HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1901-2-14, Page 7ONE-SIXTH OF ALL DEATHS DUE TO CONSUMPTION. Its Ravages Spares No ajass--ettett and , reel' Xlitae Fall Is Viettuts--lloar This Dread Trouble May be Prevented.- tet. VICTORIA HOSPITAL FOR CONSUMPTIVES. ‘4 wee Goers Sake, net Me a Plata to Die tii." Tee werti,e were uteered a feva weak's, ago by a poor feltow as lie lay on hie elnath-beel in a hotel at Gray- annuret. A week laefore lee had tree. - deed a aviesle day nta reaen ,Lhe Sane- toriuni, but On anadecal oxaniination Oalmasumption has been well named le wee aoltact that the dinease, eon - /he great tvhite plegee, Gee -sixth af ;3711"Thedeaths occurring in Canada an- nually are due to'the ravages of this terrible disease. Its vietinas are found atmang all classe,s; rich and poor alike succumb tie Re ineidious advance, Only a few years ege the victim, of consumption was regarded as incur- able, and horror eericken frientls eumptiorr, was too far acleenend to' berne Ile, tried ,tor get 'beard an Grarainbeteet end finally after ye- peated eailureet eeeut‘ed adnaissien to one of the hotele. He 'Soon became weleae, ,atnel title resident physteian of the Sanatterlum wee eallea in. When it beeemo kneern that he had eon- attro;ption, it was fotind impossible to watched the loved one day by day pet attendants to wait en hem fade away untie death came as a through fear of taantagton. lahe merciful releaee. Now, however, it is hostler of the, hotel was asIced to help , known that taken in its earlier stages ad bn his refusal he was offered $1 consumption is curable., and that by at day extcra, but preferred to give a proper care cif the blood—keeping pre -disposed to ale disease eseape its 'ravages. Consumption is now classed arnong the preventible diseases, and ,those.who are pale, easily tired, ema- 4sYmntonas of general debility should an ',once fortify, the' system, by enrich- ing and purifying the blood—thus strengthening not only tee, lungs, but pares of tae body. AmiangI those who have °soaped a threatened death from consuriaation- is Mrs. Relleert McCracken, oe Marsh- vi'lle, One Mrs. McOralte,n gives her experience that it may be ef benefit to some other seifferen She says; A few years ago I began to exper- ience a general weakness. My appe- tite was poor; I was very pale; was troubled with shortness of breath and a, smothering feeliag ia my chest, Besides these symptoms I became very nervous, at times dizzy and faint,„ and my hands and feet vvould g* as oelel as ice. , As the trouble _progressed I began to lose flesh rap- idly, and in a short time was only a shadow, of my former se,lf. I had ood medical treatment, but did not via relief, and as a harsh cough set in I began tb fear that consunaption had fastened itself upon rue. This was strengthened by a knowledge that several of my ancestors had died of this terrible disease. In this ra.ther deplorable condition I was ad- vised to try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. I at once procured a supply and had • 33101P taken thera long when I noted a ehange far the better. ley the time I 'had takesa six or eight boxes I was able to more around the house again and feSt better and stronger in every way. I continued the use, of the pills until I had taken a dozen boxes, when an .my old time strength and vigor kad returned, and I was as well as ever. During the time I was using the pills my weight increased twenty- " alx pounds. Several years have since _passed, and in tlaat -time not a symp- tione of ray former eroulate has made itseef apparent, so' that I think I am safe in saying that my cure is per- manent. I lae,lieve Dr. Williams' Pink Pills saved. my ilfe, aid I strongly advise ailing women to give them a ' Dr. Williams' Pink Pills' are a tonic !end not a purgative medicine. They ;enrich the blood from _the first dose to the last and thus bring health and Strength to every organ in the body. The genuine pills are said only in noses with the full name, "Dr. Wil- liams' Pink Pills for Rale People," prinked on the wrapper: If your deal- ee cannot supply you. send direct to the Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brock- ville, Ont., and the pills will'be poet paid at 50 cents whoa, or six loxes for 02.50. . up his position ratitee than ce:pose hienetalf, as he tliatuelit, to the dan- ger ea trifetition _from the patient. , The plintician fin= ,khe ,Sanatoriurn had to, Perfecto. 