' miles from here, at a barn The microbe is an egg-shaped thing, the books and the bright young viae Quinine Tab- raising ou the farm of Samuel Shields. but gifted, in spite of its roundness Take Laxative s refund els. All druggists refund the moneyrwho writes local news keep the paper f it fails to lac. E. W. Grove's Ode ninai, a Mr. Johnston, is fatally til- and smoothness, with an extraordi- you. wehav e just a word to say to you. this thafirstsite] only truly co-opera- tive company in America, is offering tive S. MARTIN cure. aigiaature is on each box. Jnred, and four others are badly hurt. nary capacity both of adhering to any in a straight line.—Success. you to -clay its stock in small holdings, is .The IPI�''�OH y� (eel v i : wegiveahanaeomoopon �`�s •' r face, r,otrshod. it KU'once �,+`Nickel watch: Amort. =-J } tdies, , Movement five men were standing on a scuf- conceivable surface and for passing folci, when some, sudden Lr of the itsJiFgere and t i o sotalers.- 1` from .one human place to another. Its • ” goal is a human nose or mouth, and ;,l, Jiggers One of the most annoying pests of ing timbers broke the: scaffold and the : Of nieri •weer to the ground ileloiv, seine countries, particularly in the vicinity of these organs which we have take. heavy tie' falling with them. the �•Vest.III its future is assured, for the mere act family, the jig: one and two shares at par. It placing a its splendid twinesr with also r �'� R ' the coming Harvest at prices raw Illa- 1n tenial cannot now be bought for. Your 1 va.lt and intelligence will hold tis in o y incli.ffer, PREJI'IIaES. t' f%� forselling only 5d :? ptickagcsorsneotren r, scedatioc.apackago. Eachpack• ]v`s.pageco„talnsaeplanatamtxturonithe •: most fragrant varletioo of all colors. t 'You can ours ing a nd Watch to an .afternoon ty.. Betting to. work at onto.- Miles MailesthisadvertisementandwowillfonvdrdthoSeeds. Sell ei•o[yourwdtchntonco; l:'ritacoi'ay.aechoeca3onrer eryof them, atoncohe ey nndwo guarantee toe sea onlfor scuitieseeeisshort. beedsupply co.,Toronto::- `” ' en into Uncle Sam's of breathing is sufficient to draw it !n- • h ger. It was one of the afflictions of �s y , �t y� to e system, our army before Santiago,` and nearly ru t1 o G'means Arrived there it propagates itself every soldier who returned-from''Cu- with amazing rap:,llty. It lengthens could tell fearsome tales of the tetter, eczema or salt ba Pimples, •boils, • out, and eller tw .Ity minutes of this ravages of the dear tittle: thing. ,True rheum, ..�„-. it breaks in twain, ' and ' there a process,to human nature, as the :.cynic would Are signs of diseased blood, • are two fully fledged microbes in the sa it is the Yemale which makes axis thrice;. yell r see. ticism. and p , ence will drive ns from eistence;which a deathblow to all future co-' _— uperation of farmers and will surely brine one result;a gigantic Twine coni- We have moved into our new pre - o a bine, from the influences of which you. mises opposite the Central Hotel and now open for business. Our pre- willlteaLsL�lutelyhelpiesstahold-your-. arep � selves, wises are,modern and we give you —' Their radical and permanent cn.re, there -y' place of one. In twenty-four hours trouble for man. She bores with. her The Molsons Bank. fore, consists in curing blood. the original invader will, in this way, head into the human skin and stays, Angus Fisher, Sarnia, Ont., and Paul be surrounded by a; progeny of over there. The largequantity of eggs B You barye your option—pay your modern and up-to-date goods and lYcineyand take; your choice, Standby made in the most modern style. this greatest and most perfect co-oper- (Chartered by Parliament, t855,) Keeton, Woodstock, Ala., were greatly 16,060,000 of his poison -producing which she takes in with her swell tier` troubled with bolls; itis. Delia Lord, kindred. to the(size of apea, the color,'being Paid upe Capital.:: , ........