HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1901-5-9, Page 4Chas. al, Sanders, Edator and Prop THURSDAY, MAY 9.1 1901 AtVDRG'TV C.-1I11NEGTE There has risen up in the wwlrld, of to-do y a large number of hOl1bieSts.. Perhaps the most prominent o1 these, on account of hi great w&alLh, is An- drew Carnegie, the American million- aire. His hobby seems to run in the line of donating too or establishing flee. libraries in the United States, Great Britain and Canada. Mr. William Robins, of \Valkerville, in a very able article gives some very pregnant, reit- sons egsons why British subjects should think well before accepting donations from this gentleman. There are car tail). things which we Canadians, ii common with all true,Britishers, hold very dear, and of which we feel w may be justly proud. They are otu country, the splendid Empire to which we belong, our forth of government, 't constitutional monarchy under `which we enjoy a freedom unsurpassed since the world, began; the navy and ,army, whose glorions achievements no words could over suite. Upon all these Mr. Carnegie bas set forth his viewes in print in no complimentary terms. Of the Royal' family he writes in his "Tri- umphant Democracy. These .royal people are only excrescences upon the State. The setters of . bad example and the very core round which the worst vices of English' life gather and fester. We will say right here that no bigger lie. was ever put ' in print. No purer court than that of late belov- ed Queen was ever known and univer- sally admitted. Of Canada he writes: Canada's hypocritical and ungrateful conduct merits and inspires only; con- tempt. In speaking of the King he re- marks that he who could so demean. 311ar1a., that himself as to kiss his hand would' have shown better taste to have knocked him clown. In referring to the Queen he writes' that the Royal mother of her people cannot be induced to sup port her own children during life,or to bury them, decently at death as long public can : be further bled. In a,sthe speaking of the land of his birth, Scot- land: The mall born abroad, like my- self, under such institutions insult him T comes insult G athis birth. Zheret belts in we are at a loss to know. Be con- trasts his native land "with his be- loved Republic under 'whose equal laws I am made the peer of any man, although denied political equality by my native land." Mr. Carnegieknows full well there is no goveri:ment.to-day in any country which is more demo- cratic in the true sense of the term than the British. A government by the people, not as in the States, select- ed by the President. Mr. Robins has, undoubtedly shown that- self-respect- ing British subjects should decline ac- eepting any of proffered thousands, e t NOTES AND C01IMEHTS Chickens that found their way to life from the darknessof an egg -shell, without the aid of hen or incubator is the unusual happening reported from Middlemiss. Hens were in the habit of laying about a : straw stack at Noah Annett's place, until the 'stack was, blown over by a violent wind storm. Monday Mr. Annettheard the peeying of chicks from beneath the straw, and removing it found;, two Black Minorca chicks, well-developed. The heat of the straw hatched the eggs, BEWARE OF SHARKS. Complaint is already coming from Buffalo that Canadian money is being refused except at a discount. At Buf- falo, as at Port Huron, Detroit, Nia- gara Falls, and ia-garaFalis,,and other frontier towns where the international traffic is con- stant, Canadian money has freely passed, as has American money at the corresponding points on the Canadian side. This Buffalo refusal is perhaps the work of Exposition "grafters" up to every dodge to make a few pennies ar the expense of the visitors. Cana- dians should' not allow themselves to be fleeced by such a - pretty trick. There are hundreds of places in Buf- falo where Canadian money will: be gladly welcomed' at par.—London Free Press. CANADA'S UNKNOWN WILDS. A Wathington despatch based upon a report made by Hon. A. G. Seyfert, 0.S. Consul at Stratford, touches in- terestingly on some points thus: The Director of the Geological Survey of Canada, in his last reports ' makes the amazing statement that practically nothing is known of one-third of the Dominion. So states United States Consul Seyfert at Stratford,in a'report to the State Department.