HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1901-2-21, Page 4•••:),,7•• ofivuOri taxEMPTio-N. M.,teter 2011-141(Cat.V-9 Should churches 12e taxed? NVe see Chas) H. Sanders, cli.tor and Prop THITRSD AI FEB, , 1901 E VON COUR I'S A -LVD c MISSIONS, All thoeghtful people Avill read with regret the termination of the royal Amintnission appointed. to i 11,v est ig to electoral frauds and expose the w mir- ing of the corrupt system by which the expressed will et the electorate was systematically tampered with ;and in some cases defeated, The com- mission held one session . and n ev hence coming before them the court •"vas closed sine die, or in other words not to re -assemble. And this is the eutcome of six months' &alk, frenzied editorial, and platform and press (tharg-es innumerable. What are we to think ? Are Linklater, Bole, Lewis. Sullivan and others good citizens and spotless men. If so then they have been slandered men and all Canada owes them an apology. But whos W iteb ed ballots, who personated voters, who (displaced regularly appointed deputy - 'returning officers and as a result cer- tain polls made startling returns ? Alas! we do not know and sadder still may never know, and as for as punish- ment goes the worst crimes against the will of the people, crimes so seri- nits that they cost King Charles I. his head, are not crimes according to the now code of the new Dominion of Can ada. Bolder frauds will soon be at tempted and Cetection will become all the harder from the leniency with which the batch of offenders, some of .whOM fled the country like guilty men, have been allowed to escape. In the meantime, the election courts have been doing a little work or attempt- ing to do a little. In North Brtice.Mr. McNeil loses his seat, owing to the re- markable stupidity of v6ter rind de- puty returning officer alike. Bub wizen rendering.. judg,nient the Judges hear testimony to the purity of the contest on his pert and exempt him largely from the costs of the trial. There will be a new election and let, us hope that a few gentlemen whose amines appear in this article will not for the good. of their health make a winter resort of title North riding cif Bruce. They heye so man'y disguises that names which distinguish other men serve not to locate thew, only by their deeds do Ave know them. Keep away from the North riding of Bruce gentlemen rapid in flight and skilful in office amd keep the machine for aeeds past rather than for forther pos- sibilities. Meantime we ere informed that Sir Louis Davies and threel:Con- servative mernbers have had the peti- tions against their several returns dropped. Sir Louis had a large ma- jority, the three Conservatives very - small ones, yet the one seat, appatent- ly safely held is counted a fair ex- change for three seats whose occu- pants have an uncertain tennre. Why is this? Ltave queer things been done in that little island down by the „sounding sea? AVe may guess, hut we shall never know. no good reason why' they ,sbouid. not. lo this minter- Ayhere there is no • State cbu rch, w here all dedom i tions should be on an equal footing, there 5110111d 1)0 no serious objection against all church buildings being taxed. One thing is pretty clear, that if elmach property were taxed the question or • 1 I a f tax exemptions would' be o ) ( m sitived. As long 'is elivirch 1)11 church schools retain their Pre- sent freedom feom municipal taxation so long \yin. there be claimants for the' exemption of other property front the tax collector's warrant.