HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1901-5-2, Page 5Ie published every '+ Thursday Morning,' at the Uf ee, MAINr STREE'', EXETER. ---try the— ADVOCATE, Pt) BLISI-( NG COMPANY; TERMS OF SU,BSCRIPTXON. One Dollar per annum if paid in Advance $1,50 if not so, paid. ?id` c0rt3oiaa,g 03too osz kip�ol3ca ties. No paper discontinued until all arre rage' loro paid. Advertisements without syeeifio; directions will be published till forbid and.. oharged accordingly, Liberal diseountm de for transciont advertisements inserted for tong periods. Evory description of JOB PRINTING turned outin the, finest styl , and at moderate rates• Clienues,moneyord ors , Mtc, for advertising, subscriptions latch o be made payable to ., Chas.11. Six1dt'rs _. , EDITOR Arm PROP Prot'essional Cards. H.'ICINSMAN, L; D. S. at DR. A, R. ICINSMAN,,L D. S., D. D, S., Honor :graduate of-Torouto University, DENTISTS, Teeth extracted without any pain, or any bad effects. Office in Fnson's.Block, }vest side Main Street, Exeter, 'y'. R.D,'ALTON ANDERSON,(D.D.S.,L;b,S.,) honors Graduate of the Toronto Uni rsity and Royal College.. of ,Dental Surgeons of Ontario. Teeth extracted without, pain. 'All modes, of Dentistry up to date. Office in new block south of Carlings' block. llfedicak rt,T: P" lIcLAUQIiLIN,MEMBER OF 1-1 'the College of Physicians and Surgeons Ontario. Physician, and A000uoh- ear. Office, Dashwood, Ont. Legal. ICKSON & OARLING, BARRISTERS; Solicitors, Notaries,, Conveyano@rs, D Commissioners, ,Snlioitors for the Nelsons Bank, etc.: Money to loadaf.lowest rates of interest. Offices,' Main Street, I. R. CARL !NO, B. A..' L. 11. DICiKSON. i� W. . GL d .D M A N , ( succ esso r to o Elliot & Olaant)Barrastar..Solicitar, Notary Public lOnee incor,'Tte Money to loan at lowest rates of interest. Office Main Street, Exeter. Auctioneers:. Tr BOSSENBERRY,Grancl Bend, Licensed Auctioneer for County Huron. Sales ateattended to, and charges moder- . ate. -Orders by mail will i•ecelve. every at- tention. Many, a school= said 'to. be lazy and shiftless when she doesn't' deserve the least bit of"it.` She can't study, easily falls asleep, is nervous and tired all the time. And what can you ex- pect? Her brain is being fed with' impure blood arid her whole system is a suffering from poisoning. Srii i - ...Cl' �,lrt5- c`1re, �vondEr,. full rel ed and;greatly Y pg Y 'changed, by taking •'ppBRO WN, Winchelsea. Licensed Auet &1. ioneerfor the Counties. of Perth and Middlesex, also for the township ofUsborne' Hales prom ptly attended toandterms Yea. aonbale.Salesarrangedat.Postoffice. Win- e raises, Insurance. E ELLIOT, Insurance Agent, • Exeter PARI\ $ PUR BALE. MONEY TO LOAN. Tho undersigned has a few good farms for sale cheap. Money to loan on easy terms JOHN SrACKSiAN, Samwell's Block Exeter THE LEADING MEAT MARKET. For Fresh, good and the choisest cuts of meat; call on the undersigned. While all our cuts of meat aye the finest, we make a specialty:of meat delicacies, Meat delivered to all parts of the town John. ' nnin•g TO CURE. A COLD' IN ONE DAY . Take Laxative Bronro;Quinine Tab- lets. 'All drug,gists refund the money nl'i if it fails to cure. 25c. ` E. W. Grove's signature is on each box. H We giveahandsomeopen. .-s face, Polishers- - Nickel Watch; Amerl. can Lever Movement. for selling only 2 dor, packages oriweet Pea. Seed at10e.apaekage, Each pack• age' eon tains n aplenrild martin a of the mostfragrantvarieties of all colors. -You cau earn this fine Watch in an afternoon by setting to work at once. tdallus this a,1vcrttsttinent add we will forward the Seeds, 'Southam, return the money. and we guarantee safe delip• !WV of your Watch at once. Write to day, as the season for ,ppilingsettlls short. seed supply coo, aoroatu, 7°h i�Pl e ®iso ns Bank (Chartered by Parliament, 1855.) Paid up. ,Capital. . .