HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1901-2-7, Page 4G2kblic 4-14.0 THE COijIqTY COUNCIL . .d 1' 1"" TT. NrP IN COI (-‘1)
er.r an.a Bov , setee akp :ct i a a ,1
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00.-NTINH'.\.'il0N 0E THE isnocEhMING,S
Chas, 1-1, Sander's, Editor and Prop
THURSDAY, FEB, 7th„ 1901
TuuRso AY.
LOA(1111 E 1111
.11,101111 1,W11( reed end sent [0 '1'11) 1011
The world has never seen a [1011(1.1sttrt ommittee. Straements ftom the
, ,
:its mournful interest, (11 '01111a genet.- Cinunty Collegiate 'Institute \\.;:s 11 id
ell feeling of lose; :SS that, Whi011 11111 sent 10 the Exeeil 1i e Committee.
sLC1d e:re' of th•e 11•
1:von -Poultry
ay .tnes11 11 tit s0d\„011d10.1
[\ 0111'01 \\"11 11 genuine sorrow the ihn council, and asked that a .,1 111L be
sztilor bearers carried their burden to made to such association.
le vessel tt nd aS the louts line of 11 v l'ec'hovt's from School 1.11sne eters r10111
shiPsbo 1)11 11 1111t 1`11e11' 11'11111u3t1 "1'1 t'11.1tti0-1-1 b0111.1,11i1ClI1000,Ist1111dd i'lLletIt'reLIC);01.1;E'',d(L1-1'
0110 1110> eVeuy 111;01 1111d eVel'y sol- County 01(111 00101>1 w40 sent 10 Read
Otruli eit 11101 111 10 0'e1o011. Several
eliee felt, that it would be a last fare- aml Beidge committee.
, Centelon, that the Comity Proper-
e'd. No 011e was ever °el" ememittee, 10>11 Clinton 'House of
ea, none so' deenlY mournesi• Even in Iiefuge, with: all others of the, council
well to .01,10 whom. they kIleIV ;10(1. oloved by:Mr. Lockheriliseeoed6d
her death the good hand of one Queen sviehme* io o ;it the expense of the
is upon tn her 00010000e, st, gees couneil-cemeed. Coaued, then ad-,
, loomed to meet at 1.30,
without saying that, he is the a• west ,
ruler upon any thrOne to -day, and no
Account ot County -Clerk for con-
xepubhe lias a head to compere with
nations and men. Once a leaaing Re- beenitel.t0-a13;t1t1ruclonece tac(Ttlz111;ellSisitetnee°the coat ,et
dice) said;fl Engh-ma. were 11 eepublie n reference to a grant to the
uncut and put in it W ritteu a ppl ie,ttion
to -morrow I can't see what chane.e.
n 4 w as suit, to Executive Uonnant-
would 01:Ike, for all the kilned"' "mid mittee.
000 0-
elect, the Prince of Wales peesident," erasing then teen piece for the
lucting County 'Connell election was
' Edward VII. in the aet of goveening cr-
The personal items (1100010)1, out new te'auditors, Alesses. Carrick, Munroe,
Seott. Campbell, Hess, Ball, Holman,
and ehen of his home life 1(111 11 a
; •antelon, McItitosh, i\101 10>01 and
charming side 01 1.111 Royal ch;:racter. Cith.ns being the :ipplicants. On the
Always kind to those about; him, first vote. each member votine. for two
a • , 9 -• •
nees o, temns Cerrick 1, 1\lunroe 2,
once met, joining iu humorous
Campbell -1. Holman having been de -
His delight is to take off his coat, ou his taken> each having 011 vOte.
kno w g veloy 01,10 whorn he hits Of the applicants', 11 ()linen obEtined 0
, Scott , IGIntosh 6, Cantelon Boll 1,
incidents, [aptly worked in, a e.
ter gentleman (me could, nob meet. elatred eleclol 11011101 ted. the second liallet• was
0 • In this Campbell got 7, 111c1ntosla 6,
Norfolk estate htvge as a :Manitoba
°antenna 9, alla ill the final vote which
'farm) and oversee everYthIng as one followed. Campbell received 10, Mc
whose kn owledge is acquired from intosh 5, and Mr. Campbell was de-
-field and stable. But \vhen in. the Qlared elected.
