HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1901-1-24, Page 7'11
EtOrrn PI the: surnmer's a migilty innny
Like iy-tweInan.`s,temper when,It takee,a
Comesttof a hUddi(11, Last slit ilsod 141,0d
You start In guasitX, an& bri
Swislitteel sweep4nd it's 14 lull blast';
YGli (latch you,: Inktatli, and it'o flowtiteicatpal
nuttier end 116,thtning and stliphur,W,`-the air, •
And ids very net minute the sun iihInes
And 1QSjuttIIL vfilY that the, t,,,rtithAtehowtn
ho otin ants iler Ititreiteid n rghty
),V.V *eet tp;i010,4‘'a l'19,W*;
But a..,brealts for keeps \then It does break loose,
And the storms like a tyrant anti makes thirn't,
it.; easy tpbe1ivo that it's icirdont,00m
And ail of a §udden th'cre's metey in her eye,
And ele feesss end shinnedanti sediefastissdid
-dnipidy15. saurian -8 is St. nouls*ifenublic.
Parker's Ghost.
By IC QUad.
oopysionas 1900, th- 0: 13. MT'S,
That I really and truly saw a ghost
adeertain occasion is a matter of le-
d- i
i ,
gal record, anI believe t s the only
gboat ever legally known to a comma-
1 Was di boy- of 11 ,when the family
• emigrated from-Ohlo to ItIlehlgan and
settled in a town a 1,500 people., _There
ad 'dust .died in citizen nained. John
Parl;er;Wlio Was always referred to 'a s
old Parker. EEe was one of the pio-
neers of -the tenni, and his eecentrici.
ties Afar" greatly i•etartled its growth.
o One • ever learned where he came
rani or .strerthing about his private
life.'d He came" alone, lived alone and
„., .
dieddalone. He 'was a queer looking
little' old 'Man, stool)* Shouldered, of
shambling mit, 'and there were days
-when be refuged,,to.speak to any pne.
Ide bought II00 to...cyst lots abd thenre-
fused to tell or lease. He built a saw -
as Y,."7--• "; 111 eve*" detti .. • °et's'.
• dil Sce this , aS clearld l'erd'Y not e're
and 1 tool) 41'9;1144 at h;t8 f
hosts of 'speo-h- ". -.-Johd d 144. b ' 1)"4,1,1ing
sidirtryddds s .ott, Labb Her- Jude •eouni heard ti • eft '
t,g .Pta hsen, edd that.. hied d , . • , • 1,Le,a Ane. eqelzslYtt the voices* • '
11.1u111.11,011pliileedd allt r nny • hands togetbet I ski
living , di e old, ma,'and plat ,. i' , ' lee --- mere!
• • Isioleed e a IVilett l', ,(IeW4rop'Po 'X, bPt,. Oil 11 .4,Vt the t
that 1' , s....- -., s9 real b f w C° be, mY no ' 41 4n4411 tk c ' ()-hr crews were •
could i ( eied a bit h le lc ory ' ce' The - 1-i - - e oneof
lave /leer°, „ ow be ' , tafiniti, 1, , . , 4 (.. Inic,,,,,, . • .
With 't ' e, aLtteci , we , , t... x _, t• ,itt-,ot-tettii.j.loiltcli)ersaiii.:1,, ; : ; ,i-,-tie-ocn- oittitratgliee.
ou led ii„,,. so closely , ----a lexeisi LU , \ - ,511ottitno,
die wa;,., a- freely crust to it, itt)a,01° the ege Men'. // ,dt• :1?'14,--,. "I -•' or sliiied siirpridott; (.•°, fOr 'their' stirst
enow had 7 '''Ing beard hira f s ••-i 'cal --1115 'Race-Ai/a
bilueltittehaetii'leeeuglitiewstals°11theisa-mbaen. (I's; l'olo'l:.:ee'd itYllev'. ' ' : ' be Warmth' ..0e' the ; s'et” It4' ;Iii:1'; °IlLe'ilbeg'' 2g.tP16allee 1;12(y creptbyftli,' leladlecill'
to see „if i .