—Moosomin Spectator, (1011(115 1.10(106 'MONEY. The Brantford L'xpositor says that several -people in 13rantford have re- ceived letters from a man hi \Vest, Chester, New York, who proposes to supply them with counterfeit 'motley, to work of in Canada. holds out in his letter all kinds of iuducements andsays that his scheme is a perfectly safe one, as 11 al1110St p0SSI ble to detect any imperfections in the dupli- cates that he manufactores, For his own security he requests those Avhona lin has approached to send no letters as he will not receive them, but to ap- ply to him by telegraph only. In his letter he says: "If for any reason you decide not to eo-operate with me, trust as an honorable man, yoa will honor the protection that the word 'confidential,' ensures to au comment.. cations, and not be so heartless as, to destroy my life's work, so kindly burn 'this and lot the matter drop." The Aoditor-General's report shoWs that during the past year the head of the audit branch has as usual had his hands full in correcting the -lavishness of the administration in expenditure of public funds. The 4-1,000 iinatig- rants which Mr. Sifton brought into the country last year cost $4,34,502, of which $139,521 was spent for printing and Advertising in the United. States and. $3,316 in bonuses. The Govern- inceit has done fahly well by the party press. The Montreal Herald received $25,125 forprinting and advertisine. to the end. of June. La Pattie receiv- ed $2,087; the St. John Telegraph got over $13,000, and the Halifax. Chron- icle $1,500. The mnount spent on the, Paris exhibitioh by the apiculture de- partment to June 30th was $208.268, made up of salai•ies, preparation of ex- hibits, etc.. $89.987: payment for space, $87,650: transporation of exhibits, $59- 78; workmen end decorations, $13.819; other (expenses, $8.882. 11.1r. Torte's travelling expenses amounted to $10,- 000. 'Ptess Gallery, tencv of the Government se rove. led , A s ," • lloss ' . stated Unit) the. Ontario 0 overtime" t spooe-ti. tioo. ivtr, LotOtifor.4. 10 Parliament f.uildings, Ott -awe'. One ye:ir )1140 1100. . Toronto, Feb. 18, 1001. would give 101 10)0(1 improvement $1,- I1 is never 0 fair arld,j11St Way to es- timate the amount of 'business done by the Ontario Legislature by the number of days and weeks of the ,Session. In the matter of conducting lousiness the Governmenl of course has the whip hand 1111! 111)1 combination of astute politicians may see fit to block tlre flouse cov a couple or mooth$ and then wind tip the se55i011 in 0 call:ter:, drive IJIIS1OISS tor 0 night anil choke off dis- cussiou' W th011t dignity as without cer- 0011 y. Aecordiegly when it is stated, that the House has been sitting for two w'eeks yithout doing zinything )it all the statement, is not. an unusnl one, though the condition of affairs may be alarming. On the 6th of Fel:N.101y the House began operation and though it hes not Ceen sitting clay )111e1 day since, yet the expense is the sarne ancl everY daY of the SeSsion gosts hund- veds of dollars to the countey. Two weeks of Session and the business con- sists of a resolution 61 sympathy, ex- pressing the sorrow, which the people of Ontario, with all the British nation feels at the present moment and upon which there could be no debate. The Government is responsible for the de- lay for without government business to discuss, withoet government meas- ures or reports before the House what can be done? • But though nothing has been -done in the way of basiness some very in- teresting facts have been revealed dur- ing the last week upon which the peo- ple of Ontario should be informed. Of these four matters stand out in bold relief upon which the Government can be judged. They are the Public. Ac- counts, the attitude of the Government upon the Prohibition Question, the Government's decision regarding roads and the date of the General Election. There is an object lesson in the Pub- lic Accounts which would justify col- umns of description, but the greot ma- jority of people in Onterio ere con- vinced that whatever may be the sins of the Ontario Government their mi- nipulation of the finances is the L.,-reat- est )tricl most heinous of them all. Ac- cordingly only a few facts will- be re- quired to show that time makes the habit stronger a d Inure incurable. These Inc the facts in short form. In 1897 Hon. Mr. I-Iarcom•t said that the Province of Ontario had a surplus of $5,258,321,- and with Ellis p,unted in golden letters on the Liberal harmers the party in 1898 marched to election. This year Mr. Ross claims a surplus Of $1,057,873. But even in this there is a delusion and a fraud for the new. sub- sidy- rec'elved from, the'Dominion Gov- ernment upon which the Province can- not place a hand is capitalized tuad placed