HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1901-4-25, Page 6":.•
te"st"' en„
• betaSahli ""Patieseetila******
Abe at the House,. :
;,-Aug.64.4).44.00,0404,00,8***44. 4
1, eaBOT,TT THE TA•131B.
i In the time 'between the winter and
. fresh vegetable ;season, she who pre -
pre e the daily meals fiads it diffiealt
td know just what to have next that
:will tempt the family's •appetite.
Taere ie a longing for Something dif-
ferent from the winter's bill of fare,
end those who live away from the
lets etores, where lettuce, radishes
young onions and other fresh vege-
tablee, and even eteawberlies, are
moan to be had, are indeed at a lose
for a change. Tbe only relief is to
serve the food on eland in a variety of
ways. t
If it ean be gotten, fieh is tbe
meat to have just now, and broiling
Ls perhape the best wily to serve it.
If you 'haven't a regular broiler, a
apider will do. Rub the broiler or
apider with salt pork, place the fish
inside, and regulate the heat, by
height above :coals, according to thick-
ness of the fiesta. To dress and servet,
having been ;shrunk before cutting.
Linen ebould be cut according to the
thread. Never fola a front breadth in
a linen garment, for example, with-
out exereleing care to prevent ma-
terial from sliding about, as linen is
likely to do when the two ;shiny gar-
facee come together.
Gingham that is checked or ettiped
ehould begnost carefully matched and
seamed. Maebine !seaming should be
done in Steaight and well preserved
lines. Very pretty material often re-
sults unsatisfactorily because the
stitching has been laa.stily or unevenly
ie a mos po
waist preperly if the Seams have not
been stitched alp exactly. Extremely
smell stitelaes are nat to be looked
upon as giving strength', to the seams.
Often they only cut the threads of the
fabric, especially if this be wiry or
of silk. A Elitell °ten:tedium length
Es to be preferred by all means and
partioula.rly with tile thinner or wash
fabrics make up mere satisfactorily
fabrics. Generally speaking, thin
if the eelvage has been tom or trim-
med off, tint in all cases where it I
is left on it should be clashed at in- I
tervals throughout the length of the
Clain Where, it mantel. •
a broiled fish in the best style, spread
It generously with the ;sweetest of e„,
epow Accidents lieconte Habitat.
Per, and lay it on a hot' platter with In the Baltimore' Sun, at first they are
butter, dust well with salt and pen- As to our mannerisms, says a writer
a border of lemon slices. . accidents, and afterward they•become
errying is a favorite way of cook- Uabits, It iS singular how easy 4 le
Mg fish. Beason them well with salt to convince ce credulous public that a
mIsforttine is a gift; just as an eccen-
and pepper and roll in flour. Fry some
elices of thin salt pork in a spider, c ty s a mark of genius. Your
cerrespondent knows a lady who was
remove, fry the fisla to a rielt brown : asked in marriage by several gentle:
on both sides in the tan remove them 1 (for where one pastures others
to a hot platter, and garnish with the 1 m•eilii
WI follow), although she was neither
criseied pork, parsley and lenaon slices., beautiful nor clever nor rich, but
For deep -fat frying. the fat should she was affected with a trem-
be hot enough to send up a blue because
bling of the lids. In her inmost heart
smoke from the edges of the pot when
the fish go in., - she who addresses you believes the
k d otat es are nice with fish, trembling began with nervousness, but
f r little
Ba e p o
Potato Croauettes —Mix enouah et e • e
- ' a as fascinating. At any rate I know a given ber heart. • ' •
warm milk or cream with cold mash- well esta.bligbed, portly lady, Married 1 It was quite late one night when
ed potato, to make it easy to handle. to a man wbo secured her, not without ' Henri departed from tbe, embrace of
Add a little butter, one beaten egg, a difficulty, whose only sorrow is the i his Promised bride. As Hortense re -
tablespoonful of flour, and a sprinkle necessity of keeping up the girlish : treated through the narrow doorway
of ealt. Form the mixture into cone habit which precured her a spouse. He art unexpected form, like an apparition
shapes, or neat little cylinders, press is not a sentimentalist, but be wants from the gloom, confronted her.
"Giuseppe!" she cried.
Closely into shape, and Set atvay to what he paid for. He married her
because her eyelids trembled, and not "It is I," he replied calmly.
aciol. When firm, roll in beaten egg,
'Oh, you frightened roe/ 'Whence
then bread :crumbs, and fry in boil- unnaturally he •wisbee to be possessed -, .
