HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1901-6-6, Page 3BACK TO HEALTH,
Gifery.Dny Story That 1/1111 ering Health and
happiness to Young Ghia Who Act Upon Um
Ativico Given.
Pore the Sun, (:)r angeville, Out,
Jfl V Dry part of Canada are to be
founc1 grateful people who cheerfully
acknowledge that the good health
they enjoy is due do the use el 1)r.
Williams' Pink Pills. In the tOwn of
Orangeville there are many such pea-
ple, among them being Miss Lizzie
Collins, an estimable young lady uho
resides avith her mother in the east
ward. Miss Colllins' care through the
use of this medicine 'NvS recently
brought to the attention of the Sun,
and a reporter was sent to get the
facts from the young lady. Miss Col-
lins chee,rfully, accorded the inter-
view, and her Statement is given'
"practically in her own words; "Twn
years , ago," said p ha, "1 b,e,eame
weak ,;that I was forced to take to
bed. The illness came on gradually;
I found myself inUC]J run doiwn, suf-
fered from headaches, and was as
pale as it was posS Dole f or a living
per&.,n to be. I used. Griverna medi-
cines, hut they didnot help ma.
Then 1 con.sulted a doctor, and he
said Inlet I had scareely any blood,
and ?that tnry condition was one of
dr.kager. Medicine did ra,ot seem to do
me any goad and I rlound myself
growing weaker. 1 reachd the stage
Where my heart kept palpitating vio-
1,eatly all Iho time. The headaches
becarne c'entinuous, and my condition
eine nvhich Ivo,rds can scarcely de-
scribe. I seall.y despaired of 'getting
better, and loathed the sight one metii-
nine. I had bean confined ,bb, bed for
about two months when one day a
friend called and urged me tot try Dr.
Williams' Pink .Fills. I told her I had
lost faith in all medicines, but she
was , apparently datern:uined I should
try the pills, for (she brought ma
about 'hold a box she had been u.sing
herself. I could InOt then do less
than try the pills, and when they
were used, while I cannot pay that
I felt ninch better, I had more con-
fidenoe in the pills and got half a
dozen boxes. Before these were gone
ftilaro was no doubt that they were
rapidly restoring, rue, to ray old-
timo health, as I was soon al»le to
sit up and than be around and o-ut.
I used in, all eight or rdne boxes, and
before. these -micro gone I felt as
though I had never had an a:elle or
pain., in my life,. That is what, Dir.
'Williams' Pink did for me and
I thiiink IWould be vor3r ungrateful
if I did net add my testimony for
the 'heave:Lk it may be to SOMO other
y,oung, , • • •
Mits,e 'sterns' should brirAg
hope to (many thousands of other
'yolu.ng girls NralCi suffer as. she did.
Those who are. pale, lack appetite,
suffer from headaches, and palplita-
tion of the, heart, clizziness, or a feel-
ing of constant weariness, will find
;renewed, health and strength in the
,u.se of .a fe,w boxed of Dr. Williams'
riitat. Pills. Sold by all dealers or
'peint by mail,- potst paid, at 50 cents
a box or six bones for $2.55, 'by ad-
dressing, the Dr. Williams' Medicine
Co., Brockville; Ont.
;analysts shows that French ConfectionerS
Are Using Glass.
A s'omewhat' tiaexpected and most
objectionable naethod of coloring con-
fectionery has just been brought to
TIIE 8-Y1J.NEY 'STEEL P11111.1'1
tansnniFcmaapates in Operation—Cr:vit.,
ottlion zlud. Eleclririty Talke Pllue
igayei 1aim1J-11,here the Ore -Si‘avitilleS
Conte Free,.
Tlee cduLention that little direet
advantage accrues to laborefrora the
modeint 'Deals of manneacttring and.
t 4.3 -inwpovements, .whish erijrmous
financial resources enable a manu-
facturing concern to introduce, is not
supported by a visit to Sydney and
a tour of the great plant whicla is
nenv, being installed in the harbor
here by the Dominion Steel Conapany,
says a letter from Sydney, Novot Sco-
tia. Hei a a plant, equipped for turn-
ing cut 400,000 tons of iron and steel
annually, is being installed on a site
484 acres in extent, which only eigh-
teen months ago was used as, farming
land, and dotted with enaall home-
Siteads. Befc.ne the present year is
out Tour blast furnaces of 355 tons
caipacity, ten Ififty-ton open-hearth
furnaces, a bloonting mill and a rail
mill, and four hundred by-product
coke ovens will all be xi opEqation.
