HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1901-3-14, Page 52s published every, Thursday Morning, at the Office, MAIN -STREET, — ' EXETER, By the— APVOCATE PUBLISHING COMPANY TE1bll1S OF SUBSCRIPTION. One Dollar per annum if' paid in Advance 61.50 ifnotso paid, rti„=xa. Raters ods S.ppLca.:. .>3.�sra � tiozi. ;`(o paper discontinued until all arre rage. xre paid, Advertisements without'epeciiic diroetions will ]Ye publiSlieC]. till forbid and barged. accordingly. Liberal diseountmade. for transoiont advert'somen ts inserted for coni; periods. Every description of JOB. PRINTIN'G turned out in the finest style, • and at moderate rates, Cheques, moneyord. els,subsori stions,eto,to in &c.fgradvertisg, 1 bemade payable to Chas. II. Sanders, EDITOR Aran PROP Professional Card N. H. KINSMAN, L. D:, S. & DR. A. R. KINSMAN,acluatoToronto UnivD.ersity. norDENTISTS, DENTISTS, Teeth extracted without any pain, or any bad effects. Office in Fanson's Block west side Main Street,Exuter, TN.R. D. ALTON ANDERSON,(D.D.S•,L.D.�.i) Li honors Graduate of the Toronto U rsity'and Royal College of DentalSurgpeons All modes f On.tario'of Dent stryTeethr up to tn. Office in new block south of Carlings' block. ®mom i[edieui Al,T.P. McLAUGRLIN, MEMBER OF athe College of Physicians andSurgeons Ontario, Physician, Surgeon and Accouch- our. Offioe, Dashwood, Ont. ICASON & Cc\RI,INC, BARRISTERS, 1_ 'Solicitors, No taries, Conveyancers, Commissioners, Solicitors for the Masons Bank, etc. Money t.o loan at lowest rates of interest. Offices, MainStreet, Exeter. I. It. C atixu,D. A.. L. I3. DIcP$o N. W. (FLAD,,CAN (successor to Elliot C F1 . Olaclrnan,) Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public Conveyancer, Etc. Coney to loan at Street, lowest rates of interest. Office Main.ileo., Exeter, ..A.rlctroueers 'LT' BOSSENBERRY,&raut]Bantl, Licensed Auctioneer for County f-Iuron. Sales prom fitly attend 3d to, and charges moiler. ate. Orders by mail will receive every at- tention. T3 BROWN, Winchelsea. Licensed Auct- 11.: ioneer for the Counties of Perth and Middlesex, also for the townsbip ofUsborne Sales promptly* attended to and terns rea- sonbale,Salesarrauged;at Post office. VTin- ehelsea.. Insurance. ELLIOT, E Insurance Agent, Main St.,' Exeter FARMS FOR SALE, MONEY TO LOAN. The undersigned has a few gond farms for sale cheap. Money to loan on easy terms JOHN: SPAcxMAN, Sam well's Block Exeter •\ ANTTED Traveling salenien to call on the retail inerch- ants. Special inducements to thele patrons. Sal. ,ary and expenses. Experience unnecessary, Refer- ences required. Address, The National, Dep. A., Caxton Bldg„ Chicago, I1L THE LEADING MEAT MARKET. For Fresh, good and the choisest cuts of meat, call on the undersigned, While edi our, cuts of meat are the finest, we make a specialty of meat deliencies, Meat delivered to alt -parts of the town John Manning A persis tent cough is at `f i r s, t a friend, for it gives warn- ing of the ap- proach of a deadly ene- my. Heed the warning' before it is toobite, ,lbe.- i'� esforeyour .. .,�1='lungs be- 1 r pr Cofile 1l1- I I flame , o . t l %be- fore 9 the doctor says, "Consump tion." ?\When the danger signal first appears, help nature with Don't delay until' your lungs are sore andyour yo r cold settled down deep inou chest.Kill r K 1 the enemy before the deadly hlayv kills you. Cure , your cough today. OnP, brings � dose bran. s relief. . r < A few doses make the cure c om _ te. tid �•, e , i e_iz_s: 2Sc.for ea ordinal' sold; gg ,, F•Oc, 1'or ttre imrder colds : 81.00 the most tl '� econo ileal for older cases. i f) “I consider your Cherry Pectoral N. .1 the best remedy for colds and d 43 coughs and all throat affections. 