$2,500,000' Reserve Fund 2,050,000. Road office Montreal. i s -JAMES ELLIOTT Eq. GENERAL MANAGER. :Money advancedao. goo,i;.Farmers on •' their Own` notes with one, or. Moro .endorser's tit 7 pence t, porAnnum, —EXETER BRANCH— ()nen ever. lawful. dayfrom 10, am.to 3 p.peS m; Saturdays 10 a.m. Co 1 p.m, a genc,'a;l banking business trainsactccl C'URIIENT ILAT,I S allowed for money on Deposit Receipt,, ;Savings Bank at 3 rent; DICKSON &-C,1RT,rNG. ' N .D }Turmoil, ,olicitors. Manager S0Litt' GOLD We gqive this beautiful:"' _ 5o)i+l. Gn7,1 nisi;, sot\ <� wtillrmnls, for selllhg. triy 1 , packngeS or Swept PelScor 5150o.cath. Each: paelMgeco 1tnhl�r itapleitdid ilx�:. ori ie mncSfrnqrantva 10-' tiro. �s. :M;1111415M tlah,itl9eitartr. , . i(,lr"artl9emm,iAna VaWiflfop•"-- Wardt105 o+di .54:11;.thmr5,,p' turn. the ,5lvohcyinifr,lha., b,a,t• tlfni SelidiolkhVem c t sing wiliteseetyst cncrdllyi,tela' 04 hi atrlvctilflIibox, Write toriay, Thostir$tf eto,lais ktw trtiatscetl pltppl5 + l>a tIt¢ ftiYtt+ Hundreds of thousands of schoolgirls have taken it during :theR ast 50 years. Many of these girls now have homes of their. own. They .remember ' what- cured thehi,``:and now they give the same medi- cine to their -own children. You can afford to trust a Sarsaparilla that has been tested for half a century. $1,00 a bottle. All'drugginte. ' If: bowels are.. <yourb we consti- pated F pated take Ayer's :Pills. You° cant have good health unless you l h ..:dais action of" the o »t• 25 cls. a box: ,R r ! bowels. el. one box of A er'sYilis cured my s ePsP a ' :tB dyspepsia, .' L.D. GnwILL 1 S'J9. Bath I� tr Jt 1 N. Y. s WJa'I a Ulna i ooPor, If you have any 'complaint whatever end deslre.the best medical advice you ..can poasihly receive, write the doctor freely. Yon. will. receive a prompt re- „,, e - ply, w ithout cost..' Address, D¢,'J. C iYER, Lowell, I'Tass, 11tcGi li\ray:' illi. Jake Edwards has leased' the 50 acre farm belonging to his brother, Elijah. -Mr. Jas. Sin -in- stal has putrclaaseci the 50 acre farm from his brother. • Hoping to Make Their Fortunes., The thousands of people who visit the grounds where the buildings of the Pan-American Exposition are , rising like a city created -by =magic see many things which 'indicate` that the value of•=`the vacant lots surrounding the Ex• position grounds- for. ; money making' purposes next summer is duly appre- ciated. For instance, one real estate dealer advertises like this:. "Can you keep a boarding house? Can you run a lunch counter? If so, here is your chance to make the most money.” An- other advertises, "Choice lots for' Hotels, boarding houses, saloons, sum- mer gardens, restaurants, • souvenir booths and other things by which you can make your fortune at the Pan- American Exposition. All the vacant property in the vicinity of the.Exposi- tion grounds is staked off and pla- carded by signs indicating its value for purposes in counection with the big Exposition to be held in Buffalo next summer, and many buildings are al- ready going up which will be used for accommodations for Exposition visit- ors and all sorts of purposes connected with their entertainment., riiE ciiisEsr: roR«u CAPTURE!) AND PREEII To Evacuate province, of Suo Lu by, the•;;German ,Forces, L CHINESE' OSSES WERE -HEAVY. '1'ite C a'ze ons Engaged. the. Enetny.,Whiie Retiring and at Shncp ,lotion \Val FO tight -rho Chinese Were Driven Through the Passes Inoue Flags and Four Old Guns Captured. Berlins, April 29.