ing a httl mb
tell, he' i not
i Lelv ads in s lygeltit s."e °Silo me,
aagsu-Lilci-nefoebille_el_lleillet:' '„iiblii;l:iseelet:zt;lb:t;0elre,l'telr8iliieli:1111-13:-";itrti:n' ifith"'eu.; Pe'81:11;a°1:11eci3ha:elicid;' ttbil' ee' the;1'.1:11:bspeP'ethtill°1:111°22:tit:l'aTiel :I'll' r fe:s1::)(111:NNes'tita.'htiLt:i.):ani'ite'll's11111(elePaibril'.ec:cevilll'iiitliaelaYre;
-t! the (leep "ii"tia‘-tiotis ee,,a3:11ga' on' 'the boring' deslicrat set1,-,airsir13' 'stroke' 'I .
nath.ao; Re had •tin ax *or a '
in a louder Vo" 7 I ' sbil 'as It st°1r1.31-* a `
outhern in ' - ° crew, it° '; a'‘v
tion, I roseie -arrtissed over the 's't fortune'. T1 ° °retell somegood :third Plaeci. 'A *
foulid,m s 1 (.)tli tt; school slate, a bet they
was coming, and ti,, 0,w to „stroke, „shouted aloud in 1
seven -No, l,
wee „end. 1 Ilutdoefote s.00.-- • • , ante oh ,,ts, sse „sad' his t'' • IVLMLP yotir, stroke -de'
• Mg -six
"aS.not, ,peri • t • " , 'epos/did • / -..'''4,-14,1:1140.1e 0011 ° and TliPe,
had, seeinaptit this ,-i„-Va.s' deeZsd 414,4441Vis bed' Tr`a*t,gdwill'ill ode One,: tVlitoP' tuQ, ena, NOW tui ' ' '
1,41.1b,ttlite0(17,Straesei Ea slitissco' - wid•sele'S 11'ideds
more in fear f .• dYlng.i :WaS' 414 -7 it ' , , end*: *t•In'dt.i.11"ee t teliSa
• said '1±5 h*/*ie'd it*rvaS not long 'het,there * • , "Ct°711b-freslinrenill'qclighltad-hinf.;
ore 7 .Aad ;ego th . , 'id- •
gone 111 Sta ' ,a its'as they, ; their
13. - Way ustead•of' Pi. . 141.1t=, e • ad: . • I , .',' ', ' , s..—.• 1 At the end ' ; - ; 'too, counted' .'
• about 0 Iiiin than of tl 11° heir F., • the question le still dyed
• t. ; , , . endusan , • seented to b
me. 1 won 1 , the trees • irst V` i
it • I you come, • f the freslime • ' ' • -dti tlien -93* did.- Ell '‘ • *
sfe'ther2,, - out here, t that h t. • • • in' .th ." 9° their, "ni s w°rds Put
flutists/ ; , elr 'stied], 'neat • e '7 •
;Si/d.j.-I • at t,ertio" • • • (iniyet"ed • -agaltl"
11 did not t , ' alti..t.ltems,,eives' that ti 911,-the,Y sitnnit•atas.,uesiight,,*..,bro,ad
he continued' .'th a.139.ilt; flit:1110i c°113:.ti Ja*st " tia'e hd and 86 I le°
lend the, t",oed shook:him- the, 1,-, . great soh' of v
up the /ad. the cid' sids-drew, .is eyed -
'md" presenellP and 1-heYed 'over tri make
ed '
repeat ria eknown., had started to 11 -at bright pat h -, went back t
e the first y •
fill' on him, • anti 1OV eve beautif • e it inore , and his o •
e of water,
question sited to ed togets 'pelf had blid
• • now cover-rulln • stride a 7* ,sthev fia c'ver' boys," h • •
tliej.eg-was ais tracds t; . • ' ' Stle're , 84.1ed „clf1°- (1 a
none, u, -t blast f •
°' ti for the • 1°In the • • ' • Just s ,, • lilt on the
spot coach s iti histle et, d
looked. fo • • , els Say
fiercely es it P;1;
whe h s were had struck tl ullY, their sal
hei st,rtick 'the,
• ;
mark fades
foalldtes°1.; en're.' se a. (1817°sviveetcl.dn'I'ie. neva", adberweaakteil,1",ehial pberfeet Mu'osaerns•,' sw;_llalane•ewoars; trill -171'1'11Y b •
witis 11 'id '9Y had struck td .-LeY italew ,for 'It's half Lis jay,
ed; Y e f looking at a s
riste were bedinnin
• Irninoh dred, ,th • the - dead, 'Sires t isp, "c we've do
eir,attonti ye, ,a--stroke-st
on to s, but could fit_
ready Bruce,s w they keen. it up? Al;
; gr nd for 'Whiter keeping seen*,
re,yinuglict7lb0;:dauygolealsTtslaiiiie, !Md:o); ci
the 61replest plan yet cos e
Sti (1 MAKINQ, ,
' work " Is done "PrdPed"
• percentage will
*take tile- 0 peen, vditUt Is always the 11"esti°4
-Wails wait Pacts: ddispronfsIdT- • winters to cOnsitler, and
ltillil-eelsa:liti';leerPel't"Ii40:1;4tlie11171.1"ligarel:telIit)o'e"wrf'1°r•cst'illIllrs: :1;31;11:gel. ecet"si:infil;":07. gange
eli).0e; f;'9
out air front tile -redder and insuring „nem would be ad tliouhie an de,c
hatter silage; Shallow Silos, fiS a', rule • ,
give less satisfactory reeeits than deep what to do. A cOlti, dity, winter IT
Quest as there are larger air spaces, in , si,:elcoined h'farmers who Malieda
sPecia'itY of these °ref's' fer the taralPil
sud c,autit)haagta'eds ; keiritthal41'.
