HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1901-2-7, Page 1""" - •• •• • • •• - -e- ,„... '01.TRTEENTIT YEAR. -670. 'EXETER ONTARIO THURSJAY,FJ3R1JA1Y 7 1901. • C. H. SANDER'S EDI101. 1)011T FORGET ALEXANDER SELWAY CONCFRT "th'ert M D. HA.",,, .1,ppexl, CominiSsioner and Conveyancer, -.Money to lottn at loevest rittes " of ipterest. • FEBRUARY' 15.. tat . -ttOyr '1.1 IL1'4G LAPIPS 9 At $1 75 '2 00 $3.50 and $175. PARL011 LAP/IPS 8 50c., 600.9 75c. 5c. and $1 00 • • GLASS LAMPS COIVIPLETE 15c UP 9 1 • •-The funerzil of the la be )10 Hoggarth took place on Saturday to the Presby- terian cemetery. He. WaS old and highly respeeted resident of 11 ibbert, and mileh sym pa thy is felt for his »tin- ily in thole a alietion, A •P GETT Y -A very pre(' ty wedding tool: place at St. Columba 0 church on Tuesaley morning, when Miss Teresa L, 01Coutior, daughter of Piitriefs O'Connoi, 'was milted in the lioly honds m,ttehnony to Ala Peter Ecktki:t, Of Mc1C illop, in the pre- sence of the immediate relatives of the contreeting parties., Precisely tit 9 a. the bride entered leaning on , the man of her father, while high mass was celebrated by Rev. Dr, Flannery. The bride waS beautifully tittired in fawn, with ceeam suiting s and hat to match. The bridesmaid was :Aliss Norah Holland, »eiee of the groom, while Mr. Eckart was,assisted by Mr. D. J. O'Connor, brotlier of the bride. ee After the ceremony was perfornied re are clearing at cost a lot of Brooms-. Sr Washboards. thcietii:Vafbrcig pari;Ttbs',eti`i.eti,:;11, - sumptuous., repast was partaken of. MONEY TO LOAN, We have unlimited private funds for in- vestment upon farm or village property, at o west rates of interest. DICKSON & CARLING, Barristers, etc., Exeter. MONEY TO LOAN. I have a large amount of' private funds to loan on Dirm and. village properties at low rates of in terest. F. W. Ci-LAnMAN, Barrister, Main Street Exeter. FARAITOR SALE -50 ACRES. That desirable 50 acre farm in the town- ' ship Ha, being' north half ofLot 5, Con- cession 1. There is on the premises a f'ree'me house, barn and outbuildings, good young orchard; two never failing wells of water; 220 rods of tile drainirg; 3 acres hardwood hush; moderatel.v good fences Will be sold reasonably. Apply, HENRY DILLING Hay. U.AR,N1 FOR SALE. e — The 'undersigned is offering for sale that ch;sirable farm pToperty in the town- ship o e Stephen, being Lot IS, concession 8, p on-tainiug 100 acres, all cleared, well fenced ocl uncierclrained and in a, good state of ultiyation. There is .on the premises a Xrame house, bank barn, good orchard, and a good well of'srring water with windmill Situated about half's, mile from school and 1-11,,i miles from post office. Will be sold rea- sonab'y Mid on easy terms • JOIIN St1111101,DEZt, oreditoli. A GENTS WANTED -Liitr, oi QUEEN VICTORIA eLle Authors -The Queen herself, Dr. Jelin Coulter, frmn London, Eng•iJOhn A. Cooper, editor Canadian Mag,azine, Torento; about 700 pages; quality never equalled; prices only81.75. . See other advertisement' . and Iso review in this paper. World Publishing Co., Guelph, Ont. , A GENTS 'WANTED for " THE LIFE AND REIGN XI OF QUEENIiICTORIA," including', special me- morial tributes from the most eminent British and , Canadian qate,smen, and The Life of King Edward VII." Size 10x71, about GOO pages', better illustrated than any rival work. Written by Dr. Ino. Coulter, of London, Eng., the celebrated Historian and .Mur- nalist, and John A. Cooper, editor,Canadian Maga- zine, Toronto Price only S1.75 -new btok from corer to cover. Extra. large commission; credit giv- en; prospectus free -to canyasisers. World Publishing. Co., Guelph, Ont. 1DROPERTIES FOR SALE BY TENDER .11_ IN THE VILLAGE OF EXETER. Tenders will be received by the undersign- ed. up to April 1, 1201:—Parcel No. 11.