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Exeter Advocate, 1901-2-28, Page 5
THE OXrter Abzioci.cate Is published every Thursday Morning, at the Office, 'AIN -STREET, — EXETER, -----13y the----- ADVOCATE alo--ADVOCATE PUBLISHING COMPANY TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION, paid per annum if in One Dollar toIn Advanoo. $11,50 if not s0 paid, 21.6;sraxtiolza.g• caz �n,ppLcci, No p. poi 11 uti nuel u til all arro sago a,re paid Advertisements without speciue direetiofs will be pnbtisho(1 till forbid and hargedac0ordingly. Liberal dis •ountinade for trauscientadvortisenaents,inserted for Long Periods. Every description of J' 013' PRINTING turned out in the finest style, and at moderato rates, Cheri uoe,moneyord- ors,&c. for advertising,subseriptions,etc.to' he made payable to Colas . 11. Sanders ' 9 EDITOR AND )PROP Professional Cards. H, KINSMAN, D.D.S. & DR. A. R. �ra5 ig'11 KINSMAN, L D. S., D. D. S., Honor v5"J graduate of Toronto University, DENTISTS, Teeth extracted without any pain, or any bad effects,: Office in Fanson's Block, west side Main Street, Exeter. DR. D. ALTON A 7DERSON,(D.D.S.,L.D.Se) L1 honors Gracluato of the Toronto Uni-; rsityandRoyalColleg© of Dental Surgeons of Ontario. Teeth extracted without pain. A.11 modes of Dentistry up to date. Offiee over Elliot & Elliot's law office—opposite Central Hotel—Exeter. Medical Tin.T. P• MCLAUGRLIN, MEMBER OF A the College of Physicians ancl'Surgeons Ontario. Physician, Surgeon and Aacouch- sur. Office, Dashwood, Ont. Legal. r' 10 CsON & CARLING, BARRISTERS, 11.5 Solicitors, Notaries, Conveyancers, Commissioners, Solicitors for the 141. Olso nS ao Hors Bank, etc. MonSocey to loan at 5 and 5i per cont. Office Fanson's Block, Main St., 'Exeter. (A member of the firm will be'. at Honsall on Thursday of each week.) I. R. DARLING, B. A.. L. H. DICKSON, IW. GLAD 1.4` , (successor to Elliot & • Gladrnan,) Barrister. Solicitor, Notary Public Conveyancer, Etc. Money to loans at lowest rates of interest. Office Main Street, Exeter. Auctioneers 1LTBOSSE 1BERRY,('ranclBend,.Licensed • Auctioneer for County Huron. Sales promptly attended to, and charges moder- ate. Orders by mail will receive eery at- tention. L� BROWN, Winchelsea. Licensed Auct- i • ionecrf r the Counties of Perth and Middlesex, also for the township ofUsborne Sales promptly attended to and terms rea sonb%le.Sales arranged at Post office. Win- o helsea. Insurance. E ELLIOT, Insurance Agent, bilin St. Exeter FARMS FUR SALE, MONEY TO LOAN. The undersigned has a few good farms for sale cheap. Money to loan on easy terms JOHN SPACEMAN, Samwell's Block Exeter WANTED., Traveling salesmen to, call on the a'eteil merch- ants. Special inducements to theie patrons. Sal• ary and expenses. Experience unnecessary. Befer- ences required. Address, The National, Dep. A., Caxton Bldg., Chicago, Ill. THE LEADING MEAT MARKET. For Fresh, good and the ciloisest cuts of meat,,call on the undersigned. While all our outs of meat are the finest, we make a specialty of "neat delicacies, Meat delivered to all parts of the . town . John Manning Settlers' One-way Excursions ►�► vi To Manitoba and Canadian North-West will leave 1R "" Toronto every TUESDAY during Mareli and April, ,e 1901. Passengers travelling without Live Stock should ake the train leaving Toronto at 1.45 p.na. Passengers travelling with hive Stock should take the train leaving Toronto at 9 p.m. Colonist Sleeper