HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1901-5-30, Page 1FOTJRTE E NTH YEAR. —670.
0. TL
' .114
.0P '
• , r , --F,
2.30 CLAss--Puinn $200.,
.,,,..iieu.,..D..c,,,rty&son,s,..rys 2 1 3 1 1
hoy Goldaust, lt. Easson, Startford , 1 2 1 2
s,itidnev,, rointer,oE. i)3noss8e,L01)1er(ry(,, zurich 34 c1,..2,, 3 3
Tinter -2'50' 246, 2•46` 2:50"2.n. :501-.
220 CLAS8-PQ,ESE $200.
Alma, T, Carbert, TeeSwater, ' 2 1 2 1 1-
j. G. 'sTANix:Ry .13. A. ,(formerly 0011;,,, &
Stanbur-) Barriyier ;•,olicitor .3.4oary Conveyancer
money eo, Lo,LL,,,L,,iz, pa' : '
Our merchants have decided to close
. .
t , ., ,. .
heir stoias two nights in the week'
after June lst, on Monday and
Zurich; One of those events which
east a. gloom over the entire conanitini-
ty, occurred here Tuesday morning,
ii.C.,i o'clock inthe death of Airs Fink-
beineta wife ef the pastor of the Evan-
. .,
aelical church Rev C S Finkbeiner
, . . - • • S. -. •
She Was 1291"1) in the: city of Hamiltop,
and, lived In that city, nearlY all her
nliifead, eunIxt.uitInsyhferci6anlicites'.hesrch,ealhvoalsi,tsbherelovYlieeeattidyst'.
and a half ago. • ID that time
bbly'agohl4t ',3.iiiil(di young,kf t.'ldifsopi.oPsliteiblITaafi'dt cast
sunshine everytahere She went. . She
leaves to moniaa her .early demise her
Berlin, may aisaaaaeniie
farmer r 'Alin ,i/ o it Avo 1 airle'
twi.i: wieicsiale, algoi`ria.) `t4,,,iit.,0i;ghl hiss obtliti,
this raorinnabwa:,t„..ti d by coma.
across 1 d f b • 1 • ti
the ai v o - a man title( in
gemind, wit -ii. the feet and part' af ti
head unCovered • Withent further
. ,
d an inquest is to he held' this afte
..zsltpoi:,e,ciiitittoti:dteil:e. atiFlarooiti.i.itie,a,spwp:ttle,aintoc te:tiet::
310 n. • e com i ion o . ltIg'S ',Kilt
o Th l't' ' f Of ' ' '
body was nut where it Was found la,
fall: '
.Erie 11„.3. W. Morton, ASq.,i,,er, 1 2 1 2 '
Time a=2:35., 200; 2:3:3. 2a0i-; 2:43. ' -
day's at 7.30 p.m -Mr. Samuel MoYer,
• • . ,
. cA
... ,„
11' aZ)II.1
.. a. ,
. .'
• • . , •
, .
, -1, ,
. ,
' . 1 ie'-'''
• ..r.'•-:, . • ' a ' P- - ',:
,,‘,. ,
Mr. Alc,Kenzie, of St., Thoinas, and,
Mr. J. Fowler, . of Fingal', acted as I
, ptitct-itg,tees,„;;;viapi•a Gj‘17.1 Geo. 5. Hse.I.I.clitisecrosooliii, g.is
Fingal, Tinier, all of Whom gave :et?'
tiro satisfaction both to spectators and
horsemen. ., . . ' .,
. . .
- '4'.t, TILE CONCERT.
. ' . '• -no. uncial.
v. The "goncert in the event , ,
tii.'. Pt.- f ti e 'F -Oter Band Iva;
09,',*,':irrs.p,:c1,1.`,,,p-s...koenilarkdjxwas.gr'ee'tea with-
a ctowcle,d Ifera_se.. The chair Was fil-
ied by baa; L• iitzin his usual pleasing
.,,etle, .The-i-ein-eaytionary selections' hy,.
Miss Rdta•Sta'aflatiry ivere we • -
11 recei,
of is .Yi'sitipg" Mr, Sa,Pi'l Brown.
biliAsellitili1111.1bileiliXt0etli°intit;..AbiTi Catrtae/14.doedn the
21.11,ticu-k--,,,v1,1,1,-te, nalfasa°11r1s, IrPtvi;ke,,s°11/11Peli,evedas‘t,Ile
line. and.the cat•penters are busy put-.
ting?.On, the roof. Mr. J. Q. YOUng (46'
Son have the. job of putting •on the
- . . ,
nietallie roof. -a -Miss Be4 vet., of Zurich
l'Vas the oaiest of Miss Enania ,Moi.lock,'
, '7, , . . • ' •
last • Sun da Y. -Mr. Bachitt.d Baker is.
S,,,elling I... ondon bread.-----' Mr. Gottlieb
-Prow n Is 1 ecovethig rapidly ,froth his
attack of blOod-pois,oning..--Mr. 'Geo..
Tt.ott„ .t he photo,graplaeras, busy taking
views and plaotos.-Rev. G. Johnson,
. ' • •
husband, two ste.p•chilaren, a mother,
, ,
sister and seve.ral bi.others. A mem-
°vial serVice was held here on -We d-
' i i •
0 esclay, . at. 3 u clock. ,Rev. Litt of
Crediton; led a short service at the
house, after which, all. went to the,
Cehntela, where Rev, Wing, .p..residing
Elder, preached a very earnest sermon
in German, on the text., "sle laith'
• • ' ' a- a/ 1. i
done what she could - Rev. ...' or oc x
adding a‘fe‘'Y reinailcs' in English. The
church was draped in black, all testi-
1 the departed.
`ftYniCill gtht.'e( ') 'Y'l'hrileP' neshLeY' eWmi 1.'101- h e efiinds' ' ''.
< • I • .. ., .
• ,, '- , .