— South A of Lot No J, from Main to Wtlhain streets known as Hamlin's store. Parcel No. 2,- 381,382 -5 -4 -on Elizabeth street. near bfeCal- lurn's tannery. Parcel No.3.—Ne. 63, 54, 65.- 5i -Andrew street, No. 62 has a frame clwel- TERMS:-1,5 cash; balance in payments at 5 per cent. For further particulars and terms apply to the probrietor The highest or any tender not necessarily accepted. • T. W. HamrerN, Brookholm, On t. Sale Renster. THURSDAY FEBRUARY 7th. --10 draught, colts, 2,3 and 4 years, old; 1 draught team vcars lold; 2 bloods; 1 two-year-old steers The property of Handford Fet Elliott. Sale at one o'clock, IT, Brown, Anat. ' TESTIMONIAL' OF HOBERT SILLERY - I To the value of English Steck Food, manufactured by C. Lutz Exeter. This is to certify that I have used English Stock Food for fattening cat- tle and pigs. I have also Rid it to poultry. T have found it the cheapest and most, useful article on the ma.rktet. I would, recommend its use to stock raisers. ROB,T. SILLERN, USborne. daintily. attireh in white silk. Geo. II. lisborne BIS The happy couple left, On .the after - noon train for eastern points.. The 'we.dding.gifts tere numerous and 008t- ly.' Their :Many ,friends wish them happiness and prosperity., . or, Clarideboye Mr. Ira Collins, of London, spene/W few days among friends in tow» div- ing the week. Mrs. Simpson and Mrs': Carter are on the sick list. -Mr. and Holte spent Sunday in town. - Mr. and Mrs. Ira Bice spent Sunday in Crediton. -Mr. Brown and family spent Salado yr Oredito11.--Mm John Lintott is on the sick ancl Mrs. Brownlee entertained a number of friends Tuesday evening. liarpley (Too late for last week) A heavy snow storm swepOover this section on Monday last lenvidg the roads in a very bad condition. --Our post master intends building a new brick residence next summer, which will add much to the appearance of the , They are busily engaged haul-. ing material for it.----Mr.and Mrs. Alex. Foe'est; of Hillsgreen are visiting friends in our burgh.-iliSsBecca Sher- ritt'intends taking -ii courSe at the busi- ness college. --Messrs. GOrgc Down and Alfred Morrish started for Cen- tralia with a load of hogs each on Mon- day but had to turn back on account of the deep driftS of strow on the Cred- iton side road. -Mr. Robb. Pollock, of Woolly, Manais visiting friends here Wedd big bells May' ehea-heard atas5' early date. • Stephen The':folloWing is the :correct report of the standing of the pupils in school No: 6, Stephen. Pupils names are in ordernf merit. Sr. I.V.-Stella, Pen - hale. :Laura 'Jory,, Asa•Penhale,:Herbie Ford,. H. Bagshaw. .Jr.' Willis,. Clara Beavers. Roy, •:Parsons Hattie Willis; Sr. Tideb; ner,..Alonzo Ford, ',Minnie • SalldeES4 .4 et:1,mile Sanders. Jr. ;esI-Ierbie. Beaver," Eddie Willis, Lizzie Sanders, Mitchell Willis, Edith Parsons, Herbie Deering, Nelson Sanders. •. Sr. IL - Alfred Wuertli, Sam. 1-1. .Par- sons, ..Toinnay Sanders, ' :Earl • Box,, Violet Woods. Jr. IL -Harry Trieb- ner Ralph Willis,Cecelia Ford •Fred Beaver Annie Hicks. Pt. 'IL -a -TRAM; Sweet, Lilda Preszcator, Tefnmy Pen; hale, Earl Parsons, .Edith Wittaker, Mity• Sanders, ,Toni ,Stanlake. No.. on. the roll 50 average 43, . A PRETTY IVEDDING.