HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1901-5-30, Page 5r11Hh;
Oixtto:io `athy
Is published every Thursday Morning,
at the (Since,
--By the—
One dollar per annum ifpaid. in Advance
>iF1.60ifnot so pad
1".a.torti cat, -F pxollc0,-
No paper discontinued until all]trre rage
are paid. Advertisements without specific
directions will be published till forbid and
charged accordingly, Liberal discount made
for transcientadvertisements inserted for
•,lon,g.periods, Every description of Jo
PRINTING. turned out in the finest style,
and at moderate rates. Cheques,nmoneyord-
ers, &c. for advertising, s inscriptions ,e to,to
--The Te macto pavablo to
Chas. 11, Sanders,
„Professional Cards.
K. KINSMAN, L. D. s. & DR. A, R,
ILINSiltA.br L D. S,1 D• D, S., Signor
graduate of Toronto University,
Teeth extracted without any pain, or any
bad. effects. Office in Fanson's Block, west
side Main Street,Exeter,:,
reft'honors Graduate of the Toronto Uni-
andRoyal Colleg e of Dental Surgeons
of Ontario. io. Teeth extracted without pain.
A,11 modes of Dentistry up to elate, Office
in new block south of Darlings', block.
AU ,
� the .College otPhysicians andSurgeons
Ontario. Physician, Surgeon and Aecouoh-
ear. Office, Dashwood, Ont.
t _..
Solicitors, Notaries, Conveyance
Commissioners, Solicitors for, the Molsors
Bank, etc. Money to loan at lowest rates
of interest. Offices, Main Street, Exeter.
�WiGl_ CIL (successor to Elliot &
. (zladman;) Barrister. Solicitor, Notary
ublic Conveyancer, Etc, Atones' to loan at
lowest rates of interest, Office Alain Street,
�BOSSENBERRY,(randBench Licensed
. -Auctioneer for County Unroll. Sates
promptly attended to, and charges moder-
ate. Orders •by mail will: receive every at-
BROWN, Winchelsea. Licensed Anot-
li. ioneor for the Counties of Perth and
ilfiddlesox, also for the township of Osborne
Sales promptly attendedtoandterms rea-
sonbale.Sales arranged at Post office. -Win-
Insurance Agent,
Main St.
,@:- A V13 PE it SALE,
The undersirtnedlras a, few good farms for
sale cheap. money to loan nn easy terms
Sam well's Block Exeter
�T e
st cots
-, d and u"the c Fresh, goo
of cleat, call. on the undersigned:
While all our cuts of meat are the
finest we make' a specialty of Meat
Meat delivered to alt parts of the
team .
John MOnning
Take Laxative I3ro uo Quinine Tab-
lets. All druggists refund the money
if it fails to cure. 25c. E. W. Grove's
signati.re is on each box.
We give ahandsomoopon
.. face, Polished
Nickel Watch, Ameri-
can Lover Movement
for selling only 2 dot,- -
packages of Sweet Pe s `,
Seed atl0e.apackage. Eachpack-
ageeentolns nsplendid mixtureo£the
most fragrant varieties of all colors..
You can eaimthis fine Watch in an
afternoon bJ' setting.to .workat ones.
S2arius this advertisement and we will forward the. Seeds.
Sell thein, returnthe'manoy, and we guarantee safe dolly
ery of your tvatcla atonee.' Write to day, as tho season for
selllugsoudis short. t3ted Supply Cu.4'ruront0..
The Molsons Bank.
(Chartered by Parliament, 1855. )'
Paid up Capital...... )ital :: ...$2,500,000
Reserve Fund. , .L050 000.
Road office Montreal.
Money advanced to good Farmers an
their tiwn nor,es with one or more endorsers
at 7 per cent. per annuls:
Open every lawful day from 10'.;a.m. to' 3
m_ ; Saturdays 10 a.m. to 1 pan,,
Ag eneralbankingbrsinesstransacted
CURRENT RATES allowed for money on
Deposit Receipts. Savings Banti at 3 cent.
DI1C9 N So
G . O 'CAR
r.rxG. N D T.
Solicitors. Manager
We cite
Soti11 Geld 111,,5,rs4t,,,,
wilbTOCrls for gelling,
oilyy 18 path agcy. 81 ..
