HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1901-1-31, Page 1FOURTEEINTII
YEAR. -670.
Jiiieeping ieduction in
.13oker's Star and: Araeri.can makes. The latest and best.
30c. pr. and up.
Mic Mac., 0.1-1.A. O1uet All
kinds. 8e. up.
McClary's, Moore's, Gurney's makes. Goal and Wood
Heaters and Cooks at prices that will sell them.
Monarch, Perfect, etc. Fully
guaranteed at stock taking prices.
The Celebrated Kelly Axe also the bet Canadian makes
'r.cheaper than ever.
ECOND-HAND STOVES will be cleared out at less
Call and be convinced that t
above statement is correct
Btddul ph
At Mr, Ben Abbott's' barn raising
last week, Mr. W. H, Elliott met with
what might have resulted in a serious
accident. Some careless person left a
chisel on one of the upper beams and
while raising it the chisel fell on Mr.
Elliott,cutting through hi, cap and in-
flicting a deep gash in his
John Hobbs, of Nissourkis the guest of
-MTS. Wilbert Revinoton this week,—
Mies, Murdy, of Biildulph, is visiting'
friends near, Bay City, lqieh.--Mr.
John Atkinson, of the Sauble Line,
Biddulph, has purchased a house in
Centralia.and intends to move there
in the spring.—Mr. James Brown in-
tends moving to Luean in the spring.
—Mr. James Armitage, of Kincardine,
Vcilio has been visting friends here, has
returned home.—Mr. and Mrs. Her-
bert, visited, friends in U-sborne last
week.—Miss Fair, of Lucian; .is engag-
ed as teacher at No. 2, .Bidcluipb.—Dr.
Orme,- of Lucan, kt his horse run
away on Sunday la -St. It ran for about
a mile before e•ettine• it mastered. --Mr.
Ben Revington, who has been for the
last few weeks on the sick is on
the inend.
- Sell has left for a few' days visit
at Pieston and Galt. -----A imitilicir 01
our young folks attended. the tvill at
Lucan riluesday t WO
iniothers from the north. are visiting
—13inley Hocignis lost a very val-
tiablohole+.30T1Ied,ty from blood poison-
nutgi rrjf e(dv e
We ;1'e .rt \' to record the deati" of
Lydia beloved wife tpf AT'
of this place who
passed peacefully away on Jairreiry
19tda,,afte/' a sickness of severalnionths.
She leaS`eS tO mourn het' loS$ lovine•
husband and E. small children, be-
sides a nuAlier it:n(1 several brothers
and sisters -who have the •hearttelt
sympathy oi the community at large.
She WaS beneficiary Iilember of Din-
ard Hive No. h`.2i) L 0 T M "of Shiplca
and was buried under the order. Hari
remains ,vere interred in Grand Bend
cemetery, followed by a large major-
ity cif l'ilaticabees and friends-, The fim-
era sermon was preached in Sbipka
Achixt.1.10.eliltrTt)..e1S-2,1riodfaY(413-fiannd 2B2Teldridi,)YwRhiecvl;
was lare•ely attended --The stormy
weather 'has again blocicaded 0311 11
—Mrs. John Pickerin is very lciw; alSO
Mrs. John Ford. We hope soon to
hear of their recovery.—Don t -fong•et
the oyStee supper and,coneert at Han-
nan's holt to-nie-lut (Thtirsday.)-1)1r.
Erecleriek..6>"-•49ey has purchased: 'Mrs.
Murray's4's -.1 half mile south of
other day gin Shipka
boys tried the short 'CIA ote'lle the ice tit
the river, Grand Bend, al1C1‘ the- result
.was a cold bath and a narrow escape
with theie horse and rig \vhich Was.
loinied with beef. Sam1 go aroond the
rocal next 1 111.1e.—Mi-.- Hann:tri
busy putting. in ice,•having to draw it
from Grand 13end.---Our merchants are
a.Oing rushing 1-insigess since -the
sleigaing cione:
5,11' 't'1." -night motile:. .00 111 was
covered with. a mantle of the 13.