-Un Wednes- day afternoon of last week one of those happy events which causes a ripple of merry excitement, tobk place at the residence of Valentine Ratz, ex - M. P. for the north riding of Middle- sex, at Khiva, when his eldest daugh- ter, Emma, was joined in wedlock with Charles Zwicker, a prosperous young merchant of Creiliton. The ceremony was performed by the Rev. Mr. Yuger, uncle of the bride. The bride was supported by her sister, Lizzie, while the groom's brother Chris. traveller for the McCormick, Co., of London, performed a shnilar duty for the groom. The charming young bride was elegantly attired in a beau- tiful costume of white peau do soi trimmed with silk tulle, and carried t bouqueteof white roses. Her travel- ling suit is'a grey tweed, trimmed with mink fur. The bridesmaid wore white organdie over pink silk, and looked very pretty, indeed. She carried a lovely liouquet of pink loses. Little Ka tie '11i0Ce of the grobm, acted as Maid of.ehonor and was prettily and Scnocit, REPoRT.-The school report s of S.S. No. 6, for the month' of Jan. is "as follows:-V.-Lincla Hunter, Toria Miners, Dora Delbriclfre. Sr. TV. -Ila Delhridge, Eddie Job n, Charlie Min- ers. Jr. IV. --May Rines. Mabel Saw- yer, Cecil Camm, Enos Herclinan. Sr. HI. -Wilfred johns, Flossie Francis, Alden Johns. Jo. Veal, Wesley Phair, Wilson Hawkins. Sr. If. -Vera Simile, Almeria Heywood, Addie Johns, Victor Sawyer. Jr. IL Hattie Ilunter,-Everett Skinner, Gor- don Waddell, Sr. Part He.y- wood, Vera Oretery,Ella Heywood. Jr. Part ff.-Laura Godbolb,Verda Berry - hill, Lola Godbolt,. Part Ls -Earl .Johns Lilla, Heywood, Jack Easson. P. G.ARDINER T , E. coolers. . . . e • s l'his signature is on every box of the genuine Laxative Bromo.Quitline Tablets 1,1ao remedy tAtit sCitges r,!, collet ha !lay Zwicker played Mendelssohn's wed- ding marcheand the ceremony was per- formed in the presence of a large number of invited gaests, obiefly rela- tives of the contracting parties. The gifts were costly and numerous, show- ing the high esteem in which this very popular young couple are held by their friends. After Congratulations were over the company partook of the wed- ding dinner, and the newly -married conNe left early in the afternoon for Parkhill, Where they took the train for Detroit, Buffalo, Niagara Falle a•nd Toronto. •After their return frinn the wedding tont. they will reside in Crediton. May their happiness never grow less. Blown to Atoms. The.old idea that the hotly some. times Deeds a powerful, ,drestic,. purg- ative pill has been exploded; for Dr - King's New lleife Rini, which are per- fectly harmless, gently, stimulate liver and bowels to expel pc -merlons matter, cleanse the sYstenrand absollatelY euro Constipation and Sick Headache Only g$c, atall drug stores. [Ur.-1/01.1-te °'.C011tleil met on Feb.. .2nd.' the • :1).0,41hers :were present. „Minutes . of laSOileeting were read, approved ..of andrsigned by' the Reeve. The Cotar: ci gave an order for steel champio oa Machine, .ananufactured tliC: Good Reads Machinery Co. of tini, to be aceepted after 'delivery and satisfactory. :Trial as pet. goarantee.• Price $220.:a -The Auditor's Peport. wae adopted, and 100 cisples ordered t be. printed for distribution. The Col- e:, oas.Roll was received and. the. Col- lector paid his.salary.-The Reeve an :Treasurer:were authorized to. berrm On their -notes such stuns as may b necessary to meet the, current expen ses of the intinicipality. Accoun al130anteing to $178.25 Were passed, an orderS isstted la pa ymen t. -The Cott n Cil Wishes -to prociire the services af competent alma to undertake : th rnanageliaent of the road machine; an Will :be prepared to ...Make arrange talents with a seUitable' person :at th next .nieetirikaif the Counciton 'Marc). 