HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1901-3-7, Page 5p THE ezttV.J4^py+ vocat v jl Is published every Thursday Morning, at the Office, MAIN -STREET, ,EXETER. —By the--- ti,r, ADVOCATE PUBLI&HING COMPANY TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION, One Dollar per annum if paid in Advance $1,50 if not so paid, S.azrcs=tl isia R.atoP cx% a 11�ty No,paperdisee ntinueduntil all erre rage are paid, Advertisements without epeoifio dirootions will be published till forbid and discount made r e a000rdin 1 ,Liberal disco fhagd gY for transoient advertisements inserted for Long periods, Every "description of JOB PRINTING turned o ii} the finest style, and wtwoes, moderate rate oes,monoyord- ars, , &afor advertisin sub saripttons,etc.to be made payable to Chas. H. Sanders, EDITOR AND PROP Profegsttonul Cards. H. KINSMAN, L.D,S. & Da. A, R. KINSMAN, L D, S., D. D. S ,,Honor graduate of Toronto University, DENTISTS. Teeth extracted without any pain, or any 'bad effects. Offiee i.n Fanson's Block, west . � aide Mai$,Street,Exeter. t DR•hon� s GraLTON duate ofOthe(To onto Un � rsity and Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario. Teeth extracted without' pain. All modes of Dentistry up to date. Oftice over Elliot • & Elliot's:law office—opposite Central Hotel—Exeter. lfedieal �u•T. P. McLAUGALIN, :MEMBER OF the CollegeofPhysicians and Surgeons Ontario. Physician, Surgeon and Aocouoh- enr. Office, Dashwood, Ont. Legal. LCKSON &. CARLING BARRISTERS; • lic'6ors Notaries,Conveyancers, �py Solicitors, Commissioners, Solicitors for the Molsons Bauk, etc. Money to loan at ,5 and 5/, per cent, Office Fanson's Bioek, Main St., Exeterr (A member of the firm will be Hensel]. on Thursday of each week.) I. R. CA:ILING, B. A.. L. B. Dlcrsocv. [1 W. GLADMAN; Csuccesser to Elliot &' -'ladman) Bus rester. Solicitor, Notary Pa. (x , Palate Money to loan at lowest rates of interest: Office 1tIain Street, Exeter; .4netianeers liBOSSEN 3ERRY,GrandBend, Licensed . Auctioneer for County; Huron. Sales prompptivattoncded to, and charges moder- ate. Orders by mail will receive every a tention. 1BROWN, Winchelsea. Licensed Auct- , ioneerfor the Counties of Perth and Middlesex, also for the township ofUsborne Bales promptly attended to and terms rea- sonbale.Sales arranged at Post office. Win- heleea. Insurance. E ,ELLIOT. Insurance Agent. &fain 5t. Exeter FARMS b'i]R SALE. MONEY TO LOAN. The undersignedhas a few good farms for sale cheap. Money to loan on 'easy terms Joax SPACKMAS, Sam well'sBlock Exeter WANTED. Traveling salesmen to call on the retail merch- ants. Special inducements to theie patrons. Sal• ary and expenses, Experience unnecessary, Refer- ences required. Address; The National, Del,. A.,' Caxton Bldg., Chicago, Ill THE LEADING MEAT MARKET. For Fresh good and the choisest cuts of meat, ca1 on the ,Undersigned. While all our cuts of meat are the finest, we make a specialty of heat delicacies. Neat delivered to all parts of the . towtt John Manning A m a n with a. thin head of hair is a marked man. But the . big ilald 'spot is not the kind of a mark most men like. Too many men in their twenties are bald. This is absurd and all unnecessary. Healthy hair shows man's strength. To build up the hair from the roots, to prevent and to cure bald - nes's, u S e— It _; always restores color to faded �r .ggray`. hair: Notice that word, : «always ." And it cures dandruff. $t,00 a bottle. All druggists. My business calls me outamong strangers a great deal. I would' actually feel nsbaimed every time I would take oft my hat, my hair was so thin and Chu bald spots showed so plainly. I began the nee ,may of your Hair vigor less than three a Today find have as p4 mouths ago. 1 I t3 fine a head of hail' as I ever Lad.; Fr d S toll everybod • what I used, and `Si r they say,' it must be a wonderful le l: remedy. Gxo. YEAIIL, 44 Dec., 14, 1825. Chicago, 511, { We have a .book on The flair and Scalp .which we 'will send free upon request. If you donot obtain all the i from the use t f i en 't3 you expected 1 : 9 tho,'Vi or, write the Doctor about ., -5,, it, Address, De, J. C. AYER, Lowell Mass. `'Vingbam: 'Mrs. Glendenning' rc- ceiv ed word of the death of her, son, Donald, Who died near' Blenheim t n Monday. Decei:,sed was well-known in:town. For i. year or more he had been gratduallyfailing frons lung tror.