'eo y a I have used it far. 30' years and it t/ r }. certainly beats t' ear all." x .� • D. 1I. Lrt,rx�r•.v, ?,A Dec. 20,1838. 'Union, N. Y. "'_ N r K's -Sire fire rn's,ct'otn. ! '' If von have any complaint whatever li t4 and desire the bestnredtealadviceyou V ,,,1 son. ppodg'1)1. y receive, write the. (lector freely. You will receive a prompt re- 'V ply, without cost.' Address Dn. J. C. AYEIR, Lowell, Mass. 1l, 'Vi'oocllbam: On Wednesday evert n3,' Fol). 2710, Bliss Minnie 4Prowse a td 'Mr. N. 1 uiehe+r were united in the holy bonds of matrimony l y the Rev. Mr. Stout, recto'•, .liiektcnl.` :Mr. and Mrs. Fulcher sr -ill reside in the village, and have the best wishes of their many friends. Kirkton: Two very handsome chan- cel chairs have been received by Rev. Wm. Stout for St. Paul's church, Iiirkton, in quartered oak, built by the J. B. Snider Manufacturing Co., of W ateoloo. The, chairs aro the "gift of one of Mr. Stout's fairruer' p3Lrisllinn- TO CURE A COL» 131 ONE DAY Take Laxative Bronlo Quinine Tab- lets. All druggists refund the money if it fails to cure. 25c. E. W. Grove's signature 1S 00 each box. bi pen: GilbertDick, hats bought P] the property, in the villae, of the late Mrs. Redmond, which consists of 10 acres ()floral, dwelling and out build- ings. This property is well situated and lies next to 1:1r+. Dick's, and. will make a valuable aacquisition to his fine Moine. The price paticl was $1,300. Settlers' One-way Ex.c u?irs'kns To Manitoba and Canadian NortI 'Wast will leave ., Toronto every TUESDAY during Marchand April, 1301, Passengers travelling without Live Stock should aloe the train leaving Toronto at 1.•r5 p.m. Passengers travelling with Live Stock should take the train ieavmg,Toronbo at 0 p.m. Colonist Sleeper,will be attached to each train, For fuil.:particula's and ropy' of ` Settlers' Guide'! apply to any Canadian Pacific Agent, or to A. '11, Nf)Tyll\]r t Assistanb Genero4.Y,tissen .:r Agent 1 Ii ng St, Easi, Toronto. Clinton. Mrs..Datvid Reid died Wed- nesday ecl- inesdaya),t the residence of her d,u,g11- ter; Mrs. 13 Ka:i.iser. The deceased Wars in her seVel,�)y fifth year; had' been a1 residt:nt 01 this to vis for ula5nv years and rats held in much respect by her Many friends. The surviving ing mein bers of her ;'nilly aro Mrs. _1(411301, til George Bunch, of G•oderkih, and Mr. Robert Reicl of town, t vr4Iing. Stanley: i1. very 1:»'ct,y a ole" alalue (),1 .Cdesri�y, 14at''ch 801)1 11,E LO I_,• iirvev the tesrrlericc 0l 1.1r,-JOaepll," Harvey, ,. , When his fotirt,1) rlatogbl ter, .Tr:(ar gal'lt, war (tinted i11 marriage to 'Henry Jati- cobi,a prOspe'if)liS y0tlrlg harness milk- er i, anti, en1 ria,ge t,rirri-i11er of l.F,e,i�.311, The ceremonywas Performed by Rev. 1. � , Mr. Long, ill the presence o., about thirty friends ' �t ,1 rela11500 0r' the Con- tractilly parties, THE 60INN NI1OI11J1ON8 r, 3 THE• FiOYAL RECEPTION.. Dr. Pyne o hill to Enable ,Oluntel Pretoria's Latest Says They Have Not Yet Been Concluded.. Gen. Botha Is Willing to Surron(ler, nut Dowet curl Steyn Have Not Men kle;u•11 Frons—Eneuoy Adsnitteclly in 13x0 Shope—A Hopeful Feeling — Death Sentence For Cape ICebels-1100i 3 to Fight Against Boors, P. o Pretoria, illarch 121'hci result of the negotiations between Lord Kitch- ener ant! General Lout-; 113 0 1 11 13 is anxiously hopefully awaited, The 1 L 1 )1 csi+rice of Sir Alfred tlI linea in Pre- toria I,E1 for iia to coxisult with Loris. Hitehen er is expected to hasten. the change from the Military to the civil admin- istration. B otlta Is. 