HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1901-1-31, Page 3FASHIONS IN FURS. MANY SHAPE'S, MANY SKINS AND PANOIFUL. GAR,NITURES, Shoat Conte; Long coats, 01141 1211411 Isoteroa, meats and 're:01114w Ail In Par I1at Pura Use4 res. Tram - maims ou Cletk land 11440e G"C"rint' SI11011 IS a tale of furs. 'Short -coats and long, coats, boa e and boleros, misfile and bats are all made of fur, and in spite Of tbe threat's -of the au- thorities the sealskie jacket iS ae popu- lar, as ever. Very smart indeed is.the latest exareple of this, Witlathe. square :tailed back and mit rather, shalt on the hips. The whole -fox boa has been adopted, ,and we may see, these in every color hanging over the shoulders of lovely BOLERO OF SEALSKIN, *amen. To wear a whole animal le not perbaps entirely, gratifying to the esthetic sense. We are able to forget more easily the details of their slaugh- ter When we merely gaze upon the skins of` the bodies worked into gar- ments. There is nothing very heart- rending In the sight of a sable cape, except it be on your 'dearest friend and you want it for yourself, but the whole dead animal:staring, at you with glaz- ed but reproachful eyes Is a disquiet- ing Object. However, the whole, fox boa obtains in white, black and brown 1• ` and bale, and rnuffe are made to match, !with heads •set In the center, and for . little children these are to be seen in , . white. A fur, however. more aware - Pratte to-cbildren is miniver, and most attractive little boas and muffs are made of this. Then, too, •ermine is very well suited to the, young child, and, in combination with rose pink or pale blue or mauve cloth, it will make . . , The influence of the fashion of fur is lisceraible on the latest 'cloths, which itee mostly rriugls of surface and zibe- line In texture. Again. .some .of the cloth dresses show designs of fm. tr'ae- ed with gold or fanciful braid, the flat furs being mostly used for sueb pur- poses. caracal ancl,broadtail In prefer- ence. 4 very stylish bolero of sealskin ap- pears in the first cut. just draped over the bust and held by an engraved gold button, while the fringe is of old gold and steel beads, the cuffs and ends of the stolebeing embroidered in dull gold braid, steel and gold beads. 'The muff is decorated to match. ' The seconcl costume is of a pale ocher volored cloth, witb a,bolero of' chinchil- ' CLOTH AND OnJNcrurLA INATIIME, and it- is woro witb most ekeelleitt affect ovee a blouse' of very coarse Inee. , asur Intrudes . itself ,upon the lace' 'dresses for evenieg wear, and soane of the elaborate applications on rnousae. line or silk show ,Patterns outlined In fur, fris'enen itiretakfeete. Pim term .clejeuner itapllee to two rlifferent meals in ,Prancentirnely the dletit dejetnier, consisting of the ,early °up Of tea; coffee or chocolate With and the dejeuner a la fourehette, Odellis equivalent to the ,AteericaU uneneolas ,Ietnanind element ,halEt to trust to Wok., AFFLICTED THE SUFFERER FOR TWENTY YEARS. Often Set Up in tied tUnighing Ihi'; Night long -Doctors tritiniately Twit fltu the ii'voubie wcs engIMO 4110111$11181pt1on—Iliniv iteifer was obtained Petrel t,he Times, Pieton, Opt, Nothing rucks the body more than a severe cOugh. If it is allowed to run for any length of \time, it isi ,very 4.1,ard 'to got rid of, and often leads o that most 'dreaded of ail diseakie- oenSumption. Such a sufferer was Mr. ',CliOrintS ;links, of Prince :Ed- ward eaunty. Mr. ,links relates the following facts to a Pieton Times re. - porter sii.-ty-severt years of age, and for the last twenty years I have had a bad cough. I was troub- led with catarrh, which started in my head, ha later spread te my stemach, leaving me dyspeptic. For two years I was troublelt with pains in the stontach, and, Was LC:It able to raise MY arms above nay) head with- out., experiencing severe pains about rny shoat ribs and atomaels. Then m31 kidneys began to trouble me and at times I ctuld not get out of a chair without help. My limbs and feet were often so swollen) that I was unable` to laco my boots, but as soon as the swelling went down I was but a mere shadow. My \vrists and arms were so411-' sunken that 1 coulsj snap( them With case. My cough