$2,500,000 In short tits doctors know almost Leominster, Mass., had pimples all over her white. This results in a small ulcer Reserve Paud,050,000. 'tied so did R. W. Garre•tson, New Bruns- everything about the Influenza m1- Y , whlch inflames' In tine course of a. rew Hand of&ce.htontreal, wick,N. J. The'brother01 Sadie E. Stock- erobe accept an effective method of a s. If the parasite isn't removed "in- days. -. exterminating it. roar, 87 Miller St, Fall River, Mass., was tlammation " increases' and in, 'the atitive movement in the world and so -- brine' a continuation of relief through its utlgeiestionable •influence as •e twine we P(i sena_ y . . place regulator. Desert us or trent our -gents with indiffei' nceand you have : , . . Cut Every Garment only to wait for results. No •better twine was ever nutde ori rrh' at s made up at t• his establishment JAMES ELLIOTT, Esq. afBeted with eczema ,so severely that his : course of lt' the' jiggef eliminfites it- ,, A wonderful Cave. self: hands became a mass of sores."' CiENLRAL MANAGER, s- have volun- D the'la` o slight These sufferers, like. others; v Some persons who have•'jyst;rehl>n`` At the ,bests ins ,t pains g tartly testified to their complete cure by ed from the neighborhood of ,IlliSSea` tbats"usua, y •it Is not noticed. But the Money advanced to good Farmers on � ,_,, more endorsers Potosina where..'theY' festering would, if not cleaned. as in J'arsiparclla earth or furnished to the Canadian —as well as fit it—and look after Farmer than ha been:supplied you by i •were Ily one this your own Cutnpan5, If we.aLeason whaLllo Ir S.Thi1�1e1'fnoder- not an intense element of protection to l Y prices ate. farmers there would be no opposi- ;heir own. notes with ono or' Food s Lt;7 per cent> per annum.: of coal;'rep$rt the discovery: of.a very the -'case of all ,neglected wounds, This great medicine acts• directly and wonderftilr-,cave Mettle' mountainous cause serious inflammation, gangrene, —EXETER BRANCH— peculiarly on the blood, rids it of all'; to - a t"'" a era blood oisonln':'As • humors and makes it ure •and healthy '•' reg ova of th t coca ry It is d co and even gen 1 p S p rated inside In a very man- jigger lives in; theground, it eau- tion.whatever pitted against us. Re - member the Salt' Deal. ' 11rTT1Shlll S 'Don'twatste tinio wrestling with the' Orellt S F g question any longer. Look it straight Oomo us in ons new plane elaborate tithe )pen every lawful da,v from 10'a.m. to 3 noon's PiL7s tura constipation. Yates 9So®oEN: i e t het o to victim eo tha ' m Saturdays tOn,n1, to 1 p.m: ver and is ev d n ]y 'the temple of 'an ally seeks the t t 1 t• god. in there is the and the treat- and`see h tn. the face and identify . y urselves tine our stock ©i of Aimless and ea, n 1 with us as shareholders. Buy your rr , Gent's ttrnrsfln„s aboriginal` :fact, now mode of prevention Image of ment are easy. Thick boots or high di general banking business transacted In the cave a hFro stoneand i a an Indian idol. From indications it boots are goo7t- rotection, Peru bal-,-p� EXETER MARKETSp JURRENT. RATES allowed for money on CHANGED +WEDNESDAY.is evident that the idol is still re- sam is rubbed into the socks. AS