'Willing. Lorenzo Marquez, march .1..1,—Oen, Botha is - willing Co surrender'. Ile asked an armistice in order to com- municate with General Dowat and 11Ir. Steyn, Should they decline, it is believed nevertheless, that General Botha will surrender. The Doers have no artillery 01• am- munition, and are burying all their guns. The railway from Lorenzo :Mar- quez to Pretoria is practically clear of Boers. Stryn Iins Abandoned Hope. London, 'March 12.—The Tiuies has received the following from Bloolu- fontein: "Boers who have surren- dered here say, that. 111r. Steyn, in a recent speech at Philippolis, admit- ted that there was no chance of re- gaining'the country." DEWET'S It.YPII) OIASZCi1. 130er Guerilla, and alis :lieu Miles Per Day. • EXETER MARKETS0 paltkies (Changed every Wear.esday) Wheat per bushel.. 02 to 553 of 13 lour per cwt ......:.. ......:...........1 80 to 2,W lle�rloy..... ............................................................ .. .:... . tr, to X10 Otits 20 to 28 ting of Butter 40 1.71018 Eggs ,,,,,, ,, ls. lotatoes g tla per tour ba„ '1.75 to 8 ie Dr4edl Apples port!) 80 to Entertain Duke anri Dueness York Dead Second Tiwe, Toronto, 111•arell 12. The sit the Legislature yesterday afternoon wits markedly, the usual unruffled cabal of Private Mein'ters' day. 'The quorum limit was'rgaiu narrowly skirted, only 31; members in addition S to 11Cr i$10,aker l'zeillg present, Se ,..ra1 private bids were read 0 second time, and passed through. Committee of the House. Dr. Pane`s bill to change 'the name Lunatic Asylum to hospital for ti Insane re t o 41 15 read first time. l 1 a i Sb tl 1h'. Pyne's bill to enable munici- palities to entertain the heir appar- ent 3n , e and his royal 1 S )i �t' '"r d sponse on then, a. 1 coining tr1 1 O 1S' elicited visit, i, t 3t c tic. word "Car- ried" C r- t k O 1 ried from .lion J ill Gibson. The bill was read a decor l time and sent to the Municipal Committee. IsIr. Caldwell "introduced 0 1.111 to. provide for the arbitration of assess- ment of farming lands. Mr, Carnegie <proposes that young amen who (50 within lour 111Ontli1 Of their majority should he placed. on the assessment rolls. An order of t1.c3 110111e was grant- ed ilir. Whitney for the correspond- ence between the C overnnlent and the 'Var 0nice regarding a remount station, Hon. J, M. Gibson, in answer to Mr. :Robson, declared that P. J. Dunbar, barrister, Was not now, and never had been, in the employ' of the Ontario (.iov r e 1 z xuent. Premier Ross Loos: the`ground in answer to Alf'. Colquhoun that the 1)uiidas marsh sewer nuisance. at Hamilton was purely • 51 Mil 111e matter. The budtg•ol debate will be resumed this afternoon by 131r. W. Beatty, Leeds, and t1. 1 11..• lies. ) )o •ition C t t. ()t Q 6 II Speakers s wilt be lir. 17.. ) amieson, South (:ire; and .11r. •J•. P. 