HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1901-1-31, Page 8-invtrA...4wav),,7 voinfewcAnyes,
Death of rich men oft remind us
That we make s,rul Mistake
If we think to leave behind us
Wills that lawyers cannot break,
Siderijki read Mi-,Vires,Snell's
" ad" in 'this issue. '
Huvon•Poultey show will, take place
in.Goderich on Tuesday next. • '
Highest priees paid for all kinds of
produce at the New Store. W, 0, YEO.
A number from here attended the
Reform Convention at Hensall on Tues-
The Sons of Ettgland will vear
mourning badge for the Queen for two
Mrs. J. AMunroe entertained her
"Sunday sc'bool class at her home TueS-
day evening, .
Coll at the 4re-nous:1'E office and pro-
cure a Memorial Badge of our beloved
Queen. Price eie • •
M,r, J. 1-I. \Vard, who resided north
of the .tirist mill, moved with his fam-
ily to Ilensall on Monday.
A meeting of the Ladies Guild of the
t.Privitt, Memorial chureh will be held
this afternoon (Thtirsday.)
It is thought probable that a new
issue will be made of stamps, bearing
the lineage of Ehig Edward.
A, hockey match will take Place on
the rink here tonight (Thursday) be-
tween the Clinton and Exeter teams.
Holy COMIII UniOn will be administer-
ed in the Trivitt "Memorial church at
the 11 o'clock service on Sunday next.
Mr. Frank illiddletort has moved
with his family into the residence on
Mill street, vacated some timeago by
Mr, Win. Phair. •
The entry of the twentieth century
Ends Ontario with 6,5,000 miles of coun-
try roads, 6,009 public schools, 10,000
school teachers, 3,229 post offices.
Don't forget the Alexander-
SelwayConcert on February,
15th, See posters.
Doctor, 1 shall never forget that
to you 1 owe my " Oh, IICh" re-
plied the doctor, mildly; "you only
owe me for fifteen visits 1 made you
during your illness."
There is nothing more hatmful to
granolithic sidewalks than salt, and
business men should be careful not to
sprinkle salt on the walks, or lo allow
salt barrels to stand outside their
doors for any length of time.
Evenybody is using Dix Laxative
Cold Cure for the immediate relief and
rapid cave of Cold hi the Ilead,Influen-
za. Lagrippe, Sick, Nervous or Neural-
gia Headache, etc. Only 15c. a box, at
Lutz's Drug Store.
Mr. H. Parsons has secured the
agency for the Life and. Reign of
Queen Victoria, This book will prob-
ably be the best book published of the
kind and any person desirous of get-
ting a copy will do well to get it from
The Royal Templars' concert in Gid-
leys' Opera House, on FridAy night,
not largely. attended hot those
present were very pleasantly enter-
tained, notwithstanding it' numbe
who promised to take part in, the pro -
mom failed to put in an appearance
Winan's Cough. Balsam surpasses all
other medicines for the cure of Coughe
accompanying 'Lagrippe, Colds and
Bronchetic Troubles. Only25c. a bot-
tle at Lutz's Drug store. •
Quarterly meetingservices will b
held in James street IVIethodist church
next Sunday. Love feast in the schoo
xbtatt 9.15 -a.m., preaching service
at 10.39 followed by the Sacrament o
the Lord's supper. The official Boarc
• will meet on Monday, evening for trans
action of business.
It i5 stated that Dr. Jas. R. Ander
son, of Ailsa Craig, will he the census
commissioner for North Middlesex
and that he has appointed the follow
leo, as enumerators for Exeter: Ward
3,. R. Kinsman; ward 2, W. Treve
thick; ward 3, H. E. Huston; ward 4,
James E. Grieve, They will commence
work on April 1st.
Use Turkish Scalp Food for falling
or grey hair. It prevents'clandruff and
relieves itching of thescalp. Only 50c
a bottle at Lutz's Drug Store.
