HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1901-3-14, Page 1FOURTEENTH YEAR. -670, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, MA1ZCII 145 1\ 1901 AP PAILS,. SAP SPOILS SAP PANS. MILK CANS, MILK PANS, MILK PAILS, CREAM CANS. --mv*----11. BISHOP & SO VfONEy TO LOAN, AL We have unlimitod private funds for in- vestment upon farm or yillage property, at 0 west rates of interest. 3;5icxs0N & CARLING, Barristers, etc., Exeter. MONEY TO LOAN. I have a large amount of private funds to loan on farm and village properties at low rates ofinterest. F. W. GLADMAN, Barrister, Main Street Exeter. BRICK FOR SALE. -- . 275,000 first class building brick for sale at Mitchell's old yard, 11 nailes cast of Crediton. WILSON ANDERSON, OreditOn EaSt. FOR SALE OR TO RENT. —. Rouse and third acre oflancl, situated on Andrew street, the premises recently vacat- ed by Mr. Alex Tait. Apply to GEO. KEMP. Sale Register. THTJRSDAY, MARCH 14. -Village property household furniture etc., the property of i Matthew Chambers, Creditor'. Sale at 2 ] o'clock p. m, John Gill. Anat. ( FARM FOR SALE. ( The undersigned is offering for sale that . desirable farm property ins. the town- ship of Stephen, being Lot 15, concession 8, containing 100 acres, all cleared, well fenced and underdminecl and in a goocl state of 1 cultivation. There is on the premises a frame house, bank barn, goocl orchard, and ' a good well of spring water with windmill I Situated about halfa mile from school and 1 31,4 miles from post office. Will be sold rea- sonably and on easy terms. JOHN N. SCHROEDER, arediton. S 2 11DROPERTIES FOR SALE BY TENDER 0 J._ IN THE VILLAGE OF EXETER. - ----- It Tenders will be received by the undersign- s ed up to April 1, 1901 t -Parcel No. t. -South ',/,, of r...oet No.3, from Main to William streets a known as Liamlin's store. Parcel No. 2;— t 381,382-34- on Elizabeth street, near McOal- I( lum's tannery. Parcel No.3.-No. 63, 64, 65.- 11 U -Andrew street, No. 62 has a frame clwel- ng fi 1iTERMS:--% cash; balance in payments at ti 5 Per cent. For further particulars and 1c terms apply to the proprietor. . The highest or any tender not necessarily 11 accepted. T, W. HAMLIN, E Brookholm, Ont. a, - fi TESTIMONIAL P o, OF E SHIRE ti ir do Co the value of English Stock Food, L manufactured by C. Lutz, Exeter. d o J.] This is to certify- that I have used Si l'nglish Stock Food for horses and NS ;alves. The calves were fed on separ- S: ted milk with Ell klish Stock Food, H ;nd did remarkably well. I have also IA ed it to my horses and found it most El )eneficial. I would strongly recom- Sr nend its use tostockraisers io give it P; , trial. VS ;Price 14 pounds for $1.00 ce -, -..,sy H ALBERT 4.u. oFITER, uuorne Tc Miss Edith Walters, who has been de isiting in town for some time, return - d to Tuckersnaith, Monday, accom- oaniecl by her mother, Mrs. Arscott 4 Valters. ari MS. Thos. Snell will undergo a Cl'iti- TM - til surgical operation under the hands W f Drs. Meeke, Eccles and Bzulfour, at To Se Victoria ETospital,London, to -liner- Jr. DW (Friday.) At 'Mr. "Ittrry Sanders left on Saturdtly 8'1 ight last for Denver, Colorado. \vhere _INI.c he intends remaining for the benefit he:dth. His many friends here will wish him every success. Farquhar 1. O.F. CONCERT. --What promises to be °flea the best concerts that has ever been given here will take phtce in the Public Hall on Tuesday, evening, March, 19th. The committee has se- cured the ,services of Mr. G. L. Money; of Mitchell, the humerons and well- known comic entertainer, 11,11d n urra ber of other firstclass entertainers. Those who possibly can attend should not miss this treat. Admission, 15c. children, 10. McGillivray SCHOOL REPORT. The following is a