HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1901-5-30, Page 7A7iTERYOUS WRECK
The nest Doctors' and Hospital Treatment
Patlea to liels Her, and She liad Almost
Lost Holai of Ever Being wen again__
Her Parnest Advice to Other Sufferers.
One of the moat common, at the
same timo erre of the most to te
dreaded, ailnie.nts which afflicts the
PeoPle of thia country, is nervoua de-
bility. The eaUses lending le the
- trouble are various, overwork or
!worry being among the Most promin-
ent. But whatever the ca.use, the
affliction ie one that Makes life
burden: Such a, aufferer for years was
'Miss Margaret Gillis', a Whim. Road
.Cross, P.E.I. Her life wan one of al-
most incesaant misery, and she had
come to look upon her condition as
incurable, when Dr. Williams' ?ink
Pills were brought totter notice, and
'to this li,
fe-giving nerve restoring
medicine, she nowowes health and
'happiness. Miss Gillis tells of her
illeess and cure as follows: "For the
past eight years my life has been one
of constant misers/. My nervous: sys-
tem was shattered. and I was reduc-
ed tO a move physical wreck. My
trouble began in One Of the ailments
that so frequently afflict my sex. 1
was irritable and discouraged all the
time, and life did not seem worth
living. For geveral years I \Yea under
treatment by doctors,. I even went
to Boston and entered a hospital
where I remained for some time.
While there the treatment temporar-
ily benefited me, but soon inye condi-
tien was worse than ever. Finally
MY nervous trouble took the form on,
spasnaa which caused more suffering
Ulan words can tell. When thus at-
tacked ,I felt as though 1 was literal -
la, being t.orn apart. I would fre-
quently I:ace's:me iinconecions and name -
times would remainin that condition
for half san hour. I have zomptinaes
had as many as aix of these spasm's
in a laeek, and ne one who has not
similarly suffered can imagine the
tired, •wornout depressed feeling,
which followed. Dootors zeemed ut-
terly unable to do. anything for me,
in,d tharse yeaass of naisery can never
be forgotten. Theo I began taking
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, and in a
short while found them helping me
Then another docto-r told me he could
• cure me. I stepped taking the pills,
and lake taledog ini the fables while
grasping at the shadow; I lost the
oubetanc.e. I was soon, in as wreteihe
ed, condition as ever. Tlxs pills were
the only than,g1 that had ever helped
- me and I determined t.ot begin them
again. 1 cotntiruten to take them for
nearly nem nuontas. the trouble grad -
many but surely leaving me, until 1
aan, now in almost perfect health and
released from what I , one
'time theaught would prove a life a
c ons t ant ma -eery. 1 cannot piaisa Dr.
Williams' Pink Pills too highly, nor
can a too strongly urge these. who
are aiiimg td test taeir \wonderful
health restoring virtues."
In th lama Leda and thousands of
c.ases it leas, been proved that Dr.
Pink Pillare the greatest
t blood bander and nerve restarertned-
deal science has yet discavered. The
pilis aot speedily and directly upon
dthe blood. and the nerves and thus
rea.cth the root of the trouble, effect-
ing- tthatou,gla anal permanent cures.
Other medicines marely act upon the
symptoms, and when the, patient
caasea using theta they soon relapse
into a condition as bad as before.
There is no trouble due to poor blood
Or weak nerves which these pills' will
not care. Tliose who are sick or ant-
ang are urged ta give this raedicine a
!faiir trial, and are cautioned against
the numerous imitations', which some
dealers offer. The geneihe pills al-
ways bear -Ile fatal narn.e "Dr. Wil-
liams' Pink Pills' foa Pale Pe,ople" on
;the avraPPer around every box.
e An English paper offers a practic-
al illustra.tion of Trollope'e seeing, It's
dogged an doein
e Jack Sullivan was a soldier, and a
good one, but auddenly he began to
act like a crazy man. When on duty
or at drill, he would break from the
ranks and run af tea an iro.aginary
satrap of paper, visible to no one but
himeelf, shouting as he ran:
Thexe it goes I There's the -paper
' Thia occuarence became so, frequent
that officerand men alike agreed
that Jack wag insane, and the matter
waa brought before the (medical au-
thoxitiest. After some scientific re -
each he was declared to be suffet-
Eng from monomania and in conse-
quence he was given hie discharge.
