HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1901-3-28, Page 8.r, ua i? v .ime,e,Nv'' - ar ekr IUMJIT'S. EXETER.. THE COURSE COMPRISES BOOK-KEEPING, I� S HORT y PENMANSHIP, TYPEWRITING, Etc. Preparing young Men and Women to earn their own living. Ili E • 1Av E� INC INDIVIDUAL INSTRUCTION For illustrated circulars and other information, call or address Wm. HENRY O'SULLIVAN,' KNIGHT'S BLOCK,EXETER, ONT. 1 .LOCAL DOINGS. $Ie. esea was .se s1�0a ?Clt'�. i kelo 5 itTr All Fool's Day, Monday next. Good Friday a week from to -mor- row. Read E. J. Spackman's ad " in this issue. A thorough -bred h -bred. Jersey Cow and calf for sale apply to, Mns. BoBIER. Mrs. J. P. Ross entertained a num- ber of young friends on Monday even- ing. Rev. C. W. Brown, B.A., and Rev. Martin, B.D., exchanged pulpits Son - clay morning. Mr. B. Mak ins, laundryman, � w placed a new and up-to-date delivery ivery wagon ou the road. Formalin for saint oas grails with full directiolas. Sold by C. LUTZ, Druggist, Exeter. Price, 75c. a lb. The Mitchell sporting Association will hold their annual races on May 24th next, and will hang up $050 in purses. Use Hall's British Seven Mixtures for corks and wounds on horses. Sold at Lutz's Drug Store. Mrs. P. Curtin, of Adair, has rented a cottage for the season on Mr. John Sp ackman s Park, Grand Bend. i For Lagrippe, Influenza and -Cold n the Head, use Dix Cold Cure. For sale atLutz'•s Drag Store. Only 15c. a box. Mr. John Damicey. of London, for- merly of Exeter and late of Ailsa Craig has opened a branch store in Teese- water. 1 Men's new popular hats, in all the t leading shapes and colors. Stewart's. i' You'll lilies it if you don't see the lovely new wall papers at Stewart's. Profs, Taylor A- Jenniugs will con- tinue to give ' l ypnotic " and Mind Reading exhibitions in Gid1e3 s Opera House, Exeter, the balance of the week. Cone out and enjoy a laugh. Only 10 cents: Messrs. Charlton & Keddy have leas- ed the building on Main street, near the Town Hall, from Richard Atkin- son, and intend starting the manufac- ture of pumps there. hey will also handle hay forks and wind mills. Choicest garden seeds, the best only and nothing hut the best at Stewart's. On Thursday evening hist members of Main Street League and Sunday School presented Miss Lena Howard with an opal ring as a token of their appreciation of her work among them. She left Monday to fulfill her position at Floridale. J. G. Stanbury was at Dashwood on Saturday where he went to defend a young man who was charged with a criminal offence. ' The trial was ad- journed till Wednesday and the charge subsequently withdrawn.' Monsoon Tea, Black or Mixed. Oh! its lovely. Yum! Yuml! Stewart's. At the last regular meeting of court I. 0. F., No. 123, held Friday night, Bro. Ardagh Rollins was pre- sented with a beautiful silver plated Fruit Dish, and spoon,and a well word- ed address, of a flattering character, on the eventof his recent marriage. Two or, three improved hundred acre Millinery Openings. farms for sale in the townships f' 17s- The ladies of Exeterr and vicinity p U d o the ti illi! ere . will 1m interests . _r t i i 3 , I Us - borne lra and Stephen. ihi.n. 1! az >,az tical u 5 lJ tt l i_ apply to Dickson & Carling, Mr. Wes. Snell, local agent for the McCormick J'arrn Machinery, purposes making the Spring delivery on Thurs- day, April 4th, same to take place at 10 o'clock a.m. The Exeter Band will. be present' on the occasion and the purchasing farrier may expect a "high old time." An editor says he has two subscrib- ers who frequently get full; and every time they are in that condition they come in to pay a year in advance. One, of then is already credited to'1941,and the fraternity throughout the Province are crazy to find out what brand of whiskey he drinks. They want to of- fer it as a premium. Mr. Thos. Willis had a wood bee on Monday, the stalwarts in attendance putting up a good pile for their old friend. Mr. Geo. Bawden moved Friday with his fainly to Lucan. The well wishes of their many friends here