correct report of S.S. No. 1, based on ittendance and Work done by pupils: Sr. IV.' -Prank Farmer; Cora Webb, Leon Farmer, Willie Beyhana, Mary Urtin, 'Frank- Mellhargy, Joseph Far- lier, Leo. Curtin. Jr. IV.e--Josenh raeer, Irene Curtin, Frank Glavin. r. III. -Loretta Angella Gitl- in, Philip O'Dwyer, Ida Webb. Jr, Josie Glavin Hugh 'Dwyer, Raymond O'Dwyer. IL- erbert Hanlon., Part 11. -James 'Dwyer, Clement Glavin, Martin )'Dwyer. M. B. CLIFFORD, Teacher. Council Council .met pursuant to adjourn - lent, in Town Hall, McGillivray, 'arch 4th. Present, R. Hutchinson. deve; M. Miller A 11 Hodgins litad . Dorman, Councillors. Minutes of oat meeting read, 'apprOV'eti of and igned. Miller -Hodgins- that the uditors' Report, as now read, be ad- pted, and that 300 copies be printed. Carried. Dormane-Miller--that 13y, W No. 1, of 1901, dividing the toWn- ip into Offing sub -divisions, as read first and second thne, be new read a ird time and passed. --Carried. Mil- - r -Dorman -that By Law No. 2 o 1, appointing an Assessor, as read a rst and second time, be now read a ird time and passed.--Carried-Mil- I.-Dorman-that accounts amount - g in all to $191.51, be paid. -Carried. odgins-e.Dorman-,that. this council ljourn to meet :the town OD the, st Mohday, in April, at one O'clobek, Wm FRASER; Clerk. Stephen Grand Bend The long looked for rain 'dame Sun- day. -Mr, Shaw, wife and family are the guests of Mrs. C. Zaffe.-Mr. Jos. Ravelle intends going to Klondyke in the spring. Here's luck Joe. -Mr. M. Bx.enner spent Sunday at home. The ball held here on Thursday, March 7th was well attended. Boys and their intendeds coming from all the neigh- boring towns and all spent a very en- joyable time. The music furnished by the Coughlin family was the best. -One of our young men seems to know theroad to the B. line, as he is seen travelling it quite often. -Mr. Alex. Wilson, of Greenway, preached an interesting sermon in the Metho- dist chnrch of this place Sunday even- ing. -Mr. W. Balkwill, of Exeter, was in town Tuesday evening. -Mr. Brophy of Boston. spent 'Wednesday of lost week here. -Mr. Hannon, merchant of Shipka, accompanied by Pat. Mur- phy, called here Wednesclity,-Mr, Henry Bossenberry, who has spent the last couple of weekS in Berlin and other Canadian towns, has returned home. -Mr. 'John Mollard, who has been sick with an attack. of la grippe is around again. -Mr. Harry Smith spent a day of last week in Pt. Frank. --Boys get your dip nets ready suckers will soon be runhing. Winehel sea Mr. Robevt Robinson is somewhat under the weather. -Mr. Peter Gardi- ner, our teacher is laboring under a very heavy cold.--eA big sleigh load from Ex-eter took. possession of John Delbridge's house on Frid:Ly night last and did not return to Exeter until early morning.--Afr. John Duncan, of Plug To wnline, gave the young folks a grand house warming on Friday night hist. They all tripped the light fontitstic toe till the wee snub MU'S ill the morph -Mi.. and Mrs. James Cock - well, of McGillivray Township, Were the guests of old Mrs. Clark on Mon- day. -The strong wind on Smiday played mischief with Mr. John Del - bridge's wind mill. , NEARLY FIRE. -W hat might hitve been a very serious fire took place in our school oneMonday morning last. Mr. the caretaker., put, in the fire as usual Monchly morning and left the school about 8.30. A sort, time :Lfter some of the children arrived, When they discovered the building full of smoke and fire coining through 0 the register which cLitight from the _ hot air pipe. The alarm was given it and soon a bucket brigade was at work a' and put it ont. Had the fire not five' Sonooz.. ggpcpitT.