HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1901-2-14, Page 1eieereeere-e-eeeereeeeeeie
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OM TFoR,GET THE ALExAtIDER.SELWAY We are please( tO 12(10 1A,VS, 0, Ca1/11),..
. CERT hell ilas so fitS1;11-'1';c1clo‘.:eSie,e1:1 lift.orn the fe..
Ftit)1/1."Y FEriRtiri.RNI' 15. _verr ft:.t.)1,1),(IleorstitnfoAft:‘110(0)frsoolun
taking ;tdvan fat go of,- the. sleiglung
ffet in their year's stipply of
We are clearing at cost a lot of Brooms 8z. Washbo„,r s.
RLIM11.41•1•61,111t270.111.%, 1••=1.1130•3001.11CAIVOMMYSIONMIII.1.43•MOMMII
We have unLimited private funds for in-
vestment upon farm or yillage property, at
0 west rates of interest.
DicitsoX & CARLING,
Barristers, etc., Exeter.
I have a large aniount of private funds to
loan on farm and village properties at low
rates ofinterest.
Barrister, Main Street Exeter.
That desirable 50 acre farm in the town-
ship. of Hay, being north half ofLot 5, Con-
cession 1. There is on tho premises a, frarne
house, barn and outbuildings, good young
orchard; two never failing wells of water;
220 rods of tile draining 3 acres hardwood
bush; moderately good. fences. Will be sold
reasonably. A-pply,
HE:inr DILL 1NG, Hay.
The undersigned is offering for sale that
desirable farm property tia the town-
ship of Stephen, beinn• Lot 18, concession 3,
containing 100 acres, all cleared, well fenced
4 cultivation. There is on the promisee a
and underdrained and in a good state of
frame house, bank barn, good orchar0, and
a good well of spring water with windmill
Situated about halfa mile from school and
6;4 miles from post office. Win be sold rea-
,, sonably and on easy *emits •
..1" OEM K. SCHROEDER, Crediton.
21. Authors: -The Queen herself, Dr. John Coulter,
from London, Eng., John A. Cooper, editor Canadian
Magazine, Toronto; about 700 pages; quality never
equalled; prices only $1,75. See other advertisement
and .allo review in this paper. ;world Publishing,
t Co., Guelph, Ont,
,, • Take notice that I have applied to ,tlic
i License Commissioner for South Huron for
permission to triiiisfer,ray License to Wm.
awkshaw, of St. Marys, Any objections
ho said transfer must he lodged with the
Inspector not later than the `z5tb inst.
Exeter, Feb. llth, 1901.
OF QUEEN VICTORIA," including, special me-
,' filarial tributes from the rno4V eminent British ,and
1 Canadian statesnien, and."The Life of Edward
_ •
\ II. Size 3,0).6, about 600 pages, better illustrated
hsn any rival worin Written by Dr. Ji10. Coulter,
of London, Eng., the celebrated Historian and jour-
nalist, and John A. Cooper, editor Canadian Maga.
' line, Toronto, Price only $1.75 -new book from
cover to cover. Extra large commission; credit giv--
en ; prospectus free to canvassers. World Publishing
Co., Guelph, Ont.
Tenders will be received by the undersign-
ed up, to April 1, 1001: --Parcel No. a. -South
1,/,. of Lot IV o.2, from Main to William streets
known as Hamlin's store. Parcel No. 2,-4
, 381, 382 -% -ori Elizabeth street, near
hines tannery. Parcel No.3 -No. 63, 64, 68.=
1?i,:-Andrew street, No, 02 has a frame dwel-
TERMS: -14 cash; balance in payments at
5 per cent. For further particulars and
terms apply to the proprietor.
The highest or any tender not necessarily
accepted. T. W. Himax,
BrOokholm, Ont
To the value of English Stock Food,
inanufacturecl by C. Lutz, Exeter.
This is to certify that I have used
English Stock Food for fattenieg cat-
tle and pigs. I have also fed it to
poultry. I have foetid it the cheapest
ottid most useful article on the market.
would recommend its use to stock
Mr. Fenton Brown is laid 'off werk
from the effects of a bad cold,- Mr.
