HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1901-5-2, Page 8the
, • .
The letest inusieel seleet,ioi is are be
inn prepazed for the Band concert,
May 2.4th.
Ree. J. W. Ten Rya: ee.changed
puIpits with Rev. Sage, of Londoe, pn
Stanley last.
Use Native rferb Tea as a Tonic and.
/ Blood Purifier. Only 25c, a box at
Lutz's Ditig Store.
A penumbral eclipse of the moon
will take place May 3rd, but will be
invisible in Canada.
Mr. Jas. Russell has beatified his
blacksmith and carriege shops by an
attractive coat of paint
Mr. Same Craig of Guelph, repaired
the organ in the James Street Metho-
dist church this week.
Mies Cora Cann entertained a few
of her intimate friends on Thursday
evenine They all i-eport a pleaeane
4 t. time.
A eare treat is in store for those who
take in " Said Pasha " at the Opera
Rouse- to -night (Thnrsday.)
Mrs. Tohn Mallett, Ss., who it was
thought would have to be removed to
the asylum, is itaiproying therefoee
will not bare to be removeil.
• Qearterly seevices will be held in
• lames St. church next Si -today. The
offieed board will meet for traesaction
of business on Friday evening of next
week. •
The' London Conference of the
Methodist church -will be held this
year in St. Thonatis and opens on June
eth: Toronto conference begins on
jene .5th.
Take la "Said Pasha," at tee Opera
• Rouse, te-niehe (Thurseinv) teed en-
• joy a•treat. '
Mr. S. Borden, brakeman on the L.,.
R. & B. blanch of the 0. T. R., who
sustained painful injuries • in leeeelon
eeveral clays ago, is again on duty but
'leas not fully recovered.
2 and e yard wide linoleum extra
, value. Stewere's. .
Mr. D. Rozel has moved into Mr.
Gee. Davis' dwelling, on Cridley street,
while Me. Henry Gould has moved in-
to the dwelling vacated en,- Mr. Rozel
on William street. _
Mr. Wm. Ilawkshaw has had, awn-
ings placed to all the windows on the
, eouth side of the Commercial House,
Hine adding to the comfort of his
guests during the heated season. '
" Said Pashe" will be the at -erection
at the Opera House, to -night, (Thurs-
day.) You can't afford to MiSS it.
• The annual meetiug of the West
Huron Teaehers' Institute. will be held
in the public school here' on Wednes-
day and Thursday, May 22nd and 23ecl,
beginning each morning at 9.36 :am,
[i Yes, King quality boots end shoesl
are money winners. Stewart's.. ' •
While Mr. Thos. Elliott was work-
ing around one of Mr. Towl's horses
aleeesborne, on 'Wednesday morning,
one a the beasts gave him a severe
, _Rick in the leg, which will disable him
for a Hine.
The _MacDonald Quartette. assisted
by Eugene Lockhaet,Canada's Champ-
ion Boy Comedian, singer and dancer,
of London, will appear in Gidley's
Opera House, here, on May 14th, Tinder
the auspices of the Chosen Friends.
The coming event -grand concert
-ender auspices of Citizens' Band, May
Mrs. Wm. Martin, of Devon, suffer-
ed a slight stroke of paralysis on
• Thursday last, which rendered het
speechless, and it was feared at firs
that it might prove serious, but her
roomy friends will be pleased to learn
that she is new on a fair way to recov
Messrs. Bewden & MeDonell dispos-
• ed of "King Charming 4th," on Sat
urday last to Sohn Suggett, of Hills -
/eery, near Guelph. He is a beautiful
e• type of a horse, and weighs between
2,000 and 2100 pounds. The price receiv-
ed was $1800.
IWonderful' the quantity of carpets f
and wal/ paper being sold by etewait
this season. It hee,nese b,-th'd values
that make,theifeeeo.
,•7 Tii.' Grand Trunk Railway Company
will materially 'increase the speed of
freight trains, beginning 'May 1st. The
d'euble heading of trains will be abol-
ished. and short trains with one' loco-
motive only will be run instead. This
will Itdone to ecconnaocete'ee pas-
senger trains running to the Pan-
American Exposition.
