HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1901-2-21, Page 5ax. TTH ezetter brocate, Is published every Thursdayillorninr.,, ,at the Ofdioe, IAAIN-STREET, - EXETER: —fly the— APVOCATE'PUBL I SH I NG COMPANY TERMS OE SUBSCRIPTION, r per annum if aid' in Advance One polla p • , p $L60 if not so paid, Lod sest&n 2 g ` Raton 031 S3.pplico.- bore. No paper discontinued until allarre rage aro paid. Advertisements without specific directions will bo published till forbid and ehargidaocortliugl,y. Liberal cliscoulltfl (O tor transient advertisements inserted ` long periods, ',Every 'doaoreption of JOB`. L aLNTINQ turned out in the finest style, and at moderate rates. Cheques, money ord. ore, &o. for advertising, subscriptions,titc,t o bo made payable to C laas.1-1 Sanders EDITOR AND PROP Professional Cards. H. KINSMAN ,L.D.S.&DR.A.R. KINSMAN,• L ` D. S., D. D. S., Honor graduate of Toronto •University. DENTISTS, Teeth extracted without any pain, or any • bad effects.Office in Fansoh's Block, west side Main Street, Exeter. lriR.D. ALTON ANDERSON,(D.D.S.,L:D.S.,) LI honors Graduate of the Toronto Uni rsity and Royal College of Dental Surgeons p of Ontario. Teeth extracted without pain. All modes of Dentistry up to date. Office over • Elliot & Elliot's law office -opposite Central Hotel Exoter. iLT. P. r McLAUC*RLIN, MEMBER • OF D the College ofPhysiciansandSurgeons Ontario. Physician; Surgeon and Accouch- sur. Office, Dashwood, Ont, Legal, DICICSON & CARLING, BARRISTERS, Solicitors, Notaries, Conveyancers, Commissioners, Solicitors for tho 6lolsons Bank, etc. Money to loan at 5 and 5122 'peer cent.", Office Fanson's Block, Main St., Exeter. (A. member of the firm will be at 1Tensall on Thurstl a'y of each wee):.) I. R: CARLING,B. A.. I. H. DIQaS0) W. �Cl-f.A.DMA1 . (successor to Elliot & . 3ladman,) Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public Conveyancer, Etc. Money to loan at lowest ,rates of interest. Office Main Street, Exeter. ^.cilY LSt. ion eel's ILTI BOSSENEEBRV,tirandBend, Lieenss,l . Auctioneer for County fiuron. Sales promptly attended to, and charges moder- ate.hiders by mail will receive every at- tention. Er�-�.,1 BROWN,wlncheisea. LicensedAnet- A1.: ionoerfor the Counties of Perth and. Middlesex, also for the township ofUsborfae `Sales promptly attended to and terms rex- sonba,lo.Sales arrana;ed at Post office. Win- shelsoa. Insurance. Lt ELLIOT, Insurance Agent, Main St. Exeter ae, FAR-IN/IS PO.R, SAE. MONEY TO LOAN. The undersigned has:a few good farms for. sale cheap. Money to loan on easy terms • oBis SPA.CIUSAN, Sam well'sBlock Ex0101 WANTED. Trawling salesmen to callonthe retail nlerch- runts. Special;induoeulelts to theie" patrons, tial• ary and ekpensec Cspei•ience unnecessary. :Refer- ences,required. Address, The National, Dep, A,, Caston Bldg.,` Chicago, 111 THE LEADING MEAT A R KE T. For Fresh, g ood and the choisest cuts of malt, cull on the undersigned. While all our cuts of meat are the finest, we make a specialty of meat delicacies. Meat delivered to all parts of the town John Manning Settlers' One-way 'Excursions S1o,w rowth o f hair comes,... from lack o f'hair ,. : , food. The M, ;'1- hair has 011 ;~1© life. 1 It is st?,svecl. It keepsj. coming out, ets thinner and thinner, bald spots appear, then actual baldness. 