HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1901-6-20, Page 4eleee" ee•eieeeeee;e.eeeeeele
ONE TEASPOONVUle of Pain-lailler ' •
oxid,er Ablivety/te, bot wat'ea sWeetened cuae almost'
any case of flatulency and indigestion. 1
Claas. H, Sand.ei,s, Editor and Prop Avoid substitutes, there is but one
THURSDAY, JUNE 20, 1901,
Presia< Alt3Kinley has issned' it
stattenient to the effeet that he hite no
desire for it bath -al term, and would not
1(1 p1 a nomination if it were tent:Ikea
The Lincoln county conneil have ap-
, pointed a committee to eonfei, with
Wellitud comity council With. a view
of 1 ti iujoint actioa for erection .of
saeititrium for consumptives for the
t WO 10 0 ties.
* a
Many otrnaers in Ont 1110 )p0 ii. ,c0
be under the imtn'et4sloa that recent
regulations adopted by the Ontivao
Government in regard to the des-
tenction of the Codliag Moth on apple
trees are compulsory upon all persons.
These regulations have been mode in
accordance wi th. the provisions the
Pain -Killer, Perry Davis . 23ets an
SI Morys; "Mother ! Mother whore
are yoa ?" shouted the two little sons
of Mia. James Hester when they re-
tut:Ilea home from sehool on tonday
afteenoon and found, the living rooms
or the house without cn occupant.
They sought her in the bedroom nnd
there they found her lying dead upon
the floor. Neighbors were called in and
a ph ysiaiiin 11 i1 sunanoued, but the
woman had been Ll( id 1:01" ;10 hoer or
two, Heart 1 ultiic f)r.Sparks Sala WaS
the cause of her sudden titking eii.
When her husband, Mr. J times lies
ter, a machinist itt the illitxwell Works
lett the house at nooa his wife seemed
to be in her usual condition of good
heidth, .about half ptist two o'clock a
neighbor spoke to her tit the door.
$be hetl goue to her voom to dress
and had been s udaenly stricken
Mitchell: About •three, o'clock Fri-
day morning the house of Mr. jolm
We t col-1011Se \vas antered an un -
Noxious ,InSects Acts passed in. 1991. knowil burglar. It is thought that
he .entered by a window and then an -
This is a load option Act iind comes
into' force onlya a these tatlOeiPant'es loeked the beak door as tameans .of
that adopt it by by-law..
" The following is the legisla tiv e school
,,grant, for 1901 for the various munici-
palities in the county —Ashfield
Colborne $222, Goderich $297, Grey
$118, Ha y,$283, Howick, $466, Hnllett
$339; McKillop $313, Morris $306, Stan-
ley $264, Stephen $463, Tuckersmith
$303, Turnberry $206, Eitst Wawnosh
$238, We,st Witanosh $238, Clinton
$300, Goderich $442, Seafortb. $299,
Wingham $269, Bayfield $70, Blyth
$108 Brussels $151, Exeter $227, Hen-
son $110, Wroxeter $54, Separate
the house. When he finally rea izac
Schools as follows:—Ashfield $47, Hay
that such was actually the case, the
$42, Hallett $11, McKillop $14, Stephen
Godetioh rascal had made good his escape. Mr.
$11, West Wawanosh $15, Waterhouse had a large sum of money
$57. The total grant to the public in the house and cts this fact was
schools of Huron is $5146 and that to
known only to a. few persons and as
separate schools $177. The only count -
the man was evidently familiitr with
les which receive a larger giant than
the house it is hoped that he will be
Huron are Middlesex, Simeoe, iind the
brought to justice.
United Counties of Stormont, Dundas
and Glengarry, St. Marys: A very pretty ancl pleas-
ing- event occm•red at the "Ever -
Around About rs greens," the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Geo. Kemp on Wednesday evening,
Pitrachill: Dan Walker a ltd about June 12, it being the marriitge of their
fifteen years of age, is suffering from daughter, Lizzie, to Mr. B. W. F.
injuries received on Monday morning .Beavers, the prosperous young merch-
through the street watering w'nzen ltnt of Farquhar. The ceremony was
Passing "elhhn- At the tn-ne 1)1 -the soleinnized iu the, drawing room at
accideut he wits unhitching- the horse eight 0' clock by Rev. J. Ball who per -
and laid one trace freed when through formed the duty with neatness itnel
a sudden forward movement of the despatch. The bride was supported
horse he wcts struck by one of the by her coosin, Miss Lizzie Kirkby, and
shctfts itnd thrown down. Afore wheel' the, groom 'by his brother, imr. G. S.