'the cluelas of nurse and maid as well as hSs own, When the poor fellow W....1 4.h that the man - eite Be Jokes No More. "Jake" Inquired one of the yeuneer of the knielate of the road of an old drummer, "what maae you lame?" "Overexertion at practical jolting." "Tell that to the lainbe." "That's dead right, sonen. Cracked one too maay, and it left me lame for life. Ask any of the old boye. That game of elnehe cense When I was traveling to what were tlaen the new silver tinning districts in Colorado% You call it pear() In title state, I guess. • "Well, had a reputation for joking those days—sort of an advertisement, you know. There was a good deal ot shouting and shooting through the Cell - lug that night, but everybody was good natured and jolly until five hands wege played without a pedro being caught. Tbe bidders did nothing but go in the hole and were getting uglier every deal. "At lest cohni contain myself no longer, and anuounced with an up- roarious laugh that I had abstracted the five spots. Tbe g•eneral storekeep- er was a friend of mine and promptly threw me from tee second story vvite, dow. But they are great wing shote Out there, and two of thein got me. You'll notice that the lobe of my left 'ear is gone. The other bullet was ex- tracted from my leg under the super- vision of the vigilance committee. I have been an ex -joker ever since." DON'T WAIT FOR, QPPORTTeNITY. Make it, Lincoln. made bee ea the log cebbn ha the witdernens. Make it H as enry Wilsen made lib during his ev'entrige on is farm, When he read a tneuaand volamee while other boys of the eeighborhood waeted their avenenget Make it, as George StoPIL- enScen aK?, his when he mastered the mine Mathernatiee wiell a bit of. chalk On the ainee ot !the coal wagoes au the Mines eTeke it as Douglass made hie when he learned from ecratas of pipette anel posters. te, as Napaleen made hie in a hundred im- portant. eituatilone. • Make it as the deaf and blend Helen Keller is =k- ing hare. eteka it, as ever young men meet who, would accomplish any- theng wean, etffeet. Golden op- poatuattitete are nothing to laziness, and the greatest advarita.ge will make you rieleculoue if you are not prepaaed foe it. 1 A PLEASANT DISAPPOINTMENT. age -meet f the hotel tviehecl to get A hem cut he bagged the doctor for God's sake te, get him a -place to die in. The doctor looked after hien for eeine, days, remailitng• with him on hi e last visit until one o'clock in the aterning. The pcor eatEferer was found dead next (ley in hes bed and beyent the need tie further help. Telegrams had been sent ' to he friends, and hie sister reached Gray- enhuret only in time to take away'. the dead body of her brother. Various priaposals. hara been macle to erect eutitable structures to cam- raemora te our late beloved Queen. When her -Diamond Jubilee was,cele- brated four yeary age large hospititl undertakings were bo,,guri La London and eletterhere with her special sanc- tion as the best expeession of, ,the nation's cong,rd.tulations. ,To make 11 raneveratils ehilling contribu- tionwere called for. The, Nationa.1 leanetarium teasecia- tied hae new provided a place in CONCERNING TEETH. Teeth have oaten been, and to this day sometimes are, warn as amulets. Sharks' teeth eerve ibis purpose in Samoa. Some people believe a tooth is not sensitive until a nerve has been ex- -poised. On the oan trary, the den tine, or enamel aft a tooth., is a very sensi- tive eubstance. , It need to, be said that the first tleeth ol a chtial easeat not be thrown