racked my whole body. I have sat trp in bed and' coughed the whole night. long. I tried several debtors without success. They finally told , MO I was in the titrst .stages of, con- suraptilort. In the sprang' of 1899, a pamphleit was tbro-esa, in the hall doer tellitnar about De. Willa/ma' Pink Pills, and I &aided bo' try them. Bealore fareisaing the second box, I noted a change and after using ,them or a (maple of ,nacitsths, I was completaely Mired arid the bong -11 had Leiria me. , At present my health is as good as I can „wish for, an I can tatily say, through all my sualering, I never& get any, perraanaist ,rehi'ef until I teokDr. Wiliiaima' :Pink Pills." • Mr. aluks added that it was not in - his own case aloe that Dr. Williams' Plait Pills had providd of advantage ilia) his f.amilly., , His daughter, Ansa Mi;Ictred, was ile very poor health, and scarcely able to gci areund. In fact, her friends feared, her trouble waS developing flit() dropsy. She used five boxes' of the pills and is now enjoying the very hest of hea-lth. Dr. Pink Pills cure such apparently hopeless 'cases ds J'Anks' he,;`;aus..,, they make new h red , blood; and thus reach' th ro t , of the trouble: TheSe pills are the only 'med,itine, offered the Public that camrshow a record of, such martfTellous Cures after ace toes 'had. failed, If .you areall unwell, this' roadiciwill ee , , rdst,ore,, you to health, but be • sure; you.- ,geft the genuine with the null ,nania' "Er. .Pink -Pills' , for Palo People," on the saraPper around each 'box. HE WAS UNLUCKY. when Feu Itend qinle You 13elieve 13'e Wats. "1 .am unlucky, just naturally un- lucky," said a man from ono of the impala parishes, "aed nothing would induce nle to entertain a proposition that was is any way open to chance, because if I did I know I would inevitably get the worst of it. You may ca is superstition, if you like, but it is supported by so tnany painful experiences that I would be a fool to disregard the warning: 'The last time I gave,fortune a chance to jab me in the solar plexus was Several years ago, when a big lasveuit was on trial at a neighboring town, involving the title to a large traetedf land in which I held an interests A couple of days before the ease was closed an old near.° aunty, whose husband was the bailiff in charge of t e jury, told me that the verdict Waif already decided upon. Her husband d ha told her that 'tlie white gemmen had clone Made rip their minds; but, having sworn not to pay anything about the ete creta of the jury room, he wouldn't go tiny further. " "I had reason to believe the old wom- an's story was true, and, tie a prior tip on the resalt would have been worth a lot of money to me, I told her to tell him that I would give him $50 it be would simply look at the side that was going to win when eaine into court that afternoon. 'He doesn't need to say a word,' I added, 'so he won't be breaking his oath not to "Of course I oughtn't to have emeioY. ed any such sophistry, but I knew the old hypocrite only wanted a pretext to betray his trust, and, sure enough, when vItentered de courtroomterseidthweherethe piaihnetiaglsa r!aseeditity. ed. went right out and accepted an offer for my intereet that had been made me on the quiet earlier in the week. - "The next day the jury returned a vet, dict,for tlie defendants, leaving me about $2,000 out of pocket by reason of my ac- tion. 1 hunted up the bailiff to get some of `his gore for leading inc astray, but when I found him I walked off without lifting it finger. It was my cussed luck once -morel Lie had tried to give me a straight tip, but he couldn't leolc the way he wanted to to save his soul: EC° was the only cress eyed nigger in the pariele" NUAt a'InUST TO LUCK. Vansen in Madagascar do not pray. That religious privilege is left tO the men in that region. They offer up thear peLitioas only when there is something that the.y ipartissularly de- cisc and only for themselves. The :!. HQLIDAY TRIFLES, Some Unique Little Annungerinentfl Suitable Vor Present* or Bazaars. During the latter part of the gift sea- son it sometimes • happen e that One would like to quickly concoct little trifles for use as "Deleted" presen-t, and the following hints found