HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1901-4-25, Page 1FOURTEENTH
YEAR. -670.
. ..
, , ,
& SO
,_ , .
J, 0.. sTANBu' ity, .33, ' A, (formerlY Collins 4
stanbiiry) Barrister, SOlicitor, Notary, Oonyeyancer,,
mo„ey to Loa„_lixotet, Oa, •
. • . • ' - -
Mr. August Haist has Plix'ehased the
house and lot awned by Mr. .
Fritz. It is r urn9r. eel that Mr.' ,,Ilai,St.
intends building' a brick handily' suit-
Albertbeen Cefiangnaignegd-
hrtailnle ,f 99if• ca I'1),(ie store.-Mr}20ye, ,, has
by Mr. Aug. Frill as hostler. -Our oen-
sLI5 enumerators. have finished- taking.
the census in the two yousn_,_Kr-. Jos.
Lawson shipped a carload cif hegs from-
Centraliaday.--1\lrrlastM°11c1-• •-•.-.House
station'' - . d•Y• ,
cleat -141g is the orcl:er of .the day. AVo-
men are „sup:erne at .. present. -Miss
Eanim :Lewis retarned fr°th" GratitoP
last Thuirsclay, where she visited. lies
sister, Mrs. Francis Clark, for a 'few
John Trainer lias purchasecl
a Doherty Organ froin Mr.2G eo.' Zwicic-
er.-Our band has re-orgartizc•a. We
. .
trust the bays -will give us plenty .ot
muSie• this sumniers-Saturclay's snow,
storm bi.ought out the -winter capes
and'shawls again. Tack frost is dV,ink
hart -I. -Master Bert Clark, of Exeter,
spent. Sunday here with his parents.--
Bev. 3; W. Baird, of 'OteenwaY, ex-
citleangecl pulpits With Bei. HusSer, of
1 • . , .
, „ INIetion ist chtuch, I. st Sunday..
Collections were taken in aid 'of the
. •
Superannuation Fiord. 'Aroriday even-
i131; Rev. G. H. Long, of TC:ipilens gave
• • < 4
a very interesting lectern entitled On
, , • ,, , ,
the Trail to a Lila? , c ,, . •
Long has been ministers in the 'North
' 1.A7 sb f r some time and o'rLVe ias :),
• • e - -° s1 ' 0 . •
o'Ona ;recount of the greitt West , --00v
ts . , . , , . , , a - I and.
barber is n;:rvirag hi shop palate( <
. ' 1 Wm is bon id to have things
PaPci-ec • • l•
IliCe. .1)fr Wm. Gaiser, ccmciessici" 9'.
, . . • ,. ...a. , , e
Is ill with theuntatms, \ \ e tr ust la
r• Wesley' Kerr
will soon recover. --M . • ,
of Clinton, was in the village last-, Mom
''',1" • ••••• • f •cl )
clar,-Aliss illie basson, o Lan ., c 0,
• ‘' - -- "The ••
is -here yisiting her psicut,s.-- . re
were no serr ides in the Evangehcal
i . 1 5 ncla evening ovvitig tO
C 1111C 1 on , u , y e .. s ,
ehe tabSetle° of the Pastor., wIao is at-
tending Conference. We are, gitid to'
'-' th• t Be t J C • Litt will be with,
•saa a : v . . T. .
us for another year. -Mr. Grotlieb.
13rown ha t . e 1 f .o ii. Berlin Where
.s re ifiii c 1 1 . , , •
he hl, / 1 * •el. tiyes fo •• some
is ieen visi inn 1 a 1 „
f. AlTorkmen ' .i.re busy at the
1111e. -c '
foundation of, Mr.- Trick's new dwel-,
ling. ---Mr. Henry Arot,z- is over -hauling
the dwelling he recently -pureinteed
-. . - . ,
frpm 'Arr. Alit.t. Giraiiibers.
''" ' • ' ' •-.' t '
Fertile Valley.
. 1.v. bell si,?sring ee'ins he hx.irigs a let
• 1.• news and the Pen canna resist
writing. Every daysnow, wece,n hear
the choir of siaring • viz- frogs, flies •
• •
birds ofdifferent kincls lambs calves
'tp,.;:estirt3s.ritgui.);kcne,)‘1".4, 0,1 So y'`),v.yoi:ttch' riu' "j\v.4
O. . with theirI b t h
hh air ohee lonnal ttiiheewsho wheat
1 that I:*
ofifeltcl.ilee?-flsye fields? -Seeding
all tire -go ricrSV, sowing fer tit -rather
harvest.. The land, is working' excel_
lent. -The Misses Essery and Easteott
and Mr.. ,Essery paid this vicinity 'a
flying visit one night li-ist..weele,-Air,
js-nue's D'oyie, ja, is. littera-1ring to, re_
pair his eneening,-_Epworth teague oi
Morsliall was indeed a treat. The
tooic was tal(e1-1 by MY'. Jno. Hardy,
who admirably expounded the sebject.
-The box social lielcl at Mrs . Geo.
Lewis' during Easter,' NVoek was a sue-
cess, btit the best part of it was ea -b
boy' WaS entertained. by two ladies marl
two trill boxes. -Mr. Harvey.' Lane, Our
esteemed school master; has 'returned
to duties and reports having had very
pleastint holida3-s.--Mr. Josiah Hanall-
ton has gone to take charge of a IleW
schitcitin Bruen CV: ipts.__T,r01-,,, Doyle
is all siniles--inere help. --Our .Fertile
ViilleY carpenter is completeine• an-
: other violin, andit is going to .be ,.1,
beauty, °hoot, ap boys non saris next
winter is coming -The census is: now
being ttilzen ;-incl it re.qtrives the senses
• . , , _ • ..
to answer.all the questions, lint it will
require many times mare cents to pay
. r. , , ,,, . . •
thein all. -A <ii \I, 00(1,1 Puet Ill$ .olcl
Istin. •I'
'ill down I-Iels'noing 19 enharge
' ' ' ' • - e ,e , . .. .e .
it and put it on ib ank. He is lieguintng
• , A 'E, .. . e
01 good time. Ali. Vria- CV, IS /S ,,O-
• g ti t It' barns On 'I hank alsci
In, capll 1$ , , k , k
but has not conmaenced yet.-Mv.