Strattor.d., May 22. --George .Russ
McL. ean, agecl. nuie, yea:J.5,r sell of The
MacLean, oar inspector G.17,R.., lo.st h
hf,e.last night as the restilt ot a bieye.
accident. 2 Ban Sillifant, aged. !?•4„, at
00d, two cousins, were practicing. f,
the bicycle. i.,aces on t, becorning hail
1- - ' d • cl ••,• • I - lapi . .• , hei
c..ta, AB 51 tn, a a tam paut., . w
thoelectric lights not being. lit, . t,he,
Came apparently triaitw4re's .on . yotti
resultri\rleLbe"')17Y, e' i**/3\w' Po; 7.! theclolenace",
PE ,'
, -Ind,A;rdircAii-;/art-haanach ,4,,,bla lise,' of iNape, i•vt'lle, 111., Occupied .the patIptt:
in . the ' Evano-elical church- last Sun-
- :s•.•-•.••
x."s Iiiikli-6,.'itpp'iTeiated., 111r, .31 Vin- .day .morning and . evening. -Rev., . S.
;b::::;11•151"ggla"ibt;;fol;hvn'eeig.:Itilab:Y-soet:Iill;ti:Ititili9°11:6:1".„.'1.,o‘ft:hilacp.'h: ' (GR.' G.e-rii-vi.1) t'C'lltnt"erille(bise, dF' Itnhkebef;n1 tierr• a°1' (3' l'Aillis.
--' ' '6.1C7.S''' ' -•'''n,6
.. .
.. ' .
, i
. ' • .-'''
• 1 last Wednesdav.-Mr: Joseph Heist is
tifleZ front,'.'h
eves' ' ' 'i',1
Pt-illitle§16,;;I:`...)idnei)l'sol,,b.,3;,..„di.P.:Pft'6'.1:Ecacii:eutitc,, 'btfilding' a wire' fence ii."loi‘li
BanclmaSter • was admitably-rentlered.'
'''''' ' .'..." ' '' ' '41,.' : t:ii.'ii: -'''''€' •S'e'.2'.011;1' Uittee.'' W°fahkSiiSti Tfa01,11.:101;1701\111•..Sti:FtliF141•!Yib•erb0"Al'ill'IPt.P()f.
,. Itanight be s, id a .11, ... C. ,
Ottaive May 99 --It 1$ stittool,_ tiaa.,t
. • C ''''' ' .."'''' ' ' '. • . ; ' L' '
at a meettna oirepresentati L
b ere', h s' id i}i'st evening it . waYse. ' dielidaejda
that the Ontario ' eleettons would be
` . . `' • ' •
brought on in Septembei• next,
. . ,
etl'illillos(3/1C, l'e:1.1-:°°InSgielt.1"
lb' srsetie,01
of ithe In:ail n• ;'iAleli: 'itT)Irq°:ileg:sitil:1:11.111 C:):11: jell
a b.0 died about th.t.' e b'eloc
Sid.n8' an- ' e
lis. mei ning..
.t°iI: '"wghh• etel ,,,SiiiiidLl1L.dtphilijegw'sliouldrcsiall.,..1;t°e'r,
one of his.shoulders a,nd brok-e a lit tl
fin„.er. , ' ' .
tficl.,, \j,.lsrioonn,
"aroNgv rro,ILO.SiN, :12,
In ,.a.... •:‘,- ....;•• ' " , - - .
W6 Lave tiniimit:6,(3.4i-ivuktia.i.?...irs, ' f0,17, in:
v"elitiiiiienkAllorf•farin.: or "i'illEe:11:r":? I.Y. at
o'iresti4te(s-ofanteiygt. ' ' ';' ,,;. --• ''' "
i'...ricxsort 8i, CAIILTIM, ..
,,',...... Barriatersi etc:, Exeter.
rschv'ilty'ag.e.L. l''.'±e'.'
td.illrg:,.it),ii:n..11.r.,•iiirlyraoleetsfebii.t.:• .I.,i,es (747!.2!..111,1a!ilin 1 ,iteoroiltisi'ns taiIt1,1
r' ' '
ICTORIA 'DAY '-'-r- - I` 'n - •'' • .- - attended the lames .at Exeter on Vic-
tinder ,slich.. linfaY01-4lea'all'd ''..a:dverSe ` , - , ' . . . . ,
'' n'..',..',',. , - : , '-.:',', ".f.:•'.. . - ',.% e(i.i.i,cytti,t5, tatico.si.,,,,,,i,f,(3, i.,,,,..,,,ta.a4,,,,,,the .weaoet,:, tor DaY:-Mr. Richt-ord.., .Baker nits
breptri••fiii,41.,.hd,..thaikiti,m,"6:-0 94.1.49sit...15.;1„,31....,m,,,t_. , t.t..,r.and nelivet:y,_ wag-
GELEBRTI 1 1 41 horse
tif -thelairgeSt „Ctikawdg'Hicetit e Velesa w 'gort..t."-Yit.,-tot la I -h.1•37 was a gull, U one,
" ''''''',". • '''.;4i *Otild have,-beene-an,-txt- c-1-1.4:64.10 ' ',Ind
EXETER. .thy..ousti,ess plac.es .. were. ,decoritted
,'clityS' flitga, thc,re -
,,,,,,, ,
& i 'e IVI. v 97 A te • al le f.
t. son '01-, a.' ' .--- II. 3 - a-
tality occurred this aftet-noon at the
honi-e of Chas. Leach, a• t Eden, five
miles so.uth of this place. Two little
boys, one it, nephe.w of Mrs. Lesch, the
other it son of. S. D.Aclitinsjilticksniith,
were playieg an the barn loft when the
hay heea'rne ignited dest.roying
I.G MI .1. L W
tl . 1 • .• Th. t o little fellows per -
• I .d ' tl fl• n s It is su a osed
is it. in le it le.... IP .
they were playingynt,b matches which
.set -fli e to the hay.,• Mrs.Leach's siSter,
mother of Harley . Mann, one of the
boys was in Woodstock at the tiine of
' ' ' .d .
e •icei ent .