Every labor-saving appliance or con-
trivance which American steel plant
methods and practice have develops
ed up to 1901 is beinE;\ lust. ilad.
Irhich the municipality, in its eager-
ncsts to have the plant establi,shed
here, gave to'the steel cocrapany, has
a frontage of 3,000 feet on deep wa-
ter. The plant is one of only threc.
cua the North American continent on
tido-water. The large.st of the oth-
er two, both American concerns, is( at
Sparrew Point, Baltimore. An ex-
Wnsical of tho Intercolonial, th3 gov-
ernro,ent-covned ra.Coway, gives access
to the Sydney plant by land; ,ancl the
pl;mt, gre.atly to its advantage sol far
as its coal supply and the shipment
light. It iS the use of pulverized glass
to obtain a, epawkling effect in various
varieties of crystal candies. The Lan-
don Lancet, referring to thie practice
" We have in our Laboratory some
epecimens of even high-class confec-
tionery, eaid to be of French, make,
!which ell contain a liberal sprinkling
of glass 'splinters. When the sweet is
di4aOlVed in water the splinters tuna-
ble to the bottom of [Inc fluid' into a
miniature heap of broken glass. The
. splinters present both sharp points
and s'narp edges which) are eminently
calculated to Catnise an injury to the
Walls of the digestive canal. It is dif-
ficult to imagine a mare pow,erftil me-
chanical irritant than jags of gla,SS
which might easily cause laceration
and henadrrnage, not to mention oth-
er disturbances such as are set up by
foreign bodies less jogged than glass
isa thel'6' alimentary canal.
• "The aweete to which we have re-
ferred were eent to us by a. correspon-
dent with a requeet for analysis, and
he relates that these sweets were par-
taken of by two little ehildren who
Bhoray afterward suffered from sev-
ere abdominal pain in the one case
in the region of the appendix. The
Pain persisted for several days; The
effect of sharp glass ',articles lodg-
ing in -the appendix pould, of course,
be easily disastrous. Out analysis en-
ables no to.say most positively that
thnse .glittering particie,s are glaSs.
They are quite unelaanged in boiling
,wate,r or in boiling acids, and melt in-
to beads at a red heat. On arialy,sis,
we, obtained silica., lime, soda, and in
tittle lead, which are 'the constituents
a common glass., From their appear-
ance on the, Sweets, the flakes might
6nsily be ta ken Inc gelatin or mica.
The glass is probably prepared by
00(1 hing glamos bubble"
It is probable that 'the "practice is
adopted in order to compensate for as by younger men. Brute strength,
the abe'ence of any cryetalline appear- the mere ability to wheel heavy loads,
mace in (glucose which is now so much is no longer tho chief qualification for
used as a substitute Inc cane sugar in effective work about a pig -iron plant.
confeetionery. In such a case the Judgrennt, a sense of responsibility,
practice M not only monStrous because and a !loyalty- to ,work, and to valu-
. .
!it in likely to lead to serious injury
to health, but because it IS a fraud
'also. iSanded sugar was bad enough; than atrength, ha nearly every de-
but to put glees splinters in sweets parttnent of tho iron and steel plant.
ta diabolical. Inside the oast house at Sydney
ozodont fer thaTeetli and uth 25'
of its product are cam:exiled, is also
intersected by the raiarway, forty miles
lenge connecting the mines of the(,Do-
mini.an Coal Company, [Inc concern cut
of which the steel company has been
evolved, twith the harbors of Sydney
and Louisburg. Sydney's harbor is
scarcely second to the magnificent
harbor at Halifa.x, but it has one
drawloaek, that ifrom the end of De-
cember to the early weeks of April it
is usually ploSed with ice. At these
seasons Louisburg harbor is avail-
able.. Foir several years past the
coal company which went into the
Cape Breton field in 1893, has ship-
ped from, Louisburg in the winter; and
the output of the, steal plant in the
winter season Is to be shipped across
the Atlantic, from the -same place.