will he attached to each train, For full particulars and copy of " Settlers' Guide" apply to any Canadian Pacific Agent, or to A il. NOTMAN Assistant Generol Passenger Agent 1 Ring St, East, Toronto. A.ilsat Craig: Perhaps the largest soft (?lin log e\ t,1 brought to this plaLcc was 11 1111ed ori 00 Feiclay last by John- Ston r1 waddle. It measured 1361) feat at A. C. Stew art's and was i from r A C cut Iva. Wish on the Oti1 00n. of 1iLStWilhatnss, 1Vdglve a hantlsofneopon 1hco, ,Polished Nickel \Vatch, Amort. can Inver Movement. for se1linponly 2 clot, ,�.. packages of Sweet 1`115; Seta at 100.0pticka„o., Emelt pock - Ito eonfatnsaspluulldmlxluro 011110 most 0' gran@ v teletlos of"all Colors. You can earn 'this flno AVictell 111 all "a afternoon 117 setting to work at each.` tdsll us thte att'rottlecmet t and wo wIll forward the se6de.. Bell theOO, return the money, met oro p'uarantco sato doib. cry ofyout lVetetl at once, 1Vritl 1 day, a a Ills section rot, :711lity,ete ietaita, 5<0111; 119011y 4104r "AJkID2sl , You can Cough yourself into bronchitis,pneu- monia, and con- sumption. Bandaging and bundling your throat will do no good. Otl must your throat and lungs rest and allow the cough wounds to heel. There is noth- ing so bad for a cough as cough- ing, Stop itby using 0 Even the cough of early consumption is cured. And, later on, when the disease is firmly fixed, you ng rest and comfort in every case. 40 cure new coughs and Al 25 centbribottle wil colds ; the can 50 cent size is better for settled coughsl of bronchitis and weals lungs; the one dollar six e g) A . is InOr., economical for chronic cases and con- g slltrl tion •,o It ., the st., F�3 L you should keep on hand. " All families ought to be on the watch for sudden attacks of croup or acute lung troubles. Everycorn- try home in the land should. keep Cherry l'ectoral constantly on hand to provide against an emergency ." Josnaia G. WILLIS, M.D., Deo.14, 1805. Holland, Mich, Zurich: We are sorry to have this week to chronicle the death of Mrs. Rnbt. Walker, who has for years re- s'ded on the Bronson line, a mile and quarter north of Blake. She leaves two sons and four daughters to mourn her loss, of which just one lives in this country, Mrs. Edward Boyce, with whom she \vas staying at the time of her death. TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY TakeLaxative Bromo Quinine Tab- lets. All druggists refund the money if it fails to cure. 25e. E. W. Grove's, signature is on each box. Elsie Blackburn, aged seven years, was killed by a trolley car in Hamil- ton. Parkhill: Our long-time citizen, Erastus Miller, is about to leave town for Owen Sorted, where he will en- gage in one of the manufacturing en- terprises of thatgrowing place. For oyer 30 years he has been a resident here, having come here, with his par- ents, \\'hen he was corn para tively young. ty nd aut The most beautiful thing in the world is the baby, all dimples and joy. The ,host pitiful thing is that ;same baby, thin and. in .pain. And the mother does not know that a littl%'fat makes all the ,differ- ence. Dimples and joy have gone, and left hollows and fear; the fat, that was comfort and color and curve --all but pity and love--isg one. The littlegets one ge s nofat fromlerThereis some- thingfood., is sane thing wron ; it is either her food b g� or food-inill. Sheas had duo i fat for weeks; living is li 1 what oiw at she had stored in thatlum P p little body