HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1901-6-20, Page 1FOURTEENTH YEAR,—(7O. EXETER ONTARIO, TTITJ11SDAY JUNI; 20 i901 C PSANDEPS EDITOR.
Mets=¢4w%,,,.,,,rraelaiel....araramtva91.2.1. -
It is the cheapest because it goes the fartherest.
Tenders for the erection a a Gaoler's residence hi
the Town of Goderich will bexeceived not later than
11 o'clock a.m. on July 2nd, 1901. Tenders must be
addressed to W. Lane, County Clerk, Goderich. The,
building will be a stone and about 30 by 4U feet in
size.. The material on hand to be used In the build-
ing. Plans and speciflcations oan be seen at the
Clerk's °Mee, Goderich. Tenders must be settled
and 'narked, Tender for the erection of Gaoler's resi-
nence. The lowest or any tender not necessarily ac-
P. Rom, W. Lino,
Warden. . Clerk.
Dated at GOderich this 18611 day of ..Tune, 1901.
Miss Katie and Christian Curril are
visiting friends in Detroit.—Our hotel
keeper purchased another driver, but
did not keep it, long, Dr Rutledge, of
Da.shwoocl, making the purchase.—A
good number -went through here in
route to Parkhill races.
Rev. B. L. Hutton, of Granton, will
be the pastor here for the coming
terrn.—Mrs. Richard Coates, who has
been seriously ill for the past week, is
on the mend.—Misses Mary and Agnes
Blair attended the wedding of their
cousin at Ohiselhurst on Tuesday.--
ta• Mr. Malcolm Dempsey took in the ex-
cursion to Guelph on Saturday and
reports a pleasant time.—The trustees
have purchased a new Bell organ for
the elaterchr'e-Twn young '-gentlenien
fromce town North-east of here called
on friends here Sunday evening, but
got it where the chicken got the axe.
Try again boys.
Grand Bend
The Bend will boom this week. We
hear there will be a pi cn ic nearly every
day.—A barn raising will he held on
Mr. R. Taylor's place, Wednesday.—
Every one should come to the Bend
on July lst. Horse racing and other
sports will be carried on.—A govern-
ment boat has been here making a
chart of the lake. What about our
harbor 2—The Isaac Walton Fishiug
Olub, of Exeter, spent Saturday after-
noon here A number of other gentle-
men of Exeter were here also fishing.
—Mr. H. Bossenberry has got another
engine for his merry-go-round.—Mr.
Elwood has rented rooms from Mr.
Jos. Brenner and will carry on a bar-
ber shop here. He is a good barber
and will doubtless do well here.—The
Methodist Sunday School will hold
their annual picnic on Thursday, June
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Brenner, of
Grand Bend, visited friends here on
Saturday.—Mr. Rickbeil has returned
from Michigan. His wife remains for
a longer visit.—Mr. and Mrs. WM.
Fritz, of Creditor), were the guests of
Mr. and Mrs. C. Fritz on Sunday.—
The date for Zurich Civic Holiday has
been fixed for Friday the 21st. The
Zurich Public School picnic will be
held that day. All business places
a, will be closecla-Miss Maggie Holtzman
Teis on the sick list again.—Mr. Dave
Hattleib is here visiting his brother,
Chas. He has not been here for thir-
teen years.—Dr. Sellery and Ambrose
Smith, of Hensel], were in town Sun-
day.—Mr. and Mrs. D. Ilaist, of Cairo,
• Mich., ere here visiting friends and
relatives.—Mrs. Dave Gottschalk and
daughter went to London Tuesday._
Quite a rnimber from here will take
part in Miss Murdock's piano recital
to be given in Miller's Hall, I-Iensall,
next Monday evening. --Mr. and Mrs.
John Deichert leave the latter part of
this week for Neustadt,where they will
visit Rev. Neudeffer.
Mr. M. Fenn and Mr. Noah Fried •
visited friends in Platteville over Sun- I
day.—Several from her attended the I
sessions of the Sunday Sehool Convert -
tion in Zurich last week. The report
a pleasant timea—Rev. J. G. Litt, of
Crediton, administered the Lord's Sup-
per to the adherents of the Evangeli-
cal church last Sunday in the absence
of the Presiding Elder, who -is on an
extended trip through the missions in
the North Wes t.—Re v. ldlorlock preach-
ed at Grand Bend Sunday afternoon,
—Mrs. King and son, of Crediton,
visited friends in the village during
the week. --The public school .pin-nic
took place yesterday (Wednesday.)