4 The'onlgood hair y , food y0U can buy is — • Ii feeds' the roots, stops starvation, and the hair grows thick and long.It cures dan- druff an 0105110 also. Keep 1 . a bottle of it on your dressing table. It always restores color to faded or gray hair. Mind, we say CC always." $ 1.00 a bottle. All druggists. "I have foun• d' your Hair Vigor to be the hest remedy I have ever tried for the hair. My hair was falling out very bad, so I thought I would try a bottle of it I had used only ono bottle, and my flair . stopped falling out, and it is now real thick and long." A A)cr 5. MouNTCASTUE, July 08, 1898. Yonkers, N.Y. Ile will sond you his book on, The Flair and Scalp.. Ask 0101 any goes• tion you swish about your hair. You will receive a prompt answer free. Address, DR. J. C. AY ER, Lowell, Mass. 00 Parkhill: Messrs: liicPhee & O'Han- ley leave bought out thenl'•nitur•.e and undertaking business of PI. O,veus & Co. Hensail A31'. 1:). Urquhart has re- ceived the appointment of census com- missioner for South Heron, and has already entered upon his cluties. Mr. Urquhart iS well qualified for the posi- tion n will tion andthe ))))ties of:' his fpice no doubt be well Attended to. TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab- lets. All druggists refund the looney it it fails to cure, 25c. E. W. Grove's signature is 0(1 each box. To Manitoba and Canadian Nortil•\� est will leai'e. Toronto`everyrTUESDAY during March and April, 1901. Passengers travelling without Live Stock should titre the train leaving Toronto at 1.49 p.m. , Passengers travelling., with Live Stock should lake 'the: train leaving Toronto at 0 p.m.' `Colonist Sleeper will be attached to each train. `L'or full particulars and copy of "Settlers' Guide" apply to any Canadian Pacific Agent, or to A. if. NOTIIAN !assistant Gencroi Pasenger Agent 1 King St. East, Toronto. Brussels: Tnesd t y the proprietors of the QueenPs hotel were tip, before A.:;f-lu11101 nd J."T.R•oss, J. P'S, chatrg- ed it:it') selling litlliut on Sundry:' A munbl r'..of Witnesses were Called and a wide (liver ence \y'1s °ppa.rent in. their g testimony, so much se that the ouit was clisrnissccl. Barrister ister 94011115 ''con duct 1d the case for Inspector Miller ]f'Tulcut Toronto, 1,011 liatri'istor 1-Talvei °1011; c , 'Judging by zlAteuflccl, the ;ac;ciascd, � Jnct�.u7„ ", ,,,, iy' ssos" nt,l ) Clic. v 1100 F � °1,1101 11110 aou11 c be asked S,vhy they inede certain slatee 011)1115 001 (1')1,10°, RUSSIA HOLOS flESTCARDS. THE MARKETS, Wheat Governed by Cot'u in Chicago -- Liverpool \5 104.101 1!`utttles Latest 1)11 orations. London Opinion That ' 1.S 1111 ill ' Lose on the Retaliation. , EXETER MARKETS.. (Changed every WedT.esday), Wheat per bushel 63 to (11 Flour per cwt 1 £35 to 2.00 :':orgtglas°tYoes 15 to ,17 1. Jilcago Feb, il('ltt te ?5> to. 2r c•d here 3'est41d21}�. at ?a c. r:L'1t et as '1; t<) ,5 ttnr 17 10 l3 101- r is gc)vcrn,ril .. ,., ,1tilouofthee1z15I'l1151,(:13 bythe011101 oLcorn,111.111; per bag 40 Hoy ' per ton.,., _...,,,7,7.; to ea Dried Apples perlli 1 he Game of Hostile Tariffs Can 130 P1aY lat tvr there wee So100 110111!' Profit- ed ed by "two -la Will Kill 11)0 Steel altcl Lek iee„ Liven pool, Feb, 19,.-11'01111, lutur(, s Iron 'rade 1Vilh 115°°15 -Count Cts-. 1 i c 'Ir \War Is Intended-- Wele 11!.101:1 y10b..r1017, 1100)11;; .111. siI ,I. Interest in the A15lit. lies t)evelopetl 111 V501301.11 0U1 Il s'. C'ouskterabl,y in old l,on,ten' 1'ht> v1 1,1: apply of ! 