HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1901-2-14, Page 5'ME Oixvitr Atifocate Es published every Thursday Morning., at the Office, .0/CAIN-STREET, XETER --By the ---- ADVOCATE PUBL I SH NG COMPANY TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION, One Dollar per annum if paid in A.d yams° 81.50 if not so paid, 11-a.1.7'ext1-0».2-1.0' =ate Pg.' - No pper discontinued until all arre rage are paid Advertisements without specific direetions will be published till fori>iti and sharged aecordingly, Liberal diseauntmade Z) r transcient ad vertisements inserted for long periods. Every description of JOB PRINTING turned out in the finest style, anl at moderate rates, Cheques,money Ord - era, &c, for advertising , s ubserlpti o ns ,ct ..t o be ma,de payable to Chas. IT. Sanders, EDITOR AND PROP Pr ofessional 'Cards. H. EINS MA.N, D.D.S. St, DR.. A. R. KINSMAN,. r, 1). s., 1). D. S.,Eonor graduate of Toronto Universitk, DENTISTS, Teeth extracted without, any pain, or any bad. effects. Office in Fanson's Block; west side Main Street,Exeter, TAR. D. ALTON A.NDERSON,(D.D.S.,L.D,S.,1) 1.5 honors Graduate of the Toronto Unt- rsitv and Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario. Teeth extracted without pain. All modes of Dentistry up to date. Office . over Elliot tit Elliot's law office -opposite Central Hotel -Exeter. ommem......mossuemmorerame.vecw-,caaveloasoresmocsuomo.mmo.r; Idedieal TArt..T. P. McLAT_TOHLIN, MEMBER OF I-, the College of Physicians and Surgeons Ontario.. Physician, Surgeon and. Accouch- ear. Office, DashwOod, Ont, Legal, rikICKSON itz CARLING, BA.RRISTEB.S, Solicitors, Notaries, Conveyancers, Commissioners, Solicitors for the Molsons Bank, etc. Money to loan at 5 and per cent. Office Fituseu's Block, Main St., Exeter. member of the firni will be at Hens:111 on Thursday of each. week.) I. R. CARLING, B. A. L 11 Dielt$01c, rp W. GDAMIAN ....uccesser to Elliot (*ladman,) Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public Conveyancer, Etc. Money to loan at lowest rates of interest. Office Main Street, Exeter. ...I.M...[9.71:210,107.7.616 GTM, Auctioneers •"Lp BOSSENBER.RY:Graml Bend, Licensed AA, Auctioneer for County Huron. Sales promptly attended to, and charges moder- ate. Orders by; mail will receive every at- tention. 13 BROWN,Wineheisea. 'Licensed Aunt- ioneer for the Counties of Perth and Middlesex, also.for the township ofIrsborne S'ales promptly attended to and terms reit:. sonbtile. Sales arranged. at Post office. "Win- chelsea. ELLIOT,. Insurance Agent. Hain St. Exeter FARMS FOR SALE MONEY TO LOAN. The undersigned has a few good farms for sale cheap. Money to loan on easy terms JOHN SPACK N Samwell'sBlockExotat WANTED. Traveling .salesmen to call on the retail ra;:_rch• ants. Special inducements to theie patrons, Sal- ary and expenses. Experience unnecessary. Refer- ences required. Address, The National, Dep. A., daxton. Bldg., Chicago, Ill. THE LEADING MEAT lifiARKET. -12318522==.-- --=e1271licir For Fresh, good and the choisest cuts of mei-a, call on the undersigned, While all our cuts of mea,t are the finest, we make a specialty ormet.it delicacies. - Meat delivered to all parts of the . town . (John Mannino' •Othildreil Cry for A STO A., GORED BY A BULL. Windsor, Feb. 7. -Henry Parent, a yoUng man living in Sandwich, was so badly gored by ,a bull this morning that Dr., Casgrain has but 'small hopes of his recovery. The bull, which has heretofore been a peaceable animal, was standing with a drove of cows in the barnyard, when Parent went out. Be- . fpee the young man could realize the 1( situation