away when they fell out, for if any animal get ouch a trepha the next tooth would be like that of the ani- . mal f tattling due aid on ' Dentiets 'used. to !speak of one per. - son's teeth being harder or softer than another's. It Is believed now by - able practitionere that all human teeth are of nearly 11 not q.u.tte' the ettnae degree Of hardneese There is, hotwever, each is thing as hard Or soft decay la a tooth. The period of teething being an anxious one: in childhood, it is ex- tremely important to have it over with. In the viresit of England a neck - lane etg bead made from Pe°nY root %yea placed eel tete child's neck to eist the operation, end one of amber beads Wee P.1501 tfhought to lac power - Gra'venhurst for !patients who are able to pay, and thea as ved t ts usefulness by saving hundrede of Liven since it woe Opened,three years ago. "A free laosepttal for poor pati- ents who, cannot pay and who are en the ,e.arly stages ot the „alieease nolw in proceaS of erection near the , li.tesere wee it tradetieln that fram the ,me Chatterers, the Persian, carried Off a goleoe tel the true cross from Con-. " "ialkaeltetiople, the number of teeth in' 'the mciathe !eif men was reduced from • 1t1 hot !,3. * needless be sior, hew- ! - fee•vette, that Mankind In usually pre , vigind Welt sfuU eatMplernetet 44 se. Sanatorium. VICTORIA HOSaPITAL FOR CON- SUMPTIVES. TO round up thie work the Nation- al Sanitarierra Association desire to build another hospital, near Toron- to, for Incurable consumptimes. What batter mempaia.1 could be erected than n "Victoria hespita.le for such ca.sest All the large cities, of course, will have, their etatue of the Queen, bue elite will not lea a national under- taking. We can, hawever, have the "Vic- toria Hospital" ander the auspices of the Natlonal Sanitarium Aiseseciation, and thisimight'be built by contribu- . . tisane teein all over Canada. Eveey village and towen detail eend to it consumptIve patients and thus bene- fit by a memorial to the Queen, 'to which they have contrtbuted, Humanity demands that something ehauld ba done; self-protection againat the danger of contagion de- mands that something de done; but the very dosing of this by, ,exciting dread of the disease makes it more difficu.lt foe it hopeless victims to receive the attention necessary to enable themtot die in peace. "For God's iiake, get me a place to die," la a call that ahould be, no long- er le f t unansbvered, Your dollar will help to artewer Oentributionte are already coming en for thee ranch-needea underfeek- Eng. These desirous of helping may remit The Story of a Picture. Benjamin West's picture of tbe "Death of Nelson" is closely connected with an anecdote of the great sailor. Just before he went to sea for the last time be Was present at a dinner, dur- ing wheat he sat between the artist and Sir William Hamilton. Nelson was expressing to Hamilton his regret that he had not, in les youth, acquired some taste for art and some discrin3iiaation In judging It. "But." said be, turning to West, "there is one picture whose power I do feel, 1 never pass a shop where your -'Death of Wolfe' la in thc window without being stopped by it-". West made smite gracious answer to 115 compliment, and Nelson went on. ',Why have you painted no wore like it?" "Recusen my lord," West replied, "there are no more subjects." "Ah," said the sailor, "I didn't think of tbat." "But my lord," continued West, "I am afraid your intrepidity will yet furnish roe with another such scene, and if it should I shall certainly avail myself of it." Will yotiee said Nelson-- will you: Mr. West? Then 1 hope 1 shall die in the next butt e " A few days later he sailed, his straugely expressed aspiration was re- alized, and the scene lives upon can- vas.. - HON. SIR WM. MEREDITH. Vice -Pros. Nattanal Snitaniuni Aeso- ciation. ; 'or :W. GAGR. , Treastlrer, Toronto. -niaie.