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HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1901-4-25, Page 7ti KiLIEFN VICTORIA'SPET CA s. The disposal of queen Arlo tetra s 'Met ous.pots is a matter of no small `concern to the persons who are e1os- ;ing up her .tffairs The late queen was great lover'of cats. When the court Moved it:WLS act onipanit d by' a; feline caravan. There . were Persian cats, Iarix cats, 'Angora cats, aralteee tats, tabby cage, and nondescripts, and they:: all ,traveled in state, l',heyk_ were placed in :wooden boxers. with au open. `Kure front and 'had plenty of clean straw to lie on. Ono Persian cat, of rhliuh the queen was especially fond, wears round lits neck an elaborate cote ,lar, on which appears in silver letters: 'I belong to the queen.", u , 14 it -t fe Lie ks at` he ey ' tad' er at, ,er ch I1. ith he to; gel. fret en,' ire nd Ion 'eh the n ey,j sly, ose' ou for to' ha, clie. the hen; are; fore sub - ave e to leu peru. tusi<„ thet ople you sses, into you re a etter t u13' In- do ping at if 'will d of Sun'a: havt agre. nen t� i1 art then rs' in pnent old if nby' dance s:out ected: ;girec(� out a", p" thing than a. terms ay, if n yew asrott tniisi at'id— to,':1113 , aria; entto Iilli1cc` . lfd?odr x'•11 o ''been,' comt tiful lu rose,tt FPermanently Cured AFTER SEVEN YEARS OF GREAT SUFFERING. t'T 5s n . '0`i:ach• of iRial••ei t tIr•, e 1Ir, 11:Iisetit r , l • of lits Iteltet• Cram Nett;ahta, tth a i'R the tis,) .end Dettulault Ti�i)tib'through R A,rY enc el1)r. 111111orns' 1'hllt l firs. Toronto, Ont., April 15.—Special.— At No. 80 Lippincott pincott street, in this city, resides Mr.' W. J. Keane. Mr. Keane is a 'contractor and is one of `'the best *flown. men lin is line of. business in Toronto. M1Liko Many other successful men;, r. Keane has suffered duiing-his' busy life a ,.great deal, from Kidney Disorders. For years he suffered, great: pain.• He:was .forced:at,• quit his Avork altogether. and go to bed. 'lIe used Dodd's Kidney Pills, and Is well. This is what he says about lt_ 1 "Itg ivea me great pleasure to write to praise of Dodd's Kidney Pills, and •';the good they have dune ino. I am" never, without .them. I have been a great sufferer with pains in my burly' in the region of my kidneya. I was very sick, and at times could not attend to my workat all. " I used several modioines, 'but noth- ing I ever tried 13eemed to help mein' the least, Until a friend of"inine advis- :ed me to try Dodd's. Kidney Pills. I immediately found relief and twas•able •to resume my work. " I: used altogether seven boxes be- fore being completely cured., • Since then I` have never been sick'a day. I have'•never read the slightest indica- tion of "a return of the trouble." It is hard to understand how any- one will'bontinue to suffer from Lame ick or any other tsymptom of Kidney "Trouble after' to many frank -and full, statements by men well known in all ing and stays out at; nights, but the walks oi`.life, that Dodds Kidney Pills grown-up ' girl is a widow and keeps have cured, them. Dodd's Kidney Pills always cure. fail. They never `fail. They cannota 1. lV, , Years of trialhave absolutely proven r that there is no ease of Kidney) Com- plaint, Lame Back, Rheumatism, Isom- - bago, Sciatica,' Gout, Neuralgia, Blad- der or Urinary Troubles, that Dodd's• Cidney Pills will not• cure, Dodd's Kidney 'Pills are the only, me- diciner'that` ever cured Bright's Dis- ease; Diabetes or Dropsy.