HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1901-5-9, Page 1f
YEAR. -670
6 6 6 CARbEllii SYRINGES
We have unlimited private funds for in-
vestment upon farm or village property, at
west rates of interest.
Barristers, ete., Exeter.
I have a large amount of private fundsto
loan on farm and. village properties at low
rates ofinterest.
r w G -L ADMAN.
Barrister, Main Street Exeter.
Take Notice that I have applied td 'the License
Commissioner for ,South Minn for permission to
transfer my license to George Muller, of Blake, Ont.
Any objections to transfer must be lodged with the
Inspector not later than the 7th day of May.
Exeter, April 23, 1001.
Sale Register.
MONDAY, MAY 0.—Brick dwelling on Andrew
street, also 34 acres of land and household furniture,
the property: of Mrs. H. Samwell, being, lot 105.
Sale on premises at 2 o'clock, real esGate to be sold
at 3.30. H. Brown, Auctioneer.
Noticeishereby given that the report which has
been in eirculationto the effect that Samuel Gratton
was arrested by me for stealing grain is false and en-
tirely 'Without foundation and that I know nothing
wrong against thesaid Samuel, Grafton.
, • Wm. HOLT.
Notfce is hereby g,iven the.0 the Court of Re-
hdolsdetss,nifTis?tis, n Poll o f, ,ther iTownship of
ye'll)r ' ' the Town Orediton, on Monday,May
27t,Int the hour of Ten O'Cloclt
Crediton, May 7th; 1001. krz;,:ntv EILBEn, Clerk.
, SEALED TENDERS, addressed to the Post-,
Master General, will he received at Ottawa: until
Noon; on Friday, the, 7th of June, 1001, for the con-
veyance of His Majesty's Malls, on a proposed: Con-
tract for four years, six times per week each NV ay,
between Exeter. and St: Marys from the 1st. July
next. .
Printed notices containing further information
, as to fmnditions of proposed Contract May be Seen
and blank forms of Tonder maY be obtained at the
Post:Offices, on the Route, and at this office: Tenders
are ars° asked for this 'service with either : Thames
,Road, Elimville, or Winchelsea as the starting point.
London,, 20th 'April, 1001.
. re4 Office Inspector..
To the value of English Stock Food
manufactured by C. Lutz, Exeter.
This is to certify that I htive used
English Stock Food, for calves, milch
cows and young pigs; and in all cases
have found it most satisfactory. The
calves have grown faster and done
better than ever before. The /ankh
cows have improved in condition. The
flow of milk htts increased 20 per cent.
,and is of greater richness, The young
'se:pigs have done better 011 EIlgliS11 Stock
'Food, than I ever knew them to do be-
,l'ore. English Stock Food is a most
excellent and valuable article aed
should be used by all stock letisers. It
is cheap as compttred with other foods.
Price 14 -pounds for $1.
Airs, C. Allen, who was here atternl-
ing the funeral of the late Mrs. George
ilawkins, returned to her home in
Elora yesterday, (Wednesday). -Mrs.
George Case continnes very low. -Mr.
Peter McTaggart has thebrickwork
tinder his ba,rn nearly completed. -Mr.
Henry Dougal this week moved his
barn from the old bearings and intends
putting a banlr under it.
Crops are looking well after the re-
cent rams. -Jake Geizer is improving
his honse by adding a fine kitchen
thereto. We are sorry to state again
this week that Mrs. Gore is again on
the sick list. We hope to soon hear
of her recovery. --Samuel Sweitzer has
now started up his Saw mill and in-
tends sawing his large stock of logs.--
Shipka boys have purchased a new
foot ball and are now excercising them-
selves each evening with it. -Mr. Bo-
land, of Ailsa Cvaig, paid onr town a
flying visit on Sunday last. -Mr. Bert
Holt, Hannon's popular egg man, has
left our town. Bert says the eggs
count faster than the money. -Christ.