Sweat, Pea Seed atliC bael iltali
poticariacent tilnsnsploiidtdmaii:,-
terdetthe nlot't fiagivult vlirit?:
flet, °fan col era:' Moduli this
advertlsornent and weivill
ward .the Seeds. Sell them re,
turn the mangy,and this hemi-
tlhil; Solid Gold, Pearlsot Ring.
will be sent y on, euro (elf y pnrkt
edhlovclvetllne,lhex. \Writolodtiyt Th0;eq 3th,forsell-
legtIti laeL-do'titiedL5:aliishi u.. XC$Jilti)f6'na.
rt �i iia.:
apmwq 'mt W^*'+
Pain back of your
eyes? Heavy pressure',
in your head? And are
you sometimes faint and
dizzy? Is your tongue
coated? Bad taste in
your mouth? And does
your food distress you?,
Are you nervous and ir-
ritable? Do you often
have the blues? And
are you troubled about
ppager illi s�.�
But there is a cure.
'Tis the old reliable
They act directly on
the liver. _ They cure
constipation, biliousness
sick headache, nausea,
and dyspepsia. Take a
laxative dose each night.
For 60 years years they
have been the Standard
Family Pills.
Price 25 cats. All Druggists.
"I have taken Ayer's Pills regu-
larly for six months. They have
cured me of a severe headache, and
I can now walk from two to four
miles without getting tired or out
of breath, something I have not
been able to do for many years."
S. E. WALwoIta,
July 13, 1859. Salem, -Mass.
Write the Doctor.
' If you have any complaint whatever
and desire the best medical advice you
can 'possibly receive, write the doctor
freely. You will receive a prompt re-
J. C,SYR Lowell, Mase.
4R t„ /PAS
Galt, May 35. --Watson end ILedden,
section leen on the G. W. Division of
the G.1.R. Here, were,: fatally injured
yesterday (if tern oon, aboutthree mile's
south of here. their hand car being run
into by the 3.35 p.m. ,train south.
Irougois, Ont., May 24.-Jas.Crobar,
who is in the employ of Miss G. Bebe,
was in the act of leading a bull fr•, m
the stable, when the beast attacktd
hint, w a 1 I ,vas
h n, ltiinning hun'to the � 1 Ie
finally rescued when some men heard
his screams. He is badly 1ii.ulsed, and
L large piece or flc'.sh." Was gouged out
of the thick Dart t of his le ;:
If`youhave 1cultl Ia Scott's
Emulsion. of Cod Liver Oil
willfeedthe.nerve that cry-
ing for food -it is hungry—
and set whole bodygoing
again, in a way to satisfy nerve
and brain from your usual food.
That is cure.
If you' are nervous and irri-
table, Y may onlyneed Imre
fat to cushion your nerves—
Sou areprobablythin—anti
cott's Eulsion f Cod Liver
I 1you thefatto be-
t, ve b
gin with.
Cure, g so far as it goes.
Full cure is getting the fat,
you need frori usual food and
help you
Emulsion will Scott's 1✓mu slo p
to that.
If you have not tried it, send for free sample,
Us agreeable taste will surprise you.
SC0'r'r & BOwNE, .Chemists,
50c. and $r.00; all druggists,
Toronto, May 24. -During a quarrel
to -night over some blankets, Samuel
Heelpot, hoard' ng lit 10 Adelaide street
east, stabbed R. Sweezey thrice in the
back with a long -bladed knife, which,'
after passing through the overcoat and
other clothes, inflicted wounds ,that,
rendered necessary his removal td' the
hospital. Sweeney had formerly board
ed in the house where the stabbing
took place, and had gone back to Claim
the blankets he had left; behind. Heel -
pot was arrested ;tad will he held )enc'-
in - the result of Sweeze 's wound,•
which .are not expected to prove fatal.
0vcrfifty years a household remedy
for Barns, Sprains, Wounds, 13rnises
Doll ifs Colds and all- accidents lin
Uro to attar in every home.
CAUTION --There is only:
dile Pond's Extract. Be'
sure you get the genuine,
y � i) a.
soar only in sealed bottles'
in buff wrappers.
a6v+.wyu,.;a „�,ta,nytupx:,atn
Personnel) of the Royal Party
Soon to Arrive Here,
liis Excellency tho Dover tot•-Genoral lias
Received the Liat-T ie 3Ienrbere o
the Iteylll Family Are; ' 15. 15. I, the
Duke of ('ornwitil and York, 11,; It, 11,
tate i)ueliess of Cornwall and York, and
Prince Alexaynder ot''Peck.
