HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1901-6-20, Page 7a subetituto for iaxercise, and. there_ eak from to kee the patient clod beelth, Tama, geaduallye the tissues. whieh are wasted by the ProceSs of rubbing, acquire, /Strength, just as the muacles acquire strength by dum- bells1 ankl other exercises, and the Ime tnt puts on flesh. To the question of food and fecdimg the gwenteet care is to be given. At firet the patient is fed entirely up- on (milk. A tquartor of a phat is given every two houra, and nothing else. The mi1 may be hot or cold, but no bread, meat or vegetables must be taken—only millr. After a day or two the quantity of milk ia increased. Half a pint is the usual allowance, and regularly seeming, noon and through the night tho patient snut be rnaale every two hours to swallow his half pint of milk. Tho onlly meals of the 21 which may be ,diapaneed with are those at 1 and 3 o'clock fti the morning, so as not to disturb the night's rest unduly, for Such pafienta frequently suffer from ale.oplessness. After about a week or 10 days of this pure Milk feeding the patient'a eyes bogie to get brighter, the cheeks loee, their hollowness, the complexion ite sallowness anal begins to take on color. Then more food is added, say a little BROWN BREAD AND AN EGG. After two ice: three daymore some chicken with green vegetables and a potato, and a little drink pudding aro given for dinner, but thia does not mean that there must be any let up in the milk, for t,he half pint ha e to be drunk with the meal. After a few daye more, o.s.the digestive organs ac- custom themselves to cleating with the increased quantity of food, a chop or a. cut from a. joint is substituted for :he chicken at t,he midday meal, and that le relegated to the evening re- peat. Then, two egg e are added for break- fast, and the, patient is at the end of three or four weeks, eating three square meals, in addition to taking fire or six pinta of milk a day, and in some cases, even more than that. Little, by little the Muacles, under the influence af the maasage, which beginning by half an hour a day, iS increased to half an hour twice a day, and then to an hour, morning and afternoon, and in Florae cases to an hour three times a day—gain strength, and the hollows take on a r oundnese. The depression of the spirits van- ishes, brightness takes the place of gloo(rn, and the tired 'brain, which, be- fore the treatment, seemed unable to concentrate itself on any work at all, becomes alert and full of vitality, and the patient ia able to go out and take .0aia place, once more in the world and it work, to his own de- light and the joy of his friends. Infancy THE UNEORTUNATE cONDITION OF MISS ERNE5TINE CLOUTIER. As She Crow Older Der Trotenes Became Mere Pronoulleed—Doctors Dsid He ease We One of do neral Debility, and Held Out Small Hoprl of lieeevery--She le Now iffell and etroeff— A Lesson for Patents. Vrona the Telegraph, Quebec, No discovery in medicine in mod- ern times has done so much to bring back the rich glow of health and the natural activity of healthy young womanhood to weak and ailing girls as has Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. Girls delicate from childhood I • "lave used' these pills with remarkably beneficial effects, and • the cherished daughter„ of many a household has been transformed from a pale and sickly girl into a, happy and robust condition by their use. Among the many who have regain- ed health and strength through the ose of Dr. William' Pink Pills is Miss .Ernestine Cloutier, the fifteen year old daughter of Mr. G. A. Clou- tier,- residing at No, 8 Lallemand street, Quebec city. Mr, Cloutier in an interview with a representative of the Telegraph gave the lc:Mowing account of his daughter's illness and recovery: "Almost from infancy my daughter had not enjoyed good health, her constitution being of a frail character. We did not pay ,rmich attention to her weakness as we thought that she would outgrow it. linfortunately this was not the case, and as she grew older she be- came so weak that I got alarmed at her condition. For days at a time she was unable to take out of doors exercise; she became listless, her ap- petite failed her, and as time went on she could not stand without sup- porting herself against something and at times she would fall in a faint. I called in a doctor; but his inedicine did not help her and she was growing weaker than ever.