, :
F .1 W'll'• M. ' 97 --W ' d h.
oi I tam, - ay .... . _ . oi , a
ben r.ecieivfed,. here , of. . the. suppose.
c rowning o two men in Shebe.11 Dow
an Lake,abou't oue hundred nille.s wes
of here,. 01.1. the late of construction o
the Cittiadlina Northern RailwaY, 01
Thursday last. Fred Mallefant ttrn
. . . . , . , , ,
anothei mam, .tyhose name is unktmwr
started across the lake in a canoe, ae'
compitnied by a dog. Yesterday' tht
dog returned to the' camn and .icted ix
- . • ' ` - ' ' .
it pect , ,
Mar manner. ' A search was be
gun, and the canoe was found. flax til
on the lake- No clue to the -Men ha:
been found, botl
, the events',,wOnld'-hA,0 been the with other, vs wel'e nu,
.sports Of any kind. .
' ----- ' - •MOet.,:soccessful in the history./of •
Thavo'a.lar`gaanioniit Of Priliate finiclECto
loan on tarifa iiiidyillage properties at
, ' '''''"-., - - • - - , • „ , "as_.,s°cia'tic)h• . •. - -
rates ofinteres:f.':," '.?"' • " " .' '
W..41,Allill'AN, " ..:,..- .,
Barrister, Alain Street Eketer.'
, , ,
.,_ - . ., „
'• .;„. 'TI1E txETg.R. TURE CILTJ13. • • .,.1011va.‘ , '
. ,
,-, , .. • ' . - • ', • • ', %•`... ., ' . ' ' - '
'';'. '' '-' ,2;,..'2 ''..''' ,. ' '' •
The weather.. koens ',A--citly, cold • and
'''' '11
• _,--
.mr liid ,1 , John , •1, .... . t
a; . < A Is. , Esse y visited a
the ktr'sotui e 'at Centi.elia on Ftichty
. . P . . .g
'-'' •'^ '' ", .. 3 h
r. o n.
:The beV'e_rit,1). annual' ri'10„0:it, 0;f ,,t13., .3ve.t ftir an.37 - weather•-, , ,. . .
a: - ',pal ' 'on
1.1.-t Kr John ant' Misses 1IlarV and
6 ••-- ''• • ' ' • .
A;0•11es 1.31•Iii. visited friencls'at theBend
' Tenders will be received by the,,unnersigned be
twe offifay 2,1th and June Sth for She repairing and
taineting of $,S. No, 5,Usboriie. 'Plans-andSpecificti,,
dons of brick and carpenteis work . at the house ,O
undersigned. " "T'''s FirtA"T-,,,,e0.,
biia.. ad• - QUerrin ,p,aid his -.parents it visit
• f -- I l' 't. 6- , : -li 'x• a •• . .-a• ' ..i. .Stinclay.-Mr. B. Ounnitighatars Old•his
ion- . o,r ()eke 1L,t ipg t 0 19turgyjra -f211 0.,., V aluzible driving mare to."."1\1e.,.W.: „a"..401:'
'Tibt'cirift Dity-obt.Eketer,- 013 »i0 .141t1i,-
of Exet
.sW,6,i11,,iC,e)id7illg.,!..ii'fb,OnI.6,111, la,n y ',yhars..:haen'-ah- ' - e'.'''• He haS' 1.31:l.o.i.,4's0;a:t-.4.''gi.riT.-'
Ofi'' our -late' ,11,40ged' tw° \`'T'ar'n-lci.elplt fr°."2., -a.,„-',..,„9,... 9n., 9
,-, ,. , , • e
on .the.g.-Lth.-Miss Lettie.R..00kretnr.n-
',ea Ithm:e Sunday after visiting her .sis-
Fletcher Switzer 0± Kirkton.
'L-:'erCI:il:i.17(.;hn.MeNeviti,' of 'XIPPerl, 'visit-
.3', 1.: • '"..... •
•Oet6eilrictoritt•la'ficl.Whieh is••"nalti-like, ZrericheWh,ieh pro,naisSes•te be at• god&
to §' Onto"' ,one by. appearance% goodX:,,riuml.b.ler
M''' F . d L -t ' 9 t
et-!-•file,-tanistn, ,.i. 1 .
e ' "1- on en ,• a -
.ux•day.r-Messrs. .Albert., Mitchell and
oe .
W dstock Ma 27 -It has •ust been
learned that RichYard..-S. tinsocn,jthe-man
who was found dead. just west of here
on Saturchty, 11,ad na• ade an attempt on
Tuesday lest to talxe hie life b.y h-inaa
• . '' ze
e• to a tree on the farm ot Robert
0 .
Mux.ritv • West Zorra. Stmson 'was
: ...' . .
seen by a•voung ladv• returanne-r from
, - ` ' • • - , , v',
scnool. lile was stark natieci aim was
hilf to treeThe
trying o tie mse't). .
lady aye the al•trin and a search WaS
• ' - --'• ••, ••' ' ' ` .` found
made but Stinson conld not be .
. ' ' r d I t th t •t - th
There is ittle on i a l was e
, . ,
.Same man found dead on Saturday, as
' • ' •
d 1 k' f M
Stinson ha ieen wor -100. or i nrrav.
, , , 0 ,„ - - _was
It is pow thought toe man 35, as or un
sound 000u.
e und mind' - ' -
and .it is supposed
were drowned. 1V1allefaxat. was a car
nenter, and has been working on a th
" ' ` ' ' '
contract for Seaman &Coacontractori
on the construction of the Canadiar
Northern. The other nia.n -was one a
the -Workmen in the camp. Mallefau'
, .. . .
leaves a wifo.and family here.
Kingston May ,,,, 4, _
.i.m.n„ston, 'nay ....7.-aretei ai ugeut .