2nd at one elelock.- MoRLEY, Clerk McGillivray Sullool, ItEportTs.-.The following is a correct report of S.S. No. 5, for the month of Januarty. Report is based upon work and attendance of pupils. Nunes are io,ord'er of merit: Sr. 117.- 11 Cora Short, Josephine Coughlin,Willre Le wi s, y Lightfoot, Ecl Wit rcl Fa ulder, May MeGrory. Jr. IV. ---Sam Scott, Rosilia Lightfoot, Leo Coughlin, Olive Short. /11.--El-win Scott, Gladys Short, JOCIleete Ma:mile, Nellie Lewis, 0 Pearl Shoet. Sr. II. -Arnold Congli- ltn, Allie Wilson, Jr. It --R,itymond Congh lin, Adeline Hoffman, Ma ble d Lightfoot, Adrain Cougnlin, Sr. Pt. II.-Olarti Lewis, Fred Lewis, Eliza O Hodgins. Edward Jones, Aron Scott, - Chester Morley. Jr. Part • H. --Violet t -S Short, Willie illaguire, May Faulder. d Average attendance 29. - H. LANE, Teacher, cl 44c. -/Farquhar MEgfixo-. -The annual meeting of the Usborne'7!kr, Hibbert Fermers' Mut- nal IlittesItisbrance.:Oninpan y Was held in the Public .here, on Monday last. There was a large attendance of melell hers present. The Vice -Pres., I. Jackson, presfded in his usual fair and corteons manner. The losses for the. past year, especially by lightningshave been quite heavy, amounting in all to $8018.39 which was pro n ptl y and sat- isfactorily settled for, leaving a cash balance, including the unpaid assess- ments of 1000, of $4810.66 with a re- ported loss nf $890 which leaves a cash balance on hand over all 'liabilities o over $4100.00. There were 677 new policies issued during the .year,malaing, a total of 2152 policie.s at risk, cover ing an insurance of $3,655,260. Thi amount is secured by premium note amounting to $10808.67 liable for as sessment. It will thus be seen tha the company neyer was in 0 more pros Pevous condition than at the present time. The retiring direetors W. H ILT3d J.A.Norris, were re-elec ted directors for 0 term of three years with W; A. Turnbull and G. Ruther- ford, as auditors. The Members, by a large yote,declared themselves in favoi of giving a preference hi -favor of build- ings protected by lightning rods. • The following -is repert for January schmd section No.1, McGillivray. Sr., IV. -Frank Farmer, Leon Farmer, Willie Beyhan, Cora. Webb, Frank McIlhargy,:Mary1Ctirtin, Joseph Fel- mer. Jr. IV. --Joseph Fraser, Irene Curtin, France Glavin, Sr. III, --Lor- etta Glavin, Anjella, Ida Webb. -Jr. III.--,Ileen Glavin, Josie Glavin, Hugh O'Dwyer. Sr. IT, -- Herbert Hanlon, Raymond -Fraser, pharlie 0' nr-Pt.• 11,--eSaaneS O'Dwyer. Mar ti n'O'D w yer. Pt. -1,'•-•/" Clement Glavin. MILDRED um_pronD, Teacher. Sodom Mrs. John Ford, who has been indis- posed,is recovering. -Henry Dearing,: who has been in Manitoba for -561110 time, is expeeted home shortly, he be- ing in 0 serious condition having -pal.- tialik lost- the power of his lower limbs f the restilt of typhoid fever. -Mr. Abe. „ .Dearing, who has been a rT.liviDg unilk .for the Centralia creamery the past - season, has discontinued. -a -The nni- jority Of'our Citizens are sniferingfroin s severe colds.-iOne 'would think that there TV uld not be much 'wond left . in t the y swamps; judging from the - hire. - uantities that pass -here daily. REPORT. -The following is . rrect report of S.S; 13,. during' month of .jantiary. .-Nitanes. are :ranged in :order ,of tvelyn Ching,' .Milton Harry. ords III. -Hazel Prouty, :-Lizzie 'fifths Maud Green. Jr. III.