. But it was menornania with a me-
thod, for tyliene Jack quitted the ser-
• vice, and Ina comrades, he flourished
his- discharge, eaying :
e -Faith, bays, Pure I've got the bit
or paper PTe, been runnin' after
thia long time!
eerie e of petty thefts from the
aemmiaaary .tents of the Kandahar
• field force had baffled the afficers,
so completely that it wag deemed ad -
viable to substitute Goarkas for the
Ene,liah sentriea.
Alnataet immediately ane Goorlta, Rene
ta•y caught a Pathan thief redahand-
en, and was brought before an offi-
, car and commanded to tell how it was
I walk about my post, eaad the Goer-
Ita. I eee Pathan badmash go near
commiaaaxy tent. I walk about my
pest. Pathan badmash put his head
and shoulder a inside the tent. I run
Jim through with my 'bayonet and
shout •
Halt I Who come der? fl'
(An excellent illusteation of tactiea
aneginal with aa TrIsliman: A word
and a bow; the blow tO C03330 itrSt.
Ireland producee 210 tong of honey
n• year, :Worth 412.000.
Notes of interest About Seine of the
World's Great People.
Marconi, tlie inventor of wireleaa
telegeaphy IS only twenty-five years
of age. Hewan f only nineteen when
the iden of transmitting messages,
without vire % firat occurred to
The Queen of Roumania l5 a sue-.
ceasful lecturer, as learned, aS elo-
quent, but he only goekt` upon the
platform in the peivacy of her pal-
ace, wneee the young ladies of the
beet families are her audiences. .
Biahop Tucker, on the occasion of
Ida recent viait to Toro, ordained a
native of 'Uganda who ham worked for
five yeara on the edge of the great
Pignay Foraet. "Tins remarkable
man,' atiye the Bishop, "has been beat-
en, imprieoned, put hi the chain gang,
had hia houee burnt down and all
his property destroyed; and yet he
bas borne at all with a smile upon
hi a face and a eong upon his lips."
The habitor the household of the
German Emperor are very simple,
They rise early, the Empress break-
fasting alone, with the Emperor.
There in no lunch, but the Royal
Family, and, in consequence, the whole
Court dine at one o'clock. At five
o'clock tea in aerved, a plain supper
is eaten two or three hours later,
and the Emperor and Empress are
rarely out of bed later than ten
Sir Neville Charaberlal.n, one of ouT
la.teet Field-lVla rebels, enjoys the un-
enviable reputation a having receiv-
ed more wound a than any other Brit-
ish officer. He entered the Army in
the year of Queen 'Victoria's acces-
sion, and sixty years ago had half -
a dozen wound. Since then his
wounds have been almoat more num-
erous than hi a campaigns. He is a
tall, soldierly man of eighty, as re-
tiring as he is brave; and one of his
chief delighta is found in amateur
Photograph a of Mr. Kruger's hands
have. been eubmittecl, to a well-known
Parisian chiromancer. The left hand,
from which the thumb is' missing is,
nhe says, almost the hand of an ani-
mal. The nails are broad, and indi-
cate, action and force. The forefinger
L s longer than the °there, showing a
terrible authority without reasoning,
a desire t,o command everything by
brute force, a primitive hand if ever
there was one; a hunter, a man of
inetinct, undisciplined -in a word, a
face man. .
