HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1901-5-2, Page 1FOURTEEjj YEAR. -G70
aJsflop& so:
ar Portland Cement,
Oar Coil Spring Wire,
Barb and Plain Wire,
Woven Steel Wire Fence,
Po itry etti g all S:izes
We have unlimited iirivate funds for in-
vestment upon farrn or yillage property, at
o west rates of filterest.
Barristers, etc., Exeter.
I have a: large amount of private funds to
loan on,farna and. village properties at -low
rates ofinterest. .
F. W. ti-LAD'mAist,
Barrister, Main Street Exeter.
Take Notice that I have applied to the License
CommisSioner for SouthBoron for pcrthisaion to
transfer my ncense Co tleorge Merner, of Blake, Ont.
Any objections to transfer -must be lodged with the
Inspector not later than the 1th flay of May.
Exeter, April 23, 1001.
Sale Register.
MONDAY, MAY 0,—Brick dwelling on Andrew
street, also 11 acres of land and household furniture',
the property": of Mrs. II. Sarnwell, being lot. 105.
Sale on premises at 2 o'clock, real estate to be sold
at 8.30: H. Brown, Auctioneer.
Notice ishereby given that the report which Inc
been in eirenlation to the effect that banntel .Gratton
was arrested by me for stealing gram is false and en-
tirely without foundation and L'hat I know nothing
wrong against the said Samuel Grafton. ,
Wm, Irorir.
714" t
SEALED TENDERS, addressed to the Post.
master General, will be received at Ottawa until ,
Noon, on Friday, the 7th of June, 1001, for the eon- •
veyance of His Majesty's Mails, on a proposed 001i -
tract for four years, six times per week each v. ay, ;
between Exeter and St. Marys from the 1st. July j
Printed nail:es containing further information
as to conditions of proposed Contract may be seen (
and blank forms of Tender may be obtained at the j
Post Offices, on the Route, and at this office. TenderS j
are also asked for this service with either Thames I
Road, Elimville, or Winchelsea as the starting point,
London, 20th April, 1001.
li.' G. HOPKIRK, 1
Post office insae,tos.
OF .
.. t
.. .
. , 1
ro the, value of English Stock -Food, f
inanufactured by C. Lutz, Exeter. re
This is to certify that I have used 1:
English Stock Food, for calves, nilleh a
iows rind young pigs; and in all cases a
lave found it most satisfactory. The t
:elves have grown faster ancl thine h
aetter than ever 'before. The milch ti,
:ows have improved in condition. The b
low of milk has increased 20 per cent, h
aid is Of greater richness. The young fi
iigs have clone better on English Stocic p
'oocl.; than I ever knew them to do be- 1
ore.: English Stock Food is a most G
cellent and valnable article and b
houlcl be used by all stock raisers. It y
s cheap aS compared With other feods. jt
'rice 14 pounds for $1. ' 6
. ' Aon,A1-tgar DEARING,
, lie•itrslicame assessor veports a pop- ,
Cajon of 2,31.0 and these other parti- n'
ulars. No,. of aeres, 43,675; No. of as
cies cleared, 37,219: value of.real pro- ....-
arty, $1,800,350; aggregate value of els-,_
11 property, $1,919,250; cattle, 0,117; LI-
lioep, 1,183; hogs, 3,283; horses,' 1,715; su
irths, 32; deaths, 22; -acres of wood w
ind,,4,025; acres of awarim, 429; acres ni
0 orchard and go -viten, 628,1-4, acres of to
ill wheat, 5,783. , so
Khiva. • el(
Mr. 13. Cunningham has had a wire hc
ince put op which adds greatly to the la!
ape/trance ,of the place. Mr, Snider, res
Dashwood, did the work. --We a,re re;
/,t'y to hear of the illness of John Lip- by
)00; forrnerly of this place, who went no
. Michigan ia few mont,hs ago. We •
.),Iypased dwant J)ehkn, toveofi leclnitc:entarti,,:pooaficel troileul. r, townljxiala, jil'3,..itil:'
Sit 011 Monday. ;Tina owns J. I. C.- cal
siting is the order of the night here a c
st now. It is something new foi, he
ekers to be aronncl R.Iiiva and the ita
at Doyle is still confined to his bed. ht
'e hope he will soon be around again. ae,
....___,3 Jd ch,
ompo hat
is 'signature is 'tire everY boy of th6'g6ntlin° 4i.'"