'Whitney, Hon.3 221. Gibson ancl. Premier Ross will also i ukc: part in 1lie debate. A division is expected by 11 o'clock to -night. Moving 12 Bloemfontein .March 10—11enc) ni Dewet is r'epor'ted to bo moving northward steadily, at the rale of 25 miles a (lily, with a view x31 crossing the railway . to the easr- wa1'd. Be should. now be 11'ost of I<i•oonstad, " Several small cool- I11an(]Oes the in posse'ssion., of 1.11e southeastern portion of the Orange River Colony. • Boer•sto ''Fight ilio 3Boors. It is impossible not to lie struck with the fact 1111at t groat propor- tion of the 'former enemies of (great Britain it1 South Africa 1o1v frankly throw in their lot with the British, Drandfort, Proonstad and Bloemfon- tein colnpanies of ex -burghers are now bearing tl:rnlsagainst the Boers. They state their object is not to op- erate against their former comrades, but to'defend houses and property against marauding bands, EvorJ' town in the Free State occupied by the British soon will become cen- tre of British influence,. extending a long distance in their vicinity. Over 13,000 refugees are now within 1110 British lilies, and. many of there de- mand .arias anti.: permission to' take the field. If their requests be grant- ed it will be easy to get 2,000 ex - burghers enrolled on the British side. Ilrbels Sentenced: to Death. Cape Town, March 11.—A court- martial has sentenced death w ala tail ha, se tc to tiers h t o rebels connected with the recent wrecking of a train at Taaibosch. Others concerned in the crime were condemned to various terms of pun- ishment. This picture is the trade mark of SCOTT'S EMULSION, and is on every bottle of SCOTT'S EMUL- SION itt the World, which now amounts to .many ;millions yearly. This great business has 'grown to such vast proportions, First; Because the proprietors have always been most careful in 1, s ' 1• -Lents selectin the variqu., ingredients used in its composition, Namely; the finest Cod Liver Oil, and the purest Hypophosphites. Second: -Because • they have _ so skillfully combined . the various ingredients that the best, possible results are obtained by its use. Thirt-Because it has made so many sickly, delicate children strong andheal.t1 y, given health and rosycheeks to so many pale, , diic girls, and healed the lungs allae. g , o and restored, to fall health, so many thousands in the first stages of Consumption. If you h;iVe not tried it, send for free salnple, Its agreeable taste 15111 Mir,,isa you. S20`11` & 130\t>i4i1, Chemists, Toronto 3114 re,soy all C,...$uletu, Et111TGEn WANTS DETAILS. A Long Telegrairi. Sent tai Acting :Presi- dent Schalleburger. London, March 12. -No further news has been received concerning the negotiations between Lord Kitch- ener and General Botha. The Daily Express says it hears that Lord Kitchener declared the surrender iesuSt be unconditional, while the question of the (nacre treatment of the Boers was referred to London. It is asserted that 11lr. Kruger, through Dr. Leycis, has sent a long telegram to 111', Schalkhurgcr', Act- ing President of the South African 13epublic, asking ;for details regard- ing the negotiations. • ...Gen; Colvile's .Jepositiou. London, ,Mardi 12.—In `1110 house of. Conlnons yesterday Arr. Charles MacKinnon Douglas (Liberal) :moved •r•- for an inquiry regarding the rats e anent of Major-General Colvile, who was sent haute from South Africa byLord Roberts for inefficiency in .the {ieldi Mr. ,Brodrick, Secretary of War, replied as follows: "At Saiuia's Post Geri, Colvile • blundered about and ri amoeU'red 'about; until his force lvas weary, while the Boers carrrccl off guns unmolested. Lorca Roberts thought Col, Broadwood` did right, although; General (5olvii( 'took _excep- tion to Col Broadwood's behavior, General Colvile left Col. Broaclwood and leis shattered force severely alone, aid iliarched his troops in an- other direction. He showed a lack or,ente prise which lost" him the con- fidence of Lord 'T2obcrts." PLAGUE IS SPREADING; Cape Town lleporis.I iftoou New Cases— . Tvvo'Color'ed People 'Died in the Sta•cets. Cape rl'o14'r1, March 11,—The bu- bonic plague is developing seriously in Cape Town. Fifteen new eit10s 1v0i•e officially reported to -day and 97 other persons were isolated be- cause of having :`conein contact with victims of the clisoa:st). To -day 1 p 4ro colored who had been, attacked by the plague died ill the streets of Cape Tosvn, A 1.