Pinkbeiner had the misfortnne this
Week to lose a valuable eOlt.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Davis, of Hamil-
ton :bre visiting friends tricl relatives
here a t 'Present.
Miss Amy Johns left Friday for
London where she will continue her
studies in music.
Mrs. (Dr.) McDowell, of Listowel, is
visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Wm. Welsh, here.
Dr. L. L. Follick and brother E. R.
of St. Marys, spent Sunday under th
parental roof here.
Miss Eliza Oke, who has been con
fined to her home through illness, is
able to be around again.
Mrs. R. Paterson, Jr., Hensall, visit-
ed her sisters, Mrs. J. Reynolds and
Miss Miller, here last week.
Mrs. (Dr.) Proudfoot who was visit-
ing Mrs. (Rev.) BPOWII, has returned
to her hoine in Fullarton.
Aliso M MeKe42nV, milliner, and 31r.
Wm. Laidlaw, of St. "iviar-syg,"-spsr.1..:
Sunday with friends in town. i
1VIrs. Thos Snell left Monday for
,Lancing, Mich., where she will join
her husband, who has been there for
some weeks. s
Coleman ".NL Moncur, who visited
his brother Will, in Guelph, returned
home Tue.sday.
Hadden who has been spend-
ing the winter !non ths her sister
in Exeter. has returned to her home:- c
Seaforth Expositor.
Miss Ethel Piper left on Monday for e,
St. Joseph
The small boy and the baswoOd
whistle have put in their annual ap-
pearance again, and everywhere their
sharp, shrill notes can be heard. -There
is likely to be some business changes
take place ehortly.-Messre, pineau
and. Durand have got one set of pond
net stakes driven and are going to put
the twine on them shortly. --Mr. R.
O'Brien, Jr., took a trip to Exeter
North on Sumlay to visit a very dear
friend. ---Workmen are now engaged
putting cement sil/s in front of the
large brick block and a large force of
carpenters will soon be employed to
conml_ete the building. --Mr. 1-1. Jacob°
ancl wife, of Hensall, visited the form-
er's mothei. and broth er on Sunday. -
One day last week as Mr. M. Leger and
N. M. Contine were on their way to
Seaforth they had the misfortune to
collide with another buggy and the re-
sult was an upset in the ditch but they
very luckily escaped unhurt. -.Mr. 0.
Campbell removed his stock of dry -
goods and millinery from here oneSat-
erday. We have not yet learnedlehore
Chris. intends locating his new sfore,
but wish hiudsucl:ess wherever it may
John Conset who is now seventy
years of age left Wednesday for York-
shire, England, to visit his sister af-
ter an absence of 52 years. His son,
Thomas, accompanies him to the old
la nd.-.A serious, and what ultimately
proved a fatal accident, hnppened in
in our village on Tuesday, when Mr.
A. Short, an employe° of Mr. William
Welsh, received such injnries as caus-
ed his death. II° was engaged at a
circular saw and while attempting to
remove a board he was ripping, it was
caught in some manner and thrown
, with great force, striking the unfor-
e tunatO man on the side, near the hip.
He was at once conveyed to his home
- and medical aid stunmoned, but all- to
no ayail as he passed away the follow-
ing day. The wife and relatives of the
deceased have the heartfelt sympathy
of the whole community. -As G. 0.
Petty was leading a cow on Monday
night the animal became unmanage-
able and pulled him to the ground.
His hand was hurt considerably and
one of his feet received such a twist
that he cannot put it to the ground
and is obliged to use a cane and crutch,
n getting- around.
Crediton .
J. G. STANBURY, B. A., (formerly Collins &
tanbury) Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, Conveyancer,
'Orley to Loan --=Exeter, Ont.
Miss Maud Wilson, of Goderich,
,isitecl her sister for a few days last
week. -bit. T. E. Tom,,P.S. Inspector,
f Goderich, inspected our school last
F5cdtv -The ID V. S015have ' earl y
ompleted the brick work of the Fir,e
Hall. --Our brick and tile yards have
ommenced their seasons s
umber of our young men have lei t
or Michigan where they will work
on the brick yards this stunmer.-Mr.