The .1-3and Boys ate arranging for e
-coiicere in Opera House_ here, an the
evening of May 24th. ,
A Brticefield correspondent says: -
While at Brueefield horse fair lase
, 'Friday, Air. Peter Lamont. met with
'Mr. Attrill, the well known horse
• 'breeder of Goderieh, tend sold, to him
the very fine Shire stallion which he
recently purchased from Messjs. Baw-
den & McDonell, of Exeter. The price
paid is $2,400. Mr. Lamont paid $2,000
• -for him, so that he has made the snug
;sum of $40.0 on the deal. He intends.
buying another good horse if he can
,get one to snit him.
' A, specie' drive in Ladies' shirt
waists and parasols at Stewart's.
• -Yon better see them.
Alessi's- Beverley & rifieten, of the
Gidley Opera 'House, ha e arranged for
-e•he appearance of the Lyceum Opera
Co. on Thureclay evening,May 2ncl,
eto-night.) This is an event extraordi-
nary in musical circles. The company
emu/ewes twenty people, coinprieing
some of the very best operatic talent
on tbe stage and a well -drilled chorus
of carefully selected anti well -trebled
voices. They will present Stehle' fain -
etre conaie Opera "Said Pasha" which
has filet with such phenoreenel success'
in all the larger cities of Canada and
• elle (Jetted States. The production
t.eanne.with bright end witty dialogue,
ludicrous situations and bea eerie]
catchy music, -while the costumes are,
megniecenti Jeitiltirre t6 etee and heat,
elewe'eleganiztaion eennote, fee to be a
Two or three irepeeved 11111)01Tc100r
teems loe eel° in the eoweships of les
, borne end Stephen. Fee partiauler
apply to Dickson &
.Acevertieing eeys, end nowheee wil
ie being, better results thee le 0gee(
weekly eewspaper. But the season ha
come lot elui feke aevertisement hue
ter, and egeinst him mei:chants ;Inc
eusiness men should be on their guard
If you wish to do erieciel kedeeetisieg
do it on your , own responsibility,-
yeer jedeeneut dictates, but don't b
inveigled, into putting your money in
to knee,- advertising Mediu:ea that wil
be eget aside' with scarcely 4 paesing
glance, and thee may be regareed th
next day atter issue as merely e con.
Yenlent fire -lighter, Be sere the ineeler
um you use has somethieg about it that
will insure more than butterfly
onee before it passes into peaceful Ob -
O Aliniversall'3.
The enetalay Sehool A and VeTS'011'y
ill10 Mein street: elethodiet elmeele
held 011 ettin: ‘126, .11.11 1.1.01l( ON last, 'P1
1 weather was delightful and the litt
1 scholars were out in hill foveae TI
s pastel-, Rev. IL efillyeed, preached
- the morning ape evt-ininne kkeeeplab
1 to both old and young. At the ina
meeting in the afternoon the ,•peop
, were delighted with the motion • son
s of the infant class. Nearly fifty litt
O tots occupied • the choir stand. T1
- sweet singing' of the children' on Su
1 day evening was an enjoyable tree,
The program given on Monday eve
o ingwas exceptionally good. The be
Anniversary in the history of th
church was the verdict of all. Th
ladies of the school and of the chure
deserve great praise for the splendi
performances throughout the •who
Anniversary. Proceeds oyer $40.
