HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1901-2-14, Page 8•Y; • ;1",".": Sae ( 47.F4INI X11:011';'''QVA":4'1'' V' 4' - •A'' \,.....„1:'" ' 1 A Good. Preventive.-- `rho way ,a - 1 (rVUNT ('-'4,is`; ca :, great many xnen ale givill,'Y Mr. Grip ,4 LOCAT..) I, ..1,.5--:... `4.-,1 L., a, 1C-: ' t .. n , • . i go-by is, y weatiog ;,1 goca warm 44,?' 4:4•„:1':,,al.MNOR4.0.'&1':':'.V.0..l4P.U..1.,‘.'N4lfee:Ig‘ fur coat. Stewart has good wanm far coats for $10, $13.50, $17.50, SIN) tnhey gave him )ipv113ne pills Anti things to ease his brain: I'lassy gave hill: blietere on the 'scalp To take away the pain; , . They, gave him morphia and gas, 'atsey gave Into up for dead, 8" It wasn't fatal after all — just poems ill his head. darel" she cried An angry glow Across her features flamed, triarlared, and thee she wispered low: 'slew might to be aslouned." --ram ashamed," he murmured low, Allow me to explain; 734 the:kiss I stole I have no r4ght-- 1m give it back again," • St, Valentine's Day to -clay atr. IThurs- Jion. Muluck has given instructions 'Wprepare designs for a new set of a Restage, enunps. South Huron Liberals will tueet at neusall on March 5 to nominate a can- (adate for the Legislature. ir Robt. McFalls, of Creditors, last week moved into the dwelling recent- ly -vacated by Mr, Wm. Page on Main s(teela fss Emma Penhale and Jr. M. Vincent leave Monday next for Tor - 011W as delegates to attend the Grand tilatenc,i1 of the Royal Templars of Ttruperance. The Exeter Hockey Clubjourneyed ,.Paxkhili on Tiatinsday last to play a 'estate With the team of that place, re - ting in favor of the home team by. raa.c.sare otio to 5. The return match Will be played here Tuesday night laext. 98c. for a very large and very good vhite bed spread. They are. very -ghtty soiled, that's Why 08C. is ,wable for so good an article. Ste - is the place. Nr. and, Mrs. J. A. Stewart enter- Wned a large namber of their friends ttita,,social hop on Friday night last, ,mstests being present front Zurich,llen- Seaforth aud elsewhere. Winan's Cough Balsam stupasses all ether medicines for the cure of Coughs =wrap:toying Lagrippe, Colds and altichetic Tronbles. Only 25c. a bot- tilksats Lintz's Drug store. e'Mr. Matt. Floody left this morning 1t»- his new home at ,Bannockburn, :Rastings county. Mrs. Floody aud -Stallian will visit with Exeter friends Ssr a, inonth before going to Ban- magisburn."—Blvtla Standard. Sea:forth Son:—" Mr. Andrew Oke, e'tExeter, has purchased the harness - Making business of J. Ward, town, =alias taken possession. Mr. Oke is astrst-class workman and no doubt will snake a. success of the business." Ilse Turkish Scalp Food for falliog emsesrey hair. It prevents dandruff and istIleves itching of the scalp. 'Only 50c. sabott/e Lutiz's Drug Store. n d $23, and if you want the ehoice coon coots for the least money posal- you better go to Stewart's quick. A sleigh load of young people drove Fansedle ou Friday evening last and spent a pleasant time. A social will he given in the Main Street Methodist chureb, under the auspices of the Epwartb League ou Wednesday evening, Feb, 201h, coin- meacing at S o'clock. A choice Pro - ;grain will be rendered and refresh- ments served. Admission 15c; ehildren The Tornado Mail ;led EMpirepointa out that tinder the. Criarlioal Code everyone is guilty of an indictable of- fence,aml is liable to 14 years iinprison- ment, Wise inipairs,diminiShes Or lights ens any Corrent gold or silver coin. And further, "everyone is guilty ofan indictable offence, and liable to. three' years'imPrisonmen't who utters as he - current any, gold or silver coin of -less than it,s lawful weight, knowing such coin to have beei so onsom ed, direinished lightened, otherwise than by laWftil wear," The following has been: handed us by Mr; Henry