HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1901-6-6, Page 1FOURTEENTH YEAR. -670. :EXETERI,• ONTA.RIP, THURSDAY..., ..jUNE.••04:1.13.93....: 0, II. SANDERS, EDITOR. PE. °riling a, Colborne George t square the pole it. Pro- lk, <thou c ft it for had to eet cleep 'ere die; - lute the laborers. rind.:the le assist- ain. Be - serious tit on his long- the d Daley; an circus; tern Orr- in apre- ult of a • showed iota was ployees. the men , one car Walker, er man, game of ew a re- lated to e the re - king Ed - vim had - fter pass. - (1 across ooker in is life to a which ket, the cing off, alf-breed de good_ O passed. 'Pug at as made noon, a. om See- the city meet the moon for hospital. ate man et passed airing a cult tot ormation O willing however, tteryille, iunicated 5 and 40 yed as a He atat ed ered the d did not n Attor- tion with pertinent . N. W. n officers Walker, nis, both. Ont., for n fellow- -ens, fat -- seriously ased the ast even - them to d Trunk captured ere wait - a out by • ted hay - and Wal - secreted anadian en were hey were lace they en were- agistrate ening at hearing. of the dy, was evidence be shoot- idence in the other nee was eorge Mil' us bodily He was - tat, at the el elected taken be- over,and ner was o F.even peniten- °hell, on Whiting, tford, to ry EIbott the resi- , Thames e 5th, by sisted lay Elimville, a, to Miss , James' 28th, bY sisted by rich, Mr. derich, to er of Mr. Due 2Ild, 7 montlis Airah tYe2:Itie s. , on dune oved wife years, 4 • .,, B H . : A I' . , . , D AA/ A R F., . sp. Joseph vi5ersiitiisfisgmf,ii:i7ndsspienn.v$Pvio',odu;,sit,00210.,,bethe,e, oi,st three weeks; ha$ return ed home. Seriforth, where she has been (1111413g -thyfe„prsaistL.t'wSonroirththih,er: wreeteikirsi:_edmtf,t... Oil.: Linen, (better know. as Curley) who has beep enipleyecl here since last. fall, tiltI°:.PelVaTiottfniClenrein112s311t gery O'Brien) left on Tuesday for Nes- bit, Manitoba, to join her husband, who has been there for the past . three IN"rvioptehs• She takes Wi.t,11. her the '1.iest. i b. s of her. many friends and rela- tiyes here, Weleel sure that deeanclall join with us in svishing both Jr.INIr. and Mrs. Horton success in their new hone. -On Monday last as Mrs. T. II: 1-Iorton and her sister,Miss B. O'Brien, • . ,- were returning home from Hensall they had the misfortrme to get upset '3-v.it11. ailltstlicaendeiotebhsilf,/la'lethoenntehle'serttl'ak!snigdef,tiginhitt fortunately they escaped with . a few .• slight bruises which seems almost miraculous; considering.the.nature .. of. 'Spearia, the upset. ' Acli;',HIY:Icen.4"ik:ii!vil,i2:°13glliattehiPe,,i:Kvls:te'lletil,lt:eeNc?elfilMl:Teitl°1tih°1..:1:- ol i "? ' , ,, ce residence. et David F0111Ck ' ' ' '' '-' " . - R:eat:e0PTIP,.yii,,iel,:.01::.:21,lee-,e,C'it)3viri;elltst:1:),Iele.c1;li,‘',,f'600r,inwle,:cel(;01.stljehsl-,1:n‘eirerl'Illi'l--ce: "3,33,`'e'Y 16'elestea, INidly hurt this afternoon at a bat,n_ HlriNrciMisjyill:iirigR:A.I'oE'dnDb' eL1:1;;YfilesAi.3M:17.11l'Allic-1:el.1,11'N;e'ssIfe;•RincirlAmeAlruSSciewliNineet.Gish.ve. A. ,. lei Ooale s' leg bridelyr' :$turridasIll'eoiliNidd li.)-. Sarvis it) thelii ead. :tett:tra13:etn14:61:;1;°;14;tt'l):PrilTri.ssi:leNtcrulliiceR'llt11*R''Itace.hs-ce7iri:-In:II:lej:181:r1:11:31.cre; )ro e TncleNgvo. tkfr:e'llferiO(mtitiPreYcliernoker': . tttS I-dican: Th ere Was epiebrated . 011 Wednesday May 22nd.. at the resi- den ce; of the' ' bride's father, Mr. ,Tris. Sall'IeY.t a qutet but Pretty home wed- cling' being- the marriage of his second dangbter, miss -K. E. 4- to Mr. F. G. Clark.' The imtrriage ceremony was Pet:furfnoti bY Rev. Mr, Fair, The numerous, eeSaY and, 'useful presents . sPeak f( L thewseh eS Oi the inob es- bride held GODE.RICII WINS A CUP. God eric101ay 31. -Tbe final fOotball match for the Hough cup for Western Ontario was nlaYed here thisztfternoon between the Golle-giate Institute, of 'Clinton and Groclerieb the latterTolhae41liobresleastsesT.re ning by' three goals 'to' nothing. This leaves' the cup with Goderich, the*y . . having beaten all c,omers. . eic,:iecia:;:i;a .:.:11:laipitillithet,lenylowottix,r3;011:iko. ' h I 'I- I CT•' V (1:71ied:etele1Vlee; which corporatien li.tborers :ging. The two horses fell drain on top of one of 'the 111- lurrtitliby ritlitati ;ince he wAs t f th 1, . . 