HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1901-6-13, Page 510••
O. xviett. r' itlivioirivtg
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p,5 published. _i.ery' Thursday Mnibaing,, .
V . •iit the Office, - ' • ' ; '
,. _, . . . ,
AccAnsT-STREE'r, ,,--, EXETER.
, . . ,
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The 'Whele .Story.
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smith w it Huss Om worhiugs.1,1' ,t0ii„AriAi '
Digiitileil„ , aim • August „Doily in th
..'S0101b Entorl all) ing Scraps of Family 'Wm.
. ... . . , .
' ' [61.p -A uciuointic 1:lenient Is ' ilixeil 1 p
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FrOin 0.1.11.it 'F.-.: Luc, Pollee Stat'.60 'No—
5 Moot -eat .- ,Wo j•efp,unt1v tl^e PrItItY
fl()C,Z,V, I l7:41:nAt,1),Nal,'",,,,i,',4''','Ittii..`,",t:c!ti.;:',)/,1i1114::'•,%1'....
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Jne Dollar per annum if plaid in Ailva,nce
S1.50 it not $o paid.- ,
,its..a.Iscartl.4-.5.zela ;2•3.tcro .c?rs, 4acplice3,-
..•,,,, tiosa. , , ,
„. -----"
' /*To PaPerdiscontinuod until allarre rage
ire paid. Advertisements without ,a.peeific
lireetions will be published till forbid and
lharged accordingly. .Liberal discount made
or transcient advertisementS inserted for
°rig -periods. EVery description of TO/3
PRINTING turnect ont in the finest stYle,
eaact at moderate rates, Oheques,rnoneyord-
ira, Sze. fer advertising, subscriptions ,etc .6 o.
ie niaile'PaVa,ble te ,
Chas. II. Sand -ors,'
t' w e
• ' "f '1 .r1 t•y
-- y e .a r s
older than 'you are?
It Is believed that the fits t Arnerr
e .. ans who ...ever.'succeededi in . hluinne
Deed one eyf
11.1Me awrbriraidg. 'es' hgareaatest thenies. -Interest
' -
never flags. in. the' subject. Men hai, e
u..len.in 9 ur po6it.ion. Ilave ,n0.-Ir0.01- ,
teeny in easel- t4tit ,P,AIN-hILI.ZIL 'ZS OW ,
Int.t.sts'::'Ci'"''It-tte'CI:raaviclar7au'enrithEtheiKit"e"ena'I' la'''.
TWO i.,Z,elit 25o. and 50c. bottles.'
d ,
• ., • , • •
Yet it s impossible to
< their way .hitp the House of I.,ord-r nr,i
. Frederick „ • .. .
Dr, L. Porker and .Ralne D..
tired of their
. . . . , . • ..
periences sometimes, but of other peo-
. . ,
1 ,
' 4
look young with ,.the'
color; of 70 years .in
the hair. ' It's .sad to
see young persons
Smitb df ' 13inghanaion who has las,
. . . . • .,.
rQtarneq fripni a Enr°Pean trIP• '11.&
tourists visited the vaearit c,hari-ibere
in Parliament Building when they
., , -
first went to Europe. two months tine,
but at that time neither House, was -in
ple's never.
. ,
1 1 . •d .
;;Ie",hi esagite,atilltionggi eats', titea' wiest.egePeh.11',°,1,T.
Th . •
, el e is no stereotyped way of g rt-
ting • - , , -.. . . . ...
..0°1' 4 °St aS men "Ye f°und all-
fereet waYs '6f '
i• ,
281\rdlitacelli.„i'ettlite sc?nnoft1M-1° t• :.es jne. it !Iles: .tN); \fr. '2!, ttv,lire....
house set a fir•e cracker oft JD his bah-
, • ' ' l• I
er s Ice house, which is connectec svi 1
the.. 'barn. ' Next imitating Mr. John
X.I., V
' -
-- -461141_4W
' '' •
' I!!
i t I i'l
look. prematurely 'old
. , . . , ,
Session. When they i'eturned to Lon- :'
propos' ing po' there
hnve been endlesP 'Ways, '
Downey' .. , , , , , . and
. .
in this way . Sad be-
. • * ' ' '
cause it's all unneces-
sary • for gray hair, .
a . .
may always be re-
don week before. last and learned
that both Houses were in session they
deferral ' ' -It
, ned to try to witness the
working ef., the meet dignified ,ana.
august body in -the ,ifforld,ethe House
.0f Lords. -,- '.., , ,,, „. •"•,;.,
in which .In.en
have met their 'fates • A rtnnantic
.1 - • - • ' •• ' •
e enrent is mixed up with most love,
affairs. ' ' •
I-Iorace Greeley and Mary Young '
Cheney were married the. first ' daY.,'
' , , • -'t • '
- ' • • •
. Parkhill: On Tuesday night seeveral
glhomes.in WWII Were entered bybur-
ais., '.iill'r. W ., A , MeDornald?,s ae'es--
cluel,le..1v„1;:snej.int,esiaenciN.N•e.137 tl. eti”fi,e0(ksyl;
'at''''''''0"-'-'°° ': - r. ' ' •,
, . . .. e .
s Ready
• - - .
e aiak-s a feau,cxe o
Professional Card.s..