• Thousands of Canadians have tried, and proved and testified. CEYLO T GigiEEN OR BLACK. Trade is Confederating the Empire, Britain is Canada's best customer. Britain cannot buy if she does not sell, Use TEA Crown In a British Colony loY British piaL 66 ored Ceylon Green. Samples on 99 Gayton Teas are sold in sealed iced pe.eKets only never; in bulk. Black, Wlixed or uncot-' application. Address " SALADA," Toronto. THOUGHTS ON MAN. Alan is the little world. Man is the wander e,fi nature. Man is an epitome of, 'the world. Man is the measure of 'all things. M.en were gay deceivers ever.• Man is the great wonder. 'Man is a sample of the universe. Intnnite is the help man:can yield to man. ' Man the image. of God's 'personali- ty. Man. is a soul using the body as an instrument. Mac! Thou pendulum simile and tear, . Certainly the greatest scholars are not the waseet•.,moti. The; great man is he .who does not lotse "'lira= child's' heart, Great man stand like solitary) tow ers in the city af'Go:d. All' men ` commend' patience, though few be willing to practice it. Man is an imitative creature,, and ts^hocver i;s foremost leads the herd. The mast unhappy of all inen is rheWho baltevei Li ell to be so. The real character of •a mane'. found out by his amusements. Most in,en employ the first part of. their, lives to make the last part mis- erable. betwixt a Is• A *GIRL'S ESSAY ON 13OYS.: At a recent public school examina- tion for girls; in an English town this composition'-. was 'handed in by a girl of 12: "'rhe boy is not an animal,. yet they can -be heard to a consid- erable distance. When a boy hollers he opens' his big mouth Jike frogs, but girls Bold their toung til they are spoken to, and theyans\ver re- spectable, and tell just how it was. A boy thinks himself clever because he can wade., wherc the water is deep. .When the boy grows up he is called a husband, and he stops wad OGLING BUTTER IN A SPRING. The following suggestions may be helpful' if they are ever needed: If there is a convenient spring or well, butter may be kept cool and palata- ble bybeing hung ini.'the water. Put. it first in a jar or bowl ,.and stand this in a tightly covered r d Pail.If the spring is. a' deep•one,lay a strong limb or stick- acrass• the top, and with a s tout :cord' fasten the bail .of -the pail' to' this. Milk. can be treated the saiiie and a: waterneeldn never tastes' :ao w•ell- ai.when: cooled in the we ter, NOT THE SAME. Papa—See here. didn't I" ,tell you, 1- , ver to playwith that Ni'illiams boy � in ? "I'om,ni,y-Yes sir. s—Well you disobeyed me to- fai Y day, rCommy—No, sir. I wasn't play in' .r Y • with him; I' was jest figbtin' hint,; READY TO NEGOTIATE. ,.been paying have en n lei:. Father—You b p y g attentions to my daughter. . You havel't proposed yet? P P His Lordship—Not wet. '`N ", .-let us' , conic rig y g What willyou s. a its W it .ore?" L oP in the ek And on het t ' Mad( ower 1 and We as .1 are be• din '.re• olltit4d er aty r "�Duln oJb tfldcil • 11 down' to ke not to .D.OMES'1IC MNEMONICS. eavlyblessed—Let's see,when was that - Eambertson was 'here? Mrs. Nerwlybiessed—Well, let me think. It was t.hd/ 4th or January. Ile' carne here the day Nora left; ands, she left the. day after mother went home, and niotlier! :went' home three 'days efter the baby Cutlthis second tooth, alit! ;lie did that the last day' of De- otherr PRACTICAL DAIRY NOTES'. Make. butter to" suit the taste's of. your 'customers. Milk of. different temperatures should. never be mixed. Milk giving is a maternal function and a mother should never' be abused. The globules that rise to the sur- face in,the first 12 hours' make the finest butter. Putter should be exposed as little as• possible to air, from the time it is churned until it;is. packed.