ha Good Housekeeping will afford a, few appro- priate affairs of,this kind: An attractive pad may be made by covering a heavy piece of pulp board, 8 by 6 inches in sire, with old rose paper, Paint on It in water color the head of a pretty girl, using brown tnadcler for the outline or shading. Wash a touch of rose tuadder oil the checks. In bold letters paint "En- gagements" and the verse, "Noiseless falls the foot of time that only treads on Zowers." A noedieboolt makes a gift which pleases any -woman from the grand- mother to the proud young owner of her first workbasket. For a small ncedlobook'eover four visiting cards with silk, satin or linen, If linen is chosen, use it for the outside of the cover and silk or satin for the inside. A dainty effect Is obtained by using white taffeta for the cover and some bright shades of silk for the inside. The matter of decoration allows the widest latitude -flowers, a pretty child figure, a few silver winged bugs, called darning needles, or a bee hovering over a pink clover blossom. If you use the burnblebee, paint in crimson letters'‘on the other side of the cover, Etow doth the little busy bee improve each shin Ing hour." Another suitable adornment, for •a needleboolt is a sketch of an old dame flying through the air, witch style, or, NEED110300E AND TAG CASE. a bright silver needle instead of a broom. Use with this the ancient nursery rhyme. • -Old Mother Twiteliett had only one eye And a long tail, which she let fly, And every tirne she flew over a gap She left a bit of her tail in the trap. Choose ail old rose art Iluen to mate bandkerchief edse. Cover four pieces of card about five Inchee square, two with the linen, twO witb delicate pink chint silk into vhicb has been put a layer of cotton batting with saehet powder. In Use center of the linen paint a disk in gold and beside it with eater color a rich hued crimson.elarerse. autheinum. Ilse the same color and a fine outline of gold for the alniandker- claiefs." Theis tie the two sidee tooati er with three inch satin ribbon the nit of the h h Something rather unique is a tag case: Its foundation is four visiting cards, over which are stretched, time stitched together,. bits of white taffeta for the outside and serne darker silk Lor liiiing. Let the decoration be a traveler, a dainty maid with a dress suit ease, a drummer with his grip` or a dude with a heavy cane. When it is anished, put inside it a dozen tags. ma I it tions of the hy tem thereby • ILLUalINAl'ING GAS. Co' al gee WAS first lased eel an ill fainant in 1792. The first gas applied to artificial, ligbting wal obtained from coal, Nearly a50,a00,000 is invested in tbe gas 00)+11p:init.'s of the city of London. I3ituurinons coal yields from 8,000 to 12,000 cubic feet of gas to th Inimen6e ainounts ‘,.1, ate made in this country from c ter and naphtha, It is a curious fact that ne large lamp or gas at ,gives more light than three or four burning the same quan- tity in tdd, same time, on, as ere wa- r4gtaiiircisixiairm are the only nseclicine that will cure Dia., hetes. Like Bright's Dis- ease this dis- eaee was in - c ura b 1 e until Dodd's Kidney Pills cured it. Doctors themselves confess that ‘vithout Dodd's Kidney Pills they are powerless against Dia- betes, Dodds Kidney Pills are the first medicine that ever -cured Diabetes, Imitations --box, name and pill, are advertised lo do so, but the medicino that does ° cure is Dodd' s Kidney Pills, Docid's Kidney Pills are fifty cents a box at all druggists: 121.4gaieek.*i*igoi,e• IA.N()T12Elii I:TOLD-UT. BOOT Bronson. What'f,s tale raa:tter with hi.m? He ,wias the victitn of n, hold-up last night; so he tells me. 'Yea don't say so! Hoar' did it 'hap, Oh, the b. by had eaten saMeth'irig that didn't agree with it. He had ;to hold it up for three hours. at a stretch. Iznard's firiment for sale everywhere AN OLD JOKE. Taramy. Papa, \vly do they ,call language the niot her tongue Papa: Because the father so seldom gets a chance to use it. 1.'nere never was; and never will be, a universal pan 0000, one remedy, for ail iils to which tre.