Fred Brown, of Olandeboye, was in
the village Saturday. -Mr. W. W.
Kerr has completed stock-tAtking and
is now ready to do business. -Mr. J.
G. Young has hitd his stitble moved
to the back of his lot. -Mr. Joseph
Brenner. of Grand Bend, was the guest
of Mr. Wm, Fritz, on Saturday.--
Mr. W. W. Buchanan, of Winnipeg,
Manitoba, gave a very interesting lec-
ture on Temperance in the Town: Hall
on Wednesday. -Mr. John Wind has
given his fence a coat of paint. -Mr.
and Mrs. Fred Geiser were the guests
of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Shink last Sun-
day. -We are pleased to see Chas.
Guenther, of Dashwood, in the village
on Monday. Charlie looks good after
having gone through his recent illness.
The leaves and blossoms are out. Sure-
ly jack -frost has left us for good. -The
Lord's supper was given in the Metho-
dist cbnrch on Sundity evening--
Council meeting was held in the Town
Hall last Monday.
Cleveland, Ohio, where she intends
making her future home with her sis-
ter, Mrs. McKinley.
Mr, A. Kemp, who was tatencling
the ttmeral of his father here, return-
ed to Owen Sound yesterday (Wednes-
day) to resume his position in the Mol
sons Bank.
Miss Roblyn, of London, who has
conducted a class in voice culture for
the past few months, has resigned in
favor of her pupil Mrs. MeTurk, who
will continue the worlr.
Mrs. T. W. El.awkshaw, and daugh-
ter Myrta, after a„ short visit with
friends here left on Friday for London.
Mr. and Mrs. Hawkshaw will take up
housekeeping in that city.
The mutiny friends of Mr. John Phi-
combe, of Usborne, will learn with re-
gret of his serious illness. It is not
expected he will recover, disease of
the kidneys being the cause of the
Hon. Thos. Greenway, returned to
town Tuesday and is engaged in pur-
chasing a carload of thoroughbred
cattle to ttke to Manitoba with hint.
He will also take back two shire stal-
lions pith him. „
Your correspondent was away from
home last week, hence no news. -Lea-
gue will meet as usual on Thursday
evening. Topic to be introduced by
Miss Retta Essery.-A number from
here attended the first barn raising of
the season at Mr. John Sleamon's near
last Saturday.-Messrs.Wal-
ker and Benoni Kerslake, of Farquhar,
visited friends here on Sunday. -The
trustees and teacher planted shade -
trees, around the school -yard on Arbor
Day, which will add much to the ap-
pearance of it. -Mr. George Rook has
bought the fifty acre farm of the late
Mr. Edward Stewart. --Mr. John North-
cott lost, it valuable horse one day last
week.--Farrners are all near through
seeding and are preparing the ground
for their root crop. '
SCHOOL REI'OR'I'.—The following is
a correct report of S.S. No. 5, for the
month of April. Report is based on
work and attendance of pupils. Names
are in order of merit. Sr. IV. -Cora
Short, Willie LedVis, Josephine Cough-
lin, May AleGrory, Edward Faultier,
Lily Lightfoot. Jr. TV. -Sam Scott,
Rosilla Lightfoot, Leo Cloughlin, Olive
Short. ITL. ---Pearl Short, Gladys Short
Jennet Maguire, Nelly Lewis, Arnold
Coughlin,Allie Wilson. SLIL-Mable
Lightfoot, Adrian Coughlin, Adeline
Hof -In -Ian, Raymond Coughlin.
Clara Lewis,Edward .fonee,Fred Lewis
Eliza Hodgins, Aron Scott, Chester
Morley. Pt. II. -Violet Short, May
Faulder, Willie Maguire, Christina
Hodgins. I. -Genevieve
Glavin, Lorne Shouldice, Philorneile
Coughlin, Allie Lightfoot, Alexander
Hodgins. Average attendance 32.