of hel • and that t1 is gone. She is starving for fat; it is death,be quick I : Scott's EmulsionofCod Liver 011 is the fat she take; it will save her. The genuine has 010 pictirreou it, fake no &het, Ifou l r.vc not tried it, `fiend for lri:e 'ample, its agreeable taste will surprise you SCOTT &, BOWNE, Ohorniste, Toronto. can 50e. and $1.00 Atli cltol,4i tsts, t' i i eP, t ay to 'k;i�l 15x1 a is tllai he .unfit t j(;11 )1 l'Bp rt i, las 10111)00 kl)I:1 01101 , wSO14'r Sal 01011001113 i:a .. t oill,f,,Iii,,,,,,i IYYYl�UU 3�(lcentad i)y tha 73ocrb''."1. II sxa�'s130 1i! �d h Sat' 111 ell 1)0 w011 ptr'1un all,;` sl 111)bt)1 1110,• a 1.311ti;;h. u,litcr for e.0po.stul0t- Gen, Botha's Transvaal ArI11,; :ill 1Ct(;I'ellce : to til(' 11.0a1)111Rlht,. '.. Scattered and Disorganizedmy, 110'r5Lt .ASIS.S 1'011 11111)15. DeweVa Also 0,.foated in Orange areec i Colony anti That 11 i1) Boer I.t,a lt•, Fled •a1111111 01ottdi al of bless Aoro•is the Orunr<t livor in it Boat --hl ajOe ',Gat" liow'ard, <,anudinu scouts, �nwu; the Slain. Lolldotl, k'eb: 25,—'Erle 11r1L1 011trt• laws received the following do _ 1ctt'1i. 1'z cin 1_oi cL hit(�lu'rlerl "?.lidclle burg,Transvaal, insvaal Feb, Tlencll r,potts,fL )e 1 1rt l eCil'i, I�01 22,that the result of Che sweeping the countryn_ast is that the Boers are retreating in. scattered and dile" llfioecl palsies to 111e number of five thousand in front of /lied, "Amsterdam. and Piet Metier have been occupied and troops are pro- tecting the Swazi frontier, :French. will push on, 011 is much h_anij}ered. by .the continuous heavy rains, $`till CgsutiltLes. , "Suniniary of total losses inf1 1001 upon the enemy un to: Feb. l,g, 2161 Boers known to have been killed 0101(1' wounded in action, 86 taken 'prison ars, :181; surrendered, one 16 -pounder un, 462 rifles, 160,000 rounds el; small anlulunition, :3,500 horses, 70 mules, 3,580 trek oxen, 18,700 cat- tle, 135,400 sheep aad`1,070 wagons, and carts captured. "Gat" Howard Killed. "Our casualties: Five officers and. 41 men killed and four officers and 1 04 men wounded, I regret to say that Major Howard, 0 very gallant:; officer of the Canadian scouts; v: us killed Feb. 17. "Plumer reports that Col. Owen captured Dewet's 15 -pounder and Tom -porn Feb, 28, as well as 53 prisoners and a quantity of 1111111U-; nit ion. \Ve. had no casualties The enemy is in frill retreat and dispersing, be- ing vigorously pursued. Dowet's attempt to invade C fl pe. Colony has evidently completely fail- ed." Dewet _lls„ Madly Whipped C'a.pe Town, Feb.. _' L—Col. P1111001 engag'e'd General I?CW et yesterday. near Bisselfontein, cut the south batik of the Orange River, capturing a gun. and a pons -porn aacl taking 50 prix - oilers. The Boers were scattered and are being pursued by Col. Pllriner. It is reported that 'Gen. Dewet escaped to the opposite bank in a boat, and is now fleeing -with a handful of fol- lowers. 1t is reported from a Boer source that General 0clarey has been 'cap- tured. Must Ne Gat !toward. Toronto, Feb. 25,—There. is little room, to doubt that the above de- spatch refers to Capt. A. L. Ilow and of Gatling Gun fame, who did such splendid work with his Machine gun during the Northwest Rebellion in 1885. Soon after the present war broke out "Gat" Howard, as he was fam- iliarly known throughout Canada, was residing in Massachusetts. Be, offered his services to the Imperial authorities, but his offer was de- clined- Ile colnmruiicated