. • • • • . , .
body was found in the lake at _the foo:
. < . < ,,...,..„ , .
of Johnston stx•eet yeeterdaf mprning
tsed was in Deccethe Civil servicP in Ot
' rt ' • ' la l'd 11 h. •
tawa, a.nu was area o 1 ay. Ee ac
been in Toronto at the races, and citm.
h.- •tl •e•lit c.• tt• off th
(le during ie ru, ., ae ang ,
train , ., , . - a
but a few yards from tb.e slip. ii
w ic, is was ,t, (-twat. s min
h• la h.' • body• • ft., - .d • .f d
Deceased ". ' , oars of 11"
43 3 ears o age-. , 1
home was here. • • ' . ' ' „i,
A " ' AT 9'-' . T
. flagnoteavaa-, May Nibo
The council of the corporation of the County ' oi
Huron will meet in the council chamber, in the town,
Of Goderich, at 3 o'clock p.m., on the first Tuesday in
june next. • ' W. LANS, , '
Dated at Goderich. this Clerk.
22nd day of May 1001. '
‘It3.1- tte:pe..i.pee-rti.irritht'ed;ii'ldi,.--•.iit.•1.6a'sb ,,A
line 0 coin ..
fp*, clav,ah e. eavy arain-s_ '61."'",a §f O.,tir.:sports atteded.."tlae EXeter. races
h• V' '''.' '''` 'd t*me ...Miss
tithe night-.1•Fevinti§. Yieee .anti-re°13-rt a". lng . '• . . ".... • . ...-
a great drawback to the preptieatiOnS'..11tary Collin'S, -1-.)r. Detroit is, visiti‘ng'
` .... .. i. "j!ier .folks. .., , , -•-• ,. -,,-..„ .. . , ...,,,
for the Arprnartg pgrarn; ,which a.. SO . •,-... , ,, -. . •
the ' '
,Edgar.13 uswell" visited. friends ,at the
-.. 2 -Stone, Town, on the alth.--Master
;Be.triie,y1:•Cav.es speint a few daYs last week
t M• .A.cld• e C•tves of
1711 . s sls er, Ise ' ` '
*tioiairoyI.,,-A. nuniber of our young peo-
, , .
rendered trOk'iti,--h,,iery :unlit cOn- •, ' ,'" ' • ' , -,..... .
' .St..e.To`Seblr...,,.
- . • . , E . t , s 1.
Ple„attencled church at ),..e el. tin(
dition for kee•ing'tilio'Seshe,Se",waty ,... , ,. - ,.
. ,t •• - •.,•-• .. ':, : - '',' • ,
the cIorided'Sky(threit.teriin.g rains., r,on , ••N M Contine , pent several days
. . .ty
es will'. "g. -Mrs. Geo. Buswell, who has
' 'week
Notice is hereby given that ell accomits due to
the late Win. Bagshaw must be settled flat later than
June 7th, and all accounts against him must be hand-
ed or sent to' the undersigned not 'later than same
date. ' ' ,, ,.. „ , rs
mite. BELLA BAGSHAW,',...ent,tanal.-.,,
early morn blighted tb,.,4 fi9pet .,:a._ :an'; „last week in'.•Go cle'rMii:•.2on• 'business' -'
•s•,)-cl ' ' tietiVslit'VeYlloat. 'vaSalong
ticipations of all and as--a;•evtiiillgearie'''k&• „Th" ''• ' ' ' ' ' '
,`..- • . - . , -... ., ., „,...e. - . .e e l' 1,11i . . .• ,.., .,,.,.".. . ,
the morv
ning eents- werae,:;noing ttlitte-. "takso_unaings., ,fla:,,#,,,,tirif;,.i.ana
sented as they would otittierwiSkahtiVe' aharks.-OutleOrner is, gaining quite t•I
been ..However at the Stti,tti-iii.e••• • "
6. iltatioll fde`hors'e'iielillitii' as sev'el.=•
' ' . ' / , , ..... .. ,, r p a ,,, ,,...,,,.. ,•,,, „. , . ,,- .
the procession formed on the ,Agricula
b 11 tor the past is lin-
1.- 1 ' ' - - •••
t,''' ,ny'ng and ' t. is hoped will be soon
-- • - • 41 Al -. K ...ha of' London
-quite wi. .--.., i. els < w, '
...wk,a.nurnber of lime light views ont
uhe British -Baer war in the school
-1 ... Wednesday eveninc, Of list'
ruse.on,... e. -
. •
Of George Spencer Kemp, late of the
Village of Exeter, in the County
• of Huron, Gentlemen, deceased: -
, rursuint, to Chaptei,129 of the Revised
Statutes- of Ontario, 1827, notice is hereby-
given that all- creditors and others , having
claims against the estate of the above name
deceased, who died on or about the 3rd day
of May, A.D., 1201, are on or before ,the .
FdUltiE' A n 1 PO i
15th DAY O. _ .. .. _ . _
to send by -post, pre/mid:Am the undersigned
solicitors for Emily Bally Kemp the Admin -
istratrix Of the estate of the said deceased,
their christian' names and ' surnames, 'ad-
dresses and descriptions; the full particulars
of their claims, a statement of .their an-
couuts.and the nature of the security (if any)
held by them; arid. that after the said. date the.
said Adeninistratrix will proceed to distrib-
horses 'lleen e3.chati°•ed lately.-
tura' Grounds, and headed li ' the e ,
' ' '' ' ' ' 1
-..y-:•... ''''''-''-': 'Mr.''D,oifia....Beeerinet', who vvi-§' ,reee4 Yi
. .
Exeter Brass Band rriarshalled,c-1)y.,:.iiian-iect1f1alatilda IVIasse left with
'' ' ' '''' '
Messrs. Geo. Ilyndmati arid-, , Sohn. ' 1-atild•-67-441...,',iliein1.1•15ine:-..in:-..Northetlk
li d down Main -• • 7 "ir '-'-' : .. ., ' '.. .:1 - ..-----"'
Thompson, mare e . • llitichtgan on hursday last. i ,I.heY
to _Huron, thence,' W , . ,
est ' to William • ' ' . w'sli '
take with them the best 1 . es of •
and South to the Boundary; thence their many ftiends, here. --Mr. Rich.
