HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1901-4-25, Page 5(1.ter brioratei,
Is published. every Thursday Morning,
at the Office,
By the----2--
One 1)ollar per annuin if paid' in Adviinaa
81.50 if not 60 paid, '
No pa per discontinued until all erre rage
arO paid. Advertisements without specific
aireqpions will be published till ferbid and
charged accordingly. Liberal discount made
for tro.necient advertisements inserted for
Long periods, Every description of ,TOB
PRINTING turned out in the finest style,
and at moderate rates, Cheques,money ord-
'Sve,.for advertisingoubscriptions,ete.to
eild'e payable to
Chas. • 'II Sanders
Professional, Cards.
H. KINSMAN, L, D. S. & DEL A. It.
KINSMAN, L D. S., D. D. SFlenor
• graduate of Toronto University,
Teeth extracted without ,any pain, !or any
, bad effects, Office n Earison's Sleek, west
side Main Street, Exeter,
honors Graduate of the Toronto TJni-
rait-', and Royal College of Dental Surgeons
of Ontario. Teeth extraoted without pain.
All modes 'of Dentistry up to date. Office
in new block south of Carliags' block.
1111 „ Medical
.1./ the College of Physicians and Surgeons
Onte,rio'. Physician, Surgeon and Accouolit-
our,- Office, Dashwood, Ont.
Solicitors, Notaries Conve,varicers,
Commissioners, Solicitors 'for the Molsons
Bank, etc. Money to loan at lowest rates
of interest. Offices, Main Street, Exeter.
L R., C AIMING , B. A. L. K. Incases.
W. (.5.A.DMAN. (successor to Elliot &
. Gladrnan,) Barrister, Solicitor, Notary
Public eonyeyaucer, Etc. Money to loan at
lb west rates of iaterest. Office Main Street,
130SSENBERRY,Grandl3encl, Licensed
. Auctioneer for County Huron. Sales
promptly attended to, and charges moder-
ate. Orders by nait will receive every at-
fl BROWN,Winchelsea. Lieensed Auct-
ioneerf or the Counties of Perth and
Middlesex, als'o for the tewnship ofUsborne
litotes 'promptly attended to and terms rea-
sonbale,Sales arranged. at Post office.Win-
Insurance Agent.
Main St.
The undersigned has a few gond farms for
sale cheap. Money to loan on easy terms
Sam w ell' s Blo chEx ekes
tairdatIBIla --easemmar.
For Fresh, good and:the choisest cuts
'of meat, call on the -undersigned.
:While all our cuts of meat are the
finest, we make a specialty of rneat,
Meat delivered to all parts of the
. town .
John Manning
Take Laxative Bronio Quinine Tab-
lets. All druggists rebind the money,
if it fails to cure. '25t -i. E. W. Grove's
signature is'on each box.
face, Polished
Nickel Watch. Amer!.
can Lover Movement
for Belling only 2 dor,
packages ofSweet Pea
&kat lea.apackage. Banana.'
most fragrant varieties of all colors.
You cart earn this tine Watc/a In an
* afternoon bj Dotting to work -at once,.
shaiisthisadvertisement aNd wo will forward tko Seeds.
=loeuthem,return thomoney.and guarantee safe dear. flour Wateh at once, Write to day, as the season for
seedis short, :deed 51311Pla• Con Torokto
• The Molsons Bank.
(Chartered. by Parlie.ment,185..)
• Paid up Capital.. ... .......$15:,:i00,000
• Reserve Fund ......... , ..,...2,0re0,000.
. •• •
Head office Montreal.
,Ia..-4,al'tiES ELLIOTT, Esq.
Orb:amnia MARActaita.
Money 114 v.:kneed to goad, Faroters on
,th,..,ir ,,wei nothe with one or more endorsers
(at, 7 per cent, per an natal.'
• --EXETER J31.14`,..NC.FI,
Open eta to lawful day from '31.0 am. to i3
any S.i t al ,, ays i o a an. to 1 pm
• A geii e Nil banking b tis in es s transacted
CURRENT lt,a'rEs all e‘vial for mO'ney on
Deposit 11,,tiotpts. .94A/tog, Bank At 3
liter:40r & CAP L 'MS, N D lin rinok,
solicitor i., Manager
14.1,,, 1 SOLED
_ ,
4. ,..VJ''G0 L. D
•iii",.:-.:.--;,..,..... wegi.thfio.ard,
r )-,..: Solid Gold lung., ant
-.1._ with Pearls, for seniiig
I', ..,. only la packages or
.Nverw, reaSeedati0e.isteh, ESA.
advertisorneut and *evil! fon
ward the soca'de
& sea thein,,re,
qt"Tnthd tiOnfli AO Nag baiii; ' iciAM11
Mite (0110 Most fragraiitvaria.