Sohn Delbridge had two •veterinaries ht
-‘ his sick. horse on Sunday. They have
very little hopes of the horse getting
better, ----Miss Ethel Godholt was lipme
1111 Sunda,y.--Mr. Brown spciat Sun-
day at, his home here. 1-10? 1')' is doing
lots of selling just now, --Mr. Ed.Cloork
and his intended arrived home O. K.,
after spending-, three weeks visiting
friends in Miehigan.-Mr. Sinith,
of Detroit; spent Sunday here, the
gtiest of Arr. R. Robinson, and -returns
ed home Wednesday, He looks as hale
and hearty as ever. -Mr, John Cheery,
of Alvinston, is visiting his father, Mr.
Robert Creery, .of Sunshine 1011', -Mi'.
Harry Francis has material on the
gvomod to hemmer° his barn next' eum-
nee', John Fletcher has also the neces=
S al' y inntmrial to raise his barn and
iDiprOVeln en ts on the SI e.
SCILOOL REpoRT.-The following is
a correct report of S.S. No. 4, Stephen,
for the month of January. Names,
1,re in order of merit. Jr. IV. -F.
Morlock, F. Amy, A. Amy. Sr.
T. Roeszler, Morlock. Jr.111 —E
Amy, W. Roeszler, Sr. IL -Nora
Brown, L Smith, W. Wein, C. Rowe.
Jr. IL -A. Hartman, 111.. Is:estle. Pt.
IL -I. Schwartz, L. Houstinan, M. Ell-
The quarterly besiness of the Cen-
tralia Methodist Church, held Feb.
6th, extended a cordial and unaninions
invitation to the pastor, Rev. S.
Salton, to return for a fifth year. The
-pastor thanked the board for their
kiud expression of confidence, but
thought a change of pastors next
Conference would be in the best in-
terests of all. A note for 8530 agotinst
the parsonage trustees was destroyed,
and thanks given that not a dollar
of debt now remained on the beauti-
ful church otnei parsonage property.
(Too late for last week.)
The se ere storm has blockaded our.
roads the past few days, making. busi-
ness dull. in town. -We .are glad to
report that Mvs. John 'rowel is,on::.the
mend; also Mrs.. JOhn Pickering, . and.
we hope under the aid of Dr.111cLaugh--
HU She May soon he Out of danger.i-2.--
oySter supper': and: con-
cert of -Irliinoirdnive, HannOn's
Hall, on .Jan. 3.1st,Was a grand Success,
the hall being :crOsvdect and several
-were .unable to gain admittance. -Mrs.
:Currie, of Khiva, received by telegrath
the:.other day the Sad' DEWS Of the
death of her daughter, which event
took' place in Detroit.
S. G. STAND CRY, B. A., (formerlyCollins
Stanbury) Barrister, Solicitor, Notary
Conveyancer Money to loam -Exeter. Ont,
Mr. James Kilpateick, of Buffalo, N.
Y., returned home last week quite ill
and is now confined at his home in
Crediton East. He intends returnitne
GS 80012 GS 110 recovers from his illness.
-_Mr. and Mrs. S. F. Wood, of London,
is visiting friends in and arounet Crecl-
iton.-Mr. Wm. Fritz has moved in-
to the hotel, formerly occupied by
Mr. Robert McFalls.-Mr. Chas. 1-1,
Sanders, of Exeter, was in the village
Friclay.-Rev. Litt left for Naperville,
III., last Monda,y on business. -Have
you had the fashionable sickne.es, la
grippe? If not. prepare for it, 'because
it is sure to. come. -Miss Tillie Wind
has retie:tied from Elmwood, Nv here
she has been visiting relatives the
past few weeks. -111r. and Mrs. Ateenst
Ehnes, of Zurich, Were the gotest3 of
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Siegner last Friday,
--Tuesday's blizzard was the worst of
the season. Business was at a stand
still for a few days this week. -,The
Phrenogolist, who has heen here the
past week, has gone. He thinks that
all our citizens are Duni Kopfe.--Mrs.