- • Care should be taken: never to, overwork: btitter as the, grain and texture should be`preserved, CORD PUT HER EYE OUT. A careless waiter, while opening a bottle of cider in a Paris restaurant, so held the bottle !that the cork struck: Mlle. Andree in the eye, causing the loss of eight in that organ. She sued, and the restaurant proprietor was fin- ed 5,000 franca. CHANGE IN I3,l1ITIS1r COINS. Among the odd changes brought. about by the 'succession of King Ed- ward VII. is that while Victoria's face oa British Fold coins looked to the left^King: Edward's looks`to the "right. This is inaccardance with a 'long- established custom that makes each successive sovereign face the opposite way ou the boins'from his or her pre- decessor. , 1 GRAPES FROM CANAAN. He who prays, in pride robs prayer f its wings for his own adorning. o gg• •, :The . true` instructor • learns more 'than he teaches. • ,S'vhev we> cast our cares, on Him it does not mean• our; cares for others. One 'is no?t•in the land of the living till they have :passed from: this world I : dying. o .the. n . God's blessings come back to us in the baskets in which we Send our gifts to others. When our wills conflict with Christ it is poor policy to seek peace by casting out the peace -giver, v LLAT; ITEC HAD SEEN I react to -day said;, Mr. Staggers, that t is 'alinast :impossible to. see a per- -ect full moon, owing to'"an angle of the ecliptic. 4 ow, r ty, dear;' although ybu think tylia. havtOseen, many a full moon, you really hove never seen one, (Well, I've !seen a Lull' man many a raanr,�lu)appad Mro, "Staggers, WASTE QP TIME.'t you ashamed to be wastingyour tittle in this manner ? said the essive citizen to whom Meander- ing Mike had just applied for a small loan. Yes, sir, was the answer. I'm en - A 4 Toyed 'half parry about it. But I can't help niakin' mistakes sometimes. When T sighted volt fer a philan- thropist an' followed you fer tree blooles', .boat/ wins' 1 to know fer euro whether , t war, westki' °mo time or not? PROMPT IPI N ISII ME N Wheat. is your order' asked the waiiter girl Anything; you please, dear, replied the burly 'polecernaa. I'm hungry enough to do the ea)nniibal (act to -day.; ;We don't' serve lobsters here, sir, she said, with offended dignity,. PROOF POSITIVE. very i i' -` Nell—C1larlie ha,4, actednd f ferently lately. I.`wonrlr if he' in- tends to marry me just for my money, Clara—Oh, I'm sure not, dear. I 'had a talk, with hire this evening and C am sura he ,intends nothing of the. kind. Nell—But what makes you so sure? Clara—Well, you see, he proposed to me. Strong Man on His Back Through Kidney Trouble. A Toronto Contractor mite,,,-1yas Never Without l'aln for Ycare, and wL, had Slany Tfnnses to limit'Work-Do:1We lild, ney Yl113 made 1i1m3l'ell. Toronto,' Ont., April 15.--Special.--- At 5—Special.—At No. Ed Lippincott street, in this city, resides Mr. W. 3. Keane. Mr. Keane is a contractor. and is one of the- best known men in his line : of business in Toronto. Like many other successful men, IVTr. Keane )lag Buffered during his busy life a great deal, from Kidney Disorders. For ,•years : lie suffered great pain. He was forced at times to quit hie ),work altogether and go to bed. He used Dodd's Kidney Pills, -and is well. This is what he' says about it :— "It gives me great pleasure to write in praise of Dodd's Kidney Pills, and the ' good 'they have - done me. " I 'am never without .them: "I h ve been 3 sufferer M1 -It a greatIx pains in my hack, in the ,region of my kidneys. I was very sick,, and at times could not attend to my ^.work at. all. "rI used several medicines, but noth- ing I ever: tried seemed, to help me in the least,' until 'a friend of mine advis- ed me to try Dodd's' Kidney Pills. I immediately found relief and was able to resume my work.: "-I used altogether seven boxes be- fore being completely :cured. Since then I hays never been sick a day. I have neves had the slightest indica- tion of a return of . the :trouble." It is hard