Henry Plumsteel, of Clinton, J. J.
saddle, with.the guards enont hinn he
Darwinnof SI 11101111 'arid F. Jordttn, of
as every .inch a soldier arid every 1t101.1 G01101:1.011, Were then appointeft trus-,
a king. Long nety he live, and while tees for their respective Lialleeiate In
10 11;m. Friday.
lie noes we sh;111 firicl that seceess-
gifts to as,
Council then adjourned to meet at
. or isnot one of tha least of our Queens
ACCIDENT2i.LLY SHOT. Report of Executine Committee -was
«0 id Mr. Heys being ill the chrtir. The
\ \ 7 i n d S 0)', Feb. 1.--11e01 y Ellis, s-ou report WaS pl0>SOCI. Tile Fin 4111 C C C 0 111-
0 f Joh 11 Ellibt Of \1d ifiSt011 0, While OB t, Ill itl. ee's report WEIS read and adopted,
san a shnotinst expedition this morning with Mr. Kerr fa the chide.
slipped off a log and fell into the snow. The report of the County Propeety
His shotgun was diecharged, and the cotninittee sy[ts read and entssed with a
load struck young- Ellis ha the f;:ce :aid sslip,ht iiinendment. 'While the report
mou th, wounding, hi)11 so seriously flint a/els befnee the council -;)ifr. Chambers
he is not likely to reco1 er. moved thilt, chtuse 3 11a? struck out, and
that. tt 0', (1 for the t_ittoler be built
It Girdles The Globe, 10 accordance with 1120i1011 of Messrs.
Tlie faine of Bucklen's Salve, as the Holt and Connolly in ccanniittee, pr •
o -
best in the world, extends armind the vicling snell building does not cost
earth. It's the one perfect healer of more then $2,200. The vote was as
follows: For Mr. Chambers' motion -
Cuts, Corns, Burns, Bruises, Sores,
Scalds, Boils, Ulcer's, Felons, Aches. 111-essrs. Citutelon, Connolly, Chatmbers,
Pains and all skin Eruptions. Only Hays, illiller, McLean,6; against--Mes-
infallible Pile cure. 25cn, box at all sus. Bowman, Ferguson, Hicks, Kerr,
,c1rustores. Lockhart, Lamont, Patterson, Speek-
Torrance, 9.
STRUCK 13Y AN EXPRESS. Report of ExecutiVe. Committee was
. read and discussed by clauses. 'Moved
lard, while crossing the tr,aea on his •
Springfield, Ont., Feb..1.-Lecilin Mil- ,il
Wme Mr. Bowman, seconded by ,INIr. 1,
-ay hoe from church last night, was
to the volunteers be struck out. Tor
icks, that ciause 11, altmving grant
-struck by express No. 87, going wese
•-on the M.C.R. Four or five ribs were
female 257 378
Ile received tWO slight cuts on the head Certificatesclass 1 8 12
:as well. , His doctor has hopes of his
3 66 57
;recovery. The resolts'of the High ScIrool En-
trance and Public School Leaving ex-
Workang Overtime,
Eielat hour laws are ignored by Caose showing that the teachers do filithfial
;tireless, little workers -Dr, King's
New Life Pills. Millions are almtys Gzioler's: There are ten males ill
at woele, night and day, curing Indi- the county jail, o tor vagiancy, 1 for
;gest on, Biliousness, Constipation, Sick insanity, 8 for larceny end 1 for as-
. . .
I:feed:relic [end all Stomach, Liver 'aef
Bowel troubles. Easy, pi-et:sant, sand Surgeon House of Refuge: Stilted
sure. Only- 25c. at all drlig stores. Unit at, times the House had been over-
ero.,vded,.ancl that: there were 1.2 dettths
B. B. OSLER DEAD. ClUrinii: the year, the avertge age at
Tovonto, Feb. 5, -Word has beell re- de 1>11 he u'e- 75,i vein's. The deaths
eieiverl in the city to the effect that B. were caused by old :nee 8 apoplexy 2
i •
B. Osier, K.C:, the eminent criminfil cancer o, pneumonia -, consumption 3,
lawyer well known throughout Cana- broken leg 1.
da.. died this morning at Atlantic: City, ' (r[oderich tp: There died jitnuavy
N.J. where he had gone some time ago 23rd,'Alrs. Mary Clyne, relict of the
for t'lle benefit of his 1, 0-1 which had
hate John Clyne, of Downie county of
been inipaired for some m011 thS. The
desprttch states that „Mr. Osier died
suddenly, but gave 110 further parboil-
iars. ile was 11)1(11.1111 of 13 B, Osier,
M.P., for West Toronto.
the amendment there .voted. Messrs.