1;111 111 (' rt- 1.011C10n, 1'01): 19,--Tim:1 is eon- .11.1.1 and the lJni11)1 Siat1,', together t 1' uf: \5'111) t14n011nt 5111)11, t) ;1.11.1(1,0,t,l able !010itI, ill 1' 1st ditto ) „ 1101) 0100150 tuz 1)1111'1,41' of tii,rfll' dill ulCicy b.t\vett the 1 tlite1l. ,States' anti 1.11°°11.... "('he std- 2,708,01)1) bushels 11)0 1111 t i', 1 ,\ 1.0cates- of 'a change 111 Clic British Year' ,ago Ll1r total 'w s ''y,;, 00)) fiscal system. hope Lo lied in 110101 bushels, or 1':-1 )10,000 L+ua0 0 11:53 slime support of their 10ntenti011 1111 11t th.; 0rc :11 time. that retalil1ol•y duties` should b1' 1111- 1,.4.01)1\10 \1 !11•: i'Y:--11Z:,.l 1' posed on (01)11tties 1111lug'5111.isil I',11)1)t7 11 1.1-,11' tilt;: closing la )1 's Products, The '- 1. .Jantes' Gazette at 111111!)1 11)11' `; heat c,.ete essays: "Soule ;.00nllricens, i171ludll_u (ley': Secretary L, age, appeal to thing. the Ca i) loch. 711r1t. 1'11. *United States have the 1110nopoly Of C 1110 •gin .:`f,,, '0 7 .r0 ,''0 elle protection p05113 ; but they have V V' 0 7J v been sharply r'111L111(10l by 11110s ie. that two can play at the ), omo of hostile tariffs, as elle ililpor1"of lois- sian sueel• is a trifle: compared with 111e exports to Russia. TI1e present' galuc of retaliation is on1: in which Russia), holds the best cards, There- fore sale will wi11 host of tl.o, tricks," 1Zuasians '1'01)01! by°Surprise. li .,ays no Tariff 0igher Iha11 0n. t, 11tt'•d1Y :alk Jlililaitlr' u' . . O , 5;% `+l'. Louts 1>loilo .. 0 7 Dotroit, 1(11 ., (7 75•;'i do. .white. 0' 70% Duluth, No. 1. NOrth4'1 u , D111010, No. 1. 11)1111 , 11'inneapolt, No. 1 N0'1'11101.11.. .. 0',:1% 0 74'3 Liverpool, Pet). 11) \estllilay's close-\VlleaL, spot; steady; 1\o. 1 stanclaid Cal., 0, 8c1 to 45s •3111 1,0 y roc) winter, )s 'Lid Lo tis No. 1. Northern, n, ' p0 1110 U5.' .Sd to 10c.1; • )Sheat futures, galit.t; 1,14,.1111, 5s 11'0; May, , Gs. 7tIO 0111'; .13'. L1'1'11 3•TOCl{. Montreal, Fob, 19.-'•1'Pc 111eipts at the the Fast End Abat 11)10 yesterday limrning were? 600.1' lead of cattle, 50 calves, ') 00001., 50 11101)°. 9 ht. (ha - Inane was gc)rid duel prices well 1171)0 111) 11 Cattle-Choiu sc11c1^" 1. `front 0{r to 4.10. per pound; 1.00)1 5)I 01 at from :..tee to 4tir put pound; lower grad)' front 2c to .le per pound. t. Cal- ves were sold at froa)i tit to "S each. Sheol) brought • front 2;0 t.0 .;r: )ler J) 11) 10, Liianbo nitre. sola 10011 1c to 5611', per puttied T1t)ge brought from til' I0 Tc pr prnn?tl ..J1"1".tr,) 0.1r 1714 71.\,.151: r.. Petersburg torles)ondent. The St � E Of The 01.'111105, 07110 describes S t11e ac-' tion of 111. De'`5511te in raising Inc duty on all the principal inports from the United States as a -re- prisal strikingly disproportionate to America's duty 00 011501 " says: "11 any official negotiations have been going on, they musL have been en- tirely conducted in 11as11)11.,1o0 Rus- sians 11er1 have: bezel taken by sur- prise, and the 1(0', )tem papers, ,which are always, well disposed dosed the United States, express great regret at the "'unfortunate incident' arid. hope that some amicable ai•1 tinge 11.70111 may be reached, Severe; Cheek on 'trade. NOR' ,Irk; Feb. 11).-I\1111(1)10.. t h effects of the American - 1115(1itninal in* „1'11(± against 1°5.'11• imported f om1 :Russia, anti 111e h11051a.n 1e 1 rlsl L'u11'll0. I e 14). -11,11 tai es_ 1alllaicry excess duty of :',O per ,.en.: s U 3 terdzl}'-.1)11)1 511(1 O'cnerally' lo�ccl'. 0 72v 7 i'/ 0 3L 3 S1 0 75,$ .011 Atip1r1ca11 iron manufactures,. C01111is Strong Guthrie, P110111cut of • 111e _American Sl.ec1 1I0up Company, a corporation ‘Vii h a Cal)i 01 Blake: W� e are sorry to have this week to chronicle the death of Mrs., Robert Walker, \oho has for years re- sided on 'the Bronson line, a1 nli'0 and a gftarter north of here. . She leaves two so11S and four daughters to 'Matra their loss, of which -Just one lives 10 this -country, Vlrs. Edzwaii•d. Boyce; with whoul she was staying at the time of ]ler•. death. The. remains were intel•red in the -Bayfield cemetery... l'9lldre;'A cryrCr OIl'eringti 100 loads. including 41 bonds of 171101111 Laltic, Choice feed- et'S k011Cl 011111ers were 1)1 1111)(1111. 