HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1901-6-13, Page 510•• THE O. xviett. r' itlivioirivtg ,, .. p,5 published. _i.ery' Thursday Mnibaing,, . V . •iit the Office, - ' • ' ; ' ,. _, . . . , AccAnsT-STREE'r, ,,--, EXETER. , . . , the------ ' , .., . . , AMPIITCAN T'NTFRI'1,1' .) ',,, j ' ‘4 ' ' ' j I 0 , )1, ARIIIA.G. 'ES Of MEN The 'Whele .Story. ' ....!..0'...., -.a - - 7r. ' '7,Tir TI.1- .. ' i. - itter-; f1 M7s. r--41 A 1 \.'," :11 ,„ .. , ....... Why let '' ' - . .0 II -.)- all, your U .•,.. n e g .- •.• T7otNATIVIdE,RTliCiFAN,:;pBut7sUEF0FFTLHocils.WA , , .. . CURIOUS COURTSHIllS A,NCI 1,n3o- .po POSAL Ls. • " • - 01111 itIev i 2-1 it .i bors , . , , .. . and f" i'' Alt' 0 ' el 1, r i e.p, u.s . . , . . . , ' think yoft .. ...,,.. fo. „ .• • Y ge must be . -1 /4 , . , 4. I, 1, , 1, . i r. „k4170411:1'11% A -4, - " ''''' 11.11' ' ''''' ."- ' ' smith w it Huss Om worhiugs.1,1' ,t0ii„AriAi ' Digiitileil„ , aim • August „Doily in th ..'S0101b Entorl all) ing Scraps of Family 'Wm. . ... . . , . ' ' [61.p -A uciuointic 1:lenient Is ' ilixeil 1 p ' VI It /\„/4.,/ !Loy,' ,.,i//1„.1.,,, -1,40 reit :Cc, V. er „Fljt.._, jj Li c _ 1,.,., jo.. 1 , ..**,, IJ t , (PERINN,n,NYIS'.)' FrOin 0.1.11.it 'F.-.: Luc, Pollee Stat'.60 'No— 5 Moot -eat .- ,Wo j•efp,unt1v tl^e PrItItY fl()C,Z,V, I l7:41:nAt,1),Nal,'",,,,i,',4''','Ittii..`,",t:c!ti.;:',)/,1i1114::'•,%1'.... blaine, orffin2,,s'i 014 411 'Willa -1011:i tvbieh ),)ei,nli I,. ,ti I' i l ' 34 14'41,4 "...Alm 1 , IIII OW 14 Vit • illit ,i, •,..,e, ' 1..E164,;,,,,' . , • ' '' . -•• VIA /1 1 ,'• I , , . . r r --•-••••••13y .. ADVOCATE PUBLiSHINp COMPANY TEilltS OF SITIISCRIVT.ION, . Jne Dollar per annum if plaid in Ailva,nce S1.50 it not $o paid.- , , ,its..a.Iscartl.4-.5.zela ;2•3.tcro .c?rs, 4acplice3,- ..•,,,, tiosa. , , , „. -----" ' /*To PaPerdiscontinuod until allarre rage ire paid. Advertisements without ,a.peeific lireetions will be published till forbid and lharged accordingly. .Liberal discount made or transcient advertisementS inserted for °rig -periods. EVery description of TO/3 PRINTING turnect ont in the finest stYle, eaact at moderate rates, Oheques,rnoneyord- ira, Sze. fer advertising, subscriptions ,etc .6 o. ie niaile'PaVa,ble te , Chas. II. Sand -ors,' EDITOR AND PROP t' w e • ' "f '1 .r1 t•y -- y e .a r s older than 'you are? '). wiorid• It Is believed that the fits t Arnerr •- e .. ans who ...ever.'succeededi in . hluinne Deed one eyf 11.1Me awrbriraidg. 'es' hgareaatest thenies. -Interest ' - never flags. in. the' subject. Men hai, e u..len.in 9 ur po6it.ion. Ilave ,n0.-Ir0.01- , teeny in easel- t4tit ,P,AIN-hILI.ZIL 'ZS OW , • Int.t.sts'::'Ci'"''It-tte'CI:raaviclar7au'enrithEtheiKit"e"ena'I' la'''. TWO i.,Z,elit 25o. and 50c. bottles.' d , f re,: 1 • ., • , • • Yet it s impossible to .,. < their way .hitp the House of I.,ord-r nr,i . Frederick „ • .. . Dr, L. Porker and .Ralne D.. tired of their . . . . , . • .. periences sometimes, but of other peo- . . , ill 1 , - ' 4 look young with ,.the' color; of 70 years .in , the hair. ' It's .sad to , see young persons Smitb df ' 13inghanaion who has las, . . . . • .,. rQtarneq fripni a Enr°Pean trIP• '11.& tourists visited the vaearit c,hari-ibere in Parliament Building when they ., , - first went to Europe. two months tine, but at that time neither House, was -in ple's never. . , 1 1 . •d . ;;Ie",hi esagite,atilltionggi eats', titea' wiest.egePeh.11',°,1,T. Th . • , el e is no stereotyped way of g rt- ting • - , , -.. . . . ... ..0°1' 4 °St aS men "Ye f°und all- fereet waYs '6f ' i• , 281\rdlitacelli.„i'ettlite sc?nnoft1M-1° t• :.es jne. it !Iles: .tN); \fr. '2!, ttv,lire.... house set a fir•e cracker oft JD his bah- , • ' ' l• I er s Ice house, which is connectec svi 1 the.. 