and hind wheel passed over his abdo- Beaeeia. The bride was h;tadsolneb"
men. He is said to be seriously injur- attired in white India dimity trimmed
ed. Had the tank not been empty he with valenciennies lace ancl insertion
would no doubt have been crushed to and silk ribbon, ittid ciirried a shower
escape in ease Oidiseovery. Ile 11100111-
ed thea
front stitias nd passed the 100111
occupied by Mrs. Waer
th (Mae' s mother
who woke -up but,supPosing 11111 11 w;is
her sonin-law, paid no attentimi.
Mrs. "Witterhause wits. ilwakened by a
eeise in her romn'and waa disagreeala
ly .surprieed to see ca inan Creeping
1111155 the room on his hinds and
knees. She cried out and awakened'
her husband waile the burglar rapidly
decitmped. Mrs. Waterhouse is sill)-
ject to nightmare and her husband
supposing that she had an uoosually
vivid dream paid no Otteritioia tO. her
declarations that there was a. thief in
Dartadian Pacific Employes LaY
Down Their Tools,
flentntittee Says 00 Per Cent, of the Men
Hate Obeyed Circlets Jeeelaring a COS-
Eation From eVoi-k—Sonee Details of
Tee Numbers ot nlen 'Who Are on
Strike at Local Points--Oftietal State-
ment, Dy der. Mc:Nicoll of the C. 0, 0.
rforouto, Juno is.—whon the order
came fr OM ai• Let's yes ter a ay
morning for the. 0.12.11. trackmee to
stike, the montbers in 'Toronto oaea-
cd the summons anti laid down timir
tolls. The woramen here, as order-
ed by the union, reported for work
at 6 o'clock, but when no settlement
had been arrived at at
the app o ed time"; there
Lurriedly came, the word to strike.
The number of trackmen on the sys-
tem in Toronto is about 10, consti-
tuting one gang. They ar 1 Oca ted
along the, Esplanade, and connect
with gangs at East Toronto and To-
ronto Junction. The men on snmike
hold a short meeting and deciciJd to
stand by the other strikers. They will
t•emain out until ordered to return
by the committee. The strikers M
Toronto expect, to have the support.
of the other eailway organizations in
their fight, and in dills way look for-
ward to win.
On the other hand local 0. P. R.
officials were little concerned yester-
day over the strike. General Super-
intendent Timmerman was of the
on inion that the men who went oUt
will soon return to work' The offi-
einjs say that the places of the
strikers will be taken by men, some
of Whom are already engaged.
bouquet of White rcaes, carnations and
St. Mitrys: Willie Oliver; the fifteen maiden hair fern. The 'bridesmaid
year old son of Mr. Luke Oliver, met wore white dimity trimmed with lace
with a Very serious accident Nybile at and ribbon and. Ofteried a shower bon
work in the woodshop at the Maxwell.
Work on Tuesday. One of his handS
came in contact with the knives of' a
planning machine with tam result that
all that-isleft of his hand is thelittle fin-
ger and part of the palm. The boYaviis
receiving the boards from the planer
which were being fed in at the other
side of the machine by George Snoddy
another employee at the works. He
reached forward to catch the board_
'beforeat bad. got clear of the kuives
and. met With the distressing injury.
Biddulph: The matters in dispnte
between John and Daniel Rider, of
Bichlulph township, have been amicab-
ly settled, and the parties will not re-
sort to any further law. The Riders
are brothers, and as a result of a set-to
which they indulged in John charged
Daniel with assault, and Daniel issued
a, writ 0 gainst John for damages for
injuries received. Squire Lacey dis-
missed the assault, case ou Friday, the
plaintiff and his witnesses failing to
appear. The brothers also got toseeth-
er and settled the other matter, 'John
agreeing to pay Daniel $100 and all
costs. R. G. Fishae acted for Sohn
Rider, and I. C. Judd for Daniel.
,complied with the order to Strike
yesterday morning.
notectivos at North, nay.