Mg lard until brown. Take out and of the same treasure. 1, come you so suddenly?"
, 1 From close beside, girl. Ala, thou
Not Entirely Alone. . I coquette! A word. I have -beard all"—
As be catered the ear he saw at a "A. listener --you? Shame!"
"T 11 is it true indeed I need
it was universal, and a te a
and for a change try
ifle.rntlengaandco‘o\l,eon.Trioati;o0iwl.oveThy l
This evening of our life, love,
Shall go uud souls no leers,
When WO have passed away, love,
Mt tblags will keep their flume'
But yet no life on emit), love,
With ours vall be the same.
The daisteS will be there, loTie;,
The stars in heaven will shine;
I stall not feel thy wish,
Nor thou my hand in thine. .,
A better time will come, love,
And better souls be born;
would not be the best, love,
To leave thee now forlorn.
"! rfilE BALFFti EYE 1
.1 .4 :is
.g; A Story of the Paris Commune. 41
t------ 4
- ' i - -
A promin.eet store in Paris was. that
of Jean Guileau, baker, a widower:with
one ebild, Hortense, 'just 4.7 years ot.
age and very beautiful. ,
1 Jean wisely took no part in the cora-
munistie orgies running riot on ibe
streets immediately subsequent to the
1 Franco-Prussian war; but, with plenty
Of proviSions in his cellar, he pinto -
1 sophically closed the doors and win:.
dows, withdrew his sif,,,n' of business
and smoked his pipe contente(ily in,
the seclusive companionshipeaud filial
love of,Hoetense. •
•0,ne so pretty an piquant as she
'Could not be exempt from a,besieging
of lovers. Thelwo" most pi•enninent of
these were her father's graduatiag
apprentices, Henri Edoiiin and Gitie
seppe—"dark GiusepPe" and "the bale-
ful eye"—the latter was frequently ap-
pellate(' by his intimates, because of
the treacherous glance in his hard,
black orbs and a lurking Smile -forever
fixed about bus lips. '
on the side of the commune, Tha, * POTATO GROWING, Lioils BRED IN CAPTIVITY,
will save you—if 1 eheeee, Glaseppt ___,..
the spy is ieult,e anotber person than Latest 1Sletlhods 144 the iravolons Arooe- 'efiey Develop Verovity *and Are a*
GiuSePPe the baker's apprentice: Mora itoole DietrIet ol Madne0 fleoll-lr no Wild oneta
ey and influence both are mine none Maine farmers are supposed to tin- fhere IS a current tradition that wild
l-lesides, our Prisons are crap -lining -Wall derstend potash culture pretty thor- animals born in captivity do not attain
too Many hostages. Exellangeg' are oug•lily, and twill one of theme through ttittle,esajt)il'gglecualsinsd°fthtirtsethberetdeeltnhtlotreitbeinicai ,
slow, and We need men. se, eolne, 1 Tlie New England tIoinestead, coines animals do not:develop fp they do in the ,
have your swornword?" •
Throughout Hortense had renaained . ' ` has not fouud these assertions to be true,
tgliitoTle: used in the fenious Aroostook re- has been almost Itel°'10, says that he
passive. New she tlirew berselt "on However innocent and apparently tame
bee knees, with •eiespee beads, before In preparing ihe ;.,,round for liotato the cubs may appear, he saYS, there is
13,'•:°1414510-ers,n3Yee-s-If'o' is, hsereletirleodvel)nasPs11":cilitolitte; sifil°n1r11:11(n1 1.1brt'e‘ 7seltloPil.)°,'vutIdathtihse'sfi'ouul'idaibille heillaollirlielleinlethitYeal-sitsici'lllinewsaiYIOIssfEbilletecitlel e tlxilitideilifsi nollia°'01:srI aellIttlitt°t1141 '
life! Anything for T°tIr lire! rreinisel spread in the spring after the ground piain. As for the development of teeth ;
is sufficiently dry. If Sod land or land tile superintendent points for illustration ,
"Swear! Hre --------- y knees I beg you,
the folio \vine* account of latest inethods wild state The superintendent of the
"Never!" burst 'from Henri's lips in- ° • .
in this line, With special l'eferelice to zoo, w lose eaperieace with wild aniinalg
digriantly. •
he Man she Se dearly loved, cultivation to obtain the best reSultS it a time when they attain savageness ap-
what was curious began to be reaarded I To Henri Hortense had lone since
drain on brown paper.