Sunday Rev. illoclock. made
special 10:11 -04' to the life 'of our
much 'beloved Queen, 011', go 'recen ti
passed a way. The; church' ,WaS 1.15 te"-
fully 011331 -0 for the occasion, while
• • 1°a11,gtheepolerf•tr,i),ii't d001111 ll;•,11;)gp as well as can bct expe,cted.—Our bog
rehan t,, Mr. J. 'owl s
1, •
very tone -bite-, anc-17 should itni3ress all large shl1),Illellts here. Ilogs are
La s Ok 01 Lune eentle61t. Tcn'QI1t0, Jan. 2 8.,--C1.1.aneelloIr
70‘000le et of Ire:mien h • • t
re.l,s() diiinisetes, 000 arat and Mr. Justice 'Street to -day gave.
reaol,ta Lie. JAS. •virTGLIt...., Yard: Bast decision in coi3iiectio"1 wit's, the Novth
nain st. Bi 1100 election case, g r.00cl
Eden no int tailed. Ify the, Deputy rq,.,
turning officer. Eithel. side-
TEAM`SOLD.—eilit. 1.110k8, of these DOW. tile trial '011an Cell()
atifell'T/1.td 't(e?tnDC''l efS.0Sli'°113112'(8),f5'.131-11)t.C)It'trliSe0' 1111:18:(3)eldd S91°1.3;1711 d'Sli€C.1: IC'll'it.11'1I(Iti()itis et 6ti.11,11L ;
$300 for n 10,5111 of 0(00 0- since.
'Cett trail a
.),Tr, e41111.1s re('Oiced 1110 010
intelligence one (lay lost week cif tlie
death of his ittothet, "Nfrs.
velio died .0, the resideevevI
hei• son, 511 ((01, Le "Mars, Iowa, on
the 1Stli i,tfiter very brief illness
presurnithle clotibt o the velittbility 01
tile ballot. •IiiStiett Strceit clid -not
eXpreSS 1118 3. (IW I:110 'trial, Tile
court 01 11.1 at Setitibainpton -ttli 10
bear evidence on the eharge of ce'irrup:,.
Berlin, Jan, 'fj
sterteet here -tins at 5,30 :
from lo grippe, haying been. sick only the' EconoinicatBleckNOrner Of MI
'a 'fevi daYs. She "vas in lier 77t11 year.-, and .outudry streets, '0 -.The buildi'fig,,
'---The Rev. S. -.Salton held a special 501'- \vas emnpletely gutted. The lire etart-
viee in honor of the late Queen Victor- 'ad in the re-oms, of : j.' Fenooll, harde•.
in, and every instance the pastor M,*are 10 001110(1, and sppoild the ohm -
paid, glowing, triblite the 00(0 1-011 iihstible material therein, 'S0011 Oing:
Monarch, Her hitter:11 takes place on along the lititteni :of the building .
.S;tturdav.-3Iiss, Bnelah Beaver.' of the. top: At 'this hour 9:15
Creclitoii, spent Sunday here,the guest the firemen are still battling veith the
of he", aunt, Airs. Ge Esso/y.-- Al,- Tim loss possibly will run up
thnr .Alipse W110 has been spending the to, $40,000. Beside the Peouninicai
winter tit the lumber woods, is home office ;and Connell & Son, Lawyer
on a ViSit to his friends.s—Mr. and itilrs. Antler and C. llitzer, had their offices
John Davis returned to their Ileum in in the block, while the Masonic hall oe-
Iowa .1111mulity, after spending a, few cupied the third sterY. ' The TIN1asons
iveeks here visitine- their respietive $850 insuratic6 on their property. " The
relotives.—Our boys were strickly out other losses and insurances „have not
):et been as'certa_ined.
of it'll/font-lay t . Wm. Down
had it all his own way and drove 0
la re -e nd happy lead Of ladies t be
Eden ettl.rtainment.—Mr. J. Wright,
who has for the ,past three Y'eZ1T'S 1)00/1
eQlerespondent to the ADVOCATE 10111
t 1003.0 shottly.for new locality: A 11 -
‘other scribe is now needed in this town.