Doyle, of the township of Stepheb, as the correct answer to .. the mathematical probleba in the Anvo- 6A-ris, last week. Being the only :an- swer and Coming ,froin one Se (Ad as our friend, Mr. Doyle, it Certiinly re- flects credit,on him, while on the other hand puts to shanie:some of Our young peopleaasSO,apples at 1 Cent each and 5 atilc. will amount.to $1.35;., 41-E at 1, cent eachand at 11c. will.amOunt to $1.85 and 3 at one cent eaali: and .12 at 11c, will amount to 51.35. The following is , the annual report of the Free Library for :the year en& ing Dec -31st, 1900i—Receipts 5607.66; expenditure, $605.13; balance of hand, 52.53; donations in books, 52.75; value of books, 52220.00; other assets, 5150.00; total 523700; No. of vOlunies purchas- ed this year, 195; No.of .volurnes in library, 3999; No, of volumes issued in 1000, 9461; No. of daily- newspapers 3; No. of Magazines and. periodicals. 10; No. of weekly newspapers, 5; No. of persons who borrowed books (1900) 453; amount of money Spent in books .(not fiction) for 1900. $176.19; amount spent in fiction, $35.64.; for newspapers and ma.1.-,,azines, 575.50. N. D. HURDON, W. ID. WEEKEs, The Clinton New Era clainis con- eaTerable unduenredit when it states Oaatthe score of the recent, hockey match between Clinton and Exeter f'..aanas resulted in .6 goals each. The mover score was 6-5 in favor of Exe- him. The immediate cause of death was heart failure. you should investigate and then i The following -is an extract from a vest- A cleall-up in slippers at 1 letter received from Mr. E. H. Gidley, gaevvares. A big lot, of styles and of Winnipeg, Man.; a former Exeter often lot of women's carpet, felt boy, which speaks for itself, viz:—As arid leather house slippers. Allockls you can imagine, there has been in- tl. ends from stock taking—value tense excitement in Winnipeg and —e to 51.25, your choice now only .1 throughout the 'Province during the 25c. the pair. ' past few days over the recent hockey lost by 9 to 8, The annual meeting of the Huron Pooltry and Pet Stock Association was held in .0(0 erieb on Wettoeeday week. Qat•('.er, vieo president, .in th eintir. Mr. Moore, of Exeter, moved, seconded by Mr.. Swallow, that the next amnia Meeting be:1161(1in Exeter, 1.A• Grag, in ;intendment 1 , moves , seconded by 1). A. Lowry, that it be held in Wingham. • The arnenilment was carried by a majority of one. The election of officers resulted as follows: President, Nikrilter To Wing,harn; lst vice, W. Carter, Constance; 2nd vice, Geo. Swallow, Clinton; 3rd vice, 3. A. King, Clinton; sec'y, Geo. Fewton, Wingham; treas., 11. 13. Elliott, Wiughan; auditors, George Hanna, Mr. Van Norman. Director— Seaforth. C. H. Aetezel, Dr. Scott, 0. 0. Wilson; ()Hilton, J. A. Grig,g, j. H, Howson, Newton Davis; Wing - ham, D. B. Anderson, J. A. Gray, Jas. Henderson; Exeter, T. 13. Ca Grieves, jno. Moore; Hullett, G. Neviu, W. Wallace, S. Appleby; Luckamw, 3. 0. Lyons; Wroxeter, J. Btethour, D. C. Pope; Brussels, A. Backer, D. Lowry, L. Downing; Bruce6eld, S. C. Dalgetty, W. &Tee; Saltford, J. Lennox; Goderich, 0, Campbell, S. S. Howrie, Richard. 02 Postlewaite. Wm. Warnock rnOVed, seconded by Geo. Swallow, that the next annual exhibition be a county one. J. A. Grey, seconded by Cohn Campbell, moved in amendment thatit and the motion was Mitchell: The Whyte Packing Co. be an open show; the amen risen t was Mr. winm ia:Brooks, oaten weelee: fieasant visit with friends in BliStb, returned lanne .11.1oriday evening. Mr. ,Tehnseia, of London„ 71,5 010 fok ;Si, .of 1ii daughter, MOS. 3?. F1ayfle,e w days this weck. He was ac- eorimanied bia daughten MISS SOD. Ails& Susie Tait left Tuesday morning for St. Paul, Minn., where ahe intends making her future honle. She will be very much missed both socially and otherwise and