Axative Brottio.Quitune Tablas, 00;
) teuatety that cures n cella in 'Due day to -0
There has been a geeitt deal of Sick-
ness in this locality of late. _Iles. John
Smith is down with neuralgia or the
bowels. Mrs. john Penhale is also
gaite ill. Mes. IV. Sweet is seriously
II1.---The inftuit ditughter of Mr. (did
alas. S. 0. Prouty died on Sunday,
aged 1 week, -Miss Teinly of
Grand Bencl, paid Socion a flying visit
last week. --The land has once more
(*hied and seeding has been nesumed.
Grand Band
Miss AI. Statton, who has been on
the sick list, has recoveeed.--Mr. Wal-
ter Jamieson, who has been in Detroit
for a short-, time,paid our town a flying
visit Sunday evening. . -Mr. C. Gibbs
and family and Dr. Mullin and wife, of
Parkhill, spent Sunday here. --.Mr. Gill
is improving his house by a fresh coat
of paint. ----Mr. John Spackman, of Ex-
eter, avrived here Monday. -The fisher-
men are now ready for fishing. -Mr.
Albert Kennedy, of Sarnia, in tends
spending the summen here. His wife.
will be here in it few weeks. -Mr. Jos.
Brenner has erected a wind mill. -Mr.
Roes, of Brewster, left Tuesday for the
Soo, where he has accepted a situation,
The Rey. S. Salton preached in Sea-
orti-r1ast Ptharlay morning and even;
Mg. la his tiosence tho tReas. Mr.
Tartnoll, of Exeter, preached a very
good sermon in the morning and in
he evening the Epworth League, led
by Mi. E. Williams, of Clandeboye,
onductect an interesting religious ser-
ice"hge-Next Sunday the last Quarterly
ervices for the Conference year will
e held here in the morning and Edeu
n the afternoon. -The Quarterly offi-
ial board. meets on 'Wednesday night
tt 7 o'clock. -Mr. and Mrs. W. 0. 1-3ox,
f St. Mavys visited at the Methddist
arsonage last Sunday. -Mr. Atkinson
s slightly better we are glad to say
nd Mr. R. Luker is no worse. -Miss
ennie Salton has been on the sick
ist.-Mr. Bagshaw, teacher, is
nthroving as well as can be expected,
ut is still in a very weak condition.
The Weather is nice after therecent
aiii.a'-•School business isthe topic 'cif
he day.,i---Mr: Hannon IS painting tind
ecaarttting Ins hotel. , Jitn doesn't 'M-
end to behindthe. titnes.a4homas
ynch haS,purehased 150:acres of land
•orn Mr, George Sutton -Mr Fink:
einer has put nes verandah. on his
Ouse:which has itdded much to its
ppeorance...-4w...James-OiRouke .sold
vOlaitible team Of :colts to .Mr.. Brea')
o Other day.-:aMsr, Einth
left our town tifer • Waahingten
ttitoiy Mieb '61011 1)61 much:missed
y the boys. -Miss 13ertha, Buingarden
as left (stir -toWn and is gone to work
it 101 john Doyle -Miss Murlock
ud ohr town a visit' thistrweek.-The
.0 T M 1 tdies of Shiplca will go .to
sand,Bend for a picnic 011J00e;.11.th,
eing:Mitceabee .Memorial day.'10
on want good tinie emaie ithang• and
in with thorn, ' Don't forget your.
St. Joseph
Our town is undergoing a building
orn at present, and a number of men
e at work on the several buildings
at were uncompleted. --Mr. J. 0,
allifleisch has the contract of putting
e plate glass front in one of " the
yes in the big block, and now bits
tirmen employed 'on large
halter of visitors from surrounding
wns and villages were taking in the
hts and wonders of our burgh on
nda,y lasta-erksvery hotly contested
ction to fill the vacancy in the
isteeship of the seperate school, was
Id in the school house on Saturday
t. The candidates were Mr. J.
mporte and Me. L. 'V. Bachand and
tilted in Mr. Bachand being elected
21 of a notjority.-Most of the far-
rs in the vicinity are through seed -
and are now getting ready for
nir planting. -Mr. ,N. M. Contine
S removed to the house lately va-
ed by Mr. C. Laiiineer.-M. Pecarcl,
apitalist of ,Chicago, who ha,s been
PC for the.past two vveeks, has re -
'nod to that city, but is expected
111 shortlyg-Our local fishermen are
'Mg S0D16' very gond hauls of fish
1 it keeps Mr. P. I3eaver, the popu-
fish vendon, busy disposing of them.