=.1'1,,. beirth- • • Jttoauyogeatives 'co!i ug tic n • Li lab- we re oTe:eric , tisef'tses-',rooted, in the • ' rrut-wiaL •'" , womo. rceneve one Ili. in •"nrn would a.g T a te .other. We 'cip.re, however, in Qu'e,tine. \tine W 11 '0 hl btainable in 0 fi OU d. ti mad terated .,emeuse.fot ucaay and gre v o its tile., tia its graciLea andajtelicious use, the frailest systetas are lea ie to convaleseetree. " end strengtia -bY the intluenoe, which al 111- 'sine exeias oo Nature's own restoratiyes. itreiieves the drooping, spirits oi Leese eith synam o'clironic siate ot morbid des- , Uondeucy and lack of interest in life is a. , .e.se, ad, by trauciui1isiu tbe, netves,. aisposes to semis', and aefreshieg sleep-- imp -tree Yigor tr.> the,action of the 'blood, ‘vhich, being stiMulated, courses th rough- otit !die v,eins„,'strengthennig, the - healtha 's en okn g activi ty eeceesary xestiit • Panicles of New V errr'si Eve. The great way- of celebrating New Year's eve in ,lays of yore was by giye lug a supper party, on, which occasion the proceedings were ot"a very solemn character. No one was permitted to speak until midnight, and no lights or res were allowed. Directlytbe clock struck la,. however, every available lamp and candle was lit, every bell In the aouse was imag, pianos and otber musical instruments were played with emphasis, all the guests sboirted "Ev- vine!" .at the top' of, their voices, and discord reigned SI/pre/11e. The next part of' the programme consisted In ev- ery one counting in solemn silence all the silver he happened to possess In his pockets; at alma/sot:newt Gold was considered unlucky, but silver wee sap - posed .to bring all wanner of good for- tune to the owner. Those ladies who wished to discover whether or not the New Year would see them wedded to tbe "man of ,tbeir choiee" had only to throw their sandals some distance, presumably when the person upon whom they bad fixed their ffections was in the same room for we are told that 11' the sandal ' a .g e w e toes directed toward that person the „ wedding w,ould Infallibly take place during the year. If', however, the toes tveee, turned In a contrary direction, farewell to their bones. 'Plan Enuoire Conte, The short waisted ensaire coats, when PraPerlY made, have a qtinint and becoming effect on a slight but some weird examples are to be seen whicb. have the appearance of an outgrown garment and, quite ruin tile figure. The empieee fashions are pret- tiest of all for tea and evening g was, and in these elaboration Is, aol out f place, and the strict empire style need not be closely nonewea„ Th* Cosy IP'ensi. 'I like inydining room at night, , ,The litilatible draped in white, ,..The'Srintetir with its vines and Eowelll• The to tell the hours; The frtircirlalilieapd With mien:id iold. A few'iniSfiebite of chine old; , . , Thepoet faces on the wan, Just where the ray a of lamplight fall; T1Ae silver shining bright as The 'cepa and saucers aPrigked with bine; fLagnince of the steaming tea, With breedas White se it, could be, And' merry chatter,' net the least, Wit li love enough to grebe it Iran, -,tNitclunge. strengtheoingehe-frame, ;Luca giving lift; to the digestive organs,. which naturally in a canoe, 'and ,he got so agitated I -demand 'snerdarieaasehetatme-reeuit, 110-1 proyea appetite:- 'NorthroP .84 Lyman of was afrald we'd uaisasa l'oronto, have giVen.. to ' the public' their ti ' ,nerier Qninibc \Vine iitithe usual rase, 'Lna, P.:ILU4QCI:bY opinion of scientists, this -s.Vine, tipproaches nearest perfection of any itt the market: All druggists sell it. ARE CLEAN AND PURE. JAPAN'S ARE COLORED WITI1 WHAT ? THINK If you want purOf viholesothe and economical tea, either green or black, use only CEYLON AND INDIA TE SOME CURIOUS COUNTERTTITS. One ingenious individual, who nar- rowly escaped prosecution awhile ago I for counterfeiting rare eggs and sell- ing the bogus specimens to museums and private collectmss, has recently turned up with' exquisitely lifelike photographs of birds, which in reality are produaed by the help of atuffed specimens ai Lista:ally attitudinized with wires. Sure Regulittors.