with the Canadian Government, and was ap- pointed lieutenant in charge of the machine gun section with ''D" Squadron of the Canadian Mounted Rifles, When the Canadians came home he stayed at the front, in com- mand of a corps of scouts known as the Canadian Colts. Be was a brave and genial soldier, and the news of his death will be received with creep regret, particularly by those menho w Have served under hills. TRE 1101'.11' WAS COMPLETE. Details of Battle Between the Forces of Plainer and 1ewet. London, Fob. 25.—A correspondent of The Daily Mail, with Ileririrker's column, wiring Saturclay, says: `Gen. Dewet \Oas routed yesterday by Col. Fiulner;. with whom were Col. Henniker, Creddock, Jeffreys and Grabbe. This success was pre- ceded by a series of desperate at- tempts on the part of the Boers to escape from. the water belt of the Orange and T3rak Rivers. "Gen.' Dewet, after unsucceseprlly attempting to cross the Brak at ('lip Drift, and the Orange at heads Drift and Marks Drift, moved along the hank of the .Orange, with one gun. and one pons -porn, and laagered op- posite Kameel Drift. At dawn Col. Plunher left Welgovenden, 22 miles west of the Boer camp, and moved northeast. ' "At Zuurga.t he attacked the caw - my, taking 40 prisoners. The pur- suit was continued during the after noon, the Boers moving toward 3 -lopes t>wn. "Toward evening the leading troops sight 2C1 the enemy, who had laagered beyond gun range. Col. Owen ,charg- ed the spot where the•BOC1 artillery was supposed to be, and captured the whole of it. The enemy fled, leaving their horses ready saddled a,nd their cooking pots full. Accord- ing, to the latest reports only 400 Boers recrossed to the north side of the , river. The Orange is 'greatly swollen." Abandoned Their Followers. 11 London, Feb.. 25,—The Da1l1) Tele- graph ;'rapll pi'�t)lishes: the following from De Aar, dated Feb. 24: "Mr. Steyn ' addressed the ',Boers yesterday, and told them they must all shift for themselves, returning to: Orange Royer Colony as best they could,11'and4 c Gen. Dewet Loot. 800 of the best horses with which to escape.''' SJ7A1}IIIOICED HY DL\VIG'3. A British (Meer was Thus Iw in: wlaalenei3 Trott ted. De'.Aar, Cape Colony,' Feb, Br•ft" 1 onic.01' w v` is - 1 15 1 ) ( h0 4115 taken j 1 i5'' o0er by telt: Dewet at Sand 1:h oft. but stihsecp ently released ab 1.lntlten-. kraal,, front Which p00111 he Made, .his Cabinet Qouirtil C 0l�d, to Consider the :latter, l onclau, Feb, 25.-11'110 1Veek 66cttcll says it learns" nt;- on good au- thority that ;i, speei,1 C't11)1llet 'Coup.- ctl vvas '+ulnulunt,d `ia(1111113 to con- sider a (0101101.1111cat.11110 fr0111 .1 1>1'(i:: 10.1(11)6111:1 to the effect. tl1<11 Oen,'.. 1;01hi1 had sent ria (irtissti';)' 0'11111 '11, ante. he \' lt'S 01.1 1111;,101)011 1011 1'01 a1 lit 't ilh with of ascan ;alit' t general 11111(11(.1,.:1'. The i)0 111011 or Ilcwet; as 11 frae- 1,eote.r, 50as 1.1 1.1l;.1.1 LOP Of c01sr1101'i1-: (1ln1 of Lord:, 1011110•1 (1 who w'iced for cleat. instructions QL .et teto Lord hitcltenr_ ,cart Gen. Botha's of- ficer back, ilxt i,; 2 o'clo@k' 110(1)1 s- (lay for 111e 11110ting.: 111E rlo Hilt, rile British ccaninanclee iS 111111p11tlilg op crations by w'hie Elle holes to catch I)cw t. HOMEWARD: BOUND. Stratheonas Leave Liverpool ' on. Their Il*arn to Canada—Th.- y Wero- C,iv- en a Lousin„ Send -051,.'