HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1901-5-30, Page 311,
BY MAier °lee
took ,too much champagne last night'
--he was away all .day-7t.'and When
I came, home I couldn't; 'sleep, but a
swimWill put 'me all ' right again.' "
' "Where does Mr,r, Basset 'generally
bathe?" interposed captahd , Glen-
Mtly y,
think, sir, Amos would ex-
plain the' Spot better than. I can,
though, if you'll go straight .doWn to
t,he.' beach thrdugh ‘Ratchell's farm,
you can't niis,s the piaci+, and
se,e Amos. It isn't on the flat, but
quite a mile further, where the bank's
high, and—'
"Can .the ,Man you call Amos collie
with Me?". queried the officer,
'I'M very sorry, sir, but I sent him
after Mr. Basset nail an hoer' ago.
ReallY , was so nervous and his
breakfast spoiled, 1 never knew him,
to order 'a meal for a :certain, time
andnot be in fwo 'hours''afterand
more now, And, as I said, it is not
bathing weather, :lest • any ;one Might
be Seeking 'their '' death through,
cramp." •
"Through Katchell"S farm, you
Say? 1 swiposo : I can not. miss.
Thanks,"" cried Glennuirray,and tUrri:-
Cl abruptly, away.
; The, gentleman whose profession
was criminal investigation reached,
Ziarrack's just as Captain Glenreur-
ray left it, but before ' he followed
down to the shore, primed with the
same instructions • ahout going
.through Katchell's, and looking for
'A,mos, his plan was to leave behind
him at Iiarraek's the maa who had
been with him in the tali -cart. .
. "May I have your, little carriage,
grs. Frayd?" he: asked, suavely. "I
'will put the pony in myself if you
will hire it to me—quite on your
. own term,s. My . horse has 'fallen
lame, 'and I must leave it here, if
you please. But don't you be ner-
s'ous,..lor I will leave the nani with
"Mrs. Frayd," broke in a young
voice behind, while a girl who had
been corning down the staircase, as
the man spoke, paused at. the 'foot,
"do not forget that I want the cart
€o -day. • You said your lodgers had
always the first claim."
"Indeed, yes, Miss 'Ope," cried
the ,woman, visiblyrelieved to have
this point settled for her, as she hat-
ed to send out her pony in Amos'
absence. "It is engaged" (addressing
the detective), "for . the young lady
. who has my apartments. •She's only
waiting my man's return as she
enjoys his ,driving and, my pony,
,doesn't care for ,a strange hand,. and
always knows, even if you don't let
him hear your voice."
The detective • turned away with 'a
few vaguely polite remarks, yet an-
gry :with the woman for having lost
aim those few minutes.
"I had seen from my window
• that his horse was not lame at all,"
• explained Derry, when Mrs. Frayd
came to unburden her mind, "and it
wile the falsehood that aroused my
suspicion. If he could not give a
truthful reason Why he wanted the
pony, why should, he have it?" ,
"And,. Miss- 'Ope," gasped her
landlady, ."there he goes driving off,
and his, horse is no more lame than
—you are. And he's left his Man
prowling here, and us only wo-
"When Amos comes in, of course I
must have a drive, so you will let
ute know," said Derry, and began at
once to write a letter. so that Mrs.
Fray(' had no o.peping for further
discourse. Yet. the 'letter must have
beer'. -very unimportant, for not three
lines had been written then, at two
a clock, she had grown so unaccount-
ably nervous, though yet unwillimg
to acknowledge it even herself,. that
she slipped out of the house and
event te the mill -gate.' .Ierom there
she could see Mrs„Frayd talking ex-
citedly up to Captain Geefiraurray 111
his clog -cart, and feeling still more
uneasy . she •-re-entered her. room, and
waited until acrossothe mill -yard she
caught:sight of Amos on his way to
the 'stable. She ran out to him,
grateful for the opportunity. ''I
will have the carriage after dinner,
. Amos. Never mind' it now," she
said, relieved even to hear her own
1,0 lee. " You have been away all
morning, , so you must Want your
'dinner. Did that man find Mr. Bas-
• "No. Miss. Nobody won't ever
find Mas'er Basset agin."
"What—do you mean?"