r. Prietneati, our popular bu1 .
r has purchased -a very large 'aid
idsonie (log vvinch xvill be Very 'use -
to have as 11, watch dogs ---,1\11..- Gen."
on, one of oar, merchant.a, is going
Toronto shortly on' a purchasing-
Res'. S. Achesoo, who ministere
faithfully to the Presbyterian peopl
Iteee for upwards of sixteen years, wen
out to Dakota about a month ago, and
be has been received with kindness and
hospitality. While there he preached
in the city of Red Lake Falls on April
24th and 31s0 and on April 711i, 6:110
(0 Pembina, N.D. reeeived
call from each of the congregations and
has accepted that Of the latter. Pem-
bina is a beautiful eity on the bank cif
Pembina and Red River with Minne-
SOttl and MartibOba lying near by. It
is said to be a very flourishing city with
a large COM ercial trade (Ind neio lngh
sehool accommodation. The people of
Pembinahave so highly appreeinted
31r. Acheson's man nor, a p pear (a. and
ability that they have promised him a
stipend of $1,100 a yea:: and a. fi•ee
manse. The congregaticin of Penildnit
will fincl in Mr. Aclaeson a man kind
end genel'OUS tO all, constant in his at-
tentions 10 the,sick or distressed,liber-
al in all his vies -vs, well versed io the-
ology, scholarly, masterly and convinc-
ing in his -discourses, a faithful and de -
vont Christian and a companionable
n . •
61 et t
to-Nv'ttl-%sl.'1°4-8'le(k)1)1,11Stvrtlebpilline'nn' aistas:ssc°oL'im°pflet
t' his roll. The follciwtng are the totals
of his retuans: Total acves, 57687; tot.
al assessed value, $1,805,425; male per-
sons from 21 to 60, 917; total 1101)016:-
1101, 1141; tiny -thee of children between
5 to 12, 1309; number of childx•en be-
tween 5 (Ind 16, 1081; cattle 5013; sheep,
1110,04-20ctilliaoigual: 10520595; .;bioi.ci;ESeestS,0.1:18,11,2c;h1.)1,xe.cire,s5 '6(f
acres of fall 'wheat, 5175;' dogs. 121;
bitche.s, 4.'
he of Cr 0:
's ts.seros.0:1
p0nereclYtipuild Sinitha
tin 061(1
ed ' hardware business here,
Clinton; Miss Eva Burnett had the
6010106:1(13) 65 to ,step (10 11 rusty' nail 01105-
ing her to rest for a few days.
Goderich tin' W. Bryclon has. sohl
for the Toronto Tiaists Co. to Albert
Andersoal, lot 21, Bay'field road, known
as the Thomas Cook_ farms; the price
paid WaS $3200, It iS considerell good
property And the price very fait'.
WilliaM Stone, of thci;
401 concession, has sold Ins fine hun-
dred acre farm to John Britgg of the
same tost-usbip. 'Alit Stone will move
to St: Marys in the fall.
liensall: tarty Colsvill, who \vas talc-
eit ill, with appendicitis at Al 510(51011)0
ancl mune to the London Hospital for
treatmeut,aerived at his Intuit; here cm
Saturday, The ithspital Surgeon con-
sidered Guy not strong enoug]l foe an
operation. I -ie Will rentain•home with
the hope of building tip his strength,
illitehell: Messrs. Crozier (had Sin-
clair, barbers, who have been in prat.
nersliip for the past six years, have
dissolved partnel•ship. The latsiness
"will be continued by Mr, Otuziev, while
111 -it Sinclith• will be fthind across the
street from the old stand, in the $11010
fornierly oecupied b'tr likft• Richard
Nolan tvhich he has pue chased.
o fKBi 0 II., Apia 1.°1 re( it7 nbri())11;11;1017 teovi
John arid Peiter Cameron, of Stanley,
died 'vet•y Suddenly, quite unexpected-
ly of heart trouble. His reniains Were
oxpressed to 16.1ppen ittld interted 116
the family plot in 13aird's buryina
ground on Sunday 101i1e/41001(attendea
by a Mtge num bee of soevowing vela -
lives and syinpathetic fi•ientls.
