HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1901-3-7, Page 1FOURTE1.1"1\1414 YEAR. -670. EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY IVIARQI-1 7 1961. C. H. SANDERS, EDIT()It. ARE YOU :UILDING cd-mrr (.7.)-z7me pamic=sEI HARDWARE„ WINDOW GLASS, PAINTS AND OILS, FURNACES, GALVANIZED IRON- WORK, CEMENTS, PLASTER PARIS, ETC. II...401111Mummwe" BISHOP & SO MONEY TO LOAN, We/lave unlimited private funds for in- vestment upon farm or village property, at 0 west rates of interest. DICHSON & C./A:SLING, Barristers, etc., Exeter. MONEY TO LOAN. I have a large amount of private funds to loan on farm and village properties at low rates ofinterest. F. W. GLADMAN, Barrister, Main Street Exeter. SEED OATS FOR SALE. --- The undersigned has a quail tity of the Da- nish Islancl oats, which be will dispose of for seed purposes at 40c. a bushel. Apply to .W. G. BISSETT, Exeter. Sale Register. THURSDAY, MARCH 7,—Farm Stock and Implements, the I ropertv of James 31,1iller; Jr., on Lot 8, Con. 3, McOrillivray, Sale at one o'clock sharp. Janaes,Stanlev, auct. THURSDAY, ALARCH14.--Village property household furniture etc., the 'property- of Matthew Chambers, Orediton. Sale at 2 o'clock p. m. John (-Till, Anat. ARM FOR SALE. The undersigned is offering for sale that desirable farm property in the town- ship of Stephen, being Lot 18, concession 8, containing 100 acres, all cleared, wall fenced and undethrained and in a good.state of cultivation. There is on the premises a frame house, bank barn, good orchard, and a goad well of spring water with windmill Situated about halfa mile from school and mile:. from post offina. Will be sold rea- sonably and on eaS7 terms. TOWN K. SCIIROMIER, Crediton. pROPERTIES FOR SALE BY TENDER IL TN THE VILLAGE OF EXETER -- Tenders will be receive& by the undersign- ed up to April 1, 1901: --Parcel No. 1.— South of Lot N09, from Main to William streets' known as Efaralin,s store. Parcel No. 2.-- 381, 182—i—on Elizabeth street, near McCal- lum's tannery. Parcel No.3.—No. 03, 64, 65.— .—Andrew street, No. 02 has a frame dwel- ling TERMS: --3.6. cash; balance in payments at 5 per cent.- For further particulars and terms apply to the proprietor. The highest or any tender not necessarily accepted, T. W. HAMLIN, Drookholre, Ont. TESTIMONIAL OF E SHIRE To the value of English Stock Food, manufactured by C. Lutz, Exeter. This is to certify that I have used English Stock Food for horses and calves. The calves were fed on separ- ated milk with English Stock Food, and did remarkably well. I have also fed it to my horses and found it most beneficial. I would strongly recom- mend its use tostock raisers io give it a trial. Price 14 pounds for $1.00 ALBERT E. SHIER, Usborne. Rhiva. Misses Eva and Ida Portis,of Sarnia, were visiting at Khiva Hotel on Sun- day.—Mr. James Hannan, the Shipka merchant, was in town on Sunday, ac- companied by Robt. Baxter.—There is quite a number of boys talking of at- tending the Reform convention on 'nesday. Boys you need a strong can- didate.—We are glad to hear that Mrs. Chas. Holt is able to be around again. —Mr. V. Ratz was in Detroit last week on business.—Joe was South on Sunday. Joe means business this titne.—We are anxiously waiting to see the roads get good and old spring collie once more, Sodom The following is a correct report of 1.7nion S. S. No. 13, for the month of February. Names are arranged in order of merit:—Jr.IV.—Evelyn Ching Milton Pfaff, I-larry Ford. Sr. Hazel Prooty, Maud Green. Jr, ILL -- Charlie Delmsford and Laura Rooper, Silas Ford, Melvin Dearing, Frank Stacey, Annie Stacey- Sr 11 ---Dolly Alward, John Sinith, Jessie Green, Barton Ford, Jennie Penhale, Albert Alexander. Sr. Pt. EI.