—Eclitor of title paper ' will lite glad to receive and. forward coeltrie butionis for this _purpose., ' t "SFIE'S DEA.D NOW." et es not uncommon for the first wife to near of "my mother's eookinget nor foe the secoad wife, to learn that heir predeees.sor liad ell the excellent traita of Solomon's virtuous woman, Tile lee- turer life:areal dramatically; "Clan any. Worros Than His Oran. A gentleman Who owns one of the finest estates in the north of Ireland, while in his gardens one morning, no- ticed one of the laborers very badly' clad and asked hince "Have you no better clothes than those, Mat?" tea' in troth, yer honor, worse luck," replied Mat. "Well, call at the house this evening on your way hotne," said 'the gentle- man. Ill leave an old suit af mine ,with the but et for you." A few days later, when showing a ' party of visitors throughthe gardens, he was much annoyed to see Mat look- I Ing, if possible, more a scarecrow than ever. , "Whyare you still wearing those old. clothes, Mat?" he,asked. "Sure, yer honor, they're the best I have," 'replied Mat ,. "But did eou not get the suit I left tor you tbe other day?" asked tbe gen- tleman. "Indeed, an I did, thrtnk yer 'honor kindly," 'replied Mat; "but, sure, I had to lave them at home to be mended." one. in this roonal tell me, oft a perfect man 1 There was e dead silence. Hest anyone, .he continded, heard of a per..7; feet!' woman 3 Than a Patient-leoking little worann in a foleek (trees rose up et the back of Alm room and ,anewered; ,There wes One, often heard of her, dead row, She was my huebahd'e first wife, - .A.ITS'I'RALIAN WHEAT. Et Le eetimated that the wheat crop Cheltenham Nan is Agreeably Sui.prisetl—Al 01(1 Grudge P114!. Mr Turner After a SucceshrItt Mort to get UK of One Enemy rinds that In 1Doing so he has put aviny Anotl.ter, Clieltenhartt, Ont., Fela. 4. (Special). —Ar foi tunate man, indeed, is Mr. Charles Tu.rner of this place. For yeare Mr. Turner has been suffertng Nolte, 'kidney disease. It gave bina great pain, and for the last two' or thret years rheumatism has added to bie already heavy burden; of sicknesEi, meeterrrateene- eylon and India Tea GREEN OR BLACK, Because of their Purity and Cleanliness British grown teas are becoming more popular every day. Don't drink impure and doctored Japan or China tea any longer. Insist that your grocer furnish you with the delicious, palate -pleasing teas 01 A...1\1-13 IIDIA THE LIAR'. Leave a liar alone and he will only deceive himsele The indiseriminate lash will drive ten devils into the boy for one it drives out. A man is not superstitious because he believes in the supernatural. It is easy_ to elip up on an oily' smile. • . Signals of Danger e—Have yea lost your appetite? Ilave you a coated. tongue ? lag Cuba, trIed exe 'Have you an laneloasant taste in the perintent on a montree to further aa - mouth ? Does your head ache arld have certain the truth of the theory that you dizziness ? If so, yoer stomach is put . . pdto °prod: ialcued yon need n t B17itte Ttbh7e dmlsoenakseeylsw spreadnot inoe inoculated dmae°yyou 8c1,4beingt° sickness to medicine roust suffer, but nu- i bitten by an infected mosquito and, der the circtunstauces the wise man would procure a box of Parmelee's 'Vege- on the folerbli data the animal devel- opea well-tnarked symptoms of the disease, . ARIZONA'S PETRIFIED FOREST. TdIere is n petrified foretst covering an area of 100 square miles, I'M Aria zotia, 'Ehou,sands and thousands of petrified logs'strew the ground, end represena beautiful shades, of pink purple, red, gray, blue end yellow, One of the stoee trees sprue gotif 40 feet wide, MONKEY -GETS YTILLOW FEVER, The yellow fever commission' work- table Pills and speedily get himself in health, and strive to keep so. PODSON IN TOBACCO SMOKE. As the proportions of nicotine do not satisfectoeily explain the poison- ous effeets of tobacco, H. Thorns as- sumes that the toxic substance is a new obi he hies cletented in. tobacco .smoke. Thie oil produces violent head- ache, tiembling, giddiness, etc., and by treatment with a