Bowman, Fel guson. IIicks,Kere,Lock-
hart, ' Lamont, Miller, Tormtnce, 8;
ilgainst Ctintelon, Connolly, Chambers
trays, McLean, Patterson; Spackman
and the Warden, and the Vote being -a
tie, the amendment was lost, and 'the
report carried.
Report of Road and Bridge, and of
Special and House of Refuge Commit-
tees Were re;td. and passed.
The council then proceeded to elect
two members on the Board of' Coe ntY
Examiners, each inember having tAN'0
YOtes. The result of Inc first votes was
-ll'ieseet 32, Boyd 0, Cerneron 7, and
;Sfesssiis. Tigeet and 130y11. were declared
elected. -
On motion of 11205 1, C;mtelonind
Icei.r the House of Refuge 0 Mit tee
was emposvered to.purchase an orgitul
for use in tho relig,rotas services of tbe
annners were all dul q I is
ua [airo
position; that tlie reports of NIOS$1.S.
Tont and 'Robb 'were examined 1111(1
'> and 1.ecoinurended that, they be
Printed in the; nainutes, ;:nd that as
the Edt
ucaion Deptli
attent only furn-
ishoe c
es nopy of the school laws to
each eeetion, that the ;se:ye:Ain-lent be
menierialized to increase the nuniber
to four.
Pr oprR
ety:-enorted that the. gaol,
court ('010>. uegistry office and House
of 1-Zeftlge had been itispeet ed. Re-
comniended that no 11(11:1.111 be (>1101in the :natter a the 001N111101owel-
ing for the gdoltn' and the extension
of the use of Refuge, and that 1-111)repoet on insuiginee be 1111111011 1)1 the
Speen[]; -I-lad ineinived into the mat-
ter of entrant/1/0 public school leav-
ing fees, iefert'ocl from Deceelber ses-
sion, and cannot see liow they can be
reduced, ;Is they are eons:hired in -hold-
ing the examinations and reading the
-papers; re the abolition of 11:11111'1111-
or and the good 1011110 fita'Sti011/ We VE"
00111 /11011(1 1'10 /1.0 tit') 11, 111 11111(11 la ea etily
apirroving the proposal to better onr
highways, The committee tbought
there 11>10 necessity for more Atten-
tion along these lines befor.e very pro-
nounced legislation wiping out old cus-
toms is pessect ;.triswer to the On-
tao Bel. A
et Segassociation, sve ad-
vise the prosecution of tk
he wor; re-
commended that the warden and clerk
sign the memoriam l froSi meoe co Lunn-
t'egarding proposed ;upend men ts to the
act 10401011011 hawker's and pothers.
As to the neernotial from Coulity Vic-
toria, urging>. the necessity of legisla-
tion towards the merging of the lower
conrts so as to facilitate business and
cut cloWn _expense without doing in-
justice to any interest, we very hearti-
ly concur with dap proposition, anti
ask our 011>1(11)1(5 to forward the neces-
sates inemorieleto the legislature; and
that regarding the memovial from
Victoria couuty, to give Puirlic school
le:lying examinations a perna;tnn
P1110 in the public schools 02 (1111' land,
we reccanmend it to be signed and for-
warded to the On tnrio Legislature.
Inspector 'font's Reporte-len Lion ecl
t.hat the formation of three new school
sections would cause the erectiou at
three nesv Sebool houses; that No. 1,
Ashflelcl, and No. 2, lisborne, svoult1
commence the century with 01)0 teah
ev each instead of two ;ts heretofore,
that in. 1900 there were 133 teachers in
the -inspectorate, but that for the pres-
ent year there \V011111110 but 131; that
two nesc
w hool houser
es NVere ected in
1900, a stone one 11)No. 7, Ashfield, at,
a cost of $1,500 and a brick one in No.
3, West aValvatiosh, at a cost of $1,-
300 and that many school houses 1Tere
improved timing' the year. The re-
ceipts were:
Bitlatice for 1890 $13,762 80
Government 0-eants 3,762 00
School titxes
49,171 37
All rattler sources 6,135 53
Expendit 11100—
Teachers' salaries
Sites and buildings
Maps, globes, etc.