Special services will be held in James
_street church next week, beginning
withTuesday evening. All who cau
come will be welcomed to these sea
viees., Oa Sunday, Feb. 10th, arid fel
lowing weeks, the pastor will have the
assistance of the evangelist, Miss Mor
don, who, by her earnest erforte, ac
complished much good during her isit
to Exeter two years ago. It, is to he
hoped that the meetings now arranged.
may he of deep and widespread influ-
The committals to the jails of 0tutor-
10 for the past year show an increase
compared with 1890. The increase is
not very large. In drunkenness there
were about 2,200 committals the last
twelve mon ths compared with 1,000 the
previous year. Committals for other
,offences are also higher but dispite this
fact there is less crime. The sentencing
of all tramps caught by police for vag-
raney is responsible for the increase in
the number sent to jail; the officials
Clinton New Era: ---The other even-
ing a younglady of town sat reading
near a lamp, and happened to be wear-
, ing, a celluloid comb, when it caught
fire from the heat of the lamp, and
hen hair was badly burned before it
old be extinguished. ' The next
evening a lady :friend, who was also
wearing a similar comb, bent over in
front of a fire, when it also took fire
and it was only by strenuous efforts
that she avoided sea -ions injury, 13e
Qarecn1 of the coinb you 'wear. •
Mr, A. G. Kemp, who has been led-
ger keeper in the Molsons Bank here
'for the past three and a half Yers-has
hen transferred to the 0,,ven S'ound
• branch of the same bank :and hae been
promoted to the po5ition of teller, Mr.
amp is to be congratulated and his
many faiends here while being pleased
to hear of has deserved promotion, will
learn with regret of his departure,
hailing left Friday las& for that tOwn,
Mr, 13, E. Young will fill the vitariey
here, thus taking a step- higher, and
Mr. G. H. Martin, ,of 14"treial* has
taken Mx. Young's/place', having ars
;rived here $aturday,
The Memorial services in the Trivitt
Memorial churelt mi Sunday morning
was a most fit in, et ibuts to (1 -written -
(ivy of our noble Queen Victovia. The
saered edifice was draped in blitek and
the entire serviee was ir keeping with
the solemnity of the occasion. The
'Rev, 3. W. Ten Eyck delivered a most
touching sermon on the noble life and
character of Our dear departed Queen.
The hymns seleeted for the occasion
was appropriate and beautifully ren-
The memorial seawiee in James street
church last Sunday morning was a
very impressive and solemn one in
every particular. The frontof the au-
ditorium was heavily draped, as also a
large portrait of her Majesty, which
stood directly in front, of the pulpit.
The paetorRey. C. W. Brown,
chus s his text Proverbs 31-29, and
engaged the deepest attention of the
large congregation as he spoke of the
p Uri ty ot (bora eterand nobility of rule
of our beloved Queen. The hymns and
anthem were suitable to the occasion
and rendered,' with ,490d taste. The
service was closed by the rendition of
the Dead March in Saul. -
Men's fine shoes $2,50 for 81,90 at G..
'Me. Samuel' GdIfas, a resi-
dent of Stephen, writing,td THE .4VDVO-
GATE from Le Mrs, Io Wet, say : —The
weather here has been the finest up
to'the present that I haye seen Since
tionfing to the U. S. We have had DO
such thing asstorm or had, which
in ' is 'seasons' have 'deed so nnich
damage and is•always 56 much dread-
ed, in, these,parts. Corn husking Was
,all donein good shape and the crops
were all, good,' both in quality and,
:butintity. Prices range as .,followsi—
corm 25e; wheat 62e; oats 20c; hay $8
per ton; hogs, lied -Weights $4.00; steers,
fat, '$1.25; •,cewS, $3; butter IS to, 20e;
egg's 17 to 20cg..I sold tea hogs in. Octo-
ber that netted me 8181.85. Those ten'
farrowed 71 pigs hist"Springe Of which
Tsaved 61 and Whieh are now abont
7 thenths'.old • and Will average fronn
225 to 285 'Pounds. •1 could pick '30.• Out
of the bunch that Would •weighe 250
pounds.. The onlyhfeed they ,got was
corn and oats. You s'i11' excuse' :the •
for being -a little:Slow in.reinitting my
subscription thereason of Which was
that was" summoned • ASa junynnan
and was aWay froni home three Weeks;
, , .
hence was .unable to send it. You
,might have thonghtl wanted it stop-
peci,bat never Stop THEADATOCAT
tit YOu find out that I arn aqad. Find
enclosed $1.00 for anothereYear. • • e
Penns For Sale. •
Two or three improved huildredacre'
.farms iorsale in the townships of Us -
borne and 1Stephen. For particulars
apply to Dickson & Carling. • •
nievary ElitertaTaintents ,
'A grand literary and musical non -
Cert, under the auspices of' 'the;.P.dblio
Library Beard, . be held din' . the
Opera -House, on Feb. 15th. The Board
have Secured the 'services of the -well-
known andefamorts elocnitionist, Miss
_Jessie Alexander; .' andh, also of Miss
Emily Selway,contralto taf • St. :Pe-
ters' church, TOrento, aMiss S,e1Way:is'
a. gold medalist of tlieConservatery of
Music and 'comesilighly reaonamendecl.