, And for atilt another change try
Creamed Potatoes.• --Cut eight pota-
glance that there was one seat with.a.
voune lady In ite and herearbled hepe tate mor.e to win -You?" „•
toes into small pieces:of :uniform size,
and boil tender in salted water. Pour
ened by a tablespoonful of flour, and
eeasoned with butter, pepper and salt.
There are many ways of serVing
chicken. A nice -change will be found
straiglat down the aisle', deposited his "You say you have heard all?"
overcoat, sat down end familiarly ob- "Yes. I am not deaf."
over them a pint of cooked milk,thick-
served: - 'And you have seen too?"
I entirely forgot to ask your per- t Yes. I am not 'blind."
mission." . "Much good may it do you, then, for
"That's of no consequence," she re- You are answered!" .
plied.111 • • And witb•the sharp speech She slam -
Chicken Pates.—Chop fine some cold .rThanks. Just arrived in the city, flied the door, in his face, angry at bis
boiled chicken—the white meat 1e the presume," he ventured to remark as lhaving spied upon whnt was to her a
best. Put a half pint of new n_iilk he glanced at the bundles and grips sacred interview.
on the stove, add a spoonful of thick DO the floor near by. For many nights after that her
"Not exactly.". !dreams were haunted by the baleful
• es" eyes of dark Giuseppe, and in her ears
Her voice was broken with wild sob- ' •
to full grown lions winch were bora andi•- o „
Henri!" inclined to be heavy eai'efully crosa
br d t• •it 1 b
. e in cap y 11M lady e seen ant', se
bing; her eves were brimmine with ' - day cracking bones of meat with whieliXasaii
plow end thoroughly harrow, tieing it
teare. The young, man's head drooped necessary a leveler or fine tooth harrow they are fed with evidence of possessing
then raleed desperately, while his eyes in order that the soil inay be well pul- the mest sound teeth possible, ;
flashed on the treacherous spy. verized, at'ter which planting mey be The 'only WaY in which wild animals
m captivity usually sailer with them
Gerep eir e done.' Of course' it is 'well understood
'So be it villain p give
teeth is that when then are fed they maa
mY Sacred Arena's° as you ,tisk." that good crops cannot be raised froel
The mYsterious and conyieting letter
was instantly torn Into fragments.
Giuseppe had not boasted vainly. Two
days later Henri Edouln was liberated
and mounted hi, tbe national guard.
poor seed, and the wide awake farmer
will plant .only strong, vig,orone seed
potatoes ,raised on land Other than his
own. Increase in crop will pay the ex
tra cost ot the beet seed many times
erab at the meat which is pushed through
the bars with a big iron fork and break! -
a tooth or the fork, or t ley may in Jump-
ing against the bars injure a tooth, and
suffer afterward from its loss. "
The little lions when baby cubs are shy
For a ioug time he found no oppoete_ over. It has been elearlY demonstrat- at first, then beconle-aa PlaYfill as kite
I ' 't 1
eni ea s A the age of about 12 weeks
the greatest sorrow of their two fond est' Yield Per acre is obtained from sets the cubs ere taken from thear mother,:
nity of seeing Hortense. When at last ed by the different experiment stations tens. POI: the first year of their life
well_ usually tbeyenay be treated as dineestie
the lovers did meet, it was to rearze in cutting geed potatoes that the
hearts. As the Price of saving Henrl's of four eYes to the Piece. bui the'meantime sheltie taught them
life Hortense had solemnly d ,.The plea of usinn: r iti • 1 e d
'wed with'Giuseppe. ' especiall'Y if eltl'Ye';', ;or itelle Igt-rle\uY;tliagnei bone tor a se.riti; of 'rasa meat, hit''euhL the
to e.a 'meat. et first the citbs -
agree " to
be the 2etheof potatoes wentd not ordinardy be a• good niother tears off for thetti. Often they,
Ever memorable will
IsluitattAN'as• On ,PARIS. lend to maetn•e'inalrills, as it would' lab
ereana, and when boiling etir in one
teaspoonful of cornstarch to thicken.