Mr. Edwin Abbey, who La to paint
the coronation of King Edward, may
be accounted among the lucky art-
iste. He came to London from Phila-
delphia same twenty ye.ara ago, and
took to newapape.r illustration. It was
ten years before he got a picture
hung at the Academy, and then came
fame. His rise has been so rapid that
it is hard to believe that but ten years
have elapaed Mince he fast caught the
public eye. Many of hi ubjects have
come from Tennyson and Shake-.
apea,re. ,
A remarkable instance of length' of
ec:rvice is reported from Lancaster,
England. Mr. William Barrow, the
timekeeper at Gilloana cabinet works,
has been in the employ of the firm
for sixty-six years. Although Over
eighty years taf age, he is still active
being invariably the first on the
premises every morning and the last
to leave at night. His father held the
key a before him, haying joined the
hous.e at Gillow' in 1201, so that the
present year erown.s "a century of
service," by father and son.
The King of Italy, 'as a boy, was
not allowed much pocket -money; it
awaa necessary for his father to ex-
ercise the utmost economy. One day
the preaent Faing, \Olen quite a lad,
astonished his nother, by asking her
how much a eilk daces would cost.
She told him, whereupon he said, "1
haven't quite So much as that, but
if you'll let me gd alone some morn-
ing I think I can go to some abop
Nvhere they won't know me and get
one. I want to give it to my nurse.
Her' beat gown is really quite shab-
Madee-General Babington, who rout-
ed Commandant Delarey with heavy
loae near Ventersdorp, is forty-sev-
en Yearsof age, and paascd the whole
of his regimental service in the 16th
Lancer. hat nerved an the staff
in India, and receivedo
tion for services with the Bechuana-
land expedition in 1884-85. On the out-
break of the Boer War General Bab-
ington was ehosen for the command
el the Firat Cavalry Brigade ; and
iu January, 1900, he made one of t e
fiat incuraions into the Orange Free
State with cavalry and artillery. He
has been A.A.G. of the Imperial Yeo-
mienmy aince the enrolment of the
To Liege has fallen the boner of
supplying the Shah of Persia with a
suitable automobile, and a superb
petroleum landau has just becia dis-
patched to Hie Majesty. The carriage
coatalne five eeats, and the inside is
lined with pearl grey broictered eilk,
while the motor -box is enamelled
blue picked out with gold, and the
body and Wheels are coloured a deep
oarmine. Trite lamps en either side
have their glaasea adorned with a lion
armed with a scimitar, with the
Pereian sun as a background. The
coat of this magnificent car is g22,-
Cuticue-What are you ,farmera
preparing to do this year? e
Hayceele, absent-mindedly, --- Sum-
mar boarders, as naval.
for thil
fil 11 i
A Perfect Liquid Deutifrice for the
TO@th and Breath
2 0
ToothP d r
• Both forms of Sozodont at the Stores or b7
Mil; price, 25e. each; LargeSizos,togetheriltio
• Haat Montreal,
Some nave Boon Drowned and Aro Now
Living -Salt and the iteart--Blectri-
city Is a Great Restorer -Wonderful
Triumphs of Science.
It IR generally believed that if the
heart atepa for a, ralambe or two, it
stops for ever, and no human power
can set it going again.
Now, thio ie mere guesswork, for
many people, who were apparently
dead, and in whom the doctors could
find no trace of heart-beat or breath-
ing, have been reatored to life,
When an 0/aeration is being per-
formed and the patient is chloroform-
ed, he is
of death. He cannot 6ee, hear, feel,
taste, smell, talk. move, or think. He
breathes a little, and hie heartsbeats
faint-ly, and that is all. Sometimes
the breathing and the heart atop,. arid
then he is dead. But the chloroform-
ist, in most cases, has no difficulty,
in bringing the patient back ta life.
Ax a rule, all that is necessary is to
pull out the, nutia'S tongue, and strike
him on the face and cheat with a wet
towel. If he doe a not revive, the pa-
tient is literally put standing on his
head, or artificial respiration is prac-
Heed. Then the dead man comes to
life. •
Senactirnea a foolish person poisons
himself with chloral hydrate. Shortly
after the ehlorat geta into the atom-
ach, the chloroform in it separates,
enter a the blood, and paralyees the
heart. When the heart atops, the sui-
cide. La, of course, dead. But in many',
cases the chloroforin then quiclely eva-
porates, and the heart beats again.