1 000.000, said: Cite. 1101( 5 demend. at the cicel nt of .1;5c Lo 25e imposes' ul)011: steel. and 1101. -Q,,. to 1;. (11) i.dy the highest in the world. 1f this add) 10051 duty is itup1151 1 upon products it does not seem pos- sible. .that 0110 tIatie in steel 11011 101.01. with. Russians can continue." No Tariff \701 )mended. Russia 5.:r- and desiral.)li, buiclibr grades fairly steady at the decline. Fresh c(e s and forward springers 00 top ))slily stro )ger. Calves' lo5vcr; 1;0011 to boot 51/10011 _fat. export 011ttic 01 de- sirable quality, $o.25 to 115. )0; C';111 - ado. ,feeders, good to choici',` (.0`i to a3a6; Canatda stocl(e0s, common to good, $`3 to 08.25, Sheep and i lambs-0fferilt ,s, 715 161110. Tile basis 011 extra limbs was 155.40 to O I:5, with a few sales at ;.i+0. Sfodocs sold at $5..25 to $5.::115. with lair "(h, lelalld.- Lambs, ' choice L'0 00- 011, ..ltvcrC CtlI01 a1i1!a here at do.L S to $5.45 good to choice, $: to $5,25; common to fair, ` 4.3 i to •$5, ; Sheep. choice to, extra, +4.50 to $4.75; good to choice, $0,25 to `x4.50; wctilers 154.50 to $4.75: fat elves, $.4 to' $1.25. Close very 'dull, with several loads left over. A B. 0. MURDER. A.• Toroutonian Stabbed to Death at Denero as the )result of a:Drunk- en ROW. Count Cassini, the Russian A.m1ba- saclor, is quoted in a \\ 751011 gton de -- spate -1i to The Herald as *saying of tile. present American-Rlrssian tariff siulation "I 05511, does: riot want nor has she. any .intention. of en5ag ing in a. tariff \oar \vital .thee. ' 'United States.' The application of maxi - . 1110111 talleS ...0 American cast '11',111 a 'ind steel 11lanufactui'es, machinery, arid, tools ;was not dictated by any desir2, to 0111111)1 upon 0, policy of vengeance because ,of the decision. of the Secretary of the 'Treasury Co col- lect the. countervailing duty on 'Rus- sian sl1,,11. T am sure chat lily Gov - eminent, and the Russian people. .re- gret deeply that it was necessary to iulpose the maximum.rates.'' fever, or other almost mortal' sickness a man ' or Woman' sometimes will gain a pound a' SO 7 day fi'onl takilag an ounce :a day of SCOTT'S EMULSION and the gain be healthy. The ounce (rives strength to get the ound • there. is no ) Miracle in it. and' mind are weak Body a•1C , digestion is weak and hunger is ravenous. SCOTT'S EMULSION of Cod Liver Oil is; the food to begin and go on with. It ftrrnishes strength to digest a little easy other food •'and a 'little crows to enough. But the gain is 'nearly all fat. not lost The' bones had much; the muscles had lost, hadnot got back their and ; ,the have lost there strength, Y lk • he fat was allgone. bulk; back c ; the The fat has crime , musclerecovers its bulk, slowly more slowly its strength—tee bulk of muscle was fat --and he bones are about the same the ;. as before. It is S(OT T'S EMULSION of il that starts the Cod Liver C�7 body i'oing again—give it time. body The genuine has this picture on it,' take no other. "' if you have not you ,P It send for tried rn ple its free sample, r p .5 a- greeable taste wiil,�J�, surprise you. SCOTT & BOWNE Chemists, Toronto.���,;at P 0"7 sric;.$1,nto* 1,111 r 1'YS;.,><sa TALKED ON CO11I:IGR'1'. Conference at Toronto to 1)iscuss the Conditions 111 Canada. ToronLo Feb. 19.