- ble. TO CURE A COED IN: ONE DAY Take Laxative Bx'omo Quinine Tab- lets. All druggists refund the money if it, fails to cure. 25c. E. W. Grove's signature is on each box: Bayfield Death has; again visited our villaige:and chained of the old residents in 'the presort of Rob- ert Sillers, who died a1 his residence ou Sunday 'evening after a brief ill- ness. Mr. Sisters for t1, number of. years was a resident of Goderich tr. but returned from the farm some years ago, coming, to spend the rest of his days here. Deceased was Go years of age and leaves 4 wife and a grown up family most of whom are married. The funeral took place on Tuesday and the remains were interred in Bayfield cemetery. Iplion „�4 r S - ,4 -is destruction ' of lung by a growing germ, precisely as g gp Y mouldy cheese is - destruction of cheeseb' a growing germ. Y- IfYg you kill thegerm, you stop the consumption. You can or can't, according to w'_len you begin: - 'Take Scott's Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil take a little at first. Settlers' One-way Excursions To Manitoba and Oanndian North-West will leave Toronto every TUESDAY during March and 'April, - 1501. Passengers travelling without Live Stock should eke the train leaving Toronto at 1.56 p.m. Fassengers travelling with Live Stock should tale the train leaving Toronto ate am, Colonist Sleeper will be attached to, each train: For full particulars and copy of "Settlers' Guide'' apply to any Canadian Pacific Agent, or to A. R. NOTMAN Assistant Generol Passenger agent 1 Ring St. East, Torofnto. 111e(7rillivrny: AVe ' regr 't to report the death of Mrs. Wm, Lewis, of the 8th cello which occurred on Monday, Fel). 18th, after a prolonged illness'. The remains wove interred lin St. Marys ceulc'tery on Tuesday. The family have the sympathy or the comtmanity y in this their hour of bereavement, ,, v 'n ' Presby sl 5 l rtviicicl. The 1.1 1111111 rot c, t1 have decided to 111iite Bayfield -Beth- any and Union Church, Godericln tp., into one pastoral charge.' Seevice:wli be held in Bayfield a31, ;10.80 a,iti. in- '-1u,'d c>1 11 di:tn. ll. meeting will be held cm the 2nd '1''ile'',i (y ,in llareli to renclerntt in at call to a lleiliilter. Bev. :John McNeil is filling the littlpits-elf these churches at iwese it. MIICN[N[N'S TERSE CABLE It' acts as a food ; it is the easiest food. Seems not to be food; makes you., hungry ; eating is comfortable Yougrow strong - The genuii a has thispicture on it, er. Take more; take no ,other. not too much; enough is as much as ou`like'and agrees y with you. Satisfy h un er with usual ' 'food whatever you like and agrees, 'with you. you are strong Wheng recovered your again, have r g> strength ---the germs are g gads you have killed them. • send if you have not tried it, ea lie e; sample, to its agreeable '� FmlFNa � taste will surprise you. SCOTT & BOWNE1 Chemists, Toronto., antat 60o, Dxsd $1.00; all druggists. Dewet, Headed Off Philippolis, Is Marching on Fauresmith. Dabingtou Has,Dug Up a Krupp, a Pout- pozn and Some Ammunition at Land. foutein-Sixtoeu`?r'ictoriaa Vales' Cap- tured 33 Boers, and 50 horses at Sea- cow Rivor—A Ilotchdciss Captured by Dartneii—GO Moro Surrender. London; March 5,—A despatch front G n Kitchener,dated Pretoria, March 4, says: "Dewet was tatroviug off Philippolis. (Orange itiver Colony), blit was headed by our troops, and is noW marching on Fut esmith, about 410 miles north of Philippolis, "Babington has dug up a Krupp, a pom-pom and some ammunition 11,t. Landfontein. • ''Sixteen men of the Victorian Rifles have captured 38 Boers and 50 . Il t horsea s Seacow River, "General 't 1 as captured a en© al Dat nes It 1 Hotchkiss near PietertietY. "Surrenders continue .in that dis- trict, is- C command- ant, • men,'tt omni t ret, over v0 with. a ant, came in March 2 ' WOLSELEY'S PROMISED ATTACK. Ex -Commander -in -Chief Denounces Great Britain's Military System. London, March 5•—In the House of Lords yesterday Lord Wolseley, the former Commander -in -Chief of the forces, for two 01 . three hours at tacicecl the military system of Crrcat.