Ottawa; May 27, -His Excellency
the Governer -General' has received
the following 'from, the Colonial
Office„ concerning the visit of Their
Royal iligllnesses the Duke and
Duchess of Cornwall and York to
Canada, - The members of the Itoyal
Family are:
the Duke of Cornwall and
H.R.H.. the Duchess of Cornwall
and York.
Capt. H.S.H. ,Prince Alexander of
Teck, K.O,V.O., 7th Hussars,
Lady Mary Lycon, lady-in-waiting;.,.
Lady Catharine Coke, lady-in-wait-
ing; the Tion. Mrs. Derek Keppel,
Lord Wenlock, 'G,C.S.L, G .°.1,E•,,
lord -in -waiting and head of the
Lieut..Col. Sir Arthur Bigge, G.C.
V.O., IC.C,B., C;111,G.,' private secre-
Commander Sir Charles Oust,
131t., R.N., M.V.O.,, equerry,
The Hon. Lord Derek Keppel, M.
V.O., equerry.
The Rev, Canon Dalton, C.M.G.,
domestic chaplain,
Sir John Anderson,-IC_C,M.G., re-
presenting the Colonial Office.
Sir Donald Wallace, IK.C.I.E., •as-
sistant private secretary.
Commodore A. L. Winsloe, R.N.
comxnandiltg H,M.S. Ophir. '
Commander B. Godfrey Fausett, R.
N., A. I). 0..
Major J. 7I. Dor, Royal Marine
Artillery, C.11I.G., A.D.C.
Capt, Viscount Crichton, Royal
Horse Guards, A.D.C.'
Lieut. the Duke of Roxbt rghe,
Royal horse Guards,' 11, V. 0., A. D.
Chevalier E. .DeDlartino, M:V.O.,
marine artist,
Dr. A. Mauiby,, M.D.
Mr, Sydney Hall, artist.
Five Persons ..Killed Outright
bush Near Albany and 40 More
Seriously Injurd.
Three of Them Are 'n Prison for
Siding With the Boers.
100 Non -COM s. Are With 'i'hem,- 111110enee
.0rougltt to Beat' So as to Suppross the,
Puttlicatioit of Names -- A, British.
Officer Milled -A British Ambush Fails
—S'Iljuenrs brother Caught — Lora
liitclienor's Plans.
Loi cion, Aray 27. -The Chronicle
says it learnsthat three British offi-
cers and about 100 nott-coxmliissioned.
officers and men, who were sent back
from South Africa, for various mis-
demeanors, are now in Port had pr!s-
on. A majority of the prisoners are
apparently ordinary offenders, but.
the officers, it said, were convicted
of treasonably siding with the. Doers.
One of thele is 'sufficiently influential
to procure the suppression of the
names of all three, 'Attempts to dis-
cover their identity have hitherto"
London, May 27. -The War Office
received the following from. ' Lord
Kitchener, dated Pretoria, May 26:
"A superior force of Boers made a
determined attack on a convoy be-
tween Ventersdorp and Potchefs-
trobia, May 24, but were driven off.
Our. loss was , four killed and 30
wounded. The convoy arrived in
London, May 27,-A despatch from
h.enhardt, Cape Colony, dated yes
terday, : says a commando of Boers,
under the Free State Commandant
Conroy, were" marching to 'attack
Kenhardt whenthey encountered a
patrol of Border Scouts, who were
entrenched at Farmstead. The Boers
attempted to storm Farmstead, and
the engagement lasted five hours. The
Boers had 15 killed and left 17.
wounded, including Field Cornet_`.
Jasilpuw, on the field, The British
had one wounded.
Pretoria, May 26. -The Doers con-
tinue active in the Carolina district,
and there is continual skirmishing. A
fight occurred at Dullstroom on May
20, when a lai:ge force of Boers . at-
tacked the garrison.. The British hal
one officer killed and two men
London, May 27.-A .despatch from
Standerton, Transvaal, dated May
4.12, nays a detachment of the Queen's
Mounted Infantry laid an ambush
near Amersfort. Commandant Jou-
bort, the magistrate and a party of
burghers rode into the town and re-
fused the British demand that they
, surrender and attempted to escape.