- An- other physician -was then consulted who Pronounced her case one of gen- eral debility, and gave me very little hope for her recovery. Some months ago while reading one of the daily papers I came across the case of a young woman cured by the use of Williams' Pink Pills, so I deter - =hied to give them a trial. After she had used about three boxes the color begun to come back to her cheeks and • she began to grow 'strond ger. Greatly encourageby this, she continued to use the pills for several reonths and now she is as well as any girl of her age. Her appetite is good and she has gained thirty --five pounds in weight. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills have built up her system and have made her ;healthy and active after doctors fail- ed to "benefit her. I believe that Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are the greatest known medicine for growing girls and I would advise their use in all cases -similar to that of my daugh- ter's." Miss Cloutier's story should bring hope to many thousands of other "young girls who suffer as she did. Those, who are pale, lack appetite, ['suffer from headaches and palpita- tion of the heart, dizziness, or a feeling ofconstant weariness, will find renewed health and strength in the use of a few boxes of Dr. Wil- liams' Pink Pills. Sold by all deal- ers or senteby mail, post paid, at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50, by addressing the Dr. Wil- liams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. GLUTTONY A CURE. byspoptics to Spend traintions in Bed and Be Stuffed Day and Night. Overeating, almost gluttony, in fact, 1...s urged as, the newest, and conse- quently the best cure, for.thatdeep gloom that Betties over the man that .1alaS gained business at the price of dySpepala and lathlea- ailments. The cure really consists of three parts— coraplete, rest, massage and over- feeding. 'Perhapa the most important of these Le overfeeding, although etreSe- is laid , by the physicians' on both the other two portions of the treatment, and it as Said by some that if any part is ignored, the reault IS unsatisfactory. It is twell, therefore, that they should be described—completely; the system " can be carried out 'simply at home. fl'he Teat is Insured by putting the sufferer to bed and keeping him there sroanatte,r how objectionable hc finds t. Indeed, it IS declared by ManY, people, that the Teat should be so 'thorough that the -patlieuat should ' DO NOXIIING FOR HIMSELF, and should even be fed rather than be allowed to feed himself. The maspnge is given because it is Corrigiiission. A SNATO uvr AGENTS in every local- ity. Tho on r bopk that sells on sight, Sales next to th01111114. Illustrated Circios. tars free. .131g CisinnetSSIon. Out out this - and apply et enes for exchisive c,eoot tory to, w4go I. 'tf!1111.411*.cii) fls PtIAC5t 00....Toronto. Ont.. ' KNEW THE KING AS "TEDDY." A Characteristic Story About Edward VZIJn His Younger Days Some sixteen Fears ago,a small boy was trudging up the Sands at Cannes, dragging behind. him a s toy yacht, which had failed to sail on the ruf- fled water, says the London Express. Sarnewhere.in the distance the little - • cla,ap'a nurse was busily engaged in talking to a gentleman's valet. So th'e boy at down on the sand and proceeded to make him.aelf thorough- ly miserable. As the was engaged in .doing so a shadow felf across the sand at his feet, someone to talk to the boy. He started avith the tinac-worn phraae of, "What's your name, my boy ?" The by looked up and recited hiS name. The word "recited" is used ad- visedly, ae be was blessed with eight pandas, being the eldest son of his family. After the eight names were enumerated, each checked off on a ,chubby finger, the. by asked, "Well, what's your name?" The gentleman laughed, 'Oh, they call me 'Teddy.' in London." " Why, my second name's Theodore, and they call me' Teddy,' sometimes," exclaimed the boy." ' - " Then we'll be the. two Teddies at Cannes," said the gentleman, and paased on. ' Of course, the nurse, duty excited, informed the small boy that the gen- tleman wee' the Prince of Wales. This did not apparently impress the by, for when he saw, the 'gentleman passing down to a yacht's gig a day later he called out to "Teddy," and as answered by a snail° 'and a little chat, while an impatient yacht own- er waited for the coming of his royal guest. ,That evening a emiiing and .olase- quioue landlord mounted to the door of the, s,aite occupiedby the boy's mother. He bore a salver, and on that aalve.r was a largo box Of bon -bons, in which a simple. card said that "Teddy sencls little Teddy same bon - bona." Shortly eller this the boy and his mothe.r passed on down the Riviera to Nice, and the little boy quite forgot "Teddy." But four years later, in the com- pany of' a tutor, the boy, who now considered himeelf quite grown up, was passing through the corridors of the Hotel de Betz, in Paris. As he did ea he. passed a large group of people who were laughing and chat- ting gaily j,vith a gentleman in their midst. A face from out the past sprang' up in the boy's. mind, as he swiftly crossed from his tutor's side over to the. group'. " Hello, Teddy!" he said, looking up at the gentleman. For a second the rows were knitted, a,nd then the older, Tedd'y an,awered "Weil of all people! Here'e little Te,ddy from Cannea," and forthwith hi natiat be told ail about the four yearbetween." He laughed to the group that here wail a youth VOLD had name S enough to gain him admittance into the "Altnatach de Gotha," and begged the by to, repeat thein. The two Elledd•iea saw, each other quite frequently during that year, for both were in England then, and the country houge where the Smaller Teddy stayed With his folks was but a little. iwayj acroas country from perfeet ikud ifentlfriee for the Tooth slid Mouth NeW She SOZODONT LIQUID, 25e SOZODONTTOOTH POWDER, 2k Large LIQUID and POWDER, 75C all Storas, or by Mail for t,ho price. ALL 84UOKEL,MntreaI, , 4•=11.1.1••10,401 Sand rin g ha xn, and grooms fr e q uen cc ly found their way across the country with little. preaentki of game, and now and then, a box of French bon -bona for Teddy. There ehbuld 'be an interesting se- auel to tlaie unique aequaintance- _ Ship ; for Teddy, the' younger, who is getting quite manly in appearance, is coming over with histutor to stay, it is said, near Sandringham, this sum- mer. It will be interesting to learn if he again encounterg the King in Iii s leisure hours. He has outgrown sweets by this time, probably, and will find cigarettes more to his liking. Our authority for this' interesting and characteri,atio Story of mar good- natured King is a foreign journal which declarethat the anecdote is absolutely authentic. ELECTRICITY IN I-IORTI- , CULTURE. The useS of electricity are daily enlarging. It seems some Russian scientists have been making interest - "big experiments in the effect of elec- -tricity in horticulture, or, as they term it, ''electroculture." It has been proved that electrified seed ger- minates more rapidly than others, and also by burying in the soil one zinc plate and one, copper plate, placed vertically and connected by a wire, that potatoes and other roots grown in the electrified space thus secured produce about three. times the crop that others do in similar soil close by, but without the elec- tricity. It is also applied to the rip- ening process and found to be suc- cessful. New South Wales remunerates its prisoners employed on the new breakwater both in money and also with rations and clothes, the latter two not according to prison regula- tions. PITIFUL CASE OF k LITTLE GiPiri, Child at the Age of two a Crip pled Victim of Disease. Edna Ratliburn, or liampitead, N. n,, fei and broke two rtbs—Injwired the kW noya emu Diabetes Developtd--Dedir • kidney Pills la curing the lildney straightened Injured spine. Hampstead, N.B., jon'e —Little Edna R.athburn of this place has had a sad experience for a child so young. She. is now nearly eleven years old. Eight of her few short years have been passed 'under the sad- dest cloud possible in life. At ttie age of two the child met with' an accident which' left her with two ribs broken, split off at the hack bane. Though they were aet and heal- ed her little b,ody did not straighten. For eight years she could hardly walk, being almoat doubled up. The accid- ent affected her 'Kidn.eye and Dia- betes set in. Diabetes is a particu- larly dangerous form of Kidney trouble, in.this case particularly sev- ere by nature of injuries to the spine. ,The family doctor war, of course, consulted. He, diagnosed her case correctly-, but couldn't cure ,it. She wee seaa.t to the Public Hospital at St. John, in the hopeal that the great- er skill and facilities there would avail. They could do nothing for her. The authorities aclvieed the another to take the child home to nuree her and give, her good care while she lived w.hich would not be very 'long. The suffering of the little one was heart-rending to the mother and friends. She cried with pain night and day. The mother grew desperate and determined she would find a cure for her child if it took every cent she possessed. She saw Dodd's Kidney Pills adver- tised and immediately purchased some., From the first they were beneficial. The little girl commenced to get bet- ter. Every day saw afn