the bull, maddened, evident- ly, by a red necktie that the young man was wearing, had tossed him sev- eral feet into the air, its sharphorns making cruel indentations in his flesh. The onslaught took away his breath, and he was at the meecy of the angry beast which trampled him under foot and kept goring him. His body was ,Cut in seventeen places by the animal's horns, and the loss of blood from his gaping wounds rendered him uncon- scious while the animal vented its fury. Parent's brother heard his cries and rushed out to the barnyaid. He yelled for assistance, and soon two f NUM hands, with pitchforks, drove of! the hull, In addition to the Wounds and bruises all over his body the man's light arm and shoulder wove broken end his body badly erushed, egilfdf 1 Thr aignathriY is en every box Of the fOOLIlInie Lk"tx.e.ive Brogno-Qiiinine: 'Tablets 0,441.3 it$ono rf)u iilhg ,In every cough (here lurks, like a crouching tiger, the probabilities of C0f1Stirlipti011. The throat and lungs , be,come roilf,rh and in-. flamed from coughing a ti d z h e germs of - consumption V: j iind easY entrance, azie no chances with ale ,',f4 N geFrooru6s0 yreottl%. has been a per- fPc' cur- Vihat a rec- ced! Si -sty years of cures. 90, • soothes and heals the wounded throat and lunn.s. You escape an at- tack of consumption with • all its terrible suffering and uncertain results. Them is nothing so bad For the throat and lungs as coughing. A 25c. bottle will cure fill ordinary cough; hard- er coughs will need a 50c. • size; the dollar bottle is apest in the !on P run. "One of iny Sons was pitting blood with a high fever and was very El. We could hardly see any 00s18 of life in him. The doctors V4,1 52(1111=110 good. But one bottle' o yOnr CherryPectoral cured him and saved his life." C. G. ANnErisois, Nov. 10, 1898. Pulrwana, S.Dak. Write the Doctor. If you have any complaint whatever and desire tho hest inedical advice, write''the Doc- tor freely. Address Dr. J. C. AyEn, Lowell, Mass. io-VV24I042'45421%,41INVearil:0,.. • Mr. Stephen 0. Dither, of Pellnun To,Ivnship, wzts el-trly Thursday morning' by falling from the top oi' ladder len dirg to a high hayloft. He sti itck on his bead, breetking his neck He was ;ibout 43 yeal's of ago, cuirl l&tves iviclove and fiVe children. A SUDDITer °fluff., of ben neeans sud- den illness. Pein-Killer is all that is needed to Ni ard it off. TInequzilled for cramps and diarrlacea. Avoid sul- sbittites, there ie but one Pain -Killer, Perry IDevis'. 25e. and 50c. Mr. sitriies Drainage's house and barns in South Gower were destroyed by fire, mid tAN't) inmates, Mr. Dul- Mage'S nephew and the httter's aunt loet, then lives. TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY Take Laxative Bi 011)0 Quinine Tab - •lets. All druggists refund the money ic it Li's ,to cure. 25c. E. W. G'ro-e's signature is on each box. An explosion in the San Andres mine, situated in the remote part of Mexico, caus.ed the death of- 87 men, women and children, and injured ma,ny others. fever, or other almost mortal sickness, a man or woman sometimes will g-ain a pound a day from taking .an ounce a day of Scorr's EMULSION and the gain be healthy. The ounce gives strength to get the pound ; there is no miracle, in it. Body and mind' are weak; digestion is weak ; and hunger is ravenous. SCOTT'S EMULSION Of Cod Liver Oil is the food to begin and go on with. It furnishes strength to digest a little easy other food; and a little grows i to enough. But the gain s nearly all fat. The bones ,had not lost much ; the muscles had lost, and had not got back their strength; they have lost there bulk the fat was all gone. The fat has come back the muscle slowly recovers its bulk, more slowly it,3 strength—the bulk of muscle was fat—and the bones are about the same as before. It is Scorr's EfuLsiox of Cod Liver Oil that starts the body going again—give it time. The genu me has this picture on it, take no other. if you have not tried it send for free saMple, its a- greeable taste will stirprise you. SCOTT & BOWNS , Chemists, Toronto. 