1 tios,.oftalcolers. Mailnathid -1' /,1
will'boonty6n!Fe ltt1th
Ever have them?
Then we can't
tell you any -
IV about
them. You
' know how dark
everything looks
and how you are about
ready to give up. Some-
how, you can't throw off
the terrible depression.
Are thingsreally 50
blue? Isn't it your nerves,
after all? • That's where
the trouble is. Your
nerves are being poisoned
from the impurities in
your blood.
r P
purifies the blood and
gives power and Stability
to the nerves. It makes
•health andstrength, activ-
ity and cheerfulness.
This is what "Ayer's "
will do for you. It's the
oldest Sarsaparilla in the
land, the kind that was
old before other Sarsa• -
parillas were known.
This also accounts for
the saying, "One bottle'
of Ayer's is worth three
bottles of the ordinary
11.00 s boats. All druggists.
Waite ffro Ocean..
if you have any complaint whatever
and desire the best medical advice you
can possibly receive, write the doctor
freely, You will receive a, prompt re.
without cost. Address,
Dn, J. 0, KYLE, Lowell, Masa,
S trathroy, April 23.—A Petrolea, man
known as Dr. Douglass was hurt here
to -night while attempting to get off a
moving freight train, and was badly
cuCabout the hips and otherwise ser-
iously injured. He was taken to
Roadie's hotel, where Dr. Berdan is at-
tending him.
• Thedford, April 23.'—Last night par-
ties entered the barns of Geo. Laircl,
6t1i-concesSion, Bosanquet. and stole
two teams of horses, two sets of har-
ness and ropes. Coming to town the
robbers hitched up to two new wagons
in front of John Blake's show rooms,
one it Chatham make a,nci. one a Bain
wagon, and left, going south. They
are being tracked.
A. person that has lost appetite has
lost something besides--yitality, vigor
The way to recover appetite and all
that goes with it is to take Hood's
Sarsaparilla --"that strengthens the
stomach, perfects digestion and makes
eating a pleasure.
Thousands take it for spring loss of
appetite and eve,..y body says there's
nothing else so good as Hood's
St. Catharines, April 23.—An acci-
dent occurred a short way out of Thor-
old about 3 o'clock this a fternoon which
resulted in the death of A.B. Gooldocf
Flint, Mich. it appears that as the car
on the Niagara,St. Catharines and Tc,-
ronto R.R., which left Niagara Falls'at
2.30 reached Lobb's Crossing a It11111
Was siglatecl on the track. The motor-
man gave hint warning; and he step-
ped off the track, but immediately
stepped back on it again, and before
the car Could be stopped it had passed
oveehim, completely severing his head
from his body. The deticlaman was a
boarder at the Russell lionse,this city,
and had gone to Niagara Falls last
night to aee an opera. .Several articles
were found on his person; his watch
ehain was broken, and his watch could
-not be found.
is, by no means, the dreadful
disease it is thought to be—
in the beginning.
It can always ,be stopped=
in the beginning. The trouble
is: you don't know you've got
it ; you don't believe it; you
Won't believe it— till you. are
forced to.: Then it danger-
• Don't be afraid; but attend
to it quick— you can do it your-
self and at horne.
. Take Scott's Einulsion of
Cod Liver Oil, and live care-
. ,
fully every way.