. II, KINSMAN, L. D. S. & Da. A. R.
eil". KINSMAN, L Di S., D. p,s...Honor
, graduate. of Toronto University, ,
reeth bxtracted without any pain, or any
bad effects, Office in Fanson's l3lock, west
ride Main Street,Exeter.
t.-0 1 t S
n a t .7.
u r a 1
• •
InqUIring , at their hotel they learn-
ed that no tickets ,are. issued for ad-
Mittance to that I -louse in fact tha.t
there are no. admittancee, except to
friends, who are taken .In by" mem-
hers; They jeareed aeat tee Aniette
cars Embassy has, two tickets each,.
they met. Ind corresponded foi
some time a meta'ai eriend who wds
etmlet Mpg' Of a nmatelimels'er, h vine;
broug,ht this about. .S. ,. a ' -
' he was young
and beautiful and all his tao,eY, Pa!o'-'
ed 'her, hut _she was much dtsapponit-
Otl:in his apPearance, so nine so. .... ,
:When he app'eared .before, herb, haythmegt
hnis beclinconetMr. pliverepaited., Iliad. i.,1,
watch rtnct its, stolen. Mr. lairente a
wateti nndMr., W. .11. gark's-
house was aiso enteted bu t th •
yisa, secured. In the nast three the en-
t, .... . • • .d thro eih the win-
lance wae m,t e ta, . n .. ,
promptness , ,,: . ' , , 4, a. . __
pronaise your sb,it on .a
• - date - ll h ' ...t
given we ave i
., „.
' ' Y a ' no
ready. • ou. ne-d,. - t
- .,
-Worry about the time
. e - •
any. more than „about
. ,
honors tiracluate of the Toronto Ifni-
rsitV and Royal College of ,Dental Surgeo2as
of Pntario. Teeth eXtracted without pain.
All -modes of Dentistry up to• date. office
al nevr block south of Carlings' block.
. .
' '
I -,.,
- -
da .for. adraiSsiOn• to Holls,e
Commons and that it is also much
' ' . '
eaSier to' get admitted to that body
' ' - 1-
, • ' . . .
been acce ted by • letter
and the marria...'s day fixed, she frank-
• te- . , ., .s-
ly 'told hirn that although she marriLu
1 -,, .
. ,
' -
• ,• , .
the quaht- of 'he gbods
' or tile nt of the clothes.
' For over half a cen-.
through some member.
They visited the ' Embassy,' butY
him, she was not ln love With him.
married life Was hang, and :liaPe
' •
, ,'
' '
-..—"" -1 ' ' a ,,
ou may ateper.1 on ,.,.s.
' Medical
tury this has been the
standard hair prepara-
tion. It is an el.egant
dressing; stops fall-
learned that all -"tickets were. spoken
for weeks in advance. 'The .attaehes
of the Embassy could suggest no waY
in which they could secyre adInittaMee
, , , . .
unless they Icnew some member. oar-
ter to
.Thelr ,
. • - - ... i
PY,' and the loss of. his *ire y,:as a.,
blow n•hich he did netIongeSurvive...
; .The second time that Bis.„marck ,me,
Johanna Puttkarnmer he
Fralllein n
kissed her soundly in the preSence of
. •'
Manufacturer & •Dealer.
,... . .
,t.lr .GRIEVE
• •
Opposite Post Office
.1-• the Oblloge of Physicians and Surgeons
)ntario. Physician, Surgeon and Aceoueli-
our. Office, Dashw,00d., Ont.
, Legal.
•• '
in of the hair . makes
.the hair grow; and
cleanses, the scalp
from dandruff.,
$1.00 a bottle. All druggists.
a day's unsuccessful effort place
a Member of Parliament 'on their ac-
quaintance liSt, they visited the' Cun,
ard agent, who had `shoWn thein coin',
tesies when they first landed... He
could , suggest nothing; until . he re-
membered that .he knew a member, OF
the lower house. Be nromisecl to see
. .
a „nurliber of guests. The. iminediate
-• t n and
efftc of this en3barrassi „,
'Shocking behavior was. the ProMPt
nthiouncement . th• which
., of e betrothal,
:Was 30011 followed by the.