'barn. ' Next imitating Mr. John 11:} X.I., V ' - ---.... -- -461141_4W 111.1:l il ' '' • ' I!! pit,i1 i t I i'l look. prematurely 'old . , . . , , Session. When they i'eturned to Lon- :' propos' ing po' there hnve been endlesP 'Ways, ' Downey' .. , , , , , . and . . in this way . Sad be- . • * ' ' ' cause it's all unneces- sary • for gray hair, . a . . - may always be re- ,,,, i 1, "•,,4 , don week before. last and learned that both Houses were in session they deferral ' ' -It , ned to try to witness the working ef., the meet dignified ,ana. august body in -the ,ifforld,ethe House .0f Lords. -,- '.., , ,,, „. •"•,;., in which .In.en have met their 'fates • A rtnnantic .1 - • - • ' •• ' • e enrent is mixed up with most love, affairs. ' ' • I-Iorace Greeley and Mary Young ' Cheney were married the. first ' daY.,' 'fhey qleizI3-enxotittirrgeidii.ebbbeedptlahnee•fritliinefisi.13 ' , , • -'t • ' - ' • • • . Parkhill: On Tuesday night seeveral glhomes.in WWII Were entered bybur- ais., '.iill'r. W ., A , MeDornald?,s ae'es-- cluel,le..1v„1;:snej.int,esiaenciN.N•e.137 tl. eti”fi,e0(ksyl; 'at''''''''0"-'-'°° ': - r. ' ' •, , . . .. e . s Ready • - - . e aiak-s a feau,cxe o Vlhen Professional Card.s.. . . II, KINSMAN, L. D. S. & Da. A. R. eil". KINSMAN, L Di S., D. p,s...Honor , graduate. of Toronto University, , DENTISTS. reeth bxtracted without any pain, or any bad effects, Office in Fanson's l3lock, west ride Main Street,Exeter. - 'Stored • t.-0 1 t S n a t .7. u r a 1 C019r by - • • -• InqUIring , at their hotel they learn- ed that no tickets ,are. issued for ad- Mittance to that I -louse in fact tha.t , there are no. admittancee, except to friends, who are taken .In by" mem- hers; They jeareed aeat tee Aniette cars Embassy has, two tickets each,. bE' they met. Ind corresponded foi some time a meta'ai eriend who wds - etmlet Mpg' Of a nmatelimels'er, h vine; broug,ht this about. .S. ,. a ' - ' he was young . and beautiful and all his tao,eY, Pa!o'-' ed 'her, hut _she was much dtsapponit- Otl:in his apPearance, so nine so. .... , :When he app'eared .before, herb, haythmegt hnis beclinconetMr. pliverepaited., Iliad. i.,1, watch rtnct its, stolen. Mr. lairente a wateti nndMr., W. .11. gark's- house was aiso enteted bu t th • yisa, secured. In the nast three the en- t, .... . • • .d thro eih the win- lance wae m,t e ta, . n .. , cloYee. we promptness , ,,: . ' , , 4, a. . __ pronaise your sb,it on .a • - date - ll h ' ...t given we ave i ., „. ' ' Y a ' no ready. • ou. ne-d,. - t - ., -Worry about the time . e - • any. more than „about . , DR.D. ALTON ANDBRSON,(D.D.S.,L.D.S9) honors tiracluate of the Toronto Ifni- rsitV and Royal College of ,Dental Surgeo2as of Pntario. Teeth eXtracted without pain. All -modes of Dentistry up to• date. office al nevr block south of Carlings' block. us- . . ing— ' ' I -,., - - da .for. adraiSsiOn• to Holls,e Commons and that it is also much ' ' . ' eaSier to' get admitted to that body ' ' - 1- ' , • ' . . . been acce ted by • letter and the marria...'s day fixed, she frank- • te- . , ., .s- ly 'told hirn that although she marriLu , 1 -,, . . , ' - , . , • . Ry • ,• , . the quaht- of 'he gbods ' or tile nt of the clothes. '. , ' For over half a cen-. through some member. They visited the ' Embassy,' butY him, she was not ln love With him. married life Was hang, and :liaPe ' • , ,' ' ' -..—"" -1 ' ' a ,, ou may ateper.1 on ,.,.s. ' Medical ' tury this has been the standard hair prepara- tion. It is an el.egant dressing; stops fall- . learned that all -"tickets were. spoken for weeks in advance. 'The .attaehes of the Embassy could suggest no waY in which they could secyre adInittaMee , , , . . unless they Icnew some member. oar- ter to .Thelr , . • - - ... i PY,' and the loss of. his *ire y,:as a., blow n•hich he did netIongeSurvive... ; .The second time that Bis.