El t 0 _raj 1 an Nei- la on . Main to ' -1' '.' • , • ' . . • -
, S , t 14 - 1 . • d, _ t ,. 0 _at len, 31., took the races at Baca
Town Halt. After the prizes were an- ter on Friday lint judging from .the
nouneed by Mr.Hurdon and three hear- free tiency of his visits we thinlx there
t cheers for theaiing ,.. a-
Y . were given the
1-- , mus e laces a xe ci, once ,t 'NS et....
th - " •tE t.' .' •
various, representations disbttndecl. on an averp,ge.---We noticed' an item
e m st note worth feature of the •
Th ° ' ` in as we s ss, e,
1. t ek' i -1 of the London aid-
• ,, , Y • • • -- •
the very appropria,te vertiser ttbotit ,the dttnger- of . taking.
and well arranged display of W. H. contitgions cliseaseS ' from ha.ndling
L ' tt & C' P • di Al • 13:' t • Mr
, 0, to 1 Ce .e.I.0 an s, , . bank hills, but Wq WI Say • lig . ,.. here •'•' '11 .. ht h •
R. Sweet, boot and shoe and harness that our town alight to be ,exception-
dealer, and F. Bawden, mason, who ally healthy for there .has not, been a:.th
u0. 111 f • t- a mi
it in •course o eiec 1011 t , .
natUre ' k hill h ' • th • 1 ' '
ban i ere in.a talon anc no.pros-
brick•building. I3`ollowing these were pects of .there being any either. .
the calithuinpians in which many good ' • •
ay ek A 1 aro•e crowd was present and
e -, I .e. ' . - '
I d . • .
aie,per ,. it goo . titne.-There was no,
a ii'''•/ Wed esclay or Thursday ' ota
' n °Q ' n ' ' • '
iat ofathe Teachers' Cenvention,
-' • '"'' • 1 11 ., - E - •-t. • .. • .
which ,was...betn.g. m c. at .xe er.- ,
• (Too late for last 'reel.)
H le. tiers who have been set-
Hoose c a • , , • .
, ting steVes asicle'fot the SCaSOD, durIn 0.
the cold 's ell have had to content
le, co , p ,.
. th th . 11. • t-
themseIN es wi e sma La•< 1 < ,
ments of the hoine.--Mr. Ernest 'Buts-
11 f E ter s ent Sunday under
}Jae paxental roof. -Miss Bella McDou-
ga t, 0 . 0, • 3.',..,__ .
' 11 f.Ct tartrt spent a few ' days
week with her cousimaliss Minnie
Luxton. --,A number from . here intend
. • . s oets at Excitei' on Alit
taking in e .-p < Y
1' E - t
241h. -Miss Olive Dempsey, o .-)..e er,
visited at -Mrs.' Sanatiel Skinner's the
latter part f P t el- -The trustees
o as we ,..,
, ,.
Havelock, May 27.-A fire, resultirtg
i the loss of two lives and possibly a,
0- ' ' • d • t- 0. 1- r • i: (' rth of
third, occutie a., a , al se, i» .
here Saturde y night. janfes Post, his
.' th a 'd his ne hew Whodlyed in a
nio er < n . •p , ..., ,
loo• house,, retired early. Between elev-
t'• - d twelve o'clock the mother, an
en aa.. discos , , , - „. , ,
elderly woman, elect the ut e and
endeavored to extinguish. the flames
1 • I. ri a the others. They a neared
a a 1 ' t d
to have been sutloca, e , anctheir
charred .bodies were recovered from
the ruins. The mother is terribly burn-
...,1.-. . .
. _ ?".
I ' lal ' . s ec ed 'y tin
son, .t very .31g le P .. .
man of this village, Is supposed has
beem lownec y e upaet ng o :
d ' - 1 b the • l, f '
canoe while.crossing thealake in, a stif
wind last Wednesday./V-fis canoe ave.
found ) thehope ea sized, and hi
'n . s •••P. c
coat near by. The body has not ye
1 ' ov ' •ed He leaves a wife an
two children. He was a member c
Maccabees. .,
Ottawa, 11,ty .- . osse, 1, .
Ott. V• 27 E R a 1 wh.
' `
was lifting driftwood on Lake Decli en
yestel•clicy,,fell from a boom into. th.
water,' and. was drowned.
ute the assets of the said among the
parties entitled thereto, having regard only
to such claims of which -notice shall have
been.giyen as a novo required; and the said
administratrix will not holiable for the said
assets or any part thereof .to any. person or
person's' of whose ofairo or claims. notice'
shall not have ,been received at the time of
charic ters Were re resented '"Dan -
. , _ P, 'Centralia,
Godfrey s B.and being among the
nunabet• and attracted Th- '11probably-.'b a lax.. turn
ted much atten- ere WI: , e . , „ ,,e -
.,...:,,n Following are the' Pr.izes award -out at the sale of the late W. B. Bag-
v"-' • ,
R .. • 1 t shaw's'house hold furniture, 'stock and'
ed, viz:-Trades'epi esen tation.-- s , - , : -,
effects on ii, ay 11ex„ -Mrs...
W.' H. LeYett & F'''d • - -t'' • J B't
of the church assisted by a number of
the neighbors, put up a new wire fence
around the chuich •yar
. cl, which has
' '' bad condition for several
been in a. ..
years. - '
• •
ed and may not recover. . The origin
of the fire is unknown. '
A. carload. of bass Was deposited ii
the River "lhames in tile vicinity o
. . A ‘-'
Hep Nvorth, Ont., May 21. -What ntay
. , .
yet prove, a fata accid.ent occt tied
here this morning. in the Canada
mills.; , A' young ma,n -named
G L' • h as fixing a a' machine
George !else w g ,
in the hmshingtooni, when a comrade.
accidentally set itan motion. L,ieracli
, . , .
had a crowbar in -
• ' his hands at the
time, and this catching in.the rapidly-
' gear' whirled him aloft nearly
moving , . , •
to the ceiling. When picked up he
was unconscious, and at a late hour
this' evening had not regained con-
sciousness.: Besides several severe
bruises,'the doctors fear he has receiv-
a . ,
, ,
ed a concussion of the brain.
London, , Ont., , . ,
.A. despatch from. London says th.
Duke , and Duchess of Cornwall am
York. will lancl at Quebec and depar
.p,„,.;,,,„ rr,„,,,,,,,,_. , . .
