HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1901-3-14, Page 7VIGOROUS OLD BE OBTAINED THROUGH THE USE OF DR. WILLIAMS' PINK PILLS. ler. William Gray, of Newmarket, Tolls Flow He Boo14l11e Hato and Hearty at the Advanced Ago of Seventy, After :Inaving'Suffered ;Great Torture from Sciatica and Rheumatism. Froin. the Es:prees, Newmarket, Ont. Sir. William Gray, who is well and favorably known in ithei town of New- market and vicinity, is rejoicing over this reilease from the painre of sciatica, and rheumatism through the use oi`. Dr, Wiltliams' Peak•. Pills. A reporter of, Express called upon him for the purpose of obt ii:ning particulars tf,.the cure when Mr. Gray gave the•. following story for publication :— " AbcutL two and a half wears ago I was seized wine a very severe attack of rheumatism, The pain was simply torturing. At times the 'trouble was L �,�.. eiea!tedi • n my knees, then in any hips. I!'for nearly a year I suffered along, laiorkirng'an best I could, in the hope Of being able to overcome the dis- ease. During the day the pain was tens severe, but: at night it was just ne bad as ever. To increase my tor- ture I caught a cold which resulted in an attack of'sciatica in my right leg. If I walked a :sl'iort distance I would be sensed by sharp pains in the hip aatl in time 1' became a. ueed up man ; my, appetite failed rhe, and I ,could not rest at night on account of the pain. 1 tried one medicine after another wit,htnrt avail. 1 also con- sulted. doctors with no better result. was beginning to think that Ievas doomed to suffer the rest of my life ,when one clay a friend r3trengly ad - wised. nin to try Dr. Williuma' Peak Pills. 1, took has advice, and proouredh a supply of tlbe pills and began tale. - mg therm acoorsdrug to directions. Before the third box was finished I elated a'change -Lar the bettor, so I con.tinue,d the use of the pills till I bad taken ten or twelrv'e blames when any trouble had. entirely disappeared. To -day I am face from pain and feel that life is worth living, even at the Tripe old age of seventy. I can now, do a day's work with many men wlio Are twe.n.ty years younger than I. I '.thank 'God for my restoration to jeeralth through the ,agency of Dr. eeeilliams' Pink Pills, and I ;trust ii.ther similar sufferers will give them B trial, for knowing what these pills have done for me I film sure that they cannot fail being asbeneficialto othea.s similarly afflioted. If the' blood is pure and wholesome disease cannot exist. The reason Dr. Williams' Pink Pills cure so many formes of, disease lis' cleat they act' dir- ,ectly upon the blood and nerves, thus. reaching the root of, the trouble: Other medicines act only on the symptoms of the trouble, and that is the rens as the trouble always re - turas when you cease these medicines. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills make per pa nentt cures in kidney troubles, nccum atism,'erysipelas, anaemia and kindred diseases. But . be sure -you, the genuine which . bear the full Flame Dr. Williams' Pink Pills foriPale People on the w;rapper around every box. The Parson and the SkIPlAess An old globe circler says that In going aceund the world -there is-scarcee ly one traveler in a hundred who re- members that in going froth east to ,west a day is gained and that in going from west to east a day is lost. Many of those wbo come into contact with this truth knew all about it when they were at, school, but never think of it On the higb seas. In illustration of the point he tells this story: "My first trip around the world was from England : to Australia. Out in the middle of the Paeifie a Sign ,was put announcing that 'the date was 'T'hursday, July 17. This was all right, but the neve. day the' same` sign wan put up again. This ,vas ' an oppor- tunity for tliose of us who theiiiglit we were real wise to show ',the sbip's.', officers that'tbey were 'not infallible. After we had expended our choicest sarcasm and had been rebuffed by va- rious officers the captain set us straight. "On my way back one day the card went up announcing that it was Satur- day, Aug. 1g. The next day the sign said Monday, Aug. 15. Two ministers on board thought the captain a some- what profane old salt, who had