--Mandralse and .dan- delion are lenown to exert it powerful in- fluence on the liver ;aid' kidneys, resit0i- ,-igg them tmhealthful action, inducing a regular lima of the secretions and impart. ingtothe organs complete power to per- form their funerious. These valuable in- gredients eider into the eomposition of Parmelee's `Vegetaals Pals, and serve to render them Inc agreeahle and salutary medicine they are, There are few 8 effective as they in thei r aOtiOn. • LIVE AND LE a LIVE, easterner, in barber's chair, -So you haven't he.ara Hear Von, Thump- er, the worla-famed pianist German flarbere-Nein. Dose Wan - tete neffer batronize me, an' so Inef- fer batronize dem; Nettrar.gia ORIGIN OF NAME "TURKEY." Why the turkey is called a turkey ,bas been much diseussed wit:hen* r.eaelaing, any definite oonclusion. One tImory itt tb,0 1 the turkey named, bira- aelf by., his pe..lCillIar '''ohick," which soundeslike, " tuak, turk, turk " POR OVER FT YEARS MRS. wINerasers soirruessa SYRUP has been used by snoth ers for their children teething. It swybes the child, softens the gum, allays pain, cures wind colic, and is the best remedy far diarrhcca. SOns bottle. Sold by ad druggistr throughout the world.. Be BUR and. ask Con' 'trtru tv;oal ow's Sr) °thine Syrup." SICK NINE DAYS EACH YEAR. The average of illneas in huinan life nineis days out of the year. DOES .NOT LAST VERY LONG. Great Britain eats her entire wheat crop in alyant 13 weeks, NOT' MUCH CET. Lady -Wharf. Ls my trunk? Baggage Man -I couldn't find any trunk, mum, but: I've got the beadle lib ihe ahrk on. freilfccdto'Btjiortrc winch is caused by exeessive bile in the stornath, leas a -rnarkeid effect, upon the uerves, and often manifests itself by severe heialeche.. This is the most dis- treesina headache rine cart have,. There are heitdaches from cold. from fever, and Frain caber causes. but the most excruci- ating of nil is the bilious heaclaclie. Par - melee's Vegetable Pilis will cure it -route it a.lInest immediately. , It will disappear AS soon as the Pills operate. There is hae0a-adiziteca)esuree in the t -ream teut of bilious COULDN'T' FIELP HERSELF. Clara -How did you COMC to aceept Mr. SA pile a a ? Dora -I had to. He proposed to 111,2 LOVED BUT laOT ENDERS I:00D. anasic and icemen are ()Nen loved but e1ri0ia under,stacel, I was cured of Acute Dronchi.tie by latINARIa'S LINIMENT. J. M. QAMPI1ELL. Bay :of I..slanas. I wan cured of Facial Neuralgia by aT.1NARD'S , 'WM. DANIELS. N. S. I Waa-cirrecl by Claronle`Illieumatisra by MINARE'S LINIM.ENT. GEORGE TINGLEY. -Atet 00., N. S.. ALMO,S'a AN ANGEL, , Meat ingratiating maw:Lever dsne,as, eaad the former acquaintance of the deceaeed, Why, that fellow could A GTJORTOIK.a EXIT. Tu'bbs is soinewhat of a snob, lan't he? Saab? Say, he'd die bappy if he could get run over by a millionaire's O utomobile. - , The great hong healer is found in that es-cellent medicine sold as Lickle s Anti Consumptive Syrup. It soothes and di- minishes the sensibility of the DieMbrane of the throat and air passages, and is a SOVet,..dgn remedy for all coughs, colds, inorsoncats, pain or soreness in the chest. broil chitii.„ ole. It he cnred many when suioscci Lobe far advanced in consunip- sjon) N TRE,ATIVIENT. rather -Do you. think 1 ougait to have oar -daughter's voice cultivated? Absent -Minded 'Vasiter-1 should think you ought to have etomething I.d&ne for It. wheel a ba by bUggy along the sia e- welk durhn,-, a street parade and get 1 nothing but smiles. 011. LAMP1 PAEIS., , Paris' latest lamp:vat:ion, in street isoil lamps.' They are not TN11'ALLIIILE SIGNS. tito sart. pf Lamps 4sPa a kunklred years -ago, when, the cry, was anis-- ea ma (mac fareaye tocrats it la lent:erne, but enormous 1, Ile -And yeu haven' structures that ,give out 1,000 camfdlo- TO, CURIE A t;01.11) IN ONE DAT , Take Laxative Brorno Quloine Tablets. All druggists reflind the money if it fails to cure. E. NV, groves, signature is on each box. 25c , ACTIVE AND TALKATIVE. hen a man arl,rnits a partner to his joys' and serrows, remarked the Overseer of Events and Things, she' not it silent -one. power each. GOLD IN A WILT/ GOOSIll. A mild ernes/lion has b,een caused in Ncw Wes tan6ros er B.O., by tbe dis- covery of $12.50 in gold as big as flax- seed du the crop of at wild goose which was 101i -tied a Pitt lake, 28 miles from WeStiniuster. , Many paaspeetors have atarted for tile sceine of the stippeeed gold placers. I