` It is shown that more than a million and a quarter square miles of Canadian territory are yet unexplored. This includes the in- hospitable:detached arctic portions,. but aside from them fully 9.54,000 square miles are, for all practical pur poses, entirely unknown. The easter ly area contains the greatest,extent of g unexplored lored territory. It comprises the entire interior of the Labra. • dor peninsula, or Northeast Territory in all 280,040 sgt1ahe Miles, or mors than twice the size' of Great Phdtalr and Ireland The indications ax•e,si,vs Consul Seyfert, that during: the next five years at least .5,000 mules of ma , 't � t rou } rn , is 'bc completed c.d h 1 .1 railroad will p g the Dominion, twist' of which will i'•nr throe _h the unexplored wilderness,a it is recognized thatraiiroeds are pri warily essential to the opening' tip o this vast territory. The mineral tvealti. of this region. is seiil: to be tiridotibte'tilt" lnime0Tse, while the; dense '.forests'.` re lia•rdzgaod.; when broil ht to alae, nem � b � d • r^ expected T . �., l ,. w ct of the . r 1( a t ct�.c .r be f t r r0nle,a source of large pi °fit, Don't tun dowp your town. if YOU B TTI .0 I T (10„,t.like Cho lot <ttionmove. ove. Y Olt j� 0 cont Ol won't be missed. If you can't say some - t, aaaa aaoiit your town keep your n).aut1l shut;. YOU uot'ouly incur the il'1 N ill of enterprising men. but displ•hy'ig- norance. 1t is easy tospeak well of your town. Don't send out of town for your job printing, You would not like it if the editorventvent out of town for his stufl•. Assist your paper all you can. There is just as much reason in sitting ou the roadside and waiting for the cow tobaek up to 1)e milked in trying to do business and expect a good trade without making arh effort to get it, 11 yon have a bargain tell the people aboutit. •Advei'tisenhentsbringgoodre- sults. When you see a merchant who says thele is nothing in advertising there is something wrong; he is either too stingy, to spend a dollar or there is something wrong in his head. In this enlightened day people go where they can get the best bargains. :t Qelarey Concentrated His Forces Around Hartbeestefontein, KITCHENER REPORTS :A VICTORY A Loss Rumored—Col. Denison and Patrol of Scouts Said to Have Been Captured • —President McKinley Will Not Re- ceive Mr. Kruger -Has Declined to Meet Him in Any Wtiy, • Johannesburg•, May 3. -Gen. De larey, the Boer commander, has four or five thousand linen in the hills around trartbeestefontein, Gen. Bab ngton, in command of the British tl_ •forces in the district, is Without a • sufficient force to attack and is - eb k serving the Boers, while Gene ,'I11etlh- 1; uen and Iawlinson are converging 11 hither, A battle appears imminent. Parents will be interested in an e uc;htional exPeriment in San Erancisc where children who had home wor and children who had none were con pared at the end of the given time.'I each case their standing was quite as good, and in one class the deportment was admitted to be better. The many lessons which'' little children weauil con over when they should be in he are a sore trial toamany a mother wh realizes that the education of th schools is not the whole of educatio and who wonders when and where the tired out little ones ilr•e to get rest. They must,.if they are to grow into strong men and women, physically, have a good deal of outdoor exercise. The child who is in school until o'clock and who has many home lessons gets very little change for home life. A certain amount of home walla is, no doubt, of great benefit, but something should he done to stop this cramming of children's beads which will result in the break down of their bodies. Another British 'Victory. London, May 6.