Particulars next week,—Mr. E. M.
Brokenshire, wife and family visited
friends on the Babylon line Sonday.—
Mr. and Mrs. Lucas,' of Elmo, tee° visit-
ing friends and relatives in the neigh-
borhood.—Several cif our citizene at-
tended the Conseevative meeting in
Hensall on Thursde y last.—Mn Mark
T3rolienshiPe attended the wedding of
his brother,Will, in Crediton, Monday,
The Ladies' Aid held a very success-
ful social on the pm -soilage grounds
last Thursday evening. The time was
spent pleasantly in garues.--The Rev.
B. L. Hutton, of Gal n ton, the new pas-
tor of the Centrali,) Methodist church,
was in the village prospecting on Tues-
day last. He was much pleased with
the parsonage, grounds and surround-
ings.—The Rev. Mr. Salton and the
Rev. Mr. Hutton will both be here for
the 1st of July festival. Great prepar-
ations are being made for a big time,
and the usual games and Band Con-
cert and strawberry feast will be in
evidence.—Large congregations listen-
ed last Sunday to t-wo interesting set --
mons by Mr. Salton on "Heredity"
and "Oonscience."—We are glad to
say that Mr. .Tno. Parsons is improving
nicely.—Mr. Robt. Luker keeps the
same—confined to bed, but quite com-
fortable. -Mie Nelson Baker has bought
the livery and house recently owned
by Geo. Esserv.—Our new store keep-
er, opposite Orafton's hotel is doing
quite a thriving business. He keeps
an up-to-date stock of fresh new goods
with moderate charges.
St. Joseph
Mrs. J. G. McLean, who has been
visiting her husband her during the
Fest three weeks has returned to her
home in Chatham.—Mr. J. C. Hutchi-
son, of Kingston, who managed the
Queen's Hotel here, last summer, has
again returned to take charge of that
popular house. We welcome Mr.
Hutchison back as he is an all-round
good fellow.—Mr. Fred McDonald, of
Hensel], came to the lake on Friday
last to spend a few hours fishing, and
after engaging a boat, he, accompan-
ied by some friends, pulled from the
shore and after proceeding some dis-
tance, cast anchor and began opera-
tions; but Fred, not having as good
lack as some of the rest of the boys,
concluded to go down and see what
was the matter With the fish. So
down he went, head first, but receiv-
ing a very "cool" reception and per-
ceiving that some of the rest of
his friends were going to abcompany
him on his submarine excursioia he
returned on board the boat, a very
much wetter and probably in some
respects a wiser man.—Mrs. 0. Jordon
left on Saturday last for the Canadian
Soo, where she has gone to join her
usband, who has been there since
early spring. •
Mr. Frank Smith, of London, spent
last Sunday here with relatives. --A
number of our citizens intend taking
in the Ringling Bros.' circus in Lon-
don next Monday.—Mr. Jacob Heist
is on the sick list.—Mrs. Wesley Kerr
is attending the Sunday school Con-
vention in Clinton this week, being a
delegate of the Methodist chnrch.—
Haw Mr. Wes Hakshaw, of London, tre,e:
eller for Line, McDonald Co., was( in
the village on Monday.—Rev. James
Husser, B. D., preached an oleieropri-
ate sermon to the Maccabees, of this
village last Sunday evening.-/- r. E.
Simpson,of Mooresville,a form r teach-
er of our school, was in the illage
last week. Ernie has been in En1and
the past year, but still thinkA, here
is no place like home.—Mr. Inry
Voelker has had a summer kit hen
erected to the rear of his dwelling. --
Quite a number of our citizens attend-
ed the excursion to the MAO Farm
at Guelph last Saturday and report
having spent a pleasant time.—Mr.
Harbarn, florist, of dlensall, was
in the village last Thursday. While
here he put in a flowerbed for Mr.
Henry Eilber.--Mr. Samuel Eilber and
son, Roland, are visiting friends in
Ubly, Mich., this Week.—Miss Ida
Jory, of Exeter, was the guest of her
sister, Mrs. Ed. Kestle last Sundt —
A load of representatives, of this town-
ship attended the annual Conservative
meeting in Hensall last Thursday.—
Mr. and Mrs, Schroeder, of Elmwood,
are visiting their son, Mr. John K.