as an asset or $2,843,287. Place this item Where it belongs_end the de- ficit is $890,115. When -the Govern- ment took the reins of power it had a surplus of $8,500,000 in cash. I1 now has a defied of $890;000. .I0 1891 it had a debt in the fora of railwayannuities of $3,813,319. In- 1898- the debt. was $5,081 225. Now the debt is $5 214 698. All of this falling,. throngla taxation has been increased and diredt taxation resorted to. The canse of all.the trouble has been that the resources and the receipts of the Province have been diverted to il- legitimate uses in order to keep the Government hi power. In the days of long ago the expenditure AWLS $2,500, 000. In 1897 the expenditure was $3,- 750,000. In 1900 the expenditnre was $4,003,729. The -year itself was a ells; astrous one. The Government claims a surplus of $180,000 but in order to do this there was imposed on companies, the new direct tax which amounted to $229,774. Municipalities were robbed of the money which rightfully come to them:from liquor licenses and other mistakes were made. If the calcula- tions had been honest the deficit would have been $300,000. So much for the Public Accounts and the financial con- „dition of the Province. W hen Col. Matheson and other Government crit- ics beganto discuss the statement there will be some sad revelations. Hon. G.W. Ross has been the Advo- cate of Prohibition since the country knew him. He first was known as a good TeMplar,'and there he learned to speak. Vow the question of Prohibition is one upon which people differ and will differ until of ter our Lim e, a nel had -Hon. G.W. Ross changed his'opinion On this momentous subject there would have been Mall y who would have complain- ed of his doctrine and inconsistency. :11, --my would have called him wise in his day and generation. It would be just as you look on these questions, and every man has a right to his own. But can any Mall defend the course which Mr. Ross has taken? He still NOTES ANI) C0,1111E NTS Middlesex comity councillors were paid $300.00 for their attendance -zit the January session of the council. Mutters appear to be shaping to- wards a reorganization of the fire in- surance business in the Dominion; the proposed higher rates were discussed at, a recent 'fleeting of the Canadian Fire Underwriters' Association, but :no definite decision was arrived at. The Dominion Government has been asked. to grant a bounty in aid of the -manufacture of beet root sugar, of one cent a pound for the first two years, three quarters of a cent for the third year, half a cent for the four-th. yettr and one quarter of a cent for the fifth year, after which it'.would be discon- - tinued. .te Tor,PRoHnoT-sniTTINGt. Many cities have already passed' ov-, inalmes prohibiting spitting . • on ,. t he sidewalks,: in -street cars and: public Places, and putilic sentiment is „ de - mending the adOption of shriller. rules ,in other cit03s. Da ton, 0., is one- of the latest 'Cities to "fill into line, proposes to:4111)6Se a fine of:•not more than. $1 ,for the first violation and - flue of not 111010 than $100 for the se - 'pond violation.. LittleRock, 's ,PaSSed o similar ordinance,by a .fine of not•leSs than $1 nor:mere that $10, and provides- that the railroad com- panies shall keep spitOons on the.: pos•- senger platforms for. • theuse of such persOnS as iney co ng,eeglite there. The city of ,Dariville, has passed an ordinance • prohibiting expectorations in street cars, i publie.buildings, houses: of worship, hotels aild'• theatre. 00101- C16 Paid has passed an .anti - .spitting :ordinance Which Makes the penaltyfor spitting", in public places, conveyances or on the sideAvalk from' $1 to 850, orimprisonment froin one to .sixty days. The-.Ticiliee are roquir- ed to assist the:health. department in enforcing the Ordinance, which also prohibits the throwing of cigar" stubs .00 fruit peelings on the Walks.