—Clayton Prou- ty, G-ordon _Hooper and Freddie Smith equal, Sanford Smith, Willie Ching, Robert Alexander, Morman McDonald feliza Smith, Nellie Stacey. Sr. Part I. --Willie Alexander, Lawrence Ah ward. C. B. l'EnGusole, Teacher. This dig/leen: is on every 1?oz of the genuine Laxative Broino.Quinine tablet 40 *may that etaltelk !I, told, lit en. dall ITsborne Connell, Council metMarch 2nd. All present. Minutes of February meeting read and approved. By -Law No. 2 authorizing the. Reeve and Treasuser to borrow Money for township purposes was read, passed by the council and the seal attached.. The tender of W. 3. Polon for ,nian and team to work the road machine at $2.80 per day of 10 hours was accepted, it being the low- est tender. The petition of the Town- ship of Blenheim in reference to Coun- ties assueming control of Township roads, was ordered to be signed by the Reeve and Clerk and forwarded to our local member for presentation to the House, Accounts, amounting to $29, were passed and orders issuecl in pay- ment. Next, meeting of the Council will be held on Saturday, April 6th, at one o'clock. F. illonn-EY, Clerk. Eden On Thursday evening last a plea- sant time vvas spent at the residence of Fred. LUX,t011, when a couple of sleigh loads of yonng people from Cromarty came and took possession for a time. The evening was spent in games and dancing till a late hour when all left for home feeling well pleased with the evening's outing.— Miss Lulu Dempsey, of Exeter, spent Sunday here with her cousin, Miss Essery.—Mr. Harvey Bellback, who has been in the employ ot George Rook for the past eight or nine mon- tbs, returned home last week.—Mr. John Harmer and son George, are visiting friends at Russehlale.—Mr. Ernest Boswell, of Exeter, visited un- der the parental roof Sunday.—Mr. and Mrs. John Hunter, are visiting the lattee's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dew, of Iowa.-- There will be no ser- vice here next Sunday afternoon, ow- ing to the special service at Centyalia. Shipka 01.11roads are in a bad condition, the pitch holes making them almost ina- passable.—The social at Mr, Switzer's came off the other night.—Mr. Baum- garten had the misfortune to have one of his horses badly corked the other day and had to call on Dr. Ruttlage.— The boys are having a good time at the debating school every Thursday R Holt and Mrs. Switzer iettended the Maccabee con vention held in Berlin and report having had a good time. --There will be an entertainment held in the school house here in the near future. More particulars later.— Puting up ice is all the rage in town. If you want to keep cool next summer come to Shipka —'We see the bicycles on our streets this week. -11. Wing has been wearing a broad smile the past week. It is perhaps a boy. ---Mr. James Hannan, our town merchant, spent a day in London on business last week. Winehelsea The funeral of Matthew Batten on Wednesday was yery largely attended, also the funeral of Miss Minnie Halls on Saturday.—Miss Sarah Phair and Master Wes. Phair left on Thursday for Port Huron where they intend to reside in the future. —Mr. John Del - bridge purchased a fine young horse from Mr- Charlie Godbolt, for which he paid a good price. Mr. Delbridge's horse which was sick is all right again. —Mrs. William Duncan's sale was well attended on Tuesday last and good prices were realized.—We arepleased i to state that Mr. J. G. Jones s much better; also Mrs, Ben. Allen, who is improving very nicely.—Little Lelia Godbolt, who has been very sick for sonie time is improving very slowly.— Walter Batten, of Detroit and Mrs. Wrn. Batten attended the funeral of Matthew Batten on Wednesday. SCHOOL RBPORT.