JohdLingard has g,orie to -work
-for his brother-in-law in 'West 31cOil.-
livra y.—Mr.' Thos. Boyle, well4tnown
to all o round here,and who has tor the
post few years Leen engaged as clerk
tethe R. Pickard store, is noW sta.-
timed at Dash weod, taking charge of
o brancli.store for the stone 0(1113, W7e
wish him Success. --Mr. Luther Pytin
who has been cell -fined to St: 'Joseph
hospital, LonclOn: for the fia.st, nine
weeks ,sofferine• from tvphoic e yer.
is now sufficiently recovered as to be,
able to return,heme. His ,sister, Mrs.
AV. E. 13aller, W110 was also confined
to the sa e h os pi ta 1 for five weeks with
,the same diSease, is alsh regaining her
sti•ength and getting "over her siekbeS
'Many bargains still left' in
ex.04.4ngq,,.....i...tot: Furniture
We have 'unlimited private funds for in-
vestment upon farm or village property, at
e west rates of interest.
Barristers, ete., Exeter.
I have a large amount ef :private funds to
loan on farm and village properties at low
sates o f interest. '
liarrister, Main Street Exeter,
A.11111 FOR SALE -50 ACRES,
That, desirable,50 acre farm in the town-
ship. of Tia.v, being nOrth half ofLo t 5, 00n -
Cession 1, There Is on the premises 11 frame
house, barn and outbuildings, good young
orehard; two never failing wells of water;
220 rods of tile draini, gi 3 acres hardwood
bush; moderately good fences. Will be sold
reaSonably. Apply,
llsearDILLING, Hay.
The undersigned is offerin for sale that
desirable farm woperfy the town-
ship of Stephen, being Lot 18, concession 8,
containing ii)ci aereS, all cleared, woll fenced
and nnderdrained and in a good state of'
cultivation. There 1'0' on the premises a
frame bank barn, good orchard, and
a good well of spring water with windmill
Situated atiout buff& ile from school and
01,4 miles 14-0111 p13311 office. Will. be sold rea-
sonably and. on easy terms
SOnN K. 5013000 '11'. Oxecliten.
OF QUITS VICTORIA,' including 6 -pearl me.
mBriNl I:reunites i'rom the most eminent 014-1)1 1, and
Canadiall statesmen, and "The Life of King Edward
Size 111x7.1, about 800 pages, better illustrated
,flarr any rivid Work, written by Dr. Joe,. Coulter,
London, Eng., the celebrated llisrian and Jour.
nalist, and john A. Cooper, editor Canadian Maga.
4ine, Toronto. Price only p„.75—new bLok 100113
cover 60 cover. ENtra, large commisslont credit p13.-
11]' prospeetns trce to eenvelisere, World 1ublisinn6
co,, Guelph, Ont.
Tenders received. by the undersign:
ed up to, April 1, 1.001:—Parcel No ------
of tot ' 0, from. 11fain to William streets
known as 7Tanilin's Store., Parcel No, 2.--
381. Elizabeth street. "tear 5111(3.11.
un, tannery. l'itree 1 3.,'' —N o, 63,
Andrew street, :No, (12 has a frame dwel-
cash' baiance in -payments at
5 per cent For 'further piirtiiculairs and
3t3S apply to the proprietor
'The highest or aily tender 33 at ((44 ''1111)'
aiteeptect, A,Nr. ITA;titTN,
Br001;11,01rn,, On t.