00o, and $1.00;• d errs.' c• DE 7777- 1110f E)t-rtINGOF 8{11111t1 {VE110110R{ Milan Obr• arlovitch Passes Afte a Short lJnhapPY Life. o GovePtiMent Will Spend $6,- " 000,000 Less Than Last Year... Pittance ltiiitister leiel(liuv, 11,as Already Placed theEstimates For the Next y Year Ilefole the COtnnioners- lieW tile leeople's IlIoney It, (Min; to lto Spent -01 tile Large Total 00 tali() Neither King; :llexttuder Nor His Pi`,"0' 1,--.1.aeen Natalia 'Were at His Death -bet -1 alozlzed. in the NatiOnal Assemb/ l'ar 1143 Work Eor 5, 11) ludepen donee --- -Rohl; Illssoluto Monarch it 'Vienna, Feb. 1 2,--Formor 111111. Milan of Servia, expired, at 4. ^O'ClOO! yOStOrChly atturnoon. Tito rentains will be interr0NI 0. J(ronchol, a Sacr6d monastic shrin ncs wi io, u.Sitit-s-tloc,r0 ni, a , 101111. t1i 11011 f. Otto r0i'l1iflg The King Hears the News. Belgrade, Seryia, Feb, 112,--1i1Ig Alexander, -who *WaS a,t Nish velleY1 he received the news of the diatli of his father, immediately sum (0one1,1 the 00 einla ors of the Ca.binet to 001.4.01. at Kona,k, -where he commti idea Led the inforniation to thein ofliciall,v. evTeilhi.(;igiCiftolgt. aBnedlgQratdieza 001;IN;olsihug latst (.; Vienna. The rema,ins be brought' 1103-0. In the Narodna-Skupshlina, or Na- t.imial Assembly, the Premier, • Mr. Yovanovitch, announcing the death of the former King, eulogized. his ,sor- vices in obtaining more coinplete in- dependence and territorial axtension for Servia, ,"Although political cir- cumstances of late caused his ab- sence from the country," said the Premier, "those services will not be forgotten." During the speech the entire chamber reniaineci standing. resolution VHS adopted that, the niembers of the Etou.so should, attend tho otiseotties in a body at Belgrade, The sittira, was then closed by royal decree. Sketch of Ills Career. Milan ObrenoVitch was born. it Sassy, 111o1ciavia, in 1804.. Powas educated in Paris at Lyceuni -Louis le Grand, but Nv hen 14 year:e of iege lie was recalled oil a.ccenint. of the death. Of leis cousin. Ile beca,ne Eno/larch in 1 868, under a regeifey un- til he became of age. 1.-1.e \Vas mar- ried' in 1875 to Natalie, P r ineesa of Stoindza, from 1011)1) 01 he. 00 as dieuee_ ed in -.1$89. At the same thrie, he abdicated the LIrronc on behalf of his 5011, Alexander. . Servia.'s n11d1c1t d 1. ii -yr Europe's roost. di.ssolu to monarch. died without any loving hand to smooth his rais ni.,,•-oreed Queen. Natalie, his divorced -Queen, 10 fit Biarritz, whither the news of King, Milan's fatal illness hail journeyed. But she did not go to :Vienna. The memories of past wrongs had mode forgiveness impossible. liCing ander liad sent his court =gen.:stet. to the bedside of his dying father, but Pc did' not -go himself till the end had come. ' Gets:, Allowance. Ottawa, 1\1U); t (stet" 11514 '1 laid estimates On tbc table before the h130011n05110 et titt.