Albany, N. ,May 27. -Electric
The British thereupon fired upon
cat's racing for -a switch while run- them,.; wounding Convnandant Jon
ring in opposite directions at the ,bent and the magistrate.. Reinforce
rate of 40 miles an hour cost five ments came to the aid: of the Boers,
lives yesterday afternoon' by 11 ter -'.and the British' were' compelled to re
Able collision, while over 40 promi-'tire, with the loss of three prisoners♦
neat people, some fatally,' others ser- , .. Loudon, May 27.-A despatch from
iously injured, filled= the accident'- Cape Town says: General Rundle
wards of, the various hospitalswith has. captured Therof's'Hill,. a strong
the possibility • of other deaths be- position near, Fouriesberg.
. f:lTlshde bobby
i doof 1t
d loac
„ =CtiTr.he 7T3I>
oiet r
ucera eaa aatttacpk
o. nontt eth
woundedHysterical women and clad- rtingo.,TheBiitisr had sis wound-
&en lookingfol relatives and friends, ed.
surgeons ,administering temporary re,- i The Boers derailed ;a train -ester
Lief, and ambulances racing through,y
B da;v.'nerix Middleburg. The' engine
Llie city taking the wounded, to 1108= driver -Was killed and the fireman in-
pitals, were the early intimations of jured, '
the most terrible electric line 0001- In atiother skirmish, a brother of
dent ever heard of in this locality. - Comiiandant Ben Viljoen was cap -
The scene of the accident was a tared;
point about two nities out of East 1
Oreenbush, on the lice of the Albany
and I=Tudson 'Ra 'Railway. jai just conn
pleted road of the third rail pattern.
The point where the cars met on the
single track was at a sharp curve,
and so fast were both rimming and
e m t-
that L11 0
'sudden �he collision a
SU t
er.man never had:. time to put on the
brakes before southboli.iid car No, 22
had gone; almost' clean through north,
bound car No. 17, with human flesh
for a buffer, and hung on the edge
'of a high bluff, with its loath of
shrieking, maimed humanity, Ono
met011110n was pinned up _ against°
the smashed front of the southbound
car with both legs severed, and hill -
ed' instantly, while the -other lived
but, a few minutes.
Fully 120 men, women and child-
ren foamed a ' huge, struggling,
shrieking pyramid, mixed with
blood, detached portions of human
bodies and the wreckage of the cars.
Some of the 1nore slightly injured of
the wren, extricating 'themselves from
the quivering mass, began to take
people le out of the rear ends of the
two cars, and almost everyone extri-
cated in this way was badl y injured.
The scenes were heartrending, The
few women and: children who had es-
caped injury and death were 'hysteri-
cal, and addedtheir cries to the
shrieks of ' the dying and mutilated.'
t jaws'
Men with broken arms and d ,
dislocated joints and bloody heads
and faces, tried to assist others who
were more ,helpless and there were.
many cases of philosophical bravery.
With both rotormen, killed it was
hard to get at the real cause of the
,accident,, but it is pretty `well deter-
mined that it was caused by an at-
tempt of the • southbound_ car to
reach a second • switch instead" of
waiting for the northbound car at.
the first siding.
The cars weigh 15 tons • and
are the largest', electric cars` built,
but so frightful was the crash that'
both cars were torn almost to splint-
ers. Both ' cars were • fill-
ed With Sunday pleasttre'seo1eer's
returning from the newly opened rc
creationg grounds that the new rail-
way had 'just opened. The southbound
car left. Albany, and the accident oc=
clrred at 5 o'clock. The cars on the
line were running at Switch head-
ways; that is, as a car reached a
siding switch it Was supposed to
wait untiln t er, going 11=
n o one n in the
opposite direction passed The motor-
man of the south boued car reached
one of the switches, but seeing no
northbound car, decided to take
chances and ,go on to the next,. 1t
was at a curve between that the two
0(105 met.'
Died in Cine nnntl.
11roods06eic llay 27.'-Edw ,rd West
' a ' +v
ci, .;
recclvcci a teic;,r:Lni ,_aturday si tn
that his son, .Te141 had been 4.11e1
4.4 aLccidtnt 'in Cifisinn,,,ti,,
arr6wtunt7 Fil,
ii. '41
And 'Ile itit Claims the .Sent -'West Dur-
ham.. Election Trial.