Ma, Eil. Dossenbetey has purchased
the house end lot or Mrs. Catherine
Reinhard, who will go to Hawksv file,
to reside with her do ughter.---Zurich
Roman Catholics are going a
$3,000 addition to 'tbein church. --Mr,
Geo. Denstedt, of 13111)who went to
Whitewood, Assa., a few weel,S 41 go,
has returne61 and put•chased the hal•-
neSS business of Mr. E. Appel. He al-
so rented the storcafor a term of 3-e1tes
and intends starting a halal were busi-
ness in connection. -Prof. Taylor, the
Hyptietist ancl inind reader, gi ve eon-
certs for ihre,e nig-hts last week in the
Town Roll her C. --Miss 11110n0. Sheffer
was in town Sunclay.---IIIr. J. Terrallee,
Of Egniondville, paid our town a flying
visit last week. -.Mr. 11. 3. Hagan cell-
ed on friends in tOWfl this week. -.Mr.
R. Stelek,Princi pal of the Z.P.S..apent
Standay at his home hi Ilillsgreen.---
Mr. S. Hardy and fandly-leage shortly
for their new home in Michigan -Miss
Lizzie Stelck, of the llth concession, is
spending a week with her grandmoth-
er, Mrs. Soldan.-Some of our enter-
prising citizens brought out the engine
and hose cart one night this week- and
succeeded in layingg the dust on Main
street.-Mit.A. Mittleholz has moved
to &house near the flax mill and Mr. j.
Shitefer hnmediately took possession
of the butcher shop and house vacated
by Mr. Mittleholz.
M•AomEn.---A very pretty viedding
took place in town on Wednesday ev-
ening at the home crf Mr. and Mrs.
Maid Witwev, svhen Miss Lizzie Runty,
of this place, ancl Mr. Ben. Holtzman,
of Elkton, Mich., were united in the
holy bonds of matrimony. The cere-
mony was performed by the Rev. C.
S. Finkbeiner. M115S Maggie Holtz-
man, sister of the groom acted as
bridesmaid and Mr. Emanuel Faust
supported the groom. The bride was
away by his brother-in-law, Mr.
red, Witwer and, the wedding march
was played by Miss Addie Witwer.
After the ceremony WAS over the
guests sat down to a stimptuous wed-
ding dinner prepared by Mrs. Witwer.
The newly monied couple left on Fri-
day for then, home near Elkton follow-
ed by the best wishes of a host of
Ci ecliton
J. G. STANBERY, a A., ' (formerly, &
Stanlawy) Barrister, Solicitor, Notar), Conveyancer,
Money to Loan—Exeter, Ont.
Mr. Robert E. Walker, butcher, has
harl his delivery- cart ve-painte.d and
lettered by our well-known mechanic,
Mr. Thonias Trevethielce-Mr, 1'. W.
Farncombe, of London, was in the vil-
lage last Thursday. -The fall -wheat in
this vicinity is in very poor condition.
The Hessian fly is ruining the crop. -
The masons have started the brick
WOrk of Mr.Trick's new dwelling. -We
are sorry to hear of the death of Miss
Tiebborne, of Gode.rich, who WaS
teacher in our public school last year.
While here she. won many friends and
her sudden death came quite unexpect-
ed. -Mr., and Mrs. Francis Clark, of
Granton,spent S un day, h ere with relit-
tives-eoine Children started a fire
near Mr. C. Beaver's planning mill on
Sunday and in a short time the fire
spread to the shed. After considerable
difficulty the fire 'WAS . extinguisha
Parents should see that their children
do not Oily with matches. --Miss Mary
Etta Trevethick, of London, is visiting
her brother, Thomas -Mr. Heywood,
of Elinaville,•occupied the polpit in the
Methodist church lastifStinclay evening,
e -Mr. Frank Snell is wearing a proud
smile. A boy.saMiss Lilly 'Hardy, of
Exeter, was, in the village last Statute
day, teaching lterpupils.-Mr. Richard
Baker has commenced at the founda-
tion of the fire hall. -Henry Eilber, M,
P.P. attended the funeral of Mr. Arch-
ibald Bishop Saturchiy.-A manlier of
our boys have'been purchasing wheels.