—The following is the correct report of 5. S. No. 6., Us - borne, for the month of F'ebruary as follows: —V.—Toria Miners, Linda Hunter, Dora Delbridge. Sr. IV—Ed- die .Tohns Charlie Miners Jennie Vail. Jr. IN ---May Jones, Mabel Saveyer, Enos Herdman. Sr. III. --Nelson Cleul- tis, Wilfred Johns, Flossie Francis. Jr. III.-1Villie Veal, Wilson I-Iatv- kins, Wesley Phial+, Sr. 11. —%Villie Elford, Victor Sawyer, Acidic Johns. Sr. H.—Gordon 1Vaddell, Hattie Item - ter John Kellett. Sr Pt. II --Ella Heywood, Nellie Heywood, Laura Woods. Sr. Pt. IL—Laura Godbolt, Lula Godbolt, Annie Elford. Pt, L -- Jack Beeson, Lilla Lteywood, George Eas.son. P. GARDINER }, • E. i -t) HALLs Teactim+s. -fa-C-nra a, cold In a night—use VAPo*Oreflo- ltne. it hag beari used Offensively during reore than wetrity-trourieara All Druggists. Grand Bend Mr. John Mollard had a severe at- tack of the grippe, but is recovering. What relight haye been a severe acci- dent occurred to Mr. Luther, of this place. It seems he was up on a beam in his barn getting feed down for his cattle when he fell to the floor, alight- ing 60 his neck and shoulder and is now laid up as a consequence.—The roads are in a very bad condition.— Messrs Ed. and Harmon Gill spent Thursday m Exeter. ---Fishermen re- port the fishing better this week, al- though some of their hooks are gone to Michigan.—Our wedding bells we gnes's will not be heard, she is going away and he says he is not going to follow.—John Ross, who has been in Sault St. Marie for the past few months, :undyed home last week and reports things booming.—Mr. Maurice Brenner of Shipka, spent Sunday at home.—Mr. Bruce Bossenberry spent Sunday evening in Inhive.—Mr. Buch- an -non spent- Sunday evening at the Bend.—Mr. Harry Hamilton sold a fine cow to Mt. Willert, of Dashwood. —Miss A. Mollard returned- home af- ter a short visit with relatives. St. Joseph , Mi-. and Mrs. D. E. Wilson visited friends at Sexsmith 00 Satorday and Sunday last. --Mr. John O'Brien is talking of going to Edmonton, Alberta shortly. We wish him success.—Mr. J. Melick and wife, of the Bronson line, visited Mr. and Mrs. R. O'Brien on Thursday of last week.—Mr. C. Shoemaker, of the Dominion House, Zurich, paid our town a flying visit on Friday. DEATHOF MRS OVERHOLT —Death . • . 'has again been busy in our midst, this time removing a loving wife and mother, in the person of Barbra Oesh, wife of Mr. Amos Overholt, whose death took place on Friday morning last, after a stunt illness. She leaves to mourn her loss a loving, husband and five smell children The oldest is not yet ten years old and the youngest just a little over a year. The funeral took place from her fatbed's residence, Zurich road, on Monday morning to the German cemetery, near flake, followed by large concourse of friends and relations. We take this oppor- tunity of extending our heartfelt sym- pathy to the bereaved husband tend friends. Zurich B. Lamont, reeve of Hay, will short- ly take up his residence here. ---Wm. Schenk intends building a fine two storey brick residence here in the spring.—Eli Henhefer has sold his land to 'Fred liess,sr., for $580.00. Eli intends giving up farming.—A rumor IS in circulation that E. J. Hagan, principal of the Zurich public solace': had handed in his resignation to the trustees, to -take effect April 1st.— While playing with some buttons OD Sunday evening the 3 year-old daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Brown stuck a button in her nostril which the doctors have been unable to ex- tract so far. Drs. Buchanan and Campbell worked for several hours on Monday but without success. It is hoped that no serious results till fol- low.