24th May Celebration. ,
The Committee in charge of the -4t
of May ceeebraden is making over
arrengement to put on one -of the hes
day's sport ever given before in Ex
ter. A grand street parade, includin
a trades procession, calithumpians an
verious other, attractions, will tak
place in the morning which will b
worth coming. many miles to see. Th
amount of many offeree in- prizes fo
theafternoonraces should insiireageo
'field. of horses and keen competitio
in the different events. The Assoeh
tion deserve all credit for the effort
they are putting forth to make thi
the best and most- enjoyable, even
thee has ever, taken place ein Esetei
and we hope the ceuntry,people 11S we
as those in town will appreciate thei
efforts by turning "out in Liege 'num
bees. Every 'person shoeld come t
wee:me (-leeks spore
.. • ,
Exeter on thee day if they wish to se
'the Cemetery. • • ••
The Improvements, in, the Exeter
Union Burial Grounds are being push-
ed. alone and already the' cemetery be-
tci present a better epee -trance
It is to be hoped that the public een-
evally will lend a helping hand by
making their persoeal contributions
to any of the directors br the care-
taker of the cemetery who WM give
prbpor receipts for the same. It must
be obvious to all intereeted that in
order to continue the work the ,neees-
sary means must be provieed end et
is hardly fair to expect the directors
to make a personal canvas' for sub-
scriptions. If each person interested
would kindly hand in such amoents
as they felt able to contribute it would
simplify the work of the directors
greatly. The farmers of Hay, we are
informed, have kindly consented to
make a bee to -draw surface for
top dressing levelling, etc'in •the
cemetery. • This soil is much needed
in fact is indespensible to making good
work. Why could not the farmers of
Stephen and Usborne do likewise? A
large quantity of soil cold be adean-
tageously -need, The 'directors :still
hope that the. toWnships -of Stephen
end Hay will follow thegood example
of Usborne end make a small grant to
this Union Burial Ground in Which
they amen interested as rinuaieipalie
eies. We do not see hoW in honor
they can finally refuse to do' so. .
ele Samuel Halls, Qf Rime ille, met / IleMeellereellielleeneeMeMeiege=11111111211MegeZeileleteMeneekeek
of NV I t 1.1 a very unfortunate ane leder
ie ace -knee, •yesteedey (eVeetiosetey) by
10 ,l(qt11)'' 1V11.0-1,011QR SI.411)10 de \vn hes
le theoet. 110 01I5 at 0000 taken to it
10 surgeon but kkt the thee of welting it is
41 still loeged in his throat.
y Advertising.
SS Without newspapee 411111 oupeemerits
le no nem who has commoilities to sell or
gs services to render can achieve as hig,h
le a, degree of success in business as lie
le could with judicimis adeertising and
11- the success which newspaper publicity
t brings is werth many- times .its post.
n- A. leading inercheet.of Syytieuse, Now,
se York, Sa yS: "Most of tee owners of
te large mercantile establishments who
e usenewspaper space had their start
li ender the same conditions that nine -
d tenths of the small inerchtints work
le under. They have had faith in adver-
tieing, and the courag,e to'buy space."
Loci, osse
• . .
• The meeting called last Friday even -
An exehange saYs:Mr. Businessman,
what would you think if you saw 4 man
sitting on the bank of a seeearn Watch-
ing some fishermen with a drag -'net
catehing, all the fish, and after they
had left he would take a cord line out
of his pocket, put a worm on the hook,
cast it into the Water, then expect to
catch a seeing of fish? ',fleet is precise-
ly what it great 111 atly: Of 0 LIV merchants
are doing. They sit in their stores, see
some wide ftwake foreigner, by a,
use of printer's ink, catch •all the
cnstopeers in the neighborhood then
complain because they don't sell thele
goods. elm -al -when you aee sick, go
see the doctor; when business is faded
call on your printer. Get one in either
The railway companies have agreed
upon rates to be charged to the Buffalo
Exposition. During the entire season
fifteen day ticket e will be scild et a fare
and a third, and ten day tickets at the
SZ1,11.1e •rate, the latee 'hem:Vele, only
feom p010 ts within on e thundred miles
of Buffalo. Single fare tickets will be
sold daily during the Exposition- from
points within a radius of three hun-
dred miles of Buffalo, with the follow-
ing lients:-One to a hundred, inile.s
bCV0 days; 101 to 200 miles, three days;
201 to 800 miles, five (hays; 301 miles
and over eight days. Special •excur-
sions may be run from points distant
from Buffalo, 101 miles or less, at one
ciente, mile each way, and more than
100 miles, three quarters of a cent. The
minimum price is to be $2, and the
limits on the tickets are one to 150
miles, go and eeturn stune day, 151 to
275 miles, two days; 275 to 100 miles,
three days.
Jersey Cow and Calf For sale.
Jersey Cow and calf for sale, epply
to MRS. 130DIER.