4 eo. 011 0 e c L A, . PEERLtESS IVIllt 14INF' ()ILI , , ' „ ...s. .. - SCYTHES , Ask SNATIIS 1111Y RAKES 9 9 . to see our Emery Scythe Stones. ' teem ua.,which the is by ber ratillY tilends here. Mr. and. Mrs, Clark dePart,ed for; their home in .G.re- diton the follosving . day, carrying , MAN CRUSHED TO 'DEATH. Newmark -et May 30. -Geo. Green- sidesteiunst'er employed by the NVin, t31(!)siltbsealrbeahl)tn'iteliipY01)erd".iSCILlir coat and, huiped asv„,y from aj crowd that gathered ' * flhl 1 .. i . ii . n IJ • S OYES SO EEti DOORS 111111 111;111 OW'S . . t119lu.the hest wishes of a large cal.4,c8lealo,Ktt. Ivriveorsidpse:Ifioti;,their future happl_ St. Marys: , A pleasing event took placeat the • residence of Mr. Luke on Thursday, May 23; when his only daughter, Miss Lizzie, was :a Cane & Sons Co. was hitching a .titarn to a loaded trucic-of logs at the Cr.T.R. this morning,.when the horses Sudden- lY started, knocking him clown. The heavy Wagon passed over his body;and caused his death a short time after- wards. A CIRCE'S MAN SH( Stratford, May 30.-Edwar a follower of the Pan-.A.nieric which is exhibiting in Wec l lie.ei littr,11-4(0),ulies eees;f1,dtitthieenhilo:pitthaei; e1 pis GREEN., FROST & Ant00b tiEPAIRS. .. . . H• 33][SHOP ,& SON • ' r united in narriage to Mr. John Hock- big., The ceremony was Performed by tbe Rev. W... aylor in the presence a a about forty guests.Tire bride was - • , • • keautifully attired in a, griwn of white S ilk trimmed \ vith chiffon ribbon and carried a bouquet of cream rosses and carnations. lier tra. veiling snit was of brown broadcloth,' trimmed with taff. eta silk. The happy ,c,oulle, left the train foi 9. to • —ors FIRE AT ,HROCKVII,LE, , Bio kville, Out., Tune .-A barn owned T. G. Cook and rented by Jblinston, a butcher, was desfroyed,bv fire this atternoon. Two horses, a de- livery wagon and a quantity of grain and hay were burned. partially it -18m.- ed. The -fire is stippci'sed' to have been caused by boys smoking cigaret-tes. -.6.--- shooting affray. The circu: at Park -hill on TuesclaY svI the regular pay day of the ei In a short time several . of were more or less drunk - In a half breed n. tuned Howard alias . " Cookem " and ,inott had an altercat"ion over a " craps." The half-breed tdr volver, which the others atte wrest froni. him. In the scurf , Zurieb. N. D. Buchanan has returned from Toronto MedicalCollege to spent vac- ation with Iris parents. -Rey. johnston of Naperville Ill., preached here in ' • ' - '-. , th,e Evangelical church Sunday morn- log,. in the absence of the pastor, Rev. Finlzbeiner.-Messrs. 'Harry ,Yungblut and J. Knorr 'spent Sunday .at Blyth. , Mrs., John Pope of , Hensall visited friends in town on Friday last. -Mr. C. Fritz paid Hensall a business -visit on Saturclay.-----M. A. Buchanan, late of 'Toronto ,University, spent .a, few days i. t 1 is !Pane and left Monday morning Lor Europe On AD extemied tour. -Mr. Samuel E. Faust silent Sun- day evening at Da•shwood.-Misses La,ura, Williams and Lydia Koehler visited Mrs Reid of Lieury last week. • • --2=M-r. J. J. Merrier spent Sunday with. his family in Goderich.-Mrs. Gertrude Hess who has. been ill ' with typhoid fever is improy•ing.--Miss Dora Eilber visited Miss Gertie Trott,Hensall, last . • 7 . -E, 3 Hagan was in town Mon day. -Mrs. Jno. Nieb.olsoh, of Man- ' lances in chester, called on acquam , t NI d• -' R , 1' kbe* er' and OAVIA 1 qn ay.- eN. in in, < ehildten returned Monday. -J. Doioh- 'ert jr., is improving. -Mrs. George • Baldwin returned to her'begie in , Sea:- forth after a weeles visit with her par- ents here. -.Mr.. Hi -0y. Yungblut .has a2ain. resumed duties at Hartleih's.- The, Evangelical Sunday school con- vention will be held here next week.-. Mts. E. Sheffer awl Mrs.J. Willis, of 'Jensen, visited friends in town on Mondity,-Dr,' •Pallister, Of Hayfield, was in town' , on Monday evening.- Wm. Demuth, of Port•Arthur visited . ,I Mr. and Mrs.•Fis,cher a few clays last week. -Fred Hess, sr., , has gone to T -- t t • tt d 0 f .e c II ., . on o o a en on er n e.-1 1, ancl Mrs. J. F. Rickbeil Went to Link; •the vi e, ties ay morning o vie 11 Mich.,T d ' t • 't their daughter, Mrs. Sweitzer.