3. II-eztvEY LeetE, Teacher.
if it is asthma, bronchitis croup or any
Such trouble, use VapreCresolone. All Druggists,
Scnooe, REPORT. -The following is
a correct report of Union S.S. No. 18,
dur.ing the month of April. Names
are arranged in order of merit: -Sr.
IV.--Linny Prouty'I-Tilton Ford. Jr.
IV. -Evelyn Ching, Milton Plaff, Hazel
Prouty Harry Ford. Sr. IIL-Oharlie
Dunsford, Silas Ford, Willie Carrick,
Annie Stacey, (Melvin Dearing, Laura
Hooper equal.) Sr. II. -Barton Ford,
Jessie Green, .Tennie Penhale, Dolly
Alward. Jr. 11, -(Willie Ching, Clay-
ton Prouty, eqaal) Freddie Smith, Clif-
ton Prouty, Gordon Hooper, Sanford
Smith, Robert Alexander, Norman
McDonald, Eliza Smith Kenneth Ford.
Pt. IL -Nancy Smith, Nellie Stacey,
Sidney Smith, 'Willie Alexander. Pt.
1.-7La,wrence Alward, Nellie Green,
Norman Ford, Jessie Carrick.
C. .B. FERGUSON, Teacher.
SOrtoor, REPORT. --The following is
the correct report of the standing 91'
the pupils in the School No, 3, Step-
hen. Sr. IV.- Laura Jory, Chas. San-
ders, Herbie Ford, Asa Penhale, Stella
Penhale, Homer Bagshaw. Jr.' IV. -
Hattie Willis, Roy Parsons, Sadie
Willis, Clara Beaver. Sr. III. -Willie
Triebner, James Sanders, Minnie San-
ders. Int. III. --Eddie Willis, Mitchell
Ilerbie Beaver, Edith Parsons,
Lizzie Sanders. Sr. III. --Alfred Wuerth
Tommy Sanders, Sam Hicks, Violet
Woods, Earl Box. Sr. IL -Harry
'Friebner, Harry Parsons, Annie Hicks,
Ralph Willis. Jr. II. -Cecelia, Ford,
Fred. Beaver, Victor SsveeL LiIlie
Woods, Garnet Craig, Hilda Prescator,
Vinnie Cookson, May Sanders, Edith
Whittaker, Earl Parsons, Tommy ee
Penhale. No. on roll 54, ave. 48. a
T. B. Hoorepa, Teacher. n,
(Too late for In: week.)
The Lief.tvy rai ns of last week stopped
the farmers but it did not stop those
numerouls peets which tra.vel our roads
and salute the cooks with "Lady Wall t$
bey sonising to -day," -Miss Charlotte
Morley, of Exeter, spent Sunday here
with her parents. --Mr, and Mrs. Geo.
Parkerson, of the 10th, visited her
sister, Mrs George Millson, Sanday,--
Mr. and Mrs, Robert Trouthern, of
Centrelitl, C CO M ponied by their son
,John, of Stratford, were the guests of
Mr. Brsielr, of Feeewill.--A few loads
of fat liege were the delivered to Mr.
White of St. Marys for which an ex -
tea price 0:11GCOrge
Sun had. the peinful miSfortune of cut-
ting, a bad gesh Into his foot with an
axe. lest-weet- which will lay hint up
for a, few weeks. We hope he will soon
be out again.