North Bay, 'June 18, --The antic)°,
inen and ,bridge mea ef this division
weut out On strike here Yesterdeaa
morning, There is no excitement
and everything is quiet.. The 0, P,11
has aboat 2Q, epecial, deteetives sta-
tioned aloag this division,
Traekmn e 1 die and Qttiel.
St. John, N. Be 30110 18. — The
strik P, 11, trackmen yesterday
niorning effects about 400 men on
the A.tlantic division. The trackmen
ere aro idle d quiet.
!sea ova al no edon.
London 311110 1S.—The anticipated
striae of the C. P, trackmen,
which was echedided for yesterday
10010109, (1111 not materialize. The
statement was ma de 11; at no order
had yet been received by the Men.
Stilt Working at Woodstock.
Woodstock,' June 18,—The C. P. R.
trackmen strike leas not arfected
1Voodetock thus far There aye three
sections of men 004 ail are at Work.
They cannot say whether they will
1001111(1 on duty long or not.
Forte Mee Odic Ceetham,
Chatham, J lino .1 8 000 t 40 see-
tionmen on the C. P. R., comprising
four eangs, 'went 'out on strike yes-
terday morning at 6 o`cloele,
.111 Quit But the 1 oeeman.
Owen Sound, June 18,—The sec-
ionmen employed by the 0.1' R. in
this section struck work yesterday
Morning, all but the foreman going
out. The men say they are out to
stay, if necessary,
No 'Trouble at Guelpix
June ,.
Guelph, Jne 18.—)Testerday
ing the tra,ckmen on the Guelph Rail-
way were hard at work as usual,
notwithstanding the rumor that a
strike among all 0. P. R. trackmen
along the line would be called.
working as Usual.
Sault Ste. liar ie, June 18.—The
C. P. 11. trains arrived here sharp on
time yesterday, and trainmen report
the trackmen working as ustlal on
this branch. -
All Ottawa elen Out.
i a formation From Retilway ()metals and
Trackmen,s Union officials.
Montreal, June 17.—(SpecIale—The Strike.
which has been predicted for some days
past, and as ofteu denied, is now OR, and
It now remains to be seen which side will
first come to time.
Mr. D. .51eNicoll, n1;11111501 oE the C.P.R.,
states that a good many men have quit,
but he caunot say definitely as to. the num-
ber; reports are coming in slowly.
Statement by Mr. 1 c)icoll,
Montreal, Que., June 17.—In reply to an
enquiry regarding the strike of drackinen
this nioruing lir. )1eNleoll, secoud vice -
President emit general manager of the
Canadien Pacific Railway, said this even-
ing- that wbile , some of the trackmen
hilt] quit ,ewore the 11 it majority had
not, end he fully believed that within
twenty-four hours the trouble would be
over. ,
Those Who had gene out evere, no doubt,
actuated by a desire to redeem their
promises to the committee rather than
by any feeling of discontent at then
'treatment by the -.es a matter
quiet of pink roses, 'carnations and company.
of fact, thd Canadian pacific Rallivay
maiden hair fern. After eongratulat- I paid higher wages to its traelemen than
ions all repaired.. to the 'dining hall
. .
whepethe titbles were most examsite-
ly prepared for eighty inVited guests.
The presents were.ntimerous and cost-
ly, including a beautiful gold watch
from the groom to the bride. These
tokens show the high esteem in which
the young donple are held by their
Many friends.
After a period of unusual beat there
*a,S a heavy ftda of snow' in Scotland,
Blitusliard: On the evening of the
5th inst., a very pleasant event- took
place at the hornejof yr. and Mrs. A.
Rpvve, of Blansbord, it being the occa-
sion of the marriage of their daughter,
Nettie, to Mr. Louis Oclett, of Pool
Huron. To the stvains 'of Mendles-
solata's wedding haitrch rcmclered by
Miss E. Allen, the party took their
places on the lawn, where the nuptial
knot was very soon tied by the Rev.
J. Gr. Rogers, of Caleclon East. Miss
Lillie Rundle assisted tile bride, while
similar seevices were perfoemedfor
the groom by Mr,. Thos. Ocleta a, broth-
er of the groom. Little Miss Jennie
Stacey acted as flovver girl. Harry
Fergurson, Fronk Oclett, Roy Stacey
and aTortnan Stacey were .pages.
Kippen: The many friends and ac-
quitintitnces will be nietsed to learn
joules Henigan, of Hamilton, was
struck- by a street car Fridity itud died of
. . . .
tee injuries he received.