"He weir took with cramp in the
water. ILliSS, en!'" drownded." -
,‘`You are—who told -you that?"
"I a in:t . no 'eced to depend on
what,any felk tell me,", complained
Amos,' gloomily.' know. There
was his do's laid in that holler on
the shingle, and leltz was a-sittin!
on 'Cue gardin' 'cin, and waitin' for
his' Mas'er as'll never come back no
"Arelos, are you mad?" cried the
girl, her Vends 'rising with such ag-
ony that the dense old man mistook
it for 'crossness, and turned sulkily
"Th,on you may ask 'Mrs. Fraytl.
• She ain't Mad."
'No! no! I won't ask Mrs. Frayd.
You tell 'me. 1 am sorry I vexed
you, Arnos, very Sorry," the girl
said, with ' generous compunction.
'Who was there?" '
'Cap'n Glenmurray Wnr there, and
the gent what had that old black
cob of Ileves's, and Mas'er Katchell
cora° down from his farm, but there
waent no oneartin 'bout it,
with 'hiS tow'l there, and Fitz
tin' on his clo's, the very clo's he
had on when he went down this
monde', when 1 teievld 'int it 'tid, be
his cicath and it wind That theer
strange gent. he made out as if
Maser Basset ha,d canned other do's
'when he Went to bathe, and I said,
'`No,i, and shouted 'No' at him, but
he didn't .telce no, lie,ed
nor seem' to keer, till
• Katehell .' said as 'ow ne'd mot
B'as'er Basset in hie lane, a-swingio'
along to bathe, with his dog and his
tow'', and hddn'd carried .nothine
else. So then he didn't ask no
"And—tell me more. What did
they say then?"
"Cap'n .Gioninurray he said as 'ow
twur cramp, and no wonder, Des he. ;
on S1101 a mornin', and that he mon
ha\'o Sunk. Yee—yes—yes, sure." I
The old man's wizen face wrinkled
sospicieuely as he looked sharplY in- !.
to the girl's beautiful eyes.,
'1 know'd you'd ker. 1 'towld
Mrsli`rayd so, as you wur lodgers
here together.''
"Lodgers here 1. ogether!'' That
was all, though the girl's heart was
throldbing with a pain almost un-
In positive dread of encountering
Frayd 'she took her cloak, and
hastened out upon the downs, only
when tho darkness gathered, return-
ing to her room, exhausted by fa-
tigue and hunger. And no oad,
throngh all her life, ever knew' what
thee° hours had been to her, in ehe
sorrow which had so much of per -
•plexity in it, and the fear which had
0 vague in tangible hope,
Mrs. Frayd, with red and swollen
eyelid, was yet equal to detail and
veiteraeion over relating the stery,
winch had now climbed to Harrack's
Deacon, but even then, Derry, sitting
dry-eyed to listen,, felt She could not
gresp the full horror of it. •
Steven Basset had, while intdxicet-
ed in the billiard -room at the Athe-
ling Arms, .confessed to haying been
hi s cousin's murderer; had in the
,darkness stolen away from the hotel
befere the police began to watch it;
had returned to Harrack's in the
dark, and left it early in the morn-
ing to bathe; .had been seized with
cramp in the water, and must have
been. instantly drowned. No -doubt
wae cast on any portion oi the story
Mrs. Frayd. related, Init in the
truth of what Steven had confessed,
Derry never for one moment had he
veryfaintest belief.
• AIrs. Frayd had watched Mr. Base
see go at eight o'clock, she resum-
edand had warned him of the dan-
ger of bathing on such a morning.
Mr., Katchell had met and spoken to
him as he went down to the beaoh
through his farm at a quarter past
eight, and at two o'clock, Fitz was
still sitting on his master's tire
garments in that little nook, while
his master had met his death in the
sea. So the story went on, until
Derry could not even hear. .
in the evening Mrs. Frayd came in
with further tidings. The detec-
tives had persisted in it that Mr.