Henry Sheardown is on the sick list.
We trust she will soon recover. --Mr.
Robt. TvIcFalls moved to Exeter last
week. --Thursday (to-da,y) is St. Vaieri-
tine'S Day. Were von remembered?
Our old enemy la grippe, is calling
on several of our residents. Mr. James
McAlrea, our enterprising blacksmith
has been laid up with a severe attack,
also Mrs. Sutherby is seriously ill
with it. -Miss Nettie I3rooke of fldee-
ton, has returned home after visiting
with her cousin, Miss Daisy Brooks.
-Mr. and Mrs, Albert Nelson, of Pal-
merston, returned last Friday,
after.spending a few weeks here with
his parents ktnd friends. He also pur-
chased some very 'fine horses in this
vicinity and toek then' with him. -
Mr. Samuel Nelson, of Glanworth,
Spent the, former pare of last, week
here visiting his brother, Mr. oTake
Nelson. --Wedding bells are ringing
around here this week. May they
ring quietly, but happily. -The first
annual Epworth league convention in
cmmection with this circuit will be
held at head" quartet's, Eliniville, on
Thursday, Feb. 28th. All shoeld avail
themselves the privilege of attend-
ing this interesting and profitable
gatherinse Also On Sunday the 2-1611
the Rev.h1Vis. .forrison, 'associate Min-
ister of the first Methodist ehureh,
London, will preach in the Ellinville
M. E. church and give his popriler
lecture on Moliday evening, entitled
'I'loug,11 Deep." --Mr. John Wright,
of Centralia, line il'enepted a poeition
with Air. J. Nelson here.
Rev. 0. Henderson, President of the
London Conference, preached a very
interesting missionary sermon 011 S1111
day afternoon. -Miss Blitileh Rook
visited friends in Exeter for it few d;tys
this week . -Miss Minnie Luxten is vis-
itit-og relatives and friends in Scott-01-th.
-Mr. Sanmel Essery is on the siek list
with la grippe. -Miss ..kgnes Blain, who
has been visiting- friends in Kippen for
the past two months, relairned home
' Sunday. -Mr. otnd Mrs. Fred Luxton
spent Saturdity and Sunday with their
cousin,Miss Bella McDougald,of Crone -
arty. -Mr. John EsseiT sold t' aluztble
horse one day last week to Mr. Bell, of
Hensall, for which he received nearly
$200. John knows the kind of horses
to handle. --Messrs. Albert Mitchell, of
Centralia, and PevcY Lvexton, of Toron-
to, visited oily teacher, R. E. Buswell,
On Friday otfternoon.-Coates Bros.
sold twenty-one head of fat cattle last
week to Mr. Pat. (.3urtiu, of Adair, for
which they received five cents a pound.
They averaged 1500 pormds.-Mr. W.
Coates held a successful wood -bee on
Friday ttfternoon, when he hitd a lot
of wood cut. Your correspondent
DeVell Sa younee- men work better.
About six o'clock they septtired to
the house when supper Was served. In
the evening a number of the fair sex
assembliid vvhen soci;t1 hop took
Lice. Music Was furnished by Mr. H.
elbeck, while Mr. Mac. Deiripse.y
pleoiseethe crowd with a few ot his
comic songs. In the wee sma' hout.s
of the morning all returned, home well
satisfied in the way in which they were
treated by their host and hostess.
On Saturday Mr. Wm. Schwalm re-
ceived word of the death of his uncle,
Mr. Wm. Schwalm. Deceased \VHS a
former resident of this township, but
a number of years ago removed to
Michigan. One by one the pioneers
of Hay, township are slipping away. -
Mr, Henry Ruler has sold his farm,
on the blind line, to his neighbor, Mr.
5. Haberer, for 84,500. -We under-
stand that T. Torrance has -sold his 150
acre fartn to Casper Walper, of Step-
hen to Wil sh p, for $9,000. -,111r. and Mrs.