"-"'-'-' -'-''''''"'"
The Boer losses from the end o
March up to the present; in killed
.•, . _ ., .
wounded, prisoners an surren , .
• aered
amount to more than ,3,000;• chiefly pri
oilers , , ,
s • .
Stanley 1VIills •& Co.'s big store a.
htfi through th
Hainilton caug . re. e spon
taneous combustion of some oil-soakei
, < .
cotton. The stock was damaged alaou
$10,090, mostly by water. .
It is reported that Mr. E. H. Fitz,
hugh, °ruler yManager o , (
f 1 Generalf th
.. ,
Central Vermont Railway,
such distribution. . , . .
All persons.indebted to the iWoye estate
'are hereby notified that the accounts due
the estate and unpaid on the said 15th day
of June, 1301, will be placed in,' the hands 0±
the -Solicitors. for the Adrninistratrix fo.r. col-
Dated at Exeter, this 22nd day of May, 1.201.
. Drexsoxi &•CIAliLING, '
solicitors for Administratrix
. .
Co.; :2ncl, R. Sweet . . < a.-
3rd F. Bawden Calithumpian -1st Shaw has returned tti. his trip' to: the
4 ' C . "Barber - ' . ' " North West. -The Rev. S. Salton gave.
' ' C0011 Band"; 2nd, _Shop.
as .ser,n . , , , ,
ClOWII.-1St, Dyer Ifurclo,n; ,2nd, R,.the lasI 1 ons of his course on QUeen
' "d
s theott.' Comic 'Character 00 Bic"- Esther last Sunday, to very litrge an
' . ,- ..., ply interested 'congregations. Nekt
' . a c. • dee
H.. Walters; 2nd, L.. - ,ann;• . ', s -
3rd, Geo. Miners., A 'sPecial prize was h • •cl 1 A
Sunday. e,cort„ tic s,. , nDivT. sary. sr,
, , s (.ranton .; 4. the
W:11ded Miss Ida Cottle for `a fano, vice on the (*re ton CI 'cult an
'''-' - --'-- . . ' ' ' R R S Hutton. will -upPly his
.outfit which indeed Rev. R. S. s
A.rOlilad About Us.
, .- has been
Hensallt Geo. Smith who has been
in husiness here for kt, year 'leaves' this
th 1r 1 of his- stock for
week witla p. a ance e,d
, , . ,
Tuckersinith: A very pretty wed-
R ' ' ' ' •
' ' • ' ' ' '
The annual meeting of the South
Huron Farmere•Institute .., •
, . . ,
. . will be held in '
. • ' ' ' - -
- '. • ' ' - -enthusiasts
• ' . a].
. .
At i 0.'Clok, p.m.
.bicyclewas very . . , pill-
attraotive. . . • ' . pit hell. -Mr. Ross of Cannington,,
. ' ' ' •
. retur.ned with his dalhtet, Mrs. Bag-
,shaw, to settlaaffairs' efore' 'their re-'
After the" precesSion had .dispersed, turn home ,again. -Our city 'fathers
the Band playing it lively air and fol -
. , 1. di on last Monda • . artaatwedding were in C e . t , Y- . . . g-
ng for a Civic .Holiday for Crediton
lowed byan immense crowd, led the c. . , ' . - -
•in June. -Our 'pastor starts for .Con-
t t,RecreationGroundswhere
way. o er,
the inangnral lacrosse match of the ference next Monday, being one of the
season took Place; ,between the Clin- Conference' Treasurers.'He .1.-ris to ' be
f , ,, ,,
ton and Exeter Teams. The lacrosse 9n hand before the. Clop erence opens
.,. , fpr. in St Thomas.-MissMabel Halliday,
had looked anxiously - ' - ' ' '
been a guest at the arsona e
ward to the opening performance and hs . . .. g
'.a t E h
tor some tune, retutriee o er , onle
the game was wa , - . . . . ., . , ., .,.
watched With a great
d 1 f • t - 6 Whentime.-' •• 11 In London.-A,Irs. .Anclx ew Hicks , and
ea o in eres . was caIl- - ' Mrs. P. - • - : ' •-•
ed a large crew gx . , e • e n -, her Mother, , .rs. . Hiels.s,. are visit,
d. ' -eet d th ' cb teS
m 11
tants and notwithstanding the gloomy friends•' ' Londona d other a ts ,a-
r .p r. • .
d' bookt the residence of
dingplace a . •
Henry Catter, %on. Wednesday, . May
' ' '• daughter,•
22nd, when' his youngest
Miss Charlotte; was, united. in marri-
age to Mr. Frank Plewes. At 1 o'clock
to strains Atendelssohn's
played by Miss M Pepper, the
march, .. M. ,
bridal party. entered tIle•parlor, where
they were joined in • wedlock by Rev
- .Gifford,'' •• f ' Clinton.The bride
Dr. ,. • c)
looked very pretty in a,dress ofwhitefie
organdie, ' with lace and ribbon, and
' - , 'Road
carried' bouquet''' !white carnations.
a ao ,, .,..
She was attended by hex sister, Miss
. . . , , .., .,, _
Annie; dressed m crearn sdkette and
• - • ,.
k ' • -• e' groom
carrying pin carnations., Th gr
' ''' • b JohnE. - Pepper.
WaS supported
.. . 0 .
9 • ' •
Kincat.dine, May a8. -This evening
about five o'clock op. the Lake Shore
tth Mrs John McLeod,a
no . ,,
• ' . . , ,.
esteemed lady' of this town, was <loci-
dentally killed. Mr. and Nye. McLeod
were out di.iving, and when passing an
- were out • '
encampment of gypsies about a mile
' town, the horse became restless..
,s.. McLeod in an endeavor to get out
Mt- , , . ,
- . e
the buggy, was caught between the
wheels, receiving injuries which result-
ed in her death an hour afterwards.
Mr. McLeod has been singularly unfor-
tunitte'within the past two years, los-
. . ,
big two sons by death -the Rev.Angtis
McLeod, of Regina, and Duncan .Mc.-,
wall be ap
pointed assistant to Mr. Charles M.