to understand how :'any- one will Lontinue to tuffeir front Lame. Back er any other symptom of Kidney Trouble after so; many frank anti full statements by teen well known in all. walks ;of'life, that Dodd's Kidney Pills C: C. RICHARD+S, & CO., Dear Sirs,—For tsorue. dears had only partial use of my arm caus- ed -by a sudden strain, I hay every remedy without effeot, got a salsrplo bottle of i1IIN LTNIMP+,NT, Tho benefit I, r from it oaused me to continuo and now I am happy today my completely restored.. .Glamis, •Ont.R. W. HARK have I Y e used until r ARD'S eceived its use, arra is HARRISON. iiDNG-TELT WANT. "1 shall make a fortune out of my neve musical. box. You put a Penny in. the slot' and—' And the thing plays' a popular air? No, it stops playing one. —9 -- One ---One. trial, of Mother Grave's Worin Ex- terminator will x-terminator-will convince von that it bas no equal as a worm medicine. Boy a bot- tle and see if it does not please you. ROBBING HIMSELF. Reggp-Bessie, it was awfully "rude. of your papa to kick me, out last night. I'm,just tsoing to give him, a piece of nay mind. Bessie—Goodness gracious, You can't: spare it. 1 don't l Are your corns harder to remove' than those that others have had ?. Have' they not had the sante kind? Have they not been; cured by using Holloway's Corn Cure'? Try a bottle. " UP AGAINST IT. Benedict, enthusiastically -I tell you, old, man, two can live as cheap- ly as one I heap-lyasonel Olebateh—I suppose so. It's won- dei ful, what two can do when they have to, Keep .Minard's Liniment in the house MUST LEARN IIOUSEIIOLD ARTS, Norwegian legislators propose that ,girls who do not know how to knit, sew, wash' and cook shall be refused permission to marry. Daughters 'of. wealthy men are not to be excepted. The great lung healer is found in that excellentmedicine sold as Bickle s Anti; Consumptive Syrup. It soothesand di- minishes the sensibility of the membrane of the threat and maipassages,an is' n' sovereigu'rentedy for allr1"coughs, colds, hoarseness, pain or soreness' in the chest,. bronchitis, era ;It has curerl many when supposed to be far advanced in 'consum p- rion. Dodd's Kidney Pills always: cure. They. never fail. ; They cannot fail Years of trial have, -absolutely proven that there °L sec case of Kidney: Com- , plaint,,Lame ,Back, Rheumatism, Lulu- 'baso, Sciatira,i,Gout, Neuralgia, Bled. - NEW STAR IS DISAPPEARING. T'lee newstar, in Perseus, firstseen en February 22, is now barely visible s without a telescope. One astronomer says the brightness was produced by a hydrogen eruption of vast extent:, and that the fires ,o£ the giowing gas are subsiding'," But the point is that. the unexpected may happen among celestial bodies as well as in other places. , CLOTHES DRIED BY I3ALLOONS. Some of the laundries in Paris, use balloons to dry their garments., A bamboo frame ii' attached to a cap- tive balloon, and the clothes are; se- eurcly fixed to them. The ' balloon Imakes six ascents a day 'tn a lkeight (of_'101 feet or mora, der or 'Urinary Troubles, that Dodd's, r . Irtdn¢ Pills will not cu e Dodd's Kidney Pills are the on l me= dicine that ever cured. Bright's, Dis- ease, Diabetes or Dropsy. Thousands of "Canadians have treed,> and proved and testified. 