HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1901-5-30, Page 401xeter
Chas, H, Sanders, Editor arid Prop
THURSDAY, MAY 30, 1901,
Wed Huron Teachers'
The resole t ion,a Cter much, discusei \
I until 21 yeane of, age,
Ayes iefereed to tile lieSOlUtiOn C0111-
Ulittee, 011 InOtiell Ot Mr, II. N, An-
The next topic of discussion, "How
can - we secure independeot work
.timong our people?" 11'llS introdlieed by
Mr. j. S. Delgaty, who elaimed that to
get independenee among pupils, the
teacher should be thoroughly ,convers-
ant with his subjeot and thus exhibit
to the pupils an exit mole. Pripils should
be sea ted separately to remove -the temp-
tation to copy or assist each other.
E'utploy the- blackbottad for arithmeeic
instead of the text book, Individual
answers in 'the class should be insisted
upon. Frequent test examinations
should be resorted to. Pupils should
be encouraged to think for themselves.
Questions should be of such a nature
es to •require original thought and an -
SWOTS. QueSti011S should be made
prectiend and asked in suet) 0 manner
as to be clear. The child should be
educated not to be a slave to any text
The subject was further diedassed
by Messrs. Cs owe ns, Stewart, Bloonia
field, Tom ancl Howard.
"School Punishments" WAS the sub-
ject of the next topic diseussed by Mr.
j. R. Tigert
Before punishing the pupil the teach-
er should ask the •question, as to the
moral effect, and yunishinent should
never be inflicted in a vindictive spirit.
Punishment should be natural and
just. Mr. Tigert's paper was wellre-
ceived by the teachers and showed
that Mr. Tigert had given much
thought to the, su bject.
The discussiordwas further Continued
by Messrs. Delgaty, Boyd and Tom.
Mr. Boyd took occasion to express
strongly his sentiments against capital
punishment and he thought it is the
duty of teachers to educate along that
line. Many punishments necessarily
inflicted at school are necessitated by
neglect along that line at home.
„Mr. Robert Stewart, Principal of the
Model School of Goderich, then pro-
ceeded to discuss "school incentives."
Incentives must be educative in their
results. Emulation is a valuable in
centive. Stimolatives often enjender
jealousy. The weak should never be
handicapped for the sake of the clever.
Improvement is certain where the pu-
pil is induced to do better to -day than
yesterday. Selfishness may he culti-
vated at the expense of self contra
Praise shoold be carefully given, but
not for simply doing duty. The child
should be trained to love work and in-
spired with 'Self control. IJse examp-
les of men of success to stimulate ' ef-
fort. Moral perfection is approached
only wheri action is prompted by the
highest motive. The paper was furth-
er discussed by Messrs. 1-lohnan, Tom
and An
Inspector Tom called attention to
the neatness of the school rooms in the
Exeter Public School and endeavored
to impress upon the teachers the ith-
portance of trying to induce the trus-
tees to have their school rooms improv-
ed during the vacation so that the
schools woold present a more attrac-
tive appearance. He also imPressed
upon the teachers the value of a good
Messrs. Anderson, illcDougell,Gardi-
ner, Howard, Brownlee and Hooper
were appointed. to look atter the Opera
House ,at ran gem en ts.
A, discussion then. followed as -to the
best color for tinting walls, best black-
boards and other school equipment.
eleved by W.H. Johnston, seconded
by Mr. P. Gowans, that the reports of
the delegates to the 0.E.A., be receiv-
ed and their expenses paid; also that
the caretaker of the Exeter Public
Solstice be paid the usual ice. The mo-
t lion was adopted. Adjourned to meet
Exeter, May 220d, 1001,
The West. Huron Teachers' Associa-
tion met 10 the Exeter Public School.
The chairman, Mr. Bloomfield, called
-upon 'Mr. Boyd to condact the opening
Mr, Gardiner was called upon to net
as Secretary peo tem.
Toro ----J ohnston—that Mr. McKay
take the subject delegated to Mr. W.