. Hays. President of the Southern Pad.
Railwa Y.
A statement is going the rounds th.at
the Union'Pacific and the Southerr
e ...,
Pacific combine to freeze ou . , x
t tb
Northern Pacific; the Canadian PaCifif
• ' • t ,' • ' . ,
and the Great Nor hex n railways non.
t ie Oriental trade.'
-lox t, should be without it
No I. r . ,
• • •
Pain -Killer, the best all-around me 1:
t ' d'
eine ever made. Used. as -a .linimeni
for bruises itncl. swelltugs. Internidly
for cramps and diarrhoea Avoid sub,
stitutes, the're is 1;ut one. Pain -Killer
PerrY Davis'. • 356, and 50c.
- •
' • < . . • i
Following is the program: -Presidents
Address; Report ..of Executive, ,Trea-
surer's Report, Auditor's Report., Sug,
. •, . . . , the
gestions cif p,oints at.which to, hole!, the-
, ,
" - , •,. Mrs. W. 11, Elliott . expects .to , leave
atmosphere, the arder, of the d.mall , . .
shortly for a lengthened visit_in the
boy, Who wore' present in -the usualof
large Dranbei•s, were not in the 'least Exista-Miss Lottie 'Elliott is attending,
l'relft d. ' Th little sphere- in dile the High School hi Exeter. , .
ia, e . e , , ,, •
y ..1
After eon ratulations, all i.epaired to
, g
' - • • • • ' •where ' • im tuous
the clitnng-zoom, a st p
wedding was partaken off, a,f-:
ter which the happy, couple drove to
--• •
regular and supplementary •meetings,
election of `officers, etc. The meeting
will also be addressed by Prof; J. 13.
ReynoldS, 0: A. C., Guelph., . Stabject.
"InaproVecl' Methods and. appliances
• .
Th' ' el ' .
on the f.a.rtra'', .. is exc lent, subjectAll
is ably handled bY. Prof. • Reynold's,
Don't fail to come :Ind he.ar his a dres
, .. ,,
and bring -Others with you. ,
cz• • A ' ' ' '
r•Je .c.... IVIOITEIATT, . .13,. GARDENER,
' Pi.esiclent ' ' S- Tris
time was put in circulation and a most .
, , . .
iriterestig and exciting exhibition of . . .
'.' Stephen COnncil , .
laCroSse followed, With the. visitors' at •
The Counci o , e o
1 f th • Township' f
the end of the allotecl time in the lead the Town -- Hall -
,., , . ,. , - .
t two goats, line some eing .. The Stephen Convened at , own, '
• b • 4-2 •- T1
y , • , , Crediton Monchy May 27 at 10 11.11
game was compaia ive , ..
t• Isr ' freefrom • ' ` ' ' '- - ' ' • ' "
present The, Hee e repox.ted that. .r...
' '- . v
Slashing -anti both teams ' acquitted 'Reeve " f ' M G'Il• • • , had
th 1 '• ' • ' he ,and the .0 , c 1 ivrayE'INKBErNni./.-At
einse ves well.
,let contracts. by tender ota S.B. and
HORSE RA.CES. , settled up the ,business for the year 'near
, - ' . 1000 showing that McGillivray owed
Shortly after one o'clock 'the , crowd ' ' 1 ' - 'f•St h • t the id 1
the tOWDS .lip o Stephen a , e el . 0 ,ing
gatheredat the gricn
A " It 1 Gr' d '
lira toun_ s
Bruce -field :where they took the tratin
.fpr Sarnia% Port Huron and otlaet
points:, 'The .presents to the 'bride
were,. rititnereus , and costly. After
their te.ttrrn they .will reside. on the
...room s -farm, on, ,the 2nd concession.
• . . ' ..
'Hullett:. On Fridiey forenoon,a man •tiny
M M•11 '.resides
entployed by - r. i 1 s, who
'Ilitrloelc, had an expei.ience .he
will not seen forget. He had been us- •
' . ' land r'oller and drove it into the
a, , ,
Leod. Word has been received within
the last, month of the death in Grertn-
, . „
• '
i .
of Mrs. McLeod s sister.
Zurich, on the •21s1
'I'W •
Bonheur," Ont., May 22. -Mrs. :Dew
who. was reported lost in tliewoods in
inst., Louisa Klager, wife of Rev. C
S. Finkbeiner, at the age .of 34: years
7 months and 26 days.
the ' ' 't f S 13'11 Lake,was
e vein]. y o . Saw i
found by Provincial Constable Guer-
arcl yesterchey afternoon. The woman
, . , , .
was in a pitable condition, havang
wandered through the bush for two
weeks without 'any food. Her cloth-
'lig was almost entirely worn er torn
away by'conling in contact With dence
' b 1 d live two
underline . Rota she co 11„
without food 10 incomprehen-
sible. , Her mind was in ft, wandering
condition when she was found, but
after some light food had been given
hera she told her resatter her eXper-
' . ' - ' •,She left
ienee in a ra.tional
• and la ' down for rest' tlie
the road .. . y . .
'-' ' ',when' ' e
night of 8th inst., and she wok
she feund she was unable 'to retrace
her steps. After trying in all diteca
' - - ' d the toad she reco nized
tions to fin . .„ ,. g • •
the'awful fact that she was lost. She
, , .
she looked atound for t e road
says . . . , h d
VI 1 t d 1
day and night liD 1 ex ,laiis e , and
she would sit against a tree and falle
asleer. But for water she wottild have
• ' -.
. ‘. b
'ea .4. s sI was, she was Una le
tri 'atand lin when folincl.
, .
,, ,,/
t .,....,
tli....,:e...: •
.., , •
'',.,,. ra---..- That
.. 4 of
:.<-1,,,, 1. Arapbrizer
a• .7'...- destructible
_..,,,...,,,,._. ,
. i.. '.`, „ pensive.
ing affeetions
economical midis
Our little picture
us • .
ed You • put
the VaportZer,
and then breathe
• -
healing vapor.
and croup it ,
Vapo-Cresolene is
A Vapo-Cresole he au
tatbp, which shetild
CraSolcoe, COM )!ota
n '2 . 5
.., ,,,,,,„i-,Ni•reenv.,110‘itlest
tura, vs clans as r
L t a
as s. ..