A serious riot occured. at Kingston
in connection with the itttempt to run
street cars with eon -onion men. .
• Five neteroes werelatnged from one
aallows at Sylvania Ga., hitvina on the
confession of one of their number been
convicted of inurdering two white men.
the marriage of itn olcl Kippen boy.
The happy event WAS Der ft/filled lit,
the manse, on Tuesday, Jane 4th, by
the father of the bride, when Thos. S.
Acheson, C. P. R. agent, Winkler, el
est son of the ReV. S. Acheson of Pena
bina, N. D., and late of Kippen, wits
joined in wedlock to Miss Mitry E.,e1c1-
est daughter of the Rev 13 Milne Croll,
of Nesbitt, Mtn. Ma. Aeheson is favor-
ably known here and was a forrrier
student itt the Clinton Collegiate In-
stitute. His father is well known in
Huron county, particularly in church
matters pertaining to the Presbyterian
church. 'rhe numerous friends will he
pleased. to hear of the happy event ;Ind
wish for a long life of happiness to Mr.
and Mrs. Acheson.
Varna: Miss Anna Dowson, of the
Babylon line, daughter of 'Henry Dow -
son, died on Friday night at the early
age of 23 years. Miss Dowson was a
very popular young lady and highly
esteemed; she was a member of the
afethoclist, chureb choir. Her remains
were interred in Bayfield cemetery on
Sunday last. A very large number of
friends and acquaintances turned out
to pay the tribute of respect to the de-
parted. Much sympathy is felt for
the bereaved parents and family in
the hour of their sad affliction, .
Wanless, of Chathana clied, lately; he
waa well known having ytIll 0150.0' 11)111
and also a, carding mill in township of
Hay many year: ago. He has not
been in good healthfor some time; his
wife died about two ;veal's Pq.Y,o.
was a Liberal in politics and a consis-
tent member of the Presbyterian
T13e Charlottetown, P. E. I., Oity
Council passed a resolution instructing,
the police force to have nothing to do
with the enforcement of the prohibi-
tion act.
The investigation into the shooting
of Mrs. J. J. Reclpitth at Montreitl
shows that it was her son Clifford who
murdered his mother culd then com-
mitted suicide.
Mess's. G. J. and E. HOWfird had
an exciting experience with a numher
of rattlesniikes while exploring the
Kinn of the Niagara River some dis-
tanee below the Falls.
Essex, Ort t, june 113. --Mr. Kaon -
sky, a Jewish buiekster of Windsins
was foand dead about 5 &Clock this
morning buried' underneath11 IS over-'
tinned' loaded wagon, few Miles be-
low Cottarn. The wago01 contained ten
Calves, tWm
o laba, and about .thirty
. It s supposed he :WAS
asleep on the wagon.waen the aceident
becored, iaid as the front wheel struck
a heap of gravel. it .pitched him out,
and' as the hied, wheel raised on : the
gravel ‘vholel cargo capsized on hlita
Two watches and '$17 were found on
his person. He leaves five children.
any other road on either side of the
line traversing shuilar territory. , The
wages paid east of Lake Superior,' !nor
instance, were higher than those "paid' by
the Grand Trunk or Intercolonial; the
wages west, than those pai4 by the North-
ern Pacific or Great Northern. ,
Rules had lately been put in force for
the purpose of removing any possible
cruise for complaint that 1.111011
Some of the questions discussed with the
committee were of such a nature that
long and careful consideration would have
had to be bestowed on them before they
could have been put in simile:a shape as
to prevent them from becoming a source
of continual annoyance to the men, as
well as to the company. 'Under these
circumstances, the best of men, those
who had been in the company's service
for years, were sure to feel that there
was no justification for the proclamation
of a strike.
Meanwhile, the compeny's lines from
end to end of the system wore in splen-
did oedition, and any number of new
men WON? soliciting 11•01.'1. 21.12, high Nya:rea
nald by the company being en attraction
even in good times like the present.
On being asked whether the question
of recognizing labor unions was a factor
In tbe dispute. 'Mr, nielelcoll replied that
It was not a factor in the dispute so far
as the company Was concerned, Tile
conditions attending work In the track
department are different froirn those In
other departments of the railway, end it
seemed impossible to formulate any scheme
that would be workable. Nearly every
man In the more important brunches
the company's service is a member of
one or other of the -railway brotherhoods
or tinier's, and no friction has resulted 'or
is likely to result. The president, said
Mr. ,11 conclusou, hall made'
tide very plain' to the 'I'Vriclunon's Corn-.
mittect, when they called on 111111.