„marck ,me, Johanna Puttkarnmer he Fralllein n kissed her soundly in the preSence of . J. MURRAY' 9 . •' • Manufacturer & •Dealer. . ,... . . ,t.lr .GRIEVE T-! • • , Opposite Post Office inff.T.p,' McLAUGRLIN, MEMBER OF .1-• the Oblloge of Physicians and Surgeons )ntario. Physician, Surgeon and Aceoueli- our. Office, Dashw,00d., Ont. , , Legal. ) •• ' in of the hair . makes • .the hair grow; and cleanses, the scalp from dandruff., . $1.00 a bottle. All druggists. a day's unsuccessful effort place a Member of Parliament 'on their ac- quaintance liSt, they visited the' Cun, ard agent, who had `shoWn thein coin', . tesies when they first landed... He could , suggest nothing; until . he re- membered that .he knew a member, OF the lower house. Be nromisecl to see . . a „nurliber of guests. The. iminediate -• t n and efftc of this en3barrassi „, 'Shocking behavior was. the ProMPt nthiouncement . th• which ., of e betrothal, :Was 30011 followed by the. ' ,The first time Mary . Todd met' ,Lin- coln she said: , to her sister .: ' "That . Portable and Stationery Eneines and n,„„_Ilt'i • NI • 6 .1.710WS', anc o ers, ow- "-"''''' ' • • . ers, Etc. Iron Ripe and fittings, re- • .. • , . , pairs on Agricultuial Inipletnerits , iind general machinery promptly atl tended to ... „. ' • . Exeier-•mmir' . - ' ' . R 0 L,L c. R • PA 1 LLS, • ' - ntorcSoN & CARLING-, BARRISTERS, .L., solicitor -6, Notaries, Conveyancers, Dommissioners, , Solicitors for the Molsons Bank, ete.., Money to loan at lowest rates sf interest. Offices, ,Main Streets .Exeter. r. R. CABLING, B. A.. L. H. Dicirsoa. . _ "I have been. using Ayer's Hair Yip:if for ,oTer,20 years and 1 can heartily recomniend it. to the public as the hest hair tonic inexistence.- ' -.Mrs. D. L. ALDElts0J3, Apr1124,18.99. Ector;Tex. , ' what he could do for the tourists. That night ' he came to their hotel bringing them two tickets from his ' Member acquaintance ' which . would admit them to the House of Comnions. ' . men will be Pi•esident one, Of tbese days. He will nialm ',a.,,busband to .be proud of." About that tinie tinco'n's chances of becoming President seemed as... remote as , poisible,, and , Maryis , . 'seorn. .i4. . 2 Good Second Hitnd MoWers for &tie, , cheap; also 1 'Steven's & Burns' Por-, tableThi•eshing Eng, ine for sale_ in , good running order. Price $lio.00 .. ... ...........,....... ...... . • . ., . Highest,4. prices -, paid, El' 'Wt. GLA.DatAla-,,(snocessoi to Elliot -at J.' . aladman,) Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public Conveyancer, Etc, Money to lo,an at .o -west. rates of interest. Office Main Street, Exeter. . 1.t you, do not obtain all the benefits -Ital,'IttlsItofift(V. vadvir:,-, write r°'° '. , DE. J. C. AYER, Lowell, maim . • When they silgge,sted their' desire to . visit the House of Lords to several' Englishmen, the Britishers siumly gaped in wonder at the men whose nerve would prompt them to think ef auch a. thing. ' ' ' • ' , sister laughed the - idea to ' . . . . , few months afterw,ard Mary. Todd was married to "Ugly Abe," and in four- teen years the prediction was fulfilled As • a child the future .Mrs. Lincoln had. prophesied that she would 'become Cash' . . ------' , , , Sole agent in Exeter and .vicinity for 'the Electric Boiler Cci.mpound. Gilar•- anteed to he strictly first -plass removing Scales, etc. t..,t. fOr Clean,. Red W h., --1,t. , . _ , ,.., . Large stock: of mill. feed , on' hand. .A...etioneers . itBOSSESTEERRY,PrancieBond, Licensed ,... ' . Auctioneer for County Enron.- Sales Promptly attended to,' and .ch.s.rges moder• Ite. Ord.ers by mail will receive every,st-- tention. ,. - . . On July 19 the tourists' Were ailmit• the wife of a President ofothe. United-------- , ineer-atted to the gallery ' of the -House cf . St. Marys:, , Geo. Foster, engCommons, where they - 'listened, 'for ,Cartees.Mill, rnet with' a'serjoirs' acci- sorne tiine to the WeiglitY 'diScussidit dent 00. Eridey afternoon'. He, was as- • ' ' . ' II' ' on the advisability, pf permitting in' s'istnig in unioadimi 0o. al vi en -a sud- Irish language to be e ' taught 'tiP , the 'States. neThe first ' August- Belmoiit's mar- ria,.;•e to' ComniOdoie Perry's` daughtet ' t" • - - ' - - - ' - grew oat of a duel. , At his,'firSt meet - lig with the 'lady, a blooming Haiti- ' FOR SA.I.,E. , AiWatei•loo Trantiori• Engine and sl , • . . hs, .