Some of the old gents are' talking of
petitioning the council to pass a by-
law to prohibit the boys from wheeling
on the side waPss.--Sucker fishing is
all the rage. Some of the boys are get-
ting them with pitchforks, others are
killing them with rails and sonie have
even been so fortunate as to catch them
with their hands and still ther•e are
suckers left. They are even seen at
this time of the year on dry land.
Some of our sports claim that they
have caught from 25 to 50 in an even-
ing but those who know say they were'
sardines because the boxes Wereplent. ce
iful along the banks of the creek. Ga
Sonn OUT.—After doing business M
here the past thirty years, the well- Mt
known firm of T. tinier & Songenet.- en
al merchants, sold out Wednesday to on
Mr. Wesley Kerr, who hos been con- an
quoting a grocery store in Clinton, for Pn
the .post few -Weeks, Wes iS one, of ho
our former eitizenS and we w_elcoille 1Y
hitn hack into our midst. .).}le will oes Pc-
ctipy the-davelling ontned by Mr. Geo. east
o tzman. Success Wes. per
many {'ii t .ids of the raniil Y. will hear
with deep regret of the death of Ann
Case, behosed wife of 'Mr. Gee. Haw-
kins, Whieil occurred at the family 1158-
((111600,016 April 2901, at the,
age of 74 st,sa us iind 11 months. The
deceased eas been in failing health
from a soul pli Cat1 u 11 11 61isea113s for
some years, but 11(1'11(1'case 03:61:1101: take
a serious teen until about two weeks
ago when the result wits a general
breaking (-p of the system, and
.fiitereord. 51,11651,116Snapped at 011(10- above
ate tec1( Mvs. IListikins '615:65 :6. native of
Ireland r1(111 wine to this countey when
quite young,he Sstets of kindly dis-
position, a true, wife and friend and
oe tshoss. whole heart and soul was
in her hooeehold, always solicitous foe
the welfare or bee family and diligent-
ly 1011551011(01 1(( their necessities and
0111100 8 10 lig as strength permitt-
ed. Shci leaves :1 family of five sons,
Thornas, Joseph, John, George and
r17111111;.ti•gether with the sorroWiDg,
baSbalid, ;Ill of whom have , the eyin-
pathy of ito eon -tint -mita.. The funeral,
whieh wits largely attended, took,
place to 61,' Exetee cemetery on Tues-
day: The aev. ,T. W. Ten Eyck; offi-
ciating. Among others from a dis-
tance itthniding the funeral were Mr.
T. P. Smith aud sister, Mrs. Allen, of
Vna: Mr.' Si- A. IVIoffatt met wi th
very 1111'10accident the other even-
ing. While. pulping intingolds, ho'got
Ole ends taken off'three 'fingers on his,
left hand, ime.of them being, cut as far
as the bone. '
Lucan: 21I3a Th011ias,Webb, sr., one
of the oldest. pioneers of the 1201i con-
oesSion of 1361Idulpla, died at his resi-
dence on Sunday evening after a short
T'ae funeral,took place to the
English (-Lurch cemetery at Hire on
Thesday afternoon. '
Baytield: Mr. H. H. Johnstone had
another seegowful journey to Hanover
on Thursdey of last week when he
took the rem -tine of his infant child to
be interre .beeide its mother who pass-
- el• ...• -la et it wool:. before,
Mr. .To'fartattnie's thinly friends deeply
symptithise with him in his double af-
Lncan: Mr. Mathew Rigean, drover
of while showing Mr. 3,
Laughlin (1 couple- of fat heifers had
his right leg bren okhi two places be-
low the knee. Mr. R. wa.s standing
between the two when his coat, ibis
supposed,touclied the one, which kick-
ed him down with the first stroke,
with the above results.
Clinton: The accident to James
McGill 'which we mentioned in last
week's issith as one probably fated hos
come only to true. On Sunday he
passed away after lingering a little
over a. treek's time in his 710h year.
When receiving the fall he became
paralyzed entirely and never recover-
ed elthough pevfectly conscions to the
Goderieh: 'Patrick Hogan died at a
good old age at his residence on Mon-
day after a long illness, and was buried
Thursday morning in Colborne R. C.
cemetery from St. Peter's church.
The deceased lived near Carlow, where
be had a farm, until he moved to
town some fifteen years 'Since, and
was known as one Of the best temper-
ed men in town.