---Fonowing is a COV- reo.t.report, .the pupile of the pmiblic eChooel, here •for the mon th ef February. anice are in order of. Katie Toohey. Sr. IV. -,--Mary Ann McGee; Christeither McCarthy,•..Tinio-• thy MeGee, IleCtorMillson, Mere ley: Willie McGee. Si'. IIL-J3m'iclgc't. :ILieVeY SuthernY. .marY: MeCat,thY. Jr. 111. -Froman 1.1{§ey, Mad,,Y r.Coin Barringer, Aimee jOhb Whelthen, Gertie Stith- peby. 2nd. .--Sttella Millsona Edna Giiiitaing, Bridget McGee,: Patrick Gee; jUhrt S. 0' Mitra Adalberte Morley, Maggie O'Afa ea, 'Walter .G.unning. • Jr.: IL-eLleYd Hodgson; -Loretta :McGee, Norah 'McGee,. Itatie, O'Mara, Hilda Gimping, Clarence : Mills en, Ma rent' et. MeGee. Part 1. -John ' McCarthy, Wilson Morley. Centralia . .T40. revival services here; Condacted oy Miss Williameethe popular evange- list, •and the pastor Of the cherch, are grOWing' in interest and :power .every night. The niter has been. filled 'With' seekers of perdon :several times, ,and niany :ivenderevs horn God are coming back to their Father's hoose. The ser- vices wth continue another wee Mrs. Hawkins and Miss HaWkins; Edituville, were the guests of Mrs. Essery.--eMessrs. Nicholson and Pa have been visiting at Ales. Geo. Ba hani's -Wesley Luker bes.secared agency for " The Beautiful Life of Queen " published by the Woeld lishing Co., Guelph. This book the advantage over others as it partly 'written by the Queen hersel We are sorry that Me. W. T. B and fainily ave leaving our villt They 11112 it been good and useful c zens, and we hope their future inay bright and snceesefill.-Miss \Vilna addreeeed the L:t.clies AliesionMee A last Tuesday afternoon and gr ;"iiiissionery and spiritual lines. -T mpetus Was given ti) the society alo Eden choie are singing. 801.11I? fine sel tions from theit• neW music boo Next.Sunday at the afternoou serv they will render another ne.w pie Theyare doing their best . to ecui t1;16'Centi.itlia choir. Go ahead he We, won't play second &die. .-SOgOtato REPORT.--Thk4 following' Porteehows the standing. Of pupils -then-11611c school here, for the Mon f Sr. Dept. -V. (A) Roll3r Windsor and Lillian Elliott ex atie Elliott. V. (B).---Alvina Wilson, leeda Dikea. Clinton Hogarth, Edith PeCiy Aggie Hephurn, arl Mitchell. Sr. IV. -Bruce Mitch- ell, Minnie Bayn ham, Clara Faithall, Pearl:Walker. IV. -George Hep- burn, Eddie Callfas,Meno Callfas. Sr. III. -Warren -Mitchell, Hector :Mitch - 11, Rosy Wilson. Alvin Baker, Cecil Allie Haggith, Herman Mitchell, red Cottrill. Jr. Department. Jr. H. -Elva Windsor, 'Vernon Wilson, .ebecca McCoy, Frank Boyle. Sr. IL bijou Ridley, Melinda. Callfas, Enos 'Vindsoer, Jos. Heatnan. Jr. IL -Mur - Ly Czar Wilson, Samuel Mc- oy, Elzworth Ridley. Pt. H. -Mal- in Calif:is, Jne. ..White, Chas. Graf - 11, Gordon,Wilson. Pt. L -Roy Call- s, Earl Callfas, Jas. jcihnson. W. B. BAGsrra,w,' I- Teachers. MISS OLIVE WALKER. II. SANDERS EDITOR. dence 'of,Afr..Win. Trott., The then I . .Seaforth; About half poet five S day evening fire broke out in the v ' Were 'prOlnptly 41t the ' §6011 0 ,anct, so ( e ic under control, desp the fact.. that there was • o very hi wind blowing. The roof' was partia •clestreYed but the building. was' fit insured. The origin' of the the is • i known: ; Winghame A .serious accident oc... curved at McLean's sawmill on FtqC1. last, by which. Geo. Shingly 'lost .1ale left band. '"A log 'had been. :nearly finishedeand George. was stapding. on the carriage, holding th:e. last . plank 'until the saW .was well entered, Un- fortunately .he tnenedh is head.te look at something, forgetting that .the car- riage :Wee bringing him everymornent nearer to the saw. In a mornent, the saw SteuCk his .left : hand . about. .the knuckles, med it fell otf on the floor. Betteefield; Large logs and large trees are the topic of conversation among tee insters' it net others . engaged at the thither' buSiness. • Mr. 