• .. °mire . ,.par.ttor With.12 inch.. Bran t - ford G-ribder, ' F. '0, B.,. Exeter,' `for $850. This is a rare bargain and must ' a i 00D livAvrii EDI - ril BROWN tWineheiseM, LiconsedtAneti 1.1., ioneer.for the Counties of rer h an fitiddlesex, also for the township ofUsborne ;area promptly attended toand terms .rea- ionbale.Sales arranged.at Post office. Wia- '. helsew. • ' den forsvai•cl movement of the' wagon , escho 1 f l'' It .d.' Thi Odebee. aocyti." threw 11.10: to the . ground. ,• 'A, large o s o ' re an s - • • i became too tame for the,' Amerieans, piece of coal, striking, him on thehead, , • • . 'est , 617 inflicted a Serious -scalp wound. Sever- and they , left the House in „cll.' . , .. al stitches were reciaired. td -close-the ItVlin.'game" • ' ' • „ , . They down the long lika.11 , b' 11, ; t the 't'''''' la , . li I ' snore e e a e theatre,e c a - :. lene-ecl a man who made some remark ' . '''- • : • ..-, .,, , . , reflecting on .the ylrtue of women - gen"-e. etally. When the smoke. of .the'sinsuil- taneous fire the two b . . 1:1' - t t il d e death f the ' . e so c owing o ie ea o e pro- . . prietor• ` ' ' , • , .upiRay • . -Give us A Call. . , Insurance. E ELLIOT, • , . Insurance Age,n,t. Exeter ii.Ilfli 8I.'•'-'''''• •• •-s -i - wound.1 started : . , ,..e: - . .„. of pistols 'Cleared , ... . , . . ' , ' • . P' • leading to the assembly chamberei-f,f - Wingham: A charniing June wed,- the upper house. . Soon ' they weilkl..... dhig was celebrated a,t ' " Riverside," stopped by the . uplifted" hand', ' nf .7a."' reSidenee of Mr Thoe:Pell o a Wednes- , • : ' 'se-, - '''•' .,..a. a s nee - - - ' o ., - : • guard. "'S -s -t. You mustn led -rime hese!: „..i •' away it was found that the hully had Abultet :through' his heart and` Aiiel- ''''''- • • - - • - ' - .. - . emonti a ball in the leg .He became' a - • ' • •-e" ' • • , ehettistofee theil...,:hotir e.. proposed. to, the ..,,, . —. ' 0 T. . Wittig ' :I. sCOBBLEDICI'& SON , ,,,trithon,,,b,„ his dal -It -Pater Miss_Jean . . ,.. an .. . The Honseeof Lords: is inisession. ' , 's MaY' was united. on marriages' to Mr. 013-.. The Amer o e i . , . , ,- • • - - e se. -.heal:114[W Miss perry. and was -accept-.. He . ,.. • • .' „ern eel 1114 SALE :- 11 -11 -14 -1 -VI° -r - — „ • '.1. ' .2i MONEY , TO LOAN... . Tile undersigned has a few gciod faiM s for sale cheap. Money to loan on ,easy terms .... - • .TORN l'ACICHAlsr,- se • Samwell's Block Exe i , ._.. Tiul'iert Hewseyhisbolin• T,he 'bride cans were no , 6 d b t ifi s ' They engaed was One of Winglaa.in's mos.t popular Pe y such , r e . . young ladies, and the 'groom is well .the guard in conveesatIon, ,and sopa . k flown as the prosperous proprietor ot ' th ey had secured, hls gradds.*;, . . „,,,, , the corner jewelery store. e cere- .. ,. - Then 'they explained • the ' .sits Th o „ f • d • the nation and asked Vim to 'help them inony was pet. oime in e presence , • - ed. said It was ,her maele-face that , ' - d hi to the .' " nerve ' m resent . e imptitation enshes eea, • 'n,... *till Henry Stanley the. 'eXpleirer ' it . ' • - • ' was !love my daughter leave me" -- ,- Ms persistently to . . . ' i Go ii 8fIRINS- -0 crotrve ' BICYCLE - . NT° BARGAII #.3 *, , ' . of. the immediate friends of the :cnine get into the House. . tracing parties, by Rev.. Wm. Lowe, "Don't you, know some Lord?" ,in - -- vector 01 St. Paul's church. : , ' quired the, 'good-natured fellow. i • . ' 'er'' ' ' The Americans' aemitted that they rand.erich: Saturday n. long talk. -ed. of -. - • - case was tried before His Honor Judge had no lords on their calling -list. The ,Tennant ,refused , . . consent :to. . her daughters. marrying, "Doll '' II'.that I have.l ft- d I y. is a . p .