+711'0 peals (lied while being roirio -i:4' ] f, to the hospital, The 311:alad y is reach in t he more c 1 f_, prosperous classes, and is has been necessary 1: 1' tin) •, the : hospital ,O e c yc to C l O 1 ' entire 1311v 1' gent leuia n talc,. 3, ti <, family ,, (.t a 1,c,3 t a . 9'hc i0rriser 7nitz.4oviisa I3 4p3 D.erliu 11T1rc11 ..—Ern leur rt - 1inY is progressing so Sa•ti,fact0ril,l' that Ile Was aide ti_ esterday clearing Id spend donne time zit ltiS study.. t _ ' a Ontario Division Court.. .Some Ontario Division Court clerks may have fat oflic13s, but a great 11111103' have not. as 41110113 1133 the an- nual report of 'the ins.Iso('l or. A 111111e of salaries showing that 100 clerks receive less than 8100, 100 front 3100 to 8200, 42 "from 8200 to 3300, 28 from 5300 to 3400, 16 from 8400 to 8500, 9 from 8500 to 4c.l1300, 6 from 11(100 to 8'710, 2 frons. 11(10 to 8700, from. 3700 to 5800, 3 front 3800 to 3900, 6 from 3900 to 81,000, 13 front 31,000 • to 32,000. The Division Court clerk at Ottawa is the bestP aid officer of the list. who gets the maximum of 32,- 000. Taw number of suits entered last year was 38,686. The claims amounted to $1,202,745, and the. amount, 1)1(11(1 into court was 3427,- 511. The appointments during the year nuumbered 26 clerks and 35 bail- iffs. ELYCTION CA SES. Judgenient In West Huron Case -Mr. Thornton Appeals. Toronto, March 12.—Judgment will be given this morning at 11 o'clock by the Court of Appeal in the elec- tion case of Deck v. I3on. J. T. Gar- r•oW, M.P.P. for West. Huron. The appeal was taken from the jittigrhent, of Justices Osier rind Rose, unseat- ing Mr. c, -arrow. An appeal has been takers on be- half of \ir, ,C. .7, Thornton of west Durham. from the decision of 11Ir. Justir-e 'Str'eet, given 00 Saturday, dismissing the preliminary objections to the pet111011 brought by one :Burn- ham. The appeal is to the. Supreme Court, YROBLIN'S RAILWAY BILL. Manitoba Premier's Bargain' Gets Past Its Second Beading,. Winnipeg, slain., March 12.—The debate on the second reacting of the Railway bill was continued, and at the close on a straight party vote was passed its second reading by 23 to 9. Lurkeys......... ...:....... 84.v1J Olin eu is 1U, Pucks .....,.. ,'....,.:... ,. Coin .. 40 to d5. ! 'li'tiGth,P,. 1i550 uto 1 50. Clover 4 01 Wool.,, ;1... 15 to 10 a c l P i < jillllrj r• P n [r �p is HE IS AMERICAN CONSUL IN QUEBEC CITY. Queen's Plate Entries, Toronto, March 12,—The entries; ,for the, Queen's Plate closed yester- day at the Ontario Jockey Club's office, and although the entry- list will fall far short of last year's 41, there is likely to be as many start- ers when the flag; falls May 22 There is one new -comer this year; 8081'. 0. Osborne, he having . entered Pira tic, by Marauder—A tl:tena 111., bred. by the Seagram stables. The ,en tries: W. iJeudrie, Hamilton . 6 1. 11. Seagram, Waterloo 5 N. Dyment, Barrie ......... 3 P. B. Clancy, Toronto........... ..,... 3 G. W. Cooktrorrisburg .................:2 Davies,' Toronto • 2 T. Duggan. Toronto 311ss Jones, Brockville . , ............ 