HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1901-4-25, Page 8';4.1 ,,;_w%,„o:gozintouvewnw,imv52 Df.)11NGS. wAr. epitaph a .boy who was pre - t ra: go shooting robbine: Here lies' what eves left Of little Bud Carwoll. He wt e cleaning, hie gun, And blew down the barrelb Auction Sale, On Saturday afternooll rxid evening the balance of any stationery, fancy goods, china, silks for fancy needle work, will be offered witheat reserve. Everything at a, price. ' D. DYER. Use Native Herb Tea as a Tonic and Blood Purifier. Only 25. a box at Lutz's Drug Store, Mr. James Willis is enlarging his of- fice at the lumber yard and much ina- proving, same, Division Court will beheld in Zurich on Thursday, May 2nd; Exeter, Ma,Y Srd, and Crediton, May 4th. ' The severe snow storm on Saturday was indeed of unusual severity and the like seldom occol'e in the month of April. After the. grip, or other serious ill- ness, Hood's Sarsaparilla is the medi- cine to take to restore the appetite and strength. Dyer's scale Satureley 2.30 and 7.30 p.m. Om' town elock has for several days, refused to dictate the time, Wouldn't it be just as well for our town fathers to look into the matter? sleir. 'Ray Fanson has given up his position in the R. Pickard's store and will aesist Mr. Wen. B Pwil1, etarpen- ter, in building thiS"season. Two or three unproved hundred -tinge farms for sale in the townships of Us - borne and Stepbei. For particulars apply to Dickson & Carling. The Christian Endeavor of the Pres- byterian church held au evening with the "English" on Tuesday night last and a most pleasant time was spent. Mr. J. D. Graham, of St. Marys, shipped a carload horses for South Africa 00 Friday. They were pur- chased in this vicinity by Mr. T. Hand- ford. The Rev. G. B. Sage, B. A., B. D., rector of St. George's Church, London is announced to preach in Trivitt Meniorial church on Sunday next. All are invited to attend the services. - p.wD).Peris sale Sat -tree -lay 2.80 and 730 ialitree'pant,,,,g ilestel, which hoe , . NlisS Folly "Poke, Who is at the Hoese been00 ,OC . c'mdlicfuc'd 'Mr" "1V:in Alta 3 ege, haa s gain ed another Suiliev' sc).111e: tuil(3, ias of 1fll beere leased by Mr. Geo. Merner, 'Blake, Who has alao. stvoke of ptualysis tind at aesent in a very low eonefition, with no hope, for her recoverY. We ave iu receipt of a, copy ef the Elgin (Man.) Banner. On looking, over its eolunms we notice an account of an elaborate spread served to the Curl; ers of the town by Mr. Ardagh Stan - lake, an old Exeter boy, who conducte a restaurant and bakery in that town. The Banner epeaks very highly of the host and excellent spread served at his hands. Of course the good "Shepherd!' knows how to do it. --- The merchants association of Ontar- io is moving for the amendment of Di- vision Court prdeeedings by holding weekly sittings of the court with pow- er to examine debtors immediately af- ter judgment is recorded, and order of payment made then and there. By this means it is hoped to head off the num- erous 'deadbeats,' which infest, every comronnitan' and to shorten their reign as "execution proof debtors," Rev. 0., W. Brown, B.D., left Wed-. :.nesdray to attend :the naeeting of the Board :of Exarniners of the :London Conference which is being held in the Mitchell' Methodist churchthis week.. 1 Do von enjoy looking at nice ne,w carpets. If so call on Stewart. There is where you see all that's new in the carpet line. • 1. -------"...