—Count eon'•Wal- dez'see' reports, under Pekin' •date of 27tH, as follows: Colonel .Hoffineister•,. ,coninaanding the: 4th"'Infantry and two companies of Mountain- al•tillos'y attacked the 'eney Aprid 93 .by the 'Greait•-\Vall, ten kilometres sbuth of 'Shan-irai- Kwan,• and forced them eto ;retire. with heavy 'losses into Shan Se, We lost foie- wounded 'arid' captured four flags and four' old-fashioned g•unns. General Voyron' intiinates, that he intends to evaotfate the neighborhood of Shang Ting' and 'return to Pao 'Ting Fie` Iris extreme` outposts re- main at Sin Lei. I aria keeping a force et ,Ansuling• Pass. • The f lases:riitir'shal also ',reports that marauding has increased near Ho Si Wu and. Ma Tu,, and -that -yanks used as transpoi:,ts between these places have ,been attacked. Lieut. -Col. Arli- stadt has been seue'from; Tien Tsin to`'the 'd' is tui r bed clstr act -,•iia • ooiin-' mind of a composite .coliisna. Broad Scone of the Exposition. Nearly all' of the nations' of" Central and South America ,have already sent formal acceptances to the• invitation": to participate in the Pan-American Exposition. Exhibits showing the re- sources of all the principal .countries of Central and South America are now in course of .preparation. Government officials are preparing exhibits from Porto • t o 0 rico i rue Islands, the Philippine r Cuba and the Hawaiian grc ri. About 15 acres have been set apart for the court of the state: and foreign buiidinr;s on the eastern side of the grounds and a tittle suutb of the main group. A DIlFEI:EET ACCOUINT, Which Shows That, the Chinese Pu lip Strong Resistance. Pekin, April 28. - The report of Oen. 'Mettler, received here from Suo Lu, differs from the other reports concerning the G erman-1C rench ex - P cdition previously received . Gen. 111ettlel s report shows that the Chi- nese troops diel not leave the pro vinee Y . until were forced do or ed t o so. The entire - brigade, acle commanded by Gen. Mettler;' met the `enemy on April 23, andinflicted immense losses upon them. The 'report did not give this loss. The Germans had one ofcer. and, three soldiers killed, and 28 soldiers wounded.' The Chinese were forced to 'leave the province, and were fully demoralized. The French (-'authorities stated that the Chinese had crossed the border of 'the' pro- , on April 19, in wilieli case they must have 'subsetlueiitty "returned'-. Li Hund' Chang says it is inipossibleto believe that' 'Geri: Lui Wang' Ting would have so ; flagrantly disobeyed his ;orders, and anxiously :awaits the Chinese report of the encounter re- ferred tb by Geri. Mettler. Li Hung Chang-ltetuins Calls. Li :Hong Chan.- paid, return'• calls to the difflerent •legations- Saturday. • Nine Chinamen will be CXOCULerl to- morrow districtfor in the American an highway robbery and violence. The' men in ,question were tried and . sen- tenced according to Chinese law, but they are the' first of -such sentences to be approved of by Gen. Chaffee. Gen, Gaselee,.the British comniantl er the officers of his staff and the entire 'British. contingent, gave a farewell entertainment to the Ameri- can officers last night. All officers who were not actually on cluty were present, and the utmost enthusaisrn prevailed. Speeches were made by Gen.' Gaselee and Gene Chaffee only. It` is said at German headquarters that the brigade of Gen. Mettler is returning to Pao Ting Unusual question • " If your. digestion. needs a e t ---whatever .else:. may be res ., yi . 1. true— ou..