Bownianville May 23. -Much in-
terest and speculation centres around
the West Durham election trial now
pending. The date now fixed for the
hearing is Friday, June 7, to begin.
at 10.30 a. ni., in the Court IIouse,
at Cobonrg. Two cases are to be
tried, viz,:
1. Charles Jonas Thornton,. peti-
tioner,, v, Thomas Bingham, return-
ing officer, respondent.
2. Charles Burnham, petitioner, v.
Clias: Jonas` Thornton and ,Thomas
Bingham, respondent. '.
1 The first' case is entered by Mr.
Thornton, the Conservative Candi-
date at the last general election,
Nov. 7, to compel Thomas Bingham,
returning officer, to declare him elect-
ed, claiming ,a. majority of 41 votes.
The petitioner, Charles Burnham, a
West Durham voter, ha the second
case, claims .the seat for Robert
Beith,on the ground of
and that the respondent, Thoruton,
was not legally a candidate, owin
to the irregularity of his deposit by
cheque' inst.,ad of bank bilis or cur-
rency rent : of the realm.
A 16 -Year Old Lad Arrested For Shoot-
. log iiia Sister Dead.
Toronto, May 27. -One of the sad-
dest tragedies recorded in Toronto
for a long time was enacted yester-
day afternoon, at the home of Thom-
as Ryan, shoemaker, 26 Leonard ave-
nue, when Olive Ryan, aged 11, teas
shot and almost instantly killed by
her .1.6 -year-old brother, Thotlttas,'
who is now under arrest at the St:
Andrew's Market Station, charged:.
With the ' terrible crime of ninrd,:r
and will be held until a thorough in-
vestigation takes place, to learn if,
the shooting was accidental, as
claimed by the prisoner. The victim
of 0110 accident died in fifteen minutes
after the shot was fixed without mak-
ing a statement. The whole family be-
lieve the shooting was accidental,.
and the lad's story is that he point-
ed the revolver at his sister for fun
four'tirne5 without accident, but the.
fifth time she was shot through the
head. .
Fire at Porr Arthur.
Port Arthur, Ont,, bray 27. -At 6
o'clock Saturday morning fire was
discovered in the convent at Port
Arthur, It was started in some
manner in the basement, and ran IT
the chimney to the top flat, where
the most of the daiiiage was done.
The ,5stars turned tticir attention
to the' Mils who live, in the build-
i E
ing, and these were all got ' out in
1 1 , slightest, con-
and withot t tlid, s l e t co
of c a A
w' r T , loss ' 'about $3,-
000, fti.,l_11Y, the oss willi)e a�o,t ,�3>
0 1(1.
Tho Whole 'Story
in ' a, letter
(rexuty dAVIS' )
From Oapt, T', Loyc, Polico 5 ation
ti, rtontreal:-,'We fre,1 ont1y u I'rn[,x
Davis r-,1N-l{iL71.14tfnipcctl0 nthe 1150-
1CO3 a haunttc1dban, slf ioca9 ,t oat btetes chit
btalv.t, ottvizps, and all atilietione which
befall men it7 our position. 1 lave na item-
tatinii ut 01ying (11111. tho
r onlay t) litn'o 110th' at hand,"
Used internally 11410 hsternalIy.
Two Sizes, 55c. and 50e. bottles.
r4d,i.p'.Tal a -.1271:22.1,1,7V,
Thn.rn05viile,May 24.---A dead newly
born colored baby was found on the
Grand Trunk Railway tracks just west
of here this moaning. it is believed.
to have been thrown: from one of the
night'trains. An inquest was held and
tdjonrned until farther evidence could
be procured.'
Niagara,Ont.,May 27.-A distressing
accident occurred yesterday afternoon
during the progress of a 'bandconcert
given in the town park by the Q.O.R.
band, by which Samuel Hindley, a lad
about 16 years, was severely injured.
He and another lad were, amusing
themselves on one of the swings, and
when about 13 feet from the ground
Hindley fell: Upon examination it
was found that both legs were broken
at the knee. ` He was taken to his
'Manufacturer & Dealer
Portable and Stationery Engines and
Boilers, Plows, Land Rollers, Mow-.
ers; Etc. Iron pipe and fittings, re-
pairs on Agricultural Implements
and general machinery promptly:' o t -
tended to .