Apprentice Wanted.
A good smart, boy wanted to learn
minting. Aeply at this office.
Boy For Adoption.
Good home wanted for a smart boy
of seven years of age. Apply to
Carpet Weaving.
For first-elass carpet weaving call on
the undersigned; corner of Waterloo
and 'William streets. Prices reason-
able. • A. ODDY.
Prize Stallions:* ' ' ,
The champion stallion, Belshazzar,
and the first peize Hackney Stallion,
Connaught Heir, owned by Messrs.
Bawden & McDonell, ever stand this
season at their own stable. Teems for
either, $15.00. -
Arbor Da.'y. , •
Arbor Day, which was established
by the Ontario Goverement in 188e,
will be celebrated by the public school
children on the first Friday in May.
The object is to develop the love for
trees, the improvement of school
grounds by the planting of flower beds,
end to otherwise interest children in
nature study.
Broke Her Arm.
Mrs. Bagshaw; who lives with her
son Abe. met with a very -Unfortun-
ate accident en Tuesday morning. She
was engaged in cleaning stove pipes,
when the etepeladder on which she stood
slipped, and in falling to the floor,
broke her right arm in two places near
'the wrist. The hijured member was
immediately dressed and it is now do-
ing, nicely.
Death of Polly Fuke.
This week we are callece upon to re-
cord „ the death of Miss Polly Fake,
who died on Wednesday last at the
age of 46 years and 10 months. ' The
deceaped has been in a poor state of
healthforsometime, having suffered
seyeral stroke's' ceteparalysikedueieg the
past few.years during which Mine -she
has been almost helpless. The funeral
toolt place from the residence of her
hedthernAlr. 'A. E. Puke, on Friday
lastto the Exeter cemetery. • •
A Certain • -
Cure for
Dandruff is an enemy of luxuriant
hair. It makes the scalp unnealthy,
causes the hair to fall out. Lutz's
Hine Tepee keeps the ccalp cleau
and 'healthy, en depositivel y cures dand-
ruff. It feeds the hair, stops from fall-
ing onemakes the hair grow think and
beautiful. Lutz's Imperial Hair Tonic
is not a dye, contains no lead or _other
poison. ' Only 50c. a bottle at Lutz's
Drug Store. •
Official Visit.
At the last regular meeting of Lein
anon Forest Lodge No 133 A P &
A. M., held on Monday evening last
,Rt. Wee. Bro. D. Munroe, District
Deputy Grand Master, .South I-Iuron,
District. No. 4,. paid. his official visit.
The work of the lst degree Was exeire
plified by the VVor. Master and officers
and notwithstanding the fact that
,they were unaware of his corning at
so early a dete, the 'work was most
creditably dope, thus sustaining -Leb-
anon Forest's heretofore excellent
standing and for which the D.D.G.M.
complimented. them very highly for
their efficiency. -
Prize winners.
Messrs. Bawden & 'McDonald, who
attended big Horse Show in Tor-
onto last week with four of their ex-
cellent imported horses, are to be con-
grateleted upon their success, having
been awarded a phize for ,each animal
as follows: -Shire, "13elshazzar" lste
"Wilcott Thumper" 2nd; Clyde, 3 year -
o , Lipton 3rd: Hackney, "Con-
naught Heir" lst. 'Before leaving the
grounds they disposed of "Lipton" to
Mr. Jas. Henderson, one of the judges
et Toronto, . "Lipton,' bysire Eveard,
was a half brother to the Great Baron's-
Prideethe civil -Pelee horse -of -Scotland
eileteedeee",regeet- to levers of -mud .,"
end Is the intiking of pne pr: beet
' ie, eeeeeItie'emiterly..an&g.r0,41:4
!1g Omb1;15c, 440 2,5d,-,
heesee,irrelle.ceinetree e, ,,te •
_ ing for the organization of a Lacrosse
e club was largely attended by the en-
" thusiasties of the eame. The meeting
0- r,
decided to enter tue League as &insti-
1 tuted last year, if suitable aleauge-
meets can be made. Offieers were
O 'erected as follows:-Hore Pres, W.
ee G. Bissett; lion. Vice Pres. W. I -I.
e Lovett; President, N. D. 'Heehon; lst.
r" Vice -Pres. j. G-. Stanieley; 2/id. Vice-.