itnproverne.nt. Dedd'a Kidney Pills were doing the work. Six boxes in all were used and once, more Diabetes was conquered. Not only that but with the return of health the spine conimerseed to straighten. The little girl is now a Im t ph ye ic.a 11 y perfect. Says the grateful another lin her own words: "Them is nothing to be compared to Dod,d's Kidney Pills. We thank God. we heard of them. Edna is now full of color; runs and Playa about as smart as a whip, where once she was a puny little thing aa pale as a ghost." MOTHER AND' QUEEN. The queen always made it a point to Ise,ep the religious instruction of her children aa much as` possible in hea- own hancle'. Once when the Arch- deacon of London waa catechizing the young prince, ja& ertid . "Your governess deserves great cre- dit for instructing you so thorough- ly. A t wh lab y ounga t era piped up: "It's mamma who teaches us our catechism!" It la riot perhaps', generally known that the queen occasionally taught a Bible class for the children of those in attendance at Windsor Palace. TOOTH POWDER WELL. TIIA.T WAS COOL 1 1 A anerchaat, living in a seaside Vil- lage which imports largo quantities of wood discovered tha,t the timber in hia ;yard grew less each night. He therefore resolved to lie awake one night, in order, i possible, to find out the :reason. At an 'hour, when all honeist folk should be in bed, hearing a noise in the yard, he gently raised his bed- room window and aaw ip the moon-. light a, neighbour trying to get a la ge plank into hie wheelbarrow, Now, you're it. pielty nilee fellow, Said the owner, to come here and steal nay wood while I sleep. Yes, replied the thief; and Isupa pose you would stay up there and see me break my bacIE with lifting before you would COnle dOW11 and bell' mei , • Queensland does not enforce the compulsory clause in its education laws, because of the difficulty in en- forcing its provisions in the scatter- ed, sparsely -Populated districts of the interior. A Life Saved.—Mr. Jarnes _Bryson Cameron, states: "I was confined to my lied with Liftman -nation of the lungs, and MIS given up by the physicians. A neigh- bor advised mete try Dr. l'honias' Enloe - Irk: Oil, stating that his wife had used it for a throat trouble with the best results. Acting on his advice, I procured the medi- cine, and less than a half bottle cured me; I certainly believe -it saved my life. It was with reluctance that I consented to a trial, as I was 'reduced to such a state that I doubted the power of any remedy to do me any good." Lord Edward Cecil, gen' of Lord Salisbury, is a brevet lieutenant- caotfloivnafelteaktth3g1., thankis to his good work Thin Big -eaters is on evory boz of the -carmine Laxative Brorso-Quisine Tablets the remedy that eureis a cold int one clet7 ----- Orders have been jested directing the cruiser Thetis, lately employed in guarding the Boer prisoners at St. Helena, to return to Eaagland to ,pay off. For Over Fifty Years hIng. W/NST,OW'S SOOTHING SYBUr haa been used by millions of mothers for their children while teething. Itsoothes the child, softens the gums, allays pain, cures wind colic, regulates the stomach and bowels, and is the best remedy for Diarrhcea. Twenty -Bre cents a bottle. Sold bs: druggists throughout the world. Be sure and ask for ' Mita. WINSLOW'S SOOTHING SYRUP." Dr. Barton, of Beckenham:, has in- vented a military balloon, which the Wax Office offers to purchase under certain conditions. • • 1 • s Liniment Relieves Neuralgia -- Lord Lovat i returning froreSouth Africa to raise two companies to re- place Lovat's Scouts now at the front, whose term of seryice has expired. ..-- 1315Ware oT -Ointments Tor TIMM that contain Mercury as mercury will surely destroy the sense of smell and completely derange the whole system when entering it through the mucous surface-,, Such articles should never be used except on prescriptions from reputable physicians, as the damage they will do is ten feld to the good you can possibly dorive from them. Ha l's Catarrh Cure, manufactured by F.J. Cheney 8z Co,, To- ledo, 0., contains no mercury, and is taken in. ternally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. In buying Fall's Catarrh Cure be sure you get the genii- ine. It is takeeinternally,and made in Toledo, Ohio, by F. J. Cheney Sz Co. Testimonials tree. Sold by Drnggists, price 75e per bottle. Heirs Fimuy Pills are the beet, A JURY OF JONESES. The Joneses are confusingly plenti- ful in Wales. A recent jury compris- ed one than named Hughes and eleven named Jones, Seven of the latter bore the Christian name of John. The prisoner's name was the same as that of seven of the jurors—John Jones. There never was, and never 'will be, a nniversal panacea., in one •remedy, for all ills to which flesh is heir—the very nature of many euratives being such that were tee germs of other 'and differently, seated diseases rooted in the system of the patient—what would relieve one ill in cure would aggravate the other. We have, however, in Qainine Wine, when obtainablein a sound unadulterated state, a remedy for many and g,revious ills. By its gradual and judicious use, the frailest systems are led into 'convalescence and strength, by the influence which Qui- nine exerts on Nature's own restoratives. 