Pollock,jafter a leugthy visit here with
friends and relatives, returned to their
home in Manitoba this week. --Miss
AtidneWs and Mr. Hagan visited with
friends in Exeter on Saturclity.----111r.
and Mrs. Thos. Horton, of Chiselhuret,
visited at Wm. O'Brien's on Thursday
and Friday of last week. -Two wed -
(liege took place last Week. Miss Re-
becca Merrier, Brouson Line, and Mr.
Wm. Gaffes, of Dashwood, were Mar-
ried on Thursday. Miss Annie Bren-
ner, of this village and Mr. Will Wag-
ner, of the Goshen Line, were inarrieel
in Clinton on Thursday and from there
took the train to Guelph to spend the
lioneymoen. Both weddings were very
quite affairs. We 'wish the young
couples every happiness.--Mr.and Mvs.
John 'Willis, of Rodgerville, visited
friends here Friday. -Mr. Copp, of To-
ronto, WaS a, guest at j. Torrance's a
couple of days last week. -J. Merner
went to Goderich on Saturday and re -
tinned Monday evening.-----Mr.and Mrs.
Fred Hess spent Sunday at-Mr.AIlen's,
Blake. --Rev. Mr. Finkheiner, of the
Evangelical church, here, delivered a
very forcible sermon on Sunday even-
iug on "The Redemption of Time." -
A large number are ill with the .grip.
-Chas. Shoemaker takes possession of
the Dominion hotel here to -day (Thur -
day). -M1'. Sion 30 Geiger, of Michigan,
is tonne visiting, relatives and renewing
acquaintances. -Miss Mand Torteince
has returned from the Toronto Con-
servatory of Music where she took a
tem in both vocal and instrumental
mnsic.---The Zurich Orchestra furnish-
ed the music at the Brucefield Assent b-
ly held on Friday evening. --J. Du -
mart went to London Monday after-
noom-Miss Reid, of Varna, is in this
vicinity renewingimcietaintances.
SAD DEATII.-ThiS C0111111 Unity be-
came deeply shocked over the sad and
fatal accident: that befel Ailsworth
Jeannie on Thursday of last Week. It
appears he WAS assisting in cutting
timber he, Mr, I:lee-rock's bush, Hay
toWnship, mid sotne manner waS
struck by e large limb crushing the
skull badly ancl rendering him uncoil -
scions, He never rallied ;told died froM
the effect 00 Sunday morning. The
„ ,
euvierat teloe place to the Babylon
Line cemetery on Wednesday. He
was 28 years 01 fige.
For twenty.foar yoars Vapo-Cresoleno 11Pe
beert-exterisively used for all forms of throat and
broethial ore -tables, All Druggists-,
31r, Gillette. has got Mr. McLean. arch-
itect, of Windsor, drawing up pins
201. 01 foundry addt sepaiv shop to be
erected hove next sampler. 5. C. Kolb-
coutuaetor,of. PhiladeIphia,bas
;rot the (a-nits:act 01' finishing two of the
s-'tores in the /area) block on the corner
and hot 0 fosee 61' meni at work 01)00
same. ---Me. Geo. CQuiphen, merchitiit,
WeS ODgaged stoek taking last week. -
Several from here attended Mr. P. La-
mont's eole of stock andimplements on
die 14Lb concesSion on Frida y. --Last
week Mr. alld Ms.s. Leger, of the Queens
hotel, went to Gorlerieh for a pleasure
trip and on the, way home they got
several dnmps 1011 0 sinoNV, Owing to
the roads being 01,atcllydrifted.-Mr.