ac- company thein. Humors of all kinds are polific of worse troubles. They may be entire- ly expellecl ntirelyexpellecl by a thorough course of Hood's Sarsaparilla. Use Winan's Cough Balsam for,. Coughs, Colds and Bronchetic Troub- les. Only 25c. a bottle, Sold by C. Lutz's drug store. Rev. H. A. Thomas, of Lucau, will occupy the pulpit of the Trivitt Me- morial church both morning and even- ing on Sunday next. Having secured the services of Mr. John Atkinson, we are prepared to do all kinds of furniture repairing and order work on shortest notice. R. N. RowE. About twenty young people of town drove out to Crediton Friday evening, where they were very pleasantly enter- tained by Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Zwicker. The richest and choisest of wall LP paperse ls that we e have ever seen, are at Stewart's. If you want a bargain in 4 yard wide inolelrm, $2.25 and $2.40 the yard. Forthe very best, Stewart's. Mr. N. D urdon; president of the Isaac WaltonClab, is the first to re- port a catch of the finny tribe, having caught 20 fine little specimens Satur- day., An at home will be held by the Royal Templers of Temperance in their Lodge Hoorn on Monday even- ing next. Every member is entitled to bring a friend. Rev. Dr. Gifford, of Clinton, preach- ed educational sermons in the Main street Methodist 'church on Sunday last, the Rev. R. Millyard filling the vacancy in Clinton. In our last issue we stated that Mr - and Mrs. Andei'son, of the Metropoli- tan, entertained a few friends to a social dance, recently. • It should have read the Temperance House at the North encl. For Dandruff, itching scalp, falling and grey hair and for an elegant dres- sing for the hair Turkish Scalp Food excells any preparation on the market, Only 50c. a bottle at Lutz's Drug Store. Mr.Thos. Russell, u of " Riverside Farm " rtlshorne, has been appointed on the Cattle Conin'iittee by the di- rectors of the Western Pair, London, for the • full exhibition.No better l choice could have been wade. would'nt expect, t to Some people p find ' a stock of fine carpets, large enough for a city in a town like Ex- eter, and still that's just" what you'll find when you stop into Stewart's carpet rooms.' A stock so large and so varied that the rnostexacting car- et buyer should be pleased and; then P Y l)price and ono works wonders nders' G your newCar'- e values. Buy carpet vane Ine y p. y petit at Stewart's, .. ., te Mr. Wni, Redden, who has been em- ployed on the G.T.R. as section magi,. was dismissed from the Company's Nan3' s service rilEt IS week. Et appears 1 e and a number of others were despatched to assist in clearing the snow after the; big storm up north, and on 'Saturday night, following his usual custom, he returned home. The other day he re- ceivedh avoid of his disrnissaal, the lea sons being be had taken . leave of ab sence without orders. Five othe;s, along the line were also dismissed, one at Denfield, Clandehoye, Centralia, Hensall and. Brueefield. Mr. Redden is steadvand industrious and the com- pany will lose in him a good man. Cleatt Seed Grain. Peas, oats, barley, goose wheat and black barley at. Bissett's warehouse, Exeter. Boy For Adoption. Good home wanted for a smart boy of seven years of age. Apply to DE. ROTAINS. Carnet Weaving. For first-class carpet weaving call on the undersigned, corner of Waterloo and William streets. , Prices reason- able. A, OntIY. Card of Thanks. To the kind people of Exeter, please allow pie the opportunity ,of return- ing my sincere thanks for thelindness shown me in the loss .of my lipase.' Yours Truly, SAMUEL BAslixnvILLE A Good Record. Probably few farms in the County of Huron havea record such as that of the Handford homestead, in the township of,Usborne, now, occupied by Mr, James Handford.' It was taken up. by the late Richard Handford in the` year 1831 and. from that thine- to the present not a single person has• died thereon or a funeral cortege left the premises. Few farms in any county Pave such a record. Stop My Paper. When a man gets mad