. • •
The ,Latest Fake.
The 1130St 110 vel criMinal Way of. mak-
ing- money has jaist come.to the atten-
tion of the police, .,says ,a .32par-by ex••
change. There iSUgood-lOoking young
man ,and wonian travelling, making
all kinds of money by gettingrnarriede
The couple has alarge stock of raised
$1 and $2 bills. The bills' of the lower
denomination are raised, to, appear as
$10 bills, while the $2 oxie 5eem, to be
•$20 bills. The couple visits the unsuise
peoting..minister the. •bride :blifshes-•
the groom, is very, nervous, lost like,
'niost new groonis, and the clergyman
performs the sacred c,:erennOny. He is
given in most cases,. a $20 bad bill tanc,t
told to take his fee • mit. Usually $5
is, the limit of the. fee,- and • the fake
'bride and her "hubby" leaves with.$15
of the geed Man's good-met:my in their
purses. • • ' •
Farlasers, Teleoltotte' Line.
A 'meeting was recently called at
,ElirriVille,11S.bo,rne township, to diactisS
Ways'and means' to erect a' telephone
line between Exeter and Kirktom
J. Roy waS in -the -choir arid W. Miners
was sedretary. Among thoSe.who
dressed.the meeting were.Messrs.JOICI
•Delbridge]and ,Thos. Smote. The fol-
lowing were 'appoihte&ccanin'tittee to
,wait on Woodliaire aidrch.1.401, peo,
le: RiChnDellaridge, 11. Brown 'and'
m.'Delbridge•regagiding a telephone
line. Net JohhDelbridge, W.J.Roy.,
R. Hunter, R. '• T. Johns and Joseph
Hawkins were •appoin tecta cleputet titan'
to•Wait.on•the'peciple of -.Exeter • abbut,
teleph,one"line to guthville,,Wincliel:-
sea, Wocidhain and Kjrkton. There"
Was a meeting called for Tuesday night.
but we have not as yet learned' the
par,ticiilars of What was dope;
, , ,
The 'annual meeting of the Liberals
of Smith Huron as constituted:for Po
vincial purposei.was•held On -Tuesday
•afternoon In Opera 1-Iton5e;
Hensall. There was a large • represen-
tation of delegates from, . all: over the
riding ana,the-,:greaterSt,'elithusiasui
was manifested.',AMong .thos9 . who
deliyered'addresee weret-gAleX.Sinith
Libenal'Organiger; V..Ratz„ EX., ,.N.1-3,:;
Geo. MeEvsearf, M. Y. McLean:J.
G. Staribtray, and. Arch.''Bishp. A
convention will be et-diet-1.one March ' 5,
•fer•the phrpose Of.Ch posing,areandida.te
for the next provincial Clecticin5. The
'font:awing officers. were elected:,-LePres.,
Fred,Hess, Sr.; ,Zuviehi 1st Vice' Pres:,
M. llheane 'Seaforth: -2rid• Vice
Pres.,•J. G, Stanbury, Exeter; 3rd'yiee'
Pres., J. 0; Kalhfleisch, klay;'See'y A.
G. Smillie, Tuekersmith; Treas., Geo::
:Sainwell,,Erketer. • • '
1.6'ina'-is":4741ttfertitill MOM', in
,•C, i di eyst Opera ,House, on WedneSchiy-
iiight.of last Week was largely ,attendr.
eclethe ballbeingpackedto the • doors.
the MoYing pictures 'preeented,by'••the
einnenietograpli Were ,fOilnw?ti With
a 'great deal, of in ter'ect, rnariy of which
were • pictures of the $outb African
War. The illustrated lecture by iSt,an-
ley M. Brown, Who tieeeinpanied: the
Canadian: contingent as special cer-,
'r'espondent far' the Maileanils Empire,
proved,quite interesting.- HISAecture
embraced the, incidents', Of the, trip
.from the tinted:bey' left • Quebec • until
their" retirrn,the experiences being vari-
ed and interesting, , The " selections
given by Owen "A., Srniiy 'Were good
god on the W1616 the entertainment
Was a, success.
„ .