. •
. or. 1 -ter , sr., is v eiv Sh,,, WI 11 the
Av . Gat t • • • - , ' 1- ,d:
dronsy Ws hope his recovery will he
,---". ' '' • •
.. • .. '. • • •• . ,, , .
-It ts m the 51) ii tate that
- • . • • )
unions take piton in the animal woric .
but nciw we can report, a union be
'Von. ' ,.,, ,
tween Air.O. , 3 2 11101 311
1-1°'-'1` .'' ° ' '
„con., to Miss <Janet -Watson, . 0C 'tile
19.01 con., of McGillivray, on the lOtli
IIS . • ey -resic e ..on e . con.,
i ' t Tia ' 1 ' . Ili 13t,h
the farm lately purchased by William.
Ar ' '1 • • - h• h ' 1 I f
'a.. e al jam in WiS bin t eu. u. ea o a
• f 1 t ^ n i
happy life, A .ew s mu s et we come
h s 1 fi ' • ht
ome was le,ard. the first nig . ,
BrinsleY: Mr. Wm. -11.-°r1eV and
on Wednesday; April 10th by the Rev.
Mr. Aylward, of Parkhill.
- , _
fbn.e.i.8e,ten.:ifIgt'thrle'lea''' tgiVLI'°:e.ieliVii3;sv.'yjeissd',nalhelisvNviiinhIg.()scile);i8:
Rased ,of 1?1S St. OC k here, haa taken .t.1
i\stitounadtlao;fonir. tWhaotTolswtonek, and lett tau
Wiraglaams, A broken arm vvill • lay
George Day aside -even' work for some 'The
time. On Ft'idaY, he fell frOln the loft .T.
.111 Beattie's livery stable, the result
was a broken arni, that must be cdre-
fullY tiursed for some time. •
St. Mar yss Mr. John „Walsh who
went to l'oronto last week to rinclergo
an operation on his eyes, is reyorted to
be progressing faverablY• The 0Pera-
titan was performed Jost, Saturday, but
`til; will be some days yet before tire re-
suit \rill be definitely. known.
' Seaforth; • alessrs. W'arci Brothers,
of ,Lucan, have leased the Seaforth
fax mill; and will rani it this season,
A niernber of the , firni ' has been " here
for the past week, , securing land and
making arrangements for giving out
seed. ' The -Word Elt•othe).:•s 0 l'e, ehgrac,-
' th i ne'husine S'in Luc m - '-'
Clinton: ' A business change took
place here last week, when ''W. W.
Ras,. soisnis erocery to G-eo, E. Rath-
wen; who iniet at 'first. 'intended to'
start ini Iiensa,11. The change of. pro-
ieietovsbi i tools Tuesday and
1 . - I , . ' place
Alr. Kerr will go to Caecliton where
I • 1 -- • b ' • ' 1'
he has )(mg -it ,out a usuless 1 0 t re
same -line.
' II ' C II tl" I h. ' '
nutici. . i. a et ie .) as par
chased the harness business of Mr. E.
< pe e ras •t so rented. .the store
1. ' I 1.1 I miso •
a P • • • ••
Inc w i ,,, art a at c iv< 1 t •
' 1 =di st- .. h• .1 a .e h isiness in
" riot] 1 -Ie h. s enal toys(' Ilv
collue.e. , . A , ) I . .
. . ..
-n .nstedt a pt.:lobo:al hand to . WOI'll."
- t . ,
for him -A.1r A.. Michlellroltz the
,. • • ' ' •
. other day, recetved tile sacl news of
the death a his sister in Detroit. Tire
' .'
1 ght I ' for I .'• I
remaias \Anse irou, . itnne irtria.,
. Hensall: Aressrs AlcArthur & ' Co.
• . . . ,
prirate bankers, Who have been earry-
mg on quite .1. large banl-itig business
,-, , • • e o ,•• ,s, : . -
here for '-1 b0 VI f twenty year.- and vvhose
• • • . ,
bank braiding was clestr•oyed by • fire
h • • •
last surrnner, moved. into then strand-
S01110 new two-story brick block- last .
week.' It is handsomely finished' and.
f ; • 1 l' 11 • 11 the latest, itanl-
Is mans ler avi 1 a .• , • s.
furnishings inclirding a very fine vault
d f ' f
an ire ancl burglar proo - safe.
Wingliam• Mr Kerr had a very
• - ' ' • • • ' '
parnful experience last week from an
--`• • - -.1 • ' 1 • .-` • .. • : ,- -
He was aj,,n_
app -1 y strop e cause. , . ..
nig a light; frame, and .vvhile naihng it
't 1.• n . - n` one of his 1-nees' He
res ec it against' a . , . •
DLL e- _ a e j arrin g
clid not stvil-e the join'. I t1
' s' . '-'''". a n . .
seems to have injured the ...ss.n.gg gain
. ,otherwiseb'
1 few hours later inflammas Qn set.,,
and ,< . • •-,....,. ...a
' •n and the main became sointense thao
i ' ` ' ' ' ` -
the iniurecl limb had to be Dittoed in ice
' " -
and the s utterer 'Du t 1 trader tile influence.
' . • ' , '
of trioridune . -
Goclerich: Frank Reed,the.man wit°
. ,
was recen y.cornm1 ec ro -.
tl ' 'lit 1 f nt 'Wing
. . . - •. -. -
ham to the coon ty 3111 for 30 nays ror
' - • `
carr sing a revOlVer was brought be-
') ,-, . , ,-,
fore the P AI. on Monda r charged witn,
- , 1.
bur•glariousl - entering. 1,11ci sten, in r,
• -'-'
from t e c we mg o am ,
Dulinage of G•orrie, to •which charge
ht. leaded guilt -3 . ire was then chain,-
1' Nil? it,h a seconcl'burglaxy, to which he
ec' 1 ' 1 1 guilt ' A third charge
also P Ca€ e. . .Y.
it: f V 'Man of vvas assauiting ,c ie. anal ,.. , .
