Exeter Advocate, 1901-3-14, Page 4deputatam 01011) bmporters
(15'4Z-el,eli ,* I ' '
el, ..6". ' ' , . 4, -key of Aitiericaui coal oil \viailed ofi Siln \VII-.
„ fined Lattrier, Mr- Tarte, Mr- rielcling
°has. I-1. S?„.nders, Editorsand Prop and. Alin. 'Paterson and asked to have
coal oil placed on the free list.
THURSDAY, 1110,14st, 1901.
The mimber of hotel licenses issued.
iu Hurian county in 1874 was 150, in
1899 the number bacl dropped to 844
No. of shop licenses in 1874, 38; No. in
1809, 0. Pecan West Baron the Go-
vernment received as its share of fees
fines, &c., the sum of $2514.20 auti
rrOtu East Huron $873.08. The t3xpen-.
diture for \Vest Huron includ-
Soliaitor-General Fitzpatrick has
given notice of the introduction of his
hill to secure uniform conditions bi
policiee of fire insurance,
The Hensall Observer m its report
of the Liberal Convention hits the nai1 ing office [Vitt, postage and stat amery,
on the head in the fo11owingf,--".31r. priuting,,adveLtiSing, Wituess and de -
Hess starts out with a very encoerag-
hog showing, but he is pitied 24piust,
strong and popular candidate and the
man who defeats Harry Eilber will
have to work fcnn his spurs as few wen
have ever worked in this riding."
a *
At a meeting of the Presbytery of
Philadelphia last week the discussion
was on the old question: "Gan it wan
marry his deceased wife's sister?"
and whether that section of the Con-
fession of Faith should be repealed,
The final vote. stood ---For repealing
the section, minister12, elders 8, total
20; foetinst repealinn• the section min -
stars 10, elders 5, total 15.
A bill has:been introduced into the
State.Legislature of Oregon making it
inisderneanor for any person to treat
another to drink in any saloon or
other publio plite.e where licitior is
sold. The 'penalty On. .conviction is
fixed at a fineof not less than -ten
dollars or more than fifty; or imprison -
Ment for not less than five days or
more than twenty-five,
Lake Erie fishermen on the Canadi-
an side are raising objections about the'
disadvantageous conditions go V ern ing
their fishing season and petitions are
being eirenlated for presentation to
the Ontario Government; asking for a
change. One complaint is that the gill
net season is longer on tb Aineriean-
side, aod,after its expirn'. on this
side of the haze, the Ann !loan 'fisher-
men come over and despoil our fishing
This county is entitled to three rep-
resentatives hi tbe Legislature, but for
the past conple of sessions we have
been getting along So web with tWo
that the question has arisen why have
three At all? Then again. The regis-
trarship has been vacantfor about the.
same length of time, but the nubile
business does not appear .to have been
tee t ve fees t c. , tun 0 11 n ted to only
$58.87 and in East Unroll Om expense
in tbat line. was oply $50.02.
where the wells near the top of the
0 VEII-CEAD 015)5 OK.
(Free Press)
Someone wrote a letter last week
about the cruelty of the over -head
check, We horses hoped that some of
the people who call themselves the
"guinane Society" would have taken
notice of it, and triedto clo something
for our relief, but it seems as if that
society needed making over again, for
no one in it has made a move, so I
thought I would tell you what we hors-
es think of the check. We think it is
an invention of the devil to tempt mon
to be cruel. It is no aSe at all; it does'nt
iinprove our looks; we don't look well
with our noses and tails on a line with
our backs; it doesn't improve our ac-
tion, for we can't see where we aro go -
and when the roads are bad we
are afraid we may slip or stumble, and
than our jaws and tails would both suf-
fer. Can't the men who putt the thing
on us see this, or are they such blind,
cruel idiots that they live to make us
miserable? lAre don't mind a loose
cheek, from the bit, when we. are doing
light work, but if we have loads to
draw, let us have our heads free. WO
Catl take the collar better. If the flu -
mane Sortiety won't help us, I think all
the preitehers might- preiteli sermons
abont us and our wrongs, and try to
help us that way. We are good ser-
vants. Why won't people he kind to
us? A TiORSE.