11 relieves the drooping spirits of those with whom a •chronic state of morbid des- pondency and lack of interest in life is a disease, and, by tranquilizing the nerves, disposes to sound and refreshing, sleep— imparts vigor to the action of the blood, ivhich, being stimulated, courses through- out the veins, strengthening the healthy animal functions of the system, thereby making activity a necessary: result, strengthening the frame, and giving life to the digestive organs, which naturally demand increased subscance—result, im- proved appetite. Northrop & Lyman of l'oronto, have given to the public their -superior Quinine Wine at the nsital rate, and, gauged by the opinion of scientists, this wine approaches nearest perfectioa of any in the market. All druggists sell it. -- WHAT IS A STEREOSCOPE ? ' A eorresPondent twaites : 1 recent- ly told a friend of mine that I was , i going n for aurae- of your competi-' tiont,.. He seemed !rather sceptical. What dr, &..fou get for prizes ? he inquired. Oh, pentnive, latereoscoposi, and so on 1 answered What would be. the kood of a stereo- , scope to 'you 1 was the reply. You're not going to be a doctor, are you? Ho thought I meant a -stethoscope. •GREEN OR BLACK. A Qanflty of Quality is what all drinkers of Machine -Made Tea get. No to as, pure, wholesome or economical, Superlative la actual" merit, To suit all varieties of tastes. _ Ceylon Teas are sold in Sealed Lead Packets only. Black, tlixed, Uncolored Ceylon Crean. Free samples sent. Address ,0SALADA," Toronto. if YOLI Want l'ent0101,7daas", YP°1.14LThY, APPLESitoritlitteerd,Foriloril:w9 inaCrittlennts The Dawson Commission Co. aolborne St , latent°. Me.,••••=I.0.1=.0•0 4? • 4:444 • •-• • • 4:4, 1:44:4 4:4 • p:..4 4:4 • 4:4 44 4:4 4:4 4:4 4:4 4:41:4 • • • 4:4 • • • • • 0:44:44:4+4:o • • 0:4 • PAINT Paint your house now ; don't delay longer. Preserve it; brighten it up. m" Improve your property 50 per cent. Oti by adding a little of our celebrated *is, paint, made to keep houses from U 1 C going to decay, and to make homes *St, beautiful, RAMSAY'S PAINT t is a money -saver because it lasts 4,* longer, keeps color better, goes )1 further than any other and is not X dear to commence with. Dealers have it. Send to us for 01.1f • 44:i BOOKLET "K" FREE • o about paints and beautiful 110ines• %AI* _ I T 1,21tRYSiN RAIVISAY & SON PAINT !WAXERS, Est'cl 1E42, I HE WAS EXCUSED. A young Man at a social party wag vehemently =zed to sing a eortg. He reptied that he would first tell a story and then ,if they still peraisted 15 their demand, he would endeavour to execute a song. When a bay, he said, hP., took lessons in singing, and one Sunday meaning he event up into the garret to practice alone. While in full cry he was suddenly seat for by the paid gentleman. This is pretty conduct!. said tho father; pretty employment for the son of pious parents to bo sawing boaras Id2 the garret on a Sunday morning, loud enough to be. heard by all the neighbours. Sit dawn and take your book." The young man was unanimously (nausea' from singing the te opeeed g. Kinard's Liniment Cares Dandruff, Wha.t have you decided to give Tom for hie birthday? Mrs. Torn—A nic.e collar and euff box. It will be so convenient to keep my buttons, thread, anti scisegors in. SPECIAL TRAIN TO SAN PHAN- , CISCO. For Canadian delegates and all others going to •the lepworth League Convention, via Chicago and North- Western Railway, to leave Chicago Tuesday, July 9th, 11.59 p. an. Stops will be made at Denver, Col- orado Springs, Glenwood Springs and Salt Lake, passing en route the finest, scenery in the Rocky and Sierra Nevada Mountains. Through Pullman Palace and Tourist Sleep- ing Cars. Order berths early, as party will be limited in number. Fare only $50 round trip, with choice of routes returning. Send stamp for illustrated itinerary and map of San Francisco to B. H. -Ben- nett, Gen'l Agent, 2 Ring St. East, Toronto, Ont. Brewn-1,Vhy del the letter -box? lones--Dunno. Brown— Why, be- i cause the pianoforte. - This s 'why BrOwn now walk's with a limp and asks na more riddles'. They Drove Pimples .Away .