E egister.
vItuRsilA 'St ANT'," ii.11,17 r}I.-1 0 draught
colts, 2,3,3113 4. years old; 1 drauglit teaul,
bloods; two -year -0i s __ors
The property oe tfandford Elliott. Saie
at ono o'clootty II, 13rown, .A.uc 3, '
To the value of EngliSli. Stock Food,
nuanufacttu2ed. by C. Lutz, Exeter.
This is to certify that ,have used
English Stock Food for fattening cat-
tle and pigs. have also fed to
peultry. .1 have found it tile cheapest
and racist useful article on the niarket.
would recommend its use to. stock
raisers. -
(Too late for last week,)
'The question "Which is tlie greater
eivilizer the pen or sword" which has
been agitating mankind from time im-
memorial was finally settled on Wed-
nesda,y evening last by tile Sodom
Oratorical Club, when after a long
and spirited discussion it was decided
that the pen is better adapted to ele-
vate a man morally and' intellectually
than all tile edged tools in the universe.
—Miss Annie Ching of Manitoba is
Nisiting friends in and itrotmd Sodom,
24110. John Ford, of tile town line,
Hay, is suffering from an atfilek of in-
flammatory rhettmatiani.--Mr. Allen,
the blind limn: intends organizing a
Senior League in Sod'Oni.
—AbOltt seven o'clock Monday
night fire 111.0k° out in the blacksmith
shop belonging to Mrs. Wm. cKer-
nan. A strong west wind. was blowing
and the village would soon have been
in flames, but 10(1'. 110 a timely alarm
W135 given and a crowd quickly gather-
ed and by worltitig hard, the fire was
thought to be extinguished. About
half an hour later tile alarm 3.31(1-10 4-11.111
raised, this thine the lire was rapidly
spreiirling tovintrd the woric.shop and
the village was threatened with a sec-
ond conflagration, but intain thellarhes
were Da trE totTd. Considerable damage,
however, svas done to the interior of
the shop, but our boys ttre to be COD-
grA 1.110 Led for the rea di n etRs with vvhich
they nswet ed the. alarm, and the de-
ter111.111I1 tion th.e,y showed in fighting
111 4-' flames. 'Tbe fat.T is stipposed to
have started by a cinder front the. forge
through 3111 opening in the floor,
Itit it is asthma, bronchitis, crow), or any
finable, use Vapo•Cicsolene: AllDruggists,
331 deep neiurnine. Jae scene . vas 41 e • , Bl l• 1-11 kl-n6
• a good rice.
W11.0 SAAV it OF the great loss the ret-
tion nas ill her cleat11.—Mrs.
she soar): J. P• '.3. 1)4 of ListoAvel,
• -.CV."
John' Betelier 111 at her home,- in • •
, Iittc sni ,
4,t nrN, n
• • - •-• - - • • - nt----rie • ` ' '
At the first nomination meeting to day with friend,. •tt. Bruppton •rice ber siSter I
select four inen to represent the "Ill- O. 'W. Snell left On Monday to take Mrs. Geo. Baldwin, In oe,afor
of John F. Cain and William 11/0, R. 0061‹ of ,south River` 'spent q„, stnu, of Willow Ball, was in town Sun -
age council eig,ht names were submitt- a 00,11se in a, 'Musical college at ,Bos, fesv fi•om here a tkencled the Hensen
e to the clerk, and With the ex- toll, .0. W. will be rniss,ed' here.--. rink on Saturdav night.—AIr. J. John -
0613±1011 ,
• cl• • TI 1-.11 r -I ' • • I
Ward declined to stand. The two re-
maining vacancies necessitated the
holding of a second notninatiou, which
took place on Monday, Jan. 21st. Two
nominations were handed in—James
Burnett and Peter E. 'Butler. Both
candidates. decided, to remain in the,
field, and as there were no other nom-
inations they Were deeltired elected by
,acelaination. Jaines R. McComb, also
by acclamation, , iS , Reeve. Robert
Guilfoyle was made Caretaker of the
High. School, the position having
been made vacant by the death- of
Ja,tues Stewardson.—Mostly, all busi-
ness places in the village are -being;
draped irr mourning -for our beloved
Queen. On Tuesday the church bells
were tolled for an hour, —Mi ss Cann am
of London, has been' spending a few
days with Daisey Orme.- On WedrieS-
day evenine. the Noting people were
entertained .a.t progressive cards.-,;ind
andclancing. Miss, Ca n mutt th Miss
Stella Orme of the Veto •*a lei 1. 1
staff, returned .to London- t F14day.-L-
Dr. Hossack has so aompletety re -
tew clays here last week with friends.