Genderson, of 'f."pronto, has movetl
here with his family. We welcome
them to our town.
ticularly sad and fatal accident bap-
pened in Ms. Wrii, Heyrock's bush 00
Thursday forenoon of last week, in
which Mr. Ailsworth Ronnie, a very
estimable young man lost his life. He
mid his brother-in-law's hired man
were engagecl in eating timber, when
in felling a large -tree be was struck on
the head by a large limb, fracturing
his skull. Dr. Campbell, of Zurich,was
immediately summoned and all that
medical skill a o CLloving friends could
do was done but without avail, and he
passed 11.Way at an early hour Sunday
morning without ever having regained
consciousness. His body was then
taken to his father's residence at Zurich
the funera.1 taking place from there op
1Vednesday, followed by a large coil -
course of friends' and relatives. The
'bereaved fantily,and friends have the
heartfelt sympathy of the whole com-
munity in this their sad bereavement.
Biddlilph • •
Mr. David Atkinson, of Berlin, is the
guest of his cousin, Mr, J.S. Atkinson,
---e7Mr. Wm. Atkinson, for the last four-
teen years a resident of Manitoba, has
returned to his old . horne in Lucan.-
Mrs.. Geo.. Aitkins,. of:Mooresville and
Alva. Rich. Neil, of 'Salible Lines l'1) 00
the sick: list'. -Tuesday's snow storm'
has left the roads almost iniPassable:
Mr. James Atkinson is visiting friends
near Saginaw, Mich. ,
DEATH ofii ItonEndi SA.Dr..rmi..-e-It is
with'feelingis Of deepest regret.we have
this week to record the, death. of Mr.
Robert Sadlier, which Sad event
curred at the family, residence, on Feb.
7th, at the agp,of 31 .years. Deceased
k.VHS universally rt Speoted by allS, who
had hiS ae-
ilitailitancie. He lints 0:000sin to Mr.
r C. Hodgins, of this.Place. :
3 -ender! pause mow for a, 11)00101)1
Sadnews you have to hear;
Death has claimed one of our loved ones
' .From the Mends he loved :so dear:
One who ere the flush of .boyhood
.Frona his cheek :had scarcely.fled,
Tili we heard,,thittRobeit Sadlier
' Now is numbered:witla the -dead.
No! he is not dead, but liyeth
In a land that's.feee from .pain
With the angels up in Heaven,
He will meet his 'friends again.
Life at best is Only fleeting,
Time with ins .will Spon be o'er;
Won't 14 be a joYous meeting
With the lovedones gone liefore.
Now he joins the aedlamation:
In the: ma nsioneiip :above,
Trusting in afree salvation
And a Saviour's boundless leve.
MdItRIED.-On Jan. 30, 'ilefeadow
Farm," near here, was the Scene of the
marriage Of Miss Mary E. Hackney,
daughter of Mr. A. Hackney, Thames
road, Hibbert, to MD. W/11. GM
of Usborne. The bride was dressed
in cream cashmere, trimmed with
cream satin, bearing an orange blos-
som wreath in her hair, and carrying
o bouquet of white carnations, Miss
Elackney's little niece, Miss Colina F.
Leigh, acted as maid of honor. She
was dressed in cream cashmere. trim-
med Nvith silk baby ribbon. During
the entry- of the bride and groom,
Miss Allison played Mendelssohn's
Weddirdr March. After the ceremony
was performed by Rev. C. Fletcher,
the duests82 in number, were invited
to the dining hall upstairs, where a
smnptuous repast was spread. Mr.
mid Mrs. Gilfillan will reside in Us -
NEW CITURCH.--The new Angelican
church here will be opened by the
Bishop of Huron on Sonday, Feb. 17.
This handeome edifice is of stone and
brick, with basement elegantly finished
for Sunday school and lecture room.
The entire length of the building with
tower and chaticel is 87 feet, the nave
is 30x40 feet; chancel, 13x26: tower, 14
feet square at the base., and 60 feet high,
and contains .% bell of the Meneely--Man-
election:. The ceiling of nave and chan-
cel is of ash. varuislied and ornament-
ed; the vestry, 12x11. The building is
heated with hot air from a furnace
room in the rear of the basement, and
lighted with acetylene. The cost of
the whole, including tile, seating at
$48_5, put in by the Valley Seating Co.,
of undas, and leaded stained glass
windows by S. F. 'Wood, of London,
is about $5,500. Since the Rev. Wm.