at something he sees in the paper he calls the editor names and rattles offan inky shriek "Stop my paper!" It stops but the earth continues to revolve, the moon to get"full".and the ice continues as heretofore, freezing with the slippery side on deck; and regularly every week the gent who wanted the paper "stop- ped"neighbor's sneaks into his nei hbor's to "see what it says this week." corning 'Facts. Spring time. Big fish stories, em- phasis on the fish. Swinging on the gate again, daring the summer. The jolly young farmers to be hunting up their plow harness and getting out their favorite mould -boards,` and land rollers. Hay fork agents, lightning rod sharks, shoddy, `;cloth peddlers, fruit tree canvassers and horsemen to the front. Horse shows, horse talk and springfairs. e Youthful Artist. That Exeter possesses among its youth: `an artist of lintisu,ti l merit is not generally known. We ref r to -Master Frank, son of Mr. Wm. Weekes, who has just -put the finishing toaehes on`a life-size ,lead pencil drawing of Lord Roberts. To say the production gives evidence of high artistic skill is only doing justice to the youthful de- lineator, every line, mark and linea- ment rnent having its effect and- displays that remarkable aesthetic gift of which so few can boast: Of ' course he gets the talent honestly, his father being a gifted artist, but the youth gives pro- mise to outdo his progenitor, in the near future with much credit to him- self. We learn that the directors of the Exeter Union Burial grounds are en- ergetically preparing to carry out next summer's improvements in the ceme- tery. They have engaged Mr. D. A. Alward by the year as caretaker. It is to be hoped that the different munici- palities interested and, the general public will join in and assist the, direc- tors in 'their undertaking, and will heartily respond to any appeal which the directors may make. Buy King's Boots. They are the best. et. Eve rY pair.guaranteed. ual- Ivcomfort and style. Stewart's. Mr. Thos. Handford, who left here on the 12 inst., with a load of horses for Winnipeg. Man., returned home on Tuesday week, making the trip in< seven days, including the sale of the horses. This is remarkably quick time' and few-if—any have ever made the trip quicker. Mr. Robt. Bissett, of Great Falls, Montana. and son of the late Robt. Bissett. gave the ADVOCATE a call yesterday (Wednesday.) Being an old school mate of ye editor it is need- less to say the meeting was a most pleasant one, with the many incidents of those good old by -gone days to re- call and discuss. He was called to Ontario owing to the severe illness of his mother who resides in Powassan, Parry Sound District. Remember the millinery and man- tle show rooms are always open at Stewart's. You're always welcome. Don't fail to see the Queen's Funeral; Procession, in living moving pictures, taken at Hyde Park corner, showing all the main portion of this magnificent Pageant, •from Field . Marshall Earl Roberts to the end; also many other scenes, making a most interesting and instructive program. Opera House, Exeter, Monday and Tuesday evenings, April 1 and 2. • Matinee Tuesday af- ternoon at 4 p.m. Prices 10c., 15c. and 25c. Plan of Hall at C. Lutz's drug store. Ladies! leave your order for your spring hat at Stewart's. - They have the stock. They are doing the trade. Their goods are right. Their trim- mers are artists. They will please yon. ut ^pules of Miss 11oi11e = on Friday "i1 arciY29tli mid following days, when Millinery in the latest designs of the art will be exhibited. We invite a call . Signs of eipr rrr ' It is always the ende a} or of the several newspapers to give the firstin- timation that spring is at hand by the statemen t that the harbingers of spring have arrived and that the first robin of'the season has been seen, etc. The AnyocaTR will not be behind this sea- son in ::acquainting its readers with what is seen here. As a sure sign that i r s n inb will.soon be here we need .only chronicle the fact that last week a man came to town ` wearing