Andrew Epperson, Andrew Siddles
and Frank Abram broke jail at Chat-
ham Saturday afternoon at three
o'clock. Epperson, who WAS convicted
of unlawful wounding, is a creole, 30
years of age, and wore a dark snit of
clothes. He is the individual who at-
tempted to minder Judge Bell flt,
Chatham a few days ago. Siddles is
thirty-two years of age, and wore his
prison suit. Abram is between nine-
teen abd twenty years of age. Iris
leseriPtion is unknown. The men are
supposed to have gond east -from
Chatharra The city police were noti-
fied by telephone, and will keep a
strict watch for the fugitives, On
Saturday Epperson was sentenced, to
rive years in Kingston, as he WNS be-
ing taken to the cells he shOuted to
the:lodge that he would not serve ont
his time. Abram is charged with steal-
ing silverware from George Stephens,
M. P., and Siddles was convicted of
highway robbery. They were await-
ing removal to the penitentiary. The
non broke away abOnt 8 o'clock Sun-
day olfternoon,
To cure a cold in a nighta-uss Vapo- re o
Ottawa, June 18.--01Deying the
mandate of the International Union.,
the track/nen of the ,11. yester-
day went. on strike:, and Ottawa, in
common with the rest of tlie line, is
affected. In this city 25 men quit
work, and at the yards and junctions
of the C. P. R. all operations have
been Suspended.
conditions at ll'innipeg.
Winnipeg, Juue 17.—(Special.)--The local
C. P. R. traekmeu are still at work this
afternoon, and one of their number, ques-
tioned to -day, stated that they had not yet
received notification from headquarters in
the east. He expected that they would
act In conjunction with the eastern track
men, when such notice was received. It
was also expected that many who were
working on the track, who were not unlou
men, would go out In sympathy with them.
There were about 80 men engaged on tee
C.P.R. teacks in Winutpeg.
Later it was stated that the men had
gone out.
Seven Hundred Men at Vancouver
and Kootenay Sections Quit.
'Montreal, Que., June 11.—A special to
The Star, trom 1. 01100)01 lele, says:
The track and bridge men on the keicine
Division', of the mein line and 013 ane
Kootenay sections, went out this morning
. -
They number seven hunured. They had
'absolutely no grievanee, but were ordered
out, and obeyed.
A Few Out at Nelson.
Nelson, B. C., Julie I7.—A few of tee
traelonen have gone out on striee here,
but they do not seem to knOW weat they
liave struck for, as the Spokane' Falls ancl
Northern Railway, which rens In eere, is
not paying Its men as ingh wages as tne
canainan Pacitic. Much dissialsraction is
expreseed bere at the action of tee Mont.
veal committee, and many or the men have
decided not to recognize the order to
Froin the '31001's Side.
Mr. John T. "\ Vilson, president , of the
Brotherhood of ItailWay Traci:filen of
ALI1Orieft, said:
'Our men have resPonded nobly', and. I
may say truthinily that every divielon
of the Cenadian 1,aci tic 0. to-dasy swept
clean of Its traclunen, bridgemen and t,raek
watchmen. ' From St. John, N.B., to Van-
couver, B.C., our acivices ton only one
story. We had not dared 40 hope that
tr.ore than CO 'per cent. of the boys would
go out to -day, for, doubtlees many of them
have not yet *received the strike order.
We are extremely hopeful of vitory, and
that before a great while.,
"Between 'Montreal end Ottawa there IS
only one gang at work; In all probability
they will quit to -night. Between Alegnatic
and St. John, N.B., the men ARO Ell (lut,
and they will remain out until they are
granted an increase to $1.50 per daY,
whether it be 0 week or ti year."
Mr. WIleou, who had gone to. Portland,
Maine to attend a tneeting of representa-
tives :f.rOin the- other .organized benliewnon
the leinine Central, was asked . what the
el tuation there promlsed.