--, an can not,, shall. not 'part with her ' But - • - '' ' - ' - with,her. to entreaties she finally yielded., "I want your daughter for my wife,"' • Limited 011081111 . ; . • ' . IIRAN.TFOR D . Welave•secured. a nimiliev of High Grade Massey -Harris Bicydles in •, -'naoclela much Ladies and , Gents - . -, ' • below regular , prices and while - - ' THE LEADING . . , MEAT MARKET. - -111112310""-• "-""12•1151111r . . . . For Fresh, good and the choisest cuts of meat, call on the Undersigned. While all out. cuts of meat dr.e the finest, we make a, specialty of meat ' . deli.cacieS. ' . ___. .e..- • Meat delivered. to all parts, of the _ ,it . . towii . .. Doyle, Action was byouglit,by Jona- guard .scratched his head in perplex- than 'Miller, prOprietor''Of the Hotel its,: Finally be. suggested: ' Bedford, to recover. the price of some Well, I'll tell you: Just hide a bit, . . . .th 54 meal tickets supplied the Huron ban' per'aps sense lord will come out." Old Bovs laet year; Messrs. a INIciGilli- The tourist "bided several. bis," cuddy, -Win. Lane, A. McD.. Allan and but none', came. More scratching ofI W.LT. Murney being the clefenclantS. his head brought another idea to the an . .s. , ,. , , , , . . , ,, The commotee- reruseu co pay mote guard, who suggested: ' 9 ' , ' . • • , ' than -5 cents a mead, while Mr. Millet aa. d 't tell that I t id claimed 4,0 'cents, and cont,endecl is w, onno oneo he & you, ,b but dow t th door. ther u go n o e. had not,-snbscribed 510 ' which the ,.. e committee held he had. It was a and inquire for Lord , Aberdeen, . and - ' jury see if you can make- it." ' case. The verdict gave' illti. Miller- 40 - • , • . - e Arnericans - believed that, this cents a meal anctdeeided that 'he Must ' ' ' ...the sio - .. .- . .. was :good advice, as Itput:them. one pay _ . 're- Stanley said, "give her to me, and do.. - yen at the same time 'become my mo er, .., rot er an sis er., father' b 'h ' d ' 't " "She l " ' ' d ' " d s yours, repie mamma, an - f a SO ..i i. ,, , a , in , is e story Tht' ,• the 9.f.. an ey a wooing, and. Mrs. Tennant is his ap irreparably and indissolubly h daughter' as her is and Mr Stanley is ' ' . ' ' said to be a model husband ' and a ' ' tractable and. obedient son. ' ' . was through- his novel "The . - . - s, . , - - ..„ •Scalp Hunters that Cant. 'Mayne • ' ' Bold Won a bride. .He was ' thirty years' old when he met a- dam 1 - f 6e q . . Prices for Red Star 600 -Red. Star, 550 • ' 'Special Manilla, ' ' 1 ' Id • Sisa. o ......,......... , 7 ' - Sisal Standaru :' ' '' '' ' the ' A n. U U ft • • ft.... 500 ' --1' ..... a f eason o 1 10-c • • • • - • .. . .10 0. ft..- 9.;-;e. 8 . c. ' . . . . 7 e. ', they last will sell. the.nt a t csreatly , . .. e, figures They are -new and up -to- • . .. . . date In every respect ancr• fully - , guaranteed. Call- and see- them and be your own judge of them. Our Pianos, Or-gans and Sewing •Ma - chines are the best the market affords. ' We re in bilcIren s Cztrritiges, . ' a ' ' Waggons, Etc • ' - ' •••• ' - , &nese At tsie 'of all Kin.ds. • John Manning a e th :goal. • The ' guard ne r r e , , y p , . . , , . ' . • , thirteen with Whom he at f 1! • • , _ (These latter two not oui own n.al,..e.) sented themselves to the stiff. officiets, , . • wtio stood at the. enter door of tlie - - . in love. he child,. of course, tool:. no- . - • , . . , .. • ., notree of him, but he gave her the CANADIAN FARMERS. 'GALL AND SEE US. . . '10 CURIE A COLD IN oNE PAY . Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab- le.ts. All druggists refund. the money if it fa,ils to cure. 25c. , E. W. Grove's signature is on each box. , ,. . ,...r.,,,:•.;:-..,,,.3.3-7-'41$:Fay.if.. ,tzfly$,K House, and Mr. Smith- said: Aber "We would like to see Lord , - . ,... deen. . , . , 1 L . -'1 ' " . , 'story •to read, as effective a manner • . . of courting in this nineteenth cerittiry as ever was Othelle's in an earlier . . We have •ust.il N orcl to say to you.' . s v . I s th first and onls truly ei. opera, tive company in ...A.merica, is offering ots -". 'BS !NCO_ ..