Gall and get a niemorhsl badge at
the ADVOCATE, office,.• 'Priee •
, • •
Blite,k Dress Goods are inach in de -
Maud at Stewart s. Yoa will find the
largest selection in thecounty: Ben-
galine Cords, Sabastapool, Cords,
poplins, Serges,Hemirettas,Melrose,
Chivats,Broadeloths and How esp u ns
from 20c. to $2.50 the yard, see our
stock if you have a Dress G-"oods
thought. • •
Call and get a memorial bad,ge a
the ADVOCATt. office at 5c each.
Chattzes in the Book of Contwok Prayer.
A Royal Gazette just published in
London, Eng. contains a Royal procla-
mation decreeing the necessary altera-
tions in the liturgy of the Established
Chuveh,andwhich of course Will apply
in all Anglican, churches in Canada.
The proclamation substitutes:Ring for
Queen, ,Ed ward for Vie twilit, Our Sove-
reign Lord, for 'Our ,Sovereign Lady,
and the prayer for the Royal family
" Our Gracious ,Queen ,Alexander,
George Duke of Cornwall and York
and the Drichess of Cornwall , and
York" for "Albert - Edward Pei nce of
Wales; arid the Princess of 'Wales." It
is further decreed bliat'alo edition of
the Book of COMill0/1 Prayer , sha
helmet:m:1th be printed except, with etic
amendment, and all the clergy ar
striCtly charged that they "do wit
the pen :correct anct. amend all sue
prayer -s in their churcli books."
The funeral of our beloved Soverig
Lady Queen Victoria, having been se
fele Saturday, February 2a3d, the Reev
has issued a proclamation in tweet
JosephB 1 "
MrssBawden is spending it
few weeks ' -with her sons in Ridgetowtn,
Little Hattie • &unwell had a
Sliglitat tack ef pletirsy,•,but is.itnprov-
Mu.' -With Tapp, the popular Oen-
tral Etotel hostleiris off'doty this week'
owing to
Mr. Thos. Oke, who was sick a few
days last week, is again on duty at the
Central Hotel.
Miss Holland, of Exeter, visited Miss
V. Cook for a few days this week. --
FT en sall Observer.
Mr. Jas. Atkinson; who has been
confined to his home for' the past week
is able to be out again.
Mr, S. A Poplestone is on the sick
list this week ;Ind is linable to attend
to his duties at the store.
Reeve Bissett is dailightiProving and
while yet very weak will be able to be
out around again shortly.'"
to attend to business again.
Miss Minnie Doan, of Zurich, is
n sPendmg -a few days 10 town, -the
11 guest of Miss'Ger,tie Dempsey, • , •
e •Mr.. L. H. Dicksori has been cOnfitied
ix to his home throngli illness for several
It days, arid is still unable to get out.
Spackman, 'wh6litte: been
• . , '
dance therewith," asking all busbies
men of the town to suspend busines
from 12 o'clock noon to 1 o'clock p.m
A united memorial service has been ai
ranged to take place in the Trivitt .Me
morial church, commeucing a12 o'cloc
in which all the local clergy have con
sented to take part. , It has also bee
arranged to hold au overflow inePtin
in the Main street Methodist Church i
case the Trivitt Memorial church i
not, amply large to accommodat
the crowd. It is to 'be hoped tha
alleare full'e• in' accord with these ar
rangements and that all will pay a
last tribute Of respect to the memory
of so beloved a monarch. Our country
friends will be heartly welcomed.
Row to Live a Centary.
Don't try to show people how grace
fully you can jump on or oft movin
Don't try Id save three-quarters of
second lay running in front -of a trolle
confined to her home for some time
through inflammation, is recovering
- •
Mrs. Miners, of. Elimville, is 'Spend
Mg a few days witheher sister, • Mrs.
II:l'SainWell," who has been quite ill
s of la grippe.
s Mr. J. R. Snell of St. Thomas, ar-
rived here Saturday and spent, Sun-
' day at his home here, returning Mon-
day morning;'
_ skravocA.TE office Saturday evening,
Mr. B. S. O'Neil was taken suddenly
ill at the Levitt Memorial church on
Sunday morning and has been confin-
ed to his home since.
Mr. Wm. MeNevin, Woodham,
while on his way to visit his brother
at as '
lar-Ara4 " aft. a ficairk.Acles.