---------------------- Ate. :las, Taylor, who is just recover- ing, from the accident he sustained last week by a horse crushinr, his - arm, met with ttnother painful mishap oo Alonclay hist. It appears he was plum ing sonie shrubs when the. •'blade of the large pruning knife he 'was rising came in contact with his hand, inflict-' ing a large and painful gash. -which necessitated several •Rtite.hes to •close the wound. The injured Member is doing nicely,,however. s• , ' ' YOU can bey mens and boys' rea- ,. i dy-to2wear arils at money -saving prices at Stewart's. • Angry subscriber (to editor): '11On mad :all the way through, 'an' I want my paper stopped!" "Yes she; clo yon want y-cm.r hill made out?" 11No; I an mad enough fere that!". ' A thankful wife sent the following recommendation to a patent meditine firm: - G `1 en ns tleen , before taking., 'i1. medicine I was too weak to .spanle the baby, but now I 001 lick my husband. Heaven blesayon." • Mr. Sidney C1 11.0 of Louden, oini- erly of Usborne, met wai ith ir pnful accident in that city Monday after- -noon. -While engaged at the car shops a wheel fell one of his legs, and as a result the:leg was broken. pueeten.ect the ternishangs vont Ander eon and will take possession iffey lst, Mt'. A nelerson Ines not decided yet where he will cast Id., lot. During his stay here he ancl his worthy lam- ilY have made many warm friends, who ‘vill learn with io.'ret that, thev intend leaving. Gorse Sold. Messrs. BaWden & McDonell last • week disposep of another of their fine stallions 1‘Ten Premier," the purchas- er being Mr. Geo. Duffield, of Blau - shard. This is one of the best horses that has ever been brought to Canada, weighing 2000 pounds and was a great prize vvinner in the old country. The purchaser and also the farineis in the community in which he is owned may congratulate themselves on securing such an excellent beast. A Certain Care for , A minister going along the street the other day, was surprised to see a crowd of small boys standing in 0 circle around a Mingey looking dog. He esl ed what they were doing and was told that the boy who told the biggest lie was to get the dog. The preacher, was shocked and. said.; "Why this is terrible. Do you know that when 1 was a boy .I never told' 0, lie." There was silence for a brief interval when one of the boys spoke, up: "Hand the preacher the dog. We Cant beat hinn" Dandruff is an enemy of luxuriant hair. It makes the scalp unnealthy, causes the hair to fall out. Lutz's Im- perial Hair Tonic keeps the ecalp clean and healthy. 101(1 positively cures dand- ruff. it feeds the hair, stops from fell- ing out, alakeS the hair grow thick :end beautiful. Lutz's Imperial litair Tonic is not a clye, contains no lead or other poison. Only 501c. n botEe at Lutz', DA pnnugfe cSktttoirve. e. Mr. Morley jones, of Agricola, N. \V. T. whots well known here 110(1 also in SCephen, township where he formerly resided, in remitting his subscription to the AnvocraTE, says: -" L suppoSe you will think 1 have forgotten all ahont Exeter and the hard -worked editor of our favorite paper, The An- YoctaTE,which we receive regular each week and without flattery roust con- fess it, is Ere MOSt welcome pa,per that comes to our house. lf we could only bay e one paper we would hy all mean3. cling to the ADVocATE." Mr. Xones is prospering m lus htNV lione ant is much taken up Avith that diStrica howeveronet with au unfortunate ancl painful accident ShOl't time ago. While cutting wood the axe slipped and cut a severe gash. in one of his 1 Do you Wear' King quality walk easy shoes? If not you ave missing ing 0 good deal of comfort, Intro - dace yourself to 0 pair at Stewart's. The many 'friends of Ittr. Arch. Bish- op, of the township of Usborne, will regret to learn that he is in a very loW state of health, having suffered a se- vere stroke of paralysis. - On Friday last he left home in his usual health to attend the Brucefield Spring, Show and while returning in the eVetting he was stricken with the disease, being render- ed totallyhelpless and unable to speak. He uow remains in a way „critical con'. (Mimi. • 1's ' • --..