L 1 10S 8...t 3, NI 10 i ecent y
—Mt'. John Hall had the last of his aGuer)tt'd sitimtion lltrre as tinsmith,
seri's 011et101-' sales on Satuld'Y SHtleunds:ILYUe, dwians 111'.foSnecli!teyi,T1111(11:
night. The hall was ei o•wcled to the
door and it giteat deal of goods were
disposed of. lie will continue to sell
• at the stove at a great "eduction for
the next 30 days.— Mr. J. Routtledge
clellorned seve".al head of cattle for Mr.
Adam Birk one clay- last weelt.,--Theie
was a faresvell party un. Wednesday
night at Mr. Joseph S,nell's in honor of
his children, who leave shortly, one
for Boston., 016.01,11er ±01. 51. l'honitts.
_miss Holtz. of Blake, min), of Michigan. spent tliel'ast week
•siNiisit11%1":, Aolfit 1? -1'n cEl (B-1 eighol1.er. —11111. ll' il-s :)1 ft the oc)i131.1.!--..hMet.i:.:. 01.1dreiurned Monday
Doiin spent a few days this
_covered from his 'savei•e th.,t he
has entered into actave pritetice again.
--Dr. Reaverly. who has teen prac-
ticing here since September, 1900, left
six weeks ago for' 513. 113100, ;Colorado,
where he has. decided locate' His
faintly will joln al IleX.t. 111 Ont.b.
Cr ed
G. STAND , (formerly Collin
Stautiury) 'Barrister, Solicit or, :Notary
conveyancer monee- to lonn—Ex e ter. Ont,
Our 'beloved •Queen• :Victoria has
gone. The whoten world mourns for
hey. No sovereig-n has lieen able to
Win the heart's. lier stibr ots, as, well
as our depart'ed, ',Qteen INTe trust
our King will 'be •ti worthy succe.ssor
of his mother Victeria, the Good.—A
The/DO-Vial service ointir departed Queen
will be held in the EiVange,lical church
next Saturday at 2'14t13. Let there be
a, good attetirlanceet—Mrs. Christian
Beaver and, daughter, 13 1103, spent
last Sunday' in Centralia, guests of
Mr. , and Mirs. Geo'•cre ESSeiT —One
,la'et week aros.e in
reference to the Wellave of our. burgh,
in one of our business places. The
parties got so wiirm over it. that it re-
sulted in'hlowe. There W-11.5 only one
('0013141 and one of tlie pugilists W`IS
§tTqlek.,(kIllt.; Not talleh bor Was done,
on13.- oneof •-theth leOlced rather pale
next day. --:=Mr. and Mrs. 15o 0(1 Brown
0)3(01! 1133-0 Sunday in Zurieh, the gucsts
of Mr. and Mrs. John • Preeter.--A
number of (air citizens ctttendeci the
annual ineeting.of the South Huron_
Liberals in Iliensall on Tuf)Sdfly..----Illt,
George ZWieker,,Of London ,, is visitfng
relatives in this blirgh.-,---The recentrfall
ofsnow has ntade things lively ag•ain
in our Inirgb.---The carpenters are. 1)115'5'
(13 preparing tlie stare for Mr. fliellai•d,
Baker, who takes possession in a fetv
1101tm. illT/9..NCeE.---IMr. 'Win. Fritz,
Of the firin of 'Wenzel & Etitz, hits des
cided to quit blaclesmithing and go at
lighter worlt. Ile has leased the ho-
tel now 00 1133011 by Rote,rt McF,tols,
f term of years '
chiidren OPIr for
Bowmanville Jan. Tr.—The Wiaart •
retie' crossing on tile G.T.RI.,,Seuth-etist •
of this town, tt,ets to -day the 'scene of
on,accident that terminated 1311 he loss
of three Young lives. lieztbert J. Hal-
lett, son of the late W. H. Hallett, of
Whitby; 1-1e1 en „Knight., w h 0 lived ;IF,
companion with her aunt., `A10. Wrxi.