—The War'Office has received' the following report afrom Lord Kitchener, under- date of o Pretoria, May 3: '`Ten Boers have e been killed, three wounded, 13 have ,i surrendered, and 280,000 rounds of small ° arm ammunition, 100 wagons and 2,070 horses have been captured since last report/' Denison's Scouts Captured. London, May 6. --"News 'has arriv- ed here;" says the Cape Town 'corre- spondent of The Daily Express, "that Col. ,Denison, with a patrol of scouts, has been captured, The loca- tion of the mishap' is not known in Cape Town." Refugees Return to Johannesbur A New York roan wants to raffle himself off nl ttr•ilnonially at $5.00 ; chance to as many young women as will buy tickets.` He wants to: matey and at, the same time get enough money to start the:, practice of medi- cine. The young man is not ready:, to liave his name or address published, as he does not want anything to- :happen that might interfere with the success of his plan. Report quotes hire as saying:--" I have been ten years in the country. I am 28 years old. I worked hard, passed the regeirts' exa- mination, and entered Cornell. Medi- cal School. By working during voca- tions, doing tutoring and other task's. 1 managed to support myself until I got my 'doctor's diploma. Now I want to marry, "settle, down, and be- gin practicing in a proper manner. 1 have not the necessary moue so I y, o- their ha thought out the marrying plain by raffle. My idea is to have the contest open for a certain set period, say three months. The tic). ets to be num- bered and to cost $5 each. I want to get some responsible person to 'whom,. the public has confidence to take charge of the matter. I think 2,000 or 3,000 tickets will be sold. That would be $10,000 or $15,000—a pretty stiff price for - a husband. • But the young woman will share the little for- tune with rne for the investment of $5.,, BINDER TWINE MUST BE STAMPED. Twine dealers should make a mental note of the fact that all binder twine, sold in Canada most now be stamped to show the number nlir ei of feet of twine per pound in the ball Owing to the :,itrong agitation in favor of legislation to this end, the following Act was pass- ed at the 1900 session of the Federal Parliament: 1. -Upon, or attached to, every ball of binder twine offered for sale there shall be a stamp with the name of the manufacturer or importer stating the nurnber of feet per .pound n such ball. 2. -:Every` manufacturer or importer, wbo neglects to comply with the provisions of this isection` shall upon summary conviction, be liable to.a penalty of 25 cents per ball, but no deficiency in the number of feet contained in any ball shall be deemed a contravention of this sec- tion unless such deficiency exceeds five per cent, of the length stated upon such stamp. The cause of the ;agita- tion which led the Government to enact the above : was the practice of some manufacturers of selling 550 or 600 feet twine balls, which did not average more than 475 or 500 feet to the pound. This practice became so pronounced in some sections that the consumers and the trade generally were sufficiently aroused to press the government to take action, SUICIDE OF A FARMER. Piston, May 8.—Wm.11enry Pierson •t highly respectable farrjier, of •shout 45 years of are €, , residing ab South Bay, committed suicide by shooting himself with a shot gun. He was foundin the woods some distance from his home. It is thought he committed the rash act while in a temporary fit of insanity. Three new cases of smallpox have developed in Carden Township. John Calder & Co., clothingmanu- facturers, of Hamilton, have sgined. Airs. ()has. White, of Brantford, is tinder arrest on the charge of poison- ing her husband. Shantz '& Son's foundry at Berlin, Ont., was damaged to the extent of 44,000 by; fire Friday night. George oige Turner Jefferson Blair ' , sOn and ,vi<irtm MCFadyan, three ,oun=men rf Sprucedale Mslldka, u y d ;were drown d in Doe Lake by an accident to their )oat, Thursday night. The Coroner's jury investigating the ,iurder of A. Redke German, , at ' man, at r ).ten Teti• th, Man., on Saturday, re- Irned a verdict ofmatnslau hter iinst F: W..B1enk. g, seven persons were burned to death tenement house atSooth Chicago. _ freight train standing ` in front. of le bnildinna , and which it is elahned crew refused to move,blocked the omen, who were unable to get near 1)11a . t r nro� building until it was too Oilildren Cry tor R/ Cape Town, May '5.