"we are certain of victory," he answered.
sOur men are standing nein, and the eo,m-
pany is unable to fill thelr plaenle 15ightY
Italians, who were brought from 1308t00
last 'Tuesday, threw down their shovels on
Saturday and returned home. They tom
me they had been engaged to work on nn
extension to be bent, but when .they .ar
111. 01 they found their places were On ,the
sections, which had been left by emir
"Telegrams have been sent to the grrinri
chiefs of all the re illvey brotherhoods,
notifyl ng then) tbat tronble has odeurred
between the Canadian Peel flc and its tPRE11.
11101i, and asking them to bp governed,. ac-
cordingly," '
Only Thi.ee at Quebec.
(,),Uebee, June 18.-2.1The1e are only
Lb Poo see ti orun on bt tracknen on
1.11.1110 on the quebec Division of the
()Jail .
II But et Brockville,
e. it has been used extensively during more
13r ockV,111C, OHL, Jt T0 0 1
1 ,
At Grand. Forlas.
Grand Forks, B. C., June 17.—Tee sec-
tion men here' are asking *1.75 per day,
but 1:eel that, in 'getting $1.60 and $1.5U
Per day, the committee suould have ac-
eepted the same. Several or the gangs
Mine, as :1 consequence, rerused to go out,
and the company is having uo difficulty
in filling the places of tue few teat did
strike. ,
No Strilt-v0 at Calgary.
Calgary; N. NV. T., June 11.--1.abor is
1.01'3' pienlilul liore, and the tritelmuen,
etch° :they neve Mut severat meeting*
liave not yet decided to go out on strike.
Groly's Nest Line Sot Affected.
Crbniurook 11. c., June 17.—The Crow's .
Nest Pass ltoard is not ail:cute(' Oy the
tracicmen's .strl ke. The weges were re-
cently advanced. to $110 mai sl.r.o per
dny, with watch the average sectionman 15
Plenty of 'Olen at aloosejaxv.
nI0oeejaw, N. \Va., June 17.-111e track -
mews strike Is uot taken seriously here,
owing to the fact that there are a large
nunMer of foreign settlers 10 tee locality,
to whom employment on the Railway would
he a great help. if the men should go
out there will be no clifliculty in Ililing
taeir places.
What is
Ca4oria is for Infants and Children. Castoria is a
harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric, Drops
and Soothing' Syrups. It containg neither Opium,
Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. It is Pleasant.
Its guarantee is thirty years' use by Millions of
Mothers. Castoria destroys Worms and allays Feverish-
ness. Castoria cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. Castoria
relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and
Flatulency. Castoria assimilates the Food, regulates
the Stomach and Bowels of Infants and Children, giving
healthy anti natural sleep. CaStoria is the Children's
Panacea—The Mother's Friend.
eeeeren entee,
"Castoria is 00 excellent medicine for
children Mothers bave repeatedly told me
of its good effect upou their children."
DR. G. C, OSGOOD, Lowell, Mass
"Castoria Is so well adapted to children
that I .recommend it as superior to any pre-
scription known to inc'
H. A, ARCHER., M. D. Brooklyn, N. Y
Voting liedwiek's Death.
Toronto, ,June 18. --The jury which
inquired into the circumstances at-
tending the death of 6 -year-old Har-
ry Sedwick, who received fatal in-
juries while playing with a revolver
with his 10-year--e1d sister Olive on
Friday, returned a verdict that the
'shooting was accfclentally done by
persons unknown, and throwing the
respon:Jihiliiy on those who permit -
tad a loccded revolver to be kept in
a place accessible to the children.
A Railway Crossing ACCident.
Napatiee, Ont., June 18.—About 8
o'clock last evening, while Tingle,
Killoren, a farmer, living in Rich-
niond, was croSsing the Selby road
crossing on the G.T.R., close to the
depot, witb a team, his wagon was
struck by a train, killing one horse
And inairang the other and smashing
the wagon Ile was badly injured
himself, but, it is not tlioughf„ seri-
(iiitalta Strike 01, ,
Ottawa, Juno 18. — atetal
\Vorkers' Strike was called oO yester-
day morning, the men' being oven ,a
rise of 1.0 per clan 1: in their, wages.
Specie; i Session..
\/1 1111.1.1111 'flint)" '1 .1
Lwonty-four yeers, Al. rugaasta a;11 R trackma,n tlfi tana diaalea4 sesion of tile puede itac, Legena.,
ttp-e W111 1.,o 1101(1 011 J111,„..v 4,„6
r23027-7-4r.m,.aiiMMU, - ;tee; , _ ree eneeMik.