.. London, Feb, 23.7 -Most of the members of the Strathcouai,'s I-Toree, which arrived here "fe 011 South Af- rica last week, left early Saturday 1110rning, and " later enhbarlccd at. Liverpool upon the British, steamer Numid1a0 4u 11101r. homeward jolts- ney. The troopers were played to the station by a band of pipers of the Scots Guards. The large crowds 0011111 witnessed their departure and the rousing cheers showed the .pope- levity of the Canadians, 'The colors presented by the hdlg was carried by a subaltern. Lord Strathcona aiid 11011111 ):oval, the Duke of Abercorn and many perSOnS were pres- ent - ant at the station to bicl the troop- ers s larc.yell. About one hanclred of tile ll, Canadians will remain in. Lon- don for the transaction of private business, The Lord -]layer Thanks the )len- Liverpoai, 1''00. 23, —, The Lord ?I[ayor of Liverpool entertained the troopers at the Town I. -Tall, with '0 reception and luncheon, : rl'he 1.orc1 Mayor, in welcoming rile Members of 5tral.thcona's ,horse, tendered them Hee heartiest t1 auks of the City of Liverpool for the services rendered to the Empire, and 0oniplilllelited them o0 their pluck and endurance, Col. Steele replied. The Nulhliclian sailed aeoiicl great demonstrations in honor of the Can- adians. Home in July. Guelph, Feb 255.—Pte. Janes Glen - islet:, who is with Gat. Howard's Scouts, Writes from Dassport Camp, Pretoria:, under date. of Jan. 16; to ex -Mayor Nelson. • Ile says` that Maj v1 lior'ard has promised the boys to start home with thecal on MJuly a.y 151., and arrive in Montreal Oil 1iecr•uitinp at lioseland. I.ossland, B. C., Feb 25.—Recruit- ing for Baden -Powells South Afri- can constabulary, which commenced here Saturday, will be concluded to- day: Of 15. applicants, 12 were pro- visionally accepted. Can Dian Sold tern in Demand. London Feb. 25.-10fr. Brodrick, the. War Secretary, and liar. Cham- berlain, the Colonial Secretary, are trying to arrange with the Canadian" Government for fire establishment in Canada of perinanonet recruiting' de- pots for the British army. In orciel to avoid the political feeling which such steps alight engender in the Do tniniorl,,it has been suggested that a new Canadian regiment be establish- ed. The negotiators are the Earl of Minto, Governor-General of Canada, and Sir 'Wilfrid Laurier, Canadian Premier, and the officials in London, Negotiaitions are still in progress, but so far 11701)out any definite re - suit. Thanks to the excellent records of llhe Canadian contingents in South Africa, it is believed they constitute Fin element very necessary to the :British army, and while the needs of the local forces are not being over- looked; it is hoped that a permanent supply of Canadians for waging Great Britain's wars will eventually be secured. TERRIFIC STORM AT HALIFAX. Roof of Exhibition Grand Stand Blown Off—Damage to Shipping. Halifax, N. 5., Feb. 25.—A violent snowstorm, accompanied by a heaivy. gale, swept over this city yesterday, doing great damage.: The roof of the big grand stand at the Exhibition Grounds was blown oto, and pieces of the lumber was carried 600 yards. Skylights were torn off, chimneys and fences and windows blown down, and considerable other damage clone' on tribal. On the waterfront the stories was a 1eLl1aTl\ severe. 