' ,The first time Mary . Todd met' ,Lin-
coln she said: , to her sister .: ' "That
Portable and Stationery Eneines and
n,„„_Ilt'i • NI •
6 .1.710WS', anc o ers, ow-
"-"''''' ' • • .
ers, Etc. Iron Ripe and fittings, re-
• .. • , . ,
pairs on Agricultuial Inipletnerits
, iind general machinery promptly atl
tended to ... „. '
- ' '
R 0 L,L c. R
' -
.L., solicitor -6, Notaries, Conveyancers,
Dommissioners, , Solicitors for the Molsons
Bank, ete.., Money to loan at lowest rates
sf interest. Offices, ,Main Streets .Exeter.
r. R. CABLING, B. A.. L. H. Dicirsoa.
"I have been. using Ayer's Hair
Yip:if for ,oTer,20 years and 1 can
heartily recomniend it. to the public
as the hest hair tonic inexistence.-
' -.Mrs. D. L. ALDElts0J3,
Apr1124,18.99. Ector;Tex.
what he could do for the tourists.
That night ' he came to their hotel
bringing them two tickets from his '
Member acquaintance ' which . would
admit them to the House of Comnions. '
men will be Pi•esident one, Of tbese
days. He will nialm ',a.,,busband to .be
proud of." About that tinie tinco'n's
chances of becoming President seemed
as... remote as , poisible,, and , Maryis
, .
'seorn. .i4.
2 Good Second Hitnd MoWers for &tie,
, cheap; also 1 'Steven's & Burns' Por-,
tableThi•eshing Eng, ine for sale_ in
, good running order. Price $lio.00
.. ... ...........,....... ...... .
• . ., .
Highest,4. prices -, paid,
El' 'Wt. GLA.DatAla-,,(snocessoi to Elliot -at
J.' . aladman,) Barrister, Solicitor, Notary
Public Conveyancer, Etc, Money to lo,an at
.o -west. rates of interest. Office Main Street,
Exeter. .
1.t you, do not obtain all the benefits
-Ital,'IttlsItofift(V. vadvir:,-, write
r°'° '. ,
Lowell, maim
. •
When they silgge,sted their' desire to
visit the House of Lords to several'
Englishmen, the Britishers siumly
gaped in wonder at the men whose
nerve would prompt them to think ef
auch a. thing. ' ' ' • '
sister laughed the - idea to '
. . . . ,
few months afterw,ard Mary. Todd was
married to "Ugly Abe," and in four-
teen years the prediction was fulfilled
As • a child the future .Mrs. Lincoln
had. prophesied that she would 'become
Cash' . .
, , ,
Sole agent in Exeter and .vicinity for
'the Electric Boiler Cci.mpound. Gilar•-
anteed to he strictly first -plass
removing Scales, etc.
fOr Clean,. Red W h., --1,t.
, . _ , ,.., .
Large stock: of mill. feed
on' hand.
.A...etioneers .
itBOSSESTEERRY,PrancieBond, Licensed
' . Auctioneer for County Enron.- Sales
Promptly attended to,' and .ch.s.rges moder•
Ite. Ord.ers by mail will receive every,st--
tention. ,. - .
On July 19 the tourists' Were ailmit•
the wife of a President ofothe. United--------
ineer-atted to the gallery ' of the -House cf
. St. Marys:, , Geo. Foster, engCommons, where they - 'listened, 'for
,Cartees.Mill, rnet with' a'serjoirs' acci- sorne tiine to the WeiglitY 'diScussidit
dent 00. Eridey afternoon'. He, was as- • ' ' . ' II' '
on the advisability, pf permitting in'
s'istnig in unioadimi 0o. al vi en -a sud- Irish language to be e ' taught 'tiP , the
neThe first ' August- Belmoiit's mar-
ria,.;•e to' ComniOdoie Perry's` daughtet
' t" • - - ' - - - ' -
grew oat of a duel. , At his,'firSt meet -
lig with the 'lady, a blooming Haiti- '
, AiWatei•loo Trantiori• Engine and
sl , • . . hs, .• ..
°mire . ,.par.ttor With.12 inch.. Bran t -
ford G-ribder, ' F. '0, B.,. Exeter,' `for
$850. This is a rare bargain and must
a i
00D livAvrii EDI
ril BROWN tWineheiseM, LiconsedtAneti
1.1., ioneer.for the Counties of rer h an
fitiddlesex, also for the township ofUsborne
;area promptly attended toand terms .rea-
ionbale.Sales arranged.at Post office. Wia-
'. helsew. • '
den forsvai•cl movement of the' wagon ,
escho 1 f l'' It .d.' Thi Odebee. aocyti."
threw 11.10: to the . ground. ,• 'A, large o s o ' re an s - • • i
became too tame for the,' Amerieans,
piece of coal, striking, him on thehead, , • • .