a little • straw hat, and who appeared entirely un- conscious that such head gear had been called in." Then again, the boys have been playing marbles,so it may be taken for granted that there will be no more or any severe weather. The instinct that has brow ht around marbles, kiteflying, stilts, baseball arid 1/ pull away " in pernnial rotation for generations cannot inake a skip, even th'ough the first • robin gets its ear frozen and the too previoustsnow, bird sun struck. clever Mind Reading and Hypnotic Work, The mind reading and. hypnotic en- tertainments, given In Galleys' Opera House, Monday, Tuesday and Wednes- day nights, by Profs. Taylor and Jen pings, were novel, interesting and con- vincing to the most skeptical, and while being unique the practical illus- trations were most aiinusingg and laugh- 'able. Probably the most 'difficult and .interesting feat in mind, reading was performed by Prof. Taylor.on Monday. A committee ,pf four, composed of Dr.', Rollins, H. Speakman, Jos. Davis and 0.11. Sanders was selected' to assist the professor in his •wort:, • which was <to• drive a spirited team _through various streets of the town blindfoided,and per- forrnother he r difficult acts.' About tit f our o'clock the committee assembled at Dr. Rollins' office and after mapping an apparently difficult route, known only to the•`niselves, they boarded: the car- riage. The professor was blindfolded and at about a three-minute clip be drove northward to the Trivitt Me- morial church thence east to Andrew street,south to North street, and again to Main; thence north to the Metro- politan and east to Andrew, returning on the same'street again to Main and down Main to Victoria; thence east to. Andrew, down Andrew to North; thence west to Main, down Main to Janes; thence east to Elizabeth and south to Huron; thence west to Main and north to the Central Hotel, turn- ing around proceeded south to Huron and back on Main to the post office. Here the professor jumped from the rig, and proceeded in search of a post, office box key which 'had previously been hidden by one.of the ;committee. This he located without much difficul- ty and then proceeded to the post of fice,unlockiiig box 130 and ta:kin'ga-let- P Yl e "to Mr. •deliver ,d Sal ter therefrom Jos. 'Sen1n ' art to m it was Senior, the party addressed. He retraced. his steps to the rig and drove to the Central Hotel, passing through the archway •without the slightest difficulty. The feat was certainly a most marvellous one and was witnessed by hundreds of our cit- . zeus. The remains of Mrs. Perkins,:' (relict of the late Henry •Perkins) who died in London on Sunday last, after sever- al months' illness from cancer of the liver,were brought here on Tuesday morning and laid to rest in the Exeter cemetery, the funeral taking place from the depot on arrival of the morn- ing train. The deceased was a former resident of Usborne and later of Exe- ter, and among her many friends both in that township andhere will learn with regret of her death, Parents of school children may find considerable "gospel" in the following: Before listening to coirpiaints of your children about the partiality and gen- oral fiendishness of their teachers, and getting all worked up and excited over it, it is better to reflect a little. Re- member that one or half a dozen cher- ubs drive you crazy about half the time, and beat with the teacher who is making intelligent men and women out of as rmpromised•stuff as you were twenty or thirty years. ago. Remem- ber that, besides your boy, who every- body knows is an angel, he has tti con- tend with that awful hoy, of your neighbor, and you know what a holy terror he is. Calf For Sale. A heifer calf for sale. office. Apprentice Wanted. A good smart boy wanted to learn printing. ' Apply at this office. Iartus For Sale. Girls Wantai. Two `iris wanted t at the Exeter Woollen Mill. Apply to, JOHN Muni Apply at this Cart For Sale. The Value of Charcoal. Nearly everybody knows that char- coal' is the safest and most efficient dis- infectant and purifier in nature, but few realize its value when taken into the human system for the same cleans- ing purpose. Charcoal is a' remedy that the entire you take of it the bet- ter. 