Many people who eeemed to the doe -
tore to be dead from chloral poison-
ang have thus come back to life. So
that it is possible for a man to tom -
mit suicide and live for fifty years'
Many people who have been
have. returned to life, and. are new
living. Some years ago a man akat-
int at the. Weleh Harp, Hendon, Eng-
land, fell through the ice, and remain-
ed below for ten minutes. He was kill-
ed twic& over -by the cold, and by
the water which filled his lungs and
He was rescued, taken to a hospital,
and fax houra the doctor worked over
him at svhat ia called artificial respir-
ation. Hot-water bottles warmed hina,
an injection of brandy, stimulated his
haat, and the movement of his arms
and pressure on this chest forced out
the water, and let ba air to hie lungs.
AfteAr Some howl his life returned.
But the body had been too eariousla
injured by the cold, and he did not
Jive. long. Still it wee' an indubitable
caao of bringing a dead man to life.
A treat many Similar cases have oc-
curred among coal -miner -a. The ter-
rible choke -damp that fills the mares
after an explosion gets into the blood
and palace:is it. Men ane taken out to
all appearances perfectly dead. Yet
again and again, when artificial re-
spiration has been perseveringly,
practiaed, they
The salt Cure has brought hundreds
of people back from death. In some
machinery and other accidents the
loas of blood is very great, and when
the blood -vessels are partly emptied
the, heart ptop s beating. This means
actual death. But if a surgeon is at
hand he filla the vessels up with salt -
and -water, and the heart stares
Better than salt is blood, if that
can be obtained. The surgeon opens
a vein in the arm of some relative
or friend of the dead man, opens a
vean lathe earn of the latter, and con-
nects Mena both with a piece of in-
cliarubber tubing and a couple of
shoat glees tubes or goosequalls.
As the blood flows from the living
to the dead body if eanriee life with
it. In a few momenta the till body
begins to move, the eye a open, and
the dead man is, living once xnare.
The injection into the flesh of a
little brandy or nitrite of amyl yill
stimulate into activity a heart that
hag ceased beating.
Electricity is also a wonderful re-
storer, and in the time to come it is
likely that, in the hands of the,pey-
aieian, it will prova itself capable of
reanimating many dead people. Up
to now all the, raeana used have aimed
at stimulating the heart and lungs
di.rectlys But it is hoped and ex-
pected that electricity can be appli-
ed to the brain and aainal MarroW,
'the very centre of vitality.
When death reaults from breakdown
of the body from disease, there is no
possibility of restoring life. But in all
those cases where the bod,v is still
perfect it is probable that electricity
,will prove effeetive. Before the peas-
ant century La out, in fact, it ia likely
that when a than ia drowned,
die g arena the tahoek of an a,ccident,
or any aimi.Ia.r cause he will be re-,
stared to lie .with the greatest ease,
• Already many experimenthave
been made an enamels in order to
discover how' death can be conquered,
The late Da. Ward Richardson, put
Several carp into ,water, froze it eel -
id, and left the fieh embedded for,
twettty days. Then he took there eat.
The fish were ao solid that lie broke
oxto of thorn in halyea, like an icicle,
Ile took another, and gently thawed
it. In about half an hour it was
swimming around as if nothing Lad
lie got a lee'
ch attached la to his
arm, and let it 2111 its body with his
blood. Then be aroae it quite hard,
until it was PaacticallY dead. After
that he, warmed it carefuliy, the blood
began to circulate, and in a couple
of house{ it was ready for another
He poisoned eix pigeons with chlor-
al hydrate. ,In fact, he put them aide
aa dead beyond xecovery. Next day
he injected some brandy, and they
came to life, and lied for many
In the famona cellars of the Hotel
de Ville at Bremen there are a dozen
easas of holy wine which have been
preaerved for 250 years. If the .cost
of maintaining the cellar, payment of
rent, intereat upon the original value
of the wine, and other imeidental
chargea are considered, a bottle of
thie choice. wine haa coat a2,000,000,
each glaesful S270,000, aucl a single
drop eould not be gold without los.
trader 43200.