---- Men's and hoys'' swell new, hats afi'd ties) ow on view at StewartSs. The following Regimental orders have been issued by Lieut. Col.- J. A. S. Varcoo to all the officerS of the Word' has-been received here of the 1 83rd Regiment: -It is proposed to death of Mrs. Smith, nee Miss Lizzie Wanless, daughter of Mr. David We n - less, formerly of Exetet. vilio died in Buffalo, N. Y.. on Saturday, April 6th and was buried on ,April 8111. Rev. Geo. Jackson, of London. a former pistol of the James street Me- thodist churchoccupied the pulpit of the same cfla ere'll on Sunday last preach- ing two excellent sermons, thus de- monstrtiting that he has not lost any of his old lime vig,or 11 apreacher. Reports from almost all points in Ontario indicate that the fall wheat has wintered in compara,tit-e safety. On light soil the plant is healthy, and under heravier cenelitions, wheie r,he land is rolling,the promise is good. Messrs. Bawclen '&,MaDonell left this week -With four of their excellent stal- lions for the big horse show being held in Toronto this week. Theiaorses are considered to be four of the best in the couritrYntence the owners will donbt- less cornehorhe with a piece of what is going in prizes. , The census enuinerators for Exeter have completed their task. According to their returns the population of the town has taken a tumble. From the assessor's returns we have been led to believe that our population was about 1846, nit according to the enumerators return the population is now only 1794. Mr. Patrick Curtin has disposed of his two -hundred acre farm in the town- ship of I3idclulpb, to Mr. O'Neal, of, Dashwood, for the snm of $13000. This IS one of the best ferme in the town- ship, hence the farm is good value for the money. We understand Mr. Cur- tain will go West shortly. Mr. I. Smith has just completed an- other new and op -to -date gentleman's bieyele. Every part is made of the best steel and ickle plated, even the rims on the wheels, and the workman- ship, for which the ConStructor is not- ed, being first-class, it certainly is a model ancl a credit to the builder. The person purchasing this wheel will get it dandy, G. W. Wrigley of " Citizen and 'Country " writes as follows: -Owing to the. great delay in taking the ecu - 1115. we have received word from t,he Press Publishing Association that the contest will be continued during May, 'but will positively be closed on May 30, the authorities in Ottawa stating that it ‚.0111 10 impossible for them to make the result of tire census known until after july lst. IVIessraBeverlev&Htiettni 011110101 Card of Thanhs. To 'ffondon Insuranee (0., 1,00(10)). herchy wish to exprees arty greed ttt0 L ti,itt prompt per merit of the elaito ut ney husband, the late John Tveble, being, $1000, and also to yoe1. general agent, J," K S,liaw, of (11111- 2 ivItts. J. °Ettit1.31.13.1: AdJottrued Vestry Meeting, , The tdliourned vestvy of the Trivitt -Memorial ehtlVell was hold in the school ou 311)nday evening, with the rec- tor, Rev. 1. W. Ten Eyck, in the chair. The financial statement of the church, ILS well as the various branches con- nected therewith, was received, as au- dited and adopted. The usual number of Sidemen were appointed and also an Advisorary Board. The rector then occupied a few minutes in giving a few details of the past year, NVhieh showed that there were 84 families in the parish; 341 souls; 145 0011c11al-10J; 78 commumcants.9 trtptisms.8 marriages. 