Steplien Council
Tim CounciLof the Township of Step-
hen convened at the•ToUrn Hall; Cred-
iton, on Monday, May: fith;', at 1, p.nn
All present. 'Minutes of previous'ineete
iug reacThend apprOVed. Webb--1\lce.
le_eevere that the : Assessinerit Roll of
1901 as. delivered. to the 'clerk be ac-
cepted and that the Assessor be Paid his
saltiry.-Oorstied. Anderson- .-Wnertli
that hyd.i.sr No. 2 of 1901, authorizing
the Reeve and Ti. easurer: to..boriOw
money .00 meet, eurren t p en d ture, un-
til the taXes of .1901 are Colleeted., And
by-law No. 3, appointing 'pethinasters,
fence viewers and. notindkeepers; being
read the third time. be paSsed.e-C)
Wirerth-,Andersom. that a ':Ootirteof
Revision for the purpose : of cOnsider
ing :appeals agnst the Assessnieiat
.Roll he:held in the Town Hall, Credi-
ton, en, May 27th, at 10 o'clock
Carried. The following orders were.
granted d -Chester- Prouty, gratuity,
$25; Good .Roads Machine Co, edg,e'
and healing for grader; $12.45; 'Joseph
Guinan, salary as AssessOls $80; 'Mr.
Wild,tile; 52c.; Ed: Gill, Culvert, : $1.;
Rat: Adair, culvert and.inateriel, $2;
Geo. Finkheiner, repairing culvert,' $1;
James Fiarcl, repairing bridge; 51; Rd.
in box,$1.50; Byron Hicks:
repairing- culvert; etc., $3.50; J. G.
Wein,. repairing bridge, 51; Henry' Es-
sery,- .repairing bridge and ditch, 50;;
Fletcher Gower, hurying .sheep,
Council adjourned to. Meet again ,on
Monday, May 27th, at 10 a.m..
Eat,nset, Tp. Clerk.
Again -the small boy has donned na-
ture's shocs.-Harry .Tones has bought
a new Cresceitt wheel. -J. B. Darling
has it se_mr-re actack of the mumps. -
No, _trace; has been found of R. H.
Ellibt t's dsc a pe prek
'en ts a busy appearance these days. -
Hector Brethour is learning painting
with .Toseph Brooks. -Miss MiIlie Mc-
Kay of the 8013 con. is visiting at Mr.
and Mrs. O'Brien's this week. -Will -
lam Jameson is having a fine wire
fence put in front of his lot on Queen
St. -Mr. and Mrs. John Barlett of St.
Marys spent Sunday with Mr. and
Mrs. J. Taylor. --Not much news this
week. No news is said to be good
news, but newspapers seldom think so.
-Me. John Moore has sold his but-
cher shop to Messrs. Kirk Bros. and
intends going to Manitoba soon. -Mr.
David Milner, Salem, spent Sunday
with Roy Jameson, Kirkton.--Must
have a magnet Davey. -The Ander-
son teachers and officers of the Sab-
bath school decided to hold their anni-
versary on June 2. ---Mr. P.S.I.,
of Stratford, visited the school here
on Sunday OWfilg to sacrament in the
Thames Road church. -Rev. W. J.
Waddell will preach educational ser-
mons, Sunday, May 12,•at Kirkton at
10.30 ans., Salem; 2.30. Anderson 7. --
Mr. Arthur Smith, of Wellesley, who
visited the past week with Ira Mar-
shall, left on Saturday for his home. -
Quite a number from here attended
the quarterly meeting services at the
Methodist church at Anderson and
the Thames Road Presbyterian church.
-Rev. J. Ball will take Rev. J. W.
Waddell's work, taking up sacramen-
tel services at Zion, 10 a.m., Sunshine,
2.30, and Eliniville at 7 p.m. The lat-
ter will be an Epworth League orga-
nization. --What might have proved a
serious accident to Harry Jones on
Saturday evening as he was scorching
up Main street and, while in the act of
tinning up Paisley street his speed be-
ing too 'swift for the occasion he:paid
a fast visit into the fence, break-
ing his new wheel badly and
bruising hinaself up somewhat. -
The Women's Missionary :Society of
the Methodist church, Kirkton, met
in the church here on Wednesday.