Wingharn and as. he has declared Ins
. ,
of the crime he was remancl-
31- ' ' ' `
till next Tiresday for t:rial. The
crown attorney prosecuted, but the
. , ,. - ', ,, , ,
prisoner was uncreienciect. ,
,„ , ,
' Clinton: A serious accident, and
one' w lic 1 wr pro iti y ,
,, I ' I "II " l' blprove
th t '1' .h ha ened to Arr. James
ArcGill on Saturday For something
, , • .
to turn his attention to, he had been
doing some gardening 4 rent-
. ,-, • having
ed lot from Mr. Ridout. ' With Robt.
, • - •
Mennen he 'was doing sonie teaming
in f th 1 t d h'l t d
mg up in the wagon, endeavoring to
avoid. the branches of a tree; Mr. Mc-
Gill lost his balance and fell baclivrards
, , ,
.breakIng hls neck, -le eca,me paid, yz-.
, ., 1 b • " 1
, „ , ,
ed from the result and still cannot use
any Part of his body. The many friends
with < e can
11 1 • ' 'regret that h ca'mot
LVI earn
he is becoming weaker and it
, ,.• e
be only a few days longer that he
can. live. 'Just last December his wife
died. -
, Tockersinith: - A very nice double
' - ad• 't k I 'Wednesday ev-'
we mg 00. P age on '
ening at the residence of Mr. Charles
'3 ' ' when his el
Rutledge • rd. concession w . -
' ' '
dest datighter, .5114PgssiNellie, was united
in marriage to Mr. Robert McConnigle
• • cl.i.ii•,11 ter Miss Harriet
and his third • e • , • - •
to Air ;Tames Grieve. The
was mal- • • • . _
cei•entony was performed by Ber...mr.
s f •33 6 i i . I .. 't
awyers, o ruce e.c, anc was wr -
nessecI by a g,00clly number of the rel-.,
, .
atives. and -friends of the contracting
arties. The _ceremony concluded an d
. , . .
congrattuations'over thehappy young
` '' f
couples and the guests partook o a,
'-' ' 1
, - II' . su er re avec
wec c log pp , p p,
by the worthy hostesS, an the, even-
Mg was pleasantly and,socially spent.
Both couples settled. dawn to the sterns
. . , .. • . .
er realities ofshre 10 Tuckersmith . nen
• . - '
the:parental home. , .
, •
Bayfield: ' Dea,th has ;been in, our
midst and carried away two very res
spectable young residents of Bayfield
and vicinity, being Mrs. Johnston, the
Yoling wife of Mr. Herbert Johnston
„, . , . a,..... , ,
of the Sauble Line, and 3.1v. •William
1 , son of Mr. F. Wi,d, of the same
W'Id ' . *t ' ''' - '
Line.Mrs Johnston Was the sister
. , • `.- ' .
D Bali,f iranover and 'lvid been
0 J. . 0 < , < •.:.
• rrred about two ears. She leaves
pi t , y .
behind a little child. only., a 'few days
old and a grief-stricken husband. .who
• • , • . .„ „
the sympathy of the whole :neigh-
Writ/rod in his sad and sodden bereave-
The' • '1
meta, rennuns were taken 0
. f _ last ,in.
Hanover or mterinent Thursday,
Mr. Williani.Wild, who died suddenly
•ts . irn ay o eonsump :min, a teen
ilf•lbotit two 'Years from this dread
diSease which restated' ,from inflant,
oration of tire lungS, Deceased 'Was,
able to he around and Wae Oa ,driving
on the.Thtirsaay preriotis to his death
. . • ',., .: . t ) - t am . :
liut cm Sund, y he co k ; 11- . orilage
and. (lied Ahroist', ifinnediately ill hiS
' t '' - -
sis ,P1' A AVMS.
St. Marysa The death of.Annie Bell,
Arf-Telerrif)itlifni;c..1, vilii:ic).1,c.g,e,,,,z.,r1(.1,1.a.sitteuein,..,,
in 'poor hoaatb for soxne time. ,
,. .,
to .14e'rit:111:03;lif' , ..e' d' 1 VrFaittrail I. SgE.I. 1 i 1 etHel( i leti' okCe. :81,n:11TO:1,152°1. .1(1SISil ta:C )e,o; Oxi ii7t ohfdf„ a ll
i'l \11 lar-gz illhic
la'orliey, to Jr."aj., j, 2ciaryyn', ope, -6/7
T , t , , , , _ s i . , ,
mon o s prosper oils 3 ming insiness
men, took place in Seitfirrtin on
nesday, April 17111, at' 12 o'clock imon..
ceremony was pci armed by Rea.
W..Hocigins, R. D., in tire presence
of the relatives Of the bride, 1. Id groom
only. Miss Ilia Brine supnorted the
bride,. while MP. Ed, Mavvyn acted. in.
a: Siintlar capacity for the groom, They,
will Ill.ake there 'futime home in Torn.
Willetain; On Sunday John Wateh-
er, a resident of Wingliam for a num-
lair of years,died athisiMme on Joseph-
Inc street; age 81' years :mel. 6 montlin•
Mr:Watcher had been ill IVIt,11 an at-
• ' ' 1 -
tack of la grippe, but had apparent j?
rue0Vet'ed when, Illeurrisy .set in. :fie
was •ond of .the dicier settlersin town_
ship of ' Turnbeary ann lined. in the
township, .a nuMber •of . years. before
moving to AVinghatri His wife' precle-
ce.isecl hint • few ye.u.s . o He w qs
Methodist ia religion and. a Causer-
vativs h'i Prfiiticis.