-A' conferenru was Held •7 c',11 dcty" afternoon 01- tween the booksellers' aan11' station, ors' section of the 13oard of 'Trade, the Allied 130o1cbinders' and Printers' A5000 1101 and representatives of tale C.u01.Cliari:1)1auufactuiers' elation, to discuss the Present state of copyright conditions in CSuada, and to specially discuss the draft of Lord Morlksntell s bill"now before the house of Lords, in which . no provis- ion iotr is'1)77(10 for:making Compulsory the )binding and printing in: C tina.da. of copyrighted books, 110(11.1 the hill a bookseller niay import, and sell in Canada, a work copyrighted in Great Br1111n, by 0bt alnitlg. a license (10111. the holder of the British copyright. On )notion the following 57111 111- POLnt('d a COIII1nittee 'to tale up tier c an report- t ) • nd make al question a t adjourned meeting of the section on a date to itbc, named later, viz,: Messrs. J. F. Ellis (chairman). A. NV. Thomas, W. I' Gundy, R. '1'. Lance - 1). ,nce- fiekl, 1), A. Rose, O. .\T. Moi 1111,. .. S. living, A. W. Briggs, 1: NV. Ellis; .J, R: Barber;'111. P. P. TILL' 11. C. MINING, DISAS'I11111, Tires Have 13eon Put, Out anti int .0 or1C Iiel,nn, Victoria, B. -0„ Feb.10 -Splendid progress was made yeseerclay by the 1 etc- '1 r h 1)00 - les' 101115 .for i mini 11'110 are 5C g des of the unfortunate )nen killed by mines. ' it alt t the explosion at the Unix 1 Fires have been ,put out, and the. in- spectors have penetrated,through No.5 .aline to No. (i, expelling 1111 ga0 as,'they -proceeded, and at last re- ports were within one llundre.d yards of where they expect to' find ' the first bodies. Expert's will .not express an opin- ion ,as to the. cause of the acoidelit. l.ebot'er- 1{)ria„ and ‘,11e011 .toe u 141.11 to Londe.. London, Feb, 19. -Bing: Edward and Queen t�lexeaucil•a have returned t to to7-tt. Tile CaI'!)ivit,l fetes- 110 liaaeleid passed without. hoist disorder. At :its uc�:t)meeting1R)ncl ty night the Ottawa, (lily' ( 1)ua1il 01ecidc'd (lust 1111 1110 51)1)01 pupils )11 (171'ctit,y 0101)111 be vaccinaLod .1,0 a preeattt ion5l•;j" 1111 aa0LG0. r ',y- `�) tis`)rilrs)tt IL., ( 11 • he tem ]. , ilfai,or 1 ,'.r who w� 01,11 A, ). 111110 iiall(1 t v 1.) ri 1,h1•d , lttllxrts in :`;l:letth Africa, .tn 11 ro 1irnd ' 1,1001 ire Ttlron( 1) oti the. 0111)111titiotuil 11,11111trd ilfo1ieitty efter- Root), lend i; 01! 1411081V 11r hi:, 01010- er, ('ol tleorti.o T1`, f)enis011; at Iley-. (eon Villa,. 3V2 'pµrkeys ate J 111101100 .,....:, ........ .e: lb. Ducks , 7 CorIl,.,.„ '4.0 to '15 1'10 0tte,y..,. 1 25 to 1 59 Clover ...,,.41111 to r.5 Gretnwoocl; 53 C'., Feb. 19 -Satur- day evening., in a shad: at Denero towIisite, 12 utiles iron) here, Harry Rowan C5111e to his death by a knife in tho hands of •.J it;mcs 1'. McGill Do - river. Deriver gave himself up to PI oviiicial ' Constable Joe Darragh. Ole confessed that he killed Rowan, hut in self -clef ellce,- Tlwiilas .3 ones, )Miner, was in the, cabin during the stabbing, but claims that he k11000' little about the affair, having gone to bed when it started. It appears that the deceased, who, up to 10 clays' ago, had been employed at the 13. C. mine, in Summit Camp, 111(1. been ,drinking considerably. Satur- day evening he cache to the'prison- er's prison er's,shack, and was there introduced by .Jones. After 1111 had partaken of some liquor .Jones turned Oi. .Rowan shortly becanle7boisterous, and' used abusive language to the prisoner; who is known ill 101111) as "Frenchy." The two talked heated- ly in French Shortly they fell to scuffling' and Rowan 'threatened to