Schroeder, west of CreditontA num-
ber of our young people ha'o caught
the croquet fever and they may b
seen most every evening handling th
mallen—Rev. J. G. Litt conducted
quarterly meeting in MIS IWO Cl lest
Sunday -.A friendly game of ball was
played between the town and river
boys last Monday evening, resulting,
in a victory for the town lads by it
good majority. --Mr. Henry Mote is
having the dwelling he recently pur-
chased from Matthew Chambees thee-
onghly overheuled.—Dr. and Mes,
Rivers have returned froin Si. Thomas
where they have been visiting Mende
for some time.—Mr. Charles Kienzle
has the job of drawing gravel for the
School grounds,
A nennbee from here inteecl ta
in the pitenie at Gieend .13end, tce,
e-Mise,Cherlotte Dell ing has ecce
a position it the Ceti-az:1 Hotel Exetei'.
-The Missee'Lily ;tnd Lizzie diedges,
of London, are Visitiog • their sister:
MPS. jaS. Deetringe—Miss Oarrin Deu-.
ing has taken- a posit ion ni Hensel],
with Mee. eloggantb,-e-Me. Dens',
ford held a diet hauling bee on Friday
.and Mr. James Shapton held a similar
one on Monday, filling in the approach-
es to their barns.
Mertneene—The residence of Mr.
James Ford, of the 2nd concession
was the scene of a very pretty wedding
yesterday (Wed.) when -h eldest
daughter; Mise Martha, A., was united
in in to Mr. Win. Prodgen of
London, The ceremony Was peeform-
ed at high tient.), by the Bete '13,. Mill -
yard, in the presence of a number of
friends and relatives. The groom was
supported by his brother, while Miss
Loraine Ford, performed similar du-
ties for the bride. The ceremony over
and the usual congratulations extend-
ed to the happy couple, a sumptuous
wedding dinner was seeved; after
whipli the .balailee Of the afternoon Was
Very .pleastintly sp>nt eocially. . The
yonng couple were cleiven to the Exe-
ter denotewhere they took the evening
tnain for their futureehome in London
amid the well -wishes of theie many
king- The Sodomites intencl holding theie
cltty. :tnn [sal picn ie at, tlie Grand Bend on
pied Feiclay next.—Mit Chas. 13ox, who has
been stitleving teem a severe it ttack of
bloodpoisoning in his hand, is slowly
peovingt—A is umber of one citizens
took 10 the excursion to Guelph on
Stttnrday separatas ;Ire in op-
eration in Soden). :is a result of the re-
cent concert held here by Me. Bob-
We aresorry to learn of the sickness
in Mr. 'D. Parkinson's family, a num-
ber of whom are ail:Tering froma
ty.pe ofdipbtheria. We trilet nothing
serious will result.—The hatter makers
had an excitingtime with a coon the
other morning which had, clinibed to
the top of Mee j. G. Jens' Stable. The
boys finally disposed of his coons
by putting him to death. --The telep
one line, so much talked of, is as de
now as the coon we referred to in t
foregoing paragraph and we hear
nothing whatever about it. —Diu -limn
cement seems to be engaging theitti-
tention of speculators in this neighbor-
hood at present, but some may have a
different tale to tell later.—Mrs. John
Peart is about the only one who took
in the ex§ursion to the Model Farm at
Guelph from here.— Mr. and Mrs. P.
W. Brown, of Centralia, spent Sunday
at the former's parents.—Mr. S. Balk -
will and lady friend spent Sunday
afternoon with friends here. --Mr.
Heine Brown has returned from Glen-
coe, where he has been engaged as
()utter maker, The business was not
paying hence he threw up the job.
.People are very anxious to know wh.
has the contract for carrying th
mail. Don't worry it will be mac
Huron county- counon,
Miutitcs. of the ,Intte Session, Held iii
The Couety botincil met at the
enure .hbuse on Tuesday, june 4th.
'1 he members were all present. with
the eXception of Mr. Hays. Warden
Rolt Occupied the chair.