'est , 617
inflicted a Serious -scalp wound. Sever- and they , left the House in „cll.' . , ..
al stitches were reciaired. td -close-the ItVlin.'game" • ' ' • „ ,
. They down the long lika.11
b' 11, ; t the 't'''''' la , . li I '
snore e e a e theatre,e c a -
lene-ecl a man who made some remark
' . '''- • : • ..-, .,, , .
, reflecting on .the ylrtue of women - gen"-e.
etally. When the smoke. of .the'sinsuil-
taneous fire the two
b . . 1:1' - t t il d e death f the ' .
e so c owing o ie ea o e pro-
. .
prietor• ` ' '
, •
• .
-Give us A Call.
, Insurance.
• , . Insurance Age,n,t. Exeter
ii.Ilfli 8I.'•'-'''''•
•• •-s -i -
wound.1 started :
. , ,..e: - . .„.
of pistols 'Cleared ,
... . , . .
' , ' • . P' • leading to the assembly chamberei-f,f -
Wingham: A charniing June wed,- the upper house. . Soon ' they weilkl.....
dhig was celebrated a,t ' " Riverside," stopped by the . uplifted" hand', ' nf .7a."'
reSidenee of Mr Thoe:Pell o a Wednes- , • : ' 'se-, - '''•'
.,..a. a s nee - - - ' o ., - : • guard. "'S -s -t. You mustn led -rime hese!: „..i
•' away it was found that the hully had
Abultet :through' his heart and` Aiiel-
''''''- • • - - • - ' - .. - .
emonti a ball in the leg .He became' a -
• ' • •-e" ' • • ,
ehettistofee theil...,:hotir e.. proposed. to, the
. —.
0 T. .
,,,trithon,,,b,„ his dal -It -Pater Miss_Jean . . ,.. an
.. . The Honseeof Lords: is inisession. ' , 's
MaY' was united. on marriages' to Mr. 013-..
The Amer o e
i . , . , ,- • • - - e se.
-.heal:114[W Miss perry. and was -accept-..
. ,..
• • .' „ern eel
1114 SALE :-
11 -11 -14 -1 -VI° -r - — „ • '.1. '
Tile undersigned has a few gciod faiM s for
sale cheap. Money to loan on ,easy terms
- • .TORN l'ACICHAlsr,-
• Samwell's Block Exe i
, ._..
Tiul'iert Hewseyhisbolin• T,he 'bride cans were no , 6
d b t ifi s ' They engaed
was One of Winglaa.in's mos.t popular Pe y such , r e . .
young ladies, and the 'groom is well .the guard in conveesatIon, ,and sopa .
k flown as the prosperous proprietor ot ' th ey had secured, hls gradds.*;,
. . „,,,, ,
the corner jewelery store. e cere- .. ,. - Then 'they explained • the ' .sits
Th o
„ f • d • the nation and asked Vim to 'help them
inony was pet. oime in e presence ,
• -
ed. said It was ,her maele-face that
, ' - d hi to the .' "
nerve ' m resent . e imptitation
enshes eea, •
*till Henry Stanley the. 'eXpleirer ' it
. ' • - • '
was !love my daughter leave me"
-- ,-
Ms persistently to
. . .
' i Go ii
8fIRINS- -0 crotrve
*, , '
of. the immediate friends of the :cnine get into the House. .
tracing parties, by Rev.. Wm. Lowe, "Don't you, know some Lord?" ,in
- --
vector 01 St. Paul's church. : , ' quired the, 'good-natured fellow. i
• .
' 'er'' ' ' The Americans' aemitted that they
rand.erich: Saturday n. long talk. -ed. of -. - • -
case was tried before His Honor Judge had no lords on their calling -list. The
,Tennant ,refused
, . .
consent :to. . her daughters. marrying,
"Doll '' II'.that I have.l ft- d I
y. is a . p .--, an
can not,, shall. not 'part with her ' But
- • - '' ' - ' - with,her.
to entreaties she finally yielded., "I
want your daughter for my wife,"'
• Limited
. ;
. • '
Welave•secured. a nimiliev of High
Grade Massey -Harris Bicydles in
•, -'naoclela much
Ladies and , Gents - . -,
' •
below regular , prices and while
- -
. ,
-111112310""-• "-""12•1151111r
. . . .
For Fresh, good and the choisest cuts
of meat, call on the Undersigned.
While all out. cuts of meat dr.e the
finest, we make a, specialty of meat
' .
deli.cacieS. '
.e..- •
Meat delivered. to all parts, of the
_ ,it
. . towii . ..
Doyle, Action was byouglit,by Jona- guard .scratched his head in perplex-
than 'Miller, prOprietor''Of the Hotel its,: Finally be. suggested: '
Bedford, to recover. the price of some Well, I'll tell you: Just hide a bit,
. . .th
54 meal tickets supplied the Huron ban' per'aps sense lord will come out."