Some special values that we offer you after stock -taking. There's
money in them for you. teee '
03e. The pair for Ladies, Misses and Children's Long Felt Leggings,
'Just the the thing for deep cold snow, See them. -
60e. for Ladies' and Girls Grey curl Gauntlets. Regular dollar goods.
98. Inc large full size •white bed spreads', slightly soiled, Regular
value was $1.50. g 1 _
"$1.0S eacli for Webster's standard Dictionaries, 1553 pages. We have
25e. the yard for a fine lot of CordruaY Velvets. Correct for waists
or girls dresses, A snap. - .
only --a few at this price. . • •
32.25 each for -your choice of a swell lot of Children's Grey Lamb •Fur
Caps. They'ne beauties. -Perhaps you had better see them.
83.90 for Gills Grey Lamb Env Storin Collars. Two only to offer. They
are choice quality, '
$2.50 each, for Ladies' Black Fin' Oaperines, Full Cape and large
storm collar. A bargain.
. 31.37 each for pyre :wool knee Rugs.This is
... _ , almost a
you• want one r
47;1.00 fot• the dress. Have you had any of our dollar, dress erais.
yards double fold. You'll be sorry if you miss this bargain.
Very special values in Men's and Women's Fut" Coats. Our stock • is
too large and we must clear them out, Ladies' Frni3Ooitts from $15.25 pp:
4 Men's Fur Coats $1a50 and up. ,
$2,00 each for your choice of a, lot of Ladies' and Girls Cloth Jackets,
So$L25 the pair' for' Men's;Fur Driving Mitts. This is a big, Fur ba ga 1
thiisn:ftheoas(ltlsis lot hastgoldosdoanciiisuhsiegfhiLas Our $S0Oand
sw$11110.1..)0e0eyonleula.gaiTnhey are not
.`wai,8t PaleirneldsTftloer 25e. A cy are d1:anee lot of cooking figs came min way Do Tote
' 10c. the Pobrid for fresh roasted pea nuts. •
4;•c. the yard for pure linen crash towelling. , Try he
5-6. the yard. See our, talile of Dvess Goode,
10cthe yard for youwelmice of .big lot of Job Dress Goods
vas the regular value --
Iiippen wpleasant caller at the •
' • Mrs. Thos Shell, who was called to
Elora several weeks ago, owing to the
illness of her son, Edward, Sanders,
returned home Wednesday eve,ning.
Miss Ei,dith Beers, who -has, been in
- London for Some months,rettu,ned-
home' froni that city Saturday quite
1,11, but has almost recovered since her
. • .
return home. ,‘
Mr Ed Sanders whe has been quite
ill at Elora, was taken to ' the • Guelph
hospital last week where he Underwent
a surgical operation. Hi
e s doing Os
well as -could be expected. , '
Mitchell; Wm :*Shean' ohe of the
very first 'settlers Of,this neighborhood
and who is now -nearing his 92n4 year,
receivedta paralytic sti•Oke Friday
evening, which has left him speechless
and one side entirely powerless. '
Wingham:: 'Mrs. '• Wan - • Crowston
went to the Scottish concert on Tnes-
day evening apparently in the best of
,health, hut the Progr,anitne had just
started When she•took sick and -when
medical aid was attiand„ it was found'
shewas shffering from paralysis. The
sick lady was at once removed to her
home and we are'pleased to learn has
been doing as well as could be expect-
- A painful accident happened to Mr.
John H1l, of Downie, on Monday.
He was chopping in the bush, when
his axe slipped and severed the great
toe, of his left foot, ',cutting through
the bone. A physician put sixteen
stitches in the NVound, and every ef-
fort will be made to save the toe. It
e is thought, however, •that amputation
e will be necessary.,
t Blith.shard: Very few now remain
Of the old " Pioneers of Blanshard."
Ohe lay.ope they are "falling in sleeps"'
On Sunday, January 20th, Mn. Samuel
Radcliffe of lot 25, con. 11, paSsedpeace-
fully away. Last •Miirch he was stile:,
ken with paralysis, hut 'during the
Summer he:tallied, and his friends had
reasonable hope that he would be spar-
ed for, a few years more. But nine
:weeks agehhe had another stroke and.
he had scarcely recovered from , this
when four weeks ago he was again
seized fi•om which he never recovered.
Don't go down stairs in ,the dark to
'hunt burglars.
Don't stay, to find out whether the
other fool's gun is really loaded or
Don't try_ t,o see how near you can
skate to the edg,e of the ice before it
will. break.