___g . MPI -Et WiTHOLii 'I% 9 ''XTRACT ' . - , • -,,r---- - ''.71'1V--°' • '•7.'427M` . "The guards were inclined to ainnre , . - • IN 'the 'question, but the Americans stood their grOund, emphasized their de- mands; and convinced the guards that - • . . they were im o tan dignita• les. , la, , r t_ . , Their were Carried in to the ' - , . . one. Two yea years later the young lady .. was at 'a public meeting where Caps: Reid spoke on beha if of the ' Polish refuges. . eees. . n electric thrill seerne "A ' d t 'th h ' h ' ' .ci pass . through me as e entered tho . . , , _. , , ,. you to -clay its stocle-10 small holcangs, one and two shares -at par. It .is also Pia Pin g' its splendid twines with you for the conaines Harvest at prices raw .nia- . e, . terial cannot now be botanist for. Your , loyalty turd intelligence will hold Ita in , OUR , P 11 EPI I 3 E S .---- -es , et n sto:ogees lien them, ary orrour aoninaseertispeort. 651 Mr A T C.11 ......f.'. = IN .,iVegiveshandsomoc;pen ,,,"--....a. face,, Polished `---.. Nickel Watch, Miler!. ,,,,. „r'.''''''' a., es. Lever Movement f ' 'i ..r.1 for selling only 2 doz, , s ,packages'of.Sweet,Pea.` . , , : ,e• °secant loc.apaessse. poi pa.p- e 7. se contains a splenrilamixturo otthe • ,M00p fragrant varieties' of all colors.:. 1.-- , You caa,eara this,fine Watch in,an„ e afternoon la setting to-ivork' at once. adyertisernent anawomefoi•wardtbe Seeds. ' returntheineney, and WC guarantee, slice dolly. Watch at,oene. '_Writo OA y,ss the Beason for seed simply, Co.? Toronto . , -`'•*.2155i1 REL VES CHAFING, ITCIIING OR iRill- TATIO 'I. COOLS, COMFORTS AND 1.1E/1 LS, THE SiI1N;'AFIER SHAVING. . ' ' Avoid dangereuS,' kri-tafing Witch Hazel preparatithis representei to be "the sarne as" POnirS Extract, which easily soars and alien contain "wood alcohol," a deadly poison. cards ,former Governor-General of 'Canada. ..,,, "Does, His Lordship expect you. , inqUired one of the guards. , ' h expectS us to- , '`U don't know as e day," replied Mr. Snnth. , , • But tbe waiting time, my brothers, !•:,' the ' • : was e hardest time of all, explains ' ' room." sh e afterward .said, and wh eu . the, moeting was over .she went up ,to .. ;peal; to him. "1. leave. for London on ili-',next train " he said 'hurriecIlY •• ' ' - ' • ' ' Please send me your address." • , ' "I do not know where," she replied' • . • - . , wit,h -some ernbarrassmeet. He in- , •-•,taritly handed out his card and was . emetence, your scepticism and incline , . • e , • el ce will drive us from exiotence,si larch 1 means it detithlilow to. all future co - opetation of fa-erners and will surely bring•oue resultea gigantic Twine corn- bine. from the influences of which you . ' will be absolutely he p ess to hold your- selves.: ' ' ------ - We have,moved.into our new pre- mises opposite the. Central Hotel, and are now'open for business. . Onr pre- rnises are inodern and we give you . . .,..b ' • ,-.....,... • ass. see- nees- --. es-nt- es --.-aa-• ' g th i ssene. ....siAe-ecesn'•-•-s- .1"te - • "'"(A- -4 - • Dr. Forlter, In describin e incid nt. one. A formal little. note followed: You have yoUr option -pay yonr modern and -up-to-date , goods and • - The • . ' Paid Reserve . 'Morley their tit 7 Open p.m; A general . CURRENT Doposit.Reoeipts. DI,ON Molsons Bank . ' ' (Chartered by Parliament , 18 55.) . . . up, Capital, .. '. .. .... ; .$2,500,000 .Fund.... ,.....,..... :2 050 000 , r, • , • Hand office.Montreal, • JAMES ELLIOTT 'Esti.' , . . GENEp,AL M.A_NAC4-1:...,R. '. ' tidtinceit to good.. raitinsii•s on owe notes -With one or more endorsers Per cent. per annum. + —EXETER 'BRANCH— .. every lawful -day from • III. a.m. to a Sittardays 111!&.m. to 1 p.m, , , . bat -tieing busitless brap.sdeted . RATES allowea for money: tin Sttivings Bank at 3 een,t. "I 14 ON' ' SON & 0 A.11 TANG', -, N' C.) In I) , ' • Sol iciterS. A're'etl" r , — - Wlaile We stood ' debating what .we White's four rnill at Galemn, was ' / d t th ' guard loudly . .• ' •hould o nex , e e ,r . 