Add two tablespoonfuls of butter, a
little salt and pepper- Have some
small patty pans lined witlf puff paste
bake them in a quick oven 'astir the
minced chicken into the milk, and
set away to cool. 'When the paste is
May, 1871, when the following erode_ one, at least exeePt for drY Seasons. maY be seep. grialying Upon a bone
it .matiett eije.,:perede , - • NVonici.:Certainly be 'headone' on such the 'Mother lion "hold' an her a' -
The army of France caine'to'save you. pans a like/Y to, result in a CrOP itactly affee
delivered.' Our Soldiers carried, at 4 o'clock, the
last positions occupied by 'the insurgetiti. Today.
the Struggle is finished. Order, label. and security
will now survive.'
Ds 314oll.vrios Doc DE MAGENTA
Bersbal of France, Commander In Chief.
Crowds and columns of prisoners
Were being marched to Versailles. The
prisoners' camp, at Satory WaS, , or Pride of the Sout tine
ost e
"Almost, but not quite. 1\iy husband Continually rang the fearful impreca-
Is tbe conductor on this car, the motet, tion she ;heard him mutter, coupled
man is my COUSIO and my 'father and 'Scab thenterae of FIenri Eclouin.
- • • When first taken from their mother,
a brother' are in the seat back of us." : The favored lover was geeetly. sur -
"Awl a.wi. 1 -see," gasped V the man, Pfised a few days later at reeelpt of a
and the floor °lathe ear suddenly be- tiou from the Versailles
came so redbot teet our` government. It was delivered by., art
baked, fill with the chicken, and re- - do. -"e'ntire` stranger, evho 'whispered these
turn to the oven a ehort tinie to - Where Science Stumbles,. Six Ominous words: ".• '
brown. Serve hot. •
en a e e 'la i
1 etur o "The P 'ogressand "For -your eyes only. Be discreet!" .
- ----' — - Tendency,' of' Astronomy," delivered "at The sealed billet contained this:
WAYS FOR FRYIntTE PORE.. Columbian udivei'sitY,' Washington, Pro. :Tait dispatches by balloon acknowledged. In-
' fessor Simon I'vewcotnb spoke of- the closed IMrewitli an order for 5004ranes, payable
CUt salt pork very thin, and ery determination of the exact. motion of tile when Freese is redeemed from her enemies.
t wo eggs well beaten, tall cup milk, nineteenth centuty: It is "detet.minecl that ' Henri should have destroyed the
. ,
crisp. Make a batter of the yolks of solar system as one of the victories of the Paris. M. EDOU1N.
the cubs are given finely chopped meat,
by rot. There are but few "vatieties of
potatoes raised -in New England that until they
the pieces being gradually made" larger
are given busies upon which
are not -very susceptible to disease if they sharpen and develop their teeth. In
planted on Very heavy land with barn ' time the lions can crush the bones with
dressing in drills. Theselnclude among ease. FrOM 1.2 to 14 months of age the
a . .
others Bliss Triumph, or, as it is some- young lions are, itis said, so cross as to.;
times called, Stray Beanie', White Bliss be .almost unmanageable. At tho age;
' T ' -k of 18 months or 2 .years the cubs are:
The taken in hand by the trainer, and then,
anomalous picture, even shUdderful to. er, Great -Divide and Dakota Red.
• having reached their growth; they are
A man with baleful eyes and snaky
lips approached one of the entra.nees to
the stable pens. Th.) prompt "Qui
vire?" halted him.
"Pardon," was the affable, grinning
response, "but I am a quartermaster.
You have here, by a great mistake, a
good cousin of mine who will answer
te, tlm name of Henri Edouin. Iie so
^ood as to summon him to me. I am
not so great a fool as to ask his release up co. g
Villainous Giuseppe, ever treacher-
ous and fearing that Henri might es-
cape to annoy him in the future and
jealous to insanity that the man shoals]
live to WIIOM Flortense was so avowed-
is Moving font al.d 'In mysterious scrawl instantly Instead
one tablespoon butter, one cup flour tee. solar system
snece .10 000 tulles on hour h 1' ' geeing at it in see.ele neehae--
, but lattice it. be stood
and a little salt. 'When ready to use - ' •
came on whither it is uo one elm
add tbe whites e,f the. eggs beaten - • inent. Ile bad bed Dothan.; whatever
batter adcl a slice of the pork and: ments'will ever be diScovered 'that .will heart .was honest/Y ,with those who
fry in a deep kettle. . . •
Inhabitants exist on other planets. The 1,0113.
-gen'ern1 yule throughout the potato 'ready -to be perfected -in their tricks and.