, earth., It -is ,the alternate freezing an ,
thawing,- the ram and' the Snoivs, tha
provoke trouble. Cabbages not buried
, deep in the ground Wauld.sopri rot in
warnit, wet season. ,
The,best way is the surest way and
as Is genenaily tide ease, ,the Inosttla-td
horiosieSticeerding to a :writer In, Conn- .
try GI entlemans ;who advises as:
•-es- 74- des-sdissss
"FILLING A SlIALL P.0i7ND OIL(); ' Seleet some high "and dind,gropad,•whe, re
the dreinage is good either. naturally
the' silage owing to lack of preSsure. ' •
or throuen artificial cultivation, and .
'i-SillereVer .Practicable the silo shoilld " , --, - „ .
t. ' ' • ' dig a demi and liroad treneht-„, The sid.,(1 - -
have a sdeptit.pf not less than 24efeet, , .., -,. ;, , , e
ei tin!, tfc,ifen toilet depend, `uPola .thdeds.
While -more satisfactory resfilts inay be .
-expeetecTrif it SS ten feet deepet. - , ' ' tili.'ilit'13'''f• yege-"able'i t°. be St°fed 14'1';--
.` Make- the 'silo Willis sanootli. . After tt• Lay the 'cabbages .in ;this 'treneli\S'
side trir side end pack. saintly. in twO.
wherehe had it but the Snow hadnot tiled-rat:81V and,' the sodEdloodo; re,• ,eredvs ' ' . , the"silit' ge is' placed in the pit it should ' - --- -- . ' -t. • e - - ,
grow numb, and -his leiss, shook on the. , layers, one on tep.of the other., ShoS'ets
beeii distii.rbed 'in tim 'slightest. • ',I "did "WiljOh'Pad Prittli.eed°d-a naPe ra,rther 111? sioss; recover; ; . '. ; ' „ settle 'evenly and 'eaSily; "If, the 'walls
not have a fit of the shirers and pan dhoti:11:e. -,,,ISponi,this point the twioisen, ',„
„indstill a' mile to go! ,•: -, '• - ' '
' - • - ' '' ' are- erfecfly vertical- auf'siel;la,maooetob,ati:tlibef.; ttilitel.,9-aadrelstacartti,ih(;ituestyrahtir.hkest.hsseira,aa(;2eeti.,t,ehbrelletelwlaY;:e.,tiehluetat,rtininutf-,;',;
''' ''-{e0nCiPitions 'for reiettlind'W111:ffe favorri-
awaY- .1t ss k "481'inY elad''' an -d. I icas:i'cl'elv8 \'''cre t° race fax three allies' ,,,,lad'is Ifeart tliumped•and pounded, and- 'hied, ;where ;stone ,is
tlictligt ,f,be, glare. on sidle, snow hatli.'in , did:hind' pi? the fresiin30,.n at the . Mile ,r.
Water 'lime cement-, must be ' used •to * 13' • antlli all Parts -"°f ''tlae d'ah•bages are
the 'hot breath cattle :gasping "threugh . - • .
soul° waY PlaYeti 1-11'C' ii* trick- • i had ://11111.,iddi• As .7t.11,9' freShme.n. ' watched.. them his Open lips,' Ile could", hear No ,d • ' ,• . •- ' : . , - As .1 _concealed frOrn, viedv• ' Then •On. tOid ot, ".77. •-•
the tice down and the, r the. distant_ shells tturresd. slowly •ansp .