'Cleorge Beird, of Stanley, he.eds the list 'for a hig tree, measuring six feet .acvoss the stump, and perfectly sound, there be- ing six lengths of logs. in the teee, to tal ie g over 0,000 feetsqUare.Measure- I.---.ment. Mit Mustard has now 1.900,000 of feet of legs in the yard, and they are w,..-,... still pouring in. rieh . Ilrucetield: The .meeting held in yn- Dixon's hall, last Thureday evening, the re.Ptinlie linrarY, wits verY, N:011 ' ;1 t'' the tended. The committee repOrted. the tab= necessary 100 sabscribers seem ed, and hoe m•ganiza Omm was immediately pro - Was ceeded with. ,.A board of nianage- f. ment Wits elected, end it is expect:ea ant that in the course Of it few weeks we Igo.. will have e public library in our midet. iti- It will' be kept in the same. building be with the poet office, and this Will be Ms veey ebnyenieet to those 'wishing to mix. take adYontage of :reading a book. eat Hensall: On Tuesday evening a ng happy event took niece at the resi- he dence of Joseph. Harvey, 2nd line,' ee- when his daughter Maggie, was unite, ks. in marriage with Haa•ry . Jacobi, of ke Hensall. Rev. 6.. H, Long perfortne,d ee. the ceremony. The bride, who Was Pse dressed in .White organdie, entered. the S's• parlor as the wedding Max•ch Was pley- ed, hauling on her father's arm. A re: sumptuous repast was served; par - ,Or taken of by 34 invited guests. The Lit bride received many: handeome and , -- 'en un- 1 WEST HURON PROTEST. e S 1 rl'oronto, 'gavel). 12. -The full Court len o of Appeal gave judgment thie morn - on ing na.the West Huron Election case, ite gla lly lly 111 - or ten:inmate§ more progress all. the water here could not have saved the: old school house, as: it was' no very serious damage was chine. CreditOn Our village fathers have put.chased the lot formerly ownedby. John Dietz, and are now preparing nlaris 7211(1 specifications for theereetion, Of a fire hall this spring.-Mr..:ind Afrs. Robt. Essery entertained a number Of friends at their residence, south of Crediton Friday evening. -Mr. George Zwicker, of London, was the guest of his broth- '. er, Charles last Sunla,y.-Mr. arid Mrs. Wes. Kerr, left Exeter station Thursday morning for their future home in 'Clinton. They were accom- naniedeby Miss Evelyn Kerr, of this place, who there for it few. days. -Mr. John Hauch has. moved into the dwelling owned by Mrs. N. Beaver. -The intuit elaild of Me. Thos. Trevethick Was interred in the Exe- ter cemetery last.Friday.-e-Henty Eil- ber, M.P.R, of Toronto, spent SundaY at his home here. -Mr. Matthew C3: Chambers ie.hiYing an auction' eale, to -day (Thursday.)--eMiss Mary Ann Beaver, of ,Detroit,' returned hoine :last Monday.-LAIrs. Dora Link has re- turned from London, 'where she at- tended. the millinery openings the past 'week.L--Wallace, the .painter, has been painting the interior pf the Royal Ho- tel, occupied by Mrs.. William Fritz: -- Mr. William Wood , and sister,: Miss, Din:t, who have been 'visiting friends and rehitives in and. armind Crediton for the paSt few weeks, returned to .their borne in London Thursday. SCHOOL REPORTS. -The following is e correct report of S.S. No. 3, for the onth of February. Names are in or r of merit. -Sr. IV. ---Stella Penhale, aura Jory, ASft Penhale, Chas. San- rs. Herbie Ford, Homer Bagshaw. . IV. -Rey Parsons, Clara Beaver, die Willis, Hattie Willis. Sr. III.