,. ifetime_ __ _______i
- '
is, just what they sa]
Vapo-Ct,etolene. Thi
is practically in
. ,
arid the Creso
is ce,rtainly• not ex.
This way f t t
, is way o rea ,
of the throat' is moSi
. ,
also most effective
' • •
illustrates how
.. ,
some Cresoiene it
. , ,
light lamp :beneath,
-in . the soothing
.• ' .•
For whooping -cough
, . . • '
a. perfect ••speelfic. s
. . ,
sold by areggists every,wbere
tfit, Incledblv, the Vaporizer arid
last, h Ilfp,t,Itand a bottle of
.l! , , . , ,
o extra sopplies of Gres°.
er.,5 ; , , , , .,
' I Illuttrateithoolcieteontatti,
„ , , . , ,
. ifopiey ..
Crops look Well in the section and
prospect for frtlit is favorable. --,--John
Sliertitt, M.P., is home from Ottawa
as the term Is over.--Mr.j.13.1-Iodgins,
Tr., Who has been visiting his parents
here for some time, returned to his du-
ties last week. It is throe years.. since
,fimulle. Was hone before. -,Mrs, •Robt.
Elsie and Miss . Bertha , Forrest, of
Varna, visited friends here the, latter
'part Of last week. -Miss Edna Sherritt
went to, London on the 24th • to spend
the day with:her sister, Rebecca, who
is attending ,College ilk. St. l'hoinas,itnd
who cattle there to, meet her. -Mrs. II,
Love and her daughter; Miss Bella, is
' ' • . • •
p.etidIng a week 3vith friends at Hills-
lars' wagons
4teen.-Plenty of.fish 'lipoid <agreeableweather.,,
pass through 'pity burgh. -Mr. P.Baker
16 011 the mi.:lc:list. •
witness the principal 'feature of .'the
day's events. ' The gloom of the heavy
' . ..
overhanging, cloudS had none ' the less
,subsided, and. 'while being quite ' murky
arid warm during . the forenoon, the
atmosphere toola. it sudden,' change
about two o'clock, turning quite cold
h.na lileaky,' and. continued se tbrough-
out the day, followed toWards evening,
by: a, inoSt disagreeable rain, ' The
races, however, were pulled off in due
course and the three, event s proved
very interesting. - The thin: made Wa,S
not fast, neithei. was tbetrack, lint it
i.8 safe 'to say that threeharder fought
epntests have milieu been. witnessed in.
this or any other town. The running
race did not take place, a ntimIder Of
• • • •
the hprsemen not eqtrimg owing to
the diFollowin g
i0.15 Summary of the eVents, viz:
2:30 Cmis$-ruSsn $175.
, -. .
2'. in
the year $49.85.
lug Tiouis. Walper,
- ' ' cl d
was ittninen e a
place George Webb
solved that Anderson
amine Ford's bridge
prepared,and ask, for
construction' thereof
McKeever.' let the
Creek bridge on Cons.
day be Yield in the
hen on Friday June
following be it'cOtninittee,
atrangenients, vii:
Heaver Geo. Holtzman
' • ' • ' •
S. Webb, 5 Sweitzer,
Jas. mcKee`v61,,. -The
were granted:-Gliinville
• •
Doyle; fence viewersjees
' Philip
50; Beaver,
10., $1..50; Jos. Haist
ing, 535,75;' do. do.,
The' by-law
t i
in his
. and
a manicipal
• tile.
appoint- 'barn.
Pound -keeper,
,so as o
t ' t
place,. Re-
Wilerth ex,
have plans
for. the
that Jonas
for Mud
and '11. An- .horses
holi- ,fortned
of Step- .broke,
and that the
to Make full ,their
- •
G, Young;. 0,
W. A.nderson
. - h '
Wnert and
Helt and
• ' . ' ' • " '
re Schroeder;
' road,con.
others, grad-
R, Hand-,
then h't 1 1 the horses
Fie un 1 c le( . e ...
fi•orn it and Ity hand turned it around
• dshoved it, b.tek into a mow along-
an. , . .
Side the barn floor. Unfortunately he
had not removed the lines from the
roller seat, and they got fast to the -1.111-
plement in some Way, and as it' was
downgrade the roller ran back' draw-
ink the horses with it. As soon as the
got on the thin boards which .weeks
the floor of 'the mew; they
through and got stuck there
with their hind quarters 'below and
heads above the floor. In this
' • ' • . remain.
perilous position they had to
until asSittance was procured f rom the
. . , „
• h - .'d ' '
neig hors, an after a great deal of
ticklish work they were got through
the floor. and into the stable. below,
' ' ' ' ' a ' For- '
and were libel atecl in th. t way. .
. ,- , . w cratches the
tiamtely Itc, ond a few s a,
horses. were not injuted and started tO
feedas soon as they were liberated. •
- ' ' ,
.Por twenty-four years, Vapo•C`rosoleno hati
been.extensively Used for all forms of titroat and
bronchial troubles. All Druggistk,
Willis; Mr, Reid, Lorideii 0 1, I
Kid McCoy II,Ving 8hiplia,
weli.'imi ,T,i.,,k, Ail" 6,Nea, Lticat ' t ‘'
Iiiown Chief, .T. liorten., Aylmer a 4 4
, ' Tithe 251; 2:50; 2:50, ,
ford, culvert, 1..25; Patrick Rilgallen
' - ' h *I ' $3 "1111 0 ten 'd' it -1
' 2, • - n
ed to Meet again 013;101,3; , at 1 pa' , , ,
. 11-.11E11. , im ,
' : . • . •' • •
The stea b B•alt'rnote founder-
ed m Lake Huron, and .
' ' tint -teen of het 'pens
Pro..1,c C4 fiftopn WPT.C! 10.SL