9 burials; 3 families removed and 2 ad- ditions. Votes of thanks Weretender- . . ed to the rector wardens choir 'oath- tOrs, organist, sexton, hell -ringers and the several societies in connection with 'the church. Tlie gathering then re- solved itself into a congregational meeting, vhen luncheon was served by the latlie,s and a pleasant time speot socially, - commit Proceedivas, Council met pursuant to adjourn- ment at Town Hall, April 19. .All pros: erit. 31inutes of previous meeting read and confirmed. A connnuniCation ti 0) the G.T.R. agent, re electric light was rea cl and laid over for further consider- ation The matter of making fixed as- sessineut of themproposed building, WaS flleci. MUir--ATII1Stron g , that the - Clerk notify Messrs. 'Creme:hie& ,Snell to erect poles and wires along Welling- ton street to the station grounds. - Carried. Armstrong-Levett, that Mr Atkiitson's tender forrestudat 'War teing. at, $9.50 per week, being the lowest, be' accepted. -Carried. Evans -e -Muir, that the following accounts be passed and orders drawn 00 Treasurer for ,samea-- James Murray & Co., $4.50; W. Davis, caretaking, re Nortlaend fire hall, $8.25; Bishop & Son, gasolene, 40c.; W. West - cat, $2.25:5. Hanclforti, $2; Geo. Bis- sett, subscription to Municipal World, $1.50. --Carried. Levett-Evans, that the assessment for street watering feet, and as a result is DOW confined to the htmses chi:taro:es Day: The Sunday 8(1)001anniversary of the'21aira'Street Methodist church will be held 'on the 28th and 29,th-inst., -next Sunday rend Monday. The children of the intermediate classes will take eh:erge of the intisic on Sunday morn- ing and Sunday evening. At theniass meeting on Sunday afternoon the chil- dren. of the 0111101 class will occupy the choir stand 011(1 acnompany their songs of praise with motion exercises. In addition to a few short addresses, the superintendent will exhibit a pic- torial ilhistration- 1)V a new version of the " House that Jack Built." Also 50l')0 ceayon drawings from a young Canadian Artist.' Collections at the ser- vices in -behalf of the school'. On Mone day evening at 5,30 lila, blare ladies OE the cougregatiOn will entertain the children of 'the school to a nice little tea." A program from the Children -Of the school, consisting Of drills, songs, recitations, etc., will he gineu to the friends. and the public generally, ecnn- inencirig at 8 o'clock- sharp, Ail are kindlY invited to'attend. Alf will be natiele welecime. Children of the school free, others 15. •miraSuinets Escape from.Death. • , Yesterday (Wednesday) morning an episode occogred 'sat the- Sutherland- InniS,'AVorks- which NVill be remeinber- ed byth till Altho witnessed it e- rest Of their.lives, It seelDS Mr-. Samuel ,Van, Dusen, head eawyer, was ,engaged 11) oiling the ariachinery under his care 00(1 10 some manner • hiS clothing be- come caught, in the flirt of tt revolving shaft, When he Was Eno -ever with ter- rible force into the maChinery 0.11(1 against the two large.saWs in motion., By his presence of -mind. lie, managed' to grab liold of a brace and Mr. Wan. Pat -Sons, who was close by and. at' the risk of his own life, seeing Mr. Van u . Dusen's dangeros predicament, seized him by the leg just in tithe to prevent him from being drawn into the tVO 3:1103. and SaVe „frOLO,, alrnost (1001300 and instant death. As it 101)5 he was stripped of nearly all all his cloth- ingsand a'part of the toe of one of his boots was cut off bv one' of the saWs. The sight was indeed a thrilling one and the man's escape from death a miraculous one. Strange to say, how- ever; he came- off without 'even a, scratch. ' Death of Mrs. Levitt. The death of Huldah Maf . Grton, be- loved wife of William Levitt, which took place on Thursday last, was learn- ed by her many friends with prerfotind regret a tad sorrow. Her death was not 1)1 the least unexpeeted, however, hay - Mg -sheen. an intense ,sufferer tor the past ten months from cancer. She Ista.c1 twice been operated Upon by ertlinent surgeons:the