1 A. G.. Alexander, Ottawa ............... 1 Li. C. Osborne, Toronto ... .......... 1 VIlaat in Fanners' hands. Washington, March 12,—The-March report eaf the statistician of the De- partment of Agriculture shows . the amount of wheat remaining in fa lila- ccs hands on : March .1 to have been about 1.:'5,100,000 bushels, or 24.5 per cent. Of laSt year's crop, as com- pared with 158, 700,000 bushels, or 29 per ) cent f the crop of 1,899 on ]c O P Band 131arch 1, 1000, and 103,000,-' 000 bushels, or 29.3 per cent. of the crop of :1.898, on hand On Mar0h 1, :1899.: Steamers to lie 11ailt flu Canada. O ttali'a, March 12,—Sir Louis 1?;aavtt's 13,111 call. for tenders for the i1ding of two 11etb (50SerllFncrit. steamers to replace the Nctvfield a:nd: 1)raid this week, The 80110lster of Marino a1131 Fisheries 1tltetnls giving an 111)1)0r•tunily' for these steamers' being built in Canada, 117t is, if rile work can be done at. anything like a reasonable cost. Tl'hc tenders will, therefore, ask that the new beats be. bu11t. in Canada. U. 5, )1iniptcr Conger left, Ol\ 280110715 for libnle. STRONGLY INDORSES. P8111e's G!eEII COMPOillig 'THE MARVELLOUS SPRING MEDICINE. DON'T DO NOT RUN from a question that 111u5t interest you. 'Have y010 your New Suit ? if trot, drop in and see us at the first opp(t't lDity and let ue Show you a fele prices of tale Fancy, Worsteds and 'Scotch Tweeds, seen 1 '.• and 4 r J E,A I LS e you c e, the ixe tet. 1 3� e e 1 Ther ringbone patterns, They are beauties. Many of the wondrous successes and decesive victories of Paine's' Celery' Conzpopnp over disease and death aro 35011 known to the people of the seven provinces of our •Dominion. No other medicine ever given 10 suffering humanity has caret with such, approval from physicians, from nurses g �t I1101 ' • rl men caring for the diel:, it0 1 ' \i�oliaeculturen 0r ulculture oriel ntlnenc(, and Prole the s :usible and thinking people of the toiling (13155. All unite its one gr lUCl0liorus of praise—"Paine's Cel- ery lery Compound is earth's best aril sur- est spring health -restorer and health- gi\er.": General William Vi'. Henry, _Aulerf- 0 121 00110111, in the city of Quebec, writes as folloll•s about Paine's Celery Compound: ' "It c*ireS 100 al great �Compound, oensure to 10- doise ,a,cti Celery Cn ound, both on account of the results obtained. from personal use of the remedy Find knowledge of the remarkable cures it has performed. 1 believe it has no equal in curing:diseases of the nervous system and building up those who are weak and out of health. ' It has cured sec-eral friends iif mine of rheumatism atisln, in its worst form. and 1 have no hesi- tancy in iecoiuinencling it to all afflict - with that disease. Tuckersuiith: Many of our readers will regret to learn of the death of Mrs. Montgomery Patrick, of the 7th concession, which took place, 00 Moll cl t1• last. Mrs. Patrick's maiden name< was Rachel Nichol.: She was i dough ter of l'It' Alexander Nichol, and for, several years was a resident• of. Sea - forth, although a native of this place. She was not quite 27 years of age and had been married only about a year and a•ha1f. Peltier A NEW BOOKLET Yin Iri$ R Oif011101i011 tt is Free to n who Send For it. The new edition of the Diamond Dye Rug Book will prove useful to the ladies who are interested in the making of homemade Mats and Rags. It is illustrated throughout with pretty designs for Door flats and Floor Rugs. It tells yOil how to secure the Hessian patterns artisticallp colored a11c1 ready for hooking,_ This booklet has an im- mense circn1atiorr h1 Canada olid. the 'United States, Seud.0s your address, and We; Will mail 3'ou a copy free of cost. ,The Wells -& Richardson •Co., Limited, 13lontreal, Que. A big range of Blues and Black, Irish Set'ges at the old prices. 