1 1C was a tre- mendous ncnlois sea on the harbor, and the wharves wcu'e nearly all inundated. The schooners at the wharves rOCCiV ed more or less 'damage,; having• sterns stove and bulwarlus•carried.: aaway:- A coal -laden barge Was driv- en ashore at Black Rock on the Dartmouth shore, The steamer Halifax, which arriv- ed from 'Boston last night, reports, the gale in the Bay of Fundy'. (MUSH - ally severe, the wind blowing about 65 Lniles an hour. Will Becalled I.t>:lro Slnicoe. lfontr'cal, Fob. -'25,--The he Elde r- Dustrr Company has purchased the palatial Steal/10r E115 of the North1German Lloyds line, and will put her on the run betwey'n.Liver- pool aiid lforit'eall, curly, next sea- son. The Ems will be re -Christened after being overhauled, and will here-, after be known as the L,alte Simcoe. She is a magnificent `Vessel of 5;500 tolls. _Pre O o: Lar I .rriml; Ctic(, rw, y of bCauitiaba has 11.111ved a x(; gtttt.lV:f;, EXETER MARKET& (Changed every Wod osda,e) Wheat per bilshel „ .,...., G.3 to +i;3 Flour per cwt ,., , , ,1.111 to Lala) Barley.,, 00 to S7 Oats' 43 to `8 $0.ttor - l7 t,o ,18. to til bl's,. 10 eotittoos por bag.....,. 49r (Iayper ton. ? 75to.N3uO Dried Applea pt,rll Turkeys :,. . . 1' 10 0 Chicken , -, lb, Puelcs 7 Corn .,,.C... .,.7:..:. 40 to 15 riluatlio' t )5 t+) L fu Cloves , f'e 5 1i,00 L. 11 (1 �l il��. 't (', 701 �� � �' ,� t�'+.',, ilk o : I ,. aild Dang[rs, PAINESCELRY COMPOUND. $'t The Only Banisher of' Di- sease and True Life Giver for Broken- down and Afflicted Women. The -Wo id1'ous Medicine That (Jloles When all Others Fail, Thankful and gleatful women throughout Canada. take pleasure in recommending P: -Line's Celery Co':,- pound to their 1i`Ilicted sisters, The marvellous medicine promptly, gives that hea 116 and strength that all wear- ied, nervous despondent and broken down women so 100th need. Jessie, 111. Ross,iQuyon, Que., writes. ,ls follows: "It affords me mach pleasure to testify to the gl•ett good' that Parine's Celery Compound has done for ane,. I was completely rundown in health nd a vict:m of female weakness, and atter using three bottles of the great Compound I was completely cured. It the hest blood purifier l know of, and I reconunend it to all who suffer as I did." Parkhill: A pretty wedding' was celebrated at the Sacred Heart church in this town Tuesday morning, 11eb. 12, when Miss Ellen 1:IcGi•ittli, daugh- ter of Mrs, Margaret McGrath, was united in marriage to Mr. Luke A. Murphy, of Saginaw, Mich. Thecere- mony was performed bo Rev. D A. McRae. The bride was attended by her :'sister, Miss B. McGrath, while Mr. T. Murphy, brother of the groom acted as best man. The bride was be- comingly attired in a travelling suit of fawn cloth, hat to snatch, and car- ried a1. boquet of white hyacinths and asparagus. After the ceremony a re- ception was held at the home of the bride for the immediate relatives and intimate friends. Clinton: Willie, the only and dearly beloved son of Dr. and Mrs. Gunn,died oli Thursdaymorning afteraU severe illness of over two weeks, at the age of six years and two clays. The main dis- ease from which he suffered was an in- testinal obstruction but the true con- dition was masked by complications which made a positive diagnosis in the early stage of the disease very difficult. Theattending physicians came to the conclusion that an operation was the only possible chance to save the little• boy's life, and an eminent surgeon of Chicago was sent for to do:, the opera- ting. The operattion n Is a serious one in the child's' low condition—necessita- ting the removal of several inches of the intestines and uniting the ends to- gether. Although skilfully