Ivnu 0 Nervous and despondent; weak or debilitated; tired mornings; nom -
.1... 11., i
r bition—lifeless; memory poor; easily fatigued; excitable and irritable(
eyes sunken, red and blurred; pimples on face; dreamand nighli
flosses; restless; haggard looking., weak back; bone pains; hair loose; ulcers; sore throat'
waricocele; deposit in nrine and drains at stool; distruetful; want of confidence; lack az '
onergi and strength— WE CAN CURE YOU 1
nurosu TREATMENT. AFTR—-4.
John A. Mullin says:—"I was one of the connt less vice
tims of early ignorance commenced at 15 years of age. I
tried seven medical firma and spent SON without avail.
I. gave up in despair. The drains on my systEm were
weakening xny intellect as well as my sexual and physical
life. My brother advised me as a Net resort to consult
Drs. Kennedy & Kergan. I commenced their New Method
Treatment and in a tew weeks was a new man, with new
life and ambition. This was four years ago, and new I
n073.ed and happy. I recommend these reliable
specialists to all my afflicted fellac'eene'n "
"The vices of early boyhood laid the foundation of my
ruin. Later en a "gay life and exposure to blood di- Syphilis, EmisP,ions
senses completed the wreck. I had all the symptoms of
Nervous Debility--eunken eyes, emissions, draM in urine, •
nervousness, weak back, e.c. Syphilis caused my hair to
Varicocele Cured.
fall out, bone pains, ulcers in mouth end on tongue,
blotches on body, etc. 1 thank God 1 triad Drs. Kennedy
ikKergan. They restored 1210 to healtb, vigor and happiness." CHAS. POWERS.
Tar We treat and ci•rre 1/7010 "i€ EmIsszons, Ne7vous Debility, Seminal
. .
Weakness, Gieet, Sirlcture, Unnatural Discharges, Self Abuse,
Kidney and Bladder .Diseases.
tire9 Have on lost ho Do ere n contempleting
REA D7 R Are 3.Pu ri 1-.1° , • • Inar-
, itztacti fee your Biood (;11 dieeased? Have you any weekness? Our
New Method Tree t 1111111 will core •;,. on. 1 k hat it line done for others it will do for YOH.
CONSULTATION P1 UE No matter whn 11-0 treatsil yore writo for en honest opinion Free
of Charge Cliarges rens:m:0;1e. 130 it.. elIFE —"The Golden Monitor" (illustrated), on
Disonees of Mere luclosoimstaeet0111 e1id_
VATE. No 01di' ine s nt C. 0. 1 lona,..nes nn boxes; or envel...
oges. Eve.rything, conficis.ntial. Question il,-st and coot of Treat-
ez s rel 4,v
9z)k,3! N
id: • e O. 148 rt S „
ifgv. 59
. 0 Dr7f-'07
.r.q• twsi• 0^...
•iert. --'-'r SA. .7 •
For pure blood, a bright eye, a clear
complexion, a keen appetite, a good
digestion and refreshing sleep, TAKE
BRISTOL'S Sarsaparilla
,It arouses the Liver, quickens the
circulation, brightens the spirits and
generally improves the health.
Sixty-elght yam trial haye proved it to be, the most reliable BLOOD purifier known.
All druggistS sell -BRISTOL'S."
The steamer Hero was burned at
up from any sickness, no matter
what sort, begin with a little
Scott's Emulsion of cod-liver
It is food, and rnore than
food: it helps you digest what-
ever food you can bear.,
ran prier 9440.1.4 *No TnY 11.
5°' i
f` " °° ll druggists.a
Goderieb: This counMilnity was
again startled on:Wednesday, by the
sudden death of Mr. D. Ci." Strachan,
one of the best known and most high-
ly respected citizens of town, who eN-
pired NVillle sitting at the breakfast
table. Ile had been complaining for
a week post 0( 1111 occasional shortness
of lircath, but otherwise as well as us-
ual. Ile was piayingon the howling
green the previous afternoon. The
0,4010 of his death was neuralgia of
the heart. For molly years the deceas-
ed was engaged itt the grocery busi-
ness, and afterwards in the cottl busi-
ness, and the past few years he had
11 (11 the junier cuSibins officer here.
His gen hi" in:11111er mode him popular
with classes of citizens. T-Iis age
was fifty-nine years.