, The location of the well on the farm
is of 1115' greatest importance. In
many instances the farmer starts his
well near the buildings and yards, and
selects the lowest point as a. location,
with the idea that he will not have to
dig as deep as he would upon higher
land. This is often a mistake, as we
know of several places in a village
z. Rra ndon farmer named Van 'Dies e
was killed by a bull.
A. coal tie disaster at Gelsenkirchen
tiaaasho has killed ten Persons and in
jured many, ,M
E. Lepage & 0o., of ontreal, have
made im assignment. The. liabilities
are oyer $225,000.'
The smallpox epidemic at Glaegow is
more serious. Forty OtirO fresh. oases
W Or r epOr t ed Wed tte scl a y,
A, Howlett, mi Grand Trunk section -
wan, of picketing, was struck by a
train at ii,osebank and killed. '
cattleman named Wanamaker,
sOPPonsed belong' Lo Eldorado, Onto
was killed at Perth on the raliwy.
kir. Lituncelot J. Banks. of Ea3tapt-
vide, while quelling a disturbance in
his office Can sed by outsiders, wits
stanttok. on the head with a. elub by
John Oareett. Banks WaS ken
home, but died within tin hour.
Geo. Upper, of St. Thomas, Ont. the
Michigan Central engineer whose skull
WaS fractured by striking -11 pole in
North Tonawanda on Feb. 10, died in
the hospital at Niagara Falls, N.Y., on
Wednesday. Mrs. Upper is in the hos-
pital seriously ill, and is said to be dy-
ing of grief.
We all love birds, but few know
how to care for them properly, Every
one owning it bird will therefore be
interested in ft book containing over
150 engravings and a lithographic
plate showing all the different kinds
of fancy canaries in their natural
colors, it gives full informatien in re-
gard to song and fancy canaries and
how to breed them for profit. Hints
on the treatment tind breeding of all
kinds of cage birds, with descriptions
of their diseases and the remedies
needed to cure them. All about par-
rots itud how to teach them to talk.
Instructions for building anct stocking
aaviary. The most complete book
of the kinever pnblished, irrespective
of price. Mailed to any address on
receipt of 15c, by the "Associated Fan-
ciers," 400 N. 3rd St. Philadelphia, Pa.
And Takes Great Pains to Elave Der
'Husband Properly Dressed.
The wife of a man who served with
distinction as a cabinet officer during
a recent administration entered a tailor
shop near Fifth avenue a week ago
and said to the proprietor:
"I am Mrs. So-and-so, and I don't sup-
pose that women cdme into your shen
very often."
inconvenienced thereby. If we can „ "A. good many women help their bus
e•et alonc< without a full-fledged regis- 0111 aro not is ti5e., ane are not as bands to select their clothes," said the
trill. for twowears, why not for tilt 'vouch en-ceted by a draught as those proprietor
time? We itre being governed to (lentil 011 the 1.°Inver land at tile fuc't of
and here are two iustances rig.ht at hill, though there may be fifty or a
home whie.h r,o to prove it.--Olinton hundred feet difference in the eleva-
News-Recorct tion. But the chief objection to the
it: * well on the lower ground is that itre,
ceivee -the, surfaee drainage.. from the
People 'TIM the " Soo crnze higher landnand that the "water: soon
. WilLbe interested; in the following IX becomes coutathinated as' to be unfit
trad from a letter, written home from for use either by the .fatnily or the
there by Chatam .nian;: " As a
' place:of residence in the , winter, I
think the Soo is very Poor.... The high-
est,.price is paid for board and a bath
costs 25 cents extra. Some Carpen-
ters are taking contracts and making
as high as 90 cents per day. Sonde car-
penters in the pulp mill get $2.50,
anachiniste a,et $1.25 to $2.25 and la-
borera.$1.25 to $1.50. There is 'not
much Work and hundreds of men are
on Main street every clay looking for
It is sometimes questionedby mer-
chants whether advertising pays, Ti
question. will hardlY bear dismission
-in the Collowing.fitets, rates for Iran-
sient .advertisements being fixed;—
The .Chicago Tribune, it is said, for
- a Column a year receives $29,000. The
New York Heralcl receives for its
highest prided Colima's $330000, and
for its lowest $39;753. The New . -York,
Tribune; ter its 10 west $29,704, • and
for its highest $850,613,. and the -se pap-
ers arc. never at 'a lose . for adVertise-
. inents'-- to 'filltheir colifmns. .Their
.Patronage comes not from any desire.