skip- ped a day to avoid the religious serv- ices which they had prepared. lie Convinced them that it was a mere (;oincidence that on"that„particular date the lost `day was Suirday, Since theu I have never attemptedto teach the ship's navigator his business, and 'he canekip a century if he wishes without my saying a word.” THE WIFE'S POCKETBOOK fit Should Contain a Fair Share of Her Husband's Income for Her Personal Use. ":thee average American husband dices not seem; to be able to get it through his well-meailiing but halt, 'nng mind thatt nothing on God's earth humiliates a wife more than, to be compelled to ask her husband for money," wanes Edward Bok of "The Wife and Her ;Money," in the 'March Ladies' Home Journal. "iShe instinc- tively hestitates to do it, and oft - Mimes sloe goesi without rather than ask. Every wife should be given, all lame et is possible fo(r She husband) to a 1111,v -for household. expanses, and let should net be doled out to her in ,driblets nor given to her as a fav- or; but as 'her right, and without question. Over such a, share she should have independent sway to do (with an- she. sees''fit for the wisest p interests of herr 'heotme and. children. hat is "onestep. ' rightful But there ghee Ile still another. • Slheeshould have an allowance of her own apart front the ,family share of the income. I have two hesitation in saying that i13 the truth were known it is just this! hu- ;m.ilita,ting dependence upon,. a man for every little trifle that a : wo(n2,an lnee,ds thee is making thousands of ,women: restless and. anxious for out- hide careers. ' This' is the only fair. lea"use I have ever been. able to see tor the . hysterical ramtings oef tho Bern advanced woman. In that Oleo Particular e�'' he is'tight and is abso- lutely justified 'in filing a protest. A .. Y iwife Is too .•great amid important a hwr husband( to be Qaactor fen the life of els a financial dependent." TWO TREES WITH A HISTORY. i Forty geara ago the prince of (Wales planned an English, oak and an A1:nlierucaa elm in Central park, New Telrk. 130th aro strong and flourish - ling ernes, The oak ig two feet in diameter '; and the elm -is •oee of the largest and most slaeestAftisl sl?ooAl2 fs Surprised by 1)ickence.r "I vividly recall hearing Charles Dickens •read selections from his own writings in Steinway hall, New York city, shortly after the close of our civil war," said a well known judge. "The hall was densely packed with an audi- ence of cultured people, by far the ma- jor part of whom were intense admir- ers of the man' who was to entertain them that evening. I was a youngster then, but was glad to part with $2 to hear the author of 'Nicholas Nickleby' read his own lines. But his appear- ance on the stage, though greeted by applause, was a'distipet shock, so thor- oughly out of keeping was his costume with the conventional evening attire of a gentleman. He was clad in a short velvet coat that looked exactly like a yoking jacket, velvet vest to match and a flaming' red necktie. ' Such a garb was in reality an affront and an impertinence to that -fashionably clad assemblage. But it was overlooked as an eccentricity, of -genius, and much applause attended the rendition. "Nowadays the newspapers would roast any man, however famous, for. daring to come before the public in such grotesque attire, but'I do not re- Ball that any of the New York papers criticised the distinguished Visitor for his sartorial laxity." — The Antithetical Chinaman. To attempt to get a Chinaman to as- sign a reason for anything is futile. One daywhile riding a donkey through the country west of Peking I noticed that the women of the country villages, mostly farmers' wives and daughters, did not bind their feet. I said to the donkey driver who was running along beside me, "The country women do not bind their feet, do they?" "Why?" "They do not bind their feet." "Why is it that the Chinese women bind their feet?" "They bind their feet." "But why do they do it?" "That is their custom." "But why is it their custom?" "There is no why -mo reason what- ever." Ask a child, "Why did your brother not come to school today?" "My brother did not come to school today." Or inquire of a man, "Why is it that the Chinese build a pagoda 13 stories high? and he will most, probably answer, "That is the way to builda pagoda." -Isaac Taylor Headland of University of Peking in : Washington Star. AfINE IIOST" BAKE Relates His Experience for the Benefit of Others. Proprietor of the Bake Nouse, St. Thomas, IL;ae's an Enemy That Had Troubled 11i1u:l'or,over rive Years, and is Glad, St, Thomas, March 4, (Special).