IgroWing section of Aroostook tmunty is to be exhieitene .. • - 4
to use fertilizer for tile raisint; of pota- It is said by those familiar with lion
toes and to grow them on light,. loamy laming and training that lions which:
soil, the preparation of tbe gliound be- have been brought up as pets are the,
ing practically the same in any cage. hardest to train for performauees. They: --
Tho heavy land and barn dressing es do not Seem to take the trainiug seriously'
devoted almost exclusively to the hay and are•not so easily mastered as those
• onitiitcinhg.haee grown te maturity withou
No paogressive farmer would think • e
of using a single furrow plow for '
earthing• 1 in potatoes.It was
just now, but would speak with him if the general practice for several years
in the early history of Aroostook pota-
to a stiff froth. To each spoonful of 'air. Nea•comb does not believe"•instru. 0. Ns ith ha though
II tat. n .'t • •'th t t• .1"1.1.1<*ivled so nobly to save the country
a on. sttoeo lets o pie\ e a la lona - "
Freshen pork by puttittg in water. only way iff the'y canJudgO 'be ' The few Moroetits' stupefectioli prov-
f • tbe doom of a bloody anarchy.
bring to boiling point,, and pour off by conditions of othcr planets which ed llis greatest Inisfortune.
water. Fry lightly, then dip in ,thin 'Would make it probable or improbable There was a peremptory tap at the
bateer made of one, eia,two table- that' latiglial beings such as are on the door
earth. can live there ., . ' • • „
spoons sweet milk, pinch of soda and T • , ' . - Giuseppe entered, grinning infernal.
Mars naay• be • inhabited, but astrono- /,,, . • .. . e
a little flour. Fry brown. Or fresh- mers have not been able to draw any evi- ''''
flans of the national guard.
13ehind him diessed three ruf-
en as above and fry, leaving only abotit donee on that subject one way or the
. 111. Edouln"'-be said.
two tablespoons gr-ea.se in frying pan.' other°. Whet elaanges may co,nte'to , ,
earth the solar system or the universe "Oh,' is, you, , Giuseppe?"' replied.
to raising to plant potatoes in 'drills,
covering or splitting 'the ridges with
„doubt° horse hoe and using brush har•
row after planting to equalize the
depth of seed, but to compete with oth-
ly attached, had , sought the, prison- er sections and.make potato growing
ers' camp with Murderous intent. Ir a financial success it is no's; necessaey
I ,
his bosom he carried a pistol, and wit' to use improvea machinery, such as
Stir in one, heaping tablespoon flour •
ean only be matters of uncertain spectila- Henri. ,
and a dash of perpe
to make travY of right consistenoY• uPon, and that Is thee "all things mus
Take six islices of• cold, fried pork, , end." sna ched -way tbe fatal paper. Flour -
or more if you choose. beat a fry I num_ ishing it aloft, be cried:
ing Pan and the'n eut into • small Giasgew caYehy cTece. bea"e. as a ram, "AWRY with him! See what I hold—
' ' Break: six eggs over it, acid an Inverness minister and leis wife. let pgMeartItyliattalivstilaihearv,e hreesliGotieuellelpees)so
tion. 'Only one theory can be connied Giuseppe advanced with snaky quick -
Add sweet nailk
• t ness and ere 1-lenry could anticipate
the :Weapon he was resolved to slay the 'planter?, bic.yele hoe, sprayer tend
i•ival lie hated. ' dig,ger. Indeed, the ordinary amount
tile His speech at the gate was inter• of help that the as-erage farmer COM-
rupted by a savage erte mends makes it 'impossible to take care
`A bronzed gendarme who was stand- of a large acreage' without adopting
ing near threw aside bis musket' and,
springing forward, gripped the pseudo
quartermaster by the throat.
"This wretch lies!" he vociferated
excitedly. "Ile. is Giuseppe of the -.quantities upon soils which are achl et
inaproved methods. .
Sulphur For Potato Scab.
Sulphur employed in considerable
Some fteal Information by One Wh,
lifts Been There and limolva.
Having been 'down in Wall street for
several weeks, and being obliged now to
, write for a jiving, 1 am prepared to give:
to all the result of my experience:, lam • .
one of those philanthropic souls Who,.
when they have a real good thin,g, 'ache'
Lintel huen to impert,it to the world.
, _ •
'0 f th, first thine's to learn in the
Street is the tortes that' are used. When:
I you have mesterei' all the terms, You are:
then a "financier." We will therefore',
Iplunge at once into the heart of the sub-
ject. It is distressing enough to hoere
lost your Trioney, but not to be able to
define your transactions in fitting lan-
guage is extremely humiliating.