performed the, shock proved too great for the lit- tle fellow and he died fifteen hour! la - Blacks That Hold Till The Goods Are Worn Out. THREE SPECIAL Diaofld Oe iIacks Black is the most useful of all corols, and ismore worn to -day than ever before. Any color that is now faded and rusty can bedyed over a rich acid deep black. The throe ' Blacks—Diamond Dye Fast Black for All Wool, Diamond Dye .Fast Black. for Cotton and Diixcd Goods and Diamond Dye �e Fast Black e for Silk and Feathers, are all guaran- teed not to facie• or wash out. Dia, IIr011(1 Dye Blacks maintain their full ich shades 1511 the goods are worn out. These wonderful Black dyes are simple and easy to use, and no experi- `Ilce is needed to do good work with hem: a child who can read the 11ir'er,- ions can dye successfully with lDill- nrind Dyes. When yon decide t01doyour (}el -g 1ork home, be '110 and. buy 1'lo )lomond Dyes. Beware of the ditch, nd 'adulterated dyes sold by:. some ,eiders for the sake' of extra'profit; heir use means 101i1) of your ora toi1at1 and ')ttirool., BCN" DO R from l quest On that pa :!St o art est y9}a1, Have you your 10111 ".,loot: not, drop) in and :see las at alar;. first . opportunity <0.101! let 11:3 show 2.011 1 few 121a1CLJc of 111:0 o'V'ar'stecis 11101 8co'. to Twee (Li . ,LVL, r i,,tiseen the nr\o' Staples 0071&.. 'i. e-1'11,16b01C patter/1S. 11 beauties. i)ig range of Blues 11.1_`11 ,1Sdiir k, ls<z Serges at the old prices. If 00)1wiilit a black we have w111it yd0. by ut in '!wills, Venetians on.a Clays. 1.,/ d' ETI,CVA TS (1 ',-coats in Beavera, 1Vieltorls, tea, iP, Naps and Montanacts. All work done in the latest style a fat guaranteed. Ft. GRIEVE Opposite Post ()Mee Exeter—mar ROLLER L LADIES . If you want to have g,00cl 11101, i;:ul your Xmas. Oakes, use OUP Pl'hIC in Pastry Flour. Ask for it anti io:s6t ale having' it. s WHEAT'LET Is it dish for the dainty, the reheat, the dyspeptic and the htm,gry, for atk rlppetities and conditioois. It is tla . peerless 'item. of a good breakfast amS11 there is nc).substitute. STAR, FLOUR Will inake more bread meld a "larger- loaf ax erloaot than any other fazlsiiiy flour-Oao,s used always wanted. J. COBBLEDICK) We 8.1e constantly receiving ; 1101471' goods and it is a pleasure'' for xis 0111 show thelia to you. Our Pianos and Organs ald'0 tai= most beautiful fn tone x01(1 alppexc to that ononey can buy. We also. show Violins. Gntanrnw Mandolins, Mouth Oi•galns Methedis'c HyHymn and Sunday -School Bc)o��_ s, a.lscu ' Presbyterian Books of praise. Sewing Machines anis Repairs o ways in stock. beef Mnnsic ofr nal ICi�ftl , CALL AND SEE ITS, S. MARTIN RTI OUR WEW PREJIIISES., We have moved into our new pre - wises opposite the Central Hotel anal. are now open for business. Our. pr• . anises are modern and we give yoe* modern and up-to-date:' goods And made 011 the most modern style. We Personally Cut' Every Gal -II -len That's s made this upatestablishment, t s -as well afit it—and look afd;nr allthe details. This is only nnr- reason why our prices are moiler - ate. Gent's Furnishings Come and see us in our new ;plAc,: of business and examine our .stock tot Gent's Furnishings. Bert Knight 1)1, t* REPAIRIiNto li' 7)-Ot01.vittlt your lvr )airin well 4101.;) r go to 1 . tit xcs- `Vetches, Clocks p)ts and : ewelry y a,'s )eclailt1`. 1 MAS+' 11IA08 Il scrr' Sri lIa11i'iaige Licenses issuedandWru'd,. 111115Ri;ms 111vays on hand, +illls0il s I31ock, 'Exeter.