—Mr.. L. Dake, of the Dake House, in this laity, is a pirokld nvan for he has at last forever: dispoeed of a foe, which has given him a great deal df pain and "anrnioyatrce during the last' five or six;:yrears. That foe was Kidney Trouble and Lame Back. Dodd's Kid- ney 1',i1Ls drrr ve it out, never to 're- turn, and nolw Mr. iTake is happy. 'Plhis is what he says: "I have been troubled with my IIid nays and pains in ,my back Loyer f%vaj years. " Nodhing: I e�oualdar get helped me in the least, (Finally, I was. bald by a friend who diad tried them, that Dodd's Kidney Pills would cure me, and I decided to try. They re- Nevoid nee from the first and even- tually cured me completely. They are a wionderful medi,cin,e." There are many people in St. Thomas acid vicinity who have very kind things to say of Dodd's Kidney Pills. The local druggists report ': a very large sale, and this is not ',to be wondered at, as manly very re- markable cures, are reported in the city and county. COMFORTING PHILOSOPHY.' Probably the, simplest method of comfortable 'existence) is to expect. meek, 'w.hichr gives us confidence in the future,; and, to be satisfied with little, which; ?makes us content for the preeent. Meows C. C..RICHARDS 8o Co., Yarmouth, N.S. Gentlemen; In January last' Fran- ells; Leolaire,one of the, menemployed by me workiar,g in the lumber woods, had a tree fall on him crushing him fearfully. He wats,- when "found, plac- ed on a sled and! taken home, 'where grave fearer wore entertained for his recovery, hhips ,being badly bruised and his body turned black from his rebel to his feet. We used MLNARD'S LENTIMENT on him freely to deaden the pain, and !with the use of three battles he was completely cured and able to return to 'his hvork. SAUVER DUVAL Elgin Road, L'Islet Co., ,Que. May ; 26th, 1893. PROSPECTS. Her Father—What .,are your pros - pectis ?• Her Suitor—I've a rich uncle who is ailing. .. 'mere never was, anci never will be, a universal panacea, iu, one remedy, for all ills to which flesh' is heir—the very nature ' of many curatives being such that were gerniseef other and iIifirerently seated diseases rooted in the 'system of the patient—what would relieve one ill in ern would aggravate. the other. We have, however, In Quinine Wine when obtainable in a sound 'unadulterated state, a remedy for many and grevious ills.' By ,itsgradual and judicious use, the frailest systems are led into convalescence and strength, by the influence which Qui- nine exerts on Nature's own' restoratives. Itrelieves the drooping spirits of those with whole a chronic state of morbid des- pondency and lack, of interest in life is a disease, and, by trauquilleinn the nerves, disposes to sound aud refreshing sleep— imparts vigor to the action of the blood, which, being stimulated, courses through- out the veins, strengthening the healthy animal functions of the system, thereby making activity a :`necessary result, strengthening the frame, and giving life to the digestive organs, which naturally demand increased substance -result, im- proved. appetite. Northrop & °Lyman ' of Parente, have "given to the public their superior Quinine Wine at the usual rate, -Ind, gauged by the opinion of scientists, this wine approaches nearest perfection of any in the market. All druggists sell it. Had a Good Start, Two colored men- on a late Long street car were congratulating one an- other. - The last to talk was newly wedded. "Sam, 1 understand youse tookin unto youseself 'a new woman3" said Mr. Johnston. "I'll kunfess 1'ze guilty," meekly re- sponded Sam, his countenance covered with a broad grin. "Did you all get a good start?" Sam was apparentlyvery anxious to answer this question and in a much louder tone said: "Well, I should say l did get a good start. 