—J. E. Keenleyside, of London, was in town on 'Wednesday of last week.—Miss Ella Weido has been very ill with an attact of erysipelas. --Mr. Calvin Williams, who has been in Port Huron fol.: some time past, is [home on a visit.—Miss Mollie Koehler is visit- ing friends in Seaforth.----Mr. J. Pree- ter was in Berlin last week attending the K.O.T.D.I. meeting in Berlin as a representative from Dashwood hive.— J. Bonthron has returned to Iiensall where he has a situation in J. Mc- Donell's hardware.—The Znrich Or- chestra furnished music for the Fotes- ter's Ball, Kippen, on Tuesday night. Creditor'. T. G. STA NB (TRY, B. A., (formerly Collins & Stanbury) Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Conveyancer Money to loan—Ezeter Ont. Miss McConnell, of Blyth, spent it few days last week, here, the gust of Mrs. James Hodgins. —Mr. Fred Siegner and Mr. Fred Hess, 0f,,Zurich, took stock for Wenzel & Fritz last Friday. —Mrs. George Mantle entertained ei number of her friends last .E'riday evening.—James Hill, who attend- ed the Maccabee meeting at Berlin last week, has returned.—A number of the "faithful "attended the Liberal Con- vention in Ilensall on Tuesday.—Mr. Thomas Ritchie, who has been engag- ed as blacksmith for Wenzel & Fritz, the past year, left for Brussels on Saturday. TOM says he might come back again as he has made a large number of friends while here.—Mr. Wesley Kerr, a former resident of this place, is moving to Clinton this week, where he has pm -chased a grocery busi- ness. Success Wee. ---Mr. Chas. D. Brown. who has, been attending the Berlin Business College, the past six months, returned home Saturday.— We had a few spring days this week but DOW Jack Frost reigies again.— Council meeting was held in the Town Hall on Monday.—Miss Dora Link is attending the millinery openings in London this week. Duatra OF MRS. HOLTZMA.N.--Death has again come into our midst, this time taking -'away a Wife and mother, in the person of Mrs. Gled.lioltzman. The deceased has been an invalid for et number of yeat-s,tvith liver complaint but has always been a patient sufferer, until death relieved her last Friday at the age of 68 yrs.,10 months, SheWAS, born at Niagara Falls .9 Ont in, 1832 and moved here With her hnsband 34 years ago and has been a resident of. this village ever since. Deceased was interred in the German „cemetery on Tuesday, Rev. Litt officiating, She le:aves to inoorn her loss a husband, two daughters,—Mrs. Louis Stahl, of Elkton, Mich., and Mrs. Michael Bea- ver, here, and four sons—Solomon, of Elkton, Frank, of Pigeon, and George and Jaeob here, besides a large num- ber of other relatives ahd acquain- tances, -Who have the sympathy of the Crediton East. We are having genuine winter wea- ther again after the recent + thaw. -- Miss Hilda ,./lnderson is visiting in Exetee this week.—Mr. Wm. and Miss Dina Wood, of London, are visiting friends in this vicinity.—Mr. Henry Sweitzer, oor enterprising miller, is shipping several carloads of flour to Quebec this week.—There is some talk of a butcher shop being started here. This is mileh needed. Wha ten. Mr. Philip Brooks has retaliated home from his visit with friends in Warwick.—Mr. and Mrs. 3. Wright spent+ Suedny afternoon in Centralia visiting friends. --Mr. Marshall Brock returned back on Friday to Detroit to resume his duties after spending 11 few days with his parents and friends.-- Messre. Wesley Freeman and John Hutchison, of Grey, who have for the past two years ennarnered there, have again returned in search of a cosy nest.—Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Denham, of Ildertoo, who are old residents of Whalen, called upon friends and ac- quaintances here last week and return- ed home Saturday. They were at Zion attending the funeral of her brother Matthew Batten.—Mr. and :511.S. .Tabe Shorn of atcGillivray, Mr. and etre. Henry Welsh, of Hensall, and err. and 1111'S. Wm. Brock, of Zion; were the guests of elm Jabez millson on monday,—Quite a number - of the cream of our young society feoin around here took in the convention on Thursday last and enjoyed a good time, Centralia The special services in the Mello dist chureh are becoming very inter- esting and profitable. Last Sunday large congregations greeted the lady evangelist and listened in vapt atten- tion to her words of eloquence and pathetic power. Miss Williams is a superior pi,eacher and will undoubted- ly accomplish a great work here. --The Wilson & Elliott stage Tuns nightly to the special services from the Fair- field rue. tL.;Colwill stage from the south and the Elston and Mitchell line from the east. The Fred Fairhall dog train in the village is in constant use and sometimes carries the little preacher to and fro.—Mr. V. Mitchell from Manitoba is visiting friends in this n eighborhood. —Miss posenbery, of London, is visiting- here at present. —Mr. Dickenson, of Mooresville at- tends the meetings hei-e.—Mr. Wilber Hicks left for the far West last Mon- day morning. We wish him a safe journey. ---The Revs. Jewett and Long, of Hensall, preached capital sermons at thespciaI services last week. Much good is theing done.—Next Sunday Mn i tiibsisi+ wiiI pteach .morni leg and eyening ancl address the Sunday School rally at 2.30 p.m.—There was a large shipment of hogs here last Mon- day. Prices are good. Stephen Catitneil The Council of the township of Step- hen convened at the Town Hall, Ored- iton, on Monday, March 4th, at 1 p.m. All present. 'Minutes of previous meet- ing read and ,approved. A petition was presented to the Council asking that an arbitrator be appointed to con- sider the advisability of forming a Un- ion School Section south of Grand Bend, between the townships of Step- hen and Bosanquet. The Council de- cided to leave the matter over until next meeting. The clerk, in the mean- time, to write the Secretaries of School Sections 8 and 10 to be present at the next council meeting. A deputation, representing the Exeter Union burial grounds, waited upon the council, ask- ing for a grant towards the expenses, etc., of the cemetery. It WaS decided to lay the matter over until next meet- ing. The following orders were grant- ed:—H. Eilber. insurance on hall, $10; ADVOCANE Printing Co., $75.32; Muni- cipal World, rolls, etc., $13.82; A. L. Bertrand, cupboard, $6; C. Prouty, gratuity $25; L. Walper, Jr., gravel, N. R, $8.93; Thos. Mawhinney, shovel- ling snow, $3; G. Webb, do., $4; Jng. Love, do., $4; Keys and Smith, do., $3; Brown and Either, do., $2; P. Baker, do„ $1; Motz and Hill, do., $2; Wenzel and Fritz, wood, $11.25. Council ad- journed to meet again on April lst, at 10 a.m. H. EMBER, Clerk. Too late for last week. MARRIED.—There were married on Wednesday last Mr. Joseph Kelley, of Biddulph, to Miss Bridget Morkin, second daughter of Thomas Morkin, Esq. The young couple have return- ed from their honeymoon trip and have settled down now on their faxen on the 6th con.- Biddnipla, amidst showers ofgood, wishes from their numerous friends and neighbors here, Mr. William Lewis, of McGillivray, has bought the McGillivray farm from Mr, Paterick Curtain for a good price. —Mr. Eli Bice, of Clandeboye, bought the farm near Mooresville, known as the Brownlee, farm:from Mrs. 13rown- lee, of Lutan.—Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Abbott, of the Sauble Line, are visit- ing friends in Michigan. --Mr. James AtkiOson, of the 2nd concession, has returned home after a few weeks' visit to friends near Bay City, Michigan.— Mr, Clarence Abbott has accepted situation in one of the Brampton mills as Taillee,-4IrteWt W. Revington has been, appointed ,as representative Of the Clandeboyd, 'Council of Chosen 'Frieods to attend tlie Council in Ham- ilton next month.e-Mr. Bloomfield, SI., of Mooresville, has :bought, a, span' of general purPose herses nom Mr. I. Sampson and intends alloying Oii tO his farm in McGillinray in the spring. Mr. Bloomfield, made inatlY frionds While Staying in Mooresville and thdy will be sorry to lose 80 good a citizen. —Mr. Eugene Piterl'ele. shipped 1500 sheep from Ilderton station to Idaho la1 ely. illost, of them were purchased in Bidclulph, McGillivray and Usborne at good piiees. GriteCntWay Miss Lizzie Rohn, of London, spent Sunday here. --Mrs. (Rev,) R. L. 'Wil- son, of Oa mlachi e, s visiting hee moth- er here.—Mr. Geo. Sheuritt preached a very acceptable sermon in Boston Afethodist church Sunday, in the ab- sence of Rev. J, W. Baird, who wes visiting Mrs, Baird's father, who ie111. --We 'congratulate M.V. tiDd MI's. J. MCWillialDS OD the Wel% of their first young son. We say cell him Bob. Bob's all right. t DEATH on MRS. 3honns Alas. James Brophey- died at her home Saterday evening, March 2, at the eget of 83 yeet'S and 8 months. It may truly be said of her that she has gone home to the presence of her Saviour she so sincerely loved and faithfully served. For over six months she was very fee- ble in health but continued bright and hopetel within a few hours of her death. The funeral took place Monday afternoon to the Parkhill cemetery, Rev. S. A. Carriere conducting the services. The bereaved friends have the sympathy of the community. Dashwood Rev. M. L. Wing, of Berlin, conduc- ted quarterly service in the church here Sunday.—Mr. William Plaff has sold his village property to Mr. I. Wel- tin, who recently disposed of his black- smithing business to Mr. Alex Zimmer. -A delegation of the leading Reform eta. here attended the nomination conven- tion at Xlensall Tuesday.—Mat Wil- liam Moir hes sold his -village proper- ty to Mr. Fred Ilse.—Mr: John Jacobs moved into Mr. Fred Heiser's house Mondev.-- „Miss McIsaac has taken 'a situation ie 'Mark Brokenshire's tailor shop. —A large n u mber of applications were received by the Maccabees here for beneficial membership in that or- der.—Messrs. Wambold, Teithan and IVIoser ha ve each laid in their supply of ice for the comittg suminer.—Mrd Ezra Tiernan has received the appoint- ment of census enumerator for Polling sub -division No. 6, Stephen. We are glad that Ezra has received the ap- pointment as we believe he will make a good °filch:I.—Mr. Gus 4111ge, of Michigan, is visiting friends in and armand the village. PROPERTY OILS NGES.—Mr. E. P. Paulin, lately of Wingham, has pur- chesed tbe hardware business of Mr. Jonas Hartleib, also the ; hardware stock and property of Mr. John Hall. Mr. Paulin is well known here, having conducted the hardware business here some two or three years ago, and be- ing a first-class mechanic will undoubt- edly do a good business. Sea,fortli: The Methodist parsonage was tbe scene of a pleasant event on Wednesday, the occasion being the merriage of 3N,Ises. Russell's sister, Mrs. Tolinstou of Fordwich, to Mr. McKee, a prosperous citizen of Neepawa, Man. The ceremony was performed by Rev. Mr. Russell, in the presence of a very few of Mrs. McKee's relatives. Clinton: J. W. Hill has sold his grocery stock to Wes. Kerr, of Brills - ley, near Crediton, whottakes posses- sion shortly. Mr. Kerr, who