'SIIE' HAD IA.N ANSWER ANYWAY. -` Little ' Edith ' belongs to a family where the older girls go to"a semi - Har and she kee s careful track of Y P all their doings.. Some ::of the words she hears, however, are a 1i111e too much for her, so when the class in geology had a "field day," and some ono asked Edith ;what they were go- ing . for, ; i he replied'::' oh, I ..s'pose t'he 're oin' •to''hunt:'spe- cimens." Y g theologicalPe- cimens." Minarti's Liniment Lumberman's; Friend HARD ON THE G06‘ And, Shure, they tell me your hoos- band's very lit'herary ? That he e, indade. That he !devour Iver thingin the s y way of a book or paper that comes to the ihouse. Shure' he .floes. And vitt in the name of goodness does' theP oor 'goat get to ate:? SWISS 5011OOLS FOR GIRLS. Switzerlandhas 125 schools ifor girls Domestic science and . !gardening are among the branches' taught. • A;Sound Stomach Means a Clear Head. nervous life higha o —The pressure of which business Hien of the present day are constrained' to live 'mantes drl�hts upon their vitality highly detrimental their health. It is'only by the most care- ful treatment that they are able to keep" themselves alert and active in their var ions callings, many of them know the value of Parmelee's-Vegetable ..Pills in regulating -the stomach and consequently keeping the head clear. FEMALE -LABOR IN FRANCE. Over one-third of the manufactured goods made, in France are the pro; ducts of feriiale labor. ether, for lltfinard s and take no .e Ask Malc sin than char- ity- i e uncovers' more in'the can possibly cover. 4 Thousands of men, women. aiid children in Canada, are taking advantage of. Dr, Slocum's generous offer of ci fa'vii sample box of ®xog¢s11 Cadre for Catarrh, Catarrh is an insidious enemy, and in whatever condition, should r begin- ning frequently e tl ,the 1� qa n of 1` the head f a ,b xiotba neglQcted. A slight c d . u �G q Y 6' ping of a serious case of Catarrh, and in, many- instances leads to Asthma, Bronchitis, Q�1uisy, and. Catarrh. .Catarrh` is always s but is curable taken in time. It is a consta� tmen.aceto dangerous, x life ap.1 llealth, but science has done much to enable. sufferers to resist and defeat the disease. Dry. Slaoeirn's (Nolen! Catarrh Gtw theprompt- an is the best: offering of advanced medical science : for a e t.cure of Catarrh of the Head, Throat,. and Nasal organs:`. erm, n n 1 for the immediate relief and Gum o ell is a daint soothing Jbl O of a "d.tos ' • irritated aiid tnflaxned mambian a 3'A x Do f cot: meat Ire relieved and soothed with t rat ap lioatioii bf Dr and throat a �, �� ��� :.: .�? ;;4: ;�.'" Slocum's Ouo�ell Catarrh Cure, :'�ik� R , as • ' nil has valuable properties as an antiseptic' as well g a p v nostril ' powerful healing agent. You breathe through the , , being a pozp r � I uid! a- a little bit at a time. No Instrument ! No Powder ! o Liq OxojltR Catarrh Cure is sold at all drug stores at Fift3r cents 'a box, but in order' that every suizerer from this prevalentailmentimaby have an opportunity to test the remedy, a free sample box will a sent on request to any place in Canada. All you have u to drop,.- • ''a postal,giving your name and address plainly, to the T. A. S€acnraeil P ' est' '1' ronto and a 1€ree Chemical Co., Zimitad, 179 ging St, W o , San'. Pie will be sent you. .• You,mss best. results SHIP all your 1 `il.l Want 1 BUTTER,5008 POULTRY, APPLES, otherFSUITS and PRODUCE, to If Commission � ' UmIted, Cer. Nest Market and The Dawson Wo�iY6lf�dlSStli"1'�e'�• ColbornoSt.,Toronto. Thar ofgnature-le:on•evory,box of the gonn1M Porno•Q uinine 'r'ableta �,SZatlVC � . thenomodY taut.cores a'l001/1 ire eta. des Men oftener aPp ear to ]lave same - thing great on their .minds .when it' is only, too much on their Lstbinachs. Carnations sent by love, are Mere precious than orehids sent througb vainglory , .;,i( STRAIGHT a o O± S. ET. NO PRESSURE PERFECT FREEDOM LONG WAIST ERECT FORM FRONT Made in Drab, White & Tan duan. P E ICS $1.00_ If: your dealer cannot supply you, send ifs' HIS NAME, your sizz and amount to cover cost of corset and we will send -PREPAID. to any point in Canada. Address Department T., 131WSII a co_. SOLE MANUFACTURERS, 'oNaoaNTW O:10. PAINT IT USE GOOD PAINT. Pay a trifle more and ge t it. It doesn't , cost'a cent more to put it on. Cheap paint makes a sorry job. Good paint keeps its color, covers more, lasts longer, gives V a style and tone to everything it touches., Ramsay'$ Paints are the best and purest, paints Made, and the price at all dealers is very reasonable for such good paint. We will send you samples of houses painted, telling you all about the paint, if you ask for BOOKLET' "K" free. •v ' V��'-� .