- illie Triebner, Alonzo Ford, Minnie nders, Jennie Sanders. Sr. erbie Beaver, Eddie Willis, Mitchell illis, Lizzie Sanders,Ilerbie Dearing, ith Parsons. Sr. TI. ---Alfred Witerth m Hicks, Tommy Sanders, Harry rsons. II. -Harry Triebner, Ralph illis, Annie Hicks Fred Beaver, Ce- lia Ford. Part H. -Victor Sweet, lda Preszcator, Vinnie Cookson, mmy Penhale, Earl Parsons, Edith hittaker, Sam Stanlake, May San - i's. No. on roll 52, average 40. Thos. B. HOOPER, Teacher. °flowing is the report for S.S. No. for the month of February. Names in order of merit. -Jr. IV, -Free - 11) Morlock, Arthur Amy, Fred Amy . J. Rowe, R. Bastard. Sr. III, - in Roeszler, I-1. Morlock, Ezra Wein. Irr,—w. smith, W. Roeszler, E. ay. Sr. IL -Nora Brown, .41della ith, Wesley Wein, Cecil Rowe, W. rlock. Jr. IL -August Hartman, 1111 CI testle. Pr. and Pt. IT,-Iclella Schwartz, Leo Hartman, Elde Wein and Gladys 'testi°. No. on Roll 47, average attendance for January 37 and r Feb. 20. Wm. MAY, Teacher. St. Joseph ' iihiva. fo Mr. Dennis Collins' team broke loose 1 " iifrom Mount Carmel` on Sunday and started foe I)00it eel e e n. in Contacteat might have pi ovecl a Set i with Mr. Maciclon's fence, which cans- ed them to stop, not much the worse for the 11111.—Ronald Melsaac was in town on Monday. He looks as if Uncle Sam's Country agreed with him. -Henry Willert, of Dashwood, was in OW11 laSt Week With a load of scales. Henry is a Hustler and no doubt will sell lots of them as they are good ar- ticles for fermer8. -Mrs. F. Barry's sister, of London, is visiting with her presea•—sorne of our boys are somewhat annoyed about 11, ghost that wns seen in the neighborhood. Boys, watch out or it might catch ye. -Our .eterinary was called to Mr. Pateick Glavin's sick sheep. He is' getting to inlet ,Pittrick.-Mr. Sainted AfcEach- n, is home from Michigan and is °eking hale and hearty; For twenty-four years Vapo•Cresoiene ham ccerm extensively Used for all forms of throat and ronehial troubles, All Druggists, ous accident happened to Mr.L.Masson Saturday last while hauling home a load of wood. The load upset and part of it, fell on Inie, holding hini fast, and had it not been for thnely assis- tance his position wonld not have been an enviable one. --A petition vvitS handed around among a lareee number of ratepayers in and around. St. Joseph asking the township council to grant a sub -polling division here. We think the request a reasOnable one. -Miss Jennie Teylor, 'of Henstioll, spent Sat- urday and Sunday visiting her par- ents at Taylor's Grove, -14.fisS .A, Mc- Gregor, a former teacher of S.S. No. 11, was renewing acquaintances here on Satni.clay and 8un day last. Wo Were much. pleased to ser.-!.. her and hope lier, visits Tflay be many. ---A Shipka Our roads are still in a bad condition. --Misses Ida and Eva Portice, of Sarn- ia, who have been visiting at Mrs. W. LIolt's since Christmas, have returned home. Mr. Philiskie Holt accompan- ied them. He will be much missed in . . our town as he was highly esteemed by all the boys of the town. We wish him every success till he returns. He intends visiting his sister at Bay City, also his brother at Grand Rapids. -Mr. Archibald McInnis received Monday the check from the Supreme Tent of Maccabees of Port Huron for the in- surance on the life of his late wife, Lydian McInnis. Much credit is deo to the officers of the Supreme Tent fot• their prompt payment in this CaSe, al- so to the officers of the Hive she was it member of. She joined Dillard Hive, No. 329, Shipka, about one year and a half ago as an endowment member, which to -day will serve es a great ben- efit to the small family left behind. - It is reported that there is a new board- ing .. house in town where the proprie- tor is cook, boss and guest. ---Mr, T. Harlton lost his valuable driver the other clay, the result of an accident. The animal ill some mail iaer calue in contact with a protrnding nail in the stable, cutting the top of its head bad - 1 y, th us causing death. eterinat Rutledge was called but nothing could be done. --Mr. T. Kays