Repairs, fuel, caretaking
Teachers and Salaries
Male tetwhers employed o7 51
$'43,135 60
$40,591 92
883 59
12,531 72
358,161 57
-1899 1900
77 79,
Ayerage Salary, 'male . $371. 3360
broken, and both bones, in one arm.
" " 2 60 61
(111111 11.10110 Wer e Yery satiSTactory,
By-law No. 1, appointing ' anditons,
Was read. ;slid passe,d, andthen the
coancil adjourned to meet again on
the first Tuesday itaJune at :3 pan
House of Itefitge.-Reported in favor
of -recording the Inspector's report on
the ITlin tos, that the purchase of cows
and certain work recommended by the
Inspect,or lay °yeti until the committee
forms ;111 opinion, and that the ebYsie-
ian's report be printed in the' _minutes.
Finence:-Reconamended the pay-
ment of fifty-two- accounts, that the
accounts of Le.e & Shephard ancl E. R.
Watson, for work done, be deferred
till the June session of council; that no
milit;try grant be made to the Goclerich
Colleg•iate Institute; that treasurer's
statement and, that from Molson's
bank, Clinton, be printed in, the flail:-
Road and Bridge:-Recommendecl
that the tendet. of Guttricige, for•build-
ing abutment of Mitchell bridge, be
accepted; that of the Hamilton 13ridge
Co. be accepted for the superstruc-
ture that the report of the county
conanlissioner, re the •proposed bridge
over the Aux Salable river, be accepted
and that the county commissioner's re-
port be printed in.the tninutes.
Exectitiven-Reported in favor of a.
grant of $10 to tire Hospital for Sick
ClailcIr•en, Toronto, and the same stun
to the Prisoner's' Aid Sodiety; reeome
mended that the clerk subscribe for a
copy of the IMutricipal World for each
county cortncillor; that Mr. and Mrs.
French each receive an therease in sal-
at.y of $25; that Robt. Dettchinan's ap-
plications for the appointment of his
son as a student at the Agticultural
College begranted as soon 00 there is
a vacancy; that $25 be granted to the
Huron 'Potaltry and Pet Stool( Associa-
tion; $20 to each Agricultural and Hoe-
ticilltueal Society ImIcling exhibitions
111 the county; 315 to each public lib-
rary; that $600 be granted. to supple-
ment tim pay 01 1.1110 rnen and rion-cont-
inisSioned;loffleer8 of the il3islIlegiment
and that the tender of tile Goderich
Star for the county printing, it being
the loweSt. Itepostal having exam -
Med, the statements received Li 0(0> the
Collegiat Tn.:lilt:rte.:5 ELIA r e10111 111Pnded
they be paid the 'following: Sett forth
$2.223. 13, (11> ten $2,015.45 and ode-
ois $.1800.
lus•tna: -Ferrirted tilO 521
(11,1 1
Perth. The deceased had been living
for some years in Goderieh township
with her daughter,. Mrs. Thos. Lacey,
of the first cOncessfon. • Formerly she
had been for a lone'r period a repident
six years age, her birth being one of
thefirst to occurin the county.of Perth.
of Downie, where ate WaS born seventy
Thousalicts Sent Into'Exile,
Every year a large number' of. poor ,
sufferers whose lungs are sore and Iler husband died over forty years,
racked with coughs rtre urged to go to ago. Besides Mrs. Lacey, there are
another climate. But this is costly ancl several sue vi vine. daughters and sons.
not aleelys sure. Don't be an exile . Goclerich: Thurschty Patrick Hickey
when De. King's New Discovery for ofsSeaforth, who pleaded guilty to a
Consumption will cure you at home. chercre of assanitine. P. M. Beattie of
It's' the most infallible medicine for Seafoeth, was before Iiis Honor Judge
Coughs, Colds, and all Throaf and Lying Doyle for sentence. He was farther.