There was a large nutnber present,
and it was ascertained that the Easter
thank-ofTering was about as follows;'
Kiekton; 512; Anderson, $10; Salem,
$6; total, 528; the largest offering in
the history of the society. ---There are
are still hopes of reorganizing a base-
ball -team and forming a league if con-
venieritewith Anderson. Salen, Science
Hill and any other neighboring teams
wishing to join to play a series of
matches M a league to be scheduled
by it conneittee from each team. 'We
would like to hear from the a,bove
mentioned places in regard to their
wishes of forming this league if setts -
factory. ---A letter was received from
Will Brown by Mr. and Mrs. Samuel
Brown as follows; Dear Father and
Mother -We are now nearing Cape
Verde, but have fourteen da3rs sailing
yet. So far I have stood the voyage well
have not as yet been sick, and do not
ant to be. Mpg to see land Once
gain as the ocean seems loneseme
nd dreary. Three of our boys have
read passed to the great beyond.
A Card.
We, the undersigned, ,,do here1)34
agree to refund the izioneY•on 'a 50e. '
bottle of Greene's Warranted ..Syrup
of Tar if it fails to cure year ere igh
or cold. We oleo gnarazitee a 25 -cc
bottle to provO satisfactory or moiler
refunded, C. Ltilsi
Ma signature is on every box of the genuine
Laxative Bromo.Qutinine Tablets
teloony that cares Ji cold ,10_,Olie Ot•I
Around About ETs
Woodhull: Mr. 'William Stewa
our village blacksmith, had the m
fortune to be struck with a piece
sharp steel -right below the eyeba
causing him to be laid up for a f
Mitchell: Mr. James Dougherty lu
disposed of his butcher knesiness to IV!
Wm. Saunders, who svorked for t
Whyte 0o. for many years, ti I) a
late has been in the employ of t
Ingersoll Pork Paeking Co.
et, Woodstock,IVIttyl.-Whilts the storm
is. *as raging last night a bolt of light rang struck the Imrn belmiging to Wm.
11 and Arehibald Weir', TOtla 'line of Eat
ew' Zorra and completely destroyed it, to-
getlaer with 20 head of cattle, a span of
horses And inanY- farm halPleme'its,
as Loss very heavY,but pretty well cover -
he St. Thomas, May 8. -Tho three-year-
old son of: Riche) d Molesky, barber; of
s- Fingal, formerly of tine city, accident-
Seaforth: An Old and reSpected. re
of ally met his death yesterday afternoiM,
ty His parents Nvere honsecleaning, and a!
h_ bottle of.carbolic acid, W. left :.(in 4
ident of this place, in the person
Alm David Sleethipassed tidray Frith.
'at the ade of '78 3rears.: She wit,s
er of Arr. Sleeth and Mrs.
Getteridge. Her ao•ed partner st
Valeta: On Friday evening las
the infant chilcl of 1V1r. Levi Makii
died after a short illness. The remail
Were inteiTed iti Bairdls cemetery o
pie window sill, TheditthSchap got hold.
ill of it tind drank pari of the contents:
As soon as the fact was known 4, 0.0C-
' tor was hueviedly c.tIled but to. no
ayttil. 'Ibe boy died about three hours
's after he took the 'acid.
Sunday. Much 'sympathy is fel .t for
bereaved parents in: their sad affh
.Seaferth: Allen McLean,
London Engin nd, 'eldest sop o t Mr. J1
Y. 310Le'an, of the Huron Exposit°
died there on April 23after a.. linge
ing. illness. A wife' and twosnia
children are left to Mourn. his los
Mnch syiemathY expressed for th
bereaved Ones. •
10 is With deep regie
we aenounee the death of 'Mx's. Chri
topher Cusick, who .passed peacefoll
away on 'ThursdtrY atter an illness o
nearly two years. She had ta,en are
ident of :the village for .the pest 2
,years. Deceased, leaves a husband, tw
sons and three danghters to inottrn th
loss of a: loving wife and kind and ,
fectionate mpthee. The remains wer
interreclin Borniela cenietery on Satan
day.. • '
McGilliVray: On the morning
April 28 an unoccupied farm . house. be
longing to Mr. Elijah Edwards, o
.Hensu,11,. and situated op Con 2, Of Mc
township, : near Ohindeboy
was burned. Another .vacant hous
closehY, owned by Mr: John:SimpSon
of Claradeboye, had several WinclOw
broken, The cause of the blae is un
known, but just about "that-. time
number of Men had driven along th
line Shouting and singing.