Henstill: Alia 3. F. W. Patersen's
horse beconring frightet,ical on. Toes-
cla,y forenoon, near Mr. Thos. . NVelsll'S
SOW Drill dashed' away before Mr
Paterson ceuicl secure comnotna of the
.E. ns. , len coutin, areuric re cor-
n 'i WI ' e• ' ' ' 1 the '
ner at Mr. Foss' littleery. •it took the
sicle walk., bre/It:hag down a couple' of
, , : , .,
posts and beconamg antatched trout
.the us:L.0.0n. It r aiTo vl esca I br 'LI --
' 0 . 1 37 • 1)ec e• .-
ing some of the phrte gla,ss fronts, .but
• ,. Itin ey, w hile ,.eeprna on o
fort in. t 1 dad Is ' 0. 't
. . , , .
the Ridewalk fov e. :Atte a distance it
. " . . , I r• ,t ,,
dol very little •harrn. and was ctrught
• • . ' , e
by 111,-.,C. )s 'McDonell ^ 0' 'Ifs cl -41
, . - - •,- - , o. •td. 1 w c _-
11 I-11 Al • t h lf ' t ' •
i c at op: iou • a spas _rune on
.. . . , ,, . ,
S:nairday night, as arra and Mrs. Chas.
Dodds IVIrs Robe t,ri‘le i lro • and Miss
, . r - D y . ,
Annie Somesville were returning..fr.ona.
, •,• ..), a ,. • „ s < , „. •
a meg itan. s 1 esielcarcL, and were „oing
a one 0,4 h concession,. west Oi • the
school house the heard a wa on•com-
. , Y <, ng
• • • ; a."ti . .
ing tow rads them It rapld i te The
,-, .. < ,. ,.
night was dark, and not being -able to
very well, they 'stepped to one side
, , , . „. ., ,
of .the road to permit the vehicle , to
pass..Tust as they did so and as thewas,•-
• • : • - t,
on passed then, a' horse and. buggy,
• c' - ;-, .< ,
Which was .11sb being d.riven at etastpiol
nate al, ' , ti ' ' id • f the road' - " '
1., - ong re s e o ran up
1 o-tinst 'them 'a ncl • nocIrd 'al ' , odd's
aams • , - , .k . . _ 1. D
and Miss SoMerville down,pas.sedclean
, . , , , s ,
passina clear over them. aft- 1)oacts
arm was seriously infured and. he was
. rinse w, 1 e Miss omer-
' d hd .S '
ville hadher clothing torn ' although
' . .s, , . t,
ssaide. from the severe .shock she . was
a- - ,
t .---t-wed. but had a miraculous es -
no ns.114-, --, ., , . . ,
cape, The ortiinsats,Kgi ladies were notan-
, . . aarsa, anana,......s
jured. lhe driver of .tne.--,.. 6 atele Pala
attentiont the " ' I had d
uo o., e injury re one
but proceeded on his way. The men
- . -
ware raci tr 0. with their' vehicles
0 .
- ' • •
Car Portland
Oar 0611, .Spring
. .
. .
Barb and Plain
, . .. .
Woven. Steel
. . .....,
Poultry Netting
• • - -
• .
Wire Fence,
all- Sizes.
: . , ..
--_,- . a 7 Ilik
-1.T-i. '
-we have unlimitoa.
vestment upon
o west rates of
funds for in-
Property, at
etc., Exeter.
C. L. N. Districts... .
The district eanirnittee of the C.L.A.'
have drawn up the groups for inter-'
• • - • ' • • ' ' • •
niediate and j1101or serles. 111. the in
erme la e, 1 a cii c is in gi oup i o. ,
t (-1•• t St •• tf .1 •- • • ' N 11
with London, St. Al:mys Setifor.tli and
, ,
Woodstock. In the junior series there
are only two groups T
as follows: No 1
Beaverton, Barrie Orilla No 2- (Jim ...• . n
ton, Seafor.th, Stratford, St. Alarys,
Exeter ,
- - -vesy
farm or ;village
interest. ,
: -
ricKsoN 31. CARLING,
I have a large
Lean on tarm ancl
rates ofintesest.
, P. w.
funds to
at low
Street Exeter.
amount of private
village properties
, .soon.
Team Notice that
commissioner for
transfer my license
Any objections to
Inspector net later
, .
Exeter, April 23,-1901.
to the License
for permission to
of Blalxe, Ont.
lodged with the
of May.
vieff A•ttPliSON
' • * * ' -
i'l :11: '
11143‘..T.Lativray ,
"SERI,OUS AcOIDENT--Mr.Albert Neil,
e.ntic ccille€551011, met, W lu 1. a pain-
of the 9 1 ' , ' . ' '''l • ' '
fill accident on Friday .of last week. It
appears he was engaged in splitting
. Is te . .. r.,.,
wood and in some manner' a piece of
the timber flew up and. stiatek hirii in
the eye, breaking the ball and clestrei Y-
ug the sight Much sympathy is ex -
---r-, , n „:. ,,,,., ,, , ,
pressect for Mr.. iN...eina ,... , . , ' • •
. "
I' have applied
South Ituron
to George 31 11111,
traiisfer must be
than the 7th clay
s ,
, Sale Register.
TUESDAY, APRIL 30. --Farm Land in the town-
ship of MeGilliway, 100, aereS, to be sold on the pre-
nuses, Lot 1, con. 12, McGillivray, County of Middle.
sex, at 1' o'clock. II. Bl'ONN71, Allet. ,
MONDAY, MAY 6. -Brick dwelling on Andrew
street also 11 acres -of land and household nirniture,
the propert372 of Mrs. IL. Samwell, being lot 105.
Sale on premises at 2 o'clock, real estate to be 'sold
at 3.30. H. Brown, Auctioneer.