first at SL. oseph's flos- ital,Lotadon,in June last and again at ictoria Hospital, London, in August, but with :al, together with assidue ous care and attention,broraght her no, relief and she gradually sank -until: death clairnecl her. Born in Derry. To--, rontertownsliip, he moved vvith" her parents when a child to the -township of Blanehttral, where she lived up- to the time of her marriage, which took place in St. Marys abont 25 years ago, Mrs. T.,evitt was of an :amiable and kindly disposition, a good wife and' mother and it true ,friend. She bore her Wog i1111055 with, lovingepatieope' and )vithout 'r'etenning 01007 sciousness 1111(11 the Tuesday previons to her deatIn' %Oren She passed into a swoon end finally soectimbeel 'quietly and. almost imperceptibly to the dread destroyer, Mrs. Levitt was :t cousin of Mr. W. J. Gage, of the well-known firm of W. J. Gage & Co., TOr,Onto,and also Mr. Grafton, of 'Ettindas. She' leaves, besides the bereaved husband, two daughters-Verda „ rend Pearl - three sisters ((11(1 two brothers, :to whom we extend the genuine sympa- thy of the public in, them sad bereave- ment. The firneral took place on Sat- urday to the ,Granton 'Presbyterian cemetery, R,evds. J. W. TCD Eyck and BroWn dondneting the service at the ,house and'the latter a,t the grave, The all beavers were: Dr.Kinsmari,Messrs. N. D.Ilurdon, S. 'Martin, R. Hicks, ,11. 'Welsh and C. :H. Sanders. 'Among those present frOna 0 distane,e ite no- ticedf Mr. and Mrs. Alex, Levitt, of Walkerville; Mrs. Jernayn, of Witirtott; Mr. and Miss MeI.ellaraf St. Manyti march. the 331d Regiment from Head Quarters at Goderich to London for the purpose of attending the anneal camp in June: Each, officer of the Regiment is requested to work out a detail plan feta- this march and submit it in writing to the Commanding Op ficer. Plans to include all transport: number of wagons -required; amount of forage and rations; and' provisions for t,be supply of the same. the best route for the. march; .the distance to be covered in a day and the exact camping grounds on the way. Each officer to sendhis plans in to the Com2 marialing Officer Carlow P. 0. not later than April 20th next. OperaHouse are negotiating for tire appearance of the Lycenni Opera Co. next week. The company numbers 20 people, cornprising some of the very best operatic talent on the .stage and a Well drilled of carefully selected and well trained They, will pre- sent 5101111' famous comic opera,"Said Pasha," which has met with such phe- nomenal staccess in all the larger dties of Canada and United States. ' ammeamesam..... A car of Recipaths' extra standard granulated sugar at Stewart's'. Per- haps it might be a good time to buy a barrel, as prices are likely to jump. Aniexichange says: -Sundry agents hailing -frtacti Toronto, Brantford and ChiCago, have been duping .people in this town for the past year by taking orders for the enlargement of photos, asking only 90 cents for enlarging a pieture,colleeting 50 cents when taking: the order and photo, and 20 cents when they return with a skeleton proof. In nearly every case they never return, thus people lose a valuable picture,' because it may be impossible to dupli- cate it, besides losing their money - In some eases the agent exacts half the price of theframe for the picture, which is to cost from two to three dol- lars, when he shows the proof; then he disappears forever. We know of what we speak and we can bring 0 cloud. of -witnesses to hear testimony to the facts. Will people never cease to he humbugged? We are not allowed to carry concealed arms, butif a good shot -gun was hung near every house door where the agent could see it, we, might keep them away from our domi- 10 7* t. be .1. . ouse P104104g.. Ti Which means a few CARPETS