Old Bovs laet year; Messrs. a INIciGilli- The tourist "bided several. bis,"
cuddy, -Win. Lane, A. McD.. Allan and but none', came. More scratching ofI
W.LT. Murney being the clefenclantS. his head brought another idea to the
an . .s. , ,. , , , , . . , ,,
The commotee- reruseu co pay mote guard, who suggested:
' 9 ' , ' . • • , '
than -5 cents a mead, while Mr. Millet aa. d 't tell that I t id
claimed 4,0 'cents, and cont,endecl is w, onno oneo
he &
you, ,b but dow t th door. ther
u go n o e.
had not,-snbscribed 510 ' which the ,.. e
committee held he had. It was a and inquire for Lord , Aberdeen, . and
- ' jury see if you can make- it." '
case. The verdict gave' illti. Miller- 40 - • , • . -
e Arnericans - believed that, this
cents a meal anctdeeided that 'he Must ' ' '
...the sio - .. .- . .. was :good advice, as Itput:them. one
pay _ .
Stanley said, "give her to me, and do..
yen at the same time 'become my
mo er, .., rot er an sis er.,
father' b 'h ' d ' 't "
"She l " ' ' d ' " d
s yours, repie mamma, an
- f a
SO ..i i. ,, , a , in , is e story
Tht' ,• the
9.f.. an ey a wooing, and. Mrs. Tennant
is his ap irreparably and indissolubly
h daughter'
as her is and Mr Stanley is
' ' . ' '
said to be a model husband ' and a
' '
tractable and. obedient son. ' '
. was through- his novel "The
. - . - s, . , - - ..„
•Scalp Hunters that Cant. 'Mayne
• ' '
Bold Won a bride. .He was ' thirty
years' old when he met a- dam 1 - f
6e q
. .
Prices for
Red Star 600
-Red. Star, 550
• '
'Special Manilla,
' ' 1 ' Id •
Sisa. o ......,.........
, 7
' -
Sisal Standaru
:' ' '' '' '
' A n.
ft • •
a f
eason o
• • • • - •
.. . .10 0.
ft..- 9.;-;e.
8 . c.
. . . . 7 e.
they last will sell. the.nt a t csreatly
, . .. e,
figures They are -new and up -to-
• . .. . .
date In every respect ancr• fully
, guaranteed. Call- and see- them
and be your own judge of them.
Our Pianos, Or-gans and Sewing •Ma -
chines are the best the market
affords. '
We re in bilcIren s Cztrritiges,
. ' a ' '
Waggons, Etc
• ' - ' ••••
' -
&nese At tsie 'of all Kin.ds.
John Manning
a e th :goal. • The
' guard ne r r e , , y p ,
. . , , . ' . • ,
thirteen with Whom he at f 1!
• , _
(These latter two not oui own n.al,..e.)
sented themselves to the stiff. officiets,
, .
• wtio stood at the. enter door of tlie
- -
in love. he child,. of course, tool:. no-
. - • , . . , .. • .,
notree of him, but he gave her the
. .
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab-
le.ts. All druggists refund. the money
if it fa,ils to cure. 25c. , E. W. Grove's
signature is on each box.
, ,. .
,...r.,,,:•.;:-..,,,.3.3-7-'41$:Fay.if.. ,tzfly$,K House, and Mr. Smith- said:
"We would like to see Lord , -
. ,... deen. . , .
, 1 L . -'1 ' "
. ,
'story •to read, as effective a manner
• . .
of courting in this nineteenth cerittiry
as ever was Othelle's in an earlier
. .
We have •ust.il N orcl to say to you.'
. s v
. I s th first and onls truly ei. opera,
tive company in ...A.merica, is offering
-". 'BS !NCO_ ..___g .
MPI -Et WiTHOLii 'I%
' . - ,
• -,,r----
- ''.71'1V--°' • '•7.'427M`
. "The guards were inclined to ainnre
, . - •
IN 'the 'question, but the Americans stood
their grOund, emphasized their de-
mands; and convinced the guards that
- • . .
they were im o tan dignita• les.
, la, , r t_ . ,
Their were Carried in to the
' - , . .
one. Two yea
years later the young lady ..
was at 'a public meeting where Caps:
Reid spoke on beha if of the ' Polish
refuges. .
eees. . n electric thrill seerne
"A ' d
t 'th h ' h ' '
.ci pass . through me as e entered tho
. . , , _. , , ,.
you to -clay its stocle-10 small holcangs,
one and two shares -at par. It .is also
Pia Pin g' its splendid twines with you for
the conaines Harvest at prices raw .nia-
. e, .
terial cannot now be botanist for. Your
loyalty turd intelligence will hold Ita in
P 11 EPI I 3 E S
, et
lien them,
ary orrour
651 Mr A T C.11 ......f.'.
= IN .,iVegiveshandsomoc;pen ,,,"--....a.
face,, Polished `---..