The Warden addeessed the council in
reference' to matters regarding the
treasurees security and 'stated that
the matter would be reported 011 by
the proper cemmittee. •
Commenications were reed as fole
tlbh:s0:hildeen's Aid Society, . 'asking for
Feom James Mitchell, preeid_eiat of
it grant to assist such society.
From Andrew Scott, secretary ot
the :public libery of Brucefield.
Tendets for coal for coint house,gaol
and registry °Moe, for gaol supplies,
and Stationery..
The above were referred to the exe-
eu ti tee committee.
FrOin Alex, Wilson, secretary of the
Seaferth Collegiate Institute, dolling
attention to a mistake made in his re-
port of last January. Filed. .
; From W. Proudfoot, asking the
council to provide More shelving for
books in the law libeeey. Referred it)
thetinty property ceamaittee.
hip e Petition ipom the trustees of school
li-;56ititen No. 3, aoderieh- township,asks
lug that certain lots be htft in their
section :tea asking for arbitrator. Re-.
fared to education committee.
A number of accounts were sent to
thefinance committee.
The Council will meet again in God-
ericli on the first Tuesday in December
All the members were present this
A letter from Dr. T. -F. Chamber-
lain, Provincial inspectorof prisons, in
regard to the goaler's residence was
reed and. sent to the county property
committee. Dr. Chamberlain enclosed
a report made by him to the Provin-
cial Secretary in which he stated very
st.ngly UK, accommodation for
the keeper or Hid' gaol here and' 'his
le family -was insufficient, unsanitary and
known on the first of jnly.-e-MCs.
POurtie and Mrs. -Harry. Eesson, of
Stratford, visited the fornia!s brother,
Mr. Geo. Easson, here:
A DROP' IN Mitae.-e-While near the
creamery the Other Morning with a
heavy load of Milk Mr. Kerslake met
with a very tinfintnnate eecidente It
appears he INMS el.flAringalong the
rOad. following another rig on whic
were a number of empty milk cao
One of the cans happened to fall off
infront of hie team- The horse e -
came frightened and backed the wag -
the into the ditch; upsatjng and des-
troying the: entirelot of 'milk which
Weighed' about 1800 pounds. The
tongue of the Waggon was also broken
.and several of the cans Were badly
bruised but otherwise no damage was
dote. The less is coneideettble tint no
blame could be attached .to anyone.
The company will have to bear the
. J. G. STANBURY; B. A., (formerly CJollins &
Stanbury) Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, Conveyancer,
Money to Loan—Exeter, Ont,
—The annual meeting, of the Conserva-
tive Association of South Huron met
here on the 13th ir,st, and was one of
the largest and most enthusistic in the
history of the a ltion, all lemma -
pal -dues tei • ully represented. The
electie o cers resulted in most of
t eetfild ffic- -s being re-elected. A
ninber • prominent men in the rid
ing made speeches, all referring to the
able manner in which the local mem
her had represented the riding the
past three years, and the confidence
they had of his re-election at the com-
ing contest. All the speakers conceded
that hundreds of independent men in
the riding have declared their willing-
ness to assist Eilber in the next con-
test. People in the province have be -
cope tired of it government that was
wasting the revenue of this province
on old political friends instead of giv-
ing the fa,riners and tax -payers more
direct benefit. Mr. Eilber, the local
member, was received. with great ap-
plause. He did not purpose to discuss
the public questions of the day at
length. His experience was that, it
was a matter of dollars and cents, and
how the revenue of the Province could
be expended to give the best test -tits
to tho people who pay the taxes in the
Province, and how can the resources
be best guarded for the interest of the
people. He denounced the pulpwood
agreements, giving large tracts of land
to foreigners and the rnode in which the
government compelled their followers
to certify the contracts,no'matter how
unjust they might be. The millions of
dollars voted to railways at the dying
hours of the Legislature was a disgrace
to the pros -ince. Public money was
spent to keep the government in power
instead of relieving the tax burdens of
the people. Resolutions were passed
placing confidence in Borden and
Whitney. The question of calling a
convention to select a candidate eves
left in the hands of the Excutive
Committee. The meeting adjourned
after sieging "God Save the King,"
Children Cry for
The report of the coonty gottler was
read end septet) the county property
committee.' The gaoler reported six
males confined in the gaol: Frank
Reid, Grey County, for carrying five -
arms and destruction of property ;
Robert Wallace, Tuckeesmith, for
vagrancy ; J. W. Scott, Wroxeter for
horse -stealing; John Weir, Walkerlon,
for assanit ; Otto Johnston, Kansas
City, and Edward O'Brien, Kansas
City, for being drunk and disorderly.