-aCharlie unsford; Slitts Ford, Laura, Hooper, -Melvin Dearing,. Willie Carrick, Frank Stacey; Annie Stacipy. Jr. II.-HJessie Green,' Barton .Poed, Dolly. Alward,: Jennie Penhale, John Smith. Sr, Pt. H. -Freddie SR -4th, Cla y ton Prouty, Sanford:Sad th, Clifton Prouty, Willie Ching,•Gordon Hooper, Norman Mc- Dimalct Eliza Smith, Kenneth Ford. Jr. Pt. It -Sidney Smith, Nellie Stacey .Nancy Smith. Sr. 'Pt. Alex- ander, Lawrence Alward. . .. 0. B. FERGUSON, teacher. -0111% Centralia The Enloe Jack has been banging half-mast and draped in mourning for a whole week at the parsonage, the -bnly one exhibited in the village. - 'Dr, Geo. Henderson, ti'30 popular elo- quent President of the London Con- fere.nce, will preach in the MethodiSt, church next Sunday Morning and evening and at Eden in the afternoon. This will be a great treat that none should miss. -Mr. Nelson Hicks and Miss Addison, of Norwichr'were visit - for a few days with Mr. Richard Hicks. -Mr. Jno. Wright, our popular correspondent has moved to Whalen. We wish him success. -Mr. Wm. Pym and wife have. returned from' London, twinging with them their son Lnther, who has been in the Ho'sPital. He is now convalesce/A.-a-Special reviyal services are about to begin in this vil- lage. Neighboring ministers will as- sist. the pastor.-Inte.resting quarterly services were hold here last Sunday in the Methodist church. A large number partook of the sacrament. SOTTooL REPoRT.-The following is 0 correct report of Public school, here, for the month of January. Names are in order Of Merit: Sr. Department. - V. A --Polly Windsor, Lillian Elliott, V. B --Clinton Hogarth, Alvina, S011, Edith -Bunt, Fleeda Baker, Perry Windsor, Aggie Hepburn, Earl Mitch- ell. Sr. Iv. --Bruce Mitchell, Clara Fairhall, Pearl Walker, Minnie Dayn- ham. Jr. 1V.=• -•-Geo. Hepburn, Meno Eddie °Alfas. Sr, Tit -Rosy Wilson, Warren Mitchell, Fred Cott- rill, Allie Itaggith, Alvin Baker, Cecil 'Vail, Hector Mitchell, Herman Mitch- ell. Jr. Department,. --Jr. TTL -Re- becca McCoy, Chas. Heaman, Vernon Wilson, Elva Windsor. Sr. 11. ----Enos Windsor, Malinda Califas, Major Rid- ley, 'Wilfred Itodgins. •Jr. IL -Mur- ray Elliott, Samuel McCoy, Jos,White Willie Tomlin. Pt. It Call - fits, Chas. Grafton, Jame White, Gor- don Wilson. Pt. L -Roy Callfas, Earl Calltas, Jos. Johnson. Average at- tendance 28. W. Be BAosuAav, Miss L WALittan Teachers. , Fertile Valley. Too late for last week. . A large number are on the sick list this week. -St. Marys church, Brills - ley held a box social at Mr. Geo.Lewis' Tuesday evening, Jan. 22nd. The crowd was fairly large. A program was rendered, which was more amus- ing than entertaining. Some of the yonng la dies did not get the 14Er.Right • they expected. Proceeds in aid of the Wornen's Auxiliary --Mrs. Jas. Cock - well, who has been on a mouth's visit to friends and relatives,at Grand Rap- ips, has returned. ---Mr. Geo. Scott was taking a cow and calf away in a sleigh the other day and more by accident Shan bad management upset sleigh, cow, calf and himselrand aince the ac- cident he is not feeling the best. , MARRIED. -The knot was Lid at, Mount Carmel, 033 Wed., Jan. 23rd, when Miss Norah Bucklee, of this vicinity, and Mr. Peter Flannagan, of Dakota, were made man ancl wife. As they passed through Fertile Valley on their way to the church many looked on them with best wishes yet tinged with regrets. They were glad to see that Miss Bucklee had taken 0 success - fill step in life, hut they knew they would miss her pleasant laugh and voice in this