Basset • had never been in the sea at
all, and had escaped in other clothes,
but a fisherman—Leppard by name
—had been up to Harrack's with
soles' to sell, and had, mentioned
having rowed past just as Mr. Bas-
set was swimming out, and spoken
to him and asked him if he would
have the boat, and LepPard was goe
ing into Tha,wton then, to make this
known. At nightfall she brought
further news. The account of Sew: -
en's random confeesion of having
himself stabbed his cousin Miles had
been told to old Mrs. Basset early'
in the day, and had given her a
shock from which she had not
strength to rally. Before they had
ventured to, tell her of hi S death, sbe
died,, hading uttered only four words
times I think It is because 1 tried
too rr.uch when I came here first,
Sonietiines I think this shock 11)15
taken it away, But," with eudden
bravery kissing Ella's mournfuUy
drawn lips, "I did not 'mean to vox
you. I am so apgry with myself,
while ---while I only ought, to he
sorry for you. Ole, Sarah)°, my dar-
ling, l in us t, be sorry for you, for I
understand. When you lost Miles,
was it not--awfhl?"
"Don't speak. Of if," sigliN1 TVA,
"DO OU wonder that my life is
evreclgid?'' '
"Is it'i I mean, Leela," (Derry's
breath came quickly as she stood
loohmg With puzzled wistfulness
down into her sister's face, "no
one eau help believing or disbeliev-
ing things, for people can't make
themselves believe or disbelieve
thniese can they? I want to feel
how different it, is. If you really be-
lieve what eere have heard, you are
very noble not to utter a word
aguins't him, especially here, for this
"And he a Basset!'t
Day after day went by, and though
O strange unrest possessed Decry,
she never went anywhere out of sigiit
of Hayrack's. Mrs. Frayd certainly
spared no words in iirging her young
lodger to take a. -drive, or to call
at. the Tower or at the Pines, but
even many words could not stimu-
late, the girl to her former habits.
She was not to be persuaded even
to go into the village, following her
old habit of dropping in to listen to
wherever she could make the oppor-
tunity; and by the end of the eveelc
there had grown a pained, puzzled
look on the beautiful, frank face.
Deo, steely it when at last she drove
up to 'visit her sister, and it made
her try' even more persuasive argue.
merits that she had yet used to rre-
vail upon Derry to return to town.
"Ihn al! right," said Derry, and
never guessed that the smile with
which she said it was as unlike her
old 'smile as moonshine is to sun-
"It, ifs doing you harni to be hero
so much alone," persisted Ella, with
real entreaty in the sweet cold
voice. "Do go back to father."
"Clive him time to finish his Sara,"
returned Derry, lightly. "Come,
Sambo, tell me about yourself. It is
Si) long since I have seen you."
-1 could not help it, dear. You
know I always have • a difficul-
ty with Aunt Crystal about coming
here, and she i$ even worse tban
ever since that dreadful;confession
of Steven's. • It has been a great
trial to
"You believe it, then'?"
'Believe it, dear? What do you
meart?'' •
-I don't know,'' said Derry, push-
ing tbe beautiful hair from her fore-
head a 11 its weight oppressed her.
''What is the neatter?'' Ella !pose
tic,ned, gazing at her sister. "Is
there any reason for your not believ-
ing Steven's own words?"
"Sninbo, you muse forgive me,
teemed.. 1. can not forgive myself. I
Eon initcl with myself because T --can
hot believe it." •
• 'Not believe what lie said Mut
"Nol No! • Not a word of
"Put, perry deareet, are you
"Yes --I think so."
"Would you say of the dead that
be hail lied?".
"Yes, I would say that he had lied
a thousand tiines, rather than that
he had done that."
"Then why should lie say he had?"
!revered Ella, platrftively,
° I don't know. Don't ask me. I
can not think noev. I believe I have
lost the power of thinking. 1 am
trying to get it back; I sit here all
clay, end t,ry and try and try all
11' ...Olt. by -it WiI1 not come, Soma-
was. in .a way, his home. May I
"You mean Steven? I was very,
very sorry, Derry. I should have
clone all in my power to prevent his
being imprisoned, if he had not met
eo sad a fate—for we need not sure-
ly credit that he put an end to his
OWD exiStence. I could have done
eoinethine surely, for if I did not
wish te avenge my lover's death, no
one else need."
•ef-d-I am senseless, and miserable',
ani ill-tempered," cried Derry, sui.1-.
denly turning away and pacing the
room. "1 can scarcely follow you.