• This is sound doctrine,
whatever you may think or
be told ; and, if heeded, will
save life,
youhave not tried It, stand for
freo samplo, Its agreeable taste will
6 rbiEiS'OOTT tarVOU" BOWNE. OhemiSts,
can, velvetitheilbtx, Vrite today., Thth ooason for sell, ratite,. • ,
kilgtotdaisel.,-40,Secti guaii)ty taat l'eaeado, tstatt • , • §Qqa and ;.1i0(4, orovaiiitae
Prisoners, Rifles, Ammunition
anCi Wagons,
Lord Rite -boner ,Cabies war Office Toiling'
of Men and supplies Captured Sbace
fli I,aot Report -- Commandant
burg tias Given in Near Mithiiebur
and Iias Surrendered Ali Nis MVO and
London, April 23, ---Lord Kitchener,
In a despatch, to the War Office anCICP
date of Pretoria, April 21, says:
'Since my last report the British
columns have captured 24-2 prison-
ers, 24.1.8 rifles, some ammunition and
wagons and carts, A. few men have
also surrendered. -
A. Lying Editor Punished..
Cape Town, April 22..—Mr. Albert
CartWright, the editor of The South
African News, who was arrested in
February on a' charge of seditious
and defamatory libel, in haVing pub-
lished in his paper a statement that
Lord Kitchener had secretly instruct-
ed his troops to take no prisoners,
has been convicted aad sentenced to
one year's imprisonment.
Kitchener Warns Traitors.
Cape Town, April 22.—Lord
ener has issued a proclamation
the • effect that any resident in the
martial law districts of Cape Colony'
found. in arms, inciting to fight, aid-
ing the enemy or endangering by ov-
ert act the British' forces, will • be
tried by court-martial, and be liable
to.the most severe, penalties. Such
persons may be shot.
Another Force Surrenders.
Pretoria, April 22.—The force un-
der Commandant Boklourg, composed
of 106 men, with wagons and rifles,
has Surrendered near Middleberg,
Honors For Major Denison.
London, Ont., April 23.—Yesterday
Mrs. Denistin of Wolseley Barracks
received a private •cable deSPatch
from England, stating that her hus-
band, Major Septimus Denison, had
been made a Companion of St. Mich-
ael and St. George for services ren.
dei ed ,•during the South Afrieau svar.
Positively Denies That He Eloped With
His First Wife.
Hamilton, April 23.—T. Harry
Lawry, president of the Lawry
Packing Company; of whom reports
of various kinds have been current
for the past 10 days, and against
whom various Writs have been issu-
ed by his ,business partners, Fowler
& Co. of Chicago, Mrs. Lawry ` No.
2 a,nd others returned to the eity
last night.
Mr. Lawry refused to, be interview-
ed, but he has given a positive de-
nial to the allegation that his sec-
ond wife made, namely, that he
eloped with. his first wife, Mrs. Tuc-
kett-Lawry, who, is now in San
Francisco. Mr. Lawry intends to
accept personal service of the .writs,
which the county judge a few days
ago granted permission to be served
on his attorneys. - •
It will be remenabere,d that shortly
after he left the city, Mrs. ,Lawry
No. 2 entered suit for :„410,000 dam-
ages against Mrs. Lawry No. 1 (his
divorced wife), for alienation Of his
affections. -
Psttsburg and Towns Above. Are Out of
Danger For the Present.
Pittsburg, Pa., April 23.—The
flood is over. Notwithstanding the
fact that early in the day there was
every, evidence of a renewal of the
high wafer, the announcement can be
made authoritatively that there is
not the least danger of another rise
at this point nor above, for the pres-
ent. but the towns on the Ohio Riv-
er below here, are net yet out of dan-
ger, because of rains in the valley
Sunday night and yesterday.All up-
river points report the rain and 'snow
having ceased and the rivers falling,
Not So at Cincinnati.
• Cincinnati, Ohio, April 23.—The
state of the river here at 6 o'clock
last night was 21 feet, and rising at
the rate of two inches an hour. This
will mean ,53 feet at '6 o'clock to-
day, when trains will be shut out of
the Grand Central Station. Owing
to the inability of steamers to go
tinder the bridges, navigation. on ,the
river is suspended.
Soldiers Want Their Land.
Toronto, • April 23.—About fifty
applications a day are received for
the land grants to volunteers and
veterans. A father and son at St.
Catharines, the former a veteran of
'66 and the latter a member of "C"
Battery in, South Africa, ,are among
the applicants.' Applications from
those residerit in ,the United States
are refused. A request for a free
pass to the land granted „received a
negative, Col. Smith, sergeant -at -
axing, Ottawa, is one of the appli-
cants. 1 -le is a veteran of '66.