Don't slap a large person on the
shoulder.' and yell "*Hello, Bill," until
you are sure it isn't a case of mistaken
indentity. His vaccination may be
Don't try to show thatiyou are used
to city ways by leaping out of the ele-
vator before it stops.
Don't tell all the funny things y-oure
6.1Dirdorne'tn tsaalyte.' eV'erYtha ' tha-L,neople
recommend to you for the grip.
• Don't try to use moral suasion 0.1
• Don't read original poetry every
tiride you are invited out to dinner.
Don't experiment ieith the things
that are concected to prolong life.
Death a Mr. Robert Laing
Many of our readers, especially th
older ones ira.the southern part of th
county ; wind -remember Mr. Robert
Laing. - For many years he was a re-
sidentof the township of Tuckersmith
residing on a, farm a', 'short distance
east of`Rodgerville: -Re was an uncle
of Mr. -Robert Laing, the well known
apple exporter, of Exeter. Those who
knew him will regret to learn of his
death. The. Oke Lake, Manitoba,
News, -of November 21st says; "The
grina reaper of death last ;Wednesday
claimed one Of our pioneer farmers as
-his victim, in the Person of Robert
Laing; sr., in his 66111 year, after an
illness of nearly two years .of Bright's
disease, which, he bore with, much
patience to ' the final end. Deceased
came to this district in the spring of
1882; Tuckersmith, Huron county
Ontario, isliSthespitality in the iiiion-
eev days, both to the white and red
man, made for him many friends, for
it is well known that the door of his
home was open to all. Hetwas active
in his younger days, and of an inven-
tive disposition, so -much so that his
lake residence is 0 monument of his
inve,ntiveeprinciples, being built from
brick and clay blocks by his own hands,
and is closely situated on the, banks
of our beautiful Oak Lake, 7 miles
south of town., Deceased's personality
and character were'such that we all
might well foll(iNveino. a strong be -
Hever. in prohibition, however, always
treating both sides with a fair view.
He was also a Presbyterian, and his
name will be long remembered in con-
nection with the early missionary
work of that denomination.
" CiPUttaerere,42•WiteADVincerMA',Ant
Mrs. Jane Atkinsbn is quite ill.
Mr. Chas. Rowe continues ‘-ery 111.
Mrs. lladden is:yisiting Mrs. Jno,
Miss Et.hel'Swect is visi1in fi1ends
in Seafort
- Mrs, Ed Hunt is in
several day illness.
Miss I -Tattle rollick 1.
brother in St. Marys.
Proving after
isithig her
Mrs. M. Meakins; who )ern
quite ill, is improving,
Mr. -DuncimiMclitty is visiting -t
hi h9111c here'
Mr. Jas. Martin, of near Seafortl
was in town 'Thursday last.,
Judge Masson, who has been ill at,
Goderiche lets recovered.
Ni-, J.` Jones, of Alanitobn, is visit-
ing his mother, Mrs. E. Jones,
Mrs, Bell, of .1-fami1i on, is vieiting
her brother, Mrs. W. Smith, here.
Mrs. John Sanders, who hos been
quite ill, is some -what improved.
'Mr. Jas. Wallet's spent a few d a VS
10 Ilarnilton on business this ,week.
Miss Nett ie VCrell is visitibg faimds
nt EXeter this Herald, •
From the Guelph }Jerald.; 2501, 101:
„ ,
The death of our. illustrious Sover-
eign will naturally ,be followed hy the
notification of many ' "Livesof the
Qneen.;' A well -written and • artis-
tically 'produced book on Her Mal es ty's
life: and .reign, • will unquestionably
command an -immense sale. An old
book with,a, fen' -pages added, a re-
hash of newspaper articles thrownto-
gether 10 a day, or. American books
by Ameriean authors. will not fill the
bill. , The 14ev0.ld is_glad to announce
been toxernostin ,the ,past in the pro-
duction of high class literaturegba ve
had -for some time in pveparatioriTTIE
TORIA, which will be 'a standard
work of great excellence, and is being
prepardd,with greateare. It is Writ-
ten by John Coulter, the celebrated
Histovian and journalist from , Lon-
don 'England, assisted by John 4.
Cooper; Ilditor of -the Caoadian Ma -
Mac, Toronto. Mr.- °miner will give
special attention to Canada under ethei
Queen's Reign, including the • visit of
•the Pritice of-- Wales to Canada, 'and
the Regal and • Vice -Regal connection
of 'Her Majesty ,with the country.