Hirrley, near 1,11e S G:1 o ti , H,uci 'her sister,
Amelia Knight, were returning front,
tuaking call on their uncle. Jar
Kuirrht, tlae lake shore mid -not
sei•ving• 'Montreal express, 'locally
known as the '‘ Sunday flyer," coming ,
down the steep e•rode • extending one
and a half iiitles eastward ft•ont he to
tion, :Eta:nett a t te tn. p to to drive cross
the traele,iinci before lie got the vehicle
'clear it was struck kiy eng-ine, SeV-
ered from the herse, and liorna'on • the
front of the it•on mOuster to the Sto
Hallett and the elder maiden, Helen, -
were thrown with such violent force
against the engine as to be .insta tly
killed, their •heads being very,..badly
cut. andMiss Knight's- body, woS ah-io
badly,snuaShed. , •was not so
badly disfigured, but receiVed ;tn ugly
wound on oneisidc, of her bead. - Sh ,
was found 13T. -p.; the dittli beside the-
torf'Tek;!,1;11,)e').4L.1 Ler
(lead. ,...CheNttain Wa5 ;At: the
statibr `and :the' ho( -lies laid 01'11- lit the
Waiting rot" ro, •presan Ging a. gruesolne
spectacle indeed. The coroner waS' sent
for, but, after hearing all the facts,ccui-
sidered that an inquest was unneces-
sary, and -handed tile bodies oVer to
their friends. The. younger sister has
vvas tuntlfie to attend- to Ins Praotlee I sbteoean•e 1651511Ilt),1s0a\lcecslivi(liln'trinx';ic!nlcli'dhsveicelws'Ne-ititl
here.—Mr. Dennis Derstein, r Sebe -her widowed mother. The other has
wetting, Mich., attended the foneral 9,f for many years lived with her alant,
Tbis another, Grr. sE spseel-111161 wh e:11 c)a sr) stinodn NOTfa s illiTs.:1's.:eeeetkei it7).)e001(ixe gi ea Gi 511, 01 "lq)0t.3511e(sql:
be.en resident of our town for a recently -1,,y the dealli 'a friend,
number of Years. having l'eeu eugaged havinr,, interviewed the, executor last
111 tiTismithil'g left 01) Mbnd'iY f°r night r( gard to it.
Cavalier, N. Dalt.; vvhere be intends to
in.ilte his honac...-3Ir. Ephraim Holtz- Condiactol. Lander. of Stiatforcl, has
'net with 0 Se0011(11)11511ap. Af ter MN.--
ing been laid up in the la ospi talfor some,
montbs,,b e is lautv- forced to return. to
that place. A ±03.3.' days ago 110 slipped
on the ice in Poet and dislocat-
ed his collar. bone. „ I -le is DOW in the
hospital there. St ratfind friends will
syntpitthize Lauder, who has
hod more than his share cif trouble of
'age SitturclaY. night. , has been orate -ill is amproving.—Miss,
. .
week NviLli her friend, Miss &vatic,
. Dempsey at Exeter.—Mrs. Robt. Rich -
A.1 the business meeting bf the exec- ,a,dson, still continues 01
10 W and
utive of , Boston Tiletliodist Sabbath 001 13" to Say her recovery- is doubtful.
school held last week. The followilig Mrs. Geo. Hess. Who s been stifferine-
offiemis were elected for the ensuing
,yeari—Sopt., R. Hutchinson, Ass't,
Supt. john Slierritt; 'so 1, •Mae- (4711-
.0((: .'0-_4'200.0615'.: Slierritt. Trees
NVallis; Sophia Young;
Organist, Mac Wilson: .1s,'t Organists.