B. Bagshaw. , •
As Auditors the following were ap-
pointed: Mr.Gowans,Mr. MeWilliams.
The Resolation Committee is 05 fon
ows: Miss Mary Rusk, MiSs Wilson,
Messrs. Eilpatriokl Johnson and How-
ard. .
ohns on-Tro wavd --tha t a, co non i t tee
composed of Messrs. TounDelgaty and
Boyd draft a letter of condolence to be
sent to the widow of the late Mr. Bag-
sh aw,
Tom—McKay—that to -morrow, be-
tween 9.00 and 9.45, a part of the time
be taken up with discussion of sehool
Miss Bertha Rusk introduced the
subject "How to develop a taste for
the beautiful," dealing with the import
&ice of the subject as the eneh•onment
of man. The subject should be taken
up Os a leader to observation. thus
proving of g -neat use to the pupil in af-
ter life. This study in time proves a
great growth along the moral side of
the ehild's nature. Study should be
begun in Foten I. Use the calendar
05-0 means to deal with all the aspects
of weather. Growth may be taken tily
by- planting seeds,of study twigs, etc.
Get them to tell about what they see.
Row to develop a taste for the beauti-'
fnl or nature study, introduced so ably
by Miss 13. Rusk,was further discussed,
by Inspector Toni, Messrs. Boyd• and
the President. '
Mr. Boyd was opposed to the• intro --
duction of the teaching of Domestic
Science, Agriculture Or Manual Train-
ing into the public schools. We want
in•our public schools to teach our boys
and girls to observe and then express
the.reselt of his el- her observations in
suitable language. Mr. Boyd invited
the teachers to inspect the rooms of
the Public School and observe eviden-
ces of the style of teaching in the
Exeter Public School.
The President thought no subject in
our public school tended to develop
happiness and good feeling in the
school more than nature stucry.
Mr. I. Kilpatrick was then introduc-
ed and discussed "Nature of Houle
Work and method of correction." Mr.
Kilpatrick- advocated giving of the re-,
Prodoction stories, that is the reading
lessons should be, reproduced in the
pupils' own language; review lessons
should be preferred to now work, the
re -writing and improving of composi-
tions that have been previously handed
in for correction; short exercises were
preferable to long; the lessons , should
be regulated according to the ability
of the class; the subjects in which th-e
class is weakest shoold receive the
greatest attention; in correcting com-
positions they should be read in the
class. With regard to home work the
Speaker thought the teacher should do
his share of it or the school woukl suf-`
-fer. Different exercise books should
be used and all work given should be
eXa mined or else neglected work Would
be the result,.
Tbe snbject was further discussed
by the President, Messrs. Howard,
Johnston. Delgaty, Miss Rusk. 'Mr.
H. E. Fait-. Mr. Johnston recom-
mexaled specially prepared homework
books as Cuthbert's Exercises.
Mr. Delgaty was opposed to too
much and too difficult home -work,
and to give junior classes homework
was wrong. Teachers should do their
teaching in the school and not ask
little children to indulge in so much
mental worr3-, but develop the body
and not over tax the mind.
Miss Busk woulcl not give juniov
-pupils home -work, that parents shonld
be responsible for their children being
kept off the street after 'four o'clock,
and that this duty shonld not be pot
upon the teacher, who is expected to
give hotness:m-1c, to give employnmeLlb to
the children. Mr. Fair would not be
too rigid in examining the work, Snell
aS Compositions, but spelling,cotnulas,
peri ods and interrogation ulark-s should
receive careful attention. He did not
believe in home work at all unless it
he to read good books to increase their
knowledge a,nd develop language,
" Report of Delegates to the Ontario
Education Association " was then
taken tip and able reports were given
JJY Messrs. Bloomfield and l'igerb.
Mr. 13loonifi.eld gave an excellent
and exhaustive report of many of the
most important papers discussed. The
proposal to raise the age limit of teach-
ers in entering the profession was a
snbject that evoked Tench discussion,
at the 0:E.A. as also did the making
of the Bible, a text book in the schools.