-11Irs. Fred Wit er left this week for Elkton' , . , Mich., on a visit among friends there. MONEY TO LOAN, , Biddfflob. We have unlimited private funds for in, vestment upon farm or yillage propertY, at o west rates of interest. , prcasoic lit thriorrre, Barristers,etc.. Exeter. ' ' , Crops of all kinds look fine for this season of the year. -Mr, Jas, Heenan, Mr. Dennis Heenan and A. Lamphire, of the Cedarville Line, Bidclulph, are on , <afternoon or. on and -will visit ' the 'Pan-American on their hone-yrnoon tour.. ' . . Sea:forth: At Si James' church, on TuesdaY tunt'ning, -Miss Bertha,' eldest daughter of Mr. Thomas Daley. ' of Bg mondville, was united. inmarriage to Mr. J.aines D. o'Connell, 'of Goder- ick, acting registrar tor this county, ' and son of ilir. Bernard 'O'COnnell, of McKillop. The bride was gowned in white duchess and bridal satina_ carried__ CAUGHT IN A BELT. Burling,ton, ,May 29. -While work - lug in are .Burlington basket factory this afternoon Norman Groves (if ,-.. , ,, . , a lc Freeman was c•:rryaing some rn• ter'al past a*heavy belt, and m some ,wav was caught in the belt and whirlea several tirne around the shaft. His arm was:broken in two places' and his head crushed besides being hurt in- t, . ii ' " ' arna y. , volver went off, •the ball stri . ward Daley, a bystander, • . tokennoii.iectiipgbarht iisn itlhocelyroirivt „ spAe ing car, striking another on] the breast. The latter owes 1 a book and a packet of pape be hacl placed in his inside po bullet striking these and glan grazing his right arm.' . Theli jumped off the train and mi his escape... ' The circus trai yf' Oal-Ev To LOAN, erecting fine brick residences on their farms this S. H. Hod- I have a large am o an t of private funds to loan on farm and village properties at low rates offnterest. . F. W. Grakamax, • Barrister, main street Exeter,. stunnier.--ItIr. '‘,•iris "'has erected a bank basement e' . . ilnder his barn. Mr. Geo. Bawden; of Lifcan, formerly of Exeter, had the contract.. CONTRACTORS. • , DIED. -This week it is our day' to record the death of Mr. Wm. T,Ierhert, 'renders will be received by the 'undersigned be- tween May 24th and June Sth for the repairing and painting o.g.s.s. No..5, Dsborne, Plans and specifica- tions of brick and carpenters work at the house of undersigned. . ' .J.raiss. FitAYNE, See. ' of Biddulph, syho died on Tuesday afternoon, May 29th. The deceased in his usual health np to • short was • a, time before. his death. He..leaves a • sorrowing wife and two sons and three iss _inure DorseY, the brides- kbss r(.7,S. 'u- in ic ilia wore w_hite organdie and carried ni c roses. Mr. Burke of Goderiah, P I acted as groomsman,- The ceremony, which was performed by Rev. Father M' . .' assisted b Rev Father W • e -.< ,: .. y •, est, of Goilerrch was witnessed by a large ,., , of friends of the bride and . , . .gt °mil. '', Hensall: On Monday Morning Gil- , .bert_McDonald, who lives on the , sec- onda saw a nurnber of W. W. Cooper's TWEED FATALACCIDENT AT • , , . Tweed, May 29. -Mr. Peter Labarge, a foreman for the Rathbun Company, was instantly killed at the company's ' ' r • • - • sawmill here this afternoon. .He was ,, ,, . moving a car from the mill with a team of horses when he slipped and .fell in . front of the car. The wheels passed • • • ._ • . • over his head,. killing him. instantly. • • H e leaves a wife and large family to mourn his imtimely end. through yesterday nio ' here' ' • 4.30 o' 1 ck, but y- 4: th n , no report -cc o , e occurrence. Toward: ' 10Cal doctor received word f: forth requestinghim to have ' ambulance at the station to , . 4 o clock train yesterday aftei the: removal.of Dale to the . - ' Y ' This was done but the unfortu . . . died shortly after. The bull through tb.e man's lungs, . n ' ' painful wound, and it was dif NoTic0. dauglatersawho have the sympathy of ' friends. He . 'Notice is hereby given that all accounts due to the late Wm. Bagshaw mrist be settled not later than a large circle, of was a son of Mr. John Herbert of Exeter. ' 'week June ith, and all aecountsagairist him must be hand -Cabe ed or sent to the undersigned not later than same ?ARS. DY.LLA 13:iosto.w, Centralia P.O, Greenway -,..- m •-•-• -..