is an ex- perienced business man, has rented Mrs. Agnew's house and will move his family up in a few days. Mr. Hill in- tends taking a prospective trip to the West in tlae spring and may decide up- on locating there. Mitchell: Mr. August Saakel, oue of the old settlers of Fullerton town- ship, died on Thursday night, having attained 80 years of age. He had lived in Fullerton about 50 years and for the past few years liyed with his son, Mr. John Stake'. He had it good name and a large circle of friends. The funeral took place on Sunday to the Evangeli- cal Methodist cemetery near Carling- ford. Hullett: Mrs. John Gibbings died on Monday night. She was only 28 years of age, was neerried about, two years ago, and left an infant of two weeks old. The deceased was a daugh- ter of David Hoggarth and wits an estimable young woman. She was a member of the Londesboro Methodist church and the services at the funeral which took place on 'Wednesday to Clinton cemetery, were conducted by Pastor Copeland. Goderich Ip: Janet, the beloved wife of Samuel Sturdy, Huron Road, passed away on Friday, Feb. 22nd, at the age of 11 years and 10 months. The funeral took place from her late home on the following Sunday after- noon to Maitland cemetery and was attended by a large cortege of friends and relatives to pay their last respects to -a good and kind friend and neigh- bor. Goderich: On Wednesday evening the residence of Sohn Baia, Britannia road, was crowded with relatives and friends, the occasion being the mar- riage of his daughter, Bertha, to 3. S. Simpson, marine engineer, of Wiarton. The ceremony was performed by Dr. Ure, D:D., who performed the same ceremony for the bride'e mother and christened the bride, a ti-io of events rarely celebrated by one divine. At the ceremony Miss Andrews played the wedding march. The bride was supported by Miss Mary Campbell and the groom by Melton Laurance, of Wia rton. Clinton: S. S. Cooper, our geni- al townsman, was united in marriage to Miss Maggie, third daughter of Mr. and Mrs. -Robt. Hanua, at their resi- de/ice, Mansion House /eland, near Milverton. The ceremony wee per- fornled+ by Rev. T. B. Howard, of the Anglican church, assisted by Rev. Snowden, of the Methodist ehurcla. The bride was charmingly attired in a eOstume of white organdie with bridal veil, and carried a bouquet of white carnations; she Was attended by her sieter, Miss 'Boccie as bridesmaid and Miss Lottie as maid of honor, both be- ing attired in white organdie and car - eying carnations. The groom was sup- Aorted by his hi -other, A, 3., of 131 -ode - rich, Rumors feed on humors—the sooner you get rid of theta the better. Hood's Sarsaparilla is the medicine to take. St. Marys: Messrs. James and Otme Hedley have bought a livery business at Brantford and will move to that city at an early date. St. Marys: Pte. J. C. Vine, of this places who was sowing under "Gat." or Major ROW aVd the gallant Canadian officer was recently' reported killed in time in,South Africa t Bresselst Saturday eveni,4 13,Gerry came into poesession of the Howe & Co. woollen factory. A move is being ?wide to put it on afooting to pay both the. proprietor and the town which we hope willprove soccessful. St. Marys: There died in the Goie of Downie, on Feb. 20, Mary Ann Mc- Kay, wife of David McKay, at the age of 72 years, 7 months and. 20 days. Deceased was one DE Dayvnie's pioneers and well-known and esteemed through- out the county. Mitchell: Mr. James Brooks , has sold his fine entire horse, Allen O'CloL' chkiel, to Mr. Thos. Pierce, Dublin. Since then he leas pureha,sed from Mr. Wm. Colquhoun Prince Creigwoocl, imported last August. This is an ex- ceptionally