33.017. F. Elliott Frankly and
Strongly Endorses Dodd's
Kidney Pills.
The Great Kidney Remedy inspires Oratitude
Wherever it Goes -No Medicine so Highly
Endorsed -What a Minister 01 the Gospel
has to say about Dodd's Kidney Pills.
115.01111mnd, Hill, May 20. -Special. ---
A senation was caused, in this town-
ship when it was .reported that the
Rev. F. Elliott had publiehed a strong
letter in the papera, endoraing a pat-
ent medicine. This happened aome lit-
tle tie ago, but the matter has not
been forgotten. The raedicine in ques-
tion was the famous Dodd's Kidney
Pills and the Rev. Mr. Elliott is still
in the receipt of frequent enquiries
about his experience with them.
To a recent questioner who asked
him about Dodd's Kidney Pula Mr.
Elliott was quite outspoken.
" I believe Dodd's Kidney Pilla to
be an excellent remedy," aaicl be. "I
se.e no .reasou whatever why I should
not recommend them; they have help-
ed me and I believe they will help
other. 11 they were not a etrictly
honest, meritorious, reliable cure for
everything they are claimed to be,
nothing would be mole objectionable
or further from my thoughts than
for me to endorse them to anyone,
much leee lend my name to a printed
statement. But aa the facts stand
I hold by my former courae and shall
always be happy to recommend Dodd's
Kidney Pilo by any meana in my pow -
The. letter referred to in which Mr.
Elliott endorses Dada's Kidney Pills,
was published en this paper some time
ago. It ,read1 as follows:
"1 feel it my duty to inform you of
the great benefit I have derived from
using Dodcl'a•Tnidney Pills. Last spring
in partieula.r when auffering from
Lame Back, pain and weaknosS was so
great I could hardly turn or get out
of bed. Knowing it all came from
clieurclered Kidneys, I began to use
Dodd' s Kidney Pills and my pain and
lameneas soon disappearred. I con-
sider Dodd' e Kidney Pills a good re-
liable medicine fax the diseases far
which they are recommended.
"When I hear pecple complain of
Lame Back or Rheunaatism, I always
say, a Why don't you take. Dedd's Kid-
ney Pill.' I .wiah to add that this
teatimenial is entirely unselicited and
only 'good will to men' would induce
me to allow my taarae to be publiehed
in thio connection.-R.ev. F. Elliott."
. .
Lady, to ahopwalker, who hat ac-
companied her through various de-
partment a to th'e front door, -I'm sure
you are very attentive. Did you think
cauld not find my way out again?
ShopWalker-Well, it wasn't exactly
that, ma'am. Ycu ace, we've miesed so
many things lately that we've got to
be very careful.
Signals of Danger. -Have you lost your
appetite ? Have you a coated tongue
RAVE) yoit an unpleasant taste in the
mouth? Does your head ache and have
you dizziness 2 It so. your stomach is out
of order ancl you need medicine. But you
do not like medicine. He that prefers
sickness to medicine must stiffer,but un-
der the circumstances the wise man
would procure a box of Parmelee's Vege-
table Pills and speedily get himself in
health, and etrive to keep so.
Big Siater-Dick, I think it is time
little folk a were in bed. Little Dick,
an Mr. Nicefellow's knee -Oh, it's all
sight. Mamma said I was to etay
here wren ghe came doweetaira.
Take Laxative Emote ,Quinine Tablets. All dmgginto
refund the money if la fails to cure, t0 is. grove's
signature) is on each box. 25o '
Mil. Sprott, vigorously shaking her
aleeping epouse -John I Johal There's
a bwiglar itt the hou,se. Mr. Spratt,
paotesstingea-Looks here, Jane, if, in-
ste.ad of shalciag the life out of me,
you'd go and abake, that burglar, you'd
be doling *mane good.
has been Made for machine -rolled Ceylon and 1ldia Tea. The purity,
cleanliness and ecOnenly of this tea are responsible tar its
PontilaritY. Ever decreasing consumption shows that it is' ordY antnatter
of time when JAPAN teas will be a thing of the past.