--,number d family Arr. W. T. wens an , visited' Grand Bend. Messrs. Ware Oliver and W. S. Wil- son, of Greenway, left on Thursday last tor Liverpool, sailing by the Allen Line second cabin passage Both gen- / • lemen are pretty well up in years, Mr. Oliver being .70 years of age and. Mr. Wilson 70, butthey are•desirous of vis- iting their native land once more. They were ticke.ted by Mr. John Speck- Clan. friends in Ailsa Craig last week. -Rev, 3. W. Baird, B.A., pi•eached a very in- teresting and instructive sermon Sun- day on the subject of "Giving." He is to take up and preach the subjectln two weeks. -Miss Lillie Brophy, of Winnipeg, Man„ and ' her mother of Aurora, Ill., are visiting at Mr. W. T. Ulens.-Mr. W. Bell, trustee of S.S. No. 14, McGilliyra,y, was 10 Toronto last week to see the Minister of Educe-, tion about getting it union schoolform- ec1.14 miles west of Greenway. . Mr. .T. thoroughbred sheep in his field and Sent -his boy out. to investigate. The boy' found two dogsat worrying the Sheep. and drove them away. He ran for Mr. Cooper and when they • re- os had e back turned one of the dod: and.was at wink again. In. all about 24 see n were seriously injured, some of Which' will diea As many,. of ,the -anianals:aise impOrtecl and are valued at $100 each the loas willprove serious. One of the dogs was young . and be- longed to Mr. Cooper and without 1 bt ' led intothe ' 4 'ef b c ou was e miscii y the other one. . • 0 Monday• ft Zurich: n a ern000n, - A i OE „.0.- COLLISION T SIMC . - St. Th , . ( p , . . onias June 1 -- S echl )-Thi afternoon on the G. T. R. at Sinicoe a west -bound passenger train,. No. 21, nim Conductor .Ben Ar, ran through an open switch and collided with a gravel -tram. The engine and several cars were thrown .,off..,the ,track and da • d C" n i 'era. -Edward Pe - mage o s d , bly,. .,..g - ler, expressman, was badly shaken up arid William Richarclson,erigineer,and Robert 'Elliott, fireman was slightly . • ,, injured The switch was left open by the men of the working train, which gone into the gravel pitfor gravel. • him o communicate any. in ' t ' • ., , ,, . _ _ _ , _ _ legaraing ril mself Cad he bee to do so. It It was gathered, that his mother lives in Pc Penn with." and she has beencome . Dail was between -' f age,y • d ' 1 years o an was. .erup c . blacksmith with the circus. f • h d' 1 that 1 ' re ore e lerbe cone shootina urel accidental,ar ,,,, . .,:-, -13 . Yr: . - _ • , 3" arue anyone. uounty Oros is in communic- "eY r, , Attorney -General's .de with reference to the matter. Port Huron, 11.1ay 30.-(G Press Despatch.) --Port Hurt . Sharon. , Souoor., REPORT.F0110Witi g is a correct report of the standing of pupilsIdinaton Stephen, for the month of May. -Jr. Al' YaegeralVlable Clark, Tom. Roeszler. Sr. Ill. -Ezra Wein, Elgin Amy Jr. III. --Nora Brown C '1 R . C Cl k S II. --W. Preszcator. Jr. II. --Idella Schwartz, Memel. Eilber, Alde Wein ' L. Schwartz.the H. W. MAY Teacher. , ' McGregor also ‘,•isited Toronto in the interest' of S. S. No. 14, in opposition e . .--.1. r. . . ensoi toth UnionSS II W. TU1 lost his doe' last .. He wore a col- • •i:, . • ' tar with small cord a,ttacned. He was last seen at Lindsay's store, Parkhill. m - Hartle and- .,.. ' , . . •had -I r. Geo.- wire are visitingiv friends in' Toronto. ---Mr. J. L. Foster 1 t a val iable horse last week Ile trirned him out on the grass and not • • • ' - being out before he thinks he ate too much cold grass.-Mr.Robert Engliah • ' '• - ' was taken suddenly ill on Friday. Dr. about half past two o'clock, the alarm f fire was iven and in a ver short time our citizens were ,orit, eager to • save any property from the devouring element. , The fire was located in the ax mi barn, o e agra fl '11 balongsidef th ' caltural , grounds. • In a very short thne the building was a mass of flamescloth and it was impossible to stay the pro- gress of the fire, and the building was . completely destroyed, together with a small 'quantity of to that was , stor- d have ed there. The fire is suppose to. a., started fronra spark from the smoke mill.' • . • stack of the There ' is some in- surance _on the building which will ow ATTEMPTED ROBBER,Y. • , ' Chatham Ont. May 31. -The Grand , , Trunk Railway cit ticket otEce was y „ . scene of a robbery last evening, a colored lad named Fred Williams was caught steatites some • twenty tic - Thh' The -outh purchased a key and kets. V - filed it to fit the spring lock on the front door. . appene -o be pas- f d Aclerkh g d t 1 l'the sing the office shortly