Pres R. Knight; 3rd Vice -Pres. Jos.
n ,
:Dayist Sec -areas; e W. Heaman;
'-- W.' J. He IV kS 11 a w ; Co m.,, Ma c. Vincent,
s B. Hooper, Frank Snell and James H.
• Grieves. Messrs. Huedon and Stan -
e bury were appointed to in te-rview the
Council re the usual grant. ,
Bxeter School Report
. Glass, A. -Lily Robinson, Mabel
O ,Teneisoe, Anne Meetin, Heebere Gre-
e gory, Russell Frayne, Feed Sweet
Class B. -Cora McPherson, Class C.-
' Winnie Caeling, Peeey Hooper, Vein-
Ine Howard, Dolly Dickson. No. on
roll 36. Average 27.
S. J. A. Boyd, J. M. R:obinson,Teacher. e—eee
Death of Mr. A, Bishop. -
One of Ilsborne's Nvell-knovhn and
most highly respected residents, in the
person of Archibald Bishop, Ex.-M.P.
P., passed to his eternal rest on Thurs-
day last, at the age of 71: years, 7
months and, 19 days. The deceased
had, enj oyed comparatively good health
up to about the 19th of April when he
was stricken with an attack of parely-
sis While returning from the Brucefield
show, the particulars of which appeae-
ed in the ADVOCATE last 'week. el:ell/re
Bishop's deathwill be a blow teeebie
many personal friends and a sed 'less
to the Liberal party. The late Mr.
Bishop's career was a busy and event-
ful one and his life affords a striking
example of the success that invaviably
attends devotion to duty. He was a
man of more than the averaae intelli-
gence and was especially interested in
matters political, being an enthusias-
tic Liberal of adyanced views and for
over twenty years represented South
Huron in the Legislature. As a farm-
er Mr. Bishop had few equals, acquir-
ing a valuable estate by his skill as an
agriculturist. He was widely known
all over the county and the esteem in
which he was held is a. great tribute
to his eharaceer. By his friendas well
as by the widow and a grown-up fam-
ily of daughters,. by whom ,he is snr-
vive.dahjeloes. Is deeply ,moureed,
thoimh he had reeeleed the kelef ee term
of‘life. His remains were interred eile-
the Rodgereille cemetery on Seeneday,
the funeral being mac • of the largest
ever taking place in this section. The
bereaved family have the genuine sym-
pathy of all in their sad bereavement.'
To -Night.
-The Lyceum Opera Company, which
will appear at the Opera House -to-
nie,-he includes the folio wingiweeknown,
tereiste'of theatideal ancle eeeratie
world:' --Miss Florence Glover, (Prima -
donna); Miss Maud Hamilton, (Con-
tralto); Ed mu nd F: OPUrn ish, (fenbr);
Frank Je (Baeitone); Messrs:
Edgar Fl eelle & Freddie LePla roa,
(Comedians.) e Miss ,Florende Glover,
the prima -donne, before joining this
organization, was connected with the
Castle Spare Opera Co., at it. ,Louis,
Missortre at which place she was a
prime favorite. Miss Maude Hamil-
ton fermerly. of the " Prisoner of
ZeZda '-'Co.also a prime favorite
and well -deserving of the position 'she
holds in the estimation of theetre-go-
ing people, for her conscieneioue 'and.
excellent work.' Mr. Ed. F. MeCieme-'
ish, the -tenor, late of New 'York- City
and; of the Andeewe Wakefield and
Packard Opera Companies, will net
require further mention, tis he is COO
well-known in the profession and we
will let his reputation and Work speak
for itself. Frank J. Smith, the bari-
tone of the company, possesses a rich
baritone voice, beautiful in quality and
a, 'treat long to be remembered. Messrs.