vicinity and also at their soeial parties, at which her company was always muell appreciated. Miss Bucklee was a favorite in tehe commun- ity and the very best wishes of the Fertile Valley reporter goes zdong with her to her western home. 1 f•XET,ER LUMBER Y;1/2.13,33 Large stock of Lonaber---Alins and. OM lock 70,000 feet of hem took lumber for barns atc., alsd silo:ales, lath and cedar poSts now; reasonable. JAS..WILLIS, 'Yard/ East sido Mato et,. t On Saturdaylast a frieudly shootin match, eomprising of two events, 17 10 tat'got mei), took Place on the premises of Mr. -Tilos-I/it:kens, Sauble Line. Following are the SCOEOS, §rr EvENT ENENT Thos. Dickins Butler Dickins 9 John Floater 10 , lad. Hunter 10 Rola,. Woods 5 W. Hudgins- 6 Butler Dickins John Miners 8 Rich. Hunter, 10 „ Thos. Dickins 7 W. Ilodgins R. Woods '7 J. MinOYS 0 John limiter 9 6 -rand Bend (Too late for last week.) The worst blizzard of the settson vis- ited us Monday the 2801.--A rothaber of QUI' young forks intend taking in the oyster supper on Thursday night the 31st ttt Shipl:a, under the auspices of the Macka'wes. -Mr. and Miss Oullette, after spending tir few weeks with &lends and relations here, return- ed to their home on the 22nd. -Mr. H. 13ossenberryohas the job of putting up much of the ice in this locality. -Mr Edward Gill is on the sick list. --Mr Guer, of the 19th buried his three yetta old child cm the 2.8th, at the Grand Bend•cernetery.-A Union Jack draped in black floated from Mr. A. Mollard's store, here ma Tuesday- the 22nd, in honor of Queen Victoria. -Mr, Oliver has pule:based a lot here and intends budding next spring. --Miss Louisa Zappe left for Detroit last week. --Mi. Miller, L. Ravelle's k, spent Sunda -y at his home in Dash - Wood. Zurich Ma'. D. Gottschalk left for Bad Axe, Pi molt, where lie has secured a situa- Rev. S. Salton who has been on the sick list, we are pleased to say, is able to attend to his duties again. -Miss Ida Caves, who has been visiting friends in Bay City for the past three mOriths hns returned hotne.--Mr. H. Belcack spent Sunday with his par- ents at Rodgerville.-:-.A. young gentle- man from "iNfitchell" visits our League very regularly of late. -Mr. and Mrs. Richard Coates visited fpiends in Exe- ter on, Sunday. -Mr. John Essery, who has been seriously ill with la grippe, i slowly improving, under the doctor's care. --Mr. and Mrs. Richard_ Quance and family, of Exeter, spent Sunday here with Mr. and Mrs. Sam- uel Hicks. -Mr. N. S‘veitzer is busy deawing flag stone from St. Marys. - A very poor attendance at school on account of the stormy weather. (Too Tate for -last week.) The S. S. Anniversary services.. held on Sunday last, were attended both aftern cam and evening by large con- gregations. 'Rev. Mr. Hussar, of Cre- diton, coaducted the af,ternoon sea. - of TencanS took charge of tlits evening service. - On Monday eveningthe tea -meeting was held, and what promised to be a grind success hal its dampening- ef- fects by the big stotni which set imand eon ti 11 tied the whole day. However, there. was 0 large crowd present, and the ladies, who always do well on oc- casions of this kip:1, navel. did better, either in respect of quality- or quanti- ty. After supper was served /it the school house the crowd went, over to the church. The superintendent, Mr. G. Buswell, °coupled the chair and the proceedings weoe opened by a se- lection from Elimville choie which was deservedly admired. Mr. S. Stan- 1ko, of Sodom, also pleased the crowd with his popular songs and dialogues