her many friends will Team with regret of her departure. Mr, .Taines Acheson, who has been tending bar at the Bernard/ Honse, London, returned home on Friday quite Ill. Since his return he has im- proved considerably but is quite weak yet. Grip seems to be the cause of the trouble. Mr. Joseph Smith after a pie t visit with friends and relatives in and wound Exeter, left Wednesday morn- ing for his home in Detroit. .It will be remembered that Mr. Smith con- dueted the carnage business now own- ed by Wm. Ktinz and left here about thirteen years ago for Detroit where he has since resided, following the oc- cupation of stair boilding principally. He looks quite natural and is enjoy- ing splendid health. Around About Us afterwards declared carried. Messrs. Stratford, are going to.fit up the old C. Campbell and S. S. Howrie were factory in Mitchell, for cold storage appointed local auditor, and the meet- for butter and eggs. They will go ing adjourned. into the purchase of these articles Church Wedding. extensively, and will, no doubt, do a Tuesday morning of this week the large business, which will be a benefit Main street Methodist, church, here, to the town. , was the scene of a.711 interesting &Sent, especially to the fair portion of this Ailsa Craig: On Monday noon ' while Mr. Campbell, of Parkhill, was iiiii assisting n gettng out tmber in T. Hindruarsh's bush he was accidentally struck on the forehead with an axe, inflictinga deep and nasty cut. Dr. Gunn dressed the wound and he re- turned home again on the evening train. , Seaforth: Mr, J. 0. Rose, who has been book-keeper and business mana- ger for the Broadfoot &Box Furniture Company here for a greatemany years, left on Wednesday' to take a position in the head office ot the new company at Torouto. The people of Seaforth will deeply regret that the change in the,business is to deprive us of so use- ful and popular a citizen. Varna: Mr. Wm. McAllister has sold his fano on the Parr line to Mr. R. E. Robinson, of the Goshen line, and Mr. Robinson takes possession in March. Mr. McAllister intends re- moving to Alberta with his family in the spring. He has already purchased a farm there which is located near the town of Wetaskewin, and a shalt dis- tance from where the Messrs. Thirsk and Ward, formerly of Stanley, are located. '" Seaforth: Mr. Roy Scott, son of Mr. James Scott, met with a serious and what relight easily have proved a fatal accident, on Saturday afternoon. He was fixing the electric light wires 'in the E. McFaul Co.'s store, when the electric current was turned on at the power house. Fortunately he only had one hand on the wires, and this saved hiSlife. However, his left hand was badly burned and cut by the elec- tric current, and although painful, he is congratulating himself that it was no worse. Seaforth: Another of the early set- tlers of this district, in the person of Mrs. John T. Dickson, passed peaceful- ly acway- at her residence in Seaforth on Sunday. She has been in fading health for some years, and since her unfortunate fall in January of last year has been a helpless invalid. She bore her suffering and weakness with great mirage and looked to the f u - tare with the brightest hope.- Truly "at eventide it was light " with her. Mrs. Dickson had nine children, all of whom are liv ing, the, two eldest daugh- ters being /flanged. Beacefield: Mr. Robert McCartney, with his sister, Misg` Sarah, of Moose Jaw, Manitoba, who were visiting their uncle; Mr. Alex. Thompson, Bay- field Road, received' a telegram on Monday bringing the sad intelligence of the death ,of their father, Mr. James Cartney. The news was qnite a shock to the young people, who left their father not long ago in comparatively good health.They left Seaforth on the early train Tuesday rnorning en- . , route for