„ can /get it from1 SCOTT,S ' EMULSION ,of, Cod Liver `OIL hatev i• c1 e,it ma' be— it e s y 'a io store ch and ltiScL�at C17.,f.0di- ,, partly for bowels. It keds you a little without any, „ w7 of is all by the stomach..). That little may be enough to set your AV1101e'• bod i."'going again ; for it 1-e1Us you more ,c yothanu. it feeds ] f yoai'i:ave not triecl it send for` free Sample, its' ag;<g1bte tante will surprise you., . SCOTT sOWt+I'14, . lis " Toroi,to, 50o-, and '4)1.90 i wll At is tetO, Ire GERMANS BILL151) 13Y CANNIBALS• bIillionaire and Isis: Secretary Murdered and the Later Eaten. Sydney, N. S. W., April 29.—Herr Morcke, a German millionaire, who was cruising in his yacht, and. herr Caro, his private secretary; were re cently murdered.: by natives of the tis land ,of New .Britain, off` the north- east coast, of- Pappau. herr . Caro's, body was oaten. Berlin, April 29. -Emperor William has ordered Capt.' Passchew of the German ,second-class cruiser ITansa to command a punitive expedition from. China to avenge the murder- of Herr Itfer-ckc. Boers Take and Strip •25 Prince ofA/Vales Light Horse. BRITISH TAKE BOER OFFICIALS. 73oore, tn. Care Polektf --Boers Appear Again in the Tliclitnond I)istrIet--Gp1. rlumer's Force ldas Captured the Notorious Munuiek and Ris Father. Together Wlth 40 Men. London, April 29,—Lord: Kitchener continues the process of wearing down the Boors, .who, however, are very ,active in the ,Kroonstad trice, Where they,? recently derailed two trains and also captured, after a severe ,fights, 25 'men of ,the, 'Prince of Wates' Light Horse, whom they strip-. ped of their horses and accoutre- ments and then liberated. Col. Plumer's force , ;captured" a laager of 45 men.inCludiug the 'nb- torious Transvaal State Engineer; 11lunnick, wlao' "•planned the destruc- tion of the' Johannesburg mines ' in the spring) of last; year, and -his 'fath- er, who was formerly landrost 'at, Boksburg,,,' • Aft., Cun ming's,.'- who 'is visiting Durban on behalf •of ,.•:isle Canadian Government, is favorably impressed with the trading•possibilities between Canada and Natal. Popo Speaks to Journalists. London, April 29,--A special from Ronne says the Pope in receiving a deputation of French. and Belgian journalists, spoke at length upon ,.the - anti -Christian 'spirit prevailing in. many countries, against which, he hoped Christian journalists would ef- fectively _battle. He .profoundly re- gretted,that many papers, conspicu- ous for their intellectual strength, were so disassociated from religious ideals, and he prayed they - would awaken to their responsibility` to Goci: and humanity in this respect. BOEIIS , IPI : CAPE COLONY. • The Etrvade s llama Appeaiecl Again`- in the Richmond Distriot. Cape" Town; April 28: The hoer, invaders have' appeared again in the Ibiclunond district of Cape Colony. Among, the' prisoners captured ineea fight at-IIoneynest Kloof, which re- sulted in a complete defeat for the Boers, was a ceusin of Mr. Sauer, the former Commissioner 'of Public, Works. The Treason Court is sitting at Dordrecht for the trial 01 minor,cases of Cape rebels. Onlyone out -.of 1 batch of 50 cases was defended. Ail those convicted were disfranchised for five _years. At a meeting of ,the Diamond Fields branches- , of the South Afri- can League to -day, at Which Cecil Modes and Gera-. Brabant were`pres- ent, it was resolved to urge on the home Government' the importance of leaking English the medium of in- struction in the Transvaal .and Orange River Colony. It was as scrted that this was for the best in- terests of'the Dutch -speaking colon is s. Sir, Alfred Milner, ' the Govern - 0: of the Transvaal and: Orange :Riv- er Colony,' repliecl that