afterwards and e - ii•n e , wi e caught Williams r d h d d with th , in is possession. .ey were tickets-' hispossession. Th ' taken from him. At the Police Court . Williams leaded guilty. He comes 13 g oP for sentence next Tpesday. last night captured Howard a _ alias Cookein, and Charles Si colored we 1 ted at Seaford] , ' i• Seaforth, an alleged Murderous assa,ult 1 . . . , ..... . employees or a travelling et ally sheeting one and less -r- The men had ere ' . L• • ' , • raver between 6 and 7 o'clock ' ing, alld.. the officers traced freight yards of the Grar . ' ' Railway where they were , . - about 10 o'clock. The men w . , , , ., a in fot a. chancc to steal a lad . . . . . ' , a, ireielt train They admit e < • ine• been enp-,aged in aft -ices a < < , ker told the officers where he ,.. . Crediton J, G . STANBURY, P.. A., (formerly Oollins & stmdmry) Barrister, solicitor, ',rotary, conveyancer one3 0 ..0:1 - . , • .and ir ' t T n Exeter On ' - s 'Rey. James Hussey, B.D,, is attend- ing the Methodist Conference, which is being held in St. Thomas this week.. -Messrs. Wnerth Heist & Co. have shn led - had their storage barn' re- i g • . ' ' The township and village intena. hav- Mg a civic holiday at Grand Bend, on Friday, June 21st next. Let every- body go and enjoy themselves. -Rev. M. L. Wing, of B'erlin, held' quarterly meetings in the evang.dical church and Mrs - Daniel last Sunday. -Mr. < . a Trueniner, of Dashwood, .were -the guests of Mrs. liosina Finkbeiner last Sunday. -Mrs. Sambrook and family have returned home after spending a few weeks with relatives in Woodham and Centralia;. -Mt. Harhurn, florist, of Hensall was in the village on. Tues-. day. -The Directors of The Hey Town- ship ' Farmers Insurance. "Co., held theird meeting M the Town Hall, here, last Saturday. ----Mr. George Clark an, Mr. Geo. Bloomfield will conduct th e services in the Methodist church next Sunday morning and evening, respect- • 1 d ' 4th ' b of,Rev. aLu - lye y, urin e a sence ev. . s ' ser. -Mrs. . L. McCourtrie, of Tor-. t f M Oh' ' ono, was e guest o rs. as. wtc er, on ues ay.- 1 e a m. 'Z ' k T d Wh'I • t W White's barn raising last Friday, Mr. Ceor e Holtzman received a Severe a bl g ' th h d b a brace fallin on ow oa. ,e ea y k ,h. g 'th him. The brace struc pn on . e side of the head, but-. had it been a. i e s ,raig e mig eve een . a - l'ttl t ' ht h ' ht h b k'll ed Mr Holtzman is now able to 'be • L. -• ' - a.rouncl again. -Rev. Johnstob, of Na- ' , .11 Ill:h• '1 ' the •11. who as been in vi -. Pe/NI e< at age for some time collecting for the. a apervi e, NorthwesternColleget x • li left f • Zurich Saturday. -Dr. y ' Dr Rivers .. for -,. a .— • • ' is attending the Methodist Conference a•t St. . Thomas • this week. -Mr. Ed. Kestle is these ays,Another 1 ' • ' ' d JohnS hr d • west of .oy.-Mr. c oe el,1 a, ou .. wort o pot Crediton,'had ' b t $30 worth f lc stolen opt of his gramery las week.- Can't we stop the nuisance which is be- ing•carried on in our villa,ge the past few days? Surely it is high that som thin be done e s: • ' Edell ' •Mr. William Coates has sold his handsome driver. -Mrs.' Quance and daughter Jennie, of Exeter,spent Sun- day here with Mrs. Fred Luxton.- Mr. John Essery has-been appointed delegate for Conference at St. Wilson was sent for and gave him medicine which soon helped him, ' and he is now able to be around again.- Mr. J. McRoberts passed through here Monday with a load of furniture from' Phippen & Simpson for Rev. 8, A.Car- riere, Grand Bend. as a Thomas. -Mr. Norman Switzer is busy . . putting a new stone floor in this cow- house. -Oar pastor, Rev. S. Salton, • preached - Anniversary services at Granton on Sunday, while Rev. Mr. Hutton, ofGranton, preached very in- , . teresting services here., • . Will.Cheisea Mr. Jack Richardson and , Mrs. G. Godbolt visited friends in Zurich on Sunday. Its all right Jack we don't object. -Mr. Will Turnbull ' and his sister, Jennie and Miss Lena ,'Miners visited Mr. arid Mrs. Simon Millet in nearly cover the loss, • r • ' ruckeremith: Mrs. McKay, f the 10th concession of this townshita and relict of the late Wm. McKay,. pa,ssedinclined peacefully away on Wednesday, last, after a' very brief illness of inflatimaa- tion of thebowels She had `reached the great a e of 90 years.. and was in - f 11 h