—MOni- cipa .10(1111(11anc Enineer. It is stated that 111r. G. B. Reeve, second vice-president and general manager of the Grand Trunk rtrilwa y, has written to „ill the old agents of the company who have been distnissed since 1896 requesting them to write .bini details zi.s. to the reasons of theit• (dismissal, etc., with a view, evidently, if the reasons are not serious to rein - 'state them. 000,000 spread oyer 10 y001%5 and that a bill would be introdueed during the Session. But no bill 10115 illtrOdlle0d inlet 110W 1\11.,. La tell 01'd repeats tho an- nouncement) but adds to it a provision whieh shows that there is no inteution of tzilinb• action now or for years to ::111;Deetect,ive.Alel SkiiVing 0.1 th'L 1. 1) 11. T1stt(cid7nt11(it t11.(g1i910111;1 Itigctv1 0 1i1 0 . ex)( m ing, an old yevol vet% • Clinton: Our esteemed citizen, Mr. D. B. icennedy, 1(151 11(111 11 et:cadent on Thurscloy afternoon las1 from the effects of which he has since been con- fined to his la o ni e. Ile Was driv in et out the Huron Road tind in tui fling about the cutter upset and ” the horse started to run away, iMr. Kennedy clung to the lines end was thrown against :1 telegvaph post and bruised ..41dly about the head. Mr. Shilhey sa wot he im fortunate affair )1 ncl brought Mr. Kennedy home but for several hours he remained in, 1111 11110011SC100S 5* The Real Estate Owners' Associa- tion of London are perfecting plans for the proposed purchase of the Ron- ald Steam Fire Engine 'Works, at Brussels, with a view of bringing the factory to London. Some $10,000 worth of stock has been subscribed by London cetizens, and it is pi oposed to capitalize the conmany at $50,000. The company \vitt also manufacture fire alarm boxeS, fire ladders, steam rollers, water motors and do a general . . . repairing nusiness. Woodham: The funeral of the late Mrs, B. Allen of the 8th. line; Blan- shard, took place lo.st'Friday. -Her re- mains were interred ).11 Cromarty, her fernier home:. Mr. tuicl Mrs. ,Allen Were a highly respected :young CouPle. and the cointmmity feel keenly the loss they have Suist)tined. • We tender our heartfelt sympathy to Mr, Allen in this his hour of bereayement. * ONE PAPER'S VIEWS "Ile, ("ought cold at the funeted of the late So and So," ,At this tinie of the yem, ttlat sentence is very- fre- qi:ently found in obittiery, notices. Is there no possibility of doing EtWa 11110 th `SCPV iCeS at the grave" titiring inclement svriiither? Is it not possibleto 111-1' 11 the neces- ,sary servict)s at tile liousc:? The ",‘,I in- isterial Association might- tehe up this question and devise some 11 11 to ma- terially lessen 111) tnottnlity , a ineng 111sc) who a 11 11 ,Specto tor, Chilcirpp .Or A f. Clinton: While out driving last Friday Joseph Rattenbury had a mis- hap with his young(horse, and were he not a good horseman it woulcl have proved more serious. A dog be- longing to W. N. Walker ran out, ancl not only frightened but bit the horse, injuritig one of its legs so severly that the services of the veterinary were re- quired. The dog has since been des- troyed as it was considered vicious. Clinton: A goodly number of the members of St.. Paul's Church. niet on Friday evening last in the Snmday school room and said farewell to the Rev. J. F. Parke, who has recently been appointed to the charge of Am- herstburg. Together with a kindly - worded address, they handed him a donation of $75 in gold, enclosed in a ha ndsotne ebony cabinet. Such tokens of esteem and ;affection go far to brighten the pathway,. of those who tneet with trials in doing faithfully the Master's work. Brucefield: The Stratford Herald of Friday says: An esteemed and honored citizen has passed away in the person of Mr. John MeLogan, who died Thifrsday night at the age of 81 years, and 4 Months. Deceased 101-5 born in Perthshire, Scotland, and came to Canada about 1850, having been married in 1813. He settled in Goderich, afterwards removing to Brucefield, Tuckersmith township. In 1874 he came- to Strotford, where he has 1 esided ever since. He was sick less than two days -before his death, which resulted from stoppage of the bowels. His widow has been serious- ly ill since Nev Year's, but her condi- tion has improved of late. St. Marys: Henry Whitworth, jani- tor of the central public schoolhad an experience of absent mindedness on Thursdn,y afbeinoon • which cost him dearly. Mr.Whitworth had been down 