choke, Frenchy, Rowan, being the stronger man, succeeded in downing - the prlsoaer, and attempted to Hold , him over a hot stove. Then Frenchy drew a four -inch ° clasp knife, 01101)0(1 it and told` deceased he would stab him unless he left :.him. alone. -.1-Its threat, had no effect., and for a sec- ond t1111e Rowan went for the Frencll- n1an,:• who then stabbed : him. twice, inflactin;g )Mortal wouhdo. Horrified at, finding his opponent dying, Frenchy asked Jones to get. a doctor. Jones went to a nearby 00 - tel and told the„crowd, who came to ' the cabin and found Rowan 'dead. Deceased was at one time paymas- ter of the ; Ea.stern Division of. the Canadian Pacific Railway. He leaves a mother and two sisters, living (in Toronto' Deriver is a married roan, his wife being ,at Ottawa. His moth= er. resides at Quebec. About' two years since he was employed on the Crow's Nest Pass Railway as a civil engineer, Ile is 46 years of age. ;Pew 000011y lie has been 111. Frell01y seems to have been the laughing stock of the camp, and, being physi- cally unable to defend himself, was subjected, so, he claims, to mach abuse. - ,Sinee Saturday lie has 'fre- 1u;1,71 nu.u'dc:red, him. gtlehtly cxcla.iuled`. ' t was in self-drfencef,” Sunday but°'it 5 u 5t and ' n Coroner ;lel-Lee held all 1 g c� ,, Deriver teas hold. for the' death of :Rowan. From Evils Brought oil By Foul difle Blood, PAINE'S CELERY COMPOUND. IS NATURE'S TRUE PURIFIER AND ENRICHER. The Only )Medicine 'That Makes .: ''the Ltncl Red an d That In- creases is Volume in , The Arteries. Gives the True Bloom of Health to the Weak Ailing. g lV DC NOT R (['on) a gtte. tiorl that 1110111;. hitt at'sliyon. H i7/0.voa /Out' New Stilt 1;} riot, drop in and see us at ltbri first oppot'tunit3r and let .tie. show' you, o1, 11, few :)rices of tee e Fancy, W'0I'0tedsl 1111(1 'S`eet,z,. Tweeds. e you. seen the new Staples 9 herringbone patterns. " C,h'1 are bea11ties• A laig range of Blues and Blaolr, :B ist4- '°01(1'0° atthe old prices. If'you. want a black we have what ` ',want in 'Twills, Venetians 1lxa' Clays. „ iOVERCOATS Overcoats in Beavers, Meltons, CxII'1 ,. Naps and Montanacts- Paine's Celery Compound is a 1111)00 purifier and1 (1 i4.1101, and does a0. work that 1)1711ot. be successfully -under- taken by any other 1 entedy in the Pziioe'1 Celery' 4.0nlponn0 (makes the blood bright 1511 red, increases its volume ill the airteries, quickens its circola'tionsatnd gives it more powers in its 0001•k':'he health building. Thele' are no - long and tiresome waitiO1s for good results when peo- ple use Paine s Celery Compound. After its work 01' refining .1nd enrich- ing the blood is in full force, the bloom of health is seen in the face, the eyes sparkle with vigor "and the limbs are supple and active; even the old, feel rejuvenated and energised. The thoosonds of victims of rheuma- tism, neuralgia, lumbago, head)))?h.. o 14.1:aiche uid. sideaiche should remem- ber that these conditions: often result: from slow circulation of the blood caused by accumulations ' of Waste mat- ters.' A.11 troubles are corrected ;ind permanently banished ley vigorously cleansing the blood with Pa.ine'0 Cel- ery Compound, the world's best and 1retitest of:in vi goratei 0 and cleansers. Senator Almond Le100. x Feb..9.