left last week for Victoeia Hospital, where he will rindergo an operation for the removal of some trouble in one of his leg's. - Don't forget the school entertainment on Friday, 15th inst., at Shipka. useful presents. Pittichill: We miderst ind that Rev. Mr..Gurnie is likely to.i.erneVe to Olin - eon in response to the wishes of the Church there :incl. of the Bishop. His removal from Pcirkhill would cause general regret in town: His genialitn and his libPserality of. Mind haye made him popular with all classes hcre. By his departure St. James church would lose an earnest and successful minister and the town a citizen whose synaeia.: tines and kindly interest heve not been confined to any one denomina- ti on. -d.Ga kette-Reyie Varna.: Another. old reSident of this' :neighborhood passed away on Monday in the pevsoll of Mrs. Joseph Richard- son, at the age of 51 years and G mon, MIs. She had been ailing for Some time, but en attack of la grippe, which terminated in pneumonia, 'Was the cause of her death. She leaves a hus- band and a large family. The remains were laid to rest in the Bayfield ceme- tery on Wednesday, and were follow- ed by it large number of scnrowing and sympathizing friends, testifying to the high esteem in Which she was held in the community. DEATH OP HERBERT HANDFORD.— The cleatoh of Herbert Handford, at the age of 21 years, 9 months and 20 days, has cast. a gloom over the whole neigh- borhood.' .Last fall he took a severe cold while threshing and although he sought help at the threshing Sanitar- ium this winter, he continued to grow Z'Arse and .last Friday seccumbeil to last enemy, death, at the residence of Mr. Win. Down, Biddulph. Herb Was a great favorite among the boys and his sudden death has made it last- ing impression on their minds, several of them having already resolved to meet him in the better world. A few weeks before he died he repented of his sins, sought and found mercy at the foot of the cross. From that hour he w:is reconciled to die and did all he could for his Saviour by speaking to his companion.s and. friends and urging them to love and serye Him who hao. pardoned all his sins. 'His dying testi- mony was very bright. He sang "0 happy day thibt fixed my choice, on thee my Saviour Ltnd my God," Lind then said Ohl what it precious thoug,ht, "Washed in the blood of ' the Lamb.,, The funeral took place Sunday after- noon, a short and impressive service being conducted at the house by, the Rev. S. Salton. A large concourse of eople followed the remains through a linding, and. cold rain storm to th Exeter cemetery, whei e his morten rc- mains were interred to itwait the res- sutection of the past. The floral, tri- butes wel.e beautiful and costly. He le 2'. to monrn his deans° four sisters and a host of friends, who htwe the heartfelt sympathy of the entire com- munity. Seaforth: On Friday, Mr. Laird, of Detroit, who has been visiting friends in Seaforth and Brussels, narrowly escaped being poisoned. He was re- turning from Brussles to town and on the way stopped at Sage's hotel, Wal- ton, where some one offered him a treat. As he is a temperate man, Mr. Laird took a glass of pop, and drank it off in a hurry. Placing the glass on the bar he exclaimed " I'm poisoned." As the doctor at Walton was away, home remedies were given to him. Two hours afterwards he was driven into town and taken to the home of his sister, Mrs. Jas. Constable, where he is still seriously ill. His mouth, throat and stomach are terribly burn- ed but he will recover. The affair is a mystery as the pop was analysed by several medical men and found to be harmless. How the alkali found its way to the hotel is ft problem. Bayfield: Death has been busy in our neighborhoo0 during the last week. On Wednesday of last week, Mrs. G. Brownett died very suddenly, of par. e alytic stroke. She had been in good health until the evening of Tuesday, when she was taken ill and pa,46,c1 off the next morning. Th deceeeed ady had lived in Bayfield Slait16',, for over 40 years, and was lifgkly „ ogl- ed by all who kneW her.