Sydney's ore supplaes come from
Waharia Island., in ,Coneeption Ray,
Newfoundland, 400 miles distant. Its
limestone is obtained from quarry on
Great Byes d'Or Lake., and is( brought
a distance of forty nilles in bargeg.
Its coo.1 comes from. the mines on th,e
Sydney and Louisburg Railway. iktost
of it has, to be hauled only -a few
miles; for there are mines int the'close
vicinity of Sydney harbor.
Teeth and
gentlfrice for the
At all Stores, or by Mail for tbe price,
InIALle L1. illIDEMIL, lifinentrentl.
there is the same noticeable nee of
electrically -driven machinery. The
debris froin a casl is carried out of
doors by a trolley traveller; the by-
product coke -ovens are charged from
wagons run on railway lines which
traverse +the whole length af thee, bat-
tery, and wheal the coal is coked it
is ejected from the ovens and thrown
coa to the shipping platfotra by a
pusher worked from a i 7olley which
runs behind the battery. Here
again there is scarcely any of the
omolte and flame and but little; of the
fuMe of the old beehive coko-oven.
What formerly escaped into the air
and made the neighborhood of coke-
ovene begrimed and noisome is now
collected and turned to, commercial
;lac:cunt; and
about by-product coke -ovens is the
forking of the contents from the
platform. An front of the battery in-
to (On railway cars.
At present. the Sydney plant isnot
complete. Some months will elapse be-
fore the open-hearth furnaces and tho
blooming and the rail mills are at
work. All those parts are to be
:equipped with Labor-saving, machinery
in the SL1M3 way as thek bla,st furnaces
and the coking plant. 'Within a short
time, also, and before the open-hearth
furnaces are ready, a pig -metal ma-
chine will do away with all( the labor
attendant ois a cast in the old-fash-
ioned way. Instead of the molten
ra.etal being run into moulds in sand
hi the cast-housa, it will be carried
in twenty -five -ton ladle -cars to tho
pig vaachine. '.11here tha metal is
poured into moulds linked together
so as to form cin endless; chain, ,which
travels slonviy through a trough
filled with water, and after the im-
mersion is carried uo an inclined
plane from: which the metal, by this
time cooled and hard, is shot from
the moulds into railway cars.
machine has a capacity of 1,600 tons
in the twenty-four hours, and can
handlfe the output of all four blast
furnaces, •
But steel rails, and not pig metal,
it is contended, shall constitute the
Larger part of the output of the Syd-
neY'plant, 'and when ingots are being
made, the molten metal:Croat thn blast
furnaces will be carried direct toi the
open-hearth furnaces.
are equal to the beet at any great
steel plant in Pennsylvania, Ohne or
Illinois. Large store -yards are
needed, because the supplies of ore and
lim,estc3ae can be brought in only
during the navigation season. Stock
natist be accumulated then to carry
the furnaces "(through the weeks when
ice ie in the hiarborr. Over 600,000
tons of ore- and limestone Can loe ac-
curriulated in the stoele-yard, which
runs alongside the four furnaces, the
first of which is within 1,200 feet of
the piers at which the ore and lime-
stone are unloaded. There are two
of these piers, each with two unload-
ing towe•rs, and at each tower from
1,200 to 1,500 tons of ore' can be hoist-
ed tont of a steamer Inc twerityefour
nVabana Island the mining,isi all
open -cut work. The ore is broken
into. stroll cubes by blasting. It is
not tnecessary to put it through a
breaker or a crusher; and it is car-
ried by gravitation railway from the
north to the south side of the island,
where it is dumped into the hold of
ccea.n-going freighters. Here, at
Sydney,' at ia0 time after the. Ore hag
reached " the unloading pier is it
shovelled by hand. Grravitation and
electricity are the Motive forces,. and
electricity as a motive ponyef is use,d
in every conceivable way all ever i the
steel plant. The trolley travellers,
w•hieh replenish the bins front). the
stock piles, are we:wired by electricity.