: :
Master Norman . Ruby, who was
quite ill last week, is able , to be
- ' 1 : 0- ' ' Mr Charlie sio• thner
arniiiic,. a...actin"- • • •
is Mendingr-Slowly.-LArr." Fleury Kalb-
eiscit anc ann. y.r . otilakl, floe nes-
fl • ' -1 f 1 'left- - '•11 o• T
a. f v Stratferd., :where ,he" hlt's -nein-
.4•7, 0 . ', , •,... , r
chased a business.--Severai flosses were
. • ,
Id in the village last week, Ezra
so a .
Tiernan and Peter ArcIsatic disposing
f .- li also Louis Moser sold one
o ,one sac , •
;Ina 'tracle.d another. -Rev. Mr. Can,
fG d.B l' ' 1 dt •
neve, 0 ran enc, prefix re o a
'I - t' S a. • •
• arge,congrega ton on un ay evening,
tl .i.i. -• 1 • - • tt d' o. C
• re pas or icing away a en in,. on-
''.,...en,-- session at -13erhn.-Mi. As
- , sa , •-- . ; ' , . - •
cdrettleigstill.continues m poor health.
ts ,,,,,,,,, _ , , ,,
-lin. Hy. w -alert shipped a carnal:id
- .
of -hogs Wednesday -HY fibffman
• . e . , '. • - •
net D Grigg were ut Stratford Toes-
d D. so,
day with Mr Kalbfleisch's household
< ., • •
effects -The boys gathered together
• . ,t>
Monday ancl gatve -Mr.' and. _Mrs. Alex.,
'Z'ntrirer a serenacle.-Mrs. Colosk.y is,
• '
quite sick. We hope she may socm re -
covers -On Alonclay ev•ening, while
Mr. Kalbfleisch was loading his effects
three clogs, belonging to Hy. floffinan,
T Der •.'ng and. C Kellerman started
• • < IA <- . T. - `. ' '
in e mi s... ... at .
t fight ' the 'cl t of a.• g-oup of
0 „.mocence
'n: • - ' g ' a surill
chile ten,. . knockm, over • , . .
Child Wrhleh for a moment 'or tiro was
I great 'chit -Igor of being, laitten, but
-t' 1't the • s .
fortunate y this was no e case and
tae l' ht
Henry Hoffman soon ended re ag ,
far as lie canines were concerned
so, < . s. t ' < ,
Iry g < . .
stick. He belted traytty right' and left
t'll h .1 d Il th 1 0. str tchedn '-
1 . e ,, n
1 k`i
' und and for a time it oo ec
0P•the ground .<, .. t .
aA if tlaey were going to stay, bu one
• , . ' •
by one they gradually got up.on their
. .
bt h t h
f et feelin - no dou t a eac one
g , , , •
hied shared worst in the fray, , More
. , , , „
I Id I tat with such
precautron s mu n < en .
viclious dogs in a -village as this iS riot
e. . rs ins ruiceow ere c n c len are
th fi t ' t't • ' h ". 1 '11 " h•
b d• ' d of their lives by such
een en anger e
animals. ',If any ser.ious results had,
we think it Would be rather
. , ., f .recover.
a costl3r affair for the owner o the
: ,will
• k We .4>Ailted
Ourru.a.hY.-This wee <
n t record the death of the infant
upon o < <
child. of Mr. aricl Mrs. Otto . Miller,
which sad event occurred on Monday.
• ' •
Much sympathy is felt on all sides for
e iereavec al 1 .
t 1 f• rnly
. , •
Grand Bend
, , • -
Mr. John ,Spackman-, ofsExeten; is
here attending to- his par.k.--Alr, 'W.:
a r'IVI a}.1( R. ansoti,, o are
B lk 11 1 R F • f Exeter,'
'rutting up a house here 'for Mrs. M.
ill.-L-Larriber is being 'drawn fi..oni
P0.1.1;1011 .for the. cottages in Maple:
Grove ' Mr of Landon was
•-- • ' Lawson, ' ' , `
here-Voncla on business -Mr • Wm
-' ' Y " ' ' . . . .
Holt.111tends going to Grrancl Alarms,
Mich. in the near future -Mr. Mau-
, --- c . •
rice Brenner, of Shiplca, spent Sunday
atlionae.-Mr. Bert I-Iolt, Jr., J. Han.,
non's popnlar egg wagon driver, spent
Stinday at home. The boys here were
B ' at e . • •
all glad to see eit a) horn again.
• Central i a .
. . -
f : inter-
'DEAR INIB. Eurron,-NeWs o • ,
est: is • very ' scarcie a t pi .ina clur,i
, . - hors
burgh -true smile at ota neigh :
' x• • ' ' -
hirre the grippe, some are putting. -ad-
1 ions o (-11 or ses < ar. , , <, .
d't• t th '• • h 1 - atia,b, ns• and
sonie notable •per.sonS hajge ""ryeently
through •• ' • la bit '
passed our vil <ge, t it seems,
e • -,-) h. ao
to me that those thin,s c,,nnot a .
I -our
much interest for the ittajority o y
' clex.s In the abSence therefore. bi-
rea ' ' ' - ' ' -
news Will vou allow Xne, Arr. Editor, to
, , , . 1 fi • -
t 1
give you a little rut anc Caen -ii
• few clays
unequal jaropor tiOns. After a ,
of deliCions spring wea,ther we wet e
. . • t'S I 1 S
blungea.agam last aturt ay am. . un-
' r'' • t I h . f n.) - .
day into t e c ept s o a • i ierran win-
. .n, • f f - t •
'ter. The difference o a ew porn s II)
. • •
the a i cl t I all the ail:Yet:-
ence between joy ,•inel desjaair. . ne
d ye Were ba,thed in peaspiraten).
1-13:.11 ' i ' ' ing a 0.00d. sugtiring off in
wh.i e e 1-.1 y ,
.t 1° an'cl tge next shivering amici
- e..wooc s,
cl tile stoveWhat 'do
shaking aroma . le .
you think of n . • ` •
this letter Arr• 'Editor
ed to have been received by one
suppos , • ,
of our local weather prolihets from a
` ..".
physician in _---2 Mr. Observer, this
• •
t • f ' that take great
is. o In 01 na you yon•
liberty •pretending toanterfere with
the weather. What have you to cloC
with the weiither; Sir.? Sir, you're an
We have had a, glorious winter.