It ie like a horrible mist even in
this room. Oh, • Sambo, 1 am a
wretch to let your kind words chafe
me. :ery to be patient with me for
a little while."
"I will come again," said Ella.
with a gentle sigh. PI see it will
be better for the to go now, dear."
"What has come to me," cried
Derry, startinerback a moment , to
look dazedly into her eister's sad
face. "Am I growing—cruel, Sam -
bo? Dave I let you think it is not
delightto me to have you with
me? Oh! forgive rae, my dear!".
"There's nothinga to forgive," said
the younger sister. "We all must be a
little out of temper occasionally, and
you are never cruel—never were, ex-
cept when you used to talk to rae of
Miles. Derry" (after a thoughtful
pause, "you little thought how
near you were to the discovery you
sought, did you? Even I never
guessed, though I thought ---you see"
(forbearing other words), "I knew
how Steven hated Miles,"
"Everybody hated Miles," cried
Derry, in a burst of uncontrollable
passion. "I'm sure ho was selfish,
violent, heartless—Oh, Ella, Ella"
(with again the passionate contrition
and prompt self-reproach), “don't
forgive me this time. Let me suffer.
I don't deserve your sweet forbear-
ance. Go away, I am not fit to be
with you.
But when Ella, thinking it wisest,
turned to • leave the room, Derry
stood before her, and seizing both
her hands in a tight long clasp, bent
and kissed her On the lips, without a
• Mrs. Frayd had so long listened
for any sound from her young
lodger's parlor, that when two hours
had passed since she watched Miss
Hope drive away, she got so uneasy
that she would have invented an er-
rand into the room, had not a wel-
come one just then presented itself.
In the dusk of the Febraaryevening,
she caught sight" of Miss Basset, at-
tended by the old butler from the
Tower, walking across the slope of
the downe, taking the short way
from the Tower to the Beacon. With
genuine delight Das. Frayd hastened
to meet her, and to take her
straight into Derry's room. Then,
while she entertained the old butler
i01 her own premises with much
speaking and plenty of home -brewed
ale, she busily prepared a festive tea
for the two young ladies, her copious
discourse flowing glibly on while she
inwardly rejoiced that Miss Basset's
visit would enliven Miss Hope. But,
to the good' woman's surprise, she
found, when she took in the tray,
that .it was Miss Hope whoewas en-
. , . ,
. .
"Weir, it'll do," she muttered to
herself, as she closed the door again
upon the friends. "You can't pick a
person tip and stay down yourself at
the same
"Come, for a ramble with me to-
rnorrow, will you, Primrose?" Derry
was saying just then, "I believe we
should find celandine now in the
woods, as well as your namesakes.
Why, even here the birds this morn-
ing distinctly sung to me that spring
was come. You will go with me,
Prinirose? YOU have had such a sad,
sad time"
"Derry—" Primrose Basset had
scarcely seemed to hear the bravely
gladdening words ----"what does this
• mean that Steven said?"
"You do not believe it?" Derry's
eyes were flashing with a strange de-
light, yet she could not acknowledge
her own disbelief, for fear of throw-
ing Primrose back into an old sor-
"No. It is impoesible. Steven was
different from most men; a stern soli-
tary man with odd opinions; but
not the man who could ever — even
in a passion — have done that. Some
men could in a passion, you know,
Peery; they could, indeed, a,ad not
with the same sin. Though he is
dead, arid it may never be explained,
nothing in tho world could makeme
believe Steven did the deed."
A curious aching sympathy fell upon
Derry's hdait, in spite of these words
being the utterance of her own
thoughts; for she. knew that Prim-
rose, thinking thus, must feel the
shadow under which she had lately
lived to be heavier instead of lifted.
"We will think of this, later," die
said, bravely, as she put Primrose to
Sit beside the little tea,table on the
hearth, and set herself a chair close
to her friend.
And so they sat and talked Of
other things until Derry could not
make the meal laet any longer, when,
seeing Peimrose fall into a long
thought, she went to the piano, and
began to play,' just to make het
friend feel herself unobserved and at
perfect liberty to be silent.