16 assist the respectiVe papers, but
from bristhess Men who fined it pro-
fitable taadVertise. •
The spring assizes at Woodstock
. opened on .Monclay, The well-known
herse Caea of 1Catiggs vs. .Oolquhoun
WaS: the 'first on the -docket. , This
case has been tried iff:Woodstock he -
fore. . The last " time.. the jury:
agreed. Lordship'.suggested that
to put aside the possibility of' the ..case
having to be tried ;again for that
reason he 'had better try it himself
without a, jury. A. jury .Was
however. A nlarge number of jurors
were .-told to step aside firsb; how-
ever. Knaggs vs' Colquhoun is the
action 'which Me. Knaggs, of East
ford, brings against Mr. Colquhoun, of
Mitchell. The trouble is over A.
stallion Which Oolquhoun sold to
Knaggs in spring of 1898. The latter
:gave a stallion he had and a note for
: $750 for one. Prince Claden, CoIqu
hoop had. Oolquhorin, Knaggs says,
representedPrince.Oladen to be per-
. feebly- sound and a money :maker. The
horse didn't turn: out As represented.
Colqi.ihoun has icuagg's horse and.
note for 5750. He sold Knaggs horse
for $250. Otfiquhouti in Ilia defence
claims he never guaranteed Prince
Olacl en.
A paltry $500,000 is all that Great
Britain is to offer Lord Roberts tor
his inosI distinguished services in
South Africa. To earn this princely
reward Lord Roberts had to face the
chance of death from war and disease
and tO bow down under a crushing
weight of responsibility. Canada
deals with her heroes in no such miser- and expeditious service is required
ly spirit. The poor miserable $500,000 fiom the thne that the work is nom -
which Britain is offering to Lord Rob- mcnced till it is finished. It is pointed
outs shrinks by contrast:with the mil- out for the benefit of census con:Inds-
lions Canada has showered upon her sion(fre, in the enumeratiOn of inmates
favorite sons, WilliamMackenzie, of asylums, hoepitals. penitentiaries
Esq., 0 n d D. D. Maim, Esq. Lord and edneati on al or other institutions,
Roberts saves the Ein pi re at a e.10;11, cc well a,e of treaty Indian, and in cam -
profit to ltimsel1 of $500,000. VV13 ere a S vaSSi fig for statistics of m an 11 C tU ves,
Alessi's, Ma ekenZie Mann in the same forest products, fisheries and min erale,
time have piled up a clear 'profit of it will generally be found tidvantage-
perhaps $5,000,000 in recognition of oils to employ offieials and other agents
th i kindness i n filoivi ng i n pl a ce of the regn lat en am era tors.
country' to buil1 railways for them itt, in every eueli case the commissioner
its own expense, It is therefore, a for the district Will be notified, and he
better- paying bliSine8g to,,be it pair 02 will be 'required to withdraW tixe
railway builders in Canada than to be seheslules dealing with the particular
Ile grail test soldi %`1.' Crtid itt 910004°i from Lis 'Ii vimmera tore
bot;El Telegram: and te ',1-2arin them acem
anitnalsafornto:be healthy they inast dressed. Now I want.' some -spring
have pure water. In these dys Of
clothes for my' husband.' I will select
driven wells, a pipe can often be sunk
the samples for three suits, and I will
on the highest gravel kncill or sand
hill on the. farni more cheaply than in tell you just hew to .make them. When
the low land, and when Water is reach- my husband cornea to get, u3easured,
ed it is pure ancl. will continue .so, n be-
cause the surface water runs away
from it, and not toward it. If a wind-
mill is erected tilie.wind; poweris bet-
ter, .aiad by tanks and pipes water can
be brought to the. house; !barn and
yards, or Carried . to irrigate the' gars
den ancl stra.cN,iberry bed th a way to
make in doubly pay for itself,' first in
"Well, 1 am glad to hear that," said
the woman. "1 have bought my hus-
band's clothes for him ever since we
were married, and 141 did not look out
for them he, would not have any
clothes. He never thinks of them.
Didn't even when he ..was in Washing-
ton', though he was always properly
don't pay any attention to his orders
about the clothes if he gives any. If
he ordered his own clothes, he would
not b._ suited anyway."