In regard to the former proposition
Mr. Bloomfield gave copious mites of
the addresses given.
Mr. J. H. Tigert was then, called
-upon and gave a splendid account of
other addresses given besides those re-
ferred to by the President. Both re-
ports were well received by the teach-
ers and showed that the two delegates
had paid assidtmus attention to the
work of the O.E.A. Mr. Boyd., who
also attended the 0.E. A. and had the
honor of reading a paper at that meet-
ing also spoke of the proceedings of
that institution and ighly compli ment-'
ed the two delegates for their able and
exhaustive repoet.
On motion of Mr. Boyd, seconded '
by H. N. Anderson, thereports of the
delegates were laid over for consider-
ation at the afternoon sesSion.
On motion by Mr. Delgaty, second-
ed by Mr. iffelin,y, the association ad -
jou th ed to meet at 2 o'clock.
The Association met at 2 o'clock p..
in., Mr. Bloonifield in the, ,clittir. The
mtn etes of the last session of the meet- '
ing at Goderich, and the forenoon ses-
sion were read and approved, )
Inspeetor Tom then called t,he roll
and 61 tea oilers 0118 sv ered to their
names. ' i
The 11esoltitions of the 0,Ewere
then taken up and discussed.
No. 1)Resolut ion, asking that no per- '
,son be granted 0 es:Tillie-ate to teach e
In the evening 0 very, successful en-
tertainment was given in the Opere
House 'which WaS attended by a large
and eppreciative audience. Mr. Geo.
Bloomfield, President, of the Associa-
tion, occupied the chair and delivered
an excellent address on " TheReletion
of the Public school to Citizenship."
The address was an eloquent tribute to
the successful work done by Public
School Teachers towards the develop-
ment in the children of good citizens,
and also an earneSt appeal to teachers
to be faithful in the -discharge of their
duties, especially in Metilling; into the
minds of their pupils an,abhorrence of
the demoralizing pra,ctide indulged in
byso-called smart politicians in carry-
ing elections. The key note of Mr.
Bloomfield's address was purity- Of
Citizenship, and his closing remarks
eloquently described the capabilities
of Canadians, the resources of Our
Country and predicted a brilliant fu-
ture for Canada. The address was
lengthy but was listened to, with ear-
nest attention and Well received as
evidenced by the' liberal applause ace
Inspector Tom offered a few timely
remarks upon the work done by the
Teachers of West IIuron and high-
ly complimented Mr. Bloomfield on
his excellent address. ,
Rev. C. Fletcher, M.A. of Thames
Road Presbyterian church in Usborne,
was then intr•oduced and gave a splen-
did address on the jeriportance of the
teacher's work and huniorouslY re-
ferred to the evolution of the methods
at present adopted by the teacher es-
pecially in teaching and reading. Mr.
Fletcher's address showed that the
reverend gentleman was in hearty
sympathy with the teacher's work and
difriculties, and was listened to with
10 terest.
,In addition to the above, Mr.' M.
Vindent,' Exeter's favorite vocalist
gave two excellent selections which
were received with great enthusiasm,
and plainly showed that Mr. Vincent
is a greet favorite of the people.
Miss Wilson One • of the Orediton
leachers, gave a splendid recitation
101,100 fully sustained the young lady's
101)1110 tion as a n a cc:mph:shed elocu-
ti t
A very beautiful Ribbon Drill " by
,L number of the little girls of the Exe-
ter Public School, under the direction
of Miss Bertha Rusk, was a splendid
iture of the entertainment. The
drill was lengthy and the manner in
),01neh the little girls performed the
Nonceiful evolutions of 11 evoke(
Last, but not. least the clarionet solo
'is' Mr. George Eactett and the excel -
1111 selections rendered by the 'Exeter
ehestra, were heghly appreciated and
Olessaid that the musieians of Exeter
,0110 10 the fee front and ' ,o ,
100111 their already enviable reralt)).-
fion,, 'God Se ve Ole K. in.' bre iie)h t the
on tertaloment to 0 clue() at areason
eble hour. The whole enter:et-Millen
was not oely 0 credit, to the indLyidutt
performeis, but ti great. credit is du
the teacheis, of the'Exeter District foi.
providing the esoce tion with sue).