6 6 ;51 Ceylon Teas are sold In sealed
lead packets only, never in
bulk. Mack, rAixeci Or uncola
°rad Ceylon Green. Sample on application. Address " tALADA," Toronto,.
tA.46,4A/0.411,oteicvm.4a..en.cous.oeso EihS/01.4140/ErgiaterliVELASIA/E.d;liailio
• "There is just one !cilia of paint
all should have ; that is the best
'paint. Poor paint never pays.
Don't use cheap paint if aou want
your work to last -if you want your
house to look well.: Buy only a good
old standard brand.
are the recognized standard brands
in Canada, and have been for sixty
years. Don't take some ether just
because a dealer wants to sell you.
Send to as and ask fax
It will tell you all about paint and
V show you how some beautiful homes ,
f-dl,are panned with Rarnsay's.Paint. P.
4. ,aOLtJllt1-, A. RAMSAY & SON -
' piairer. imAKEns,
'k L'
::: d 42.
•.:'v,4,b."- '.4;'‘ lii"Dilie' '‘' snei'113.13,'. '''Ufr'Etk.:U1.'3'ZivWib/Irn'`Ilo,WW‘E/VASIDI 0
iF 'You Want best results SHIP all your
The Davis Co. Limited, Ocr.West Market and
•.'Colborne St., Toronto.
Yes, =aura, said the ragged fat
mein; I'm lookin' far work. You
ain't got no odd jobs o' sc.rubbin' or
washin' ter be did, have yer?
Wthy, ydu sure.ly •don't do scrub-
bing dr work of that sort, said the
Sara not, I'm lookin' fur work fur
tne wefe.
Millard's Liniment Cures Diphtheria.
Puffer-For goodness s,a.ke 1 Wbat's
happened to my meersch.auna pipe?
aire. Puffer -Why, dear, I noticed
it was ketting awfully brown and dis-
colored, so I put a coat of that white
enamel paint on it.
used by mothers For their children teething. It soothes
the duld. softenthe gums, tttlayspaln, eureawindeo:ica
and is the best erectly for diarrhoea, '25c ho`tle. Sold
by ell druggists throughout the world. Eo sure and sk
for "Alre. Winslow's Soothing Syrup."
Magistrate -You are tbarged with
assault and battery. What have you to
say? Prisoner -Not a, word, your
worship. It was saying too much got
me into this scrape.
Nathan,- looks more ugly than to see a
person whose hands are covered over with
warts: Why have these disfigurements
on your person when a sure remover of all
warts, corns, etc., can be found ,in Hollo-
way's Corn Cure.
airs. Henpeque--They isay when a
ir has its prey en its power nhe
victim feels neither fear nor pain --
only a dreamy ecetasy.
Me. Eicepeque-I don't doubt it. The
night you accepted me 1 felt that
same way.
Millard's liniment Cures Colds, etc.
Jimmy, Sammy Says you had more
catramela than the rest of the clail-
• Well, ma, I aema they wouldn't go
'round again, an' ao 1 jea' had to eat
Miriarci's Liniment Cures target irt cows
• The oceana of the world comprise
nearly 324 million cubic miles.
*ago 6•••••••
Bickle's An ti -Coe sum pti ve Syrup stands
at the head of the list for all diseases of
the throat and lungs. It acts like magic
in breaking up a cold. A cough is soon
subdued, tightness of tbe chest is relieved,
even the worst case of consumption is re-
lieved. wlaile in recent cases it may be
said never to fail. Is is a medicine pre-
pared from the active principles or virtues
of several inedicinal herbs, and can be de-
pended upon for all pulmonary com-
How'd I come berm? Well, an-
swered the sulaen convict, I sneaked,
en de beck way, -when nobody wu,z
lookine and had in dia yam c.ell.
Illinard's Liniment Cures Distemper.