faculties,' d the possession o a her and was able to get around gtintei smart y. Scotland he waearned and a a native o to u 1;1Ira country ;fh f with laer• us , anil an arm y over a a cen airy ago. She was a yvoman of kindly' dispositionand ` was much ,9 -. tc1 b 11 h and deservedly respec e by a fw .o knew h'er. She lea,ves a fami y o six ...sons and one daughter, two daughters ' ' - • AT A CROSSING. „ r ' . Berlin, June 3. -Asad and fatal acci- dent happened near here this after- • t 1on the Berlin noon about , o'clock, branch of the Grand Trunk. It appears Moses L. Snyder and wife, of Wilmot township, were leaving for their home and when they reached Albert street crossing a train came along arid whist- led, but evidently it was not heard by the unfortunate couple who were up- wards of 70 yea,rs old. MraSnyder has since died and -Mrs. Snyder had her and arms broken and is. likely to die. The horse was carried on the cow catcher over 50 feet and then hurled - • ' • towards the fence ' • his 44 -calibre revolver. The his, reported that the IT desperate characters, but if t: tO offer any resieta had no opportunity to do so. Sarnia .1)1ay 31. -The two 1 broughtbefore the police rt of .the county jail last 01 8:30 / 1 k f i. . , oh. lc ocs. or pre mainary t ar esi cns, tike ,younge, dw;;eoh co there,meri .1 ca cast argedh?eing, no. 9 ered to come° im with ing. The hearing of the ea th f H a, 1 Walke • case o blow. lath. , . 1,, prisoner, 7 o in' _as inst- charged with shooting one G . • • ler, with intent to do grieve Sodom • • SeatooT., REPoRT.---The following is a , correct report for S.S. No. 13, during the month of May. -Names are' arrang- ed -in order 'of merit:-Sr.-Linny ,. . yn ProutyHilton FordJrIV.-Evel Ching, IVIiltOn Pfaff, Hazel Prouty and ,. Harry Ford, even. Sr. Ma -Silas Fordribs Charlie Dunsford. Laura Hooper, Mel- Yin Dearing, Annie Stacy, Willie Car- rick. .Sr.'IL--Barton Ford, Dolly Al, Ward, Jessie 'Green, Jennie Penhale. Jr. IL -Gordon Ilooper,Fiedclie Smith - ' - even; Clayton Prouty; Clifton Propty, Willie Ching even; Robert Alexander, Sanford Stnith,, Norman McDonald, Kenneth Ford. Sr. Pt. II. -Nancy . . ' Smith, Nellie Stacey, Sidney Smith. Jr. Pt. IL --Willie -Alexander, Olive • . - ' Dearing. Sr. Pt. I. -Nellie Green, Norman Ford, Lawrence Alward, Jes- sie Carrick, Jr. Pt la -Florence Ching , Gr 'net Hooper, :Edith Carrielr, ev,en. C, B. VER(3fUSOIsT Teacher • • , • . ' Cromarty on Sunday. -Mr. Mat Wein- er and wife, of Crediton, visited Mr. A -ur an. narS. F. E. BroWn on Sunda Lots of milk at the 'creamery now. On Monday last over 2800 lbs were piviii through the seperators. This is very ood iit this season of the ear. The •Y k' t• ff f 1 ' Yh t • 1 t d ,or ing .s a ee somew a e a e over recent changes. Mr. Bell, the manager, has had .a raise in salary, while MT: Fenton Brown h '- 5 as been in- t 11 d 2 'oil na ' ' ' ' -an, with a raise in salary sqll eM :nL It b' 'tth r. . 0 inson ranks as 3rd ' - . • • • tInan• ' rs 1/EATII oF JAMES HALLS. -It is our • f 1 el t th' • k t pain n n y is wee o announce the death of one of our oldest pioneer settlers, in the, person of Mr. James Hill h assed to the • • ' t B d i , wa o p - .. . glee eyon on Sun ay evening' last, at the age of . a s las een 70 years, 7 months. 1VIr H• 11 1 - b in noor health about a Year but the • ' • .` • ' . ., _, yeai, , immediate cause or ueatu was heart trouble His -demise was • not 'ri the - -turned l • ' 1 ' le least unexpected as al the immediate ' • . having died several Years ago. - • '' - - • russe s. , eace u y ye very u - B 1- P fll tve scl denly came the call of the Master to Mrs. Hugh R. 'Elliott, of Brussels South, Saturday. Her husba,nd arose a , , . , j• ,it, out 5.30 a.m. and noticed a ging ing " noise in his wife's throat but thinking a she was simply snoring• e dressed, tarted the kitchen fire and went to s ' • SUICIDE ON A. TRAIN. . a ernes, May 31. -Richard St C th ' M. ' Davidson omtnitted suicide on thetrial.Th avi s mail rain is . afternoon,between t° • ° this Grimsby and St. Catharines. He was the manager of the Imperial Bank. at .conyi9 NWTd • Prince Albert, . . ., an in conse- f t 1 depression he went n. uence o nien a , to Elinwood,at Guelph,nine weeks ago harm was proceeded with. • • brought before Judge MacW - • court honse this morning, at 'd ri speedy ,. e evi, e ce fore the magistrate was gone the result was that the pris• ' t d elsentenced • • e an . years imprisonment in the t• lary. the rear of his lot to nail, ,some boards ' . - 1- • e on the fence. 