this subject: was receiving his' earnest considera ICi•uger-111fi}:,nic in Ju.' London, April 29,CoA despatnechfrom ''Amsterdam announces that -Mr.. ,rr uger '., will ' '-Start for the United: z States at. the; beginning of June. EXFO ITION BEAII r:�-1 Y. PUTTING THE RAiNSOW COLORS 'ON' ONE OF Big BUILDINGS. Early ninth 'of YVltut : Le '�-iKltorit may see of Molded Plastic 'Orna- mentation and 'Color DecarntiOn :tt Pan .Atnerlean Iix}tuaitign. It is now .possible togo solnewlai?.t more into detail regarding. the plastic and color :work upon the various build - in S of the Pon -American Exposition. The most advanced of the buildings is that to be devoted to machinery. The staff upon the exterior of this edifice is now nearly all in place, and the great sti'ucture.is in the bands 01 the color artists. Though a very large building, 500 by 350:feet, the.four.facades,are so bre ken by architectural features, that there'is nothing of monotony, or sever- ,ity. Every one who has the good for; tune to visit the grounds during this 'Advanced stage .of development unties Itattngly.applauds the happy results of both :,',the architectural' ,and color schemes. I:n order that the reader may have a correct understanding let me first de- scribe the molded work xylth which the exterior of the building is ornamented. By means of the very ingenious pro' duction known as staff, which is made out of white plaster, into which liberal quantities, of manila fiber have been mixed in order.• to make it tough and durable, the Exposition, buildings are given the appearance •of solidity and 'massiveness as well as the -beauty of ,richly 'carved stone: But, since • the Liuterialisnot stone, the idea of add- ing color to the work: has been suggest- ed. Ho* to apply the colorso that it would heighten the beauty of the work has taxedthe' ingenuity of the most famous' mural painter of the world, Mr. Charles Y. Turner of New York. The very, intricate character of the staff work and the vast amount of it. in delicate designs offered a most for- bidding task. All four of the broad facades of the building have an arced - ed effect.Every window is a deeply recessed arch, with wide soffits and casings. Every entrance is composed of one or more high: arches, with massive pillars at the sides, and every, pillar and, pilaster is of very elaborate detail. Every `window is grilled and finished with fidelity to the most artistic ideas of architects of the Spanish renais- sance, from which the general "arehi- tectural-"scheme of the Exposition is derived. _ ' At -the four corners of the great building are . four towers, with open pavilions, 50 feet above the ground. Above, the great arched entrances on A Steel Co. slant Darned Latrobe, Penn., April 29. -Last night the entire tipple,, engine house and boiler house,' of the Dorothy Coal and Coke plant of the American Steel ahcl Wire Company was ' a smouldering mass of'ruins and it is, rumored that either four oz• six miners slave lost 'their- lives. ' The loss is estimated at,5150,000;, fully. insured. 15iemb'ers Ti vl'ed to'''Quebec. Ottawa, .April` 29. -- An invitation has bora ext.endcd by the Harbor Corntnieeihiners of Quebec to meinibers of J. az ] iatnc,nt, tow. visit the Ancient Capital on Saturday, May 1,1. A special train will be run from Otta- wa to Quebec oda that date, and -it, is expected that litany of the M.P.'s wil1aake in the trip. Iierbort Slimes r $1. New York, April" 29. I:7.er'bert Spencer, whose health is ,Most feeble, i sl�)cispentla , 81st b t . S t 111 1, 1 Lon Ott Saturday '-i'irtiiatlly•;in solitude: f[iTriisat ttltoiiogz.pir lies received o. rist�ts tenches, but. n,unable to. .do. _ry':u>ttiiiel yboza, 'or 'even: c r 1r; With .visitors. Burt in a Runaway Accident. Whitby, April 29.