Wall street is made Uri; first, of opere
ators. An operator is a man wlaose Intel< -
!less it is to make money Out; of °thee,
people or to lose money that other people
commune, GiusePPe the SPY, who or- which contain but a limited excess of ; mal;e. When you begin to speculate, you
escaped! I know him Well!" much subsequeet injury to crops the I Operators are divided into two classes,
-in fierce struggle ensued.
There were tt flash, a bang, and the
gendarme dropped dead.
But simultaneously a 'musket butt
crashed down through tbe skull of
Giuseppe. The baleful eyes were dim-
naed forever.
It -would be difficult to describe the
tearful pleadings of beautiful Hortense
laefore the gentlemen of the military
bureau in Rue Satory. She ltnew and
revealed: the trick which had- placed
I-Ieuri in Ginseppe's Tower. She teed
the story of her fieffat's sacrifice to save
her lover's life and his unwilling yield
ing to the proposition «fillis arch ene-
my. eves an appeal 'to touch the
deepest sympathy of her hearers.
Ii.earidouin was forthwith set at
ly afterward wedded, and when Paris
He and his true Hortense were short -
had .s•ubsided to -combo rati,ve quiet old
re et,Akt, 0 the
;Tenn Guileau gave a vier
handsome couple.- -
salt anti pepper and stir till the egg -1-Te bad to drive them through the poor -
sets. hissed maliciously into his -rival's ear:
Freshen the Part' and fry ; 'when -- am ,
their destination etbe miniSrter, at the
nearly done dip each piece In abet- same time handhlg cabby his legal mune. Your death is'eertaia. Yon will chlorophyl the light most .bo at least
er districts of theteity and on reachin,g
"I now e trueted spy of the coins
ter made as follews: One egg, beaten -are, ' never wed' with Hortense Guileall!" °C sutlic..lel't bite. lisitY that this Pag°
light, twot
tablespoons flour, and two . „ , asked: , ._ : Unfortunate Henri wee soma in prIS- lailY be easIlY read b3; lh and o.tas
tablespoons milk beaten tlioroaglilY .1 .1113Y are thele 90 many P°°r Pe°1Lne on. Ile fully realized his .danger, and a veducing agen't'•it must be vel;5° ecu -
together Put the pieces of pork back In this eitY, cabman?" n - it required but little reflection to 'eels_ siderably steoneael.
in the hot fat ae eoon as :they have Jelin looked. bard at tt-le Parson for a -.once himof the foul trick playedi, by . Every one' haS learned by Sad' ex -
been dipped in the batter, frY them minute before be replied -I' ' crafty Giuseppe,. . , eereelleo hors impossible it is to keep
• burn, take,up and take to the table see, maist o''the poor folk drit-e eabs, The clayil Of Lill con/In'elnlefilt, aient• oPfintniiitSic,ina''''ntahteil3re reason ifs°1;haantYttpleuliggthlit
a nice brown, -being careful: not to . "Well; sir, I'm no 'versa Sure; but, ye,
se soon as possitile. ' e ,a , tediously y, w 1,,,e ever le me ; um • . . ..
: ' and tips are scarce here. -euendon A.n. .
itenesteleey or tile FIctyoe. victim and acconiPUDYingilin--eould it the necessary quantity of food material
household Pets , suffer. from A Neestcan eeeteseoeteet -50,1as es tale ale eaantaaata-as Hortense, , to support life, liete Is anothei a al
tack of Water. Those -who love them story, which man 1)e talcen wit a eN 1 ,
dered 40 of my comrades shot. I alone basic ingredients is capable of causing
extent of the same being.,greatest upon
' the street you 'are a bull. After you -
immediately become all operator. ,
, belle and bears,- When y•ou first go into
acid or neutral soils. 1
have been there a little while you are
Who application of sulphur to soils TheiLyou
for preventing potato scab, regardless tear' beeeine lesker'alL
of the character of the l'eactiminof- the , looker en is any one wile has seep. ,better
:soil, is liable to occasionally cause ; 'A'epargia is the money you- put ttr,,‘
much injury. _ l'wheit you first go into the street.
Sulphate of ammonia, whieh has at creasing' your margin. is what' you do
umioti;Degs0aOttisgfail'etosrylflaTililtliiSeecoonfombi'eainlligthfaanr I "Going short" is selling out something
you haven't got, with the idea that if
I lees_ you should eyee heye, to get it Yoinwill
flowers of sulphur as a means o •
lose what you have ,gra. •
Plant Life a Ad tile Sunbeam.