!le! Savoie,. Oat., -A/lily 3.--An'cilieW Mar-
tin, .the engineer of the ill-fated Grand.
Trunk, freig-bt tretin..thitt was thrown
Troin the tracks. at Parkhill recently
f. triad which zit the time resulted in the
Is de:ilia of fireman Grieves, died. at his
r- home on Confeclertttion street shortly
II after midnight last night. Deceased.
s. la:as been a great sufferer from the
e internal injuries he redelved in tire
recent accident, and which ultinatttely
o resulted in his death, as above stated.,
s..118 10 1', aged about forty years, ol11
leaves a wife :dad three children ta
f mourn his untimely death.
o Sault Ste. Marie, May 3. -Mabel, the
o 14-year-old daughter of Wm.Vaughan,
.i wealthy resident went to her room
O itE 11511(11 Oti Tuesday night, but since
that time she has not been seen. She.
is supposed to have been kidnapped.
Two men were arrested yesterday on
L suspicion. All the surrounding coma -
es try and towns on both sides of the riv-
er are being .searched for a clue to the
MiSSing girl.
Saul Vincent, of Montreal, the Inin-
e ber jack, who was shot On Tuesday last
night by Policeman Jerry Dacy, when
s attempting to make his escape after
: having beeu placed. under arrest, died
a night from the effect of his wounds.
O Vincent nearly gouged out the eyes of
Daey before getting away,and the offi-
cer fired at him and broughthina down.
f Dt1CV is under arrest on a charge of
manslaughter. Pnblic sentiment is on
the side of the -policeman.
Seaforth:- Sete -teddy morning
horse belonging to Mr: McKinley, o
TuCkersmith, was.left tied near Broad
foot & Box's funiture store. The Mai
111 si,w p.s ft.ightene :bythe sti eet ttet
i;"-teart::and: bolted,'leaving the buggy
Standing in the'middle.. daelle...op 10 id
just a feW feet.from where the animal
was tied.: Tho:only damage done was
Pi 1(11,10 Box's plate gittss
window was broken by a stone 'whieli
the horse in its fin:id, race threwfroth
the roa d.
.Fullarton to.: ,Another of . the 'pio-
neers of this County .has. been ealled
to his reword after .85 years of life,
Jasper Prinham; one of the first
settlers in this township; died on Fri. -
day last after a short illness. He' was
,honored 'member Of the Methodist
church and known by hundredsof
friends in the township. The funeral
on Senday to Bethel church cemetery
was very largely attended. He leaVes
his widow and Messrs. Wiiliam Prid-
ham, Thomas ;incl. John, and one
daughter,,MrS: Henry Heal.
Mitchell: The Board of Health had
to grapple this week with the meet
:filthy case that ever befOre.was Called
to their attention. In the West NVard
is an old woman who had lain for days
if not Weeks, in a rboin and bed which
were sickening to look at. .An aged
.brother offered 00 assist her, hut she
persistently refuse to accept the sligh
'est -help, and as a result the. Medical
Health Officer was -'called in and, un-
der his instructions, three women were,
engaged who went through a regular
house-cleaningperformance and des-
troyed almost everything - about the
place by 'fire: Bed, Mattress, pillows,'
etc., Were purchased at the expense ' of
the cOrporatioti,, and . kind neighbors
furnished sheets, bed -covering, night-
dresses, 'etc.' The house And the wo-
man's persOn,.are now in a more clean-
ly:'shape and'sOrne,Of the humane or-
ganizations' of the town should - see
that the .necessary , wants of .the
fortunate Creature are looked after,
and that she Will not be allowed to go
back to the 'filth in which she was
found a ago.few days ago.