Stout took Charge of the parish, ovor
tbsee years ego, this church was be-
gun :Ind coinpleted, the average at-
tendanee at eominunion fully doobled,
being largely increased. by confirma-
tion and in proportion to the total of
mem herehip and families of the church
the aventge coit,gregattort ttakes a fore -
121 04 place as coinp;ired with any 10
the diocese.
Two Hamrick boys went to smash
Bailey's barber shop in,Charlotte,
after the style of Mrs. Nation. Bailey
shot one dead and inort;ly Wooticled
the other,
v;.....5,74.4q6K77'73'.7.' •
Grand Bend
There are to be fifteen IleNV COtbleS
htlt hel'e tillS Season, nine of wbmh
will be 01.0' 1d 121 001. new 1Ntrk, the
"Maple Grove." Mr. Robert Hamilton
has the contastc1.--Miss Biarieb Willie,
of E;ost Green w ood, 111 wbo has
been visiting friends and relatk es
here, retul ned. (0 11(11 home on Friday.
_A 1s1.4e hill was held in Mr. 13ren-
ner'8 'hall on Thtissclity eveDlng and
was largely attended, loads coming
from ShIpkii, V.f,s,„Siford and Parkhill.
Mr. Coughlin, of Parkhill, supplied the
neu810.-.MV. Harry 11. trfll,1t011 came
very neitr losing a valuable hol.se hist
week. He was di 1)1 logs fliom the
pinery and WaS 1081 PetOrning for a
lottd when it was taken With paralysis
'and very little hopes wee entertained
for its recovery, but is now ont of dan-
ger. -Mr. Silas Green is oll siniles this
week. It's a dituerhter.-Mr. Brinker,
of Michigan, is the guest of Mr. Azapp
Gravelle.-Mr. Silas Green was in
DaShWood on Tuesdit y. Ed. Gil],
WhO 1111, been on the sick list, is, we ;Lre
glad to bear.recovering.-Ehn logs are
being brought ire here for shipment
next summer. Wood, is tilso being
hauled here from the lilondyke.-Mr-.
Sheppitrd, of Thedford, is seen wend-
ing his way heye weekly. There must
be some attraction for him here. --The,
roads were blocked so lxidly on Tues-
day that the mail could notget through.
s-HourY Bossenberry is doing good.
work with his ice plough. -Miss Vic-
toria (fill hes recovered from her recen t
o.ittack. of measles . -Tern Fallis was in'
Exeter last week . --Mr. Taylorof the.
Situble Line, intends putting, up a new
house and barn on his farm here , ---F
Miss Portiee is the guest of Mrs. Alm er
Mollard.-Mr. Miwriee Brenner, of
Shipka, spent it few days at his home
here last week. -Mr. Ernest Mollard
intends to give up his job as clerk in
Mr. Harlton's store, Shipka.-Lewis
Ravelle intends holdine- auction seles
here for the next thirty days. --Our
shoe maker, Mr. Stadden, is doing a
good business.
Clintou: Mr. J, W. Irwin; lho has
boon 10 the grocery dnisiriess in Clin-
ton for the past tWelVe yeoteesi, has -sold.
out to hiS nephew; Mr. J. .1V, McCabe
02 ,Stretford.
Brussels- Janies Ballantyne took
possession of the grocery and bakery
foymerlyoweed by .hion 'before going
to the West, but more ':recen tly man-
aged by hi§ mo Bier; on. Monda y' of last
A lot of gunS and gun 'wagons re-
turned to Quebec from South. Africa
were found to be striped Of nearly
all their equipmenthy thieves. .
Clinton! About daybreak on Sun-
day Mr: Andrew Stinson breathed „his
last. The end .was calm and peaceful.
He sank into a quiet sleep and the sil-
ver cord.was broken. Mr. Stinson
WaS our oldest citizen and lived dUr-
ing the 'reigns of five British Sover-
einms, George III, George IV., William
IV., Victoria and Edward VII.