Nickel Watch, Miler!. ,,,,. „r'.'''''''
a., es. Lever Movement f ' 'i
..r.1 for selling only 2 doz,
, s ,packages'of.Sweet,Pea.` . ,
, : ,e• °secant loc.apaessse. poi pa.p-
e 7. se contains a splenrilamixturo otthe
• ,M00p fragrant varieties' of all colors.:.
1.-- , You caa,eara this,fine Watch in,an„
e afternoon la setting to-ivork' at once.
adyertisernent anawomefoi•wardtbe Seeds. '
returntheineney, and WC guarantee, slice dolly.
Watch at,oene. '_Writo OA y,ss the Beason for
seed simply, Co.? Toronto . ,
. ' '
Avoid dangereuS,' kri-tafing Witch Hazel
preparatithis representei to be "the sarne as"
POnirS Extract, which easily soars and alien
contain "wood alcohol," a deadly poison.
,former Governor-General of 'Canada.
"Does, His Lordship expect you.
inqUired one of the guards. , '
h expectS us to-
, '`U don't know as e
day," replied Mr. Snnth. , ,
• But tbe waiting time, my brothers,
!•:,' the ' •
: was e hardest time of all, explains '
room." sh e afterward .said, and wh eu
the, moeting was over .she went up ,to
;peal; to him. "1. leave. for London
on ili-',next train " he said 'hurriecIlY
' ' - ' • ' '
Please send me your address."
• ,
' "I do not know where," she replied'
• . • - . ,
wit,h -some ernbarrassmeet. He in-
, •-•,taritly handed out his card and was
emetence, your scepticism and incline
, . • e , •
el ce will drive us from exiotence,si larch
means it detithlilow to. all future co -
opetation of fa-erners and will surely
bring•oue resultea gigantic Twine corn-
bine. from the influences of which you
. '
will be absolutely he p ess to hold your-
selves.: ' '
We have,moved.into our new pre-
mises opposite the. Central Hotel, and
are now'open for business. . Onr pre-
rnises are inodern and we give you
. . .,..b
' • ,-.....,... • ass. see- nees- --. es-nt- es --.-aa-• ' g th i
ssene. ....siAe-ecesn'•-•-s- .1"te - • "'"(A- -4 - • Dr. Forlter, In describin e incid nt.
one. A formal little. note followed:
You have yoUr option -pay yonr
modern and -up-to-date , goods and
• -
• .
. 'Morley
tit 7
A general
Molsons Bank
. ' '
(Chartered by Parliament , 18 55.)
. . .
up, Capital, .. '. .. .... ; .$2,500,000
.Fund.... ,.....,..... :2 050 000
, r, •
, •
Hand office.Montreal, •
, . .
GENEp,AL M.A_NAC4-1:...,R.
'. '
tidtinceit to good.. raitinsii•s on
owe notes -With one or more endorsers
Per cent. per annum. +
every lawful -day from • III. a.m. to a
Sittardays 111!&.m. to 1 p.m,
, , .
bat -tieing busitless brap.sdeted
RATES allowea for money: tin
Sttivings Bank at 3 een,t.
"I 14 ON' '
SON & 0 A.11 TANG', -, N' C.) In I) ,
' • Sol iciterS. A're'etl" r
, —
- Wlaile We stood ' debating what .we
White's four rnill at Galemn, was ' / d t th ' guard loudly
. .• ' •hould o nex , e e ,r
. 1 I. Oss 15 000
bornec . ... . $ . , . ____ _unee d: 'Lord Aberdeen.' Turn-
Stanley: Many will regret, to learn mg, we saw bellied us a pleasant lools-
of the clet.,t,tla of zit) old resident of SUM- Ingo but very. dignified, well-dreesed
lev on . Wednesday, in ' the,. person cf f middle age and then we knew
, , elan . o - , r . .
Edward Glenn, at the advancedage of wet had got to see the game to. the end.
17 years, the. catise of demise being , . h' ' b " b • d f bl if
'= Fatting on is ost . ran o - u ,
nrincinally olcl age. He •was born in . , „
- .'- - • - M Smith stepped tints) his Lordehip
Packetabarn toNvnship, shortly after r•... .
the landing of his parents from the old" and began: .
. , ..
rdeen we owe you an apoi-
country, and was Jett ,an orphan at ttn t'A'r,r• ,Abe ,
hilt We' wieli, to get ine o
early age. He Caine ±0 Stanley in ithout. OgY. ' ' • t WO
, • es, „ . . .