GoderichOn Monday, Marrianne
Cobb widow of the late George Brown
formerly of Stirlings, Goderich, died
at the residence of her son-in-law, Dr,
T. G. Johnston, M.P., Sarnia, and on
'Wednesday her remains were brought
to Goderich for interment in Maitland,
cemetery. The deceased lady had
been in her usual 11016101 until a short
time before her death, which resulted
from a general breaking lip of the sys-
tem. •
Brinsley: We haye to report the
death 13
of Airs. raithwaite, which oc-
curred on IVeclnesclay, April 1,7111,, att
the advanced age of 81 years. The
deceased had treen a great. sufferer
from gangrene, for sortie . months
past until death finally relieved her
frein her sufferings. The funeral took
Place on Friday afteinoon, April 10011,
when the 10101111)8 ‚615010 laid in their
last resthig place in the Ebenezer
cenietery. The service -was conducted
lay the Rey. Jas, Hussar.
Ilarpley: A very pleasant event
took place at the residence of Mr.
George 'Sherritt,' on Weelnesclay the
Ilth inst. when his pretty ancl popu-
lar daughteryEthelclit Dell, was unit-
ed it) Ole holy bonds of matrinuany to
.11,1r.' W. A Mollard, of Grand Marais,
Michigan. The interesting ceremony
was performed lay their pastor, Rev.
J. -VV. Baird, 13. .A., hi' the presence of
a few intimate friends and, relatives.
The wedding march was played by
Mr.' W. Neal, InerCbatIt Of Walt0.11,
005111 01 the bride.
Seaforth: -While charging the as-
tylene gas generators in Mr. 13. 13;
111119111119 store, On Saturday night,
68000. James Purcell and Ernest
'may had quite an exciting expert -
co. They haci a light, with them,'
61 SOMe ('0011 ping gas caught fire
d blazed up in their faces. Mr.
reell cattle off with- -a few , slight
vita, but Mrs lIfurray's face wtts bad -
hurried. - Fertainittely , there was
'more gaa, rts they tvould_tuidoubt-
y have been seriously and. perhaps
ananently inkired, '
Wingb tun : The angel of death hi
once more visited OM: nide-labor:hoe
and has darkened it home, by death o
Monday afternoon Marga ret Olurl
son, beloved wire of Chas. Henderson,
of the Bluevide road, at the age of 75
years'. She had been healthy, despite
her olcl age, np- to about five weeks
ago, when she had an attaek of la -
grippe from which she was apparent-
ly recovering until token Worse 011
Mitchell: Miss Elizabeth Robb, of
the North Ward, was operated 00
Saturday by out- three town doctors,
her trouble beirig consumption of the
bowels, The disease was so far ad-
vanced that little hope was entertain-
ed for her recovery. The operation
was ekilfully performed and brought
relief for a' time, but the unfortunate.
woman gradually grew weaker and
passed away, surrounded by her friends
Tuesday evening. She was in the 170h
year of her age and was respected by
all who knew larg..
Pint!) i Detroi 0 Free Press says: -
Robert Snowden, 28 years of age'a
labOrer hailing from Parkhill, 0111 t.,
accidently fell from a street car at the
corner of Woodward and Trowbridge
street at aboat 11 o'clock last night.
He was taken to Rupee Hospital,
here it was found that he was suffer
ing from a slight scalp wound and con-
cussion of the brain. His injuries are
not serious, the, authorities stated ear-
ly this morning, after the patient hacl
regained consciousness. Snowden has
been visiting his brother, James Snowg
den, of 537, East Larned street.
Clinton: St. Joseph's church was
thronged on Monday forenoon to wit-
ness the wedding of Mr. John T. Mc-
Cauchey, a prosperous young man of
Morris, to Miss Jane Corbett, of Pful-
lett. The ceretnony WEIS performed by
Rev. Father McMenamin,. while (Tor-
ing Mass Miss J'onees, the organist,
played several an-Propriate selections
tuad Miss Brown tendered solos in her
usual good form. The fair bride was
assisted by Miss Minnie Reynoles, bobh
being charmingly attired. The grooms.
num was Frank Kelly of Morris.