- 9a • , • • - ' - - .groan at e;very Strole-e, but there -Was- .11141°' a g°0(1 4111face'. 81 ad'e con- this Put abodit four or five liaehes' of
'; •
' cl "Cleared
ivben-father retorted, and when.1 told took t1591':pi), Si:tiffi.1., A naa,litentilley ,thoti Imus cidd this smooth; surface will, • i' .'
ght of quitting..' Death' rather earth, which will place the vegetanles . d
bins of my strange Visitor 1 expeeted laY m0.1.1 T1 essi" then es e ' 1 ;lite ' ; - '' • ; • ' • ' .. • gfadually•become eaten and- rongh, so , • , ,
° i - ' '''' jet° '"" than ;that ' • " ' . . '. - • . = ' - . ; ' , almost, below- the frost htne,. ceitainlyi •,-
to belaughed at„ Indeed, I' langli edas stiea,aanal..c,s111.10, thilh-tpde:i:otliantidehde .i.nlattirth,.eeld.sa1n3 „put., ;mil w.e. la' e•yer. ;reach; th;e,. tir; . that 'from ye
Idtold jt, but father 'didn't.: 1-,ic; Litigan b d . . , ,
' 'Mile?" he wondered essarY,'11 light -wash of cement should ,, ' - . 4. . ; - • .' thes;• • ' ,'
lidd to Yea,1-'' as seeins.nee.-; beAlow"g`etehde;hlainred,,NfVfilleeeizeetthveilillida4:7'-ext,venegde.s.•:
-" - ' , .d. • . ' be dirtistied Over -the wall to make it
todqueStion me very. clesely, and by and, tile race ,WitS nia, . ,, , - t - , ,
the time he bad loaded the sled I couldt It loOIleci to tile enger ,freSbnien- US :jf,', .. , 4
Even as the though:L.-entered-his h.e:at, sthooth.. -whetd wood Is us,sd;,the; Ifni' dtahles Pitel*Ce-d an'ad• good an 11 the -
do net tliaw out until" dug hp fors use. .
see that lie took the batter seriously. , thd sof/ben-10re crew bad leaned to the ttle''°°-ek•swatit' called" ' ' - - ,Mgs beards should .be 'dressed On one , - .., , ,- ,,.,„.• . f
When we -were readYsto go, be asked feent. with the 'first stroke; thetheevier , •
a'. ,a, ,...T./ ...: ,,v, 11, tiro • inside :. eh„tild. they will keep well all winter,. . During
"111 nnnrl
'' : ' '• * "Only half a Mile More, and ..1-.e.re
''..•`" ' le ;\*" a' °;13"' .- - -exceedingly celd Weather stalks ol'lit,"•
me to point out.the exact spot where varsity being' :unable to_catch thcsidatm . A, ,. ri .. . , , be. Iferfeetly- plumb, and smooth fr
old,' John bad sat. This - as i - - - - ' - • •-,- • ,-,4'
was easy em elsly as had shell nimlile ter should' be placed on lop of the coy.,
• lifekless boat. Scarcely bad the the ter) (if tine silo to the foundatien
= • rivals, words left his lips- -when* No: 3 eau bt a
enongb to know, as my own tracks and as the two shells came racin r
e e , g wall, ft -ore -the top,of which there mad ered tre•'nch and. removed 3471"i3 wartn"
were w. he sa?d, ou the glassy surtaee et the late .it was . es -ab. starboard side of the shell
there in the snow. T
, - • e a sliel r be ,el't th floor.- I " wee ler comes again. By using tope ,
sank almost to the water's.ecle ea-themulch in this way one can regulate the. ;
f71 t
-the log Was,piled. tip asid„frozen.- har.dd evident that.tbe seedend s -,ear men were . „ - orm o wooden o, excep lag the. d• ; e
bUttfatheidsobirdeleared off With the increasing their advairta e :unfortunate oarsman tried to drag, his
Juan , is , este e' that the Inside ' • ''
temperature of the vegetables very1
blade.but by mein 'fOree.". At onee the linine- boards be malted on vet-Elea/IT-I - •
. • ,• ,, •• well:
ax. Tbenhe Pounded on the log, found .','1_,00k at- tem gain! • Look at 'e '
it hollow and cut into it- He had hard- gainri cried 'Crowell' up in bow seat, s•Pee '-was,c .: , . , e si age 1-y.il,then slip down easiiy. :1 , W..lion dug out lit th. e spring', the cats,