1 I. Oss 15 000 bornec . ... . $ . , . ____ _unee d: 'Lord Aberdeen.' Turn- tilno Stanley: Many will regret, to learn mg, we saw bellied us a pleasant lools- of the clet.,t,tla of zit) old resident of SUM- Ingo but very. dignified, well-dreesed lev on . Wednesday, in ' the,. person cf f middle age and then we knew , , elan . o - , r . . Edward Glenn, at the advancedage of wet had got to see the game to. the end. 17 years, the. catise of demise being , . h' ' b " b • d f bl if '= Fatting on is ost . ran o - u , nrincinally olcl age. He •was born in . , „ - .'- - • - M Smith stepped tints) his Lordehip Packetabarn toNvnship, shortly after r•... . the landing of his parents from the old" and began: . . , .. rdeen we owe you an apoi- country, and was Jett ,an orphan at ttn t'A'r,r• ,Abe , hilt We' wieli, to get ine o early age. He Caine ±0 Stanley in ithout. OgY. ' ' • t WO , • es, „ . . . '' • 't '' - . H use of Lord& and we,were referred the year 1.8o4. -and aettled on lie. farm o .. .,, , il DeaTr Capt.Reid-A ouasked m t• ' y ' 'By'e n' send you my address, Iedo so." re- tarn of post came' the • answer:. Only t sa.Y that You love me and I will be with you at once;" and then 'the re- - •IY I 'thinkIdo 1 " N dl p n • o eve you. ee eas, t ' s Y th t h 1 h ' . • •'• ' °- a- a t, ere s riot ing ae good as- this in the lovers' novels .. • ' , - . - - ' , That Admiral Porter was not afraid to 'bra -Ire the ere, of an, unpropitious ' . t d btl " 8 . ' • d h' i the parent ,oti . es jaise • him n i a•es- teem of hie lady love.' When a nild- , . e , • ., einpman on board the flagship of money and take your choice. Stand by this t t • d ' t f t .-- is grea eh an most perfeet co-opc, alive Movement in the world and so . . . .. bring' a continuatuM of relief tliroutsh its unntiestionable influence is a twine. price reenlator. Desert Us or treat,our i ' te • • -• , agonts witlt indiflerep,ce ana you have Milv tb wait Tcip restat.s. ' -'o better t*ine -Wats ever macle on IN . , - earth" or furhiShed to t•he Canadian Fartnet than bas been supplied you by ' C ' ' ' ' If ' ' ' Ibis your own ompany. we. wete not an intense element of protection to , „. . . farniere there avou c he no opposi- made in the most modern style. ''' . We Personally . . • . °lit Every Garment - • me. , That s di, up t this est bli hment • ......_ a'a •Ei a.s well aS fit it --and .look after , a , , f., al, S. 1S 1 , y ' ' 11 th d >yr Th. 's only one rettSon WIlY our prices, 'are molder- ate ' ' • ' • • . . e DOW occup-by-Iris' son. For . about to you to t „ake us in: ied ten yeiirs he lived ,in Clinton, but pub- ,"Mr" Aberdeen was too much sur- Secinently returned to the favni; where prised to speak at, first, so the young he remained up to the time of hie attorney explained: . , from -I i" deatih. , "We have just come m the I otne , Of Commons." , , ._,i emniriclore ,Portem ' who 'Was accem-, panied by his family, whleh Included a young and lovely daughter, , young porter allowed no arentai• eons ' att•cl ' - '1.) . m - a to frightcm him. The orderlyesvaS tOld to allow the midshipman On en- tion what.ever pitted agetrist us. Re - member' the Stab Deal. - . , Don't syttste time wrestling with the question anY. longer. la:rot:it 'straight, . ' .. ' i • i , 0 „ 0 in the face ant inept fy y, IlleCnves . . witli us ae. shareholders. Buy your . G- t' 1-1-- •Shill.cYS en s ..... aim .-.. . . • - -.b. . si d'see,u8 i it' on t• riessf• Place • uOtpe an , .. . , f 1, 8. ' . . 1 .:.,— . e• o ire stock of o in mess ant eseamin t , Gent's 'Elltillshi,rigs.- " , . . ..„. "I-Iow clid you get into.the HouSe of EXETER iiiiiRKETS, ComMons?" ineuired Lord Aberdeen, . ,, membei " CHANCED' E iCII WPD1,TESD .,Y On tickets tom a me b , . .. i ..,T, .,,, ,... ,i, i, .2., ,, , ,, " not , ter the cabin without special bermis-' sion. Young Porter ' however' man- - ' ' ' ' ' • ' aged to continue his vialts to his fait .