15 minutes ater he r -MARRIAGES. to the house and finding that rs. ro was no , up e ca e e M Ed tt • t h 11 d h r and receiving no response went intoMay , . tn 1 d i Da ale the ' d d'scoe- - e le venni 4. . Se - I .' ery that he spirit had fled, and with h • hindsf Id al f 11 ov • her he o a p,ea,ce u y . ei - • breast, was e eeping her last sleep. The neighbors were called, and a phi- cian speeclly sunamoned but life could. •was about not be :recalled. Deceased her wotk as usual on Friday and had r , d 1•'' t, f f 1' g 11 b it ina e no comp ain o ee in 1 I had spoken ofbeing tired. Heart fail- - H dischargede for treatraen . • e wasfrom that i stitutiou. to -day, apparently n - , . t St , 0. •Ir " Gilled, and was going o . at arines 0 see is wife w Q IS a, pr sent visit -t la'h t e ing with Mrs. J. H. Ingersoll. After the train left Oritusb he went into the - . Y ... closet of the smoking oar and in it few . t the report f •pistol was minu es e o a 0 forcingthe door't beard. n open t e a was found that he had sho laimse f in the teinple. The body was taken to St. Catharines. ' He leaves a wife and. Mae 'child. , His mother, lives in Win- . . 1 , 31113eg< LL 0 - II II W I N.MS--E I TT I M' IL ii.: _ 22ucl, 'by the•Rev. R. M ' Charles William Str •'' • ' - ' ' Lizzie,. daughter of Mr. Her IIIIitchell - ' • S YL R A s ma -At A. , 0 -. tRY. TB,. , G. . dence of he bride s mothei Road, on Wednesday, Jut Rey. 'W. J. Waddell:, as ReV, W. A. Walden, of ..., , , Mr. W. E. $aylor, of Sarni . ' Rodgerville, iur .•-•( DEATH OF MRS. ...ASH. -DeRth With • 11 'If tt 'visited a its i erness and sorrow the home of Mr. Geo. E. Case on Sun- day last and removed, from their midst his beloy.ed wife. For the past seven or eight months she had suffered from lin] trouble and from the first it 'was i-Datil.fest that thedeadly disease was fast waning her life away and gra.du- ' • • • - • ally sinking, she . suceumbed to thee effects on day above stated. • She was ' ' .. • • heerftil and loving fried, kind and a c , ' true. and highly tespected by all who made her acquaintance.' The deceits-' ed had been initialed only about four years atul besides a sorrdwing husband . • leaves behind her a child (daughter) g years of age. She was eadangliter oft 'Mt. Ben Hoggath and' wag aged .801' ' 4 'months and 8 days The fun - years, , . . „ ,, eral took place to the Exeter' cemetery on Tuesday and was largely attended, testifying to the esteem. in which she wag heldThe bereaved husband and little daughter have the sytnnati y of ' ' 1 the 'Cornintinity in this their sad and ' - • irretrievable loss. "IP relatives were called home last week. }Ie was 0 man of genial disposition and i 0 integritywhich to" ether • ' sterl g . g with his many other qualitiesanade for a. . b f friends,•b nuin er o .who him II large .. rallied arotind. him and showed their ' kind regatds ,bydeeds aswell as words. t the :Cl, bd . for He served aouncioar severiteen years •and as magisttate• for a nprither, of years and his efficient ser- ' t ' h vices in both showed the he . had ,a, true stin o his i y a • ' late f ,d it as citizen. II e chopped and cleared the farm on which he lived and died and' , , ,leaves to his mernot one of the best farms. ' '- Y ... In Usberne. In . his early days he was atone ;and brick mason and inany of the old brick houses in this section strand as ' land • Marks to his crecitgble , . , ,.. .., i , workmanship, In .polities he WAS a- staunch Conservative and when it ' to el cti clay ' - n - tame e , on ay there was o ques tion as to which side he was on He .. . , • - leaves to mourn his demise a. loving wife, . two sons and four claughters,-viZ: Philip,,T., in Goderich; Frank le Chi- e.aga; Ella, school teacher, while Jennie, Lottieand Lily a • h ' - sll • '' ‘ rr, home. , As wc as by the family his death will be deeply' mourried• MS funeral took place to ' ' ure was assigned as the cause of death. ' • , FOUL PIJAY SUSPECTED. ,. • Jennie Armstrong. • O'CONNNELL-DALY--At S• . • Around About Us' • . . , ,•Sault B I • 0 Th ' d• • 4. .. russe s. n . nia ay as aNed". Wilson was driving a team of gr. Col- dough's horses. Vv.ith a reek contain- ing a few calves, he fell oft the rig. in - t 'Baekers's 'office , - Pon of A. , . , ,aftez.turn- ing of the dentri4 Hotel•Yatl, and was struck on' the side of the held' by . '• '' ' ' ' good.'