fine animal, six years old and weighs 2,200 lbs. Clinton: A quiet wedding occurred. at Holy Trinity church, Winnipeg, on Tuesday morning, Feb. 26, when John B. Fleming was married to Miss Fran- cis A.. Holmes, of this place. Afr.Flern- ing is a well-known farmer of Neepa, wa district, where the newly wedded couple will reside. Mitchell: Mr. Alexander Cameron' after being a resident of our town for over a quarter of it century, has decid- ed, owing to ill health, to retire from business and move to California, and will sell his stock by auctihni. It is to be regretted that 111 health- i8 the cause of his depart:eye, encl. all hope he will lilee his adopted country. Brussels: One day last week Wal- ter Smith, engineer at the flax mill, met With an accident tlaatsmight easily have had very serious results. He was oiling a shaft when in some mane. ner his right arm get caughe and be- fore it was released it was consider- ably bruised and he will feel the sore - OSS for many a day no doubt. He might have lost his arm very easily. Goderich: On Saturday afternoon - the remains of :Minnie Green, wife of James Hamilton, and daughter of Geo. Gveen, was laid away in Maitland. CelDetery. The deceased passed away on Wednesday after a long illness, a,t the age of twenty-eight years. She was married in July 1899, and lived with her husband at Porter's Hill un- til the removal to town last fait'enThe fin:el:id was attend by a large li`ahtbee of soprowi ug friends. The Baby Sick? Then probably it's a cold. Bab:es catch cold so easily and recover so slowly. Not slowly, however, when you use Vapo-Cresolene. Then a single night is all that is necessary for a cure. You just put some Crcsole ne in the vaporizer, light the lamp beneath, and place near the crib. While baby sleeps he breathes - in the healing vapor. Cold kosens, inflamed membranes heal a.nd all trouble ceases. It's a perfect specific for whooping -cough and croup. 8 Itapo.Cresolene is sold by ciroggists everywhere - A Vapo-Cri,solene outfit, ineinding theVaporizer and Lamp, which! should last a lin-time, and a bottle of Cresolenecomplete1.50; ex; ra supplies of Creso- lene2s ttetanil 5o cents Illustrated booklet contain- ing physic,ans' testimonials free upon request, VAro- CREsoLima. Co., 'fiia Fulton St., New York, ttS.A. ALLEN.—In Usbnrne, Sunshine Line, on Feb. 28, the wife of Mr. Ben Allen of a son. NREB. —In Dashwood, on Feb. 22; the wife of Ed Neel), of a daughter. I3ROICENSHIRE.—In Dashwood, March 5, the wife of E.' M. 13rokenshire, of a daughter. MARRIAGES. MACARTRUR--ROSSER.—At the resi- dence of the bride's parents, on Feb. 27th, by Rev. A. R. Park, Mr. Ken- neth Macarthur, to Sadie E., only daughter of Mr. Jos. Rosser, of Ailsa Craig. DEATHS HALLS—ID Elimville, on Feb. 28th, Minnie Ilalls,aged 34 years,3 months. Gue,.—In Exeter, on March lst, Mary Sweetnom, beloved wife of Frank Gill, aged 55 years, 8 months. TREBLE.- -In Exeter, on March 2nd, John Treble, aged 03 years, 0 months ancl 2 days. HOLTZ141 AN. —In Crediton, on March 1st, Mary Holtzmitn, beloved wife of George Froltzinan, Sr.,aged 68 years, 10 months and 27 days. Sttaxas--In Bayfield, Qn February 2,4, Robert Sellers, aged 65 years. STRUTRURS. Goderich, 011 Feb. 23, s. Same Struthers, -relict of the late Give'in Strathers, aged 78 years and 9 days. HAnnt,ToN.—ln Goderich, OD 'Feb. 20, Minnie Green, wife of jamee Hanntomaged 28 years, 5 months, 113days, Por,rsY.—In Goderieh, on Feb. 22nd, Thomas Polley, aged 50 years and Months, OLtvlin.—in St. Marys, on 24tb, Daniel Oliver, aged 90 eat s, 11 months and 22 days. SroatioNt—In Goclerich tp., on Feb. 22, Jttnet Sturcly, wife of Samuel Sturdy aged 41 years and 10 months.