10101.1 makin 0 some sin ell purchases and on returning home carried his pocket book containing $15 in bills ancl some silver iu his hand. On arrival in his residence with parcels and pocket book still clasped it) hi S hand.he commenced to unwrap some of the small parcels, and -taking the waste paper off, threw it Mto,the stove and poeket book with it, wheee a brisk fire was burning. Mr. Whitworth 'did not miss his pocket ...hook Inc some fifteen minutes later,' when he asked his wife about it, The thought struck her that pocket book and paper had been probably thrown into the, stove. A seat ch. was nide and the frame wm•k of the pocket, book was discovered in the but coal'S,- hut alas the 515, in bank bills had gone up in smoke. Some forty orfifty cents in SilVel. Wel'e taken frotii the fire. Anderson: On NVedtiesday the wed- ding was celebrated of Miss Maude Lane to Mr. George Dickenson, of the third -line of Blanshard. The young couple are well and favorably known, and entered upon their married life with the heartiest good wishes Of numerous friends. The ceremony was performed by Rev. John Ball, of Kirk' ton, after which a good supper was provided. Very nuinerous were the presents. Mr. Dickenson and his bride will occupy the old Switzer farm on the 3rd line, - preaches his Prohibition doctrine and trains with the liquor men. '['his prac- tise of getting both temperance and liquor men in the fold was taught the Premier by Sir Oliver Mowat. But as the ex -premier was no great temper- ance, advocate pf probibitlioil the hypo- crisy was not SO objecticinable. .A'clep- utiition of teMperance people Syaiteci on Hon.' G. W. Ross and asked him for legislation similar to thiit, placed 'upon the Statute books of Manitoba by nrtgb John Macdonald.' But tb'e!Pa. .who never keep's his word, the promise breaking premier refusedte do as the tetuperatiee people asked: He dared not Say no; but told theni to come back in a year or, more and then he would deal -With them. This is the teinper- PCIe'prepliOr of the Prohibition Gov- ernment of Ontario. . It is well known' l'Ar every man who was anyway near the inner circle of Proviocialpoliticg t•hat the govern Mont intendedto have a Session of Pai•lia- ment and at once go to ,the country. But the result of the Dominion 'Elec- tion in the Province of Ontai.io has been an awakening. Hon:: Mr. Ross' sfited in the Hoose as ilet11' itSli Can, state anything definitely, that still another 'Session would be held during the ores- ' Blyth" A Well known resident of ent Pool 1-051-1, This arinolinceinent this phice died somewhat siublenly on is full of ineaning,and it needs' no seer Feb -12 in the Person of Mr, Joseph to tieinslate it for 1.1. "The Libeled pat- Habkirk. M. Hebb:irk Wits the sec- ty is shottered, battered and hopelessdy onel(youngest'son cif thelate beaten in 0011 10. The &o\ 1110)11111 . . fl.alikirl• of 'McKillop wos horn recognizes, this fOct oncl ore 11y1iig-..10, On Inc, nornesteilaii farm in that town- recover. They never were in tslich 11 Ship, When ((101 )1 young mail he absolutely hotlelesST;position than they taught with much sncess for soy 01 .1 'oral ntO day end it is no, rixa ggeration years in the cehool Loticic•sboto and to 10 tlii the TAberal patty is a. Avi•belt r-Lfterw arch n,1., '4 n 110 1Ins Len ift e It 1)1 un this provinee. 111 1011 'the. ()on- Crom the ten oiling profession, he en- )ervatives needto d11. is to 90 1(01 oc- geged in the 11 1-0 tile business in tn(ni,x(ition and: st),•rir herd and Mr• !genet:ester. d eontinued in business Whitney will be returned by a, tiietor- hots' n 0 I 11 Ilk' 10,n01„,t1 tt.). Blyth, ;11,011f 4 0' 100 ;•••'("n r • • W AI H We aveahandsoMeopen face, Polished Nickel Watch, Ameri- can Lever Movement for selling only 2 doz. packages of Sweet Pea Seed at 10e.apackage. Each pack. ago containBasplOndid mixture of the most fragrant varieties 01 011 colors. You eau earn this fine Watch in an afternoon 13.7 setting to work at once. Matins this advertisement and we will forward the Seeds. Sell them, return the money, snil we guarantee safe deli,. ery 01 (040 Watch at once. Write to day. as the season for