• . • . • • s , . ' -
If this winter only contr./Ines ov ta next
winter, I shall be able to -retire with a
comfortable competency. I have hter-
. . .. .
ally coinecl•money since,last November
and hope I am as grateful or the
_ .
song . . , I ought to be.
'of prosperity as
h - d• 1 ' d
Many of my old patients ave re( ,an
little wonder; but o -.612ers Whom 1 nev_
, .
b f • • ' books I
er. SAW e ore are now ort roy '
' ' • . l'k I to. remain.
rejoice to say, and,. 1 e y ,
there. A.s one door shuts another op-
' But just you leave the weather
.ens. , . .
aline, please, and I'll physic you gratis
• •
and fill' up your certifica,te without ask-,
ing a Single question.
Yours mediein ally,
M. A. D. JAnsar, X.Y.Z.
yon Write anything ,to
stop these wretched druggists and
13'k ' f ir 0 'the
store -eepers • from - se nag iea. vile
cough Inedichre and pills? ' - . '
. 11 A DJ
'. • i' • • • •
, . . . ,
Open and acknowledged enemies like
< < . .
frost ancl snow we prepare to meet in
< . .
' " 1 . 1 tr but
our proof armor of flanne artc ft , ,
at the.verY 'first appearance of ‘v, ar PI •
weather we are all off our guard, ;IS. it
• ,
w.ere, and eager to aside our wat
la,y • ' ' . 'm
' - ' • ' ' - •foolish-
ts for thinner clothing
isarrnen _,
ly forgetful of the old, itphorism "that
one swa ow no Ina e a summer,
11 doest k 0
' . '
nor one smiling spring day. guarantee
no morn bold weather, We often feel
the warnit;h of spring fax. more oppres-
' th the heat f tiler, but no
sive ail eo sum ,
one who values health or life will. for-
get oldEeniarnin Franklins' plainprece,
of advice: ' oat
,Cast not your old cdent.
away ,til). -after the 31st of May. The
. ,
lent seitsent is now over and no doubt
many are glad of "it. We have heard
ir, story of a gentler -min who, by ,rnis-
take had put a OVetilgt1 Into the cot-
1 t' 1 d tppl ed. for it back
eo ,Ion )03.c, an. ,t ii . ,
he i.e-
. a` '
and Was refused."Ali! well,". .
lied veconsbling himself .ta his •loss,,
P '' ' ' ' - ' ' - • Heaven."
"1,511 get Credit. for it in.
,.,Nae was the reply, nye only get
' " •''11 -t
Credit:for the penny y,etile,ant to give. •
11 • -'‘• -f. W'th.resPect' to the 'Lenten
ow il,., i , 1
f• •which'necessityand not the wr 1
are . .
f ' s '1 ' It n st be
n , so many piescri iers. . I u
- . , , , , ..
hard to eat lentils and hare theni.'reg-
iSterecl'abore as turkeys, geese, ,roaSt
beef andpitfin pudding. '
OF '
...„, .
• - . '
To the:value of English Stock Food
manufactured by C. Lutz, Exeter;
This is to certify that I have used
English Stock Food; for calves, -Milch
COWS and young pigs; and in all cases
- e
have found it inost satisfactory.' The
calves have, grown faster •-ind -done
• .
better than. -ever before. The mach
. . . . .
ccivys hare,intprovecl in condition. The
f1OW Of Milli: haS increased. 20 -per -cent.
and is of greater richness. The young
ler' ' ''' . '
pigs have done be -t, on En,lish Stock
Food, than I ever knew them to do be
fore. English Stock Rood is a sincist
excellent and valuable article ' and
should be used. lay all stock raisers. It
IS cheap as compared with other foods.
Price 14 laminas for 81.
„ _ .
. (
DATII's DOnsTo.s.--During the past
• I- 'I e g ' ' r a ath has been'
wee el run reape , e< , ,
busy thinning dor. ranks. ' On Friday
last Alio-Culbert, youngest son 'of ,Arra .
Wm, Culbert passed. to his reward -at
- ' -
theyouthiul atr,n of 18 years.--Tliere.
passecl ayva-y a the 'family, residenee,
Sarible Line, on 'Satur.day "last, ,:Alice,
beloved, wife of Thonaa?„4„bbett, Esq.,
il3 the 47th ' ear of her a`ge. Her' vs -
- - Y ' 'CIA '
mains were lin o rest in the Nursery
cemetery on Alonclay: - She leaves, a
largefamily•A.1 t ft'
an a ins o friends o
ourhher loss --Willie Carroll young-
m- - ' . ' . , 0
est son of Mr. .Albert' Carroll, passed
away on Saturda.y at the, age of, one
Year. -We have also to record_ the de-
mise of Mr. Webb, one of Lucan's old -ass.
'est and most res ected ioneers who
. • T . • P . ,„
die,c1.-orf Monday,
- . . . • •
' Don.- Vgak
`i ' -
Ira2MJi .
''''t,z0.-r Lhe Baby..
'". ' ' • • . '
'''.1 _,_, Did, you 1.-novv you could
.,. ••• . -
. give medicine to your child -
Vi°' h'l
s-.. i ren w i e they were sound.
4' JP • • '
•%. •-•-i.... 'ly sleeping? You. certainly
'Ns .• n It is called Vapo
et, ' Cresolene. You put some
' 1 • ' tl ' ' ' 1' ht h
reso eae in. ie vaporizer,- ig . t e
lamp, and.place near the bed. The
.children quietly breathe -in the vapor.
, ,..,
There 'is- nothing , equa.l" to , it for
,ouP I, croup,co s, cough,.
whooping 9 1' colds, '
• .0•
sore throat and all other troubles of
t , ,
the throat 'and chest. ' It is' eco• -
. .
nonaical, pleasant, safe.. . 224
va.P0-csesolene is sold by druggists everywhere.