' From advanced Sheets and ptio5pec-
ttises that, have 'been extunined; the
Herald takes pleasure in "..'stating that
the wo1'kinallehi13 will "be .mere than
excellent. There will bp a great ntm-e.
her of portraits and engrtiViugs,. all
of 'which are genuine works of art,
and equal to the ,best wor • )(..,
found' i11. any magazine Of ,the • day.
The paper rind the IllallOffiefuve will he
in keeping with the high character of
theipublicatton, , and the,• whole' is
very'gveat' contrast to an opposition
work which has been stibmlisted 10 uta
for inspection. • .., •-• , '
, The Heredd predicts a sale of•
LIVE OF THE QUEEN greamer, than
tuts ever 'been reached •by anyeAther
hook. in Canada, hs, it ?4,,etkek§„OlAiie
every loyal stibject wihl desiviii',entiy.
Werk 18 11)1)0 sold at a low priee
to wing It 'Within 'rotted) of, alL 'e '
The a el vertisem t of "TIT
PUBIA81-1.1X6- 0()MPANT.'.1,,
for agents,- will be found 14
column Of our issue of toglay.
aird 25c,
• • ,.
E look on the Brand, of a SLATER SHOEas a sort,. Of protection.
, .
You heyei. knOw what you tire getting in a pair of•C'0.).1.MON. SHOES,. un-
til von' wear them.', Thera yon probably discover ,yon Eitt.ve Made:. ,a' bad
deal. The SLATER STIORhas a reputation and: sale Oven' Canada" that
cannot be'excelle,d.by anY other manufacturer to ova. knowledge.' , Their.
•goods give 1slwuss'the best of satisfaction ancl the nameSLATER-. being
stamped oneach :shoe sufficient to satfiy former; ,custoniere:‘, , Others say
'theirs arj just as good brit don't hu sdahoe ni 15 yon ,tryd a•51 4TF13
"SHOE and -after one purchase you'are tewearelcif 't ..-,,LATER, forever:.
A coMpany With a reputation like the SLATER. people wohld hardly.
. • . . .
risk putting their brand On .inferior goods.., -"YoUr are,,idways sure ot. a
perfect fit, easy, comfort, good Wear,-..and'first-elaSsse tiSfaction. '
e are the agentg,for the Celebt.ated
Headquarters tor W. E. Sed:dford's Ciothing.
acres of ltdid1\14Q for the sum
Th 0 ss s °Id „C),
of 33,450. , He i1so sold ot) acres of
'sweinqa land to Frank Mob sa for ';$900.
David has purchased John Melick's
farm, 101 3. con. 3, Hay": for '35,500.
Mr. Molick paid that price for -it just
f,WO years ago. 's-
e_ Hensall: Rev. J. S. Henderson, bf
Carmel church; met with a bad eon
at London station the. other day,
which will.confinie him to his room foi
0 monthortwo. He was intending
to go td ;Toronto and slipped 011 the
edge of the stool that is placed. to les-
sen the diStance betvveen the thigh
steps and the middle tracks :Inc] hi
thus missing his-footirg with a valise
in `his hands,:fell heavily on his knee,,
injuringit „so innch that' niedical aid
had td be obtained, and. the Rev: gen-
tleman was obliged to abandon all
' thoughts of going to Toronto, 'and' re-
tiirned home by the evening train. • , • -
..Goclrielt: On Saturday Albert Wells'
who has beencommitted for trial on a
charge of stesihing u e eep,was•bronght
befOre His Honer Judge Doyle for cdPe-'
tion. .11e, entered aplea of -not guilty
andelected to he -tried by- His Honor
withontra jury,, 'and his tilak was, set.
down for .;at 10011
, Menday, Wous was again, :before the
court, h a vingi been coin lluittedl by the
P.M. :en the ebae'A'•e.. of stetding, hooka,'
incindinga, Bible. Heagain pleaded not
• 'minty, and- eleeted, to be tried, by His
Honor, ..-who set the.trettfor Saturday
afterboon:L•MOoday afternoon Patrick
'Hickey, of Seaforth, Who had been sent
charged with ..assault '.'arid • hons9=
lweaking,.. was broogilt, before', Judge
Doyle. for election.' He pleaded 'guilty
,and :was remanded to the 31st for sento
. The assault ' waSHireatening
ive Beattie, with ari axe, turd the house:
breaking consistedof entering the, P.
reeidence avit,h , the •IntentiOn. of
''-conineitting the assault. . • , . • •,
For Bread, Buns, 'White Boris,. own
Buns; Gini,liatn I3iscitits Oakes of 'all
kinds, Cream Puffs, 1,'Vaft,rs, It'titticy
23isetti0., Plain BiSciiitS.