10) enjoyable function,
May 23rd, 1001
11 avnieis deetine
to play S11C11 aii
votliltl'IeCle\'el°Pinent of
four country.I On motion of Mr. Delgaty, seconded
e by Mr. blowans, the association ad-
journed to meet at 1.50 p10,
s I
-1 The AsAsoteriL0t,r-tiNsn°t°1NneStE,;'sLtsIl:P-IS.‘111.
• The resolutions ef the 0.E A were
. •
s then token 1.11) and discussed.
No. 2 resolution regarding extending
the model term to one year n
WaS ut
1 concurred in.
No. 3 that graduates of the School
Pedagogy, Pedagov, not having model or
normal tramine), be not permitted to
teach a public) SCI1001 1005 (-)nourret.1.
e No, 4 regretting making Latin coin-
' pulsory for Junior and Leaving Exam-
inations was not agreed to.
f ith reference to the balance of the
1 resolutions the following were adopted
1 7,8, 9, 10, 12, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 2'3 and
Nos. 11, 13 rejected, the others were
not considered.
The following motion was then pre-
sented and adopted. Moved. by Win.
McKay, seconded by H. N. _Anderson,
that any person, a subject of His Ma-
jesty, who is at least 1S years of age,
of good moral character and, who npass-
es the prescribed examinations may be
()) awarded an assistant's certificate, and
st one who is at lenst 19 years of age ft
certificate to take charge of a school
whose average attendance does not
exceed 25, and a principal's certificate
to a person who is at least 20 years of
andhashad at least one year'.s ex -
Report of the Resolution Committee
as adopted was as follows:—We, the
members of the Resolution Committee
beg to submit the following resolu-
tions, Reselyed, in reference to rais-
ing the age limit.(1) that in our opinion
the desired results cannot be obtained
by age restrictions, but upon the basis
of scholarship and therefore advise
that theagolimit remain as it is.
(2) That the requireinents in the sub-
ject of spelling on the Entrance Course
are too extensive aria should include
parts 1, 2 and 3 of speller and _fourth
(3) That th6 rebates on the Canadian
Teacher to members be discontinued
and that the.membership fee he 25 cts.
and each member furnished with the
minutes of the O.E.A.
(4) Resolved that, in view of the
prominent place taken by Mr. Robt.
Parke, formerly Principal of the God-
erich Model School, in fashioning the
personnel of theprofession in Huron,
and in view of his recent promotion to
the Inspectorship of the Chetham
City Schools in addition to his former
charge in West Kent, we the teachers
of WH
est uron, assembled in Exeter,
desire to Congratulate most heartily
Mr. Parke in his wider sphere of use-
fulness, and that our Secretary be in-
structed to forward a copy of this re-
Mr. H. I. Strang was then called
upon to answer the qnstions deposited
in the Question Drawer which he did
in 0 very satisfactory and instructive
nattnner. Mr. Tom also answered sever-
al of the questions submitted and the
balance were disposed of very satis-
factorily by Mr. Boyd. The Treasur-
er's Report and that of the Auditor's -
was then presented and on •motion of
Mr. G. Baird. seconded by Mr. Del-
gaty, these were adopted:—
Moved by Inspector Tom, seconded
by P. Gardiner, and carried unami-
ously, that the thanks of this Associa-
tion be -tendere.d to the Trustees of Ex-
eter 1?. S. for the use of their building,
the Exeter Orchestra, Rev. Mr. Fleteh-
er,and persous who assisted, tit our
en ter ta in m en t, on Wedn esti a y evening
and to 0 UV retiring president for his
excellent address. The association,
then adjourned to meet at.the call of
the Executive, on motion of• Mr. Mc -
.Ray and Mr. P. Gardiner.