--Orre iapS- clay of liist, week, the wife \'oef teemed to W SD ., Charles, Tipe6te„,.. passed away in the 33rd year Of t her age. Mrs. Tippet had been '1'1i-deli-- cate health for some time. She.'eleekes four young children to mouen herlbss. -On Monday of last week, Mrs. Jos- eph Richardson, of Stanley, passed over to the silent majority. Mis. Richardson had suffered for several months fvom sciatica but the imme- diate cause of her death was On attack of actite pneumonia. She leaves a large family. of sons and .cla lighters with her hosband, to nlOu1'11 the loss of aloving wife and mother. -On Tues- day of this week, Mrs. Jennings, of the 1st concession, Goderich township, passed away. The cause of death was heart failure. Around About Us Henson: !C he friends of Mr. and Mrs. John Macarthur will regret to learn of the death of their infant son, DUllean Borden, ftged 1 month and 21 clays, which occurred on Sahli:1th hist. The fa 0 end was private :bud the re- mains were inteiTed at Nairn's ceme- tery near Ailsit Craig on Tuesdity. St. Afar y e: Charlie Louie, who ran' a Chinese hitindry in the Opera Hods° Block. was freind dead in bed NVednes- chty forenoon. When found the body WfIS resting on its left side, with the left hand under his and the right hand oil his (thest. He made no 00111 - plaint of feeling lmwell the clay pre- vious ii,nd attended the musicel enter- tainment in Knox Church the previous evening. athet 'severe electrical steten passed 'Over here en SunelaY night last, 1.1.0.W.' "gnat *to is an every hof of the genuine ever We have not heard of any dainage Laxative Broitio.Quinine toblotA being done. Oluto.rOmody that atilrekri 'colt; hoo; ogre boil) of t t0t(? hefen A Coed, e; the undersigned, do hereby e to refund the 1110110y On n, 50e. O . of Gveene's Warranted -Syrup tr, 12 11 fails to cure your cough Id. We also guarantee, a 25 -cent to prove satisfactory or nioney ded, C. LUTZ, HUMORS COme to the surface in the spring ns in no other season. It's a pity they don'trun theinselyee all off that way; but in spite of pimples and other crop - tions, the mostly remain in the sys- tem. That's bad. Hood's Sarsaperillit removes them and cores all the painftil and disfigur- ing troubles they cause. Nollung else cleanses the eystem and cl )•trs the complexion like Hoods's dismissing the appeal from the elec- • Lion court with costs. Hon. Mr. Gar - row is therefore unseated. The deci- siou of the election comt was given principally cm account of the acts of one Vanstone, and it was sought to prove that he was not an agent. There must be it new election, as the trial judges ordered nearly .1 year ago, and the unseated Minister with- out portfolio must pay the costs of the unsuccessful appeal. March and the Lion. Sozuething, Better Than the Old SaW• The saying about the lion and the lamb in March often proves false, but but there is another and a better one which is literally true. When March conies in and finds you taking Hood's Sarsaparilla to purify, enrich and vitalize your blood, you may expect, when it goes but, that it will leave you free from that tired feeling and with none of the boils, pimples and eruptions which menifest themselves because of impure blood in the spring. If you have uot already begun taking Hood's Sarsap trill,i for your spring medicine, we advise you to begin to- day. We assure you it will make you feel better all through the coming