The report of Mr. Ansley, county
commissioner of roads and bridges,
was sent to the road and bridge com-
mittee. Mr. Ansley reported that the
contracts which had been authorized
by the council had been duly let. The
superstrocture of the bridge between
Wroxeta- and Belrnore was let to the
Hamilton Bridge Company and it is to
be completed in July. The bridge on
the boundary of Howick and Wallace
was let to the Stratford Bridge Com-
pany at $554 for the superstructure
and is to be completed. the 1st of Aug-
ust next. Frank Gutteridge, of Sea -
forth, has the contracts of erecting the
abutments for both bridges. Mr. Ans-
ley stated that at the Graham bridge
On the lake shore road in Ashfield,con-
crete walls should be erected to pro-
tect the approaches, as they are in
great clanger of being destroyed by
the action of the water. The Cham-
bers bridge over the Eighteen Mile riv-
er, on the boundary of Huron and
Bruce ounties, should be thoroughly
repaired very soon or it new bridge
erected. The total amount of the or-
ders issued by ths commissioner since
his report in January was $291.17. He
estimated the ainount required for
roads and bridges during the present
year at $5,500.
The county auditors' report was 're-
ferred to the finance committee.
The clerk was authorized to procure
one copy of the Ontario Statutes for
this year for eachmember of the coun-
cil and also it copy each for the clerk
and the treasurer.
The report of the county property
committee in the matter of the report
of the Provincial inspector concerning
the appointing of it committee to con-
fer with him in reference to the goal-
eVs residence was presented. Thecom-
mittee asked the coancil to deal with
Messrs. tselK.
Msserr, Bowman, Connolly,
Torance and the Warden were appoin-
ted a special committee to confer with
Dr. Chamberlain, and the clerk was
instenetedto write to Dr. Chamberlain
to this effect.
Application was made by a committee
of citizens to the town of Clinton for a,
giant to assist in entertaining the
Huron Old Boys on the 6th of July
next. Messrs. Forrester, Re risford
and Holmes were heatel in support of
the application. The matter was re -
fared to the executive committee.
Messrs..McCartney and Sturdy were
beard in eupport of their petition re-
garding school section No. 3, Goderich
township, and Messrs. Churchill and
Nesbit spoke against such a petition.
A petition signed by 337 residents of
the municipalities of Goderich and
Colborne townships and the town of
Goderich, asking that a bridge be
built over the Maitland river at a cer-
tain point (between Ball's bridge and
the Hohnesville bridge) for the con-
venience of the travelliug public was
ings ;111C1 Others were betted in suppoeb
, • •
of the petition. Tint matter
referred to the rota' 0 nd bridge c
0111 -
The eeport of the House of Refuge
committee WaS passed. The com-
mittee moor ted the number of in-
mates ;t little less than during last
Year, and Dr. Shaw. physical), report-
ed that the geneval health of the in-
mates leal been fairly good. Some
minor inprovements in C011nectiou
with the peemises 11010 recommended.
The crop on the farm is as follows :
Eleven acres of oats, five of bailey.
twelve of hay, two of mongols, one of
turnips, three of potatoes, one-half
acre of beo ns, three-fourths of ail acre
of fodder corn, one fourth Acre of
beets and one acre of other vegetables
the rest of the faint in pastuve. The
totid expense of the house since Jan.
lst was $1,008.07.
Moved by Mr. Speckman, seconded
by Mr. flicks, that the commissioner
be instrticted to arrange to meet the
representatives from the counties of
Lamhton and Middlesex regarding the
erection of a bridge across the Aux
bauble river, aud report at the Dec-
ember session. Sent to road and
bridge committee.
A motion that the sum of $25 be
granted to assist ill repairing the boun-
dary line between the townships of
Minto and Howick was sent to the
road and bridge committee.
Moved by Mr. Torrance, seconded
by Mr. Lamont, that the treasurer be
isked to draw the attention of the
county constables to the matter of en
orcing, the pedlars by-law, to thi
fleet, that they are expected to se
hat all Pedlars in the couuty procur
license. Carried. '
Dr. Chamberlain was present at th
fterimou session and addressed th
ouncil regarding the improvement
equired at the goal,
The council then adjourned for an
our and the members proceeded to
he goal with Dr, Chamberlain and
ooked over the building.