1 got an old woman will eleben Ditto pickaninnies." Everybody wbo heard the remark was satisfied Sam bad really a good 'tart. "Those Loving Girls.” "Oh, yes," said the brunette, "It was very sweet • of Marie to give me that blue gauze scarf. She knows 1 look a fright in blue, but the scarf is lovely and just the thing she wants to wear over her yellow hair. I'm not going to leave it around where she can bor- row it, though. I'll keep it 'safely un- til her birthday next month, when i will have it dyed scarlet for her." New York Mail and Express. If a man says something affection- ate to his wife' in public, she forgives him for all the mean things he hat said in private in ten years. An Irish lecturer, upon being intro- dnced to his audience, Bald, "Ladies and genti-erneu, before I' begin to speak 1 vigsb to slay a few Words,'A o <-;.a. GOLD PRODUCT OF CANADA. It is estimated that the Canadian gold : fields yielded last year 1,257,862 ounces of gold, valued at 'SS26,000,000. C:mpared with the preceding year, 11899, this' is an increase in ounces of 'abut, 250,000; and in value, of -F5,000,0`0, • STATE OF 01110, CITY (;1r TOLEDO, 1 SS.. LUDAS COUNTY. 1 'FtieNK J• CHENEY makes oath that ho i e1nior partner of the' firth of F. J. CHENEY SC Co., doing business in the City of Toledo, County and State aforesaid, end that said Byrn will pay the sum of ONE H[iNDRIOU DOL- LARS°for each and every case of CATARRH that cannot be cured by the use of HALL'S CATARRH Cone. PRANK J. OF[ENEY. Sworn to before me and subscribed in my presence, this 6th day of December. A.D. 1886, A. W GLEASON. SEAL. • : Notari/ 1'acbLic. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, and acts directly en the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Feud for testimonials. free. F. J. CHENeen & CO., Toledo, 0. Sold by Druggists, 760. Hall's Family Pills are 'the best. SHORTHAND TAUGHT, TO - SOL- Dllil ';the French minister of was pro- poses g,iiring shorthand lessons; to sol,dlirers in all the Fr snoh'>garrisons. a .�dniinont Relieves Neuralgia. al fin slxr b -FIRM BFLIEVER.' y Tommy, does der father 'behe re flannels, Yedsuml Externally and internal 11. ! flew can that bet wiry, flaninel shirts and flannel cakes. TO etrnil A COLD IN ONE DAT Take lw*otlpe ilionto Quinine Tahlots, All druggists r��(tend then rtibnep: if it faila la ciao, E. W, Orcvos, .ltgrilue io otl each box. IGo WOW -WOW $AUCIll FOIL. BEEF. To make wowewow Ounce ohop fine sufficient parsley to ?hake two table- spolons. M2u1a it on a plate with a epatu1a, adding' a few drops of vine- gar until it like a palate, then add three pickled walnuts chopped fine, and three ghorkino Chopped fine ;, four olives, also chopped 'Tut a tablespoon- ful of butter forte a saucepan ; when melted add 'a ta•bleepoonful of flour Met ; add 'half a pint of good stock. Stir until stock is boiling. Take from the fire ; add a tablespoonful of vine- gar, a tablespoonful of mushroom ketchup and let it Timmer for ton minute's. Strain and add+ the parsley end' tot mixture, and turn it into the. sauce tureen. It is eaten on boiled or corned beef. Excellent Reasons exist why Dr.. Thomas' Eclectric Oil should he used by persons troubled with affections of the throat or lungs, sores upon the skin, rheumatic'pain, corns, bunions, or ex- ternal injuries. The reasons aro, that it is : speedy, pure and unobjectionable, whether taken internally or applied out- wardly, FIGS ,AND THISTLES. Sin is ouroeily enemy Bis heart of sympathy is behind Hid hand of strength. Giving love by the way in the way to getting love, e If you do not flea from the devil you will bo fleeced. He ,Who m'akcis light of the Bible will get no light fromit. Ouly he can secure sucoess( who is wilting to face failure. , 'L t Minarli s Liniment Cares Dandruff. 4. TWO SCHOOLS: OF VEGETARIANS. Now there are two schools of vege- tarians. One favors vegetable food Which grows below the earth's "dur- faee, and. the other favors that which grows aboiv'e. FOR OVER t—,FT't YEARS SIRS. WINSLOW's SOOTHING SYRUP hes been used by /mothers for their children teething. It son' hes the child, softens the gums, :allays pain, euros wind colic, and lathe best remedy for diarrhoea. 25o.a. anti*.sold by alp druggists throughout the world. Be surd and sal? for ' Mra. Wloalow's Soothing Syrup," Al DANGEROUS DISEASE Mrs. S.