.Mitchell: \Van „Challenger, who
about six years ago, lived a, little west
of here on the Tirthon Road, died at
the residence of his son Joshua, near
_Month; Fovest, o,i Friday last, He
was tonal Yor•Irshii•e, Eng-
land, April 22nd, 181i, and carne to, ,
Canada in 1815, settling for 'a tette
years in the township of 01u 1:. A
year ago deceased had a paralytic
stroke, from the effects tvhich he never
l'eeove1 ed. lie '65 1, marl of fine
character ttncl respected by all who
'knew him. ' The reinaias svere brought .
here on 1\fonclay, being. tile 851 aura-
versary of his birth, iincl intei•red h)
the -Methodist eeinezer'Yi
Ba yfield : A quiet.- t pretty' wed--
tvits eelebrated ,ab the, 7,esidence
of Alit Walter Ewing 13tic11a16, u0 Dur -
liana, Ont., on Ttiesclay, April 16th,
when his eldest' daughter, Illargeret
Fisher Elm:hart becanae the svife of Dr. •
:Nita -fan NV. • \\ ro od s, of 13 a yll L'Id
Promptly at tile Ilona appoiiited foe
the ceremony, while the ..1': ,,ns Oi
1Ilencielsolin's Wedding .March, played
la)r Miss Alide,Buchan, of \Valk erton,
floated through the monis, the grootn,
supported by 1)'.J':. L. Tinsn bull, of.
Goderich, took Ins 1'],i '1:1 in the drasv-
itig- stela tastefully- CIQCOr
ittecI for' the 15e131ision. He was short-
ly joined by his fiance, who eatne n.
leaning on '11e:61(,l of her fathee end.
attended by Miss Ahuagartat Stinson of
Stratford. -
B re akl: The J011o sv in g tire tile.
prize winners id.. the Spieitig Show held
A's g°(01
carriage ois coach, 1s61' Levy & Co.ts
"Millmial"; 2nd, E. 0,Attrill's "Lang -
ton's Darieselt": 3rd TIlonias Bisset'e
"Oleius Glit." Tlaeee years oicl, Thos..
Slainner's "St. George." TWO years.
old, Tin -marts Skinner's i•Sir
ti Aged roadster, B. A: Higgins' -sia
Tolstoi." Blood stallion Lomas,
Skinners i'Tyrone." • Sweepstakes%
for best Rah' horse of env class E C
Attrill's "Langdon's Danegelt." Bulls,
-Durham, aged, lst, Eleoat Brothers'
"General .11tivelock",• 2nd, k
Chapman's " New Year's Gift"; 3r61.,
A. &. 3. Broadfoot's "'Chancellor 4.th„
Robert Charters' "Prince Maruclo.'
Two yeara old, Tat, James
'S tar of 31030 11 g'; 2u01, Thomas Lane's.
"Diamond's Flash":313d, R. B. McLean's
"Knight, of the .West"; 411, Snider.,
Brothers' f'Pince of Fortune." Year -
Hugs, Elcoat Brether's "General Bul-
ler." Sweepstakes for best boll of 100 3'
age rn the beefing class, :Tames Snell's.
"Star of Morning." Hereford, ---Alex.,
".1\ tatehem." Jersey, -D.
McIntosb's i'Krugeie of Brampton."'
Judges -Heavy horses, Joseph Vance,.
Hamburg. Light horses, P. Farrell,
Woodstock. Bane, 'Thomas tRobson,
P., London 1 eweshit P. •
Mitchell: A 'preitYi. -Wedding took
place at noon Wednesday at the nesi-
denee of Mr. John Regg, when May,
youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
John 1IOCkii4, WaS united in marriage
to Mr. George DaBlackburn, Of Chat-
ham. Only the - immediate relations
of the bride and groom were present.
The ceremono was performed by the
Rev. R. Whiting. The bride looled
charming in a gown of grey cashmere,
trimmed with white silk and 'applique,
the travelling costume being of a blue
venetain cloth. The happy couple left
on the afternoon train fer a short so -
31110 111 0110 eastern cities after which
they will take op their residence in
Blyth: .\, most severe and painful
accident happened to Mrs, William
Creighton, sr., on Sanday morning, at
seven o'clock. It appears that the
aged lady- went out to the stable to at-
tend to the CONY. A, horse is also kept
in the building,'and as she was passing,
10 66: cat van out, causing the horse to
make it. fierce kick, striking Mrs.