- the wagon wheel, grinding off a share of 'his left ear inflicting a bad . eai, • .., , gash on the side of this face and head and breakinghis right jawbone,. He was carried to the Connell Chamber where two doctors dressed the wounds - ' ' • t ' - • of the injured a e consefou man. He was ander the influence of ,liq'i • at - l• oi ' the, time of the accident. Th6 teAni was caught near the market .scal - . • t eS, Be will probably he 'sent to the hesi)i.. fol. ' • ILL-FATED SECTIONMEN. . ' Galt, May 30. -The coroner sieguest an the death of Sohn Watson and Robert Haddon, the two aection men 1 as killed on the G T R. near Galt w io w, < . . , while tryieg to 'neve a -hand -car ft -0m Ste. Marie June 3. -The body of Maliel, the 14 -year-old daughter of . i rem aug an, o is own, who Williani V lr f this t mysteriously disappeared about . five weeks ago, Was foiled this afternoon,' about 3 o'clock floating in t,he Water , • ' Id ' k ' Th dock 9ff the in ernationa oc . e ' a. < a , , ... ,<., c urch,, ;ealort,n, on Afay - `-` Rev. Father Ca 0, S Rev. Father West, of God. Jaines D. O'Connell; of GO ..Miss ',Berths eMest daugh - ' ' .,' , . Thomas Daly, a Egmorial the rails on the 24th May, was held t 1'night.• bours were ton- here last Two h t. - .w • le about one b ock west and in the rear of the Vau hen residenee. The Oor- , . g . . . DEATHS s rn in takiti - the evidence after u ed , , g i d ' which the jury returned and either- atedfovtlitee hours, bringing in• the following verdict. -"We hold that John Watson and Robert Haddon ' 1 th 1 ' -idetat on the came to their ( ea )31 au, , Grand Trunk while helping to move 0 - - ' 11,1,1)(1,o:from the tritek, in front of an ipproadbing triin said hand -car being 1 ' ' ' ' ' ' ' on the track contr:rry to the rules Of the Gterni 'rturilt railWaY.• orier has been notified and the body liest ' th ' ' ' - at preset) in e morgue awaiting his arrival.' There is some suspielon Of ford play. . ' Sault Ste. Marie; :Tune 4,-A coron- er's 'airy returned' a verdict of suicide 3 • ' ,.., ,. - ,' No cause can be assigned for the girl s ' '--' att. 'Isaac Derinis, who .fOtind"the girl's, body and brought it ashore,claims tin, ' ' - - - - ' V ' ' ' ' - reward of $500 Which Mr, • angh,an of- ferefi for his daughter dead or alive. . TiALL$.-In Elithville. on , s,a,ae yeai s, James' 11 all ,- el 70'. ' MoKAY---In Ttickersinitb, on johannah IVfeKity relibt • - -• • ' '- ' ' Wm. McKay, aged 90. yell . 0 sia-aIli Isla London Roa . A . .,Y, ' • 2, Agnes E. - Hoggartli, bel of Geo F CaSe aged 81 • E. -- , mehtlis and 8 days, . , . . ' • Muth 'needed rains are reported in A.r .....:r.,-.1— the Ill iniville cemetery yesterday - , (Wednesday) and was 14i-geby, attend- pd. ' ' PE. °riling a, Colborne George t square the pole it. Pro- lk, <thou c ft it for had to eet cleep 'ere die; - lute the laborers. rind.:the le assist- ain. Be - serious tit on his long- the d Daley; an circus; tern Orr- in apre- ult of a • showed iota was ployees. the men , one car Walker, er man, game of ew a re- lated to e the re - king Ed - vim had - fter pass. - (1 across ooker in is life to a which ket, the cing off, alf-breed de good_ O passed. 'Pug at as made noon, a. om See- the city meet the moon for hospital. ate man et passed airing a cult tot ormation O willing however, tteryille, iunicated 5 and 40 yed as a He atat ed ered the d did not n Attor- tion with pertinent . N. W. n officers Walker, nis, both. Ont., for n fellow- -ens, fat -- seriously ased the ast even - them to d Trunk captured ere wait - a out by • ted hay - and Wal - secreted anadian en were hey were lace they en were- agistrate ening at hearing. of the dy, was evidence be shoot- idence in the other nee was eorge Mil' us bodily He was - tat, at the el elected taken be- over,and ner was o F.even peniten- °hell, on Whiting, tford, to ry EIbott the resi- , Thames e 5th, by sisted lay Elimville, a, to Miss , James' 28th, bY sisted by rich, Mr. derich, to er of Mr. Due 2Ild, 7 montlis Airah tYe2:Itie s. , on dune oved wife years, 4