-Senator WilliamIlalla b J. ll tz'torltl ' died at his residence;' "het +�) is�l a,nkr ' 111,00 ads, night; Ile 1 was *J.) yearn of ate,', Oe was a C'o- 1 scu't"iative: 00)'! tl'i1:.' called, 10 the 'Sen- ate .in 1,879, 'A ,report that :(Ir iv 5'540 ha1.d ai5l`- ed' Greet 73rittin'fur ti:rit:,, of.peacc 15 dee 1,,t1 by the A.11 work done in the latest style ate fit guaranteed. . GRIEVE Opposite Post Ofoaa Exeter --r Varna: The good people of Blake Presbyterian church recently showed their generosity torn (1ds their pastor, Rev. Thos. Davidson, in a very tangi- ble la1anrler,bydelivering at the manse here au abundant supply of oats: pota- toes and other provisions. 'Woodham: -ler. A. J. Ford, who has conducted with narked success for some years a' general store here, left last week for Toronto. :Hewill holiday there for few weeks before joining his brother, 11Ir. R. S. Ford, in the dry goods business at Petroia.'' Hensali: The Commercial hotel, of this village, had a natrrowescape from what might have proven - a very seri oils fire hand it occurred in the night overheating r tothe c ve 11000: � le 0010 >; of the furnace pipes and the igniting of the wliod work near the s'une. ; For- tunately it was discovered in time. No Excuse For People Who Wear Rusty or Fad- ed Clothes. DIRIIIOW'-fl--OTES-- R,O:LLETu: LLL LADIES It you want to have good luck '07,101 your Xmas. Cakes, use '0au•. PI•iveese Pastry Flour. ask for it tend insist en having it. Diamond Dyes WillMake Things Look as Good As New. VaTHEA-L'LET Is a dish for the dainty, the robust,. the dyspeptic and the 11tl 1713', for all eppetities and conditions. It is the` peerless item of a' good breakfast tared there is no substitute. R F'FLOUR1�_A largf'T Ti, `A t ll make more bread and 0 loaf than any .other family flour. 0' 1,17 used always wanted. J. COBBL ERIC{ & SO . HOLIDAY = TRS Our stock has never : been better°: assorted that atF resent. Call and see our different lines, such as Pianos, °In Sewing Machines, Childr ea Cutters and Sleighs, C •olto- lnoe Boards, ViolinsMouth Organs. • l�"�L is of all kinds. Music Organ and Sewing Machin; repairs. Also the celebrated Berliner Talking Machine, Talking CALL a AND SEE US. S. MAFZTIN majority of people cannot If the J y p 1 afford to buy new, dresses, jackets, capes, waists or shits of cloths every threeor six I1lolitllS, the use of Dia- mond Dyes will enable them to renew ' 1'1151 ' �' faded of at, '1011151,, cost then f.1 y garments, making the171 aS handsome ads new nixes. Alis. W. L. Woodward, of (' cssa't 11,, Ont,., says: `°I Neve always used Dlanioud l)', s'. with the best results, of any last trial '''.' ' exceeded all previous ef- forts. nem has c�.c.c 1 Of the ��c atidress std dyed i'• h'av' e u 1111;,. I , ,1 3 very airiest 1,1'r,ivtl Ifetiv 01111, Cloth 111th i)iiiniolid Dye 1 alst Block fol' Wool, making it look. as well Its new goods 1rofrl the SIMI'. . There is no 1'5euse for )myon)' °\) 11)iig c'Icl,,tlotill's W1)100 Di1ih)o11t1 Dyes lire Sold. OUR bEW P'flEMtSE-S: -We have moved into our new pre- mises opposite the Central Hotel and are now open for business. Olin 'pr mises are modern and we give you modern and up-to-date goods :)laity made in the most modern style. We Personally . " • C Every ve Y That's made up at this establishment -as well as fit it -and ° look after all the details. This is only man reason why our prices are moiler. ante: Gent's Furnishings . . going ilnd see US 111 oar heti' pin.te of business and examine our Stot:k oI Gent's Furnishings. Bert. Itnight R.IIIGE-S REPAIRING ' '1 010,5' 75,013 Clone r. fit >. �-'' of .. 1 1111 1 If,ynt v,, ,y l m ---.�' �.1,d'his..; C143ekS 4 I rr f�.b , otoR. 1. ra and a'ewelry .i. 7ec:1101 ty^: MARRIAGE LICENSE 1'v a,rria1)' Leen e" issued 111'(1 '0,'ce0 c, dirt >'Ttin s il;hval.yti oh han(1. P:t f>101's 131uok, 111+ 11.01~.