home, which they hope to reach in time for the funeral. Mr. McCartney was widely known through- out the county of Huron and the sym- pathy of the whole community will go out to the stricken family in this their hour of trial and sad bereavement Eginondillle: Mr. John Dobie, one of the pioneer settlers of Tuckersmith, died OD Stinday last. ' Mn. Dobie bad reached` the good age of 84 years and 5 months. "He had been growing feeble rapidly for some months, but didnot seem to be affected by any 'particular disease, and his death was due .to a wearing out of the physical man. Although confined to the house for a couple of weeks hehad never been confined to bed, ad suffered only from weakness. ,He passed away sit- ting in his chair and as quietly and easily as if he had gone to sleep. He was a quiet, unassuming, industrious, hondst, good living man, and was de- servedly esteemed by all who knew him, and was !DOA highly esteemed by those who knew him best. , Varna: 'One of the,oldest settlers of Stanley baa been removed by the hand of death, in the person of Mr. Andrew Stinson, who passed away at his`home in Clinton on Sunday morning.. The deceased had reached the remarkable age of 90 years, over 60 of which have beep spent in the county of Huron. Mr. Stinson moved Int° Stanley when. it was practically a wilderness. but by industry and hard work made for him - ecu iiid family one of the finest, farms in,the townsillp. Mr. Stinson 110 an Irishman by birth, and in his younger days partienkrly strong, rugged MAD, and before the days of railroads had teamed goods from Toronto to Goderich. ITe was n, Conservative in politics cold for yearg WAS a CVarden 01 St. John's chnrele, Vatna. The to- insins were internal in the Theyfield eannetevy on Tneeday and despite the fJt01 131 and bad rOndS, a' large number paid the last tight/Le of respect, to the departed by their. presence. He leaves community, it being the occasion of Ithe marriage of Miss Maud M. Walsh daughter of Mr. Wm. Walsh, to Dr. W. A. McDowell, of Listowell. The bridal party reached the church about 7.30 o'clock where the ceremony was performed by the Rev. R. IVIillya,rd. The bride looked charming in a simply made travelling gown of mid brown broadcloth. The ceremony over the happy couple were driven to the depot where they took the 8.35 train for Baffalo and eastern points. On their return they will take up housekeeping at Listowel where the Dr. enjoys an excellent dental practice. The young couple are prominent in social circles and the well -wishes of their many friends will accompany them on, their honey moon trip as well as . for their Treas. SeeY. future ha.ppiness. . A correspondent to the London Servants we do not 'Keep. . Free Press, says:—One of Biddulph's Dr. Grace Peekam Murray, a well pioneers, Mr. Wm. Leavitt, of Gran- .known and authoritativewriter.in re ton, diedon thel5t1rhist., aged eighty gard Ed Children's Diseases, begios.. in years. Mr. Leayitt settled on :the farm the MARCHADELINEATOR a series on which he died in 1845, having resi- .of four valuable chapters dealing with ded there continuously for npwards of "The Child." . The first article :speaks fifty-six years. He.was' an Episcopa- of "The .Child at Home:7. Every Han and a life-long Conservative. The 'nunther should read these articles as deceased. leaves four sons and one they appear. Wherever' the retain dareanterseSamuel, of Belleville, asst. in.: of a servantis'a difficult matter. superintendent London Life; Mrs. and in what home is it. not?