Even in the brightest room plants are
never of so rich a green as those grown
out of doors. In a dark cellar no chlo-
rophyl Is produced at all. Every one
Iffis seen potatoes growing there, witii
their long attenuated stalks and little
white leaves, which exist but for a
time and when the reserve material in
the tither is used rip wither asvay be-
cause they have no light. To produce
.. • ewers.
, , ioomed.the ,hori•id•iSrcseect of a• violent, Is, not lin'tglla e.n, oetle°11, whattileren,ls
PETS' NEED -WATER: • eo.rlfe. Teen' Gaiser,iee confronted` els, 'does not last bong enottgll to l)reductI
high manurial value by virtue of its after you have bought anystock.
nn-lg tentlencY to scab ln centaall- A "hlinil non% is fin oreanized I fl of
erswho usuiiiiy get together on
711°5-te;iti;176ilfs-fwIlelliefl-htnagliTs.f". 1'1111°0'in-11a° rclgair3y1:),
Ibe of thdtsulphate of animenia is changed been hitylue" a certren stechising found out lik aynd agrvei
to nitric acid, and this, together with to k-eep on selling it until you haven't
the 'sulphuric acid 'thereby liberateda a cent left in the world. When you art
tpleoetienmdspelsvetsic, eharabreenta4tre,n fleiprrabiyagpicacnaits, 't canes 80lifti tlaterlliylinodf ptohool, obboitevsety tlaanCIOiS 111
er,-itis then
olarrgeeaadnillaolulYntreoluf tilltel°gugniatrg::"; a stclei ap is what haPaeal
ed .fc_rtomm the sulphate of ammonia as a to outit timiniediritelY Ilter you 'lave sold Ili
rest 1 1 product may be considered as A. tip is something given to you by
costieg nothing, since tbe cimmonia an insider as guide. It Is the evideims
ti•leutiirter.nssietsipeliousrt, by n iithseacettyleur atIstertidn,itt- 'of things unseen, niel it always turps out
inaMilLtehleniniaoraelledx111)eausslilvttelethlfanaLlSyUtiPeiretne. loni taApl teiiiie °nCiPessiPlida:ets.11' set tieinsuuy o °ont °1-1: - from v:11 gssfil:b:ryaolliluac9eeaxacPbgeollcuittreeatift'
ammonia, particularly if used in con- A "gilt edged" seeurity is anything
direct, manurial value. Sulphate of
nection with Inuriate of potash upon Iwiehinc'hanstsomofeaTidilewiisfheleicsiwtObsuelsl-trao;rio°ut.han
soils where the tendency to Scab is , There are a great many more terms
great, is capable cif wonderfully Ina- used Well street but these are all 1
proving them in tliis,partieuler. To ac- learned. At this point my collateralnea
comPlisit this wood, ashes, lime, haSie gave out. Celiaterill• 113' the treY'
11 slag, stable manure, bone and what you leave hPliiint you when Yoll
leave the street.
solved phosphates should 1.,*e avoided.
Acid phosphate shoul.1' in Such cases be
used as a source of phosphoric
Ilhode :Island Station. • .
Pc, 3E;erti'l'izell"f Caintee'Y' volso'ni
Arsenic poisoning, from beer drinking
has recently created quite 11 sensation
in England, and, in ,eeeltieg for the
; cause thetfact Seems to have been es-
talilisliecl that the' pOlsoniug Occurred
• oilly ; tlircingli beer that was ';
s hem malt an bops. h En
Lancet suggests ,as he nice of
tlie poison the use of ai•tilleial 111a11111eS
• .1 1 bl
fo°f1,71flim. e,1"ttlrieerxhialitsti:
IS produced by the action of common
oil of Vitriol 011 ordinary, 1)one ash; that
It has lacer), established that :plants to
which' arseeleal mantfre is applied take
up arsenic in their tiSslies, and cab-
bages and turnips gatheYed front fields
h f v ; "I b 'Ina to you a eleam of sunliabt tbing to the, growth of plants MC 001S
the I -Tess of tbe air ---and this
° I ' • • 'tan only, be overconte.by'c,eve.ringovel
grilles of 9111t 110 to th° Material allega- M. Edouin " said the darlt brewed vii. VIS, 13
and mean to care for them tenderly.
hut do not know just how, cause their
suffering. Cats ebould be able to get
drink of tool, clean water Whenever
they want it. Rabbits should have
water placea so that they -may get a
drink at any time. To put a bird in
a cage, and forget to give it fresh
water every day, ia to be cruel be-
yond eepressten. Imagine yourself in
a place Isvhere you' could not get food
and those who Put- erou there forget-
ting to care for you.