18 you want a, black we have what you want in Twills, Venetians and Clays. OVERCOATS Overcoats in Beavers, 1ieltons, Curls, Naps and Montanacts. All wcDrk done in the latest style and fitu'ti'auteed. � Fon sliould not feel tire. all the ' tulle—Healthy people do1t,3on 14.O1r't. it y-ou. take Hood's Sarsaparilla for as while. Seaforth: Master Willie Dun51,11, son of Mrs. .John Duncan, met with ey pitinful accident iu the Br adfoot Box factory on Mona y evening. I.Ie was working at a saw,and got his hand se badly 0141:that he niay lose a part of one finger. Seatforth: The farm of Mr. Alex. Gordon, in T rckerstnith, was sold by auction on Friday, a51id was purchased by Mr. Angus Brown, son of 'Mr. Neil. Brown, of:Egnlondville, for 32,575. The fauna contains 50 acres auld is 0 very choice lot. TJ4E CRITERION. 1.00 a year 10c, a copy. Mad • tett Monthly Iiia �est g3lststt a gasife.e of the kind Po.blished. J . . i.G J E , 3' Opposite Post Office Exelterwr Extr- ROLLE 3°1i LADIES 5 if you want to iitve good, lock with your Xmas. Oakes, use 11311' Princess Pastry Flour. Ask for it oad insist on having it," W"'T-7.A . LET I: a dish for the dainty, the robust, the dyspeptic anti the hnllgt•3-, for all appetities and conditions. It is the peerless item of a. good breakfast and there is no substitute. STAR FLOUR Its pages are filled by a 1rilli 101 ar- ray of writers and :costs. Its author- itative and independent, reviews. of Books. ;Pia3's, Music and Art, its clever itoties, strong special tarticles, humor rad verse, with Tinaill1Str;ltiolls, Make Is necessary in every i.nteliigeilt home. l'he Very low subscription price, 31.00 )('1' year puts in Within the rea,cll 41. Relinbieali,ents wanted in eVe v tr 6x (Md.' laxtrtLhrdiiyal'i'y inducements. Voite for particulars ;.inclsample copy. 4.'tt•ial subscription; Will prove 3t. f'CPithlicati0n Go.. 1lt(:rinn I. Subscription xbseri tiotIe1rtxellen. t ' 41 I+last 21st ,St., N. V'. City, Will crake pore bread and a1 la•ger loaf .than any other family flour. Once used always wanted., d.>COBBLED1CK & SOL We are constantly _receiving nOW goods and itis a pleasure for us to shovv them to you.. Our Pianos and Organs are the most beautiful ill tone and appearance that looney can buy.. V1'0 also show Violins. Uuttrs, Mandolins, Mouth: Organs, Methodist I1)'tlln and Sunday School Books, also Presbyterian Books of praise. Seizing Machines and Eepairs •al wa\'S in Stock. Sheet Music of 4] Kinds. CALL AND SEE US. S. MARTIN OUR PREjllIEe We have moved into c, ur new.- pre- mises opposite tile' Central Rotel and are now open' for business. ' ;Out pre- mises are modern and we give you modern and up-to-date goods and matte in the host modern style. We Personally . ;. . .. Cut Every Garment That's diode up at • this establishment --as well as fit it•—s,nd look after ail the details. This is only one. • reason why our, prices are leder- ate. Gent's Furnishings Goole and see 08 in our 11311' place of business and examine our stock of. Gent's Furnishings. Knight. ?t. HICKS REPAIRING If you want ;Our Repo iin de l. o 0to R. 31C,TS 'eheSa:'Clocks olid dewolry aa. specialty. MAalk11'Y 1(lh L10ENS'B'. tlLinLr�nrliiil"lne„sLieelses isstied an dbCrel - alwaiys 01hand. • Iunsolx' Block Exeter, s ,