—interest Thos. Blaeksivell, Of Gladstone, Man.; shoald' be felt in the :article in the John, of Georgetown, freight agent MARCH:DELINEATOR bY.ProfeSsor G. T. R.; William; of Exeter, mer- Ellen H. Richards: of The Massachu chant; Alexander, of Walkerville, setts College of Technology, entitled assistant chief fire .depantinent. De- "The Servants We Do' Not Keep,' ceased was married 57 years ago to Of :course the final:word: on: the. eer- Miss 'Margaret McDonald, ,, daughter vant question will never, be uttered of the late John McDonald, ofayictoia hut every, woman with servant trouble. Nova Sootia, and Who still 'satrvives at beast wants to knoW the troubles of others and how, in some measure they overcame them. n".1.11.C.....••••••41.• games in Montreal for the "Stanley The Ailsa Craig Banner speaking ,Cup" and in which our boys WOD Out oaaformer residenta of Exeter, says: bY a neck. They now carrY the Proud Mr...D.tuncey intends holding an auc_ title of " Champions of the World." tiara sale of his household effects on Talk about a prize fight or Dominion "..cokesda-y, Feb. 12th. We understa:hd elections creating excitement, they are Tail/tends moving to London where not in it with those hockey gal:3es, lae-aviil. again enter into the gtocery there having beets no less than from taaeiness, eight to ten private wires in different parts of the city giving out the returns Everybodi y s using Dix Laxative direct. from the Montreal ice as the 01-c1. Cure foe the immediate relief and games were in progress. In another „sapid cure or Cold in thellead,Influen- twelve months we will be having all az.Lagrippc, Sick, Nervous or Neural- the fun in Winnipeg, as the Eastern as:Se-Headache, etc. Only 15c. a box, at men will now have to travel West .to Itmtespl'ilg Store.. play for the "mug." Our fellows,are a A very pleasant and social evening swell "bunch" and it wonld do you, was spent at the residence of mg good to see therroas the small boy says, Wit. Pickard on Friday night -last. " god:IP-de:Pike. The occasion being a gathering of his Farms For Sale. trm3.?1(}yes to partake of an oyster sup- - Two or three improved hundred acre spar., After all had done justice to the farms for sale in the townships of Us- kr.,valves the balance of the evening borne and Stephen. For particala,rs vsas most pleasantly spent in games apply to Dickson & Carling.. awl nit/SiC. Old Resident of Hibibert Dead. - Keep your wife warm these cold i The Stratford Herald says: ---There slays. Big values in Ladies' fur coatsdied in Gorrie on Saturday, at the set,Stewart's. 515.25, 520, 523 and All money saving prices. Ladies hr caperines—fifteen only, 52.50: ...f..59; 57.50 and 58.50. Every caper- rsta a.warm bargain. According to judgment rendered re- aattly, the council of any township is losnensibie and open to action for al- tungs bad holes, sturrins or stones to Remain on the roads, whether or not &image results from same, the fact living the existence of such obstacles are an iinpediment to the safety of travellers. Conncils, shoUld be guided Al7t.. this, warning. The annual Huron Poultry Exhibi- awl was held in Goderich on Wednes- sPay and Thursday last.. The followiog afizes were captured by our local fan. mess, vis:—Light Brahrnaa, Messrs. 9AT-thug Bros.,three prizes; Anda •t'karIing Bros., 1 prize; I3.13. Red Game „IX -at tam, Carling Bros., two prizes; White Plymouth Rock, Messrs. Sen- na! and Gtieve, two prizes; White Wyandotte, Senior ancl Grieve, three ip,,,azes; Spanish, John i'd)ore five Razizes. The special, evangelistic services in Joitzee street, church last Sunday were 0,ttencled by large cr)n.grogations, 1)ar- klettlarly in the eVernrig, Miss 11,101.- 0,an the.e.vangelist,preached svith /nark- evit eanficaatness anti pcisver, i.eaciv. 'Death of Mrs. Henry Jones. It will be sad news to many to learn of the death on Tuesday at the family residence, London Road,south, of Eliz abeth Rook, beloved wife of MisHenry Jones. :Mrs, Jones had been ailing for some time, .the result Of 130 attack': o la grippe but her case did not assume. a serious nature until about nine days previous to her demise,' when she was soddenly stricken .with .an attack01 - paracysis from which she never rallied The deceased . was aged 43 year's,. 