One man on the tra.veller transfers
several hundred tons from the stock
piles to the bins in the course of his
day's twork. By electriaity, also, the
loaded buckets, of two or three 'tons
capacity, are hauled, up -and auta-
matically dumped into the furnace.
§5 per ton. Now it average95e, Any
one can figure the eaving on D70,009,-
000 of tone of freight moved in 1909.
These, Jaeger cars carry double the
paying lead of the old once that tlaey
have superseded, and more powerful
engines draw more cara in a train.
This inCreatitr Of 'weight of rolling
etock has led to the renewal of the
63,000 old bridgee by etronger end
heavier ono. This demand has
brought into existence many bridge -
building compannen and they can well
afford to equip themselvee with the
beat labour-saving and accurate work-
ing machinery, regardless of the first
cost, as they know it would seidora
if ever lie idle. BUT Opean bridge build -
era are not in thie position. Trains
have not increased in weight as they
have in America. The old bridges en-
slaver their purpose, and the demand
has leeen Chiefly confined to new ones.
Bridge building is merely an adjunct
to other bueineee, and possibly the
ownera are wiee in not investing much
capital in epecial tools.
nl'here are no men toiling with shov-
els and ,wheelbarroWs or laboring in
[Inc smoke, and fa/nes of the upper
platforms. Gravitation and electric
prowler have clone away wills nearly all
the hard labor, and modern sciende
has banished much, if not all, of the
smoke and fume. Obviously fewer
men are requixTd to produce a given
amount of pig -iron 'than at most of
the plants still in use im England; and
for the mon at work about 'these new-
er types of furaraCeS, there is; not a
tithe of the physinal wear, tear, and
expoeure to haat and weather. 1VInch
of the work about the furnat•es hero
can be as well done by men over fifty
Experience of Both His Wife and
Each Has Tested the Power of Dodd's Kidney
Pilis—Esch Has Achieved the Sam., Re.
sult--Doda's Kidney Pills liave Cured
Them Both.
Droanore, Ont., May. 27.—Special.—
Mr. George Sackett, drives the stage
between Dromore and Holstein. That
ha is known throughout the country
side goes without saying. When the
was: in trouble a short time ago he
had the Syanpathy therefore of more
than tha few immediate friends and
neighbors a man in another walk
would have.
Mr. Sackett thought at me, time he
would have to give, up the stage. Sit-
ting up on the .driver's seat day in
and day out, rain or shine, hot or
cold he contracted a serious disorder.
His kidneys became weakened from
the continual exposure. They gradu-
ally gave. hina more and more trou-
ble. He felt that he couldn't keep
up much longer.
It is nine miles from Dromore to
Holstein. That means a sound trip of
eighteen miles. Two trams a day
would make. ihirty-six miles of
Imagine tide in a wet driving
snow storm of March or February.
to a man in a delicate state of health.
Mr' Sackett tlicl not give up drivbag
the stage. Instead 13e sought the
help of Diodd's Kidney Did he
fin& hc,lp ? Read hie) own letter, a let-
te.r which tells also tha,t his wife
proved the truth of tlie sra.ying,
"Dodd's Kidne.y Pills are woman's
best friend."
Having need other largely adver-
ti.eecl semediee and all the medicines
recommended to me by my friends
for Kidney Trouble and excruciat-
ing Backache 'without the, slightest
relief, I was in despair. Inc the nick
of time sv.a..s induced to try Dodd'a
Kidney Pills and cart nev-er be too
thankful for the advice which prompt-
ed me, to do so. They simply took hold
of my trouble and lifted it off me.
I never heard of anything- which gives
Buch instant relief." •
My wife ovros even more to Dodd's
Kidne,y Pills than I do. Her case was
vvonae than mine. Mrs. Sackett would
not be alive, to -day only for Dodd's
Kidney d3oth my wife and my-
self can truly recommend Dodd'e Kid-
ney Pilla Inc they do what they are
claimed to do."
Colonel J. T. Skinner, C. B., D .S.
„ .