—About 1,500 uitlanders have returned to Jo- hannesburg hannesburg from Natal since the be- ginning of the •year. The number will. probably be considerably -aug- mented during the next few months, McKinley Won't See Kruger. London, May 6. --The Geneva Geneva corre spondent of The Daily Mail asserts" that President McKinley has inform- ed Mr. Kruger that he can not receive him either officially or unof- ficially. THE MANCHURIAN FIGHTING. Russians Say Two Banda of Chinese Rob- bers Have Been Annihilated. St, Petersburg, May 6.—The Rus- sky Invalid publishes details of the recent operations p s m'Ilianclhuria. It appears that the North Manchurian division, under Gen Zerpitski, fought over 20 engagements, losing alto- gether 24 men killed and 7 officers and1 6. men wounded (two officers having died of their wounds). A quantity of guns and :rifles were cap- tured. The: total results of the operations ish t at of three bands; which at ' the beginning of the year were menacing the peace of Manchuria, two have been annihilated_, ani '1 ' n Itr ed according to • The Russky Invalid', and the third, after sustaining a number of defeats, is now being pursued by the Russian division. Fired on British Tug. Ti Tsin, n May 4:--S m o e Y German n soldiers w ho ' were guarding •u r ' t; g a Ger- man bridge across the Pel Ito River, at the south end of the British con- cession here, fired on a British tug, the Ego, this , morning, 'wounding two of the crew, :. The bridge im- pedes river traffic, and the tug touch- ed it. CAPT. BEIINIEJI'S FUND. Subscriptions Already Received by Cana dg's North 'rola Hunter, Ottawa, May 6•—Reports from ail quarters indicate a 'growing ).interest in the Canadian North Pole expedi- tion. Among those who have sub- scribed to the national fund are: Itis Excellency the Earl of Minto, $500; the Hon. R. R.,:Dobell, M.P., $1,-, 000, and Mr. W. C. Edwards, M.P. $500, As the expedition, is purely a Canadian undertaking, to be cora- mended ommended by a Canadian, it is hoped ail Canadians will contribute to the fund, • The gallant captain sayshe has now $10,000 promised. It depends upon the manner in which the public support him by subscriptions whether' the Government will give him finan- cial aid or not. • HAD MULLAH ON THE )IAECH. Disturber Said to' Have a Considerable Force Moving North. Aden; May 6. — Spies who have coins in report the mad Mullah is marching with a considerable force from Lassi.dar, four days' march down the '1ugdehr River, northward, with the object of raiding Berbera as soon a.9 the British` force leaves Burao_ A general 'British advance' was expected May 1, but theMullah's rapidmarches caused a constant change of plans. Drowned While Deserting. Watertown, N. Y. ' May6.—Ser' gt;. 1 rank Kelly and Gunners Campbell and Dolan of '`.A" Field Battery of Kingston, Ont, who with 1,orrrbadier McNally was reported drowned in the St. Lawrence liver in a despatch from .Kingston. Saturday afternoon, were located here the Sarin.. night, 'Dolan said.tha,w,t1 Jame^ McNal- ly, they left, Cin tdn, intending to desert. When Garden Iriland, 1f Nally repented, and said he was go- ing back Lo Kingston to give himself' up. In trying - to turn the boat Mc. - Nally capsized it and was '0owned. 1hc other ne n escaped by N vr rnrninK) and succeeded in rviac,hing it is coin - try. They say they ,will )0 ever' return to Canada., i':ii•Bee Phliar,tlirotrist Tread, Bc,iil:a'v,, May :.moi..- ---,Sir Dinl h; M J r aw - a norlon.e. Petit, 110 SV» ]l: »)';j inolliori: Aire n,nd I'arseo philanthropist. , 1; 0 +l' w.Jn/ +A.. Any of the children ever have it ? Then you will never forget it, will you ? Don't let it go until midnight again, but begin treatment during the evening, when that dry, hollow, barkingcough first begins. Get out your Vapo-Cresolene (for you surely keep ' this in the house), put some Eresolene in the vaporizer, light the lamp,, be. neath, and let the child breathe -in the quieting, soothing, healing vapor. There will be no croup that night. If it's midnight, , and the croup is on, inhaling the vapor will break the.. spasm and bring prompt relief. For asthma, bronchitis, sore throat, coughs and colds, it is a prompt and pleasant cure, while for whooping -cough it is a perfect'' specific. Your doctor knows, ask him about it. CURES WM E you SLEEP The apparatus: is simple; inexpensive, and I believe• unequalled in the treatment of cvhoopine-cough. The vapor is not injurious, to healthy persons, It has a beneficial ca1t in allaying the irritation and the desire to cough in bronchitis, '. 