0 months and 13 days and was beloved by everyone_ who knew her for her kind disposition. She Was a thorough Christian, being a life long inember 01 the:JameS- street. Methodist cbtiroil She leaves behindher a sorrowingehos band and four children—two boys and two girls -a -all Of Whoin have the syta pathy of the coMmunity. . The funeral takes place to -day (Thursday) to the' Exeter' cemetery. ,SKIX,1":5;11401tilgAt'al'SIVAVAIAtN7MVANt'AllOritttall,11V.:0 +‘> - PERSONAL. gitzlegttAVAAAARVIAttt#1,05691:541ParIMAAAAA040 Mrs Jas. Willis is on the sick list. Mr. J. J. Sones is visiting friends in - Mrs. D. Johns is visiting friends in St. Marys. Mrs. Wm. Harding is in a., very low residence of her daughter, Mrs. Robert state of health. McLaughlin, Mrs, James Dow, for- Mrs. A. E. Bennett is confined to merly of Hibbert; at the age of 93 her bed through illness. years. Four sons and two daughtersRev. a. w. Teti Eyck spen chell; of t a few survive; Messrs. Alex. Dow, of Exeter; days in London this week. Miss Edith Sanders has returned of MitJames Dow, Stratford; John Dow, of Hibbert; William Dow. Mrs. J. Knott of Toronto, and Mrs from vsisiting friends in Blyth. , McLaughlin, of Gorrie. The faneral Mr. Alex. Dow attended the funeral takes place to -morrow. of his mother in Gorrie on Tuesday. - sylaa ptoms Of ta Grippe. MISS Bents Dodds returned home A peculiarity of the prevalent grip Friday from visiting friends in Orono. epiffemic is severe recurrent pain over Miss M. Isreal, of Seaforth, visited the eyes. Sometimes only one 'eye is Miss Sweet the latter part ' of the affected; often both. The bone seems week. to sncldenly become very tender, and Mrs. Thos. Snell Huron street is under the intense pain the sight is recovering slowly from her recent temporarily affected. If you've had it illness. you know; if You haven't, this may MiSS Nettie Walters returned home prevent you from thinking: when you menday, aftea a' pleasant visit in get it, that Your head is going split whIghaas, , open. It is not to be fooled With, ,he most dangerous complication being Mrs. Bell returned to Hamilton Mon- pneuinonia. Prompt medical care ear- day after a pleasant visit with her sis- ly in the attack may avert the worst ter, Miss Slialith. Mrs. H. Bishop' left Monday for sYll)Pt°1118':' S t h th ' tayner o see her ono er, w o is Hotel CliFinge, Mr. T. IlaWltshavv, who has con - dangerously 111. ducted the Commercial House here for Mr. W. G. Bissett, after several a Intinher of years, disposed of that weeks' illness, was able to take a short fatuous hostelry last week to his iincle, drive on Friday. Mr. Win. litiwkshavs, of St. Marys.Mr. and Mrs ` The new landlord is no stranger by John. Floyd ' of Sea - any means to the people of Exeter forth spent a few days in town this week with relatives. and vicinity, having conducted the , Mr. Harry Sanders returned Tries- . day evening from a short visit with friends in St. Marys. ta.t.11e close attonaOn of thecongre- hotel ;ind also the lVlansion asaaaisin, sornolave 0,1'read...%7 expt,essed House here some years ago, therefore autl purpose to begin tne The services are continued . tf„hro,t•egb!: ti.e weck OaCtl C,11i.11 g, c e p t, glz.tm•daY. • Next Szlnday Mortdn, (Dv :V-.) peen c 4'6 t)et 11 SeA'Vieefi. We areare Dot SOrpriseci that ISTr.T...lawk- shaw confidettly anticipates that he will command a, fair share of patron- age, We have not learned T. W. has decided to turn his hand at evening themebeing, era, ma yet, bit we imaerstand does not in - ".3e1,01. 