‘ House te- Lti11e 11 $1%'61:',.451II0Y.2v,he 0vt'Tt"vett iiirttol 1 410,41(0,375, together wan 414,01244) ya•1011114,01rul.r.00.1N12 cotIonips:.trLf,,aer 11tii. B50,01.1,065 for last ear, Ilicreiti0ex rind 1.)certuses, 40%;theauta-oilte, i.tioictiz.telitaseeeriqt.118,:er;01,02(iiS2,;14sui!3,;Tiii: princlpiii SO (111-05 aecieasi„-a are:. Vence 420,203i Penic•Wil.I.O.1.1.CS 4-043.2; latIon B02,088,80; arlit, agactutate had sta: tistles 454,000; pe.n.siens 4474,06; 111i1I001 43013,010,21; rail \saint: and canals, In 50111, 4'184,080.82; public worltS;, lueOtne, 51,00(1,- 412,3(0; mull' subs:ales and etell lush i Snit. YelltIOnS, $50,180.05; 'and coast service $41,7.50; fisheries $43,7:10: 3101-11101d Pollee $4101.117; government or the Northi west 'Territories .4se,300; iniscelittnemiS 422,158.00; redemption et debt 1330,500; militia 42433000; railways and etursis, capi- tal, 4.11,42,00,041.08; public worics, capital, 4354,000; p114110 works, Yukon, t4q04,000. For Railways mud Ca -nulls. ith`Pdheettracallio$1..ving are tile .flt,ents rahlrflYs Chargeable to capital -Sault Ste. Afarie Cauni $100,000; Trent Canal $474,000; Sou. lenges Cana! $100,000; Lake St. Donis 4600); Lake St, Fro[LcJO $15,000; 000INV1.11.1 Canal e1:10.000; r arran's Point cauat 410,- 000; Bop ide Plat Canal 14733000; Clitlep's Canal 4380,000; . North Channel 430,090: 81. 041 (0000(11 111Ye0 and clews ee7,000; Beeleau Canal es000; Weiland canal' se0,000; La- chine Canal 43000; Chambly Canal 410,- 000; Trent Canal 428,100, 'fliere Is a stun at 423,000 for e new store 01 Ottneva Buildings; 41.0,000 for biraministiqua, and 4100,000 for Rod River. iNlanitoba, and $1110,000 for Port (Iolborne harbor improvements, Pnblic Vitor)cts Fel low'ing are the items for public works: _Brockville 11 430,000: Tiede: - onto public buiiding F,,20,030; repairs to Ih'uninion Publie Buildings 410,0007 buildings 426'00; Etffigston Royal .1‘111I1ary 33;,300; Loudon Drilthall 111:11gqs 4‘.1.700°011:. r31%1$e115, o1011)00;11?Iti et -a hv'ati. Lidnillijt igi au 41:)81011dll; St, 'Thomas, Dritlhall anti A 1.04011ry 424,000: Sarnia public $80,000; Toronto Doniluton bnildinga 44000; Windsor Drill - hal v0,000; 'Wood:;toel; public building.a $0000: Co(1ourg 430)0: Collingivood $25.000; Colpoy's 13as $1.100; Goderieli harbor 40000; general repairs and tniprovements ta liar. 001, river brIdge works 41.5,000; Eftwitesbury 45000; Lake Temiscarning 41000; Lancaster 43501; Leamington 416,000: MettiOrti harbor $4.1,000: Slialand ,Iitirb;n• $5500; 0 \\Tin 'Sound Ilarbor SS30;); Iloint Pelee Island $2500: Port Burwell 421 030; Port Ilene 48700; Province lias 51300: Rontigan 1mrbor 4133000; sla,guian- ilith 0.110111 3. pier 43300: South IS a River 45000; Toronto harbor 522,000; Tren- ton 412000; Wiarton $4500. Ozitario,m shore 1A Light. ontario comes out at the sniali end of the horn, c0i0p0r51 with Iast veer, in public works. In 10004 toe total sum for Ontario 11005 $710,1.07.,This year it is only e $230,200. Quebc, wilrbch last year get 5304,100 for public works, 11115 Year re- ceives 4277,000. The iti.lininistratIon of Justice in tile Yukon will be responsible for seversi i1. circa s es : tio n a 'ala ry 0)0 judge 41000' seary of additional judge 41000; sheriff 41000; clerk 41000: Living allowances of sheriff 51111, eD,)rk 41200: transport cif Pris- 84 2n2,r0s00$.5000; witneSs and 1:111* (00S 1n01 trials 40000; miscellaneous expenses The Department of .1,eigir wig co -t 0001' grain standards, etc., 41.0,0Go extra, GEN. DAirrxEr.r. IN COMMAND Of a Mobile Columu, Witich Is Pixpected to }Lave Hot Work. • Pietermaritzburg, Feb, 1$. --Gen. Dartnell, commanding Liao Natal Vol - gin (*.COI'S, has, \0 it.!). the concurrance of the Colonial Government, e,cce.,pted 111 offer by :Lord Kitchener to conimanci a mobile column ,in the Transvaal, consistingof the Commander -in - Chief's , • Body Guard, Johannesburg Mounted 'Rides and Gough's i1rounted Infantry. Gen. Dartnell's new command is likely to • see hot work soon, •Gen. Dartnell is a colonial ()peer of much experience. His skilful guidance of Gen.' Yule's retreatirtg column through' the passes of the Biggers - berg in October, 18911. practicaity saved them from. destruction. The .10331n11e0bur1; c.orrespondent of The 1N-a0al Witness states th.at the Bra,kpan electric light works have been destroyed by the Boers. Anglo -Portuguese Alliance. London, Feb,. 