0., ;the penior officer of, the 'Arney
Service Corps, and who has been era-
Plc:Ted at the 'W,a.r l_fice Tor some
years past, ha.e jUst retired from. the
army after close upon forty years'
A Small Pill, but Po .yerful.—They that
judge of the .powers of a pill by its size
would consider Parmelee's -Vegetable
Pills to be lacking. It is'a little wonder
among pills. What it lacks in size it
makes up in potency. The remedies
which it carries are put up in these small
doses, because they are so .poeverful that
only small doses are required. The full
strength of the extracte is secured in this
form and do their work tlaoroughly.
In an army order iesued by the
Coramander-in-Claief, it is notified
that the gratuidy of £5, together with
the, medal for long service and good
conduct, has been awarded to 155
non-commissioned officers and men.
G R Al 0 B LAC K,
- •••••
A A y9 Ceylon Tone are soid seafsci
Id leal packets only', never 11v1
41„ 1131,sek, Mi3toti or uneek
*red CeYleiri Green.' Semple en cAvgleation. adneeee SALADIV Toronto.
.".71."10,11,011"2101AALAIVA44 tt/M/43/14,421.42<ca. "eVs1.11
GOOD PAINT There is a. good paint and a bad
paint. The choice lies with you,
dtan You can --and proleably • will -- get
• a
poor paint if you are indifferent
pAINT. about it. Why not ask for a good •
old well established bread?
have been established in Canada for
sixty years. Everyone who has
used them wants them again. Drop
us a card and ask for,
BootcLET "w. FREE
telling yen all about It showing
some nicely painted houses.
RAMSAY 61. 80149
Mil 1.1-'1'11M.A.1....
Est'al 1842.
• Y 14 Want ;ex.= g',14,
teat y.-_LTRY, APPLES, ether ititUITS arid peseuos,t*
The 'wavison Cornmissi n
One market day at Leeds, England,
while the offird'ess were making their
rounds in, the hunter market, to as-
certain whether the rolls, exposed for
sale conteximed telhe necessary number
of ounces, a fenaale' vendor, conscious
all MIS mit right, very 'dextereuely
thrust a half-anOwn, into' the end of
a pound, and sleineme,d the opening
' Every able-bodied male Briton, says
Ansev‘ers, oh.ould be encouraged to
learn the use of tho rifle. Every rifle
range in the country ehould be throavn
apen to' all Briton.s frora sixteen to
sixty years Of age. All ranged, to be
T. N. U
AVENU5 NOUSE ''''°''In—a""BA•""
—Fainily Hotel rates 45 o
do pleasant Rea profitable woriri Write
mis once ta Ma.tts11.4,L Tea, Importers,
London, oat. ounit turniseect.
124 Adelaide St.
House Servarats 'Wanted.
ove,r no neatly tb,a t not the slightest
sign of a thole rera;ained.
In a. brief space, the easpeetne APP17, MATRON, Sanitarlum, oravenhorst, ant
open three days a week- Old soldiers
Containing Much information as to the Caro ill should be employed to coach learners
Children, and the 'treatment of ins to act as markers, and to superintend'.
that °onus:only Afflict Little —
Ones—Mon From ' . '
,.. , There never was, and never will be, a
Baby a Ba.ttles ; A Message for universal panacea, in one remedy, for all
Mothezs" is the title of a very hand- ilis to which flesh is heir—the very nature
some little pamphlet just issued by of many curatives being such that were
the Dr. Williama' Medicine Company. the germs of other and differently seated
diseases rooted in the system of th
It la devoted entirely to the care of patient—what would reliive one ill ine
reached the spot where the doctored Mother—Johnny, Wily didn't you tell
roll w•as fd/ret Pre9ented, end, finding Me, that you were naughty at school?
it good weight, if not a trifle. more, il-ohnny---'Tisn't best to tell women
he nodded approbation and iraxnedi- mreTythili,g • ,
atAelervrompasasnedw htoo hanapothpaearedbta: beat.stand-
mg near had seen the half-crown in-
serted into the roll 'of butter, and
inquired the price., and put dawn the This signature is on every box of tre genuine/
seappean- up lifted the identical roll
ni'lleY* Laxative Bromo.Qpitaine
tho iemedy that anima a nada( na oT:oblelataia,11
Oh, said the dealetr, wait till I pick ,
you is Meer on.el and she commenced - - •
N•o, no, I'rn. perfectly satisfied with 114,320 British--fish—erm'en own 27.144
turning over her wares.