Creighton in the side, breaking several
of her ribs and in falling she brote
her arm at'the wrist, and cut a wide
(sash in her head. Help was on hand
at once, and the aged lady. Was taken
to the house and medical' attendaathe'
Rimmoned. She is doing as nicely
as can be expected. Serious as it was,
it would have been fatal had the beast
struck her on the head when she fell.
Mitchell: Wednesday evening a•
little boy was trying to row against
the stream in a frail canoe just below
Ole hen bridge at the electric light
station, but was unable to make any
headway. -Census Commissioner Ryan,
took pity o11 the lad, , and, decending
the bank- had the boy to pull ashore
and he,then seated hingself the little
bark, and started to pull against the,
"tide", , He had no sooner reached
Ole centre of the stream when the
canoe turned clean over' and the Com'
missioner took a header fer the bottom
of the river, lath was sbon on his feet
6131(00 6(11(3 waded- to shore, looking like
it droiv'ned rat. The crowd -on the
hanks enjoyed the adVenthre and con-
gratulated Mr, Ryan on his expertness
as' it diver. • r
Ge.'t Rid
03. Its.
If you have catarrh, why
don't you try to get rid of
it ? The first thing you..
knew it will go down into
your lungs or stomach and
cause serious trouble. .You
should use Vapo-Cresolene at once.
The cure is so easy' andso pleasant.
You put some Cresolene n the vapor-
izer, light the lamp beneath and
breathe -in the vapor while sleeping,
that's all. The healing, soothing vapor,
goes all up through tlde nose, quieting
inflammation and restoring- the parts to a
healthy, condition. Doctors prescribe it,-
Vapo•Cresolene is sold by druggists everywhere.
A Vapo-Cresolene ranee including the Vaporizer and
Lamp, whicli should last a life -time, and a bottle or
oomptete, $1.5o; extra supplies of Creso-
en e25 cents and 500516(1, Illustrated booklet cit Cain-
inglitrysicians' testimonials free upon request. Nsrci-
Critisott.t.i,tt-, on., t80. Fulton St., New York,
HOLTZAIANN.--RunY.—At Zurich, on
April 2-1111, by the Rev. C. Fink-
beiner, Benjainin Holtzmann, of
Elkton, 3liCll,, to Miss Lizzie 'Ruby
of Znitich.
31or.g.gola--SETERRITT-011 April 1.7th,
at the residence of the bride's father,
bv the Rev. J. W, Baird, William
taliton Martin, of Grand ISIarais,
Mich., to Ethelda Dell Sherritt,
danghter of Mr. ..0eorge Sherritt,
Stephen. '
, . ,
Bras,oicutiastr---HociciNu-,,at trie real-
dence of '3 Jo Begg,„ 1111tchell, on '
April 2411, by the Rev. R. 'Whiting,.
Mr. George D. Blackburn; of Chat --
ham, to Miss Illary, daughter of Mr..
John Hocking,,
DEATI-15, •
RIONKY.--At Granton, on April 2411,
Eliz,a A. Rigney, aged 30 years ande
2 Months.
Luean, on A pril 21s0, Thos,
Webb, sr., aged 82 , yeat's and 1 .
month. , • .
13uo3tsattAx.-A5 Henson, en April 19, "
Margaret Buchanan, at the age of
83 yea,rs and 6 months. " • •
NousroN.-In Brussells, on April 20,
• Rev. 'Wm. Norton, Methodist minis --
ter, aged 83 yeitrs, 1 month and 10,
Ronne -In Mitchell, on April 23rd,
Elizabeth Robb, aged 40 years, 2
'months 1)1161 1-0 clays.
ITANYKINs.-On London Road oir Ap-
ril 28, A.nn Case, beloved -wife of
Geo. Hawk -ins, aged 71 yerrs, 11 ,
FMCE.—On April 21,- Polly 171516:'-, aged
40 years, 10 601011 01:'.
PROtiTY.4-Iii Sodom, orf April 28,
fnnb"d1lnghfe]' of arid Mrs. S. p.
'Prouty, aged 1 vveeIta
Ushorne; on 'April 2511„.
Archibald W. :Bishop, EX.
. aged 71 years, 7 months antl I 0 dayst
tienreo. et;ire,hasa ChOeledhlunsertdnelfthetn•-•-.8ivileolye-Vduatpion'g-Crtieolltres
nventy.four years. -Aft'-evirdegisrs. ":' '