P. S. Ou all hands we heard during
the sessions 13 0 Ch i ,.c; bat praise for the
beautiful ,0000l decorations displayed
by the teachers of the Exeter P.S.,
who spared. no pains to make the meet-
ing plea sant and agreeable. Principal
Boyd was especially attentive in enter-
taining, the teachers and the te.achers
greatly appreciated the e.xhibition
games of basket lull played during
the session by the girls of the school,
• 'G. W. HornsLeet, Sec'y Treas.
The Association :met at 9 o'clock a
per adjoarninent, the Pvesident in the
Mr. I-1, I. Strang, 13.A., conductet
the opening exercises. ,
The ntinetes of the afternOon $essim
of the previous day mid of the evening
:1 ruinute regarding the death of 011i
late colleague; 'Mr. W. 13, 13agshaw,
then reported the following letter 0
condolence with Mrs. Bagshavv, when
ou motion of .inspector Tom, secondec
be" gr. Strang was „ordered to be
inscribed in the minutes and 0 00133,
sent to Mrs. Bagshaw,
west Miran Teachers' Convention,
, Exeter, May 2rird,, 1901
Mfrs. 10, 13, DAnsaAwl
D...NrAnAm.—It was with feelings of sorrow tha
the members of this Association leallned of the ser -
1005 illness and subsequent death of our esteemed ,
fellow teacher, your beloved husband. His sufferings
and untimely death have tilled the • hearts of all t
whom he was known, with feelings of sadness, ye
we are consoled by the fact that, aithough his year
wOe few, he did a good WOrk El the field 0101-e
labored, and that his benign influence and exemplar)
life will live after him His kindly disposition, stir -
ling character and love for his life's work. were 1191.-
, red and appreciatedby mil v1111whom he came in
contact. Not only in the school, but also in the
community where he resided, did he labor faithfully
to advance the interests of education ,and good citi-
zenship. We extend to you our sincere sympathy hi
your deep affliction, and pray that ourneavenly Fath-
er will keep and guard you and y.our dear little
'daughter through the teMpestuous Journey of life.
May we each serve and trust the Great Teacher whom
our late colleague followed and with whom he now
Signed on behalf of he teachers of West Huron,
J. }lois Tom, 0 P. S.
S. J. A. Dm.,
J. S. Delgaty,
As per resolution yesterday it was
decided to .discuss "school games"
which was introdticed by Inspector
Tom in a very earnest address in ad-
vocacy of good, lusty exercises,suph as
football and other invigorating sports,
to develop good, strong constitutions
as well as to create more interest in
school work. The teacher was en-
couraged to engage in and take an in-
terest in these sports. •
Mr. S. J. A. Boyd ably supplimented
Mr. Tom's remarks by giving the
methods adopted in the Exeter Public
School of conducting garnes.
Mr. W. McKay, Piencipal of Hensall
P.S., then took up the question "are
the present regulations regarding the
P.S.L. satisfactory," and gave many
points showing their unsatisfactory
character,the principal of which were:
1. Distribution of the grant -Was unfair.
2. Requiring fiame enrolled on regis-
ter during every month unjuet 3 The
course should cover LW() years. '4. Too
many subjects attempted at once. 5.
Minimum of time given to stibjects riot
on examination. (3. Subjects should
be divided into two groups ' and only
one group taken a year.
Mo., W. Baird,' Ptincip01 of -Bruce-
field P S who elso' had been asked tco
deal with the topic then outlined his
views rego rding' the same. -Mr. Baird
eudersed Mr. McKay's statement and
said that he believed hi the whole ex-
amination or -nO examination eat all.
The pupil will not take interest. in sub-
jects in which no.e,xamination :is„ held.