(To 110 deXrneuere)
lubournattlere:15T111171364":111171:°1111"-All El"
0115 'Yearly Income Amounts to Three
In the eoldny c2 Ilene Kong there ie
a Chinaman who, white his brief reign
lasts, asi spoken Of y the, quarter Of
61 1.1iS fellow countrymen OD
the island with bated breath. To
thea celestial, subjects of King
Edward, the Emperor of China is not
nearly SO great a man as the opium
farmer, and the King hinaself, com-
pared with his mightiness of the, drug
is in their eyes only a. far -away sov-
ereign, but half so imposing.
In order to regulate to somei extent
the importation of opium into Hong
Kong and to einiplify the collectionf Of
duties the British Government sever-
al years ago deckled to place the
SVhclbC business in the hands of one
man. Realizing, however, the tre-
mendous and arbitrary power that
could he wielded by a single indivi-
dual in such a pcisition, it W aS alSO
decided that the office should only( be
held one year, and that )16 person
should be allowed to keep its for more
than a single term. So It was an-
nounced that the Governmerit was
prepared to accept bids for the pH-
• Since that time the selection of an
opium farmer, as he is called, has
became an annual event. The high-
est bid generally ranges from 600,-
000 'to 800,000 taels, according to the
prospects of the poppy crop for the
year and the condition of the. market.
The success'al applicant is duly gaz-
etted in his position, and he ie given
the assistance of a fleet of a dozen
swift government customs vessels to
protect his interest. Ile himself em-
ploys several junkl
against smugglers, but he must only.
use these boats far the_ purpose of ob-
taining information. If he secures
knowledge of smuggling operations he
turns it over to tho authorities, who
run the malefactors down. Nearly
every week im the year there is a
smart skirmish between the sampans
of the smugglers from the mainland
of Chinaand the revenue cutters.
Pretty little battles soime of them
are, too, and very useful in giving
young`British middies and junior nav-
al officers their first taste of sea
The opium farmer has the sele con-
trol of every pound of the drug
brought intaHongliong, and he gen-
erally tcaakes from 5250,000 to 5300,-
000 clear profit in his year of office.
The Government gets much more
frara him than it oould secure if it
aetempted to control the duties it -
&1f, and, mareaver, gets it in a lump
sum without tile anarmous amount of
trouble and the large force of, officers
that mould otherwise be necessary.
The opium farmer's salaried men
watch all incoming boats, and as it is
a case of Chinaman against Chinaman
very little of the raw material gets
past him.
At the end of his teri or office he
to government. officials, newspaper
raen and the leading Chinese mer-
chants of the colony. This dinner is
one cif the three great events of the
Hong Kong year. The other two are
the polo championship games and the
sham battle between the troops in the
garrison. As a matter of fact, though
national pride keeps them from open-
ly 'acknowledging it, the white people
of Hong Kong look on this unique din-
ner as by far the meesit intereeting
affair in the soda' ealenda,r.
When a. Chinaman makes up his
mind to do a thing handsomely he
generally goes to the limit. The opium
farmer always makes his dinner,
which is a sort of farewell to his
brief reign of czar of the opium smok-
ers, something to be remembered by
his white friends. Indeed, he lays aside
a large sum of money, from $20,000
to $25,000, for the banquet, and al-
ways reckons it ae a legitimate item
DI expense when he figures ure his bid
to the Governm.ent at the beginning
of the year.
A Week 'before the close oft his term
of office the farmer sends out his
invitations. These are always verbal,
delivered to the lucky recipient by
• shroff, a polite native clerk, who
comas to your door with a smile and
a bow, clad in a long blue gown
reaching to his heells, a.nd tells you
that his master desires the honor of
your ,prosence at the Wang Tai Lo
restaurant, "to modestly sup with him
from a little dish or two, in . token
ef your good. will."
• The invitation needs no response.
The shraff teens it for granted that
you would postpone
to get to that dinner, and he is right,
There are no vacant seats when the
ceremonies begin.
The Wong Tal Lo restaurant, where
all these affairs are given, ie the Chi-
nese Delmoniao's of Hong Kong. It
stands in the heart of the native
quarter, a give story frame building,
elaborately carved, with broad bal-
conies laden with flowering plants
and creepers, and the usual huge
feast lanterns Swaying in the wind.