ecke ;and the otherborits Th, -'1=" • 'I '' ' i '
. .. - -
;sound to: :shows that the -ay had Struck evCr he -watched_ others' racing,. but, as head:and ,never ,let the Stroke f dry a tponAhe thorongliness of the packing ' and itileYr.*-111 sell f°' g°°(1' lpric:c7s*
uteS Inter we had old Parker's missing waa"the-stea,'.1ieSt-nian in the boat •* too, rdinaiinad• eool.,. ills calm', voice,-. in 'presenva,tion.... Most of the waste Which. When spring opens, the ground should". „..,
he shaded oyer the trench. 'ancld'a top. •
;some -thing hesid-es wood, and 'five min- seen ,as he. got .in a race' hiMaelf he fraction of 'a se•c°1*-- The eipckswain' usually :depends the 'character of the -
,two tin . boxeS, and ,4th4e 'Wg,re InanY Still'd.' sti•olter ..sthe soplis' 'may -Minn* e_ in „ oediirs at tile surface, against the ; "gi.oujid" In fhfs';' NY8y' ' the veg'8;t•b•-eil -
wejj.:put - 'mulch Put on to ,keep the ,frost IP the
.gold, out of tbe hellow, log. , 1 1 VAS in ';',.That's 1111 ,right.'"' said Bruce; , the i this moment *of • eonsternatian '-reas":" oceurs where -silage has been
sui•ed 7 fhb'. rowers; Who n'tlielrly."r
. of his lie rihd, fi,ssst "tbe Heirs •=0.1 set!' .Varsitsi gets down to work.".. ' 7•* ;-, stroke -stroke 9 as Prase's:bid-de. caught, f" .1 -Ise' gas -tar On, wooden' silos 7 fo-
the; corners:, "I C6:11'he kept N'erY 'late- But aS 000,13.- ila
the gronnat. begins to . thaw, the (...._ab-- -
- 'papers with it to clear up' the mYSterY'dern ,attlie start7but you wait'until.that • spoullea to his i•a°n°t°nCins '''.."-S•tmhe*---;" ab°1`st'at the"sitles 'and- in
that I saw ii ghost' at 2 o'clock in •the" See loi-s. For a time the t-vvo shell§ Pull- ab*reast of tbera. The d,anger of defeat cold', if not too thick for rapid painting, t useless to considered the ; tiadeS $116131,(1 , be- dug up, and sent„-te. :
attempt to keen them -much.
fling_ up the - estate. ' They were gerier- And almost 'before 'he had Uttered . i-lle Water., In a .11-101ndlit air Were row- WhenSapplied hot it is
ous to me' in "settlement, and it svaS ;them his 'Words vrere proVed :true, for -*itig agin'as eve1113' as. bef°1'e t'll(1 11 -eel- ' •1?e'st.1"C°W):1 1"rescrY11:tive '01? w°°d avull-'} ainfaterrietthespeten,as'Ye'•thiallwseetjt 01-Un,;V•liedlY•dr5ir671.S'
dents: but , 'tbe ,,v,iii;sits,-.; was almost able for ....omiiion.. use.- Even put on part of the. leg,a1 records of -the countY Aim, class 'crew „ceased to gain, on the,ir ,'
, ed the treasure because of it _ .. _ let:inch' speeding along- close behind the - • - . ' _ ; • -s. , sp.'' beethinned 'With gasoline -without ! • - , , . , .
alit.is ai,Superler piesdrvatiVe. Tar may i itmderdthen. :In digging 111), the ,eab..
t bages it the middle of winter c'tre-'
• efferuo,on of a bright day' and sedates-. ed at ,alinost 'equal :speed, -the. .White after victhry pad seemed so Sure thade
; . ' '' the freshman alinost? mad * They ' ti h.-
• ; ' second, the coach 'tile in tlae tioW direct- igeil a' - thesweeps as •f, thcY _would the .use of heat. ; As gasoline rapidly.l. should be esseciseci to,d stmt.) the th.,
1V-tteire Is- Isdind 1111 dali-ternia - . . . break 'them in -' ' men ' ill ite,I. . .. ,, „ , . ,. ; ; ers aS littleins pOnsSihle„ , ,,, -
, ' ° Mg the orirSinen tbrough.bis great ans.- • . , „ twain. dt , a m-- -..- evaPorales into a,gas,whiches very in- i
s _ • ass became , exci e Ay. - , Has as. ew..coinets as possib e. e •
h drew un raloidlY. But Bruce kept his • f ba -es Will be in excelle:nt -condition.