'It is not a drug at all, but simply absorbs the gases and impurities al- ways present in the, stomach and in- testines and carries them out of the system. Charcoal'sweetens the breath after smoking, drinking or after eating onions and other odorous vegetable. Charcoal effectually clears and im- proves the complexion, it whitens the teeth and further acts as a natural and eminently safe cathartic. It absorbes the injurious gases which collect in the stomach and bowels; it disinfects the.mouth and throat from the poison of catarrh. Forecast for April Rev. Irl R. Hicks gives the following forecast for the month of April:—The first regular storm period for April has three causes for expecting storms,aside from the planetary causes. This per- iod runs from March 31st to April the 5th: Very high temperature in most parts, with low barometer and rain, hail and thunder, may he expected promptly on or next to the 1st. Storm- iness with heavy April rains will con- tinue up to about the 4th. Dangerous, tornadic storms need not be surprised at on or touching Monday the 1st, to Wednesday the 3rd. Very cool weath- er will follow on the heels of this storm period, witb probably late snow north- ward and frosts in many sections, even central to south ward, from about the 4th to 7tb. Watcb your tender plants. On end touching the 8th and Oth will fall a marked change to warmer; the barometer will react to lower readings and heavy April rains, hail and Limns der, will visit many sections in :their general march from west to east. Bar- ometer will rise rapidly behind these reactionary storms, bringing quite cool winds from west and north, and frosty nights in northern. directions, The 12th to the 18th constitates another regular storm period. , The crisis of thiseriod will fall on or next to Mon- day the 15th about which date look,for vicious electrical storms attended 'by' hail, rain and da.ngerous•winds. Low barometer, high temperature,{;i nd.daily paroxysms of wind and April down- pours, will most probably continue over the conjunctionof Moon'and Sun on the 18th and into the reactionaty, Storm period on the 19th, 20th and 21st. The lest week in April is also covered with a mercury -period, the same being central' on Monday the 20th.. In ex- treme northern parts there is a possi- bility of sleet and snow riming this last April period. We predict that, April will bring many extremes of very warm 0ncl quite cool weathet*a war with northerly and southerly cur- rents. Rains will besufficientgeP r - A xevrU d raxtfrit sale, .apply to ti ally, amount -Mg to cloudbursts fre- • l-lsHor &~poet, Exeter: quently too wet for low lands. PERSONAL. aotAgoAc aVatAriOevev�:4Dlao igO.MCc ?CVA�pc ,,,..........„.„ GETREF1DY �= Fob EAST FOS EFISTEt� ' OUR SPRING MILLINERY, OPENINGS,INGS, T'` r MARCH 29th AND 30th. We will show , all the /fewest and .Catest ,!'tyles > in ' ourenin s and respectfully m>!►ite cher 1 Millinery at yP 9 �. .Cady to call and inspect. E. J. SPAGI01I1414 aSTREMEMBER THE DATE, Miss Lelia : Ross spent Sunday in London. Miss Gertie Kemp is visiting friends in Seaforth. Rev. Mr. Ten Eyck is spending the week in London. Miss Flossie Flynn, who has been, quite ill, is recovering. Mrs. Piper is confined to her bed and under the doctors care. MissLilla Johns left on Saturday to visit friends in Toronto and Auoror. Mr. Hugh Ross, o • Bayfield, is visit- ing friends and relatives in town. Miss Gertie Dempsey has accepted a position as milliner at Thedford. Mr. J. Tapp and Miss M. Treble left Tuesday morning for Virden, Man. I. R. Carling was in London on le- gal business yesterday (Wednesday.) Mrs. Burgess, of London, is visiting friends in town, the guest of Mrs.Jihn Barns. Mr. Robert Sanders/ who has been ill for several days, is still confined to the house. Mr. John Thompson who was away on a husiuess trip, returned