BellillgSee51S•thort. Seed dupplY Co., Toronto -200951102111SP?M'IntaMESTIMIMMIE' • attiallittIll1111111.1111111111111111111}11iital,11J.iiit 114111; 111111 .M11111111111111011111 AVege table -Pre p Emotion for As - slITl)tatll1g tilerooci and Reg tita- ling the, Stomachs c 11M:3o-we is of brimmirmay TIAT TI -1E4 FAC -SIMILE SIGNATURE 0 ------- cerresszastio=emfoga4 1, Proi-note s Diges tion,Cheer Fut- ness andRest Contains neither Oputti,Morpttine nor Minered. NOT NJtCOTfC. "littvearOldlltSAMIMPIRTliER Tizmptin Sec .11.r.Senaa Boole& Sales - Alin ..skta Appermant - ^CarbonatZda, ronv.rced - Ocintisd Sugar . tridivrear Reim: / Aperfect Remedy for Constipa- tion , Sour Stomach,Diarrhoea, Worms ,Conyulsions ,Feveri sh- JESS ondLOSS OF SLEEP. Tac Simile Signature of NEW "YORK. IS ON THE WRAPPER OF EVERY 1301ITLE OF EXACT COPY OF WRAPPER . Oasteria is put up in one -size, bottles only. It 11 not sold M balk, Don't allow anyone to sell yea anything else on the.plea or promise that 11 lO "just as good 11 and will answer every pur• pose." .44 - See that you get 04 -S -T -0 -R -I -A. Tho fao- slmilo donator° of ' 411.caaa 12.1.12Z. 1221 Ivory, vrrappor, cam rativtioRrsi4-7- .2SINFO-ITS I Y LATFR EXCESSES IN MANHOOD MAKE NERVOUS, DISEASED MEN 4 THE ilESULT ed by lust and exposure are constantly wreckinl the lives and flatratin. of ignorance and folly in youth, overezertion a mind and body inclucle 1 ...happiness of thousands of promising young men. Some fade and wither at an early ago,r.. .-11- the blossom of manhood, while others are forced to drag oat a weary, fruitless nal „ mcianchots existence. Others reach matrimony bat find no solace or comfort, there. Thc victims are found in all stations of life:—Tho farm, the officz,, the workshop, the pulpit, the trades and the professions. -NI NESTC)RED TO MANHOOD SY DRS. K., & 14:', As — e 1,7z.z, A, WALKER. Wm. A. WA.LEER, MBS.CIIA.S. FERRY, CHAS. FERRY- a Usborne: Another of Huron's hon- ored pioneer has departed this life, in the.person of Mr. \\1 -alter Madge, of the Thames Road, whieh sad extent oc- curred on Feb. 7th, having reached the good age of 89 years. Ile was 0 native of Devonshire, England, and came to Canada when quite a young man. He settled in TIsborne over half a century ago, on the farm on the Thames road. where he continued to reside until his death. That section of the country was then little more than its, original state, and Mr. Madge was one of those nolde pioneers who, by his industry anch thrift assiSted in making it mie of the finest and most fertile districts in Canada. In the early days be did good service as n. local preoeher in connection with the Meth- odist church, and his influences were always for good. Of -late years, how- -ever, he united with the Presbyterian body, and for many yeal'S was 0113 ac- tive, useful and consistent member df Mr. Fletcher's congregation. He was a good and worthy man in the fullest sense of the term, and his share t0. wards promoting the good of his fellow men. He leaves a family of five sons and three daughters, all of whom are married, with the exception 'of the youngest daughter, who is at home, and to whom the deepest sympathy is extended. The remains were laid to rest in the Exeter cemetery on Sat- urday, and a large number tittended to show their last tribute of respect to a kind heighbor, a worthy citizen and. a useful man. His wife predeceased him 011)0111 nine years. If Brevity is the SQUt Of Wit." Wit Is raqsdotn. Blood is life. Impure blood is living death. Health depends on good Mood. Despise is due' to bad blood. The' blood can be purified. Legions say Hood's Sarsaparilla, Amer.. ic.t's Greatest Blood Medicine, purifies it. A brief story but it tells the late. Nervous Weakness-4*f suffered from nervous weakness and loss of appe- tite; My Mad was impure, my stomach disordered and I could not sleep. Hood's Sarsaparilla has &red rite entirely." Mrs E. Lockwood, Belleville Ont. 0110 OLD 51. glvethis.hoStiticifi O1itP:5o11 Jiang F.e.t• *115 i'eltil to' dou)sg pael;t4fecontztfttedproitAldihttt. t ;Ire Of MI6 tit et6r, togegokan.o.,.. 1100,0(1 51 e11l •I•14,tfS)l 0011(01- 01111111-115 roe,' 'rant did Sddt*,'Stql liole. 