- Britain in a carefully written speech; which; it is understood,he had long meditated and liad pleased in con- sultation with his friends My arouuzents," he said ''are not directed against, individuals,; but against the military Sy$teeli .which I have honestly 1 ied for five years, and have found wanting, and urhich entails many great clangers not re- alized by the people of this realm." 1 obbed el Usefulness. Lord Wolseley said he had worked with the Marquis of Lansdowne, andY there lead not been a single` WIc Free able incident. Iris complaint to is that the professional Ccnnuni.nder-in- Chief was robbed of his chief useful- ness. Iie had to hand: over the c:otn-' wand and the entire management of the army to a civilian Secretary of State, assisted by subordinates', with whom he dealt direct.Lord:lCulse- ley.. outlined 'tile., present system, which was entirely unsuited for the army; under which it would never be. efficient, and he doubted much if they would ever have a^contentcd army. EJp to 1895 he (the Command- er -in -Chief) was responsible to the Secretary of State that the army was thoroughly trained for wain. Since 1895 the responsibility had been with the Under 'Secretary of State, dividing- it into four watery tight compartments,. each under a' military dead, and each advising tha. Secretary of State without reference' to the Commander -in -Chief, "&Iy- Lords; - I need scarcely tell you," said Lord Wolseley impressive- ly, "that our soldiers do not like the War Office nor its civilian rulers. You cannot flout the sentiment of the army without injuring its mor- als,' Lord Lansdowne Replies. The Marquis of Lansdowne; the former War Minister, replied to Lord Wolseley immediately: IIe said: he was constrained to say that Lord Wolseley,during his to nof office,.c , had failed tounderstand 1isdutis. 1Ie nes; hi: at least have warned the GovCrnment that one army corns was not sufficient to crush tate Boers. The debate will. be resumed to -day. Au Ex -Monk Mobbed.. London, 'March 5.—An infuriated mob at Shankiin, Isle of Wight, yes- terday stormed the. platform frota. which the ex -Monk Victor Ruthven was delivering an anti-Catholic sec tore, Ruthven drew a ,1 evolver and kept, the stormers at bay for a time but finally turned and fled. During his flight a bullet was discharged, Which. traversed the neck and issued, from the cheek of one of his pursu- ers. Ruthven was arrested, ' It is hoped that the victim of the shoot- ing will recover. c c ver. ,.Dr. Dawson's funeral. Montreal, 14Iarch 5.—The funeral of the late: Dr, G. 1VI, Dawson toot: place from the residence' of his moth- er, Lady. Dawson, yesterday :after- noon, and wa,s very largely attended by professional, business" and scien- tific men, McGill University, of:; which he was a distinguished ` grad- uate, being particularly well repre- sented. Death of Mrs. Merritt. Toronto, March 5. -Mrs. IIamiiton Merritt, widow of the late William Hamilton Merritt, barrister, of Nat. Catharines, : died on Sunday, in Tor- quay, England; whither she went with her two daughters to spend the winter for the benefit of her _:health. Mrs: Merritt wags a daughter :of the late Hon, James Morris of Brock- ville. A Fearful Fate. Syracuse, N. Y•, March 5.-'A spe- cial .from Fulton, N. S'., says: Al- bert Dien, an employe of the Oswego Palls Pulp & Paper Company, was crushed to death last night between: two rapidly revolving reels of paper. Ile was ,drawn in head first, nolo Burned at Brandon. Winnipeg, March. 