'' • 't '' - . H use of Lord& and we,were referred
the year 1.8o4. -and aettled on lie. farm o .. .,, ,
il DeaTr Capt.Reid-A ouasked m t•
' y ' 'By'e n'
send you my address, Iedo so." re-
tarn of post came' the • answer:. Only
sa.Y that You love me and I will be
with you at once;" and then 'the re- -
•IY I 'thinkIdo 1 " N dl
p n • o eve you. ee eas,
t ' s Y th t h 1 h ' . • •'•
' °- a- a t, ere s riot ing ae good
as- this in the lovers' novels
.. • ' , - . - - '
That Admiral Porter was not afraid
to 'bra -Ire the ere, of an, unpropitious
' . t d btl " 8 . ' • d h' i the
parent ,oti . es jaise • him n i a•es-
teem of hie lady love.' When a nild-
, . e , • .,
einpman on board the flagship of
money and take your choice. Stand by
this t t • d ' t f t .--
is grea eh an most perfeet co-opc,
alive Movement in the world and so
. . . ..
bring' a continuatuM of relief tliroutsh
its unntiestionable influence is a twine.
price reenlator. Desert Us or treat,our
i ' te • • -• ,
agonts witlt indiflerep,ce ana you have
Milv tb wait Tcip restat.s.
' -'o better t*ine -Wats ever macle on
IN . , -
earth" or furhiShed to t•he Canadian
Fartnet than bas been supplied you by
' C ' ' ' ' If ' '
' Ibis your own ompany. we. wete
not an intense element of protection to
, „. . .
farniere there avou c he no opposi-
made in the most modern style.
We Personally . .
. °lit Every Garment
- • me. ,
That s di, up t this est bli hment
• ......_ a'a •Ei
a.s well aS fit it --and .look after
a , , f., al, S. 1S 1 , y
' ' 11 th d >yr Th. 's only one
rettSon WIlY our prices, 'are molder-
ate ' ' • ' •
. . e
DOW occup-by-Iris' son. For . about to you to t „ake us in:
ten yeiirs he lived ,in Clinton, but pub- ,"Mr" Aberdeen was too much sur-
Secinently returned to the favni; where prised to speak at, first, so the young
he remained up to the time of hie attorney explained: .
from -I i"
deatih. , "We have just come m the I otne
Of Commons." ,
, ._,i emniriclore ,Portem ' who 'Was accem-,
panied by his family, whleh Included
a young and lovely daughter, , young
porter allowed no arentai• eons ' att•cl
' - '1.) . m - a
to frightcm him. The orderlyesvaS tOld
to allow the midshipman On en-
tion what.ever pitted agetrist us. Re -
member' the Stab Deal. - .
Don't syttste time wrestling with the
question anY. longer. la:rot:it 'straight,
. ' ..
' i • i , 0 „ 0
in the face ant inept fy y, IlleCnves
. .
witli us ae. shareholders. Buy your
G- t' 1-1-- •Shill.cYS
en s ..... aim .-.. .
. • - -.b.
. si d'see,u8 i it' on t• riessf• Place
• uOtpe an , .. .
, f 1, 8. ' . . 1 .:.,— .
e• o ire stock of
o in mess ant eseamin t ,
Gent's 'Elltillshi,rigs.- "
. . ..„. "I-Iow clid you get into.the HouSe of
EXETER iiiiiRKETS, ComMons?" ineuired Lord Aberdeen,
. ,, membei "
CHANCED' E iCII WPD1,TESD .,Y On tickets tom a me b , .
.. i ..,T, .,,, ,... ,i, i, .2., ,, , ,,
not ,
ter the cabin without special bermis-'
sion. Young Porter ' however' man-
- ' ' ' ' ' • '
aged to continue his vialts to his fait
.• -
tw ioe from this Mother Company with
its splendid past, 'record of years rind.
you will hove oceesion to be insiod of
••.' . ' , . i
y ir ecitIon end lovelty leter on
°I - ' ' '
.. Bert. Knigh. .
• , • hat member?
wi i..., - co 0, W
lea' ' • • • • ' • ' • ' • • • • • ' ' ' 4 ' I " it was eh it was -What
P‘a lc y , „ , , , .... . . , . , . ., . ' ' tq Why . __, ..,e,
-_,• '' ' ' ' Et
' • Q r''' 'ha ' was it Doc?"
Oats... .., . , ... , . . ... .. , . 80 31 W''''''' - -I • - - ' ' '
Pea 5 . • . : .. . ' . e0 e- ' "I never thcmght to look at the
Po t8 to c‘s s • 1 e 25 ;0 ticket '' said the physician, ,
, • PEd .)i -g,• - • • ••• e on" b /.-cr‘ "We'll r .11Y' 11/i ' Ab rdeeri, sva're
Hay, pee ton - - .....,.. : r yin o ve ,. - - , ,ea - , , 1,•,, „, • , . '
F101.11', pel. CIVt., roller.- 1 75 forgottn the membet s. name, explain.
AL Luitoba 11010S...... .. 200 ecl 11.. '8inith. ,
Butter.-- • ....., .. , . . .