The education committee reported
egarding a communication from the
rustees of school section No. 8, God
rich township, asking for arbitrators
,a be appointed to adjudicate on hay -
ng lots -15 and47, Maitland concession,
f the ttbove township, placed in school
ection No. 3. The committee, having
eard delegations both for and again -
1, recommended that no action be
aken in the matter. The report was
The council went into committee on
qualization of assessment, and sche-
ule_of last year nee again adopted.
read and adopted.
The following bylews were read three
times tind passed : l‘ro. 2, of 1901, to bor-
new money for county' purposes ; No.
3, to equitlize the :issessments of the
several muuiciptilities in the county
No. 4, to raise by iissessment a sum of
moeey for general .and other purposes
for the year 1001.
The ft:Bowing is the estimate of (-et-
pendituves anti- receipts ioi the year
1901 peen:teed by tho. county teeasetr-
Administiettion of justice '5 500 06
Gaol expeniture............. 2 000 00
Lunatics and charities.. , . 800 00
Municipal government... .. 4 000 00
St:itionery, printing, etc.... 800 00
Miscellaneous, . , . ..... . , • . , .100 00
oo s -------------------------5 700 00
School mane gement..... 2 300 00
1 400 00
Gran ts
.Debentures 5 500 00
Division Court jury fund100 00
Industrial home 4 00000 0000
County property 30
Roads and bridges. ...... 6 171 41
Surplus 1900 $3 502 62
Registy office 600 00
Interest 400 00
Licenses 1 300 00
$5 802 62
The June Sessions
- The June Sessions of the Peace for
s of Huron opened at Goderich on Tues -
e day afternoon before Nisi:knot-Judge
e Doyle, and after the Grand jury had
answered their names and elected
e Samuel Bissett as foreman, Sheriff!
e Reynold presented His Honor with a
s pair of white kid gloves, to certify
that there were no criminal cases on
the docket. The grand jtiTy was com-
posed Of the following gentleinen:
Samuel Bissett, Colborne; John
Crozier, McKillop; John Ferguson,
Auburn; Peter Lamont, Grey; John
Munnings, Colborne; Patrick McCar-
- thy, Goderich, William IIAMillianiW-
Wawanosh; James O'Neil, Ashfield;
Wm. Quinton, Usborne; Thos: Robin-
son Stanley; Wm. Sherwood, Ash-
field: Daniel Steinback, Zurich; Thos,
N. Walsh, E. Wawanosle.
His Honor addressed the Grand
Jurors, congratulating them on the
absence of criminal cases, and regret-
ting the absence of the senior Judge
through illness. He said Judge Mas-
son had obtained three months' ab-
sence on account of illnes, and, hoped
that before that time expired his col-
league would have recovered and re
slimed his duties. After directing the
panel to visit the jail, and stating
tho 1 a visit might also be made to the
House of Refuge, at their own ex-
pense, the grand jurymenwere dis-
missed to their duties.
The civil docket consisted of 3 jury
and 7 don -jury cases, the firsbefore
the court being Govier et al vs. Gevier
an action on four promissoryeenotes,
commenced at 2.80 p. m,, and after an
absence of 40 minutes the jury gave a
verdict for deft. and His Honor direct-
ed that sense be entered with costs. J.
T. Gorrow. K. C., for plaintiff, Wm,
Proudfoot for deft.
Passmore vs. Andrews et al, an
action on a promissory note, was by
consent, postponed till December sit-
ting of this court. Philip Holt, K. C.
for pltr. Wm. Proudfoot for deft.
Clinton June 161h.—A very sad
drowning accident took place here
yesterday. Mr. and Mrs. A. White -
sides, of Rens:ell, accompanied by his
little son, aged one year and nine
mouths, drove here to visit friends
and while playing around accidently
fell into a cistern. Before a,ssistatice
arrived the child Vette drowned.
A letter was read from Lient. Col.
Varcoe extending an invitation to
the members of the council to visit
the camp in London during the annu-
al drill and thanking the council for
the grant made to supplement the pay
of the rben. The clerk was instructed
to acknowledge the receipt of this let -
ler and on behalf of the council thank
Col. Varcoe for the kind invitation.