Flavelle and Laflamme, the former of
the Alhambra, London England, where
he has Met with great success, ae his -
press testimonials will attest, are a
team of comedians rarely to be met
with. The remainder of the caste and
company are in strict keeping, both
artistically and musically, with the
enembers above mentioned. The pree
duction will be a treatk long to he re-
meMbered, hi Exeter and thoseandio
miss seeing it can consider it ealoss to
themselves whieh will be -a scene° a
t'egrete - • ea • n eake
Sprthig Time Means -,
E:ouse -Cleaning Time,
Which means a few CARPETS and LACE CURTAINS for your parlor;
hall or (lining room. And we are pleased to tell you that we are show-
, ' ing the largest and best assortment of Carpets, Linoleeins,. and Lace
, Ceetens, etc: ever ehown here. Prices to please everybody.
, . , • ,, :PAPER,
', -„ l , I
, .
Out' WALL PAPER, is aoirfg out feet. We have some beautiful de-
signs. eVhen you are needing anything above lines give us
Headquarters for The W. E. SANDFORD Clothing.
•• set':
,rt-JY.t't 66•ris ;ZS:A ori,{4:-46',,,A,c.tetfOrtf:f
reekteleetereeekee '
Sr. W. -Mary Parsons, Viola David-
son, Al yin Bri u en ell, John Cardin er,
Vera Cobbledic, Olive Qeance, jr.
1V. --Hazel &owing. Veva Rowe Al-
dewin Evans, (May Quance, Edna
Dow, etitiale George Joues, Edna Poe
lick, May Wood, Flossie Taylor, Maly
Murray, Fred I-Iooper. No. on roll 49.
Average 42.
0. Vesper, teecher.
Sr. Hr. -Nettie Frayue, Grover Ins -
sett, Feed Trevethick, Jenne Bawden,
Elmore Senior, Frankie Knight.- Jr.
Ill. -Flossie Anderson, Deily eVerry,
Harry Rendle, Ada Kelland, Hugh
McKay. No. on roll 48. Aveeakee 89.
E. Crill.
,St'. III.-Ena McPherson, Harvey
Gardiner, Ida Armstrong, Charlie
Long, Alice Howard, Lily Acheson,
Dolly Davidson, Earle Browning, Bea:
tie Martin. Jr. III. -Sophia Werry,
Willie Bissett, Martha Snell, Arthur
,Cann, Entine Heideman. No. on roll
43. Average 37.
'Er. E. Walrond.
Sr. II. -M. ileakins, 0. Sweitzer, E.
Vosper, N. Hatter, L. Martin, T. Rowe
E. Lane, L. Aniosei).Stewart, 0 Here.
Jr. IL -E. Smith, R. Davidson, E.
Davis, G. Bennett, H. Dow, W:Bredt.
J. Manson, L. Hodgert. No. on role
61. average 51.
- H. D. Pringle, teacher.
Sr. Pt. Birnie, Clarence
Dobler. Jr. Pt. II. -Garvey Acheson,
Mary Davis. Sr. Pt. IL -Annie Lang,
Myrtal Dancey. Mid. Part IL -Edith
Heideman, Willie Hatter. No. on roll
66, average 55. ,
, S. J. Irwin, teacher.
, Sr. II. -De Lernme Millyard, Lee
Wilson. • Alia. .IL -Tennyson Boyd.
Jr. IL -Katie Collins, Kathleen Stew-
art, Clarence Pickard. No. on roll 6-1,
average 53.
e -B. J. Rusk, teacher.
/ Mrs. 'Jas. Moore, of Hensall, spent
Friday in town. '
Mr. Wtn. Ilawkshaw, Jr., spent
Friday in Toronto.
Miss R. Davis, Exeter North, left
Tuesday for London.
, Mr. W. 'May, of Mitchell, caned on
friends in town Saturday. ,
Detective Grundy, of Goderich, was
in town Friday on business.
Mr. Jos. Gill, of Grand Bend, was a
caller at the AnvooaTE on. Tuesday.'
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Knight, of St.
Thomas, visited friends- in town this
'Mrs. (Dr.) Anderson spent a 'few
days with,friends in ,Mitchell .during
last week., .