41,0r1 Thc 1301)112 arc, tend re-entering Ebe hotel business. wumeaiy inVitreg t° these 'PeciM Meet- The new landlord ta)M possesiOn on A. Amos, for a, few daYe dar'ng the d 'ftfoilv of te'!1 children to Mourn the 'slags., Ole 27`113 pist, ` Week. lore' ofp oving father. Mr. W. j. Crooks, who has been clerking at Clinton, has made a tem- por,iry move to Godericii. Mr. and Miss Amos, of McGillivray, were the guests of their unrile, Dr, T. wlalokokilwv oont‘hay hetEr aaotl ld You never til you wear. thein. Then you probably discover yon haVe In;ide ;I bad deal. The SLA'rER S110Ia' has a reputation,and sale over Canada that cannot be excelled by isny other manufacturer to ova. knowledge. Their goods give always the beet, of satisfaction ;tad the in -sine SLATER being starni)ed on each shoe suffieient to satfiy former customers. Others say theirs are just as good but don't buy a shoe until you try a SLATER SHOE and after one purchase you ;ire a weareiof a SLATER forever. A company with a -reputation like the SLATER people would hardly risk putting their brand on ioferior goods. Yont are always sure of a perfect fit, easy,'comfort. good wear,- and first-oless satisfaction. , Weare the age-rts for the Celebrated SHOE.. J. SPACKIVIAN, Headquarters for W. E. Sandford's Clothing. BEIXElm''""10Hz— .MMadet1=116111•1ffigRaleET, rnitur mjorwm -1; , E.G.E1"17:. Call and be convinced that the above statement is correct . . . Many bargains still left in FANCY GOODS PARLOR SUITES,9 BEDROOM SETS, SIDEBOARDS, COUCHES, Etc., of GIDLEY STOCK ood taken in . exchange for Flirnitilre OPERF1 tIOUSE 13LOCI. BetPerley Otistori, FA it -t. IIIPLE1tI.,:-3S TS. The Pr°13eil.,6‘11‘.norirle4141:17a..37, lArk 111 AGTH.,E:‘,\NoT\I ,t4 , • ,RIGHT-WiND, I WE SELL THE BEST. - Farmers intending to purchase FARM MACHINERY should call on us be- fore buying elseWhere. We sell the best and the best is what the fanner wants, IVIeCC)RliViICK LEADS. WE HANDLE THE WE HANDLE THE - , BINDER ' SYLVESTER, ' MOWER DRILLS, PLOWS, and RAKE. ,, CULTIVATORS, DISC, Etc. WE SELL THE WOODSTOCK WAGON. SOUTH WES OF HAWKSHAW'S HOTEL. a 51 SNELL .......,__ _ HOW ARE YOUR NERVES? 2 If they are weak and you feel ner- vous and easily "flustratcd," can't sleep, and rise in the 'morning mare- freshed, your blood is poor. Strong nerves depend upon rich, nourishing blood. Hood's Sarsaparilla makes the nerves strong by enriching and vitaliz- ing the blood. It gives sweet, refresh- ing sleep and completely cures nervous troubles. Begin taking it to -day. Nausea, indigestion are cured by Hood's Pills. 11/AJUBA DAY. The day hetvveen the 18th and 20th of February, 1900, will be mentorable in the history of the South Afaican war. •The put taken by the Ca nadiau troops on that day when the "lion of the north"—General Cronje.—was fore,- od to ;urrencler will be spoken of as a work worthy of any regiment. The position they occupied is clearly de- pietedAin the picture which the Week- ly Globe is giving free to its yearly subscribers. L sarnple copy can be seen at this office. It ' is certainly svoi.thy of a place in every Canadian home. - Children ,Cry for ASTOR I ' ,FOLLICI( For Bread, BUDS, White Buns; Brown 131108, Graham Biscuits, Cakes of all kinds Crealn'Puffs ,Wafer, Fancy , , . , Biscuits, PlainBiscirits, . ' ' Wedding Cakes a specialty—Iced and beautifully oerianieri tecl at a reaso- nable price. , Cakes or Pies made to order. XXX Bread delivered to all parts of the 017 Mondays, Wednesdtt,ys and Saturdays. We will be laleased to call 011 yo11. ' We 1115 Ile-ent for J. attliThig Sons, Florist;''Lniidon. 13'101'111 designs for funerals, or iloWei•s of ahl kinds oil the shortest, notice. E. A..1OLLICK. 1741XF..TEll LUMBER. YAR D ' 18 rg0, stoalc of Ifum her—pinc dna_ hemlock 70.00S'fr,e1 of hem lock lumber lor balms, et ., 51.81 sh i gl es, lath and cedar posf,s. ?lieu; reagonahle, ,r.A.3, Yazd: Est 8120 4111 11 st, 13 1;1