—How is your daughter'thig morning ? Mrs. B.—The doctoir soya she is convalescent. Mrs. S.—Dear me I, 3 hope it isn't catching t s ' They Never Knew Failure. -Careful ob. ervation of the effects of Parmelee's Vegetable Pills has shown that they act inmlediately on the diseased organs of the system and stimulate them to healthy ac- tion. There may be cases in which the disease has been long seated and does not easily yield to medicine, but even is such cases these Pills have been known to bring relief when all other so-called reme- dies have failed. These' assertions can be substantiated by many wbo have used the Pills, and medical men speak highly of their qualities. SMOKING TTRBES IN JiAPAN. A smoking tree is one of the natur- al wonders of Ono, Japan. Strange. to say, it smokes' only in the even - bag, '3met after sunset, and the smoke issue from the top of the trunk. -The tree its 60 feet high.. iiliiaa rd's Liniment for sale every'ivlaere PRUDENT WIFE. 'Missy, I've made you two lovely sofa pillows. Two? - ,Yes; one :of them you can put your head on. The Demon, Dyspepsia.—In olden time it was a popular belief that demons moved invisibly through the ambient air, seek- ing to enter into men and trouble them. At the present day the demon, dyspepsia, is at large in the same way, seeking habitation in those who by careless or lui- wise"living invite him. And once he en- ters a man it is difficult to dislodge him.. He that finds himself so possessed should know that a valiant friend to do battle for himm-with the unseen foe is Parmelee's Vegetable Pills, which arc ever ready for the trial 'AFTER THE PROPOSAL. The ,Suitor--dtefuse me, if you must, Miss Masbleiheart, but don't—please don't say you will be a sister to; me. The 'Maj,d—You need have no fear, Mr.' Pinhead. Our family 15'-vrrp exex- e1usiv'e , Minitih(l's Liniment Cares Durals, etc. QUICK CHANGE. Ida—The fruits of marriage. What ?sire they, dear ? May—eP,ha fruits of marriage are igirapes, bananas and oranges during the honeymoon' and specked apples tefteriwarcl. • Bickle's Anti-Coneumptive`Syrup stands at the ]hcad of the list for all diseaees of the throat and lungs. It acts like magic in breaking up a cold. 'A coneh is soon subdued, tightness of the chest is relieved, even tho worst case of consumption 15 re- lieved. while in recent crises it may bo ,aid never to fail, 1t is a medicine ; pre- pared from tbe active principles or virtues of several medicinal herbs, itiid can be din pended llporl for all pulmonarycom- plaints. A COIvI'iP1x'i,C ,9TJ'CCGSS. Dr. Pills.—You say t'ho 'operation. was successful, but the patient died. What do you mean: by that? Dr. Squills—He lived long enough Ito' pay hiss_ 'bili. What More could you oink 7 CONFII.S}SiIPN'• Be --;Yeti; don't{ care for botany ;plias V'assarr-4V'o. It Is the .only (itluiaag abort .f1`itw,tsrs twat 1 cilsiilre. CEYLON AND INDIA TEA, GREEN OR BLACK, It Is Perfect, Because It Is Pure, Wholesome, Clean, Delicious. Ii reaches you in its natural state, Prussian Blue, Soapstone? etc., are not used, as in other teas to hide defects. It has none. A free sample of delicious SAL,ADA Tea sent on receipt of postal mentioning which you drink -Black, Mixed, or Green Tea. Address f f SALADA," Toronto or Montreal. Every house should be painted, should be ainted: with HIGH GRADE but it P high grade paints. If you paint wit cheappaints,your time and > h PAINTS. money is last. It is not paints that cost, it is the labor. Pure.el paints cost no more in labor than cheap paints. , Ramsay's Paints are the highest grade, pure '- paints at the lowest costa Do you want to learn all about paints—how to paint your house and see some beautiful homes ? Drop us a post card for Booklet Y<K" free. A. RAMSAY & SON PAINT. MAKERS O MONTREAL. Eat'd 1842 vs, 41b.11/./13, 11111,11/1V1& 11011.1100,1206ViiitliliWilleilletVWWWW110111.0i Dec. 3o, 1899. Dec. 31, 1900. ii o Dec. 31, 1900. 61 it TWENTIETH ANNUAL STATEMENT —OF THE - Ncrth erican Life Assurance Company. HEAD OFFICE H2-II8 KING STREET WEST TORONTO. For the Year Ended December 3ist, 190o. To net Ledger Assets.. $3,336,710 al RECEIPTS. To Cash for Premiums ........... . . 