the one I've got! sad the other, And boato.
turning to the mortified dame she
added: Good -day, missis; and thanks
for the 'cheapest pound of butter it
the market.
infanta and email children, and tells turn would aggravate the other. We
the mother 310W to aid her little ones have, however, in Quinine Wine, when
in the emargencieS of every day life. obtainable in a sound unadulterated
It deacsibes the ills that commonly state, a remedy for many and ,grevious ills.
afflict children and belle how to treat By its gradual and judicious use, the
frailest systems are Jed. into convalescence
thern. Thi,s little book is one that
, and strength by the iniiiience which oin-
should be in every home where there • ' ee• 1 -
nine exerts on ature s own restoratives.
are mfanta or era.all children. All It relieves the drooping spirits of those
mot -here who send their name and ad- with whom a chronic state of morbid des -
armee on a post card to the Dr. Wil- pondency.and lack of interest Inc nlife is -a
name, medicine Co., rereenninee nun, disease, and, by trauquilizing the nerves,
will acceivo a. copy of this book free disposes to amend and refreshing sleep --
imparts vigor to the action of the blood,
of charge: Mention this paper when which, being stimulated courses through-
, ,
writing. , out the veins, strengthening' the healthy
—4-- animal. functions of the systent, thereby
making, activity a necessary. result,.
strengthening the frame, and giving 'life
to the digestive erga.ns, which naturally
demand increasecl substance—result, ini-
tiated States, aiet In Advauce or its in proved appetite. Northrop & Lyman of
BrIdge'nu 149th",* Toronto have given to the public their
'Amexicana are 'twenty years in ad- superior Quinine Wine at the usual rate,
andegauged by the opinion of ' scientists,
vance of other nationS except Canada this wine approaches nearest perfection of
en the art of, bridge 'design and con- any in the market,. All druggists sell it.
etruction, says the Engineering Ma- '
ia Iliad@ represents about half of its to lir. Bairel'a "Life of General Wau-
You say you. think your boy has too
great an appeSte, said the physician,
to an anxious mother. Do you realize
how nonah a growing boy can eat?
I should think I ought. to, if any-.
b'ody does, returned the boy's parent.
1,11 just put the case. to you, doctor.
,Where we wore, up en the reoun-
tains , thin Isurnaner, t ho wa it Tess
would COMO in and say to my boy;
WO have failed fish, steak, Liver and
baked and fried potatoes, rye biscuit,
inu,ffins and dry toast.
And that boy Ned would say, I'll
take it all, ple.ase—and some eggs.
gazine. The ateel of which a bridge Lord Wolseley, in a letter referring
The Public should bear in mind that
Dr. Thomas' Eclectrie Oil has nothing in
common with the impure, deteriorating
class of so called medicinal oils. It is
eminently pure and really efficacious --
relieving pain and lameness, stiffness of France has e98 collieriee, with a
the joints and muscles, and sores or hurts, joint ,yield of 25 million tone a year.
besides being an excellent specific for
rphlaeillnintse.tism, coughs and bronchial com- . , • •
A Clear, Healthy Skin.--Eluptions ,Ot
the skin and the blotches Which blemish
beauty are the result of impure blood
The beat leopard skins come from ceused by unhealthy action of the Liver
Cherea ,and are worth as much as nee awe Kidneys. In correcting this un -
a piece, healthy action a.nd restoring the organs
to their normal condition, Parmelee's
Vegetable Pills will at the same time
leruptions w disap lekir without leaving
and the blotches and
calueYautisnc:ctell, e
Mitiard'a Liniment auras Cargei iq Caws
England eats- 660 tons' of oyster it
year, Germany 650, Holland 160 tons.
Stratford, 4th' 393.