'Wedding Cakes a specialty
betuit,iftilly`ttenaniented itt
isriable price.
0 1.
read deRi
:own, 0o
01111 on yoti:
South Hu.F-611. Faririers'Illstitute
iNfeeting,i of the s'outb Iftiran, Parniers' rirstitute
will be 1101(1 at the loliotiot pl0d0esQ11 ,the dates
Avemed, ,when acldresSes will' be delivered 'by til0.
speakers and 'on; the sulijects named below:
Glendenning, Manilla1 ," The Ifeig and Export
Bacon, Trade." - 'Mrs. J. L. Smith, Whitby, 01,Voi»en's
Institeltes, their object and atm' lifoEwing,
Drayteini°", Vily and how to, le ntlerd rain.'l
Aildre.SSes by 'IL. Glendenning, itj Fartner's 1r/13ff,
anci V(Vetable, arcle»." Mrs: smith "0 Talk on
Domestic Economy.", J. ..lieffaving, "Corning prat
tilentrelining,'" The hog and the export baeon
trade;" "'criltir,atiori of corn for the. silo." Hrs,
saiitre "The bo who stays on the farm"
''Maintaintirig forsility 5 soil." '
. _
Glencienning, " The fartner's fruit and vegetable
garden.' Mrs. Smith, °In mil about the farinhori-se.'
J. Melt -Wing, "Soineshini's boys 0111(.11 be tauglif.'
II. Glendenning, "Feeds and feedings," _Airs. Snails
_ annex- s wives and dalighters; their duties, delights
and diseoungelnents." J. Ii,LcE‘s-ing, Systetny.tic
"11. Glendenning; " The farmers fruit and vegetable
garden." Mrs..SnlithOur grandislotlierel days and
ways." . k MeEredifg, " Some tliiinics boys should be
IL Glendenning, "Oldthtation of corn for tiresilo."
Mrs: Smith,- " In and about the farm horne." J. Me -
Ewing, "Mistakes inaele.in farming."
Glendenning, The' ffinher's..i'rnit, and vegetable
garden." Mrs -Smith, "The food we eat and the pre -
partition:: J. MeMwing, " The gospel of lunne infai-
S.A'I'UR,DA.Y' FEBIll_T 411Y OTtr.
Glendenni»g, "Ilincltry for export trade." Mrs.
° The by who stays on the farm.' J. MeEr-t1ng-
0Why'and Irow to underdrain."
LI Glendenning, "The farmer's fruit and vegetable
garflen," Mrs, Smith; "The days and ways of our
grandmother's." 0 Melilwing, "Some things boys
shOuld learn." , " '
II -Glendenning, "Thebcgaud,o.xport bacon trade.''
Mrs. Smith, "Farmer's. wives and daughters; their
duties, delights and diseouragements." J. MeEwieg
"Mainialliirig the fertility of tile soil." ,
EN Th G.
11. Olenciermingi 0The farmer's fruit mid vogetable
garden." Mrs. Smith, "0 common sense tall: to
502108-'11101e05 and their wives." J. MeEwing,, " The
;impel Of hem° influence." ,
ado ,,,,,,edeee, eveysx aieeo`rtg.„4, ad.thesses will
' to all parts of the '°eR1 th52,'
<Act, ng the prof,dain will
ebd,. syesei. rti ,Iinf,Tavhii.elrieci:fl,t11,c,irIzn.,%orii oognc.,tnijekalpenteiilinji tsgs ar ftei n7altn:Onii.t) acnae t 1,20
011 aro cuirVally invited, and ladies Will be mule
0111 lit the nitenz)on as Well as the
11'713 t., 0)1n)1Nrit, 5, Arary P,
teh'-oeIcIreta'rt-'1%r. Wm. Sliean, ro'ne'eicke:If.
ur sett'ers'tli id on 'Wednesday
rnoon, in 104 got past
f age 1.1 had lived i theso. parts ion
iver 50 years,
t for 5, Gammag & Sons,
n for funerals, or iltrwt es c
of, a Inds on the shortest notice. n