C:CIANGF.D I,ACH twine from this Mother Company with itssplendid ast record'o£ ear's and ° i` ' you will have oceesion to be proud of Bert. Knight. atction and loyalty later ou, Deposit Reeoi ts, Savings Bank at 3 rent. p n ceivfng the worshp of the natives, It soon as a 'jigger is noticed it should Wheat, „ , .. , , ::....... , fib' 4672 D cxsoe & ()Ananias N D HUnbON, Barle `, ; ,,,,:,,,, 40' 42 sthought that this worship may have be removed with the greatest care. ]tnager y 2 been' going on for many years in the The wound should be cleaned out and vats .........:.....::. „0 31 Yo,nr If you 'use but ti particle of judgment Viiu will see ata lance that otherSolicitors. ' `clFIICKS Com ivies going into existence are• Companies . _ ..,, pears • . • . , • • • • . , • .: • , • . • . 60 15 same place, and that the natives, WIen if kept clean it usually heals quickly. `%+ Lound, that they, not If, in the removing of the jigger, the ® ®' ' simply tradtn nn otic gzand rel ,_nation •that '' 'S 14. �,�, 1,, / GOLD �. ®' ,� wa givehave a 1�/ Sella Gold Ring, oda, ,With 1'earie sged n1, Ig r; only' 10 pgcicnges of SiiecdreaSeedatieaonbtr. Each r,, ICo sox,'ofocontntrrsaapleliataMIX' ; �„ , tore drtlre mostira rant, vane. , f S. Potatoes,er'bag.... , ... 2i' ,0 they could carry Hay, eirten........ , ... 7 00 S on -their heathen worship openiy parasite is lacerated, blood poisoning 3 , p, OQ , _ Floor, per cwt.; roller:... 1 75 took the idol to the cave and there art- and severe inflammation are sure to h , an soldiers in east AG,the IVitr;nttoba flotil . • , , , , .. , 200 ted up for it the best and most, a t IUo result. Germ , .. �. ... .., ... Butter: , , , , .. ,, : , : , .. , : 13 14 tate temple their facilities afi'orded.-- ilea are afiiieted with jiggers some- rq p .. .. s'.,, .....:....... , 17 g ... 10 i:0 'Mexican Herald. times, through carelessness in not at- ... •A,II� , Bides, 100 itis„ 4 00 4 00 tending to, the feet. Tb�ls neglect is and inn ii of these cases you will be -ceedin many Tits;] ointed, We x g Y pp REPAIRING p g y REPA R ]ended for ei ht ears for you to `, . ' conic, in on ground floor and Join • fit our Re . abrin well done Wi ... is : :... i ? you waL , . y. Repairing hands Wltli flus old established Twine , atcliOs Clocks t,Y0 tie R. Illarca organizattion. J3uy orir Red Star 10 and Jewe1i` a s eoialty cent 7.`wine and you will make no mss- p . ' p dthIll ; -.: ;';N" per . ,, : , ticq,,01femc5tni . il, adverth;orhotam woo'tot• , .� 'I Wool : . , • , , : , ,'. , , , ; . 12,.. ll s/ 13 Viper hunters are wanted at ]'.,ren, punished, because it prevents Soldiers ttikc: MARRIAGE; LICPiVSB : . Licenses issued And Wed' heSaedo, soli them;re ward t nathIo a in , .,: i r.. Cave hogs,per cwt , . , • . ; G 75 fi 50snake'aroMarriage torethoTmne ,e _.. _ b. _•. y.. r .. ,,u,,,;-.,... Tyrol..The so .a�undant as . Crow marching, when care and atten- cind,soua.aoi°+,roartsorkh,g • �f , .,, J,: Dressed. Xao 's.: , ..., .. , ; 8 t0 0 00 tTori would iia a )t hei et in g .0 eb A source of danger, and the goy ve 7C i t rte wulbosers,,yon,caramhyDaok. . _..: . _ Bran, ed 'nit volvetllnd box. Write to dog'. The eeason for sell lar an, ,`, , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,,, , la 00 1.e 00 , • 00 0 ' i 10 ' ineeneudwe �tOSeetlattirt>>�'�'�s. Tereitto•tan. Sll.oiat s, , , , ,, , , , ,,, , , , , '' , 1(i 00` 1G Ou 0=10), t 0j.t d5 Xl CgIttA Yor •ea uadd, . 51 c 4 ,:t.,. o• ..... ...: , hand, Joseph Stratford ditigC net always on h n . fi0ltareil 1VCat>fiat�oa' 'atison's Zook, Exeter, a,,nF.:._. d