two per cent. potash solution yielcIs a phenollike bode wttS an odor like creosote. I - WOULD NOT SUBMIT. • . "Johnuy—Doeen't TJnele Henry like plum -pudding.? ancl he has seldom kncrwn an hour free Mamma—Ys; but the doctor won't from pain. Not aesaciating the rheu- let heat it "naatiste. with him eatthe old kidney tinable Johnny—If I eine, as big as him I'd a.nd. despairing of curing the former, like to see a.na doctor keep me from Mr.,Turner bought and: used bead's Kidney Pills to try and cliepose of the eating it 1 , kidney troubte, lac used a few, boxes, Beware of Ointments for Catarrh that contain ellerettry. as mercury will tura), destroy the sense of smell and completely derange the whole system when entering II, through the mucous surtacea such articles thouid never_ be used except on prescriptions from reputable physicians, as the danuate they will do is ten fold to the good you and tee pain in his back kept getting less and less', and' finally went away. All the iinpleasunt enin.ptoins of kidney trouble disappeared, and what was still snore strange to Mr. , Turner, he has not fence been bothered with rheame tient. Ile is so grateful for the miraculous results of the treatment!' 'that he hae been cheerfully telling his friends and "Dadene Kidney Pills have cured me of a long standing cane of kidney rhea- mittesm, and although I took the Mlle 'for the kidney trouble I was surprisen to- find Lhat when this disease wee curett the rheumatism also disap- peared. This was over a year ago and peered. The; was over a year ago and I have not been troubled,. since. I used in al I. six 'sexes. The first two boxes did not appear to do me any good, but 1 persevered ansi the result is that I am now a healthy mane' . I.01 coarse., to those lathe recognize rheuanatism1 as what it 'reallyis, a symptom of kidney dizease„ there is InOthing wonderful about Me. Turner's experience. Do -ddb Kidney Pills al- awaye ewe Kidney Trouble, and with It Reneuniatisrn, Sciatica, Lame Back, Neuralgia, Heart Trouble, Drop,sy, Diabetes, Bright's Dieeatte anal any of flow the Artist Was Called. When Henry S. Watson, the illuserat- or, landed at Naples, he did not knave much about European travel. He had to naake, some sketches in the villages about Naples, and his experiences bave filled him tent) wonder enough for a litetime. His deft pencil helped him a bit. At one little village Inn he tried to get it through the landlord's head that he was to he called early in the morning. Ile couldn't make himself enderstood. At last be dret a picture of himself lying le bed, the sun peep- ing through the windowethe clock at the hour of 6 and the chambermaid knocking at the door. Tben it was quite plain, and they weleselem 0)3 Das '' Couldn't Itnagene. Uncle SI, from Upereek, bad just left art aching molar at the detitist's and stopped at a lunch connter for a sooth- ing beverage. mGineme a cup of cnevree," be said, sitting down on the first vacant stool. "Draw onel" , called . out the girl be- hind the counter. • , "That's what be didl" responded Un- cle Si, with a deitgllEul grin. "Plowhl you know it?" • . . Literary Note, She Wee a bright glrl at 11Iotint Hol- yoke college, It happened that day that they had hash far supper and meat balls the nest morning for break- fast. "Yes," she stild as she glanced at the table; 'tli.oview of Reviews tele minim,' la The world is patiently waiting the I t of the man who can evplein why rt. baby neer wrints to play .in the coal scuttle until after it has been 41ressed for companv- en the Darling Dolan.% distriet, Queene- yield in 'Yu Will never knovr what it le to he laza will haat,all records, ds, the some inetancee reaching 52 bushels leer have rtin nerrspapr 20 or 30 years.— sick and tired of good advice until you twi dachioes Glebe re _ the, other many forme in which it may and often does a,ppeur. -ENGLISH CANAL WOMEN. Thirty thousand- women spend their livein driving and steering the cartei 'boate in southern ana midland Eng - lend. , I was: cured of Acute Bronchitis by MINARD'S LINIMENT. 