1.2.--"A solemn re- afTirmation of the Anglo -Portuguese alliance is pending, I mit 11 10)111.01 the Lisbon correspondent of The Daily Mail, and England will re- quest I'ortugal to lend Portuguese troops to ,guard certain points in South Africa in order to enable the British employed at those points tc join the fighting columns.'' • CANADIAN" SO017TS HIT. One Killed and 'Two AVoitmind in Late Engagements. Ottawa, Feb, 12. ----Sir Alfred Ar.o.- nor cables to Lord Mint°, Feb. 11: No. 252, Sergt.-Major PLitterson, killed; No. 49, Sergt. Bredin; No. 537, Sergt, Muncey, -wounded, Maris- burg, Cape Colony, Feb, •t: all Can-' adian scouts. Boyd, Kitchener's Horse, daligerously,til with enteric fever, l?retoria.. „ Please inform. fath- er, 24 Lawrence street, Montreal, Dr. Itarrell in Luck. Belleville, Ont., Feb. 12. ---Dr. S. J. Farrell, a former student of Al- 13ert College, who has been serving 00 1133 the Royal Canadian Dragoons in Sotth Africa, has been employed as civil surgeon with the medical se1vice5f the army, at the rate of R1 a day and rations. The order for P10 appointment is dated at Pre- toria, Dec.. 8, and is signed by Mee j o r- General 'T. Kelly, A u ail L- eneral Broke His Netek, Ridgetown, Ont., Feb, 12.—A sad acciciento occurred 3e01e301a0,, in Orni ng about :11. o'clock at Lei fah , & Son's ba.sket f tee to ree, ev hen 31 thlt r 0113.1- inorS, 16 ytars old, son of •Toseph 01-talrnots, was instantly- killed, ,11 appears the main shaft broke ).1.11c1 truok the unfortunate e fellow, breaking his necic. oxtht(i Dead. WOO,d,StoCk`, Ont.., Feb, 1 Carr, a plotteer of West Oxford, died tit 3 o'clock yesterday 11100111. ag3.'11 '3"ertt,s. Carcto.. to . thi•S 1033001 40' years ago, and _helped to build the first road in 'Ncrcs t, 0 • They Brave Crossed the Bar. Co11231gev0001, Ont., l'eb. 12. -- There passed alt -ay on Sunda.ly- 0110 of the old pioneers of the to\vnin the person of I.ieut -Col. Joint iro,st&r, the venerable town cleric, tvlio suc- cumbed to pneumonia. after a short illness. Sad to relate; his af:iec1 part- ner only survived hino tt few' lieurs, as Mrs. Hogg passed away on. Mon- de y. The flags in to -ern are flying at lialfeniast. Royalties Leaving England. London, .Feb. 1 2.—King Charles of Portugal and his suite started for Lisbon last evening at, 10 o'clock. King Edward accompanied the Por- tuguese monarch to the raiiway sta- tion. Grand Duke Michael of Russia, the Czarewitch, left iee-o hours' earlier for St. Petersburg, Prince Charles of Denmark seeing him off. The King of Greece will leave to -day. A Quadruple combine. St. Petersburg, Feb. 12.—The Bourse Gazette, in advocating a French-llussian-American-JA.panese al- liance, to offset the Anglo -German illiance, which a portion of the preS:, persists in believing real, says the other three powers shoulcl accept Russia's leadership and inake peace with China witholit. delaY, regardless of the Anglo -Germans. 1' nIgarisin Elections. Sohn, Bulgaria, rob. 12.