and. LACE 9j1ITAINS for your parlor, h;dl or dieing room. And we :ere pleased to tell You th;11 vve,are show- ing, the largest and best assortment of Carpets, Linoleums, tared Lace Curtains, etc, eVer shown here. Prices to please everybody. WALL PAPER Our WALL PAPER is going out fast. We have some beautiful de- signs. When you are needing anything in above lines give us a call. E. J. SPAOKAN. Headquarters for The W. E SANDFORD Clothing. ••• 41.; ciles. Jersey cow and. Calf For tale. • Jersey cow and calf for sale, apply to Mits. BOT3IER. Boy For Adoption. ' Good home wanted for a smart ho of seven years of age. Apply to ,t DR. RonniNs, Carpet Weaving. ., ' • ". For first-class carpet weaving call oil the undersigned, corner of Waterloo and William streets. Prices reason- able. ,A. Onny. Card of Thanks, I take this opportunity to thank most, gratefully the friends and neigh- bors who so willingly lent , a helping. hand during nay Nvate s recen t;illness. SILAS BROKENSIIIRE. Attempt at taiLcide. l'S. JO/ID lYlailett. Sr. who resides with her husband on William Street and who appears to be , deranged in her mind, made a deliberate attempt to take Iter own life on Saturday mOrn- frig by taking :t dose of paris green. Aledical assistance Was a.t Once called on discovery of the fact and emetics administered. Sbe is now mit, of clan. gen, but has been acting very st,ratirly what about wain p1.1 per ? Fee gamI ). Sinee and We all?derstand thti e n or.: 13e. per foot and that a Collet, ceRe- vision for same be held on May Ith, at 8 o'clock, p.m. -Carried. Muir, that Main street be watered to the Metro- politan hotel. Evans-Aiinstrongsthat Cauncil adjourn to Friday. May 4th, at 8 p.m. ------Carried -e: G.H. BrssErr, Clerk. License Granted. At a meeting of the License Com- missioners held at Hensall on the 1911) in 1., the following Licenses were granted for the ensuing year: EXETER:a-Tavern, W. T. Acheson, Hawk sh tUVV, U. Ouimingham, (Win. Andersoo left over:) Shop, F. J. Knight, and Fernier Bros. TP. OP •USBORWEr.--Taxern, Joseph Stephens, Woodham. y TP. OF. STEnEtEN:-Tavern,William Moffatt, George Grafton, 'Clentralia;' August Hill, Creditor); B. Cunnin gham, Kluva; Patrick. Hall, Mt. Carmel; Jas. Shacldock, Corbett; James Harman-, Shipka; .TosephBrenner, Grand Bend; L. C. Moser, Dashwood; (Wm. Fritz. Crediton, left over.) • TP. OF FISY:-Tavern,L. C. Shoemak- er, Zurich; (L. Foster, Zurich, and Michael Leyer, St. Joseph, left, over for consideration.) Mrs. Nicholson,,, Blake, not granted.' TP. oir STANLEY:---Taveru, Henry Shafer, Kippen; Frigie Martin, Varna: (Charles Wilson, Brneefield, left over.) TP. ,0P TUCKERSAIITH:-J. S. Mar - POW, Brocefield; Geo. Strong, Kyles, Corners. . IlayRrEnn:-Mrs. E. Elliott, Ales. Jamas Pollee -1f, (J. E. Morgan, six, months.) liensalla-George Scott, Henry Can- telon Licenses extended for three months to repair their hotels. 'S'EaroRTffe-Tavern," . Jarnes Dick, Geo. Henderson, De Lacey: James Weir, Thomas Stephens Grippe,HouSe over for repairs,)' shop, Ddwaid Daw- son,"and L. C. Jackson. "\VMBALLANTYNE, Inspector. • e f tity ([0111t'. style and willies Ste. vitiate '.%0)1 ‚.1111 bremoved to the London Asylum in tlie,courSe of a few wart's is the spot, (1crys, Presbytery oVattion. .„ " The Presbytery of Huron, met in Willis chinch, Clinton, on Tuesday, April 9th. The time was occupied chiefly hi reading and discussing re- ports on church life and work,Sabbath schools and young people's societies; although these reports contained some discouraging- features, they :Were on the whole fayora,ble; it was found that although the membership of. the Y. P. S. C. E. had decreased, their contri- butions to the church schemes were largely in excess of these of any pre- vious year. Dr. F. R. Beattie, of Louisville, a graduate of Knox College, Toronto, was nominated to the chair Call and be convinced above statement is correct Many bargains still left in FANCY GOODS, PARLOR SUITES, BEDROOM SETS, SIDEBOARDS, COUCHES Etc of GIDLEY STOCK .9 that the 111\11)ERTAKIITG A SPECIALTY. OPERA 1401iSE li0C uston, Zeverley FARM IMPL The Prosperotaarmeralways ti CALL 4.,Orf THE rtmc0IIMIC1 AGENT TA.1 v as_ '1111 E TS. "" t*:.!" • WE SELLTHE.BEST,. 