Mr. 'John Puke, of Chicago, Ile, at-
teeeteeete-ei-fieneeee-of his sister,. Miss
Polly, on Friday. • ”, •
ele.„Wm.-Sriell, of Lueim, called on
friends in town Tuesday, after a visie
with friends in Usborne.
Th. Greenway, who visited
his sisted, Mrs. (Dr.) Rollins, returned
to his home ineCrystal C1l,"M,eire,
Miss Sarah Goonnech who, his been
5periding the past tee/ "'Months 'here,
the guest of her sistereales. Hale, left
on Thursday last for Glencoe..
. .
C. IL Sanders, Editor AckyoeaTE,
visited his brother, Edward, in Elora
a few days during the week, reenening
on Monday. His brother, continues
very ill.
Mrs. TW. Hawksha,vv and dangle-
ter:Ale-lee, are visiting friends in
town. Mr. He wkshaw spent Sunday
hereeleaving again on Alonday to "do"
his northern trip: Mr. and Mrs. Hawk-
shaw will take up housekeeping in
London and will move their furniture
from here in a few days.
MAY 24th 1901
$700 00 IN PURSES
2 20 Trot or P 200
. ace
280 , "
e$1.251C' 1,1iDEIX,/
• 7 7 $
rtillinibg,1,1a.V,6" •
r-ar • •• • ' ree.
VA; , NVNIMM.-,"*" AtEIMWW.P•rfr'ag,
So are we with a full line of Bed
Room Sets, Couches, Sideboards, Tab-
les, etc., in fact everything possible
to be had in a first-class Furniture
Store. Our prices are right. N6
trouble to show goods..
OPERA f-iousE
Beverley Ouston,
The.. PiMieffigTarmeralways has -t:
aFarniers intending to-pule:hese FARNI AIACHINEB,Y should call on us be-
fore buying elsewhere. We sell the bestand the best is what the fariner wants.
, A
Real Estate Exchange,
The Sale, letiechase and Exchange, of
Village and farne lands and properties
negotietecl reasonable'rates of com-
mission, , ; • -
For Salo. • '
Seyeral' Valuable Patens in e HAY,
TVgA.Y; arse Three very desirable Re-
sidence properties in Exeter. '
Farms Wanted.
We have 'purchasers for good farm
and in the vicinity 6f Exeter, or who
will Elifiliange.
Bavidell, , David Mill, .
Velviator. Manager.
OFFICES: Dickson & Carling's New
Block, Exeter.
'Foe:Bread, Fams„ White-BunseBroWn. •
Buns, Grrah flP) Biscuits, Cakes of all':
kinds, Crean' Puffs; Wafers, Fancy
. -Biscnits, :Plain Biscuits, ' • . .
Meedcl.ing Cakes a•specialty- Iced and
beti,utifully oexianientecl at a reaso- •
• liable price.
Cakes or Pies made to order., XXX,
Bread delivered to ell eierts of the
town, an Mondays, Wednesdays and
Saturdays. We will be pleased to
c111 011 -you,
, •
We are agent for J. Ganimag & Sons,
Florist, London.
Floral designs for funerals, or flowers
of all kinds on the eleekrteee notice,
riven foi sell-
. AIR RIFLE' \--
s,',41,,,Ili-portly 2i doz, paokraires,Sweet Pea Seed itt;IDc. .
each. EttSla packrviier ethitaiiis'i'spthildld 'ilikure artho'lliost fink': ' ,
101,,, ,.., rlintrvarlottes of all colors. reeiteeitibfglobati.ndkeand•rekerr ; .
A el,w1th nonshea'nieketnnrrelpftlignkgitihik ' ditT6 Innen It hail im row Mite
v , , , An,livi pls I Ipa Arl wal IA litti 15, od h Ithierilfie force and grentacen met "'","
:mrtilrIngtnis n6ei:tiaentent rth4 worwIlltorWiird‘th.Z.8.riddi',,,r. 011 tliein.returntho iii ortoy hndi(iffe W111 be cent,
.x.o,pirpe,),4,E.f,nprcas. nit'Peaxon.fr sppSgir8 eno`rt, hOonlex ,!, once 'r kited Supply. Ca .TOrunto -- .
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