Miaa Eastman -What (do you think
of our parlor hangings ? They're/ 50.1ne-
thing nese,
Mies Woolly, of the far West --Gee
wlaiza. 1 I should say 1 We always
have, ours out doors.
akeu:As, "tag hif-5,12144
JAtus 444:cdU 0 trutd efeur ,As
Ifteir delt.01:•044 Auseand 91,14) e
Qom as)
T. N. U
E Me
cGill—Ooll ego Av eu
mily note' Tatea $5
per daY.
t. to better yourself ? write, in your ONVA
and, to G. Marshall & Co., tax inaperters,
loadon, Ont. Outfit furnished.
Oh, I don't know I remarked the opa
timist. After all, you'll find in every,
one at least some of the milk of hu-
man kindneas.
Huh I grunted tha crane what you
do find in usually the condensed var-
La Grippe, -Mr. A. Nickerson
Farmer, Dutton, writes: "Last winter I
had. La Grippe and it left ine with a
severe pain in the small of my back and
aip that used to catch me whenever I
tried to climb it fence. This lasted for
about two months when I bought a bottle
of Da Thomas' Eclectaic Oil and used it
both internally and externally, inorning
and es -ening, fax three days, at the expira-
tion of which time I was completely
England imports 42011o. of grain
year, for each inhabitant of the coune
flow is This!
We offer One Hundred Dollars reward foie
any case of catarrh that canuot be cured
by Ball's Catarrh..,Cure.
F. J. CIIENDY & CO.. Toledo, 0.
We, the undersigned. have known P. J.
Cheney fot: the last 15 years, and believe
hlm pertectiy honorable tn an business
transactioa., and financially able to carry,
Gut any obitgabons made by their firm.
WEST & TRAUX, Wholesale Druggists,
VIN'Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, 0.
Hall's Catarrh Cure Ls taken internally,
acting directly upon the blood and mucous
surfaces of the. system. Testimonials sent
free. Price 75c per bottle. OslO by all drug,
An Eiaglieh convict .gets 101b,
bread a week, and a pauper 71b. only.
Mild in Their Action-Pannelee's Veg-
etable Pills are very mild in their action.
They do not cause griping in the stomach
or cause disturbances there Els so many
pills do. Therefore, the most delicate
can take them without fear of nnpleasant
results. They can, too, be administerecl
to childrennvithout imposing the penal-
ties which follow the use of pills not so
carefully prepared.
159,1.43 emigrants left Liverpool Jasa
year for the United States, only 33,639
for Canada.
•Stratford, 4th Aug., 1893.
Measys. C. C. RICHARDS & Co.
Gentlemen, -My neighboa's boy, 4
yeara old, fell into a tub of boiling
Watem and t ot scalded fearfully. AI
feav days later his legs swelled to
three times 'their natural • size andi
broke out isa running Rome, His par -
elate could get nothing to help him)
till I recommended MINARD'S 1INT-
1VIENT, which, after uaing two 'lat-
tice, completely cared him, and I keens
of ;several ca,s,es arouncl there almost
aa remarkable, eured by the sante
Liniment and I can truly eay I never
handled a medicine which has had as(
good a ;sale or given auch universal
satiafac tima., M. HII3ERT,
• G =aeon Mercban
Mrs' Newbride isn't at all satisfied
with her huaband'a salary.
No; she pays it isn't nearly so good
ag hex father used to make,
If your children sixoan and are tastiest%
during sleep, coupled when awake with 13
loSS of appetite, pale countenance, picking
of the ose,etcm
.. you may dependi
upon t
that the primary cause of the treeble is
worm's. Mother Graves' Worm Exter.
ininaaoe effectually removes (Ileac peeta,
at once relieving the little sufferets.
1 a PRET' .Y MAI).
' C1ata, nfter a tiff, -1 presto -no yea
.woald like our ring back. '
Gearges--Never miesi ; keep it. Nei' -
other girll know could use that ring
unletaa 'she Were it 'en 'her thumb,
Europe, a3 a mends every,
year 87 naiiiieas • t11 or'o than, hen in*