—The elec- tions to the Sebrnitie (National 'As- sembly), have passed off quietly, ex- cept at Philippolis (capital of Rou- mania), where there was sonic r beg in which two persons were killed and several others were injured. innbonie Plague at Cape Tottin. Cape Town, Feb. 11 .--Ten casoz; Pf Avlaiet .is eupposed •Lo be the bit- bonic efle gue have been isolated. One of the victims is a. white person. the others are natives, , A native child .1105 (lied of the disease. The Nerin P,Ole .11.1nt?0e1'. Ottawa, 'Feb . 1 2-CLl3t . Be e 0 er of .(4,1tebee, the ice navigator, is In town. II NN'a 010 OOV00110)011 give very subs (alit lel, aid to his pro- posed expedition to locate the lelortb Pole, cone niaMten 0.. 0.c the R. Ill. C. „() a 'ttt(t, Po). 1 2,-"--1:1 hae been set- tled Hutt Areior Renele of tho Shr.OP- &hive liimituent i8 tO hee,Octle C011.1 mandan 9f the 'Royal M'11itary Col- lego„ ngs EXETER MARVETS (Changed every esday) Vihear u shel...„.„,... Flour it 01)010 01' „ ,,, Peas LuttQr „ , to 18 Votatoes pera, g. ....... .. . ... . ... Hay perton.... . ..... to S Dried Appleaperlh 3'4 .„ ..... . „ , „.., .. ..„.. F.' r0 9 lb, 82 to 8:1 • 1,85 to 2,09 ;i9 to 88 . . 25 to Sti 511 to34 Geese .. ... .. . .... . . ... .01 (qinothy.,„ . . .. . ... ...,. 1 25 00 A 54 .4311 to ,5',5 \‘'oot. .. ... , ... .. . 1.; to ” 6 e, ,IleY..t) • PAIN -E'S- CELERY COIVIPOUND. T 3 7 -rile Healrh-Res orer. Paine's 0( 013' Ceeepound has done more to heal the sick and velieee suf- fering than any other medicine in the world. Bei og p 110. pala bible and powerful, it- is the medicine indorsed by our best physicians tAS tt true cure for all nerv ms diseases. SlcklY: child- ren, weary women and th•ed men have found in this wonderful Compound, health, str( ngth and happiness. For all those diseases which are the re- sult of weakened nerves, as dyspepsia, headache, rheumatifm, neuralgia, kid- ney and' liver troubles, Pine's Celex7 Compound, is the only sensible and reliable remedy. It strikes at the root of the disease, and makes a per- manent cure. BeiYare of substiutes; get "PAINE'S," the kind that "makes sick people well." IT'ilys Jane Hickey <lied at Lon:clou ()Tit., aged 68 -relrs• Frank Smith, tried at Calgary for inurcler of Rancher 1-luggard, lets been .iequitted. James. 1311't1, while ';‘-orking 011a dralia tm the Ameeican side of the Ni - agave, River, slid ov.er the precipice and whs kilieti.- Passene;er tvain le -o. 5 on the F.,rie 1043 i1%vaV woe ',Yreeleed neer Geeeti vide, Eig,ht pa es en gees weieki 11 ed and ten injured. Otto Checkle;,-, isf Owen. Sound. N7n.S St,INICk by a, falling inelle of a tree, end received injuries whieh, it is feared, will prove fatal. Mr. 'Thos. Bush. a fa.riner of Oaistoe Township. WAS Chn()Dill.r down .1 011 evheia a clped limb fell on hi- 'iced crushime his skull. If your stomach is weal: it should have help. Hood's Sat eaparilia gives strength to tile stomach and cures dyspepsia and indigestion. Mr. Thos. Timbs. one of the oldest citizens of Niag„il-ra, Falls. Ont., wan- dered away from home on Weduesa'ay 0.116 10, is thought Pc' fell into the pool. A NEW BOOK For Feminine Home Workers. S nt Pos:, rai 1 to Any Acicires in Canada. • The manufacture of the .celelm-ited Diamond Dyes and the popular Dia- mond Dye Mat and Rug Patterns are noW isssning a ne-w and enlarged edi- tion of the Dial -nand Dye Rug Book,. tbat should be in the: hands o1. every tvonlan and girl in Oanada. Many new and attractive designs for Mats and Rugs areshown as well as full directions for the making' and bobee- hag. ' Thousands pf women who alt interest011 in the milking ,,of' pretty Rugs are sending for this book. Send. in your adpress at once to The Wells &Richardson