55,—The Queen's Hotel, it 8111 1.11 fralue hostelry - h1; Brandon, was burned down last night. The loss on building zm ci con- tents 18 nhola,'a$8,000. Mr. Lantos Was the owner, The 5ini.411pox Scare, Pco 011 to, 710.reh 5,-3)r, Bryce P0171.5; siiittlip0X at 25 place's. The latest caSe i5 at, 2)t:lt.,5sa, 1..ea11DX t: t'aAnt4v, THE LEGISLATURE, Premier nue Attor•aiey-General Gibs" Both Absent -lion, It. Iiateourt A'cted.'. ,111 Capacity of Government Leader, I'oa onto, Mai`eh 5, -Til the absonce of Premier Ross' and 'Attorney-Gen- eral ttorney Gen-erul (libson, the 51Mister of Eldora-, tion, Holl, 15, Ilarcourt, acted as. Gove+'nmcnt leader at the Legisla- ture yesterday afternoon. AII' S. Russell introduced his bill to eliipower' municipalities to adopt, the principle of proportiAnal: repre- sentation, which was read a first Lillie, 1)r, Pyne introduced the •bill rioted by the City Council of; Toron- to au that 'z' g municipal grants t > 1 x nts for tate reception of Their lloyal: high nesscs the Duke and ;Duchess. of Corn- wall on their approaching visit to Canada: AIr. Carpenter's bill for improved fire escape facilities in factories was read :t second' time. Iron.: R. Harcourt intro. new Govertuueut bill, Ile explaineducedd•a that it was to extend the' power, now assigned to public library bto l cs c' ,. t v initiate the establishment 1 i. 1 e ab of technical schools. to other public bodies. r1'11e hone that such would result in Ontario from the provision giving such power 'to public library boards had not been realized. The re quest from a board, of trade to be a11owed to take such action suggest- ed the probability that the change itt the line proposed would lead to action being taken in. various parts_ of the province, Mr. Lucas moved, for the corre— spondence between : the I'rovincial Board of Health azul the City of Windsor in reference to the stnallpox o?lideirlic of March, 1899. The mov- er understood that ',owing to blame being cast upon the medical health officer there, lie was superceded. lion. Mr. Stratton said the corre- spondence would be furnished. It showed that friction . occurred be- tweets the Windsor :Health officer and the Board of health, ' also between the officer and the Windsor Council, which resulted: in another public Health officer being, appoiirted there. The Provincial Secretary presented the report of the provincial munici- pal auditor; also the report ' of the Inspector of Fumigation Appliances, W. ,Locbead. T11t' latter iisl e ctor re- viewingthe workaccomplished undt.r the net, say's: When the act was first put in force in 1899, muserymen were .hicl ncd to shirk compliance. Non there is a general willingness to comply, as the use of fumigation: houses gives the assurance that ;stock so treated will be free from: the San .1os0 Scale, which "badly infests" the northeastern portion of the Ni- agara . Peninsula. 11 r.1iIEit ROSS AT BRANTFORD. YonuC Liberals Tendered Him a Banquet and :a Good. Time. Brantford, Ont-, : 111Iitrch 5:—The Brantford- Young Liberals:: gave a grand ,•.banquet to the Hon. -G. W. :Ross it the Wyckliffe Hall last even- ing. .'The. people' began to assemble `before' 7 O'clock, and very soon the hsi.11 was crowded to overflowing, not a spare seat to be had, many stand- ing in the hallway. Neil McIntyre, president of the Young Liberal Club, performed the duties of chairmanin a very happy manner: While this part of the ceremony was in' progress a fine orchestra was supplying music. After the tables were cleared addresses, interspersed with singing and music, were deliver - .by Hon, G. W. Ross, Hon: J. 1MI. Gibson t Hon. t Y C. B. Paterson, C PTcd, M. P.P T. II. Preston 151. 