diseases on earth. The first-clese brings ,remanded to February llth, to enable
relief. Astounding. em.es result from His Honor to niiii5e enceniries about
persistent use. Trial free at ;111 drug- the defendant.- At the same court
gists. Price .50c and $1.00. Every Albert Evan,s, cnerged with stealing
• bottle guaranteed. a sheep, was tried by the Judge, and
at the concluSion of the evidence His
Ho or runt tidect Evans till. Saturday
During the pnst weeks the part
which the Canadian soldiers took in
the capture of General Cronje at the
battle of Paardeberg has been told
and retold by the greatest authority
on the subject -General Roberts -and
several of his leading officers. The
picture which is given free by The
Weekly Globe to Its yearly subscrib-
ers is pronounced by those who were
there a very at:curate description of
; the scene, A sample of it can be seen
at this office, It should be in every
home in Canada. '
Uxbridge, Feb. 4. -Geo. Mc:Milian, a
young man of this town, had it Miracu-
lous escape from death this morning,
• He and a 000>19(101011natned Clarence
S tin es started from here 0)001 ten
• '(:)oloelt, 0)1011 111 charge of three, horses.
Which 11103 11(110 i;flelivering to Claire -
Mont Station,- As they were crossing
the railis7.1,-.57 track, on the5th concession
of Uxbridge boWnship a freight train
from the south suddenly appeared in
Stiner got aCross rai right, lint
the horse McMillan was 011 ,101 killed
0>0(101'him and be Was thrown a (1013-
'1110(1610 distance. Jib eseaped, how-
, ever, with no more serious ('7 011, time
feiv ises; The. horse he Was lead-
ne, Was also badly ininaed and died
, •
for judgment. The county attorney
prosecuted and Wm. Proudfoof de-
fended. In the afternoon Evans was
brought up on 0 charge of stealing
goods, the property of Duncan Mc-
Covie, of Colborne, bet at the request
of Mr. Prondfoot the case was adjourn-
ed to lst March, for the prodeetion ot
a witness, ,
I' Egfal..W4s.te
Makes Woe taLtrArA.'
11 is AS wa.steful not to secitre 'what
you need and might have as it is to squan-
der.what you already Possess. Health 0
a priceless possession. You cArt secure it
and heep it by taking Hood's Sarsaparilla
which purifies the blood, CttreS disease, and
invigorates the whole system.
,Solis -"I was greatly troubied with
boils and bad blood and was advised to
tr,y .Flood's Sarsaparilla. I folloWed tit&
advice and the benefit 1 reeerred was so
great that 1 tooh a second bottle' And <ivas
aired." M, L; Petit Lyons, Ont.
1:eatsI ..eME,FICAtel
Eled/trlOal Illominatioas and Other
11 eatur es 111 Which Buffalo's Pair
All lrorruer Eater tirdSes
or This Description',
Even the Buffalonian cannot 'compre-
hend the exquisite character of the
great Exposition he is building. Is it
twy Wonder, then, that the distant- naf
live still asks what it is to be indeed
it IS to be everything that is graceful,
harmonious and beactiful. Porin and
color will join their wonderful fo'rees
to please the eye and dt?liglit the sense.
"Alegnideellt" is not too strong a word
to express the character of the corn -
Octal work. He is a man of dull irnag-
inatIon who, now visiting the grounds,
cannot picture in s'orne degree the come-
liness and stateliness of tbe dnisbed.
enterprise. ,
The Pan-American Exposition is in-
tended to be ia every way an artistic
triumph. From the very beginning
it has been the pur:ose of those \vho
have been intrusted with the making
of this Exposition to present to the
world the most artistic creation ever
conceived for a like purpose. The ar-
rangement of tile buildings, the style
of architecture, the decorative work,
the embellishment of the gsiouncls and
the electrical illuniination are sorne of
the features that will stand out promi-
nently in the Exposition picture. There
are 33 aeres 10 the courts areuud
which stand the priticipal Exposition
buildings. While the whole Exposi-
tion plot of 350 acres will be as beauti-
ful as nature, with the artistic help of
mem can make it, the several courts
will be the particular center for formal
decorative work': The courts are ar-
ranged in the form of a cross, the
north and south courts bearing the
uaraes of Court of Fountains, Plaza,
Fore Court and Approach and being
nearly 3,009 feet in extreme length.
The Transverse Court Is known as the
Esplanade and is 1,700 feet from east
to west. Two subordinate courts open
into the "Esplanade, known as the
Court of Lilies and Court of Cypresses.
The combined area of these courts Is
approximately two and a half times
the area of the courts at the World's
Columbian Exposition and for this rea-
son gives a far greater opportunity for
artistic treatment.