home Sat- urday morning. Mrs. Robt. Barns, of London, is visiting her parents here, her mother being quite ill. Mr. James McMahon, of Brooklyn,- N.Y.; formerly of Hay,is renewing ac- �. quaintances here. Mrs. Chapman returned to her home on Monday, after a pleasant visit with Mrs. Geo. Samwell. Mr. McFaul, of Seeforth,•spent Sun- day in town with friends the guest of. his daughter, Miss Kate. Miss Sinclair, who was the guest of Mrs. J. A. Stewart, returned to her home in Brantford Saturday. Mrs. T. Oke, . and Miss L. Hardy are attending the Wornens' Auxiliary Convention et London this week. it of Lumley, has Mr. W. G. Simmons, e y, commenced an apprenticeship to learn blacksinithing with Mr. Jas. Russell. Miss Murray, who has been visiting Miss Norma Bolger, returned to her home at Wilton Grove Monday morn- "' Mi orn-",Mi s Hyttenraach, after fewlaYs '. visit with 'Mr's. E. J. Spackman,; re- turned to her home in Loudon Satur- day. E EGOI2OtJe0 SPORE Call and. be convinced that the above statement is correct ... left in. Many bargains ains still g 5, FANCYeTCY GOODS,PARLORPARLOR SUITES , BEDROOM SETS,SIDEBOARDS, S 9 OUCHES, 9 EtC, of .:GIDLEY STOOK IINDERTAKINI1 A SPECIALTY, �evetl�y & �.ston, Mr. Fred Brooks, of St. Thomas, spent a few days in town during the week, under the parental roof, Exeter North. Miss Mary. Metier, who bas been on Y an extended visit to friends in Chat- ham' and elsewhere, returned' home Monday. Mrs. Handcock and Mrs: Warren - cum, whowere here attending their father's funeral, leave this morning E FARM The Prosperous 'Fanner always has a „ t - k ;IN : �la �, i•1��/1'W1W i,,,1�An, Il ��y .� ®,inlri.L� 4_6,s4P1 CALL ON nit M`CORM1CK AGENT WE SELL THE BEST. Farmers-intending,to purchase FARM MACHINERY should call` on us be - f re buying elsewhere. We sell the.best and the best is what the farmer wants. o,,, y g McCORMICK LEADS. WE HANDLE THE BINDER MOWER R and RAKE. WE HANDLE THE SYLVESTER, DRILLS, PLOWS, CULTIVATORS, DISC, Etc. CORN BINDER t' WE SELL THE WOODSTOCK WAGON. SOUTH OF. HAWKSHAW'S HOTEL. WES; SNELL. E. A. FULLICI� EXETER Real Estate Exchange, The'Sale Purchase and Exchange of Village illag e and farm lands and properties negotiated at reasonable rates of com- mission, For Sale. Several; Valuable F,arms in HAY, OSBORNE, STEPHEN and McGILL IVRAY; also Three very desirable Re- sidence properties in Exeter. Farms ,Warted.. We have purchasers for good farm and in the vicinity of Exeter, or who will Exchange, APPLY TO Wm. Ilawden, David Mill, •g er. valuator. Manager. OFFICES: Dickson & Carling's New Block, Exeter. For Bread, Buns, White Buns, ' Brown Banes, Graham Biscuits, Cakes of all kinds, Cream Puffs, Wafers, Fancy Biscuits, Plain Biscuits, Weclding Cakes a speciality -Iced and beautifully oenamented at a reaso- nable price. Cakes or Pies made to order. ' XXX Bread delivered to allpp arts of the sda town, on Mondays, Wednesdays and d Saturdays. We will be pleased to Call on ,you. g t `i & Sous,,:. a .nt for J. Ga,rnma We are ,,,c g Florist, London, n Floral designs for ffunerals, o rfl.we 1 s of all kinds on the shortest notice. � A. POLLICK (Thursday) for their home in Dakota r",.. Mrs. Isaac <7airling, accorr panied.'by her daughter, Misses Lizzie and lore once, went to London Tuesdrav t' con- sult with an eye specialist and will un - go , 1 0 er tion to -dal Thursda for ar a y y( ) p, theremovalren ataree,t. 1 �lova. of a c . Contented' ueci' n page e 1 n. t) �- AIR:RIFLE glvan for WI- ingonly 2i doz. paokagC 011oo1;?o Seod at itic. each.:'Pnehpael coonfalris1'r'londi1 inliduroofthorsostfraagg' pant vial letlen ofa11 colons. Tho' 1o0o It of ttiebeat make tied trod,•, ilex 'n1 col frl d of with ed ek itinir r anrdand' totes 'atTiaelm iC31 hd po 6t sidbp prove . o slghae, pistol grlp�nd igainat otook.Sind hhootsw'1Eh torr{flo forc'a and gronkoconrecr' ttfcll aetale n tnorttaotiront and wo yvilitorw(ard filo A eds 0'011 them xct1,rt 1tomonayAwt1ttAowf l bo,aent yob bee )4 •TAO The se asoutofeolltagteodsItxbort,k0orderesosoll. agec4'$uppliCojiToroAto0