3. M. CAMPBELL. Bay of Island. I was cured of Facial Neuralgia by IVIINARD'S LIeTIMENT, WM. DANIELS. Springhill, N. S. I was cured by Chronic *Rheumatism by /KINARD'S LINIMENT. GEORGE TINGLEY. Alheoh 00-$ N. 5 - OUR RESPECT. Men don't want our pity, they want our respect. They want the recogni- tion of common humanity. To help tile world we must have a deep re- . spect, man for man. , " A ,Clear, :Healthy Skine—Eritptions of the skin and the blotches Which blemish to their normal coitdition, Permelee's bahelei:yttlitttliecaaele:tiotlui° a tedsuIrOs to°rf nit:11t)ult reE.3 olltoaonas Vegetehle Pills will at the same time eleaese the blood, and the blotchee and eruptions will disappear without leaving caused by unhealthy action, of the Lieer and Kidneys. In correcting this tin - FEMININE REASO.N, 'If he wae not yout idol, why (lid yon marry him?" , 'Because 80 many of ,the girls seemed to want 'him." can possibly derive from them. ffa Id Catarrh CaYe, manufactured by FJ : Cheney & Clo., To- ledo, 0., contains no mercury, and is taken in- ternally, acting directly upon tho blood arid mucous surfaces of the system, In buying Hales Catarrh Cure be sure you get the genu- ine. It is ta k en internally,and made in 'eolodo. Ohio, by F. J. Cheney & Co. Testimonials free. soul by Druggists, price 710 per bottle. Hall's Family Pills are the best. umrot. pc..n....••••••••* Neltralgia VENUS AND, PHOTOGRAPHY, Photographitig eubtents settee by the light froni the planet Venu,S hat' been sueeesigiully accompliehed, DRIEST PLACE IN THE WORLD. The driest place.in the world is that Of Egypt between the two lower falls of the Nile. Rain has never been known to fall there, and the inhabi- tants do not believe travelers when told that water falls from the sky. Kinard's Liniment Cures Barns, ete THE PL'ACE FOR THEM. IM,c3igger—Of course, Noah must have taken bee e with him. Tlhinguaabob—Oh, 4er Meslegger—Just think how they must have stung the animals, ,,while they flew about. Thingamabob—Oh:at guess Noah kept bhem ehut up in the arehivee. • PROGRESS IN THE PAR WEST. Seoul, aurae., thee euecessfully in- augu.rabed an electric tramway. This city boasts of the largest electric plant an the: far eaet, with the excep- tion of that at Tokio, Japan. 'There never was, and never will be, a universal . panacea,m In one reedy, for all ills to which fleeli heir --the very nature of many curativebeing such that were ' the germs of other and differently seated diseases rooted in ,the system of 115 patient—what would relieve one ill in - turn would aggravate the other. We have, however, in Quinine Wiae, wben obtainable in a sound Unadulterated state, a remedy for many and grevious ills. • By its gradual and jedicions use, the frailest systems are led into convalescefics and strength, be the influence winch tem- ente exerts on. Nature's own restorativee. It relieves the drooping spirits of those with whom a chronic state of morbid dee, ponclency and lack of interest in life is a disease, and, by tranqUilizing the nerves, disposes to sound ancl refreshing sleep— imparts vigor to the action of the blood, which, being Etimulated, courses through- out the veins, strengthening the healtity animal functions or the system, thereby making activity a necessary result, ' strengtheuing tbe frame, and giving- life . Ip the digestive means, which naturally demand increased substance—result, im- proved appetite. Northrop ,Ss Lyman of Toronto, have given to the public their superior Quinine Wine at the usual rate, and, gauged by the opinion of scientists, this wine approaches nearest perfeetiou of any in the market _ell druggists sell it. ANXIOUS. Your wife's just met with a eeri. ous accident, Mr, Wilkens, said the exeited messenger. She. ran over a dog while riding her wheel and they've taken her to the hospital. Wilkens, excitedly—Was it a liver- and-whitefox-terrier with dark spots on hie shoulders r , A Life Saved.