summel. LIVED OVER A CENTURY. Cornelius Kennedy, the oldest man in this western district, died at the residence of his son, 111r. John Ken- nedy, West Nissouvi, 00 Tuesday. Mr. Kennedy had reached the remarkable age of 104 years, having, been born on April 18, 1797. He was a native of Ire- land, his birthplace being near the celebrat(al Killerney Lakes, and came to Canada in 1317. The family Best settled in \Vest Zorra, but about thirty years ago 111.1... Kennedy moved to West Nissouri, wheee he has since lived. His wife died over a quarter of a cen- tury ago. The, family livingbconsists of one son and two daughters. The son, Mr. John Kennedy, lives on the old homestead. The daughters are Mrs. Kane, Gore of Downie, and Mrs. Patton, of Cedardale, Mich. Mr. 'Ken- nedy had only been ill it short time, and until last illness was able to read his newspaper without glasses. He was wonderfully alert ,and.,sinart for his years. If, :Ls sornelargue, the uSe of tobacco helps to weaken it man's vitality, one cannot but wonder to what length of clays this venerablp old gentlemen would have reached had he not used tobacco all his life. FELL FROM A ROOF. :Lindsay, On tailllarch 9. -A frightful accident happened here this morning to the third son of A. B. Terry, con- 'fectioner. The -boy, 10 years of age, was with his brothers on the roof of his father's store, shovelling S/30W off, when he slipped and fell headlong on the stone payment at his father's feet, .who was at the time standing on the sidewalk. The lad fell thirty feet and sostained a fracture of the skull aub jaw, and both. arms were broken. This evening he is still alive, but lit Ile hope of recovery is entertained. That Spot. Did you ever have that little tickling spot in. your throat? Felt as if you could almost touch it with your finger, didn't it? How hard you tried to reach it, but couldn't I It's easy with Vapod, Cresolene, for you breathe it. There's nothing in the world equal to it for stopping these tickling coughs; and it's so pleasant, too. For.astlinia, croup, bronchitis, catarrh, .and whooping -cough, it's the great remedy. 10 Vapn.rresnlere is snld by druggist, everywhere. A vapo-Cr, sol,ne outfit, inctuclitlg the Vaportztr and Lamp, which shnuld last a life -time, and a bottle of Cresolnne, con -mike, $r.5n; ex,t a supplies of Creso- Icne15 cents ritld nents Illustrated booklet contain- ing ohysio,aus' tos,itnoniAla free upon request. V; PO. C OLSOL It CO., Vio Fulton St„ New York. U.S.A. BIRTHS. COBBLEDICK. -In Exeter, on March 7., the wife of Mr. Nelson Cobbledick, of a daughter. HALL. -In Exeter, on March 6th, the wife of 1Vian FILde, of a daughter. xef.,er, on March 81h, the wife of 111r. Geo. Jewell, of a DEATHS FIANDIPORD. --In 13iciclulph'o Mab 8th, Herbert I-Ianclford, sm.111 of lt;leie 11(10[51172c)I-Tandforcl, aged 21 years u 1) ths, 20 days. Tuckersmith, on Match 4th, Paella -Lel Nichol, .wife ctf Mr. \ Montgomery Patrick, aged 20 years, 10 11\ ()laths and 4 days. REE.D-In Clinton. ou> Wednesday March, Oth, Elanna, Douslin, rcdict of the late David. Ileed, aged 7.1 yeLtrs 7211d10 mewl). Lucan, on AILLrell 12th, R. 14. O'Neil, in his 7811i year. Pun- ertil front 'Ins late residence, Friday; at 2 p.m., to St. j'ainee' cemetei.y. 1431 A Tali WO WV° a Ilantlsomeoilon faco,, ollghod 1sInIck ca, for aollItig Oply 2 doz, intokogel otSwent 1C46 Scot AtIOC.ajnokago, rna pack. 550 51 spIonclirlrolxturooftho Thost frtIgnma varietiesof 4.11,dolOil, Yon Onn onrn MIN flno Watch in an jElt&ITua fbia advanlarnntia't?t,abla S84141111 ft6i:t1 °Prakt liat16 6a n° Son then, tifturn thO'fntin6y, and iVb M111171,11E1)0 1170,(101h, erv of yiput Watch' at once. 2('rIt6 to nay, an tlio swan for' isole..Witherto MetillMtSPIOY (1u. roruuw