• - tw ioe from this Mother Company with its splendid past, 'record of years rind. you will hove oceesion to be insiod of ••.' . ' , . i . y ir ecitIon end lovelty leter on °I - ' ' ' ,. .. Bert. Knigh. . • , • hat member? wi i..., - co 0, W lea' ' • • • • ' • ' • ' • • • • • ' ' ' 4 ' I " it was eh it was -What P‘a lc y , „ , , , .... . . , . , . ., . ' ' tq Why . __, ..,e, -_,• '' ' ' ' Et ' • Q r''' 'ha ' was it Doc?" Oats... .., . , ... , . . ... .. , . 80 31 W''''''' - -I • - - ' ' ' Pea 5 . • . : .. . ' . e0 e- ' "I never thcmght to look at the Po t8 to c‘s s • 1 e 25 ;0 ticket '' said the physician, , , • PEd .)i -g,• - • • ••• e on" b /.-cr‘ "We'll r .11Y' 11/i ' Ab rdeeri, sva're Hay, pee ton - - .....,.. : r yin o ve ,. - - , ,ea - , , 1,•,, „, • , . ' F101.11', pel. CIVt., roller.- 1 75 forgottn the membet s. name, explain. AL Luitoba 11010S...... .. 200 ecl 11.. '8inith. , Butter.-- • ....., .. , . . . 13 1.4 A Very wise adventure, gentlemen " ; „. , 4 . t 1:13ggS - • • , • . • • , • • , • • '• .• • • . Ili ' 10 Suggested Inc Lordship •with st teace H41(5, p0.1' .1.0011)5%. ',, : 1 60 4 00 of' s'areaSin, ' But his twiriklin • e ,c,s g - Iv 1 P3 i ' " . ' ' ' 't1 • ' '' 0w• • • • • - • . ' ...; - • ..t.! • 12 ' i showet' .that he ,appreciated ie. hernot 'Live. liogis,"Pitr CWt • . ,. 6 15 6 ,S0 et ,Lhe. 8 i t tldtiOn , • . Y0.011101, With. .„1110 '! DeesSed I-10gs.. • .. -... '''..8"15 '' 0 On s ' - ••'-- ane be led the Way tliron0). the' ante- ' yrs ,. ,, 11 00 1,1 00 '`, ' .' : f fl,' ' 1 • .11/ rlil . . , .. , • • • . • . • , • • • • ,16 00 1, 6' 00 openinglin.° ..ne asSeraaly • one. One bright Moonlight night the r, , . • ' . • ,,ommodoi e, rousing up from au after- . . , , dinner nap, discovered young Portei and his sweetheart behind one Of the , wirdosns of the etern port- ' '', ' • ....-. • '-'; eti r' " t'eung, ,ti,an," tauneeree ree .sona- Modem, 'how did you enter this , cab- . ,„ .... . . . ,,, - , In . The micishipma'n replied. 1 he • . • ' d 1" I ' 1 ' hi 1 ' Or er y s 110i ,o, biome came over t,o, n ralz'Sen chains .and, througn 'the ° 't en • aee e si•a-i .e n n • r g ey wind ' i en i R num e a '- ' ' ' ' 'Poi tbretig,li the balance of the ' .. — ,,,, cruise. ivaS regularly admitted .to vis!z . ' ' • ' ' on the in a a •T - the cabin' and . , s P . I 'veil, Lome th„Y e.s..Se-es. , i.,e' ge toole ... - - • -•' If 'fon use but a piatiele of judeortent , •u. - . . .• 1. , ti . t th , you wi • see at ,a, g AnCl. NJ, 0 et Coinpanie.S. going into' existence are eiroplyrt ,. 'a• 0 s ). , ,„ '1 ' ' '1' ' tat In C,". 11 01 i esi rtirlC 1.(pll .1, 1100 ' . • '. - - and that ireniany of these C;!SC'. 3701.1 will be exceedingly diseppointed, We lia,ve'pleaded for eight years for you to ' • 1 - , -) - i. ' - jo'n come in 0 i 1 In ;Lc mid tloo and 1 . • t • , ,„ i .. ' h•inclS with his o'll tetetnl. shed Twine • , i , ' „.." • ' ' ,..„ -, - ,.., ,. oiSlanization., -b115" 0111 0d z': -'t -U 10 ent Tsvine anti i'oti vi 1 i A k0 no trus- C • 3 N l• 1 • trike.. , " - ' ' ' ' , , , • , • ' , ' - 1 eon.. ,..„ no • . , . , "IP Lf Z,Via; h Stratford - ienterril Matager. r Ili() , ----- Ti sem { Tr) Ti„. -;[..1 -1.1-1.1krIkti-J-1,.1-1-`i'a•T ,ee „. . . „, t . En' ilieing ni. s onsw tin ,you 1 . I. r., , - as tn R, -Troxs---, qt, 0 T W t ' 1'7' a .,T ' i ap ' ltai• • an ciWe ry a emit • ' '' • 'CARRIAGE LICIGNSE . . .. . . . . ' 'YFIXITIge, Li c enSes issued . i- .' - ..'. ' , , . clitigRinge-alwaye on ra,1150.02$ Block, ' 0 well done le8,Clocks I. . . • , , and Wed:, band.. , txeter, ..._. . <0".i's SOLID '•••7;' ' §••• i''' , ., wf. ,..., '0fqvq, tl is ben,n4cla %, Ulla Golt'l Iling, set ..„67 Pearlff, tor soiling 'I ,. • . offly 15,1)ackbgas, �r5 stect,P'eri,S'OodatiOo, eneli.. bech " eacietaacerito,Ingahi)lbailitielix. tun 'of the nioNtfragratitiJrUle. i " t , 1 ns thia ,'"' .tled, er'11,11.aois „Mail ' .0,dvertlecrAchtald 1Y,O14111fOr. 1 1 '.§,i11,th 1 4 •', Vdrd We Seetti. birritliornotOm4thls'IJOffit•, 11 tlftil golIdOoht- Paarlatt Ring Iti wintesentyen,elireaditiseek,. o'd in a velVetltfied box. writetorLy. ieseasnee"srtilatinciistrinsiv Sat 1 „i lp , 1 The ,Tesietatinfise NI .11, , sec, , ,ii, . , on for B,th. P...11,30.