It has been said of this Exposition
that it would outrival all former enter-
prises In .a number of important fea-
tures,' The first of these is in the court
settings just described. The second
Is In the plastic ornamentation of
buildings and the elaborate use of
sculpture for decorative purposes. As
a third may be mentioned the hydraul-
icand fountain effects. Tbese are of
O - most elaborate character and are
to be seen in all of the courts. A
fourth feature is tbe horticultural ,dee-
[native work. Sunken gardens and
formal floral ornamentation will be em-
ployed at every point where the bright
colors of foliage and flowees add.
to the beauty of the scene. As a fifth
feature may be noted the color decora-
tion of the buildings. This is a very
elaborate undertaking, the result of
mature study upon the part of the best
mural painters of the world. Consid-
ered a very diffieulte if not embar-
rassingproblem 'at first, it has been
worked out by patient study until re-
sults very pleasing and happy have
been achieved. A sixth .pohat of excel-
lence will be the electrical illumina-
tion of' all the courts. Then the bril-
liance of the gardens and the radiant
beauty of the buildings will be height-
ened by the glow of 200,000 electric
lanips arranged with artistic concep-
tion and illuminating with fantastic
hues the nutnberiess fountains and
pools and turning the scene Into one of
unrivaled splendor.
The style of architecture Is what is
described as a free adaptation of the
Spanish renaissance. It is particularly
appropriate for the purposes Or 1111
Exposition since it gIyesnopportunity
for the employment of' many architec-
tural features of a festive character.'
Thus the visitor may see many lofty,
towers and lanterns, graceful domes
and minarets, airy pavIliona and other
decorative work that will produce a
sky line free frotn any suggestions of
monotony or severity.
The Electric Tower, standing in a
broad pool between the court of Foun-
tains and the Plaza, is to be the center -
p1100 for electrical illumination. This
tower le 80 feet square and 375 feet
high, with circular wings curving from
the east and West sides to the smith -
ward and forming a semicircular spece
In which are to be tnany beautiful
fonetnin ,features. From the eonthern
face of the Tower a cascade will ;rush
frorn a niehe, 70 feet froln the 1" 0111 a,
and fall upon a terraced bass. At night
this 'cascade and 110 fonmeins and
pools ;vill 11 iiimainsted in fa mastic
00101'S floating lit.Vits anon all the
pools %vitt fa'1"01 itt1e;eS1:11g
‘.1! Oi
..rees.eserereseeengssateessza,...• ...
CaStoria iS for Infants miti Children. CasTorfa is
liarinleSS for Castor Oil, learegorie, Drops
and, Soothing. Syrups. It contains neither Opium,
/dolphin° nor otb.4.,,,r .12111e001e substance. It is rleasant.
Its guarantee is thirty years' use by Millions or.
Ttlotliers. Castoria destroys Virorms and. allays Feverish-
ness. Castoria elves Diarrhcea, and„Wind Colic. Castofia
relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and
Flatulency. Castoria assimilates the rootl, regulates
the Stamacit and DosirolS of Infants and Children, gielner
healthy and natural sleep. Castoria is the Children's
Panacea -The Mother's Friend.
" Castoria is an excellent medicine 901
children. Mothet-s lnrye repeatedly told me
of its good effect upon their children."
DR. G. C.. Osc000, Lowell, Mass
"castoria Is so Iva. adapted to children
that 1 recommend it as superior to any pr3.
scription known to me."
H. A. Ancnna, M. D. Brooklyn, 217. '
kaaM .rabiCen 0E1
of ignorance and folly in yonth, overexertion of. apd. hotly 1111 (10
liE RESULT ed by lust and er.posnre are constantly tarecknt,/ tap _wee and fu.aro....,
Ix'rilaPPiness of thousands of promisix.g young men, Horne fade and wither at an early age„.„„
t57,at tha blossom of manhood, while others are forced to _drags ?lac, 7,searT,orftrIstiiiteiressa TI.-
§1-4,,h...Bhe.,rist,1„?..co.,, Os t.lt9irosureoVialiont,a-ttotayila)aut d no
ad,sreancautnho st.0 far , thea ollice,° the jorg.mohop, the
t4i pr 118.