The special committee re gaoler's
residence recommended that a new
residence be built, the stone in a porti-
on of the gaol wall and the brick in
the cottage to be utilized, and con-
struction to be proceeded with as soon
as plans and specifications are peeper -
ed and approved by the council or it
committee appointed by the Council.
The report was adopted.
The report of the county property
committee, reporting the usual in-
spection of the county buildings and
recommending that the matter of in-
creasing the shelving accommodation
in the library be left with the Warden,
was adopted. •
The executive committee reported
the receipt of two tenders for coal and
recommended that neither be accepted,
as they thought the price too high ;
they recommended no action in the
matter of a grant of the Huron Old
Boys' celebration at Clinton ; that it
grant of $15 be made to the Brucefield
public library, and it grant of $25 to
the Ohildren's Aid Society. The re-
port was adopted with an amendment
to the effect that the Warden and
clerk be instructed to ask for nevv ten-
ders for coal and award the contract.
The road and bridge committee re-
commended that the county C0111111iS-
sioner have the Graham bridge repair-
ed at once ; that repairs to Chambers'
bridge be attended to in conjunction
with the Bruce commissioners ; that
the commissioner report at the Decem-
ber meeting upon the necessity and
the cost oE a new bridge over the
Maitland river between Colborne and
Goderich townships ; that a pipe rail-
ing be put on Ball's bridge ; that $25
be granted to assist in repairing the
boundary between the townships of
Minto and Hotvick ; that in the matt-
er of the motion of Councillors Speak-
man and Hicks regarding a new bridge
over the Aux Sauble river the request
Treport was amended by the
striking out of the clause referring to
the expenditure on the bounadry be-
tween Minto and Howick. With this
amendment the report, was adopted.
The report Of the finance committee,
passing upon a large number of ac-
counts, was read and adopted.
The report of the equalization COM-
mittee, recommending that the as-
sessment of the various municipalities
for county purposes be the same as for
1901, was adopted.
It was decided that in the event of
an appeal from the equalization of the
assessment the final equalizationshould
be left to the county Judge.
A building committee, in connection
with the new gaoler'e residence, was
constituted, composed of Messrs.
Connolly, Kerr and the 'Warden, with
power to procure plans, specifications
and tenders and to submit the sarne itt
11. !D.e.cial sesslon of the council.
supplementery report, of the fin-
e committee, stating that the
stmer's security was satisfactory
repotting a county rate of one
one-tenthemills on:the dollar, was
presented, and ItMessrs. Burns, Munn- and
Stratford, Ont.,June 17. —Late Sitar -
day night and early Sunclay morning
the village of Tavistock, was the scene
of a series of daring burglaries. In al/
five private residences, among the best
in the village, were visited, and the
net result was that the parties visited
are out between $65 and $100 and a
bicycle, beside a few other little ar-
ticles. Neither the Western Bank,
the post office nor any stores weres vis-
ited. The burglars' haul, as far as
can be ascertained, comprises $75, in
cash, taken from the residence of Dr.
Steele; $9, in cash, from Mr. Field, a
small sum from Mr. E. A. Rate; a bi-
cycle from Mr. J. Adams, tied, it is
thought, some small sundries from
others. As yet no arrests have been
made, though the police are working
on the case._
The six-year-old daughter of Mrs.
Cornelius J. Kelly, of Ottawa, was fat-
ally burned. She vvas playing in the
yard with matches, and set fire to her
FORD. --In Exeter, on June Oth the
wife of W. J. Ford of adanghtee.
PTIOLGINI-4101tD.—Ab the residence
of the bride's parent0,611 Wednesday
, Stine 191h, by the Rey. Reldtlillyard,
Mr. Wm. Proudger, ofLondon, to
Miss Martha A., eldest daughter of
Mr. Sas. Ford, of Stephen township.
street Methodist church, on Wed-
nesday, ,Ttine 19th, by the R,etr. R.
Millyarcl, Mr. A. J. McTavish, of
London, to Miss Ella J., daughter of „
Mr. Jr N. Heward, Exeter.
•WitsmOoler.—In Exeter, on June 10th
Sueential Pollard, beloved wife of
Walter Westcett, aged 59 year, 3
Months, 29 days.