A Vapo-Cresolene outfit, including the Vaporizer and
Lamp, which should last a life -time, and a lxottl of
c i o lete ex scr extra su lies of Creso-
len e 25 cents and 5o cents. Illustrated booklet contain..
ing physicians' testimonials free upon request, VAro.
c R LS oLEN E CO., 18o Fulton'St., New York, U..S.A.
Mrs•Jas. Beer,
the past few,.
• Miss,Lilla
an extended
. Mr: T; A. Stervart'leftoii
ing tour for
. . <,
Mr. J. T.,
ford, Friday
. Rev. Mr. 'Doherty,
the guest of
' Misses E.
of Zurich; spent
in town.
-Miss Byhiant
tending the
Iege here.
London, where
- • •
situ:in m a dairy.
,-Miss Campbell,
guest of Mrs.
part of the'vreek•
Mr. Fred
date,, for the
w,tis,in town
- Miss,Evas"Page
wrest 92 Miss
home in' "Inndon
31,i'. Jas Jeckell
•(Thursday) for
take a, position
The many
will he plea
,very much :Improved
the past few'
... Mr. A...11.
the Exeter
Hamborg 1305
' ' ''
tion in a -large
' . ' '
er, Mena is •
with his Sister,
' ih 1, very 'poor
, Mr. ',T. P.
the Confederation
' '
•iswe are sorry
his home through
, . .
Mr. Bruce
turned to London
his home here,
in a wholesale
- .
shippmg clerk.
' MrS, F. W.
for Ancaster
eeption held
Of the return
Rey, .T. T1. Collins
been sick for
still quiteill.
' '
and Aux'.
. . , ,
a pu'rehas-
' ' '
was, in Brant-
on bust-
Hensa.11,, .was
'Tem Eyck on
' .
vvith friends
, is 'at-
Business Cola
. ,
Thursdayf or
a po-
• . •
. ,
• :
. was the
the former'vied
. .
Liberal Canal-,
of Zurich;
.. . • .. , .
.. , - • ,
has been the
to her
: .
this morning
he will
T. R. •round-
' .•
: • . , „
thhe. has
at .
employe of
. but late, of •
a' good situa-
' '
' Cl ' ' t'.
of . earvv.a -
a few days
, • : h
Rellinsow o
health -
agent for
" . ,
1 ,
confined to
, • .
recently yes
a short visit' itt,
a. position
that city as
at . the re,
' 1 .
in ionoi
who has
weeks, is
aTolans has rettirned
visit to Toronto
. ,
• 'Toronto Tuesday
Westcott '
. aria Saturday
Rev. J.. W.
• •
„ ..
Sternback and
, of Mooresville
• , ,
idft on,,
• he has accepted
of Seaforth,
D. McInnis
Hess, Sr.,
Monday. ', ,
• '
I -larding,. returned
in the ,0-,.
. . - ..
• • • • - ,
friends of Capt.Geo.Kenip
sed rn
to leas
Otto, a fornier
Grist. Mill,
' mill:in Paisley.
' ' '
here spending
-ig , ,
• (Dr.)
State of
Ross? t eneral
• - ,•f
1 e Insurance
to note,
Dignan, who
has secure.d
house in
Collins left
' p
lit the arsonage
,of her brother-IMin-law,
arol, his
House-cleaning is the order . of the
day. -Mr. F. Langford, of ' Granton,
;vent Friday and Saturday here with
„ R. E Bit 11.--A1' ancl 'Mrs Jcihn
1 1. . swe i. . ,,
Schroedor of. Shar.on spent Sunday.
' '
here, the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Fred.
Lux -Loin -Lea ue vvill meet on Thin's,
' •
day evening. Topic, . 0
g T • "Fidelityt
Pledges," to be introduced by the pas-
tor, Rey. S. Salton. -Mr. john North-
cott1 who was seriously ill with inflain-
ntation for a few days last week, .is
able to be out, again.-IMr.Thos.Bl.00ks•
. . . ,
attended the funeral of his mother at
"Wnoclitain on Thursday last. -Miss
Minnie Luxton, -who has been on the
• J •
i k list for the ast month is irmisrov-
-c' .. • P . ' -
ing.--Miss Blanch "Rook spent a few
days last week with her cousin, Mrs.
3-, . • . a a t pa sw 13 •
tines Neil, . o en ra i< .-.1. r. , en.
Ke ' lak f .'Farquhar,paid a flying'
is , , e, o <
' ' '
visit to fr•ientls bet.e one evening last
week. Ben thinks there -de no .place
_ ,
like Eden. '
• BIRTRS:-• '
__ _ .
MAssal.-Hay,., e wife o
April 12 the • f
Louis Masse, 01 11 daughter.
L&ponos - H A al 10 the 1
-"•'-' POEXE. ay, pr. , e wife a
John La orte of a sow.
. P ..,, . . , .
fInss.--A.t Zurich, on the 16th inst.,
the wife of "S,Vin
. ... , < - .
Cnanic.-In Crediton, on April 14, the
wife of Alf. J. Clark, of a son.
. . „ ,
- - • . --1
TKii,49•.-In Step len, on April, 15, the
vvife of Eli sang, of a son.
,, . ,
. . Around About Us
, Zuriel: ' C. Eilber took -Nelson Mil-
ler an unfor.tunate Young man ..pf the
, tit (Jon.t - • lum on
14, .•. o the Isondon . asylum
Wednesday. -
„ , ,
'' Kirktorn. Mr. Will Jainiesoit -nen-
ened with a had accident at the „er-,
„ , , , , ,ll,
& Jamieson ammg. rni , Gran-
,naru , , ,PI
'• h 1 t, the
ton last week 01. whiche os e
• • < ,.
the I`
• ' . d d fin ers' o • e eft
flist an _ secon . .g . ..sumptuous
hand, and laying him up for some time
to eon -re' , '
St IT ' M D. 't-1,west
. , 4. arys; • r r. avi ,
ward, . while visiting his son -in law,
Mr.'. Rihey, near, Inirkton, last week
met with a serious acci .He fell
while clinibing up in' the .barn and
broke one of .his arms between. the
shoulder and elbow.