Mcnide Steeper, Tessie JI)) (11(1') Choris-
ter, Wilbert Yonne': ('11 ''ho, J Wal-
Teachers: Mrs. A. M. 'Wilson, -Mrs.
Wic Ir art, Jr., 'Mrs. R. Webb", ItIrs. It.
English, Mr. J. Wallis, john Sher-
ritt, Mr. X. Youne•, 11.0-. A. M. Wilson;
Ass t tear:netts, .1. rt. tuner, 1/. W ebb,
-Airs. Wallis,'Airs. Eallis; Sup't home
101',' department 111• 1 ok‘Vilson.
'0 -1'11111'., Tessie
Mr, arid M1-,-.3. 15011 11 Mr. Hutch-
thson Mrs. Foster. Mr.S. AVtillis arid
II/Irs. A. M. Wilson. TrIuved -by R.
Ilutchhison, Reeve of 111cGillivray,
and 11. Webb, that the following ad-
dress la: presented to our retiring sill-
perintenclent, tinder whose rule the
scheol has made 10 0)
Orestiwa , San. 26th, 191(1.
151R. 01.FN Snr mirrr, 10.1'.. Harpley,
DEA c. 1011IER,- --
.We regret, to hear that you have
hanchle 111 yonr reSignation as
in tenclent of our school, but tlie 1„,..t7100,'-
1edge that you are going to 1111 31) lion:
arable a position in the gos•el-nnient 11
our•country, mitigates' °lir grief. A
('('31 0.3(001 the past three y.earS,dur-
ing which time you have so ably filled
the simerintencl,ents chair,is one of un-
xnixed pleasure 'and profit Your ('1--
3.11411133 a p,,,,,tuabt,s, is well .worthy
of the in"itation of us all, having never
once failed to he on titile during the
'three year's term. 'We are losing, a
etvortby leader in every department of
'cliurch trod.: and re officerS and teach-
ers We. could point t e c 11 C ren ro your
temperance principles arid (1,11.! 111,
.character. Iron". 100(10 14-1'- ever' been
t{ Come' and not "go." You will al-
witys be 'welcome to the (‚'2-00)11 3') our
school. Praying that God's 'blessing
will abide with you in ycoar pultlic life.
Signed. out behalf (4, 11)33 executive,
J. W. 121,0111', Pastor,
11. HuT(riEssoN, Ass't 811)11.
\\-!(5111. 15)l'\'.
frons pulmonary 11(1 11 Ole for sonde tittle,
iS 5 11lingeting between life and death,
and her, end isexpected at 'any mo-
LEATH (i.F Af-ns.
with all its g,loom and sorrow, visited
the hon -m ef Frederic]: Demuth,
On Sunday last and rerOOVed, from the
hoix)e circle his l'eloved wife,tit the age
of 6f) yea t•s 2 inonths and 7 days Tho
(1013000041 11)01 linen a victim of • -paraly-
sis itiid liacLsufterecl three stroltes,
third arid last coming oti
frorn -Which she neve", rollied,being un-
conscious up to the tinle Of her d'eath.