1 earnestlyrecommend t JOHN :MERRITT, -� Brooklyn, :in )he N. Y. Medical. Tugs rtcami Vapo-Cresoleneis sold by druggists everywhere: The Vaporizer and Lamp, which should last a life -tine, and a bottle: of Cresolene complete, $1.,.5o; extra supplies of Vauo-Cresole a 25 cents and 50 cents, Illustrated booklet containing physicians' testimonials free upon request. V,u'o-Cresoc,uca Co., iBo Fulton St., New York, •Li 2.".- { h tf - :141:.::F.'`F. , '°T.: ' ar: ,:'^,1 i3O,ca L Fw ...110 tS `i: BINDEBTTWINE l ariller's Q-Oper1!ve C011ljallij, Limited BRANTFOR D Prices for the Season' of 1901 Red Star GOO ft .1 .c. 0 Redtar S 550 ft . :10'c. Special Manilla, 500 ft. 9c. Sisal, old.... 8 c. Sisal Standard.; 7 ` c. (These latter two not our own make.) CANADIAN FARMERS We have just a wordto say to you. This the first and only truly co-opera- tive company in America, is offering you to -day its stock in small holdings, one and two shares at par. It la also placing its splendid twines with you for the coming Harvest, at prices raw ma- terial cannot now be bought for. Your loyalty and intelligence will hold us 111 existance; your scepticism and -indif- ference will drive us from existence, which means a deathblow to all future co-operation of farmers and will surely bring one result,a gigantic Twine com- bine, from the influences of which you will be absolutely helpless to hold your- selves: You have your option=pay ' your money and take your choice. r Stand by this greatest and most perfect co- operative niovement in the world and so bring a continuation of relief through its unquestionable influence as a twine' price regulator. Desert us or treat our agents with indiffence and: you have only to wait for results. No better twine was ever made on. earth or furnished to the Canadian Farmer than has been supplied you by this your own Company. If we were not' an intense element of protection to farmers ' there would be no opposi- tion whatever pitted against us. Re- member the Salt Deal. Don't waste time wrestling with the questionany longer. Look it straight in the face and identify yourselves with us as shareholders. Buy your twine from this Mother Company with its splendid past record of years and you will have oceesion to be proud of your action and loyalty later on. If you use but /particle of judgment o Will ,� at 1• n you vt11 st g a c,e that other. Companies going into existence are simply trading on our grand reputation and that in ninny of these cases you willbe exceedingly disappointed,e have pleaded for, eight years for. you. to come in on the, round floors t0id 'oin. hands with this�old et.,tablished Twine organization. Buy out Red Star 7.(i Wilt Twine. and yeti Will, Make no mis. take, Joseph Stratfor d it cieltereu Manager, Tl(outbreak of the >lagu, at Cape 't''uwri may Ci1tUHe r), {alar). earl the 11 1:». 's 3 e 1 l%o from t,;'.. Park; is )'il.hnra,; If � rnf:+,y „ 1 1 /s 5 lraliii to (n'Ig Taong tnderwa 11.. 1't),- ciflc to 1''0 d; . Tichtray, 1101 Boer (atm rate taloa, r:5 1» } pot1A, in the iit11.; n<to-r11ar•teliePtiVon - tein r.110 4,000 r)er,' firrtir>h for<;es tiarea(lvrtncin g on, Iris los r itir,ii and, a1-, battle is looked for xrxrtr. �r��llr���.•o•�vr�em.�� a �.