A Divorced but united again
ivm. A. Walker of 16th Street says: -"I havo sugared -,
untold agonies for my "gay life." I wasindiscreet \Theta
young and ignorant. As "One of the Boys" 1 contracted
t3yphilis and other Private diseases. I had ulcers in the'
month anff
d throat, bone pains, hair loose, pimples on
face, finger nails came oemissions, became thin and
despondent. S87011 doctOrs treated roe with 'Plorcury,
Finally afriendinduced naoto try Drs.liennedy &.tiergan.
Potash, euc. They holpod me but could not cure me.
;Their/A.(3w Method Treatment cured me in a fore wee s. Taoir treatment is woadefnl.
4,24,.3.o1 reel yourself gaining every day, I have never. heard of their failing to cure in a singleQ
??case." •
ra Capt. Chas. Terry 85111:-"1 0N70 my life to Drs. 11. & 11
.,c4.1A.t IA I leamed a bad habit. 21 /had all the symptoms
Seminal Weakness and Spermatorriacca, Derassioes
wsert..er draining and weak -ening my vitplity. 1 'parried at
?,.:1„;•=1,3 under advice of my family doc or but it was a
V`4 sad orperience 131 eightein months we wore divorced. 1
hen Consulted 1)re. K. SG 11. who restored xne to manhood
llisirnrytheir New .ifethod Treatment. Ifolta now life thrill through
my nerves. We wore united again and are happy. This was
mn years ago. Drs. He & 11, are scientific speciah.sts arid I heartily recommend them."
117e treat and cure Izaricocele, Ern issiona, IVervous Debility, Serninaie
1,:3Trieakness, Glret, Stricture, SyPhilis, Unnatural Discharges, See:fA.buseV
g. Kidney and Bladder Diseases.
'fif. b7 YEARS IN DETROIT, 200,000 CURED. NO Rs-
"gER Aro yTilaivic.trea.BFaaeby,,onliciet holy? Are you contemplating mar
;'1'::C..;eiv Method ri` cat=igict)'witracraglilfou. lihaf `big fgavo°Ulg any IvAalcrine;s? Our
ONSULTATiONr FREE. No matter who has treated you, write forTa'n hoest opcinignr rrenex°
-4 Charge. Charvs reasonable. Booics FEEE-"Tho Ciolden Monitor" (illustrated), on
',Leases of Men. inclose postage, 2 cents. Sealed.
4VATE. No medicine sent C.O.D. Nonarnes on boxes or envel-
'=.7...e7oe5. Everything confidential,. Question list and cost of Treat -
Merit. FREE..
urmurnv g„ vroe A pi No.148 SHELBY ST.
Pulpers and Straw Cut-
ters in Stock at all times
All kinds of Pulper and
Strawcutter knives of
every description on
Steam Pipe and fittings
of' all kinds.
A good Williams Sowing
Machine for sale.,
The Fitaisons pank.
(Chartered by Perintraent 1855.'1
Paid up Capital-% ...... .$2,500,060
Reserve Ftuad..,.., ...........2,050,000,
Hoad office Montreal,
JAMES Er,r..Jor.rT, Esq.
GnIsnR.A.-t. -MANAGER.
Wioney ad v timed. to .good iFarmors 0)1
their own no r,es withone or more ondorser !„.
at, 7 per cent. per annarn.
Open eV er:v lawful from 10 an: , to 3
p.ni; Sat urilays 10 a.mto 1p.m.
A general banking business transacted
CIM, RENT nATES allowed for n1one on
Deposit Receipts. Savings Ill k t 3 cent.
Droicsow Si Onamrat, Huy 1 ON,
Solicitors, Manr“tav,
Chief of Police Gagnier of St, Boni-
fttee has ttrrested a• man nairicl :tames
Armstrong en a charge of making
counterfeit nioney, Dies and °thee
totes ror the nranniactitre of ten and
twenty-five cent, pieces svere found in
his room.
A Card.
We, tbe mider'signecl, do lictel;y
ar agree to re.fund the motley- on a 50c,
Attlatte Webs prop '(.010 111> of the Cri- bottle of Greene's Warranted •SyruP
trivial) Restaurant at at- of Tar if it fails to cute your. cough
tempted to commit suicide by banging oi' cold. We also guarantee a 25 -cent
from a, Iredpost, using a sheet for the hot tle to prove satisfrictory or money
purpose. Ilis inoans we; e braid and reflinded,
lie seas I:tie:teed C Lieges',