The proprietor found that this wo-
man knew as much as the average
man about men's clothes, and he ac-
cepted her directions. On the follow -
saving of daily hard labor at the pump ing day, when her husband came in,
and next in increased crops by having, the proprietor recognized him from his
a water supply when needed. A alai.- pictures and said:
ket gardener near Boston a few :Fein's "Mr. So-and-so, your wife selected
ago put down driven wells, bought a goods for three suits of clothes for you
steam engine and pump, built a tank
and laid pipes, ttncl the increased value yesterday, and if you will step back 1
showSOU the)atterns'"
of his crops paid the whole expense s I
the first year, including, cost of runn- 'Yaang man," said the ex -cabinet
ing the engine. Many a man who of5cer, "I would not dare to interfere
thought he could not afford to put in with ray wife's selections. Just take
a new well has paid out more cash for my measure as quickly as you can and
doctor's and der untaker's bills than make the clothes as directed."
the well would have cost.
After the measurements had been
made the ex -cabinet minister hurried
out without asking what style of suits
In view of the fact that some hesita- had been ordered for him. -New York
tion may be displayed In answering the Sun -
questions of census enumerators touch-
th f llowin
ing confidentialmatters, e o g
instructions will be found interesting:
Every officer or other person employed
in any capacity on ciebsus work is re-
quired to keep inviolate the secrecy of
the information gathered by tide enuni-
eratorsancl entered it the schedules or
forms. An enumerator isnot prenait-
fedto show his schedules to any other
person, nor to make or keep a copy of
thetn, nor to answer any qUestions re-
specting their contents, directly or in-
directly; a.nd the Same obi iga ti anis i -
posed upon commissioned and other
officers or employes of the outside ser-
vice, as well as upon comulissioners
and other officers or employes of the
outside service, as well as upon every
officer, clerk or other employe of the
census office at Ottawa. The facts Alli
statistcs of the census tnay not be used
except for statistical compilations, and
positive assurance should be given on
this point, if a fear is entertained by
any person that they may be used tor
taxation or any other object. No result
of the enumeration may be given to
tlae public in advance of the printed
bulletins or reports, except by the head
officer of the census, acting under the
authority and direction of the minister
of agtieulture. It is nob permitted to
a cenunissioner, enumerator or other
employe of the census to engage it sub-
stitrite or farm out his work to another.
The poSition to which he is appointed
must he filled by himself and its duties
must be perfortntal by himself. Prompt
The Ilea* of Service Will Ide rrO.
The needs of the Inner man _will be
well attended to at the Pan-American
Exposition to be held at Buffalo from
May 1 to Nov. 1, 1901. At some exposi-
tiens a great mistake has been made
by not providing for good restaurants,
where satisfactory weals could be ob-
tainecl,at ineasonable prices. Either the
food obtained has not been of good'
quality or prices' charged have been ex-
orbitant or the facilities in some par-
ticulars have been inadequate to the
There will be good restaurants in dif-
ferent parts of the grounds of the Pan-
merican Exposition, so that It will
not be necessary for visitors to go out-
side of the grounds to secure a good
meal, well served, at a moderate price.
All tastea will be suited in the services
rendered, for there will he places
where meals wilt be served on an
elaborate plan to suit the most fas-
tidious taste and where prices will he
in proportion th those charged at
high class restaurants in large cities.
There will be °Limy places where the
meals will be cheap, but the food appe
tizing and healthful and the surround-
ings clean. 'jThere will be restaurants
In the beautiful building at the en.
trance to the Midway, another in a
similar building a t the'entrane0 to the
Stadium, another in the Electric Tow.
er, Nvidell will he one of the great E'e0.
ters of Interest on the 'Ifii:411ilVi1i
grounds, and anaother 011 the 'Mid voty
1101:vestments will also be Sel",' cal in
the Tel/Iwo of lste, tvll 3dmay be en-
joyed by visitors at the same time that
thoy are liSteni09 fo the coneorts in
progress 1.1 bit0 nuS 3311. 1 hero ',will
also he a New England kitchen, a (7, or -
311113 restnurrtnt, n 31ex3011 restanrant,
an itallan restaurant arid other places
where verionsi kinds of' refreshmeine
wi31 lie 51)1111.