ly struck 20; blows- when_ there etieWell .b
,... • - • ; • , . , s , •,. minium megaphene.. 'II:lough 'he fresh- • ; - , ' ' - „a; 139°- ) 0 arn€'11,eare should he lised‘,-- } - • ' ;'
rilles,N.ew Pingland farmer must Corti- - : •.. - . • • ' is , by sueli, a- spirit could hot be Politer'• fidsd . / /
soon they vdere forging- to the ' i The. illuStrations, 'groin publications ; :Prcttecting; Tr,e0S.Erom riablyites., ,
t..,. IT WAS -Tnit •Intaill OLD MAN.. t ,.. - fy himself in,h"s istrcmgitehl tigalliSt the men could not bear bim_they, knew that anfl -
• mill; ,anc1 tii'e first lumber turned out . seagons:. , He MilF.t be rect(iy to adapt bo was upbraiding, the'varsitydfer. al- front- agaln' As they • eilt,eret1 --912 the of the Wisconsin Station, give an 'idea. I We (-ion-sitter that a ,sPring' set 'fruit ,
ill . wffa.:.' vfanted Par the erection of a IllmSelf 'tide year that- perm_its litui to )
losving a claas erew to'' get ahead' -of last Inarter'inileetheY were ntere than' 'of the appearance fnld method of -filling 1 tree is worth \at :-•l'ast $1 after- h'iiring ,d.
-church, Because t • bc old Man was ask- Pr°sPer onlY t1Pon. deeidedlY .
ed to make ri discount in.price iti„fador . '•-- " d '
hard tdeis ,snd soon ills. re -rod h half a lelliddd to the iseod and still gaind a round silo rind explain in a ra gr°w° °lie' 8°486'13 and th t *r
1., it re-
; „ thoh„ eacet, fod the sepliathdres• Wsse ing slowir- But the -strain was begin- the Process of constructias a' silo of quired 4nel-herc]llto ;
But the'Californien in the coantrv " • id-ddi-as' Ring to tell: Br.uce's arms, Were numb, todis, kind. Fig. 1 shows 'a method* of exTbliditure:IYouldilhe a -wise one) esPes
of the Lord. as it were, be shut- down 1 ' ' ' set -T to be -slowly losing .their
urin, Vic dt ou„bt re le lc suit_ unless. ti.
the inaill boarded u ) door- ad win I-
' tdrins serys il'he Inte-nerioral Alontble * 7 7 I) c i€ 7 a '
cially if nonprotection meant lose of It
Id b t t •th • hearts to -the elbows. his eatli camean quick lavi-------------------- the -foundation A '
, , , i s a - ; - ‘, „s le; o a men eean o, pu , eir , . .• -, • , . • • ' • - .-. - . , • • . • .di • , • ' • - =
(idled; and the saws neventiirlied again. bi699(1' l'is ambiticin fn."
- into the work. -SloWly- tut 'surely' the Pants -and ea haze seemed to brive set- In a Zenter'POSt with toP level Witb top • -and the needfssit-Y or -1 ql/lantirig• .. lit
much engrosses him. Isis "berSes are second ., crew , ordwded, lid „ ntd. u : tled over hint Whielndrilled -the pain in odpi-Sposed wall. D13 are straight edge 1 we • do d3t have to sPend--sd muchidins *
Pe imeght two stores and five Or. six
• ' • pleift-v a:nd cbeap- His fruit crops thrire - 7 ' 1 11 1 1 his aching ftf.inSeles, hisitinadesbis wo' rk--= beards nailed to stakes driven in the I our Presellt'= Plan of Pr9tectioder!wilia
ho 5505 and shut them up, 'and lie • ' - • . • ' lenetli" and a halls of open water that
, - - . - • • easily ,Fie is alile lo supnly hie. table ' . -- "7 • ' • • '' b Iv ' e •Id nieal Forward -and, back- .g-rotin'd.1,-Ci is a piece; Of straid-ht edged We think' is bdtter'thisn any ,ati.i,e„-ty'44.wk*.g.,
bought evei•y iniiprevereent for the 'beini. • ,' ' • -- . - , '- ..,"-- . - bad iseparated it frpm its, fleeing rival- 11 - Ill C la '
,z ' rnerciai indenendence • • .-r'e.dueed.7 to , leis t,bania , foot, and ' ward- -dr°rwarddand "hadkdirardehis body timber fixed, to turn on a pm at A. EsB 1 have et .11,6,M.6 of....,1d,re „buy aidis
18 inch wire nettaig of about half,
with fewer purcb,ases !with, less: coin-,
efit of the town, .-On the '-o-ther •hand,
w.hile the shied, voice of the are all nalledilevel with toP, of post A..