loved you eince day beio day. The honeymoo , yester- laundering, saw its TWO VETERANS. Yes, It's true,' boasted 001, , , I've beep an 'innumerable , etia,agee frients,. and yet I', never lost ray head. And I've lacen in hundreds of them, 'Plied 'the 'slim/tier girl' ttnti ajrtvar haa.rte A CHINESE WEDDING. , When it marriage takes place fn Cliima the wedding party enter .the temple and light a quantity of fire- works, including a number 'of crack- . suppoed Co -wake the "Great Jew" from hiS sleek The, priest repeats the servioo at expres1 speed, the bride and bridegroom i take two little glasses of wine and are then declared man and wide, Ilinard's Liniment Cures3nra, etc PROTEST---4*--AaTT MISSION WORK. In 1880 there were only seven ?rasa testant foreign missionary soeietiea in exiatence, with 70,000 converts and a total annual income of 0125,000. To- day there are 150 Societies, witb 8.000 milesionaaies, 68,500 native preachers, oteuochoe)nramrant‘d helpers, and Over 4,000,- o , How's Thia? We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward foi any case of Catarrh that cannot bo cared by Hall's Catarrh Cure, IP, J. CJIiii01,1Y CO.,Props., Toledo, O.. We, the underwaned have known P. J. Cheney for tho last 16 years and believe Min perfectly honorable in all business transaeir ions, andfinancially able to carry out any obit' gation madeby their firm. WrisT & Trititx, Wholesale Artnagiste, Toledo, 0. Ws.L.onvo, IgiNtrstv St Tioasim, Wholeoale Drugalsts, Toledo &, 0.- . Hall's Catarrh rale token hatornal14act ing dirochly upoe tne blood aid 02110011/1 ear face s of tat epitona. Price, 75a. Dor bottle Sold br all stragg eta. Testimonials free' Hall's Family Pili are,tiso best, FOR' THE GOOD OF YbioNe HN The firat VirRE organized in 1844 by George Williaimet There are now 1,429 ageociations in North Amer - ace alenta, with §,30,000 enembertn. The American association own and .occu- py 144 buildiaga of their own and their total property ie valued at $20,-. 000,000. THE PENALTY OF CARELESSNESS. Te Owner -See here! You want to henclle that trimic more carefully! The Porter -I'll 1(xik ont'for it, air. I know a man let one fall an his toea last Month an' he ain't .out of tlie hoepital yet. There is not a more dangerous class of disorders than .those which affect „the ineatiiing oreans. Nullify this danger with Dr. Ta.ainits' Incleateic Oil -a pub ------- monie of ackteewletlgetl efficacy. Ie cures lameness 'and' so ren ess When appi1'edma- terraally. 0S, -Well as swelled/leek and crick in the back; and. as an inward specials, possesses most substantial claims to pub- lic confidence. ALWAYS APPROPRIATE. He, musiTgly, -Let me see! What is the reat of 11111 010 Em301.03; "Wheal' in doubt-" She, helpfully, --Give her a finis mead. LiniMent Cures .ranlia, DESIGNING LAM/T.011a Traveler -Why do, you. allow Chat wasiter tin remain constantly so clorce to that youn.a. married -couple? it evi- dently annoys them. Landlord -Oh, because they keep derhug • things, SD ae to get him out of hearing I eVUE NUS ' _.__Mcgz11-Col lege Aveunle Family nof,e1 rateS 1150 P0 clay. . 1 F Ain. P. Si.00 113). ISP. $1 ea frigtel. Balmoral 31°11ell.- CRANE iIIISILEE CIF 1001. Legg le A POPUL4R MANUAL FOR TEE Containing all that is requisite to assist gaining the benefit's of the Jubilee. Price o, ach; 57-50 per hundred. D. 5 J. BA pr,/1/11 5 CO., ,treal. pgLE elm Atrial package of Cox's Port tve Cure for Piles wiLl be aent free to any addicts on receipt of two cent stamp. No knife, no greasy salve. Address, IDE IiIIICIIING FREE MEDICINE 00. Toronto, Ontario. t Will Pay You to consign all your Produce to the Dawson Commission Co. Limited Cor. Colborne and West Market St., Toronto. They will get you highe3t possible prices. Ladies wishing to correspond vith, orniari„ Merl. Write for )articulars, Enclose stamp., Tula PI LOT ' stem Ita)x.619, T, N. 303 ,:f44.40asik;9.(catalfle.0440440.0 ' PidiI°Z1 -2,PP°Iigiltifri'g'.' for Ts:RU(1Bit, but flePltrmtlY etl.not fold 'him. 011.11 yora We prOtoEe to 5110 '$ ,04sta' 833 • PRI2FS FRE 4w3?bwif6't'n' IT°”"(3',Inlh'inT,"tain1;(t ,5,tiirri to ,*thr liA`55. lrrdssnn irev prtivIdlz,",04 c6ndltIon. C r ` Tersala , , Toronto POI °'l -50`4,0,00a6+,(114 '!‘