You are met at the ground floor
entrance el the re,staurant by ant of
the.iairmer's representatives clad in
gorgeous silks, who gives your chair
or eickslaaw coolies directions, about
the time for their return,and shows
you upstairs to the great dining room
on the third floor. The tables,' which
run in three parallel lines dawn the
length of the apartment, are bare of
everything except the usual silver-
ware, with ivory chopstieles added.
The big expellee of white cloth has 'a
peculiarly hospitable and restaurant-
lilee appearance, which, however, doee
not last very long.
The walls are covered with Chinese
flags and Union Jacks together, and
hanging by the hundreds from the
ceilings are gay lanterns of all designs
and coders, inclosing electric lights.
About three hundred guests find seats
at places where their riaraes are
written on pieces of Pasteboard.
Round the head of the. centre table
are the ebony elmire of elle host thek
governor Of the colony, the chief jus-
tice, and the senior nivel
eer of the port. Here an1 there ameng
the other diner e aro wealthy Chlneeee
merchants, their eosturnee in start-
ling contrast to the colourlese white
Eton me,ss jacket, l of the rest of the
When all are seated the opium far-
mer 02)L()L'S, He nornes in through an
alcove door, in a rather stagey 610.1)-
11,e r, and smiles at the applause that
greets him as he takes' his piaci°. A
minute later he rises to thank hie
white friends for lhctir presence at hiel
lewly boardaad apologizes for "the
humble character of the fare," he is
about to set before them.. There he
turns to the back Of his chair and
strikes a gong. Dozens of swift -foot-
ed waiters at once appear laden with
silver ice buckets filled with cham-
pagne; port, sherry, Frontinac and a
variet3r df native wines. A hundred
young women follow with trays of
wine glasseS and tumblers and in a
few minutes every guest ie supplied.
Immediately the affair
magnificent enough for an old Roman
banquet hall. The women, imported
from beorthern China for the oeces-
ion, etation themselves behind the
chairs of the guests and play string
instruments, singing an almost con -
tin u etre accomphoimen t. Flower
g iris, bearing sweet blossoms of.the
hellos, enter and twine garlands
across the tableamong chair backs,
about the flags and ,in the doing lines
of Tlhaell:teerbals.
es. are rapidly spread with
fooll. and a strange mixture of orien-
tal and occidental dishes it is! In
addition to roast beef, ham, chicken,
turkey and mutton, are dozens of
Chinese delioacies, curriee of every
kind, sharks' fins, jellied eggs, pick-
led fish, baked hedge -boar, spitted
rice birds, drawn pelican meat, pin-
se,rves oe all sorts, mongoose, man-
gostines, and Chinese puddings.
There is no. menu card. You just
pick out what you like and tackle it,
irrespective of what your neighbor is
eating and regardless of whether you
begin with desert or end with soup.
The dishes in which these foods are
served axe the 1110St magnificent and
costly samplee 01 china ware and are
intended as gifts for the guests. When
the dinner is over youean select what
you please from among them. If you
go away early enough you are gener-
ally Neese enough to do this. If yen
stay till things begin to get warm.,
you are apt to forget all about such
a prosaic thing as dishes. '
When midnight comes and the host,
the governor and the chief justice
have discreetly retired, the singing,
jalailating and toasting begin in earn-
est. As daybreak approaches the
faithful rickshaw, men who have been
kicking their bare heels an the brick
roads for several hours' begin to think
deep bailing oil thoughts about the
foreign devils inside who are yelling
"Annie Rooney," "We Wont Go Horne
Till lVforning," "Auld Long Syne" and
other incaaatatiotts to their gods. ,
Elaborate Report Demonstrates Vabse of
AnAltoxist Sarum.