Any of the ellildreii ever have it-. ? Then
-you will never forget it, will you ? Don't let it
go until rrndiliglit again, but begin treatment
during the evening, when that dry, hollow,
Larking cough first begins.
Get out your Vapo-Cresolene (for you
surcly Iteep this in the house), put some
Cresolerie in the vaporizer, light the lamp be -o,
ricaLh, and let tilt:: child breathe -in the quieting,
soot1in,7, healing vapor. There will be no
croup tl,at nig,112, If s midnight, and the
croup is 0:1, iallaling the vapor will breah the
spasm and bring prompt relief.
For asthma, bronchitis, sore throat, coughs and colds, it is
a prompt and pleasant cure, while for whooping -cough it is a
perfect specific. Your doctor knows, ask him about it.
"Tho apparatus is simple, inexpensive, and I believe, unequalled in the treatment of whooping -cough.
The v.tpor is not injurious to healthy Nrsons. It has a beneficial oifect in allaying the irritation and the desire
to cough in bronchitis. 1 earnestly recommend it."
JOHN MERRITT, M.D., of Pirooldyni in the N. Y. Medical Record,
- 1
Vapo-Crewlene is sold by druggists everywhere. The \raporizer and 1,arap, 1,vhich should last a life -time,
and a bottle of Cresolene complete, $1.5o; extra supplies of Vapt,Cresolete 25 cents and 50 cents. Illustrated
boottlet containing physicians' testimonials free updh request. VAeo-CriesoLtitie Co., 1Se Fulton St., New York,
A sei"-ere windstorm: Sunday 515
$175,000 of damage in Chicago,
eSpecial injuries upon the telegraph
a tid telephone ServiceS.:
An epileptia named; Weiland threw a
piece of iron at Emperor William while
his Majesty VIS driving to Bremen. His
'cheek was cut to the bone:
Herbert C. !Wadman, a patient"at
the Belle V ue Asylum, New York, 'died
on MarCh 5 three" days after admis-
sion, And the body :bears Marks Of vio-
lence. "
Mr. Justice Meredith, who is ill at
his home th ...London,. 'Ont.; has been:
gran teCrSix /11011ths' leave of absence
by the Government, and will go to'Ita-
ly for his health.
The .United States Congress which
has just expired inits two sessions
spent 51,400,002,545. In 1890 the ap-
propriation - WaS 5710,150,303, and in
1900 it was' 5729,911.683.
The poetoffice and A.O. U. W. lodge
at Ilespeler were destroyed by fire,and
Mr.- Lripeley's shoe. stock .was dam-
Sir Wilfrid Laurier lias given notice
of a bill to ainend the alien labor law
N'1tich is designed to render the act
inere .ivorkable. "
' -It is said.a registered letter amil.bag
WaS rifled at C-lananoque and tiiio Par-
dels taken:. The inspector is looking
after the case.
A r time. Lit tle, a NvOodmanovii s driven
ont of camp by .his foreman near.Goul-,
ais River, Ont.; and was .feunci frozen
to death in a snowdrift. "
"Experience is the
Best Teacher."
The experience of millions has demon-
strated that Hood's Sarsaparilla is the
perfed remedy for aft troubles of the
blood, stotnach, nerves, bowers, atrd
kidneys, and that it imparts strength,
vigor and vitality. Every testimonial is
the voice of experience to you.
Dyspepsia—"Hood's Sarsaparilla is
a grand medicine. It has cured nie of
dyspepsia. My Mood ,was so poor that
in the hottest <weather I felt cold. This
great medicine enriclzed nty blood and
made me feel !warm." Mrs. James
Malyea, 222 Pinnide St., Belleville, Ont.
Ne' bapp01,5
are sold everywhere.
1901 5005 Annual free.
D. M.flRRY &CO.,'WINDSOR,a51.
clva twin fl
Saila uoltutg. alt'
P6afla, 111 ablItag
anly la tankages at
!art IrISO 1i1a11 fragHatvicla
Oar1 0,0155 5511 tiih,50
'11a a vc3C,,,,VIcca loi.c..Wrf ta
fur sel I.
Pf 9,1 4",z'Aiq
MIl YOU z n"ni.