00. It tUittbtif4Vviifitl thid id Cold trehrlitutilling 1 hditelityosi,ofataitliwc A idVotl'iladdi,..S'•, i10411,11%, 4 - Divorced but united again % .h 4erroun TRZIMIENT AVTER THEATBLENT n 4'01 f,-'140 NAMES OR TESTIMoNIALS USED WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT."Eia 6. Wm. A.. Walker of 16th Street says:—”I have suffered EM I SSIO NS young and ignorant. As "One of the Boys" I contracted Syphilis and. other Private diseases. I had ulcere in theK SYPHILIS untold agonies or my "gay life." I was indiscreet fwhen month and throat, bone pains, hair loose, pimples on STRICT U P..n RE face, finger nails came off, emissions, became thin dRi' 0. P. CURED despondent. Seven doctors treated on with Morcury,n Potash etc They belped me bat could not cure meal' Finally afriend induce me totry Drs.Rennedy &licr,,,,mn.IM Their LIew Method Treatment cared me in a few weeks. Their treatment is wonderfn1.111 -Coif cpel yourself gaining every day, I have never heard of their failing to cure la a singles 13:ea'e. 1=7 -CURES GUARANTEED OR MONEY REFUNDED ra Capt Chas. rerrysays:—"I owe my life to Drs. K. al K. 411. t 11 fleerned a bad habit. At 21 I had all the symptoms t -f2. . . „ f Leminai Weakness and Spermatorrhcea, Emmons ggw:re draining and weakening my vitality. I married at I .724 under advice of my family doctor, but .11 was a t. !end enperi,nce. In eightetm months we were divorced. I YS,,,tt he consulted. Drs, R. St II, who reetored me to manhood Coy tRheEmp, y, -. N -,, lf,thod Tr, atment. I felta new life thrill through Ao .t1,-, y neywcs Wo were united. again and are happy. This was kgeir years ago. Drs. It. & K. are scientific specialists and I heartily recomm d -.• - - • • • ,.., 1 ;11t IMPOTENCY VARICOCELE EMISSIONS a 0 4r.g5- tVe treat and cure Varicocele, EMZYS1021:, Nervous Debility, Seminal e! • • • ti3) TI/Lahness, Gh-et, Stricture, Syphilis, Unnatural .Discharges, Seif AbuseVi 1 3 Kicii!ey and Bladder- Diseases. , 17 'tEA'r1S IN DETROIT. 200.000 CURED. NO RISK n . . a1:: A D EF1 I fLiTaegNuil;le:41)V13E3).rbye211.:t hope? Have yon anyl t WieTliraiiO rsisge mOsj.11( New Method Treatment will cure von. What it has done for others it will do for you srseoNst.e.Ts."1 ION FREE. No matter who has treated you, write for'sn honest opinion Free... .,9„.;ofCharge.. Charges reasonable. BOORS FREE-.7"The etold1 en Monitor" (illustrated), 011 Diseasog of Lion. Inclose postage. 2 cents. Sealed. c,s.--:F134a1AVIiSUUSED WITHOUTWRIT.TEN CcNsENi.pyril: 1.0:mLdcinesentC.0.D,N0nanesonboxesor..e:!-veythina 0 confidential. Question list and cost of Treat - No.148 SHELBY ST.ri 4: ltk 3 DETROIT, MICH. gig' _FM , KaKr.12FIS .seceaktipRs•itcp The Molsons Bank. (Chartered' b!Parliament; 1855.. Paid up Capital............$2,500,000- Retherve Fund. 2,050,000. Maad office Montreal. JAMES ELLIOTT Esq. GENERAL AIANAGEII. Money 'advanced to goorl Farmers on thc,ir ownn otos with one or more endorsers at 7 per cent. per annum.. —7—EXETER BRANCH Open every lawful day from 10 a.m. to 3 Saturdays 10 a.m. to 1 p.m . A general banking business transacted RATES allowed for' money on Daposit Receipts. Savings Blink at cent. DrcitsoN & CARLING1 N D ITUTIr•ON, • Solicitors. Nana ger. TILE ONI'ARIO ELECTIONS r.roronto, Feb. 14.—There iS great et- tiyit-y. in the nomination Of Govern- ment candidates .for the Legislature, and it) begins to look as if the corn- pa.ign Avere 110t50 far off as hod been expected. NOIY1 titil)11 0111 ventions hove been celled thr Nottli. Ontario, :It Beaver•ton, on Feb. 28; Smith :Perth, Fel.). 22) North Norfolk, Feb, 18:- South 'Huron, o Ilonsall, rch i(-2.011th Grey zlt Dtainina, March (f. To cure a cold in. a night—use Vapo-Oreno, Ice°, lt has been iised extensively during ewe (tom eventy-rses yeks.. 1) (4' EXETER FOUNDRY •Pulpers and Straw Cut- ters in Stock at all times All kinds of Pulper and Strawcutter knives of every description on hand. Steam Pipe and fittings of' all kinds. A good William.s Sewing Machine for sale. MuliP14 77-teter...(0 1ls11r0 00. on.every hex. .of the goardlle ,axatIve Bromo.Quinine T'ablow ;he re:,neey 'eV:IMO a '4:1241 10 sq.k.c 11.03" 1f