Otto Jelinek, of the State Institute
for the Preparation of Diphtheria
Antitoxin, Vienna, has prepared a re-
port co'nc'erning the treatment of
diphtheria by antitoxin serum, which
combines the published reports of all
other olase,rvers in all pares of the
world to the close of 1898. In all
there are reports of 52,785 cases, with
8,525 deaths, a mortality rate of 16.15
per cent. Of theae, there 'were treated
en hoespitaLe, 35,095, with 6,398 +deaths,
a miartality rate of 18.23 per cent.;
and in private practice and partially
also in hospitals, 19,647, with 2.129
deaths, a moretality rate of 12.16 per
oent. -To these Jelinek has added a
number of collerctiee reports from
Austria, Hungary,' Bosnia, Germany,
Belgium, Russiaglad the United StateS
of America -127,359, cases, with 18,-
088 deaths -t' mcirtality rate, of 14.2
per cent. An extremely interesting
table is tihat which shales the in-
fluence of the early treatria.ent with
antitoxin upon the mortality rate.
Thu.s, of a total of 52,521 cases, with
8,026 deaths -a mortality rate of 15.28
per cent.--thiere were treated on the
first day 5,970 with 304 deaths, a
mortality rtate of 5.07 per cent.; on
the second day, 17.088, with 1,451
deathe-a naostalety rate of 8.49 per
cent.; otti the third day, 13,203, with
2,055 deatthe-n mortaLity rate of 15.
56 per oente on, the fourth day, 6,744,
with 1,576 deaths -a mortality rate of
23.36 per cent.; On the fifth day, 4,-
238, with 1,286 deaths -a mortality
rate of '30.02 par cent.; after the fifth
day, 3,313, with 924 deaths -a mortal-
ity rate of 27.80 per cent., and on some
day not specified, 1,965, with 430
deaths -a mortality rate of 15.28 per
With regard to the, ages of the
patients, it is noteworthy that under
2 years iet 0,ga there were 4,261 cases,
with, 1,442 deaths -33.81 per cent,
under 1 year, of age, 773 oases, with
305 deaths -39.45 per cent.; from 2 to
5 years of age, 11,353 cases, with 2,-
165 deaths -19.06 per cent., front 5 to
10 years of age, 9,628 cases, with 1,-
120 deaths -11.63 per cent.; over 10
years of age, 5,929 cases, with 350
deat1hs-5.9 per cont. This exhaus-
tive study demoastra.tes aneW What
has bean already conclusively shown
-that there results from, the use of
the diphtheria, entitoxne a coneidc,r-
able redu,ction in, the relative mc>rial-
ity Arorn. thc disease. .An increnno in
the mortality rate of 5,07 per cent.
when treatment is instituted on the
first day of the disease to a rate, of
23.36 per cent. when the antitoxin is
given on the fourth day, 1nd 30.09
per cant. wheM given on tha fifth day
should certainly he sufficient to con-
vince the most skeptical,
Uncle Bob, who has just treated
his nephew in 0 Parisian restaurant-.
Not a bad dinner for three franes eh?
Nephew, Who Li still growing -111'4e
rate Lei'th •
Interest in Rip Doing4
Platters of Aloment and Mirth Gather
Od FrODU His Records.
Th a Board of Estimate and Appor.
Lion/neat has J.J.iseil the salaries of
se Vel al teaelher,s in Albany, N.Y.,
saliGUks. Prof. Haila, instructor ia
dr a ed ng, lea de the list with ao in.
erease from. 64E500 to $1,900.
Andf.,ew 13r.rrden, a fanner living it
Alton, Wayne County, N.Y., was feel
e dose of knockout drops in Hoch.
ester, robbed of about $15 and left
insensible in ail alley, wherre he was
later discovereel by the poliee.
The R oc h es t e r Chaenbe.r of Com-
neare.e has published a pamphlet set.
ting ferth the advantages of Ruch-
este[r, e,speeially its water and electrie
power. it 15 in:Leaded especially Lor
distribution at the Pan-Ainerican
Robert W. Leatton, a rePort...i: wi
the staff of a Washington evening
will mean daily balances of the salary
fume, whie,h will. add from $6,000 tg
$8,000 , annually to the xetirement
fund for the ne,xt ten years..
Gen. Rush, C. Hawkins 'of N e4
YOfrk, 113,5 Sant to the University of
Vermont, a Lot of • rame. doeumente
eencerning the war of the rebellion te
be added to the valuable collection el
O like nature, \eleich he gave the Ifni,
viersity eoune ii.111.0 ago. In. the lat.
ter lot is a oupy of the Daily Citizen,
of Vicksburg, for ,Tuly 2, 1803, printed
on 'wallpaper.