4862,929 00 55 1,00.5,970 55 $4,342,68o 76 To Cash Income on Investments, etc.. 183,041 DISBURSEMENTS. By Payment for Death Claims, Profits,etc $304,679 00 By all other Payments ... .... ...:......... 264,493 35 569,172 68. .:ASSETS. $3,773,5o8 o8 Dec. 31, 1900. by Mortgages, etc $1,282,389'92' I?ebentt,res (market value 5739,199 47) . • 729,81,3 10 " Stocks and Bonds (market value ler,o3r,6S0 oo).-1,013,799 96 " Real Estate, including Company's building 389,751 79 " Loans on Policies, etc " Loans on Stocks, (nearly all on call) " Cash in Banks and on Hand ... ........ ..... , 239,719-38 91,580 00 26,473 93 $3,773,508 o3 "' Premiums outstanding, etc. (less 'cost of collection)163,07x16 " Interest and rents'du'e and accrued 40,684 59 $3,977,263 83 LIABIi. ITIES. Dec 31,. igoo. To Guarantee Fund $ , 60;000 00 " Assurance and Annuity Reserve Fund 3,362,709 000 " Death Losses awaiting proofs, etc... J4,362 44 3,477,071 44 tiet Surplus. $500,192 39 Audited and found correct. J. N. LAKE, Auditor. position of the Company is unexcelled—its percentage' The financialp y of net surplus to liabilities exceeds that of any other Home Company. .........,,.......... ....�. ..... I 7 0: 00 New insurance Issued durin�r r9oo...... �4, 53, 5 Exceeding. the best previous year (except' one) in the history of, the Company. Insurance in force at end of 1900 (net) 24,883,061 0a pessmCNT • JOHN L. : ,LAMM V10E-PRESIDENTS HON. G. W. ALLAN, HON. SIR WILLIAM R. MEREDITH, M. C. Dinse a oRs GOWAN, K.C: LL. D., C.M.G. E. GURsNEY, Esq. HON. SENATOR O , L. W. SMITH, Esq., K.C., D.C.,L. J. K. OSB,ORNE, Esq. D. McCRAE, Esq„ Guelph, aa��..II�� pgA[1 MANAGING DIRECTORt�•.t WtMM. McOA , L.6.. -, �41.A., F.S.S, SECRETARY ' L. GOLDMAN, A.I.A.' MEDICAL DIRECTOR A. 'THORBURN, M.D., Edith The Report containing the proceedings of the Annual Meeting, held on January proofs of the continued progress and solid position of the .ath last, showing marked P 3 an will be sent to policy -holders. `Pamphlets explanatory of. the attractive Company, investment ofp lans of the Company, and ;a copy of the annual report, showing its un- excelled financial positiofi, will be furnished on application to the Head Office, or any of the Company's agencies, There id a tremendous chasm be- tween the, poetry we applaud and the prose we apply. f T. N. U 314 AVENUEII�U$k _etc(=i11.—dol logo ainil r yAveuri~� , hotel rates $1,..)ti per day. Hotil Balmoral AiVlmon. Pro1a.0i0IEnJup, . #1 5l0x 1 Ei F1901, A Popular Manuel present- ,IIIBIL �to iu neondoniictl form nP g that is requisite to assist the laity in reaping the rice laiit n! aa. , ubeta,n a, comp e o ane lar a i lain! of theJubii" 9 ' hi 1 le i iet'enl T lustta ed .ditron on Photo Paper 10c oaoo, ,87.50 par m xoa - at . an , , . ;iii n d i, poet 'p 'd D. d J S ,Dr.o in k (Jo , Montreal; NCI 16.40417.E.L. tnaibsters, Brooders, Poultry Supplies and Appliand©8. Catalogue free, A'J. eiceassu7, Mfr., Lesson, Ont. AGENTS NERLEA�t° 61of COMN113SOON. Tlie.pn'p�teri a#entt' i,*1le evor roduepd ; every uftor of rep find Ink boys it oa a t; to, 5(0) per cent. ineet; Y, or -'�' � inX.sixdn s' ane h >; ,n need hila .to 0 y, o e nt e act u d. 1 Q R. sae• les 4 at.xo W i� V Oda hourF menses r. b , it ,Will Pay VG.t .to consign all your Produce to the Dawson Commission, Co. Limited Cor. Colborne and West Market St., Toronto. Thor will gekyou highest possiialo•prices. M :�! TUaz. n(efalta ilzTr4, a'*.i,V, rts>i ... 'I/ >;' eAt artcantion (co]iyriq tet )• S mplo. ,.( perfect and rapid method for:.8trr rr.AOlnse ... J,'SONS .to play by note on. PIANO or d1I[GGAN FREEAofilnaers anis fano and money. Advanced R -i rr L pupils )earn liarwsoIx au.l me,itnlatdon, Thio $Arr02001000 iffier; oseluolvely by the North American Sohool of Music Londa^cs nd Shr rn ad T 1 tr 1 Co, 5 cot with instructions (teenier price 82.00) will bo snot rifer. to'. anyone sanding names and addreiises of seven persons wlio Have lnatri,ments; also '7A cont, in silver to pay 'expenses. Cut Okla out. 1'. n. WItOSE, rrinolpal, 78 Maao1 8f,' Toronto. Can. LLN ERA °" C ®.H PAPER P" i til mil PRINTED in one or many colors or STRIPED at low prides. Sam- ples furnished on request. Special quotations for oar loads or large lots. Write for Prices, TORONTO WRAPPING PAPER, OOMPAN 75 Adelaide-st. eat. if