07,000 CD 'nese 'Troops.' Are lifitSsed
Three 1'iace Under D111,v
11efo:',.0„,:et:: Gen-
April 23.—Accorciing to a
ilespatch front Si, Petersburg to The
Daily Mail, .ofileial information has
oeen, receiveci that renewed military
tivity is begiiiiing in lqatieliaria.
Chinese ' troops are stverielv, en-
rericlied at three points around
Ntukden. Tliey ale alined wail good.
tinoser riftes, coal have 30 KruPn
To the eastward of Mali:den, . near
purehausen, there are 12,000 Men,
ander the chief Boxer general, Lu-
tanse.. To the northwest, neat' Kulo,
there are 6,000 Chinese, under • the
iorrner Goirernor of Mukden. To the
ast,Nvarci., in Mongolia, and near the
LA Shan Mountain, tliere are 0,000
nape, under tho Chinese general,
Admiral •Alexieff has accordingly
organized An expedition, under Gen.
Zerpinsky, consisting of two regi-
ments and five sotnias of Cossacks,
16 guns an41 a body of volunteers, to
operate ' against the three points
mentioned. The first movement was
successfully carried out in the be -
inning of April, Kulo; which' 'is
250 kilometers from Mukden, was
itornied, and the ex-C-overnor of
Kulkden was taken prisoner. In this
lotion • the • Russians had .13 men
killed,' and four officers and 18 tnen.
wounded. The advance toward .the
l'urchansen position was then begun.
Owing to the departure of most of
the Russian troons from Mukden,
the latter cit,y has ' become very 'un
safe. • Almost nightly Russian sen=
tinels' are found shot hi the back.
The situation in Southern Manchuria
is diSquieting, and another advance
of Russian troops will be necessary
in ,the ea-rly spring.
It Is Estimated That tho £30,000,000
Offered to Public gas Been Subscrib-
ed Five Times Over.
Loudon, April 23.—It was estim-
ated isa financial circles last even-
ing that 230,000,000 of the new
loan offered to the public has al-
ready been covered five times, • and
the subscription list will probably,.
be (dosed to -day.
'The premium on the new issue
went tip to 15-16 and afterwards fell
to -?,1 per cent,
$00,000.000 TAKEN BY* A3IERICA.
Ten Million Pounds of the British Loan
Goes to New York Firm.
New York, April 23,—The Evening
Post says':' "Fifty million dollars of -
Great 13ritain's new loan has been
placed in „the United States. The Na-
tional City Bank, J. P. Morgan &
Co., Baring, Magoun & Co., and the
New York, Life Insurance Co. com-
prise the, syndicate that has taken
the loan., • . Americgn subscriptions
ivill airsoliably aggregate much isa ex-
cess of the ;350,0041,000 arranged for,
as the interest 'yield of the new con-
sols places' the loan in the front rank
of high-claas-'., Government, invest
ments. It was . announced yesterday
afternoon that most of the loan had
been placed .by the syndicate."
Major Jarvis Leaves For Yukon.
, .
Ottawa, April 23.—Major A. M.
'who connntinded /3 ' Squad-,'
ron, Strathconas, in South' Africa,
who was mentioned in despatches for
distinguished services and made a 0-
B., took the Winnipeg train yester-
day an his way to the Yukon, where
he assuntes command of the ?Werth -
west Mounted ,Police posts on the
Dalton Trail.
2,500 Mon on
• Colurribus, Ohio, April 23,—Tweri-
ty-five htmcired mino workers, of the
lower part of sub -division No. ,
of 0,1 -do and West Virginia struck
Yesterday, owing to a disagreement
in regard t� the, dead work systeul.
it is feared_ the strike avia spread to
Other distriets,
• To Attend the 10 ore Shnsv.
t tawta Ariril 28 Lausier
leaves. on Wednesday evening to ,itt-
tend, 1110,Horse 3ioWj 1.15
His Red In Mr. Ityman's Residence, Lon-
• don, Took Fire.
London, Ont,, -April 23.—At 2
o'clock Sunday morning the Fire De-
partment Were called to the residence
of C. S. Ilynian, M. P., Grand aye -
'nue. They found a bed -room in • the
upper part of the house in flames.
Chemicals were used, and, after con-
siderable -difficulty, • the firemen suc-
ceeded in extifig,u'ishing the fire.
The bed -room had beenoccupied by
I -fon, Dr. Borcren, Minister of Militia;
who was the guest of Mr. -Hyman.