Co., Liinited, 200 Motm- &Op Street, Montreal, Que. Seaforth: Deep regret and sylimathy . was felt among our citizens generally on it becoming known that Mrs. Ed- - ward Latimer, jr., had departed this life early Friday morning. It was a real shock to all her friends, as few knew of laer illness: She had given birth to a little daughter the previous day, and convulsions ensued, and de- spite all that medical skill could ac- complish, one life ceased almost as the other came into existence. Mrs. Latimer's maiden name was Hattie Soole. She was the second eldest daughter of Mr. and- Mrs. Charles Soole and was only 20 years and 5 months of age. Mitchell: Win. Edwards, at the age of 91 years 8 months and 24 days pass- ed away on Sunday.' Ile was born in Wilshire, England, and came to Ca na- da when 14 years old, He first work- ed in Augusta, Quebec, and during the. first year only received 121! cis. in cash, the rest having to be taken out in trade. In the rebellion of 1837 d.eceased was in the battle of Windmill and helped to carry off the field the first Canadian shot. Deceased came to Mitchell in 1832' and since then has beetna respectedand peaceable citizen Of Our town. He was tevice married, and leaves a widow and ten children to mourn hiS demise. • - • • .• PeNe.3 Wee c`..;','„ qzeif., te,To .e.n4 j0 cure ive D:1 fi.TV,';•;: N GOLDS, tki.3 l'ii/IT/3174,, • N.F.UO3L.610,, 25 and 50 4! m -it F3,5ttlet, BEWARl.t. CF; 1rdITAT1CM, BUY ONLY "ili,St3Eilifq‘l .0E0.(rf 50 DO' NO t •ft'emi a s 11 thet 111' 11013.0, • LYoUr New Seit o t, deep in and f;:ec 1 at first. oppoetimity and .330 e:how you, a few .Prices. .0-10 PaileY, 'Worsteds and Scot%: 'Tweeds. 13013111(1 1105011 tile .11€;[-S" Stv.p1 pitttern as. re beauties.• A big toage of Blues and 131aek, Serges at the old priee.s. 13)0 yoil want a, oLICIC haVe What :00 want, in Twaif$, Venetians pinz731' Olays. OVERCOATS Overeoats in Beavers, Melt -ens, 0' .01, 151105 1111d Morita 210(0 05. All sv4-0:1c done in tlae latest stYlv- • fit e• iteem teed. OPIEttlE Opposite Post 01-3ete Exater----"sr • Elc4LLER 1 L LS. L A.DTES if yoi0 v,".11.14 t(); have good hick •a..-Y..k. V0111. Xmas, Cake.s, 11Se. our Prineee,..eti 'Pastry Flour. Ask for it and ins'ist-e/Is he vine- it it for the dainty. the rtebeeIe the dyspeptic rind the h mig-ry for n,..M eppetities and 1701111100".115.ft. is 'art peerless item Of `I, n'ofie 1)1'3'11"f9S', there ;s no s.,bsti'-rte STAR FLOUR will make more breail ant a larger loaf than ally other fnmily flour. talutie. used always wanted. - a. COBBLEDICK .. 1101,1111tY 11 Our stock has never bees 1)etter assorted that at present. Ca,11 and see our different lines, sucil,as Pianos, OrgaInA Childrenli Cutters and Sleighs, Crok, lnoe Boards, Violin,F, Mouth Organs Musle of all kinib Organ and Sewing lklaching repairs. Also the celebratea Berliner Talking' Maclaine. CALL AND SEE ITS. S. MARTII NE We have moved 'into our' new 'pre- mis'es opposite the Central.. z.„ 4,0 ..•121/11 are now open for business. rge-' raises are modern and we give ytotil modern and np4o-da1;e goods ;loll made in the most modern style,. We Personally . . . . Cut Every Gartneut , mci,t's made up at this establishrotat -as well as fit it -and look, anew all the details. This is only t4.tat reaSon why our prIces are moder- ate, ent's Furnishings . . Come and see us in onr new piano Of 1>usiness.and examine our stoek ls Gent's Purtiishings, Bert.Knight HICKS if. you. weent you e meetng W 1 .go to Htcict•-,t-----AVntelees, .11 0'0-33 epee.laity, e0...e0)5,A0.1=.; ifieverisE. Mnrelage LiceaSes issuedand.I. :1.00 'y •oti Iv31),(3„ (00) Th 0