An expearilment in criminology is be.
fug tried under the new parole 1011',
Byron Day, a notorious burglar, was,
taketo f,roina the Rorehester jail. b3
antler of Judge Sut,heeland and after
O talk \vital the judge, released otr,
parole..Work WaS 1 mad for hem. in a
ro:paitpoeofir6ftauc.tttiatyry tao.npdrohier,le lais be protivizeeis 0.01,
The di'reeteers of the recent MUSID
Festival at Syracuse rep 6rt that the
total attendanee was 8,000. The total
cost oi t'he fe,steral, in,cluding every,
expenditure known, was about e9,100.
The total receipts were practically
$6,500. This leaves a deficiency of
about $2,600. Tale guarantors will
have to rniake this up by a tax, of 50
cents on e dollar.
The press of NC 'W Orleans has sufe
fered another irreparable loss in the
death of 0. II. Steen, of the Times -
Dernicerat. Mr. Stein was a writer
whose charm wns appreciated -Iv the
readers of his paper no more thaw
by lids brother new,spaper writers 10
all parts of thee °wintry. His "By the
Bye" eoltenen en. the TimeseDcianocrat
was cLippe,d raore liberally than 'the
feature work of any contemporary,
ev,riter. It was well worth copyiag.
Walter N. Heldman, president of tett
Louisville 0011Tiel-3ournal Company,
celebrated his eightieth birthday re-
cently. He was presented, with af
testemonial by eighty of the oldest:
employes of the company, the aver-
age service 01 WiLiGh WaS naarly,
SS V ontean yeaes. One of the eighty,
had been with the company fur;
t,herty-five years, and another, 0, 0.:
Steady, the Courier -Journal's Wash-
ington correspondent, had served the
paper for thirty-four years.
A Rech,ester coroner ceneure,d Con-
ductor &elide Saniele, of the. West
Shore, on account of tha death of
Patrick Quigley end john Kinsella, of
Auburn, WhO WSTL) killed last week.
The men weee three times ejected
from the train between Canandaigua
and Fisher's Sbation for trying to
ride without paying fares. Then they
bought ticket, but Cand uc tor Sault la
refused to 1,ot tne,m, get on the1 train
unless they paid for the free
ride they already had. They took
the next freight train end evare kill-
ed while leaving it in the R,oebester
yards. The coroner thinks Conductor
Smith contributed to their death by
not letting them ride alter they
finally ha4 bought tickets.
It was in the west of Ireland. The
cabin was of the usual pattern with
cattle stalls to the left ag you' enter-
ed, an open chimney, a round table,
one chair, alaig boo, and one bed to
the right. The legs of the bedstead,
an old four-poster, had sunk into the
earthen floor.
How many of you sleep theree little
girlf said the tourist.
Feyther and mother, myself and me
foive brothers and sisters, answered
Biddy, who was abut twelve years
Ola,,bute`there is not roone for eight
Of you?
But, there is, seri-. Four sleeps at
the top and four at the bottom ,
chimed in the child.
„ Still, even static abreast could never
,manage. There would be no room( LO
L Urn. ,
•"We don't , turn, yer lamer. Who
feytlier'1r \cants to turn, be see, "Turtle
And we all turn."
Recently the Viceroy of )nd.ia. \\retell ,
i to visit a native prince, and was' sur•
1 prised to see in the gorgeous pro- ".
ces,icn whicli met him tivo rhisiocnros
es ridden by postilions. '11.1.,„se. huge
crea1;ure,9 caused a good deal of
tere,st, but in England there havd
been eeen some equally eurious sub -
5 Litutes far horses. A wither eceen+
tide eld gentleman used to drive a
team of foxhounds in rdeni, a
year ago, and the dogs leould covet
, long dietainceo at a tremendous
pace. But CVC11, ha .s,va.s outtlonc4, by a
wealthy German who 11.15 a carriagt
drawn by two bear. He (Ire \-.... it)
this curious turn -out in his privati'
groutici..%; but on ono occasion he, van,
lured into the public Streets, and. -mai
promptly fined for frighteninghorSe
Agit obstrticling traffio, •, '