- St A arys: ere c re in .. mes one,
„ • 1 Th '1' 'a* P' t
A '1 19th W'll' 8. : .
Airtina on Prl ' -3 1411 °Innlex -
11 ' h• 68th.The deCeased
VI, e.P1' his
' 11 h d b •
had ' t sec his son w in a een
, gone o s , . .
dangerously ill lut the journey prov-
, . ,. : .
eel too much for hint and shortly after
li* • • ' - 1 there he vvas hiniSelf cow-
ls .1111'Y a ,, . , . , . ,
Pellea' to take to his Ilea.. 'The body
e _ca, t .
was brought li re f la trial.
, .
S M .'Sgt 'd ' ht
t. Marys:Between a or ay nig .
, . _,., . , . ,
and Monday morning ,the.stoire of Mr.
3. P: Gilpin was entered:by Sortie one
ii ' • ' "'ll 'rift t ' te. 1
w ose purpose was evi ._e , y o s . a .
An auger hole had been 'bored- along,
side of the lock in 'the, desk in the office'
in which some 810 or .$12 in change iSi
IrePt, ' • But the dialwer had not been
,, ,
Opened atleaSt the Money was not tftkr'
' ' '' • the partY ' Was dis-
en. ,. 'It ts probable ., „ . ,
tur.bed,and made a hasty exit. aS noth-•
• . ' - ' '' a from the store
ing, was misse , •
GRIEVE..BUTLEDGE.-aAt .the residenee
, .r
of the bride's • father, Tuckersmith.
• ' '`' ' ' - '
, on April 1.7th by Rev, Mr S wer •
- ' ' ' ' ' ' a s'
kr - . -. - ,
„Esucefield, 1... ,James Grieve, ,to
, MiSS flarriet. third.,claughter of Mr,
Charles. Rutledge; all of Tucker:
smith. . ' • '
, . , ,
,a, . •., . , , , . . , . sa , ,
MCGONIGLE-4113TLEDGE. -At the re,
: sidence of the bricle'S father, Tucker ,
smith on April 17th bY the Rev
Mr. &Ewers Mr. Robert MeGonigle
to Miss Nellie, eldest daughter .o:
,Mr. Charles Rutledge, all of Tucker
St. JOSepll
recent rains have pu e arm-
Tho t ' • I t the f
'• . . • •f
ei.s back somewhat with their seeding,
but it was badly.'needed for the fall
wheat.1-Mr.Srnith-,Wheeresidesii short
distance sonth, of ,here had the mis-.
, . i .. _
fortune. to ,,have two or . three „sheep'
killed by dog,s.one night last.week..---,
M otter &Jeffery are putting in a new
engine -in their brick and bile yard this
. , ,
week, -The recent rains have brought
the suckers upthe streams again,. and
there arelloW•Plerity of both land. 'alag,,,
(1 --1 ' '
water suckers arouna.-Mr. J. Cerra
' the census 'eniu r t -sports .1.
van, • .. . nre 4 or, .
fine driver. He should fit it`up for the
• • • • : .
races at 'Exeter on the 241h of Mar.-
' ' , .•f
N. M. Contm has returned fromChica•-•
go with a coup e o . merinan pu, ion-
h 1 f A. ' ' ' 'II'
;tires and our town is now putting, on
g len • , a:gam.- r.,, Joseph its booth ' aril ' ta • ' II T • ' h
, - , , _p
P a lean has opened u a 'buteher
re` 31 `a , Is „ , .
shop' t ' I ' g l3.' '
in own and is c °in a rus ,Ing
)3 • • . . . .. . . .
usiness.---Mr.,Oliver Bissonette hap, a
large staff .of men employed on his
-neW blOCk.-Ati% Geprge Campbell, 1-11S.
posed of a large quantity Of pine lurn-
1 ., ' 37,
, • .
a . .. . , ,. on. : u
EVITT .---In Exeter,' April 18 H 1
chili M. Grafton wile
. „ , (beloved, ,o
Wm.' Leritt) aged 45 years and i
' months.
CUBEERM.--III Biddulph, on, April 18
• 'Ala, call, ,.t • . 1, f . "VI ,
. J- - •el. , )•0ungcS son 0 „I. 1
W C lh t • d 18 a • '
1,1 er , a e , e, re.
' . Y . ,
-lit Biddulph on .)1..pril 20
ituriprr. . , ., . ,
Alice, helot:0d Wife of Mrs, Thorne:
..,„ 0.ed 4/ ears . '
sal I tt ' '
• 3 3°' ' a.° .. 3r ' ' °
CArtirorg..,--In Biddulph; On April 2E
' Willie, Yonligest Sort of Mr. Altrer
Carroll, trg,ed I year. ', '
d , ,
• • - • ' ' • ' .• ' • ' ' '•
Sin Mgt:alike' ..151 on 42.VotS7r,bof 0.f )ti.lo Fenuint>
Laxati've vitttio.vulnitte Tablets
- . '
. ,_
...,, , . . -___::_. _a... 4.. a•tia daii
xi - • .
- ' " •• '• •.-
na;t1)or for hart:II/eta. y
ar ; • as s t e
1 'l l'
, ' ' , ' , '
rarr.go stook .0 t in, in tiol::...L.pilleara
'0 i 'net of h o if
7,00ioti,i, 1 Liii:iti clix1
rtitErIo'xiatfe es'JA.41. 'WI LVIS"Y"rt
itato st ' ." ,
' tirenty-foitr years Vape-Creselene Ill
For , ,
been cuitensi,,:•nly 'Used for all forms iti• throat ar
hrollohio1 troithips„. All .Thirccrcletc. •
e 132