The five subjects as .at -present .n.re
difficulty. The grant should-, be dis-
tributed according to attendance: of
125 clays 0 ye,ar, that 'subjeets -should
be divided into two partse, Part
Gra minter, , Literature, Arithemetic,
Composition, Argicul loire, Drawing,
Reading. Part II. --History, Geogra-
phy, Algebra, Euclid, Book Keeping,
Ttopic produced ninch cliseuSsiOn.
Whieh was taken part 'in by Messrs.
Hdward, Strang,. Tom, Johnston,
Anderson and Holman. -
The following resolu tion reg,ardieg
the 'inettier was , then adopted, vizi--
That' the resolution regoording the
continuation course, Passed last 3,7ear
by the association, be -re -affirmed \vital
the addition of the, following, viz: --
That in eorder that a school obtain the
grant it is necessary that each pupil'
.should be in attendance at least 120
clays in the year a rid that' t•he grauthe
based per capita instead of in geoups
as at present. • .
• ;The association then took a short,
intermission after which the election
of Officers was.proceeclect with and re-
sulted as follows—President, Mr. J.
11 Tigert, Dungannon; Vice -Pres.,
Miss Walrond, Exeter; Sec-Treas.'Mr.
'G. W. Holman, Bayfields The Exe-
cutive 'Ceminittee to be composed of
the chairman of each Local Division.
Moved by Mr. Ton, seconded .by
Mr.Tigert,that Mr. C. A. Tebutt
be ask-
sO to re -organize local division No. 5,
cornprising East, a nd %Vest Wawanosh.
The 'resolution Was adopted. Ti is
earneetly, hoped that the.localdivisions
will take steps as soon aS .possible,.
Mr. H. I. Strang' B. A., then took
up the next item ofthe program which
was " Should Latin be retained (IS' an
obligatory Subject . in P.S. Teachers'
Exainioations ? Mr. Strang el:Limed.
that Latin should be )-eteined beceusd
it, is useful. • •
(1) For Training.—lst Observation
2nd Reflection, 3t -d Memory. Illustra-
tion of each.
(2) For Knowledge and Culture. --
1st, English Grammer. 2nd, will give
a wider and more aceorate vocabulary.
3rd, English composition, varied ways
of expression same thought; change.of
sentence structure. 41ho English liter-
ature, gives a betterunderstanding of
.many referetiees and aluslOns-
(3) I'refeesionallY.-1st, It affords a
good test of litriess'of work of teaching.
2n0e It gives teachers 0 wider choitie
of positiOns, 3t -d, It increases the re-
spect felt for the teacher,terids to raise
salaries. 4th, It facilitates a teacher's'
entering another profession., if he
,:.(i4sh):Ti,olhkeep alreadype it
tcl171m??.ri injure tlte
sion. - 2nd, Those wishing, to enter It,
they have fair notice and plenty of
time to prepare on it without neglect-
ing other hiaportant subjects.
The subject 1.005 eV discussed by
Messrs, Tom, Kilpatripk, McKay, An-
derson, G. Baird, Delgaty, 11IcTaggirt,
Ds on, l3Oyd.
Mo. TOM ehumec that no serious ob-
jection could be raised to retaining
Latin, only it was very. °Wee ti ona Ifict
to have too many extra subjects forced
upon' the teacher. Mr. Anderson ob-
jected to it being compulsory.
Mm.:Boyd SpOtCe strongly in favor of
paying more e ttention to science, in.
vies\ 07 the fact that that branch 0:
A card.
,.. - •
We, the. undersigned, do hereby
agree to refund 'the .money on a 50c.
bottle of Greene's Warranted Syrup
of Tar 11 it fails to cure your cough
.or cold. We also. goarantee a 25 -cent
bottle to prove, satisfactory or silo/ley
refunded. " Q. LuTz.