Nervous rim fiesponoent; werk or clebil tater?. ti-od mornings
talon-11re], ns racrucrY Poor; easily fatiguecl'; excitable and irritablet
es es sunken, red and blurred; pimples on face; dreams and night)
flosses; rest1COS; l'ingp.rd looking; weak back; bon o pains: hair loose; ulcers; sore throat;
-varieocelei deposit in erine and drains at stool; distrustful; want of conhdenCe; lack of
eeergi aaa sireegth - I(VE CAIV CURE YOU
k y
.761:2'01115 1:11111,17111.11 -ST. 58 BEFC.atc .A.1.12E11 9111E.LTILLANT.
3-01.112 A. Ilanlin says: -"I was ono of the count 9,F5
111)0 of early Igo orance commenced at 15 V01118 of ego. 1 v
tried soven medical firms and spent 8900 without avail.
I gave up in despair. The drains on nty syst na Nvers
weakening in y intellect as well as my sexual mail physical ti•-•
life. MS brother advised mo as a last resort to consult
Drs. Kennedy aliergan. I commenced their New. Method
Treatment and in a few weeks wane new•man, w.th new
life rind ambition, This was ;mar years rigo, and now 1
1. arn married anu happ,1,. I recommend these reaaele
specialists to all my aillictod fellowmen." i
"The vices of early boyhood laid the foundation of ra7
ruin. Later on a -gay life" aud exposure to blood di-
seases completed the wreck. 1 had ill the symptoms of
Nervous Debility --sunken eyes, emissions, dram in mine,
nervousness, weak back, ole. Syphilis caused my hair to
Syphilis; Emissitins
ran ur-I1
fi, s
out, bone pains, ulcers in month and on teP
blotches on body, etc, I ilsank God I tried Drs. Et -needy
liergan. They restoreci me to health,ivigor and happiness." CE,9S. POWERS. ; 4
Prze treat and ctire VaricocriR, Emrlisityts, Neyvous Setyv'val iL
Weakness, Gleet, ,SYricture, Uanadiel-al" .Discharges, Sc/jf Abuse,
Kidney and Bl&tia'27. Diseases.
17 YEARS IN DETROIT, 200,000 Crt..:RED. NO RISN.
-pre I 4re Ypu n vietin;? Tinvo :von boat hope? Are you con tem platimr mar.
• nage? Tins y,,oc b. eri Rare you any "tv,a Imo! s? Our
New Method 'lire:lin:out oar, 'toe, hat it iins tione for others it -.xi)! oirf,r ,au, -
CONSULTATION FREE. NO in ,c".t0; V.'ho his ironic.- ti you, write for tin 1.1111%P,C <it in irva Fraeit
of Charge, Charges reasonable. 0003<5 FREE-. "The Ge.dcri Monitor" (illustrcteti), e A
Di3039LIS of Man, inclose posts:go,einT0,1,
Vein -NO NiAmKs LISSC, -WrTtiOUT 11 RITTET.".1 CONSENT. PF;/..
YATE. _No tn:- rift -Ina ri nt C. Cr. nn co- rinvot.i
ones. Everything confi.denteal. Qm.-stion ltst arici nos t cf
talent, FREI:-
n"E rr C:i9)21 kr fdll "4 P (23 1g cA 1115
Izak6H1 ,,n, • 4
The Molsons Bank.
(Chartered by Parliament, 18 55.)
'Paid up . . . . —$2,500,000
Reserve Fund..............2,050,000.
Head office Montreal.
Money advanced to good Farmers on
their owo notes with one 01 11010 enclorSors
at 7 percent, per annum. '
Opim every lawful day from 10 an.to 3
p,m;8ritattlaYs 10150), to. 1 Thin,
gen crai banking business transacted
OTIREET‘TT E.ATES allowed for money on
Deposit Receipts. Savings Bank at, 11 Sopt.
DICICSON & OAR T NG, 13 D IT tla DON,. r
SOliCitOrS. Manager.
An m31'01011,1'1 Ma 11 ,j ied'f in the
suspensioti in to tile Ottawa
itiver and was drowned. Prom the
description given of' Ititit by spectators
it is believed tbe dead [Ilan 18 Po tri
'Ryan of Ali On '
Pulpers and Straw Cut-
ters in Stock at all times
All kinds of Pulper and
Strawcutter knives of
every description on
Steam Pipe and fittings
of all kinds.
A good Williams Sewing
Machine for sale.
ti R