- =IY A S AY 81. S O ® ERS eEca 184.2 MONTREAL.. aL v lo. w. 4�� er~ a/�p w �a✓a✓� s t¢1 "Y.�'0' '�s^f Na �Sro• r GRAY HORSES LIVE LONGEST. It is .said that gray horses live longer than those of any other color. A Cnre for Fever and .Ane.—Parnie- tee's Vegetable PHIS are compounded for: use in any climate, and they' he foiled, to preserve their pew•ers'i s any latitude. In fever and „ague they act upon the' secretions and neutralize tbe;poison which has found its way into the plood. They correct the impurities which lindentr,luce into the system through drinking; writer or food audif used as a preventive fevers tree avoided THE MINER. CONS CIE NTLO[JS A1TIST. She -Don't you think Painter is clever with the brush? He—Yes;;1 noticed that the heels of his shoes always seam to be as well polished as the Gest of them. - Min ard's •Lidiment is used by Physiciarta The woman who compels her serv- ant to - tell social lies will reap a strange harvest anon. • ; . Totally Deaf.—Mrs: S. 11, Crandell, Port Perry, Writes: "I contracted a severe cold, A miner is seldom. happy until his last winter,, which resulted iu my becom- ini. totally tie r1 in :one ear and partially triumph is ore. FOR OVER FiFTY YEARS 8: WINSLOR S SOOTHING ING SYRIIT bee been aacdbymothers for thou aliildren teething. 1G soothes the"2hgId..oftens the gums; allays pain, cures wind roues audio Ole best remedy for diarrhoea, 25e a bottle. Sold by all drugggifts throughout tpetheworld. Be a'3e and ask foe"din. Winslow'. Soothing i p, A lachryinohe woman can change a good fellow into a very demon. How is This! We otter One hundred Dollars reward for any case of Catarrh that earn -tot to cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. F. J. Ciil Nil : & 00,,''1oit,d'i; 0, \ e. the unde1siwnell, have, known It. J. Cheney foe tile lest .15 years, and believe hive perfectly honorable ,!n alt business 1ransactioz:. and financially utile ID 'carry eat `attar obligations Made by ilr n firm, 1['FS 1 & .l'RAL X, Whelr snle Druggists, 't,ilealoc 0. wA1,D1\L<, BE NAN & I.i Al2 VIN, Wholesale Uri? gists, 'Toledo, 0. I%all Catarrh Cure is tautly internally, acting directly upon the blord'and noueous surfaces of the syst.em, lestiil10111a15 sent free. ''Price 750 per bottle. S )1d by 411 drtig. Ie order to reduce one's conceit; con- cerning ono 'smastery of„I!reneh one rias, only to remain ise Paris a day. eo"iu the other. After trying various remedies, and consulting several doctors, without obtaining - any relief, I was ad- vised to try Dr. Thomas'. Eclectric Oil, - 1 warmed the Oil and primed a little of it ntonryeec' and before one-half the bot- tle was used my hearing was completely. restored.I have heard of other cases of : deafness being cured by the use of this medicare.'' Geese and t4i1ly•womi i when angry create a nasty din, but are otherwise barinleSS. T. 1. 15 3 C9 AV;ENU1'A ttliUS�'—M1ioCfU1 dcelege' Aver ,R. l,ttnily 'Ilotel rotas 71.51 {'p j� nen'11'0111;1'6;11. ver oily:; HoferBoli i!nen' 1Cont r t11. 1 1,,, BItty ( Am. P. w1:50 un, IL' ' $1 ea; ET TEA CHESTS • Suitalelo fop, Fireproof C©vorino for Barns and Stxlr2loe or for melte Aur- yso les Size when Alps i, d G3 x 22 inch.) For sale' et. fie each white they l,a., Acta, oas,atonce..,,,.. The Wrist qibbbn *a Ca:: ,YorO(lto, Ont.