—A face covered with pimples is Unsightly. It tells of internal irregularities which should long since have been corrected. The liver and the kidneys are not per- forming their functions in the healthy way they should, and these pimples are to let you know that the' blood protests. Parmelee's Vegetable Pills will drive them all away, and will leave the skin clear and clean. Try them, and there will be another witness to their excel- lence. He hai no lack, however small, And therefore he was g/ad. e'Tis best," said he, "no luck at all Than allways have it bad." Inflammatory lehentnatism.—Mr. Wm. Ackerman, commercial traveler, Belle- ville, writes: "Some yaars ago I used Dr Thomas' Eclectric Oil for Inflammation rheumatism, and three bottles ()fleeted a complete cure. I was the whole of one summer linable, to move without crutches, and every moven-lent caused excruciating pains, I am now out on the roed and ex- posed to all kinds of weather, but have neyer been trouleed iyitbt rhenniatisia since. L however, keep a, bottle of Dr. Thoinfis!Ectectric Oil on hand, and I always recommend it to others, as it did so much for Pa, madiL LI Willie, can't you ,spare enough' money to bray ane a gun? kUy ran, I am going to get you a gun when .1 can ,sparo a boy— not before. ..amsaimmok,aroosoien••••••amimolam....31*,......40•0•11. : (2070,e0,W40,(44 74e,.: ouid/ calit:&W-i4e4(/*: 61-t;A: T. N. U • 328 '. AVENtlE HOUSE --?%- 1 colt ego Avenws4f am Nobel -rata $1.11' VW? SALR.—A fine hundred acre farm ii. building,Jdgclod fences, well watered and u4,' _v Huron county, nieearr d:o.clerich.' Goo ,e0arcshonased. parowimpftli,onG,elott; toillfcheL. Ont. ° P. .. p , . ' nr owaste .eP. land, ', I.V1.1' ALP NTS WANTED—TWENTY DOLL-A.P.8-4 week—liegular customers; freight chargq prepaid; outfit free or returnabie no cepa. fel required; exclusive territory. Ci,karenall 8: Co, tea importers, Lon 'on, Ont. A STRANGE FLOWER. One of the strangest botanical cur- iosities in the world is the "Wonder - Wonder" flower found in. the Malay, Peninsula. It is simply a blossom, without leaves, vine, or stem, and grows as a parasite oti decayed wood. This extraordinary flower is something like a yard in diameter, and has a globular cup in the middle with a capacity of five or six quarts.; Minard's Liniment Cures Darns, etc. —.— Haw do you Efka your new Chinese servant? So ranch ! Why, he can do almost anything. Did you notice how sharp the carving laiilfe was at dinner? Yes. Well, lie rased to sihaapen the sworda of the public exe- cutioner! !Nerd's Liniment sold everywhere.' ,sir! How is it 1 catch you kissing my 'daughter? By smeakinra in upon us, sir! —.— Cheap Round -Trip Rate Between St. Paail, Minn., and the Pacific Coast. On July Oth the Northern' Pacific Ry. 'will place in effect a low first- class round trip rate of $45,0i) from eastern teiuninals to Seattle, Ta- coma and Portland. Dates of sale at eastern terminals will be from. July 6th to July 13th inclusive, and the final limit for return will be Aug.; 31st, 1901. Destination must be reached not later than July 1Sthe stopovers being allowed IN 'ZITHER DIRECTION within , the transi- limits. This offers • an unsurpassed oppor- tunity for those desiring to hunt, new homes and farms to go into the. northwest and look over the coun- try, or for those wishing to visit! relatives or friends or to make pleas, sure trips, to do so. The barotriete,r drops almost ex- actly an inch for -1,0.00f t. of ascent; 900,000 of Loindoif.s population aro living nione than !Iwo in a room. I believe MINAR.D'S LINIMENT mill cure every caso of Diphtheria. MRS. REUBEN BAKER. I believe MINARD'S LINIMENZ will produce growth, of hair. IVIES. CHAS. ANDERSON Stanley I believe 1VIINARD'S LtrilmENT is the best household retnecly on earth. MATTHIAS D'OLEY. Rivmelale, Oil City, Ont. SUBSCRIPTIONS IN INDIA. There is no country in the wide world like India for collecting huge subscriptions in a short space of them. The Mansion House is cons sidered hard le) beat in this respect; but to no London fund have such huge individual sums been presented as were given by the Indian princes for the purpose of erecting a memor- 151 hall to the late Queen in Calcut- ta. The Maharajah of Kashmir gave, A:100,000f, the Maharajah of Scindia, , Z66,6(36; the Maharajah Of Jaipur, Z33,333; and many °Mate ' gave smaller amounts. • Tho stenri largest donations total 9216,029. Truly a magnificent reCora. :far e. trat. HAI