The hon. gentleman, was awakened
to find his bed on fire. In the' • ex-
citement, Dr. Bordeni'dost his valuable
,g -old watch, and it was subsequently
found by the firemen, destroyed by.
tha fire. One of -the firemen picked
up a roll of .13111S ,on,:th,e floor of the
bed -room, and another the hon. gen-
tleman's spectacles. The loss will be
considerable, as all the ,contents of
the elegantly furnished rooni • were
practically ruined, I)r. Borden escap-
ed injury. .The supposed origin of the
fire was a lamp and a lace curtain.
To Form a New Province.
se Moot Delicate and Int rieate
Plastic Worb ver Al..tenipteci For
JIxpoaltfou COOS° 11.11111
The development of the Pan-Ameri-
can Exposition at Ruffaio Is Observed
with profound Interest throughout the
western world. Almost every day
Shows some new feature of the tna.gnia-
cent enterprise completed. Some new
tower rears aloft its ornamental pin-
nacle,. some new dome presents Its
rounded top to the sky, or some new
decoration of form or color is added to
ihe wo,uclerful ,bouquet of architectur-
al loveliness,
Never was there an Expositfon so
„novel, so unlike what the world has
learned to expect, as this. With the
glorious examples of the, 'Expoaltion
builder's art and genius to look back
upon with fond remembrar,ce and ad-
miration, the world bus wondered if all
that has .been promised for the Pan-
American would, be realized. If one
may judge by „the presoak stage of the
vast work, the Millions of visitors to
I3uffalo during the exposition season,
• which begins On the lst of May next,
will suffer no disappointment. '
The Pan-Airterlean Exposition will
outshine its distinguished predeces-
sors in many particulars. Of these the
eourt settings are of first importance.
In order that there maybe abundant
room for the elaborate decorative ef-
fects, 33 acres are alone devoted to
courts. This area is two and a half
times the area of the courts at the
Chicago Columbian Exposition. About
these broad courts ere grouped a score
of great buildings, in which the multi-
tude of exhibits from all parts of the
western world are tolpe displayed.
As a second important feature may
be mentioned the ornate architecture,
the use of plastic ornamentation of
very intricate and beautiful design and
the employment of original sculptured
groups in the exterior decorations of
buildings, entrances and architectural
features. No less than 125 original
Sculptured groups, modeled by socne 30
or more distinguished American sculp-
tors, will be used in this feature of the
decorative work.
The use of an elaborate color scheme
has this el...before been attempted at an
exposition. The appropriate title of
the "Rainbow City" has already been
applied to this great group of brilliant-
ly colored buildings, and lovers of color
will find the exquisite, harmony of,
tititS that has h,erp been produced a
most delightful sUbject for contempla-
tion and study. s '
As a fourth point of superiority may
be named the hydraplic and fountain
features. In all the courts are broad
pools containing numberless cascades
and fountains. These will add to the
beauty of the great work In no small
degree. Many of the fine sculptures
will form a part of these charming
fountains. A bread and stately canal,
a mile and a balf In length, banked
with grass and lined with a double zow
of young trees, completely eocireles tbe
main group of buildings.
The horticultural embellishment of
the gronnds constitutes a fifth point of
excelleuce. Ornamental trees, shrubs,
lawns and flowers of brilliant hue will
Ottawa,. April 23 .—The Govern -
Mont will shortly enter into, confer-
ence with representatives of " the
Territorial , Council at Regina, look-
irig to the adInfssion pf the North-
west Territories to the status of , a.
province. Under date of March 21,
1901, Mr. Sifton, "according to' a re-
turn tabled in the House. yesterday,
wrote Premier , Itatiltain of the Ter-
ritories concerning the matter. If
confreence be held it, will take
place after the sessions of Parliament
and the legislature.
Copyright Act Amendment.
Tor -onto, -Aprit23.—The committee
appointed by, the Wholesale Station-
ers' an.d Booksellers' Section of the
Board: of Trade to wait on the. Gov-
ernment, and. ,urge the adoption of
certain proposed amendments to the
Copyright 'Act, left for Ottawa last
night. They will see Bon. Sydney'
FiSlier, Minister of Agriculture,...this
morning at 11 o'clock.
The Aslinnti .A bore.