3 M. P: L. F. P P., :Col. Thompson, Iteyd, J. Muir. After a very inter- esting evening, the gathering dis persed close to midnight. Sleirhting For 100 Days.. Plattsburg, N. Y., March 5,—The Montreal express, due in New York at 7.25 o'clock . yesterday morning,, became stalled in a drift near La- colle, ,. Que., on the Grand Trunk Railway, To add to the :trouble,: telegraph and telephone wires were blown doehrn,-and for a time commun- ication with trains was cut off. About 1 o'clock yesterday after- noon. is force of 150 men succeeded in digging them out. By running snow- plows all night, the Rutland Rail- road has succeeded in keeping its tracks comparatively 'clear. ' This is the one hundredth consecutive day of sleighing in this village. Quebec Rohl on Federal Treasury.. Montreal, March 5.—Mr. Lomer Gouin, Quebec's Commissioner of Public Works, was tendered a com- plimentary banquet last night at the Place''tziger Hotel, Several hundred Liberals attended to do honor to the guest of the evening. Mr., ,Gouin made a rather important speech, in which he advocated an increase in the ,Dominion allowance to the pro- vince. He claimed that the present 'amount of 80 cents a head was not: sufficient, EXETER MARKETS. (Clxanged every. Wedkesday) Wheat per bushel .. • . 3 co 3 Flour per ewt 1.5. to 800 35 to 37 Oats 15 to 28 Peas to Bd Buttar ,... ........ .......• ., .. 17 to.'18• : Lrggs.-...,.--- l6 Potatoes per bag 40 Hay nor ton 7.75 to 549 Dried Apples perlb Jy/, 'I'urlcevs, ....., .. ,.., v to'0 sol on Ch c fm. lb. Ducks.-, ..,,., ,,..... , .....7 50 Corn 15 to 15' Clover 1 tot 11 I'in3otf a5o to 5'a5 -... .,....15 to iG '. Funeral of Cltief Young. Niagara Fa11s Ont., March 5. The funeral of the late Thomas II. Young, chief of the Ontario police. force, took place yesterday after•- noon.: The high esteem in which he was held., by -citizens in general, and those of his profession, was -fully tes- tified es-tified to by the tremendous crowd' of both,, a'ho followed his remains to both church and grave. Drank Carbolic Acid In Mistake. St. John, N 11., March 5.—David P. Chisholm, :c11.'rlc in the Board of 5011001 Tres tet's' 011icc died yes ter- dna/ afternoon: He 111i:iecl calx Solid acid with' a drink ins tea(' of wh0,t lie t11oil i;ht was a 'tonic, Qai5d whieta the iriislathe was (1.Iscoc reel 1t Was too late to save his life. (Te was for years a peoniillenl, school 11000lltet ail this city; lir. Xitulock s A.usfr,i.liait Trip. Ottawa, Ont., Arart:'li fi.--ibon. 'Nil, nt Iocle ,f' for Toronto last lialn, i left night to prepare for his visit to Aus- 11 a1,!a t1s Canada's represetila I }ve, R IOESPllE�ll SPRINGTIME. PAINE'S CELERY COMPOUND. the Oplg B¢�pc9g 14a� Cayes aou Saues Llfe. One of the most prevalent and fatal of troubles at this season is Kidney disease. Incomes on as silently as a cat steals upon its prey, and too often wrecks life before the victims are fully aware of their clanger. Do not disregard the early symp- toms of Kidney disease, some or which are backache, constipation, indiges- tion headache,"and a . constanttlOn with call to make Vater which has abun- dant sediment of a bricky color. The pp rom Land honest use of Paine's Celery Compound isill goickly ho-,uish every: symptom of disordered Kidneys. The great medicine has cowed and given a new life to thousands in the past. it will do the same good WC1i'k for all 'sufferers to -clay. eta at. Map r Haairdresser, St. John's, 7 .` Ttiild. s,i .,, Say S. suffered terribly for two years from Kidney trouble and Dyspepsia. I was completely rundown and could not eat or sleep. One of the ablest city doctors attended me, but no good results followed his work. Happily, a friend advised zee to use Paine's Celery Compound. I procured a sup- ply, :and the first dose relie''..ed ' me. I have used ;eight bottles, and now sleep well, appetite is good, and I am as strong as ever before. I recommend Paine's Celery Compound to all." What Dyes are always guaranteed, And in our country take the lead? The Diamond Dyes! Seaforth:. Mr. Alex. Gordon, of Tuckersnlith, has :purchased the old homestead farm recently owned by his brother, paying therefore $5,100. Wingharn: On Saturday: James Calizpbell was severely kicked in his face by a'horse. The wound required several stitches, and the result was 'a• • very ,painful face. a And The Women An- swered and