2 Good Second Hand Mowers for sale,
cheap; also 1 Steven's & Berne 'Por-
table Threshing Engine forsale in
good running order. Price SI75.00
Sole agent in Exeter and vicinity for
the Electric Boiler Compound. Guar-
anteed to be strictly first-class for
removing scales, etc.
FRringf'S 00-09CfOtIVO
ClliflIllj,3 ifnated
the Season of
�'rieeS for
Red' Star, C00 ft.:......10c,
Red 'Star, 550ft.. ..10 c.
Special Manilla, 500 ft.. 9.--.110.
old.. 8 c.
Sisal Standard : . 7 c,
(These latter two not our own make.)
We have just 0 word to say to yon.
This the first and only truly co-opera-
tive company in America, ' is offering
you to -day its stock in small holdings,
one and two shares' at par. It is also
placing its splendid twines with you for
the comingIHarvest at prrcE..s raw
tcrial cannot now t bought for. �
loyalty and intelligence will hold us' in
existence; your scepticism and illdiffer+
ence will drive us from existence,which'
'peens a deathblow to all future co-
operation of farmers and will surely
bring one result,a gigantic Twine com-
bine, from the influences -of which you
will be absolutely helpless to hold your-
You haveyour option-payyour
money and take your choice. Standby
this greatest and most perfect co-oper-
ative movement in the world and so
bring a continuation of relief through
its unquestionable influence as a twine
price regulator. Desert us or treat our
agents with indifference and you have
only to wait for results.
No better twine was ever mute .:on
earth or furnished to the -Canadian
Farmer than has been supplied you' by
this your own Company. If we were
not an intense element of protection to
farmers there would be no opposi-
tion .whatever pitted against ns. Re-
member the Salt Deal.
Don't waste time wrestling with the
question any longer. Look straight
t i yourselves
the face and identify •y c x s
with us as shareholders. Buy your
twine from this Mother Company with
its splendid past record of years and
yoit will have oceesicn to be proud of
your action and loyalty later on.
If you use but sparticle of judgment
willa' glance that other
you see,tt a g 1 h
Companies going into existence are
simply trading on our ;1 and reptttrition
Land that in many of these cases you
Neill be exceedingly disappointed. We
hal ve pleaded for eight years for you to
cone in on the grontid floor and join
hands with this old established Twine
organization. hay onr lied Stare 10
cent Twine and you will nilalco 110 mis-
take. '
Jose h Stratford
Oei Brut Manages.
What more does 0 man wal13t for ,corn,
fort, elegent use than 11 finely tail-
ored garment which combines'
grace and style with ease. A spall
wearing each garments mustbe at
home in any society' and on any'
occasion. Our new ,materials and
our always competent workmen
enable us to offer you just such'
Opposite Post Office
Highest prices paid.
for Clean, Red Wheat..
Large stock of' rill feed.:
oil hand.
Give us a Call.
J. COBBLEttiG' $0l'd
-t'^- "' ^1j Y t
O Ca 4
SVe have secured a nuuiilc'r of High•
Gr tele Massey -7' ttris lairy'clee iu
Ladies' and Gent's 41.(0(111 , 'Much.
below 'regular prices ,t1 (1 while
they last will sell them at _greatly
figures. They are 110W ,54111 up-to-
date lir every respect and' folly
guaranteed. Call and sre theiti -
and he your own judge of them.
g Sewing ila-
Our Pianos; Organs and ,;,a.tcin� ,1 z 1
Chines are the best the 111011100
,s •11 ,.n' Carl^cant's
We are leader., in Children's C � ,
Waggons, Etc.
Sheet 1'iSuaic. of all l�itrds,
We have 5110001 intosour new pre-
mises opposite the Central Hotel and
are now open for business. Our pre-
mises are modern and we give your
modern and up-to-date goods' . and
made in"rhe most modern style.
We Personally
That's made upat this
wet as
1 fit it -and look' after
all the details. This is only one
reason why our prices are moder-
ate, ;
Gent's Furnishings . .
a. laeo
Come and gee us in oily ziew
Co e p
of business and examine our stock of
Gent's Furnishings.
Bert. Knight,.
Fl)atriag clone
Ifwant ant yntir 1C�e
go to R. Hicks -Watches. Clocks
.: specialty.
Wand jewelry ,a .peel y
.Marriage icenses issucdandWed-
rtlwa,ys on boxier.
Ft neon's Block, 'xeter.