, ,
-Mitchell: The clergy of the town
have come into collision with the town
authorities over the approaching horse
races. They are against gam bli g and
the selling of "pools," to which no one
can properly object, but they refuse to
rest their case here and made a demand
on the Mayor to see the deed of the
Keterson Park, where the horse races
are to be held, with a view, it is sup-
posed, to stop the races if possible. The
Mayor refused to acceed to their. re-
quest, telling them that they are not
property holders and have no right to
make such a demand,and that it would
be much better if they would quietly
attend to their own business. In the
stand he has taken, whether right or
wrong,he seems to have a large major-
ity of the ratepayers at his back, and
there is not a doubt bn t the excitement
worked up over the matter, if the
weather should be favorable, will result
in the meet being the most successful
ever held in Mitchell. A report of a
meeting of the trustees of the Metho-
dist, church, condemning the Mayor's
action and upholding the course of the
Ministerial Association, r111110r says,
will appear in this week's Recorder,
and the Turf Association hopes that
the rumor may turn out true, as even
the few it will reach will help towards
the saccess Of the meet on May 24th.
Large stock of Dumber -pine and hemlock
70,0ee feet of hemlock lumter for barris...:!ete.,
also shingles, lath and, cedar pcata. 1-14COS
reasonable. SAS. WrLDIS, Yard: East side
Main st.
Mrs. James Gardiner, of the fourth
COliCession of -rest Luther, about, five
miles from Arthur- village, died dt, her
home setcently, it; is elaimed by sheer
neglect, la) V111,1 (l) 111d1Jl11l tiall has
been expressed. Indeed, so much that
the facts have been placed_ in the hands
of County Crown Attolerey Peterson,
who ordered an invest,igation to be
made by High Constable Merewether.
An inquest Ives held but was adjourned
till Tuesday. The facts, tIccording to
the Gaelpla Mercury, appears to be as
follows: - About 12 clays before her
death Mrs. .James Gardiner, gave birth,
to n child, there being neither nurse
nor doctor present. The mother, as a
consequence, was not properly- attended
to, and she was quite ill, brit as the fam-
ily belonged to a sect, of some kind
which is averse to employing doctors,
110 medical man was sentefor, and the
mother died, of septic poisoning, leav-
ing a family of seven small children..
It is said that. she expeese,ed a desire to
have a doctor called in a few nights
before her death, and that her husband
promised to secure one next morning
if slae then insisted. Next morning
Wm. Gardiner, brother of the husband
ancl who was a sort of preacher among
the sect, called, ancl on being requested
agreed to get a doctor, but, it is alleged
made the stipulation that the horse
must take the right road through God's
direction. He started on the trip, but
the horse turned off the road into a
place he had been in the habit of going
to, and the doctor was not procured.
Subseeptently the poor woinan died ha
great agony.
That's precisely what
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Vapo-Cresolene is sold by druggists everywhere.
A Vapo-Cresolene outfit, including the Vaporizer and
Latnp, which should last a life-ilme, and a bottle of
Cresolene, coMpletc, 51.5o; extra supplies Creso-
lone 25 cents and 5o cents, Illustrated bookletcontain.,
ing physicians' testimonials 6 -coupon request, VAro-
CRESOLENn Co., rtio Fulton St., New York U.S.A.
DYEB.-in Exeter, on May 3, the wife
of D. Dyer, of a datighter.
EATON. ---In Exeter, on May 4, the wife
of W. E. Eaton, of a, S.
BEDFonD.-Ie Stephen, on May 6, the
wife of Geo. Bedford, of a, daughter.
MALLETT. --in Exeter, OD May 0, the
wife of John Mellott, Jae, of a son.
KEMP. -in Exeter, on May, 3, George
S. Kemp, aged. 03 years, 4 months.
CuSlotre-In Aliso Craig,on Thursday;
April 2501i, 1901, Mai garet Cusick,
beloved wife of Christopher Cusick,
aged 53 years, 6 months and 25 days.