Hayfield: Mr. Peter McGee met with
a seriOus accident while felling trees
Ilia other .clay in the woods. It appears
be narrowly ()Soaped instant death; a
falling tree coming so close to him
that it was feared at first his leg was
brol en. but vve. tire glad to know that
lie escaped:Witt-Knit broken bones but
was seVerely brinsed.
One day last week little Wil-
lie Mari tyre:got kickedby a Colt which
he Was driving to Water. :He was kit -ac-
ed in the mouth; which, When healed,
may leave a bad /mirk... Thia the lit-
tle fellow who about s yeilt ago fell into
the .welnand Would have been drowned.
had not his father gone to his assist-
ance. Upon recovering his breath :he.
said there was ttltogether too 11111011
water in that well for him; .
Clinton: • Mr. John McCool had it
narrow escape the other day. He was
assisting Mr. Winsfones and a mechan-
le from London to repair tlae holler at
the foundry and becoming chilled he
went to the fire to warm himself. He
stood with his batik to the fir but clos-
er than he thought foo the flames
caught on his coftt t; id, crept up his
back and shot over his head. But so
thoroughly chilled had he been that
even then he did not notice his danger
but fortunittely Mr. Tones did and rush-
ing, tip he enveloped Mr.McCool iu some
oll cotton, which happened to be tit.
llama, and sucCoeded 111 extingnishing
the flames but not until Mr. McCool's
1.N11)to loons and underclothing were
Woobstock, Ont., Feb. 8.- Word has
been received in town of an accident
five miles out of Walkerton by which.
George A. Ross, who is employed by
the 'WoodstockIVIn1 Motor n
to erect its windmills throughout the
country, lost his life. He was going
to the top of the barn of Robert Lone,
alongside of which a windmill was be-
ing put up. While climbing along. a
beam he missed his hold in some un-
acconittable manner and fell to the
door below, it distaliee, of some 25 or
30 feet. The otter men were working
with him in the barn at the time.
They hurried to his assistance, Inot
found him 111 1(0 unconecious condition,
ancl reMovedhim to the house, On
medical ilS8iStanC0 being SIDDIDOned, 11
was found that his ekull was frac-
tured. He remained unconselorts for
three or four 'hours, when death en-
siled. .A.)1 inquest was held, the jury
returning the verdict that death was
the result of a pure accident, and that
no blame could be attached to any-
body, The unfortunate man was 23
years of age,
PLA OE TO 13113
These words were uttered a few
tveeks ago lty a poor fellow aS he /417/
on his de(ith-be(1. in 11 botel at Graven -
burst. A week before he had travefl-
ed 0 whole day to reach the Sanatov.
info, but an inedica examinittion 01
wsdi foiind that the 6118ease (consutinie.
tiou) was I00 Tar advanced to admit
hint, /-10 1-11e11 to get board in Graven
horst, and jinally, otfter repeated fail.
ores, seeured admission to one of thc
hotels. Ile soon beeauice worse aria
the resident physiciait of die Sonatas.
i um wa 110, When it be co inn
1:11;)wn thal. had consumption,
was found impossible to get attend-
ants to wait on hint through fea.r.
contagion. l'he hostles of the ho (11
was asked to help and on his refusite,
he 'wits offered $1.00 a clay- ('xtra, but
P1 eferred to give up his position rather
thin) expose hiinself, aS he thought, to
the danger of infection from the pa,
tient. PhySicion from the S;Inatt.)r-
iitrn had to perform the duties of inirsee
and timid as 11(111 11. his own. 1Vheui
the poor fellow found' that the mars
ageinent of the hotel wished to get
him out he begged the doctor for Gocr€
sake to get him a place to-dyein.
doctor looked after ltirn some days, re-
117111) hiin on his last visit un-
til one o'clock in the morning. Tfae
poor sufferer Was found dead next days
in. his bed and beyond the need of fur-
ther help. Telegranis liad been sent
to his friends, and his sister, a fine
young woulan, reached Graverihnesto
only in titne to take away the deaie
body of her brother.