13 1.4 A Very wise adventure, gentlemen "
; „. , 4 . t
1:13ggS - • • , • . • • , • • , • • '• .• • • . Ili ' 10 Suggested Inc Lordship •with st teace
H41(5, p0.1' .1.0011)5%. ',, : 1 60 4 00 of' s'areaSin, ' But his twiriklin • e ,c,s
g -
Iv 1 P3 i ' " . ' ' ' 't1 •
' '' 0w• • • • • - • . ' ...; - • ..t.! • 12 ' i showet' .that he ,appreciated ie. hernot
'Live. liogis,"Pitr CWt • . ,. 6 15 6 ,S0 et ,Lhe. 8 i t tldtiOn , • . Y0.011101, With. .„1110 '!
DeesSed I-10gs.. • .. -... '''..8"15 '' 0 On s '
- ••'-- ane be led the Way tliron0). the' ante- '
yrs ,. ,,
11 00 1,1 00 '`, ' .' : f fl,' ' 1 •
.11/ rlil . . , .. , • • • . • . • , • • • •
,16 00 1, 6' 00 openinglin.° ..ne asSeraaly •
one. One bright Moonlight night the
r, , . • ' . •
,,ommodoi e, rousing up from au after-
. . , ,
dinner nap, discovered young Portei
and his sweetheart behind one Of the ,
wirdosns of the etern port- '
'', ' • ....-. • '-'; eti r'
" t'eung, ,ti,an," tauneeree ree .sona-
Modem, 'how did you enter this , cab-
. ,„ .... . . . ,,, - ,
In . The micishipma'n replied. 1 he
• . • '
d 1" I ' 1 ' hi 1 '
Or er y s 110i ,o, biome came over
n ralz'Sen chains .and, througn 'the
° 't en • aee e si•a-i .e n n
• r g ey wind ' i en i R
num e a
' ' ' '
'Poi tbretig,li the balance of the
' .. — ,,,,
cruise. ivaS regularly admitted .to vis!z
. ' ' • ' '
on the in a a •T -
the cabin' and . , s P . I 'veil,
Lome th„Y e.s..Se-es. , i.,e' ge toole ...
- - • -•'
If 'fon use but a piatiele of judeortent
, •u. - . . .• 1. , ti . t th ,
you wi • see at ,a, g AnCl. NJ, 0 et
Coinpanie.S. going into' existence are
eiroplyrt ,. 'a• 0 s ). , ,„ '1 ' ' '1' '
tat In C,". 11 01 i esi rtirlC 1.(pll .1, 1100
' . • '. - -
and that ireniany of these C;!SC'. 3701.1
will be exceedingly diseppointed, We
lia,ve'pleaded for eight years for you to
' • 1 - , -) - i. ' - jo'n
come in 0 i 1 In ;Lc mid tloo and 1
. • t • , ,„ i .. '
h•inclS with his o'll tetetnl. shed Twine
• , i , ' „.." • ' ' ,..„ -, - ,.., ,.
oiSlanization., -b115" 0111 0d z': -'t -U 10
ent Tsvine anti i'oti vi 1 i A k0 no trus-
C • 3 N l• 1 •
trike.. ,
" - ' ' ' '
, , , • , • ' , '
- 1 eon.. ,..„ no • . , . ,
"IP Lf Z,Via; h Stratford
ienterril Matager.
Ti sem { Tr) Ti„. -;[..1
,ee „. . . „, t . En' ilieing
ni. s onsw tin ,you 1 . I. r., ,
- as tn R, -Troxs---, qt, 0
T W t
' 1'7' a .,T ' i ap ' ltai•
• an ciWe ry a emit
• ' '' •
. . .. . . . .
' 'YFIXITIge, Li c enSes issued
. i- .' - ..'. ' , , .
clitigRinge-alwaye on
ra,1150.02$ Block,
' 0
well done
. •
, , and Wed:,
band.. ,
..._. .
<0".i's SOLID '•••7;' ' §•••
i''' , ., wf.
'0fqvq, tl is ben,n4cla
%, Ulla Golt'l Iling, set ..„67
Pearlff, tor soiling 'I
,. • . offly 15,1)ackbgas, �r5
stect,P'eri,S'OodatiOo, eneli.. bech "
tun 'of the nioNtfragratitiJrUle. i " t , 1
ns thia ,'"'
.tled, er'11,11.aois „Mail
' .0,dvertlecrAchtald 1Y,O14111fOr. 1 1
4 •',
Vdrd We Seetti.
birritliornotOm4thls'IJOffit•, 11
tlftil golIdOoht- Paarlatt Ring Iti
o'd in a velVetltfied box. writetorLy.
ieseasnee"srtilatinciistrinsiv Sat
1 „i lp
, 1
, sec,
. ,
on for B,th.