Cbatha,m, May 28. --The large frame
boarding house built to accommodate
seventy-five men and the family of the
keeper, at the Sutherland -In nes Corn-
ny'soitRsTvt11,was1lonieY1)jilburned yiweee IR
and Mrs. Rogers, the landlady, lost her
life in the flames. The building Wit$
valued at $1,200, and was insured in
the London and Lancashire Insurance
Company for $500. The woman who
lost her life in the fire managed the
boarding house. The fire broke out
about four o'clock, and in a remarkab-
ly short time the structure was a mass
of flames. Mrs. Rogers ran into the
building, intending to save some of
her belongings. She was overcome by
the smoke and burned to death before
any rescue could be attempted. Some,
time ago Mrs. Rogers was deserted by
her husband and has resided in the
hamlet, for some time. She leaves four
young children.
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Oats.. • • • • •
Potatoes, per bag
Hay, per ton...
Flour, per cwt., roller...,
Manitoba flour. .
Butter . 12
65 66
40 42
30 31
60 65
25 80
00 800
1 75
Hides, per 100 lbs...
Wool.. , .. , , ....... - 13
Live hogs,"per cwt. . . 6 75
Dressed Hogs...—. . . , . 8 75 ,9 g(.13
13 14 00 1 I
Shorts .. . 16 00 16 00
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Mothers. Castoria destroys Worms and allays Feverish-
ness. Castoria cures Diarrlioea and Wind Colic. Castoria
relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and
Flatulency. Castoria asshnilates the Food, regulates
the Stomach and Bowels of Infants and Children, giving
healthy and natural sleep. Castoria is the Children's
Panacea—The Mother's Friend.
Castoria,. Castoria.
"Castoria is au' excellent medicine for "Castoria Is so well adapted to children
children. Mothers have repeatedly told me that I recommend it as superior to any pre -
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DR. G. C. OsE00E, Lerzdell, Mass. . A. ARCHER, M. D, .8? ooklyn, Y
lYttICRAT C.07100T, IY,A4 Vopo CITY. •
flJL eagl,
ert Vitt
, ESU'T ot Ignoranceand iolly in youtn, overezertion of mi:2
nd.7...d be:2,,-) L
_ L ed. by last azido-.:ponurocz0 coasitaia-rtl wrockinr r• Cho Ii7Cri .'."--'0.1.:.i...,--.4rc
...happiness of thousands of promising young men. f.'itomei ado and witl'Ior fit- Fra 0-::2•7v, Rgo,
lniat the blossom of manhood, while others, aro forecd to drag out a ve)::::.-e, .E.'EV....10ES EnCir..
elancholy existence. Others roach ma.rimorly bat fi.'7.d no solaeo or comf:...rt t'2.ez-3, '7'3 .,.,
victims are found in all stations of lifc:--The farm, the oilice, the worl:sho2, the ptd ' •
the trades and the professions.
P..ESTOR Er) TO 11,7 A N 1100D 13V DP? S . K.
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Win, A. Walker a 16th Street says:—"I have enEerad
untold agonies for my "gay life." I was indiscreet when
EMISSIONS young rind ignorant. As "One of the Boys" I contracted
Syphilis and other Private diseases. I had ulcers in the
STRICTURE fe.ce, finger nails came off, emissions, became thin and
mouth and throat, bone pa.ine,. hair loose, pimples on
despondent. , Seven doctors treated rao with Mercury,
I CURED Potash, etc, oy helped mo but could not cure me.
At The/. No v DJ thoci Treatment rldi.nmaOlina airiffwd iire ue ic:d lingat?trf Dits'Kertm9dYw&oiliSrgf9.
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Capt. Chas. Ferry says:—"/ owe my life to Drs. K. di K.
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mbef Seminal Weakness and Spermatorrhcea, Emissions
gtWero draining and weakening my vitality. 1, married at VARICOCELE
9124 tinder advice of my lamily doctor, but it was a
d4.7 sad expertcnce. In aghteEm months wo were divorced. I EMISSIONS a
h..s.sthen. consulted Drs. . &K., who restored me to manhood
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tar We treat and cure Varicocele, Eni Avian:, Nervous Debility, Seminole
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