recitations and drills from the young people of 'the S. S. were much admired. On •WednesdaY evening a avand social ivas held, proueeds ant du n led to Crediton J.. G. STANBURY, B. A., (formerly Collins & Stanbury) Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Conveyancer Money to loan—Exeter. Out. We tune in for it six weeks winter'. -Saturday was Candlemas day and Bruin saw his shadow. ---Mr. Aubrey Baker, who has been attending the Business College in London, has re- turned home. Re will act as clerk for his father, Mr. R. Baker, who intends to start a general store in the Beaver Block next week. -Mrs. Cherlee Rien- ale attended the funeral of her sister, in Delhi, this week. -Henry Either, M.P.P., left Inc Toronto on Tuesday to attend the session of the Ontario Legis- lature. -The past few days storm has blocked the roads, thus inaking it im- possible for the Lea1118 1;0 get through. --We are pleased to state that Mrs. (Dr.) Rivers is rapidly recovering from her recent illness. -The two lady teach- ers of our school are ill with la grippe. The two rooms have been closed for a few days: -Herr Mark gendelson, phrenologist, is.in the village and is prepared to extunine any persons head. His headqiiarters are at Hill's hotel. --Rev. Husser has been 511 the past week with la grippe, but is recovering. The revival meetings were closed last week, owing to his illness. -Last Sat- urday was observed as a holiday. The business places were all closed, and they were decorated with flags and draped tvith black bunting. A union memorial service was held in the Ger- Iran Evangelical church, which was well attended. Rev. HusSer/ the Me- thodist minister was unable to take part owing to sickness. -Rev. J. G. Litt spoke for a while on the life of our late Queen, taking as a text, Esther, IV -14. The choir sang 11 number of appropriate anthems.- Mrs. Wesley Winer left for Toronto on Tuesday. She is taking her child with her to have an operation performed on it in She Children's Ilospital.-Mr. J. K. Schroeder is attending the funeral of his brother-in-law in Elmwood. this Week. ----.1111', and Mrs. Wm, Winer' spent last, Sunday with friends in Exe- ter.. --Mr. Chas. SNvicker, merchant, of this town, was married to Miss Emilia.' Itatz on January 8056, the particulaA of which appears under Kniva news. To cure a coldin a. night -title Vapo-ereao- ene. It has been used extensively during more ban twenty-four years. All Druggists, tion ID a Shoe store, M tier is ill tvith 10 grippe. -Miss Beatrice Steinbach has eeturned fedm S arth. -Miss Grace 'Torrance spent 56 few days in Varna among friends. -J, Preeter 11115 the grippe. -Dennis Der - stein has -returned to his home in Sekle- Waillg., Mich., after visiting friends in thi$ yloi.nitY.,---TheiSlisses A tehiseu, Kippen, were the guests of Miss Ida Well, a few days this week. DEATH or• en tls h s• again made -itself felt in 00e 111idst,tak- ilia. from among us Mrs. George Hess, who has been suffering Loin that dreaded disease, consumption, having passed away on Satarday last at the age of 52 years. The deceased was of • very kind and gentle disposition and was a woman respected by all who knew her. .She leaves to mourn her demiSe three sons, four sisters and 0 brother, -who have the sympathy of the entire coantuunity. The funeral, took place to the Goshen Line ceme- tery on Tuesday afternoon. THE NEW KING AND DEAD QUEEN., Whenever the English tongue isi. spoken the last two weeks have been, memorable for the sympathy and in- terest evoked by the Queen's death 0± all the papers in America the Fam- ily Herald. and Weekly Star of Mon- treal rose most successfully to the - occasion. The Family Herald giyes er full history of the whole Victoria's! Era, including the birth, life, reigna death and funeral of Victoria, most. profusely and interestingly illustrated,_ The Family I-Ieraid is to be congratu- lated, and. its subscribers felicitated:" solauhitevsbag zt. journal of such vast rea ore - A Deep Mystery. ' It is a mystery why woman endtme-- Backache, Headache, Nervonsness.