Messrs. C. C. RICHARDS & Aug.,do. o'
• Gentletnen,—My neighboea hey, 4
years old, fell into a tub of boiling
wata.r. and got scalded fearfully. At:
fertv. days later hig legs swelled to
theete times their natur.o.I eize and
broke out Inc running sores. His par-
ente could get nothing to thelp hismi
till I recommended MINARD'S LINI-
MENT, evleich, after uaing two bot-
tles, completely cured him, and 115 ow
of sevetral taees around. hare almost
as xemarleable, mimed by the same
Linien.ent e.nd., I can truly say I never
handled is medicine which has had al
good a eale or given ancli universal
satisfaction. M. HIBERT
General Merchant.
cest. Ste.el is now, made in the United °hope," ea.ys: "GreoacTalWamhope Wag
StateS at much less mist than in any a meat gallant soldier most loyal
other country. In Britain labour ie so eietsma.n and idisin,tere,sted public
much: hampered by trades' unionism
that it is admitted, by one of the lead-:
ems that the, cost of labour in making
eteel in the United States, is now•one-
half what it ia Britain, This can. be
said also of the labour employed in
The market for brldgea far great-
er i,11 the Uniteel Statea than else-
where. The Staten have now 190,000
tulles of railwaya, and, it has been es -
able machinery whieh a man has, timated that there one span
ij charge, nonint for much more to-dae- Metallic bridge for enefy three nailed
of railway. This gives 63,000 bridges
on exieting lines, without including
thcate required for new lines. The in-
creaae in the United States in the
eyeight of care rend engines have re-
sulted in ,wonderfut eeonomic clia,nges.
The average rate of freights on Amer-
ican railways NI ,•).$ in, 1807 a little over
teervant. I never kneve a more hon-
est man, a braver or 'better soldier;
I never had a truer friend, or one
whose friendship I appreciated, more
For Over Fifty Years
MR.. WINSLOW'S SOOTHING SYBUP has been used by
millions of mothers for their children while teethinZ.
Itsoothes the Eoftens the glims, allays pam, cures
bseoltdrbe,meddi.urgigoLDIitahrrrobtciegah.wiTtvrthenetp,r-ofIrvied.cei3nt.s 8aurboo Loa. I. a rs re uc.0 pe V.1.Leys carried 400.
• d 11 rczulates tile stomach and bowels', and is tho „,
ask for !dm. WINSLOW'S SOOTHING SVIIIIP." men, of whom 270 were convict. row
How is 1Chis!
Father --So you want, to get 'mar-
ried, ? Tell me why, pray? Daugls-
temr—Oh 1 suppose it's one of the
traitI inherited from my mothee.
Minard's liniment Cures Colds etc
Blobbs'---Den't you attraire the man
who can gay t,he right thing et the
right tirrie? Dobba—Yes, particular-
ly when I'm thirty.
Minard's Liniment Cttres Diphtheria.
Ted—Re stuttera so- badly it took
hien over half an hour to propose to
Ned ---What thd ght say to him ?
Ted—Oh, this 'Le so sudden.
2nd EditiOn
We offer One Rundred Dollars reward for
any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured
by Hall's Catarrh Cure.
r. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, 0.
We, the undersigned. have known IP. J.
Cheney fa' the last 15' years, and believe
him perfectly honorable ha an busineoe
transactioen and finotteiana
y atee to cme,
out any obligations made by their firm.
WEST' & TILAUN, 1.Vbeiesate Druggiste,
Toledo, O. IVALDINg, rINHAN &
VIN. Wholesale Drnggists, Toledo, 0. •
Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally,
acting directly, upon the blood and mucous
surfaces of the system. Testimonials sent
Scan. niece 75e per bottle. San]. by all drug.
The Civil Liat of the German Emper-
or LS contributed solely by PI'llSSias,
Minard's Liniment Cures Distemper
A Olaegow heavant girl went alba,.
a, few, eve/1111ga ago with her head
wrapped up in a ;show).
Her young /Met:roes asked her what
ailed her, and was, toltl that ehe was
suffering frown a bed attaek of tooth-
ache, brought on by SI ng in the
perk, , i
But ,yon might not to Sit on suelt
ti, 001a, elnliy illight as this, said tine.
naisteens. You should walk at a
smart pace. ,
rinie ghrl looked at her a ,Minute,
as though yaying her ignorane,e, and
tho,n aneweeed :
• Yon canna, conet ,s'iglit evaking ,011
iraua 41,t d0011 1 '