—Mr. .Tames Bryson. Cameron states: "I was confined to my bed with'Inflanintation of the lun,gs, and was given up by the physicians. A neigh- bor advised Inc to try Dr. Thomas' Eciec- tric Oil, stating that his wife had used it for a throat trouble with tite beg results. Acting on his advice, I procured the medi- cine, and less than a hale bottle cured me; I certainly believe it saved my life. It was with reluctance that I consented to a trial, as I was reduced to such a state that 1 doubted the power of any remedy to do me any good." OBEDIENT. Minard's Liniment for sale everywhere PROFESSIONAL ETIQLrETTE. Firet Doctor, atter a few minutes' atelequy—Well, I cannot really tarry . any longer ; business is. very brisk wi me Just now. Second Doctor—Yea; 1 heard that two of your patients died this morn- inig with hasty consumption. e es- IMPERT'ECTIONS. It' is only imperfeetioni that come plain:, of Nvhat is imperfect, The more perfect we are the more gentle and qui& we become toward; the defecta of others. Why will you altow a cough to lacerate your throat and lungs and run the risk of titling a consumptive's grave, when, by the timely use et Bickle's AnteConstunp- tive Syrup the pain eau be allayed and the danger avoided. This syrup is pleasant to the taste, and unsurpassed for relieving, healing and curing all affections of the throat and lungs, colds, coughs, brea- dline etc,. etc. NO NEED TO WORRY. -- Mistress—Margaret, what .cloce that police -man went around here so much? Whom does he come to eee Maid—I don't think, ma'am; be comes to see you; so there's no" ocea- sion for you to worry yourself about him. Minard's Linintent Cures l'audruff. CHARITY, Bessie, said a mother to her four- There's a beggar at the door; shall year-old dauglater, aid yo,u peel I give him anything3 your apple lie I told you to before Give him our bath tickets that aro eating it ? lett over. 115 too eold now, any- , Yes, mararaa, replied I3,eesie. how. And what did you do with the peel- ing? aelted her mother. T IT 310 r 05, moiled the little mies, Tate that afterward. l°OR OVER t"PTN YFARS WINSLOW'S SOOTHING SYRUP haS been used by inothocc for their children teething. 55100'11cm the chill, goteens the gainsallays pain, enrea -wind collo emi is tho beat rcrattly for diatrbeea. 250.0 bottle. Solt)" by ,ani druggiStr thrmagliout tho world. lie me) and ask for We, Soothinc Srun THIS WAS NOT SUDDEN. Lusker---Exense me, Miss Snap- per lyut I have long sought this op- Snapperee_Never raind the pre-+ attible, Mr. Darker -Run along 1,n a.nd ask pa. Ile'a been e-xpheting 1115 Would come for the laet hveo years. 515 58 II At col,;D 15 osn D.vst Talee Laxative 1110110 Quiniac Tablets. All drinsgicts refurnt the money if iv: fuilis to avire. 50 W. Groves aignitture IA on eaoll, box. 250 • VOWEL LANGUAGE. Some Polynesian languages have only $inr 0 n oonAnnan(s. AVENUE HOUSE DIcGill—Col lege Avenue liotol rattee $1.53 1101 clay, ' Hotol Baliaoral. junpuContainnv an that la recillisit& 'iliVii`d" the laity is: PDPuLAR MAtium, ton THE gaining the lessee of the Price each Gm/NO JUBILEE OF 1501. $7.50111 hundred. D. S r.8 Co, INientreal. PILE G11E 5frial piekas ce Oors Po8tile sweemesammenrmmis,en., forTiles will bo sent free t*" , any adel casein receir tit of MO cent :,tainp. Zia knifecno greasy aalre. Address, THE' UITTORING FE ;; mbrnerNiz Toroito Oat He ' It It Pay You ee01,11 yot,r P101110050 . Dawson Commission Co. Cor, Ouloorne and We,,t, Matlee To, ohticii‘it win got yoll iiiseest possible pricbs,iaomdbhi tiEEN VICT I reeereeenearn Aft!l! 05 P151 UAW. Life ud 0 OTIQUS to en malre, ; niogrrethY over written, We Irate' a fee', re ler:salve srerobrialeolinneaiWitslilelihistratelt: •115r' I able lOr 51 10 for Sheba linetiffiletitit ! e.4 6!!tiii,tIthloC0821141.!,140010fil;ittkligkfireti!attlititli beolOontime.,AnYbe4eiinObi3talgo"1 writs eenceII, eiti*:W 0,141t I Canada. . e'• a 04 • ntleateettelenninenittalanateneellaneillagateetatietienteeteeetett