„ Melancholy, Fainting and Dizzy spells when thousands have proved that Electric Bitters will quickly- cure such troubles. "I sufferecl for years with kidney trodble," writes Mrs. Phoebe Cherley of Peterson, Ia., "and a lame back- pained me so I could not dress myself, but Electric Bitters wholly cared me, and, although 73 years old,. r now am able to do all any house- work.' It overcomes Constipation, improves appetite, giv es perfect health. Only 50e. at all drug stores. • •'"•1 .Hensall: On Thursday afternoon ds' Harry Welsh was planing a sui all block With the small plainer at Welshes Planing mill, the block slipped, 'throw- ihhe of his -right hand _es .7" againsb the rapidly revolving knife. . The end was taken off the index finger traad about, an inch of the second one. Maccliarinid ainputated a portiori. of the bone and dressed the finger, '. Harry will be laid up for some time. This is the secoud accident of the kind he has had within two years. Goderich: lf the earliest wishes of an elitire community had prevailed, "Eddie" Campaigne, as he was affec- tionately caliled, would have been re- stored to health and activity; but it. was not to he, and on, Thursday he breathed his last. For some years the deceasedhad been sailing, spending the winterrseasons tiet his home here- . Shortly after returning last December from his season's work'on the steamer Majestic, of which: he was first mate, he was taken ill with typhoid fever. Fey awhile the case progressed. in the usual way, but later on unfavorable. . and serious developments oceurred,and during the last week the hand or death. was always very near. Children Ory for CST 10, Henry Welizel, a farnier residing oue the outskirtt of Listowel, cointnitted, suicide driring the tais.:,rlat of Friday by , ha naillg himself in his barn. Germs, That's That's precisely what Vapo-Cresolene does. You light the vaporizer, the vapor of Cresolene is given .off. Not a disease germ can live in this vapor, yet it can't possibly harm even She' youngest child. Just naturally breathe -in the vapor; it destroys the germs of la grippe, hay fever, »anti- • enza and whoopintr-coulli. It's the „ common sense treatm ot for all , troubles of the throat and bronchial tubes_ e Vapo-Cresolene is sold by druggists everywhere. A Vapo-Cresolene outfit, includingthe Vaporizer and I,anip, which should last a life -time, and a bottle of Cresolene, complete, Sr,5o ; extra supplies of Creso- . lene 25 cents 500 30 cents. Illustrated bookletcon lain- ing physicians' testimonials fteeupon request. VAro. CRESOLEN It Co., xis Fulton St., NOW York, U.S.A. AtARRIABES. • , IlAs-z-At the residenee of She bride's f/it;her,‘Kbliva, Ont., on January 30th, 'hy- the TioY. 5111,. Yager, Charles Zwicker to Emilia eldest, chitight,or of Valentine Ratz, Esq., ex -111i. P, on January 231al, hy 11.ev. W. J. Waddell, 05 tlae home of the Inide's another, Mr. JztaileS .clott,le, of 'Us - borne, to Miss Maud, youngest daughter of tlie late John Briana- ctinalae , Child-ren,Cry, CASTOR IA ' 4fs