07 agliitgf66litgaild•gfai felifOik • ••::,4%,, 4 -007:7" 7f d'ss".f. •11:et.44,t. • • Farmer§ intending to purchase FARM MACHINERY should call on us be- fore buying elsewhere. We sell the best and the best is what the fariner wants. 1VIcCORMICK LEADS. WE HANDLE THE BINDER MOWER and RAKE. CORN BINDER ef -apologetics and Ilomileties in that WE SELL THE WOODSTOCK WA6014. SOUTH OF HAWKSHAW'S" HOTEL. WE HANDLE THE SYLVESTER, DRILLS, PLOWS, CIJI_ITIVA.TORS,, DISC, institution,_ The following comities- sionors were appointed to.,, represent the Presbytery of florbn in the next General Assembly: -Revs. J. S.' Hen- derson, 3. S. Hamilton, S. A. Carrier, C. Fletcher, together with all the re- present1.t1ve elders of Seaforth, Varna, Exeter and Grand Bend. Dv. Warden', of Toronto, was nominated as modera- tor of this Assembly. A petition was presented by the congregations of Un- ion Church, Goderich township, and Leehurn, praying that they should he allowed to return to their former rela- tionship and offering, to build a manse for their minister; the condition of their request being granted, it was re - saved to allow all the congregations affected by the late rearrangement Of the field to return to their former re- lations, -00 condition that no grant should he asked from the Augmenta- tion Fund for Bayfield and Bethany, and a redueed grant from Union church and„Leeburn. Mr. Acheson's• resigna- tion of the pastoral charge of Kippen and Hillsgreen was piesented. efewoo PERSONAL. 600466.6egmeAt Mrs. Wm. Grigg is visiting d n re s in London. Miss Annie Eades, of Winghaari, is the guest of Airs. H. Grieve. Muo At)dl'eWS, of Oellf,ralia, is the guest, of her sister, Mrs. II, Jones. 211 tilt Dollie Fowler,t)f PeterbotOtigh, is Visiting her sister Mrs. Glaclman, spent 511 11(1113' W:tthetriereds in town. eA, getTavish, ef Londeil, ' Co1uafh1464:4it, ../Jege 1. WES. Ett SNELL. Real EXETER Estate Exchange. The Sale, Purchase and Exchange of Village and farm lands and properties negotiated at reasonable rates of com- mission, For Sate._ Several Valuable Farms in HAY, -OSBORNE, STEPHEN 2.nd lqcG1.11,L- IVRANI; 4Iscr Three Very desirable' Re- sidence properties in Exeter. Farms Wanted. „ We have porishasers ,for good farm and in the vicinity of Exeter,' or Nvho 'will Exchange. . ' 'APPLY TO Wm, Bawden David Mill Valuator. Manager: Floral designs for funerals, er flower '011.3'ICES: Dickson & Carling's NeW o? itil ksilids on ,tille.,811°I,,t6setalni°Iti/CaTig Moak,. Exeker. ' , rui44iun. P II I For Bread., Buns, White Bens, BrOVVD Bons, Graham Biscuits, Cakes of all kinds, Cream Puffs, VeTafera, sItancy Biscuits, Plain Biscuits, Wedding Cilses a specialty -Iced and beautifully oenainentecl, at a re:le:3a noble price.' Cakes or Pies made to order. XXX 1 Isbead delivered to all parts of the town, on Mondays(Wednesdays and Saturdays. We will be pleased to call on you. We are agent for J. Gctrinnag & Sorra ,Florist, London. •AIRI., 1, ,.. . . ,,,,„,Aii,i,...a6P...,,.aa,o0fo.lft*.i0:c0''. c*'4i.t 46Ii. rthinktfOntalAiniiiidfliiiiii.,re,.)ef" ilP.iiOf-Si i•' r;11til:rVTgk!rgitfAlftiit' 1401;3ri:tia s iiinltl.l, apia .,s.:a d'i ioto ightlplstolkrlpajd*daattyk;!ildtlionti*titnldoleaatid6idteiic* .,=,,k,#177,o!1,,,1t.-0,siiS004ii*Ilthei,itiflthobie4iidtitio ylt' b: i 01.11014EXt4(.eOordcr oint : fAilop Tertit0,0 1, k• , •