Said:. The Ma�'.ond Das! What Dyes are:: strong, and bright, and fast, Ancialways dye to live and last? The Diamond Dyes! What Dyes give grand results each time, Whenever used in any clime? The Diamond Dyes! What Dyes bi-ing profit, pleasure, peace, And by their work "a great increase? The Diamond Dyes! What Dyes should all Canadians try? Hark! listen to that nighty cry— The Diamond Dyes! Hensall: While playing hockey on the rink on Saturday night Gal' net Sntallacombe' had the misfortune to get stiuc ,.' n the lip with the puck. which gnu *severe wound. Granton: Mrs. and Miss McGowan, who have been popular residents of this locality fora number of years, left Thursday for Delhi, Ont., where they will make their future hone. Winghani E. P. Paulin, who in- tended removing to Dauphin, Man., has changed his mind and has pur- chased a hardware store and dwelling at Dashwood. He will take' possession of his business early' this month. THE CRITERCJ I... N. T 1.00 a year 10c. a copy. DO. NOT RU fr'o' a question that t1,5 iiitser'OS1ry0.1., Ila ve you yowl•xnNew Suit ? 1[ not, drop in Sind see us at °t'hrs firti let sag show you a fevrorttantty priances of tike Fancy, Worsteds and Scoter T 'eestds. opp W f- b ve you seen then CW Staples wail r .pherrngbone patterns.'Tlae�" are beauties. A big range of Blues and Black, Yridla Serges at the old prices. The Best illustrated Monthly Ma- aziue of the loud Published. If you waist a black we have what you Venetians nail Want inTwills, w w , V Clays. OYEEt,COATS Overcoats in Beavers, 1°,leltons, Curt Naps and Montanaets, ' Ali work done in the latest style ,aw fit guaranteed. Opposite :Post Office Exeter--- ROLLE Lime LADIES If you.want to have good luck vitiS your Xmas. Cafes, use our Princess Ask Pastry Flour. AsI_ fvr it and insist oat having it. THEATLET Is a, dish for the dainty,: the rohns . the dyspeptic and the, hungry, for a1 appetities and conditions. It is the peerless item of a: good, breakfast and there is no substitute. STAR tf PLO UR Will snake more bread and a larger loaf than any other family flour. Gnee used always .wanted. J. COBBLEDICK & SOl • We are constantly receiving: new goods and it is a pleasure for tis to slrow them to you. Our Pianos and Organs are the most bea,utiful'in tone and appearance that money can buy. we mei?, s1ov Violins. s Gu tars, , Mandolins, Mouth Organs, Methodist H Sim and. SundaySchool Books, alsos 1'resbyterian Books of praise. Sewing Machines and Repair's al - Ways in stock. Its pages are filled by a brilliant ar- ray of writers and artists. Its author- itative and independent reviews of Books, Pla0, Music and Ari, its clever' stories; strong special .reticles, humor and verse, With fine illustrations, nr1alce it necessary in every intelli eut 110101'. The Vol y low subscription price, $1,00' per year 'nits ill within the reach of. 1 i1 ; , :1 is Wilted in :ever' Reliable a en .:, wanted , Y town. i{7..ti 11 aoi°di nary in ducen'i cal t s. Write for patti(.115 rs and sample Copy. 5101l :0iibicl'1pticiu will i)1•ove Criterion l?ublieation Co. , „ Subscription D1fG1ert,. 11. FtOi 21sf SI N' "v Sheet Maisie of all Kifds. CALL. AND SEE US. S. IIA ARTIN OUR afw PRE�IISES0.. We have moved into our new pre - wises opposite the Centrad Rotel :as►a9, are now open for business. Our pre- mises are modern and we give you modern and ' up-to-date goods; atull made in the most modern style.•, We Pers9nally Cut Every Czapnent That's made up at this esta1 tli;sllrnenl5 as well as fit it --ansa look after til the tletidls. This. isonly one reason why our pr'ic'o. are model:'-.: ate. Gent's Furnishings,... Come and see us in, our new place, of business and exarlliile, our stoiif of, Gen Cs Furnish irigs. , Bert, Knight SIC REP-i'[TN- 1' r' sveli' clone If , z r�r want your`,Wt� ,l rin g vo to It. 5,cco 5 V0tellee :flock; aryl er4el y It x111 laity:, 51;A11'lllanifl 1,,1C'€:N'SE lJ t rp* r,ne ,icon see 'issued and Ted:, f ra 'Tt?laws always on hand. • tl',.0soll'.s Lllr,c , eters,