Various proposals have been maae
to erect suitable structures to eosin:nee
ate our la.to beloved Queen. Where
her Diamond Jubilee was ce1ebrat6a
four years ago large hospital under-
takings were begun in London an'd
elsewhere with Iter special sanction cis,
the best expression of the natimescon-
gra ttilations. To /mike it universal.,
shilling contributions were called fats
The Naticinal Sanitarium Associa-
tion has now provided a place ii) Gra-
venhurst for patients Nvho are itble to
pay, and this has proved its usefulno>ss
by saving hundreds of lives since it,
was opened three years ago. A free
hospital for poor patients who cauno;`.,
pay and Who are in the early stag,es 03
the disease is DOW in process of' erec-
tion near the Sanatorium.
To round or) this worts the Nation:ill
Sanitariurn ASSOCiati011 desires to btaila
tmother hospital, near Toronto, for in-
curable consumptives. What betteo.
memorial could be erected than
" Victoria Hospital " for such cases?
All the large cit'es of course NvillInive
their statute of the (-2neen, but this
not 1)1 1' national undertak.incr.
'‘Ve can. hOwever lioAre tha" Vic
trivia Hospital under the auspices (a, ,
the National Sanitarium Association,'
and this nlight 1i binit by contribu-
tions front all °Vet' Canada. Eveiss-
village and townc'ould sencl to it con-
sumptive patients anti thus benefit by
alnemorial to the Queen, to 117 010)1
they have conitibuted. ^
IInnianity demands that something,
should be done; Self protection against
the clanger of contagion demands that
something be done; but the very- do-
ing of this by exciting dread of tin
disease makes it More difficult for its
hopeless victims to receive the atten-
tion necessary to enable them to die
iD peace.
"For God's sake, get me a place tc
is a, call that should be no longer
left unanswered. 1.rour dollar
help to answer it.
Contributions are already coining, io
for this muCh Ileecled Undertaking,
Toronto. 1901.
NOTE. --Those desirous of helping
may remit to lion. Sir William -1 Mere-
dith, Vice -President, or W. J-. Gage,
Treasurer, both of Toronto.
The Editor of this paper will also lye
glad to acknowledge contributions.
Brussels: A. very pleasant
touk place at thehonie of 'Mrs. F. Gli-
ver, -On Wed n esday evening, when hoz'
estimable daughter, Miss Maggie, wao
un iteel Inarriage to Jno. B. Bell, el
Shakespeave, by Rev. John Ross,E.A.,,
esence of bout fifty idsvit
:McDowEr.m.-Wetser.--At the Mair,
street Methodist church, on Tuesday,
Dr. W. A. McDowell, of ListoweL
Feb. 12tb, by the Bev. R.,. Millyotrd,
to Miss Maud 111., youngest daughteee
of Mie Win. Walsh. of Exeter.
Usborne, on Feb. 12E11za
betb Rook, beloved wife of MrS'Ileiliss
Jon'es, aged 43 years, 6 inoarblis aria
days. Funeral to -day (Thursday) art
2 o'c,lock.
Ailsa Craig, on Feb.
1001, 1.,illie, infant twin da nghter of
SHIPWAY- -In Allsa (31510,, on S. unduly
Feb. 3111, Henry infant twin ',son el
,John 811 ipsva y,
Ailsa Craig, on Sunday
Feb. Std, 1001, llobcrt Walker, agq111
SI years and 7 nionths.
Ld'rettEirt---In Seaforth, no Feliruar,y
lst, Harriet Elizabeth, wife of Ms,
Edward jr., 5(061 2;) yeair
and 5 months.
DroitSoN-In Sea1o111i, on February,
ard, :11.Tai'3 Sloan, relict Of the 'al.('
John Turnbull 1)iekson, of "Glade
. -
wood" Aged CI yeotrs,
Usborne, on eh- 7113:
Walter Madge, aged SO years.
Ar,traq.---in 131 rishard, ()ii Feb. 5t1/,
Christian beloved, wife
of Mr. 13e11 I \Alan, agrel .31 years, V,
-month and 17 days,