' Montreal, April '23.—The Elder-
' Dempster Line agents., here yesterday
received word that the. 55. Ashanti,
coal laden, front Nevircastle-on-Tyne
April 7, bound for Quebec, was
ashore at Cape Blanc, a, point about
20,0- miles below Quebec, The vesSel.
will probably be a totial" loss, The
Ashanti is a vessel of , 2,200 tcinS
net 3,400 tong gross,
111 BcaIth S.ivcd
Winnipeg, April 23.-A man na ined
O'Connor, charged with barnally
knowing 1.0 or 12 little girls from
the ages of 9 to 12, Was sentenced
yeSterda,tf to 20 years in the poni ten-
tiary, Ti10, itid,te would have givOn
him the lash, only he feared it would
kin hhli. ais he is, a diseased Speci-
,oni a question that must interest yOu.,,
Have you -your New Suit?
not, drop in arid see as at the
first opportunity and let, utJ
show you a few prices of thE
Fancy. Worsteds and Scotch.
• Tweeds.
Have you seen the new Staples an
'Therringbone piAternsple7
are beauties.
Pig range of Blues and Black, Irish
Serges at the old. prices.
If you want a black we have what you
want isa Tvvills, 'Venetians and
OiTercoats in Beavers, Meltons, Ourls,
Nap § and Montanacts.
All work done in the latest style an
fit guaranteed.
delight the eye everywhere. Sunken
gardens and formal beds of tiolvrs
will surround fountains and Pools and
border upon the walks throughout the
Crowning the great work of produc-
ing unparalleled vistas and an exposi-
tion picture of unrivaled beauty will
be the electrical illumination. Only
when a great volume of power is ovail-
able, such as Buffalo possesses in the
newly harnessed Niagara, could elec-
tric illumination he undertaken on so
-.grand a scale. With unlimited power
to draw, upon, the electrician -has had
no restraining conditions ha bis work.
The electric tower, 375 feet high, of
rich and elaborate design, will form the
Centerpiece Of the electrical brilliancy,
while every building, fountain and ar-
"chiteeturtal feature and even the broad
surfaces of tbe, artificial lahes and
pools, with ,,floating lights, will glow,
with electrical radiance and lister. 'The
scene will he one 02 unsurpassed love-
liness, It 'imp()ssible and unlikely
soclntsie repeated again on account of
the vast expenditure of electrical ener-
gy necessary to produce It.
1!tonitobn ond the Exposition.
, The Pan A inerican Exposit ion at But-
' falo next year is assured of a repre-
• sentative exhibit from the huportant
pro ince of INIanitolaa. Special Com-
' missioner Henderson, who has inade
'a tour of northwestern Canada for` the
E,xposil ion, met With gra t ifying siicceSs
in iirmisine- tevest iti thb enterprise,
14. GiiIEVE
Opposite Post Office
F81111016 ,ititeRtiopi!
NvEa hve procured a
car load of Thomas
Phosphate powder which
is the best Fertilizer on
the market.
Give us a Call.
Will tit) to Iluffitlo.
01.0g0T1 I'Vess association at itS
animal 'con veritidu v,eted to
hold, its animal oxeurSion niet,ifilg
1001 'al the 10,s.1.4.1413erienn
- We are constantly receiving new •
goods and it issc. pleasure for , us to
show them to You.
Our Pianos and Organs are the
most beautiful in tone and appearance
that money can buy.
We also show Violins, Gutars,
Mandolins, Mouth Organs, Methodist
Hymn and Sunday School Books, also
Presbyterian Books of praise.
Sewing Machines and Repairs al-
ways in stock. •'
Sheet Music of all Kiuds.
• 'We have moved into our new pre-
mises opposite the Central Hotel and
are now open for business. Our pre-
mises are modern and we give you,
modern and up-to-date goods and,
made in the moat modern style.
We Personally .
. . Cut Every Garnient
That's tnade tip at this establishment
—as well as fit it—and look after
all the details. This is only one
• reason why our -prices ate taioder-
ate. '
Gent's Furnishings .
Come and see us in our new place
of laisiness and examine our stock of
Genes Furnishings.
Bert. Knighi
if you Wail(' V 011 dene.
to R. ,ilioitS-:-Watelies,'•Clock's',,,
and ;Jewelry a speoialty;
Marriage Liaertse4iSsIted and Wcals
tillit;:rillig's always ou hand.
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