•o�o.s $200 CASH, ��rr �R�G We a ill give the above reward g v ew d to any person who will correctly arrange the above letters to spell the names of three Canadian cities. Use each letter but once. Try it. We willpositivelygive the money away, and you may the fortunateperson. Should there be more than 1 set of correct an • swiera, the money will be divided equally. For` instance should 5 persons send in correct answers, each will receive $40 ; should 10 persons_ send in correct' answers, each will receive $20 • twenty wet persons, $10 each. We do this to intro , y P ,duce our firm and goods we handle as quickly as possible.. SEND NO MONEY WITH YOUR ANSWER. This_is a FREE contest. A post card will do. 7 Those who have not received anything tram other contests, try this one. ° • '%-%EMPIRE SUPPLY SU CO. RI A O LLI A C NADA ^sw O O O T: T RN E EQC BU STNOSHJ 0 WEAK 00 MEN C STARTLING FACTS FOR DISEASED VICTIMS. CURES ;GUARANTEED OR NO PAY 5' Nervous and despondent; weak or debilitated; tired mornings; no am. YOU s bition-lifeless; memo opr; eaelly fatigiled; excitable and it ry p rtablg eyes eanken,'sed and plumed; pingplee ??1j(44:;; n f¢ e; drenme Olt iii "tosses; restless; haggard looking; weak back; bone painsi hair 10050; ulcers• sore t tt x,1 varicocele• deposit in urine and drains at stool; di h struetfal want o! oonCd • fl t confidence; lack �; tBnar�y surf strength — WE CAN OURS YOU / ' RESTORED TO MANHOOD BY DRS, K, & K. a JOHN A. MANIJN. JOHN A. MANLIN. CHAS. POWERS. CHAS. POWEII$. rzroart ssEATMEIQT. AFTER TREATMENT., BEE•oP.E TREATMENT. AFTEn TREATMENT. NO NAMES OR TESTIMONIALS USED WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT. :F RICO - VA . . CELE ��+. ISSIONS AIN IMPOTENCY CURED, am married and happy. recommend these reliable f- specialists to ail my afflicted fellowmen." CURES' GUARANTEED OR NO PAY.-CONFIDENTAL. "novices of early boyhood laid the foundation of my rain. Later on :a "gay life" and exposure to blood di- seases completed the wreck. I had all the eymptoths of Nervous Dehility—sunken eyes, emissions, drain: in urine, u ervouenees, weak back, etc. Syphilis caused my hair nt, '.:fall ant; bond pains, ulcers in mouth and on tongue, blotches on body, etc. I thank pod I tried Drs. Kennedy 5t & Horgan. They restored me to health, vigor and happiness," CHAS. POWERS. - e r We treat and cure Varicocele Emissions, Nervous Debility, Semina! . Weakness, Gleet, Stricture, Syphilis, Unnatural Discharges, Self Abuse '• Kidney and Bladder Diseases.: ' 17 YEARS IN DETROIT, 200,000, CURED. NO RiSK. R Are yon a viCtim7 Have you lost hope? Are READER R j o yon any weakness? mar. nage? nuts your Ricer). been diseased? Have you any weakness? Our. • New Method Treatment will cure you. What it has done for • CONSULTATION FREE, No matter who` has treated others it will opinion do for you, of Charges Char es reaa n —c" von, canto for alto " (i sateFreo „ Diseases 6; e able. , 2 ROOKS . Seal The Golden Monitor'' (illustrated), se .e of. Mon. Inclose postage, 2 conte. Sealed. ( ated), on t3i)'NO NAmes USEb WITHOUT PRI- VATE,No D. namWRITTEN CONSENT. P .. medicine ernt C.:O. D• IVa varies on bf31 ones. 'Everything confidential. Question oxos orf meet anent, FEEL. n Ifst and cost of Treat No. 148 9 A� EL B(� DRS KENNEDY A y�1 e &K -R. CAN � DETROIT MICI°1 John A. Manlin says: -"I was one of the countless vie. ' time of early ignorance commenced at 15 years of age..I tried seven medical firme and spent $000 without avail.: • I gave up in despair. The drains on my system were ", weakening my intellect as well as my sexual and physical": life. Illy brother advised me as a last resort to consult Drs. Kennedy do Korgan.' I commenced their New Method Treatment and in a few weeks was a new man, with Re ' - life and ambition. This was four years ago and now Syphilis, Emissions Varicnee c oI Cured. Ti res eople Kern 0)111,1 1 to de:;ri;b 10 :a, fire Tai a little hotel. iso st b T-' e .; , Blaine) In 147:a.isonneiive; Q40., ytind.t rYiorni)1'', Y hiv<, inr,><>»s ran. r ho;�� 04` t'} . i .�., 1 r n 1 ,, 1Tr11y v osepll Parted, yq.eh r.1)10lieri t,tr t1t,: t;l4 ;t 1 11 t)1 rl Ville> bony ql<l,a..rnc)i'Cli,irle:s:F3itrtr bt r"' !). thi�.'1 £11)1 : , i Y . f Township tip of l)r.,rchiirn::Cati1 ,. i f' rr ,t7.i a r'. ill -•'i r r tank of v,� , a. And c✓;1;;, r,rolvrrc t.1 o11 I'll urssciay, E ifi,ET� PIWfelgcar,lainsaar tr•ra. 'r 1i 1ctr(w. uth' 01.tototttooit80e1 1 73 ftToy............ 77.attoB321 •GOtI1tG 1rai tEL .iaittnr Dried tpplaspe4JhI4 o10i f?;