She was laighly respected ;is a friend
and neighbor, kind-hearted and true
and .her• Many friends will deeply
mourn her dem ise. She leaves a sor-
rowint, lanSballd gro.wn-up rani -
y of nine Children, all of whom have
the 413)051synipathy of the commun-
ity: 'Phe funeral took, place to the,
Bronson `Line cemetery on Tuesdity
G s bor 0, N. J., 'January 28.- —George
W. Lewis, of 0120S4- Keys, is gi•adually
turning to stone, Mr. Lewis about
seven years ago found that his fingers
Were beginning 0) 1401 stiff and that
he could niove them only with. diffi-
culty. The stiffness crept 1131110 (11)0
and swill from the elboiv .doivil the
flesh began to harden. The arms ar(1.
imw useless. The skin is drawn tigh-
ly over' the 'bones, tbe sinews' are
contracted and the hands are' like
marble. , rl.he prick of a pin or needle
is not felt, neither does a cut show
any bi.o.a whatevi.u. ' fact, Mr.
Lewis' has little blood:, and flesh
is nearly white, with' it marble cast.
gMaln It'ne ‘svt:iisff' se ii"°.-eabn?in (Ill it?dsVe. 11%11301 1.).?
11'''),•trid are grad:n:11v becolifitig use-
less, The ,siltitt on 'his face is also` draw -
hug tightly over his hones, and at he
present, rate of progress of the disease
he will soon to stone altogether.
A PATiVE, 111t7,K. PROM A TIOR81.?:
15±1 '0111(1). ;lane 18.-- Ben, Schneider,
a, young fat mer, who 11'. ('53 near here,
died to -day as the -result of k telt front
one of his Ilorsos. Scliiieicler was found
1111130,11-0 (111 ni his stable on Thursday
Incrning luta. never 3.11331, A wife
d three childreta
3.0211 0000
.ydzi try to rid of
it? ' the tiling. you
,krlow it will go 4011,31 into
your lungs or stoniaCh and
. .
oanse seriotis trouble. Yon_
.sbould use Yap6-t1esolene at, once. •
•-..rhc.,, cure 10 so 'easy and so pleasant.'
.You put SOMe,Cnesolene•in the. 13ii11017 •
izer, light 'the Jamp .beheath. and
breathe -in the 1.raner whi]e
that s all. l'i'e healing soothine- va.)or
goes all 'up through' the nese, quieting
Mflammation and restoring the parts 10
healthy condition. Doctors prescribe it.
vepo-cireselene is sold by druggist3 everyv,liere, ,
Vapo-.Cresolene ourfit; including the 'Vaporizer and
Lamp, which should last a life-fone, and a bottle': of
Creselene, comulere, $1.5o; extra ttipplies of Cteso-
1011025 oentS an -1 503)311.. illustrated booklet tair.,-
ing- (01.001 31(3 (ree 'upon re qunst, re.
CI? ESOI.1,^3 CO, 180 Fulton St , 'New Yolk,
14'firrn.—In Centralia, <)1.1 .T.tlitiary 25,
tlie wife of PLeiii•y 130141, 0 15 sOil,
VcrtSToOT.tr--DAW,,---At the bride's
sidence, 'On 101(1111)13, 31)1 171.74..
by the 1,3,ely. C. 'W. 311'lv' 3). 1.1. 1).,„
IVEr. Walter "Westeott, to Mrs. 150'--
41(111)0 'paw, both of.Exeter.
1,' '313 kl S. W 013 •
ticit•y 180, Reelfacli beloved wife of
Philip aged' 70 a
DIIPTON---111 1314,11s1(113 f)la 31.'1
Januat.y Dutton,
rtADOI.IFF --111 ±31113.11,11 11. on Sim
fra /lit:try 200 Siiinttel Radcliffe, aged.
81• years and. 1 • Input:hi
SOMUIVVILLEk,--In BI 1 .i -I 4"1 '
, 011 (11(3.', .1.101,311. ijanuary. Elija 8rtru-
erville, tgoll 81, ysears, 8 110()11
'('(3-- (11 Zitrielx, on j'itio. 2701,13.11'8.
111et1or1'211 Eleitatitli, aged. 60 years, 2
riettitlis and 710'.''.