-0n Satur'diiy'al- ternately a runaway accident occurred near the machine shops of Major. harper &, Son. Mr. pent, 'science teacher at the .Collegiate,' Was driv- ing with Miss Copeland, an ,Ontario Ladies' College teacher; when his horse took fright 'and ran into a tree, completely destroying the buggy and throwing the occupants out with ter - rifle force.'. llliss Copeland was 'carried on a stretcher,` to the College and is se- verely •brusicd. Mr. Dent was terribly wounded in the top and back of the head. Dr, McGillivray was callad in to both cases, and it ;will be -a few days • be- fore it can be seen clearly how seri- ous .their injuries, are., Landing Waiter Taylor and : his daughter were also thrown out of their buggy during the afternoon, and.Tayior, had three ribs broken'. Chas. TI, Bays a;Radical::.,:. "San Francisco, Cal., 'April 29 --=It' i5 scircles that "stated' railroad President Flays' of the Southern Paci- fic is 'about- to inaugurate a radical change in the management of the sys- tem. fl:e will form a cabinet' of, ad- visers, to be composed of theheads of practically all the principal de la i artrnents` of the road, with 1 thesin- gle exception of the law department. Fire at Dominion Steel \Yorks, Sydney, C. B., 'April 29.—Two tanks of the Dominion Iron and• Steel Company, and their contents about 300,000 gallons of coal tar, Were destroyed on Saturclay-morn- ing. The fire, wliioh is supposed' to have caught from a locomotive spark, was an extremely fierce one while it lasted. The loss is fully' cov- • ered by insuraace. Lobster Fisherman, Drowned. Port Hawkesbury, C. 13., April 29. A young man named McDonald from Creignish; was drowned Satur- day off ,Low Point. He was in a lob- ster smack, two miles off shore.; when' a squall struck .the boat, caus- ing it. to 'fIl andsink before any help. could • reach. him.t Eirst.Gxrain Arrivals alit Quebec. 'Queboc,' April' 29. -The first •+grain 'shiprnelit` Of the season via Hawkes - 'bury Commenced to. arrive in Que- bec Saturday morning, It consibts' of the fi,rst instalment of 16p, cars for 'the SS: T3elglari of the Leyland Lind, The shipmeht is to be drawn irr' about eight trains of 20 to 25 ears each. The Dangerous linuana I'eel. Halirii,x; N. 5, April 20.--:Lr.r1- 1)rysdralc.,.e0 years of tigc Slipped on a bananzr, pool on the street Satur- day, and, fell, fraeturing his `skull, Psis condition IS Sori0us, Conont<1irt-3,.r ' at I3oati of season. St John 51 33.,• A"lnril 2`? stiliuf', '.od the Steain(oi' Cozieordi',u for ',�atldt'da. i ..Cr,lts�tr:w; ;ora ,._. re, 101 tlt,'� ,Ole +,viiiter• Inerttbusines here t7iai;101\� - S+ tartan:ars.a't,voregurw,v-..r.+s ,rib. PAN-AMI:Ri},iPi1,1P0 ITIDr' t jt MACSINERY AND TRANSPORTATION BUILDING the east and' west sides are massivE domes. Two very tall towers rise ahoyc both 'the north and south entrance: and help to complete two 'wonderfn architectural compositions. Imagine if' you can, the delicate and beautify character, of this unique .work. Soni one has said it reminded the observer of a skillful•• •confectioner's best achievements in a' fancy wedding cake many times exaggerated. The compari -`son Is not'hiappropria'te perhaps, fo tile 'Exposition'celebrates a closer un ion of the several Americas, and in th+ original white' the wonderful: compo sitions of staff which crown these to ers possessed the apparent delicacy o one of these marvelous creations o the confectioner. But Sut color has been added, and th white has disappeared. The