' attaIMER, SEWING::
, &tell materials astpiqUefeduck and
even rjngbaxng are al'. the bettex- fox'
tion con rune
A country customer had bought some
fish at a villftge grocery store—Whether
codfish, mackerel or herring is not neces-
sary for the purposes of idle story—and
at bot- next visit to the store she entered
a complaint. . .
"They tasted," she said, exactly like
English larealcfitst pea' •
"I'm not siiritriseJ, ma'am," replied the
grocer. "Tlaoste fish. were caught in'Bos-
ton harbor. — °tile s Companion.
ti '
Angry Diner—(tonf.ound you, emit:art
r.Chere's,e fly in Iffy ,
s(icrxiiititTialtillitilieen,,tgl a fisrss,),;,-at.irct,;.,41d.::
,I11•1 ; ; •
• , ,"
lam, with grinning sateasna.
S Henri 8 ne • 'itI'
g forward,.to embrace 119
betrothed, but Giuseppe interposed..
"Bold! I did not bring llere here for
"a love seellene,Give ear to me. Minutes
for Henri 'Edouin are veltieble " Judea
naent Is to be given in your case with -
In tbe hour. You ItnoW namt It will
, he—death: I come to offer you life."
"Alia, pray, Why not? I hold the doc-
ument that Is to riddle you Witt]
Sy the word and I will destroy'
, ,
it. I will retract. my charge as a stu-t
"Vtitit wOrd shalt Rfl
pld blonder,'
IT441ncer'01414,4911 work and ft
whiclaeontain arsenic in eftet y 50 1111110
.the plant with a ghtss shede.:
An full) rott!Ptla After Seeuet .
Ono incident. X 111114 dwelt open, errot!
Mme Melba because it was the most
b.eautiftil that, has liepaened in. tiiasnatatagese
I was singing beetaiirtivy eveulitintit'itar '
Aettil ems, of ,;Mtisie iletlel ph ,
I started to cross the' PaVetnerit.ti,e.ine,e.
eitrriage after the perforniatiee, artrie
were full of roses that bad been sent to
r1):, Thesettilijg Ile •A hite.hatied •
Woman, stepped .forward. apd'asicii
waiting in the snow for you to c 4
bless' Yene• :beautiful ibearte..1 .have
keep in •inemory of, it?
face, she
irpaeatartdioi 11,11:1313(i waitingg, ;:ge .gaint trcyf43iiej iooIstit ;.,:oIcgt gni 11,, 6opPi egei 6111nti 'Irfiat.:610ei:, vs: ;el', ei tit ; rit ;1: 1.1 .113:;ti 1,eilfac• oestoagegfi• e:itttlItit lerh' itetoirdi n e,e; every eath; et I' olel ninkel b.; :et: es:11;;; a'ild' ; t, id'e'°attrol wri: s, :14; vsa' tri cintiel; rdve.11111.tvdi, eajc:
tile World: ' Will eote'give Inn 4 rose .ts
ub. our voice'is (lie most tt
titue' no
Years he-
platits from want t cif: light! .eta, too,
there •are stittie' which, dte- front too
tiauell.'.'; Many of ;the' messes which
Cover; damp shady walls, and batlike
with their ,soft Covering -of green' Vel-
:vet',Ole ryth fen greet an exposure; to
1 111' 111'7.'' '
Inanured vvitb superphospliates have
'• War Ohs 'Did It, given unallistalsaltle evidence of the
Eor the land's sake, presence of arsenic, It is probable, nee -
h tilwun eVer come to eerding p this authoritY, that aaSte, ni
t'at'ofliryditd111131tillaSsetial'erlei Obi f‘oole,0 dg- ieellttlniates In Sell whieh is eenatantly
14, '.deeestelleSititt neat! Pti tildittspineteeliartt
16.0, .a
1-) a 'ts • g
to thitinoney tyrtnted.'',.
'.- If 'etflve lellae;e114.°S, at igat
c;g ' tio'iXtigV e
he taiteti
f.„):a_ r