likenes is no longer there. The brilliant colo.' that the Moors loved so steadfastl, hundreds of years ago in Granada all+ Andalusia have been revived, bette than the originals. The majestic col umns and fancy pillars look like care ed ivory. The arabesque§ have background of brilliant shades, sucl as yellows, pinks and reds of varyin degrees of brightness. The roan domes have bands of green and othe shades. The •roofs are all of red tilt The broad eaves are upheld by sur stantial brackets that resemble ros wood carved in intricate design. Th lofty towers present a radiance o blues, reds and gold. Medallions c Ericsson and other famous men wt]' have given the world wonderful m chinery; are surrounded' with a glow 'Difficult or •impossible as it may see to time reader. to ernploy briIlhaltit colo so frebty upon, a'great building such ibis, without` destroying its grandei and cheapening its 'appearances tl problem, has been magnitibently wort ed out, and the effect is not merel pleasing and harmonious, but the wort is ae artistic triumph that every perso from far and near will delight to se The wonderful 'harmony of the mail colors that have been' used is 'at once observed, andthere is no one featurc of - the Exposition that has, aroused more popular interest than the grool color scheme. • With the 20 or tion: other big building's, fill aglow with col or and adorned with lichly'luoldr( plastic work the effect will he a pro l have surprise. to those, 1 111+), fotinci sill ilt n ' ed other 1. la S G,I{t )C 5 . � t 1�1.t,'at, l>rstV's,; i 0 rn rs, as li; 1e frota a nuestic>n Have not, first show Fancy, Tweeds. aveyou 37a Therringbone are ig •: A bl„ range Serges If you want want Clays. Overcoats Naps Al work fit DOT' that int you your drop in and opportunity you a -few Worsteds seen the new 'beauties. st New °see :i patterns.: prices. 1lleltons, RUN R U N interest yen, Suit. If us at the and let us prices of the and Scotch Staples and They Black �arisli., , have what you Venetians and , Curls; test style and' 'V IElitg Post ;Office , f 1 :and o_ ii_taes, at the old a black we in Twills, OVER,CO.ATS in Bea exs v and Vlontanacts. clone ' the la In ' guaranteed. c3. Opposite Exeter— Phosphate IS �-the .. . the E Give gew id .. ER IVI g I LLS,.; tiort 1 lot•+ have- 'a? e procured a carload of Thomas � owaer which . best t Fertilize r on arse t. ,. us . ai Call. a. COBBLEDICK & SOL goods show host that Mandolins, Hymn Presbyterian 1ways GALL; ih We and them Our beautiful money We and Sewing in Sheet are constantly it is a pleasure to you. Pianos and Organs in tone can buy. receiving new for us to are the and appearance Gutars, Methodist Books, also praise.: Repairs a,l- all Kinds. SEE ITS. ARTIN also show -Violins, Mouth Organs, Sunday School Books of Machines and stock. stock. Music of: AN D �'w■ ,c S. n' s c a • r. wises are mises n modern b made We That's f :r o I•ate. GeYl of business Gent's t;' OUR i have Moved We liar, s opposite the now open for are modern and up-to-date in the most Personally .. Cut made up at —as well as fit all the details. reason why our fi S Furnishings Conte and see and examine Furnishings. est Central business. and modern .. Every this it—and This prices us in ii our new re• ,. Hotel and Our pre. we give y011 goods and style. Garineii establishment look aftei is only omi are modes S our, new piaci our z stock v Knight h 1 e, B I—I[ICKS REPAIRING If you want +>oni. Repairing well doh i) to II, ITICzds—\Patches, Clocks and Jewelry a specialty. nlR RIAGE L;hCEN$E 1ll,r aagc Licenses esis u d t1 eta a.. cin lt,w s alwfr''-s olahand,. , 1 cls ��e'iiis� e.