-he lent men PaolleY at a low rate of in^ - ' ' titers ithe coach's voice .-Come, ringing swaYeid•
'cockswain sounded fai*ni and far away. Fig.; -2 shows .the construction. The
His position is therefore less that of- '
'terest to make linprovements, encour, - over the water' - =
. ...- • the knight instils castle", and more' that • - - ' ' - 7' ,,, ' - - * If I could only' stop- for an instant," 7. sills, are 2 by 4 inches-, In two. foot seed-
, aged people to ,settle there and built - - - "Get ready there; freshmerri
. Ls se oolhouse end .re y at his -
the fi st h. • 1 I 7 ' of the •fi-ee dweller in-,tbe summer co ; - .. .
Idle little cockswain ceased eranine' he theugh *""4 only ' '' " a 43 . ' ''.
.. t, - a stioke. An ,t en • tions with the ends cut on th slant f
? • - - - 7 ' d ' - his neck OVer his- shoulder -and,, ,gras" 1)7 hit r6til t° thinking' or:what he Would .a r*adins,of the silo circle..TheeSeshouold
can- easily determine how be snail be - ..1, give If he 'epulit'crest for One -stroke— be. saived out with much care. .After
;own dpens.. ;: - - , . „„ • tage, who is, indeed, not atsleisure but -
"While oWnIng ' five • or six coniforta: ing the ruuder. lines firaily, shotited::' '
hie houses; which -.were empty,' old busy. It is of little iniribitance to him•
who neXt nefishbor is. pleee "ffdadY •_ $5. Yes• $10/ even a week from his sum -beim, bedded in moida' they may b
i in and e dreamed of IlOW • toenalled ;ler. The plates are the
Park,er lived alone in a miserable shan- -ure in. response tho, eight sunhi-,otruca tides vacatdi h
ty and cond washed rindmend.okedahe ean ride or drive to find his friend's,
spiked to top of studs, sryliie
can "ohomte,,like the -Southern- planter Of', boyis 'before hini settled tbernsefres: into Ile:wank)" ile'-en the etiol grass under Same,
dnring ;that, ,vacation; too by 4 inches, a foot ,,apart.
ed for' No one waa 'ever per- their , seats and, . leaning far forward,- the 'tree
entered • the , home of any one' else ity;, dart deVote binaself,-;if 'oval of. .0IPP,ed 'their 9ar, blad9s water,. bitssfully ladir-to mO-Ve-and rill the ' • '
fernier days, his 'own range of .hospita.1-• •
witted to enter. his house; and' be never*
cultivation, to readlug dating a good, /eyes in the boat, cautioned the 1 e is WeaIY hodY swaYerl hack -
There were a few men with whom hi
Ward and forward, .baditward - end for;
would converse,* but he did net , give . manY'hOurs at:. his oWn choleeeot, -if' a* cockswa-l-n' ai'd iheY'waithd .white t'beii-
- me ' flying, :toward theni. ward, svithout eeaSing. , Ile was .1.1101.1t11-
thero bis co'nfidence.. .T.liere Was no man of sport, can find clurin.a great opponents ca
They'beard -the panting ,of the launeh's ed' by that strident,[0isot now grown.
inourning in- Red' Oak'when.'it became part Of the ;year easy opportunities.fbr :
known, . One Morning that old, Periter hunting or for camping: both by 'him- -6-Igihe al-id:then the sound ()Mlle fnS11- ' srangielY'llOarse. :HOW he hated it ,it
had been found •dead in his shantyself aiid 61' the :Young -People of bus; mg '81°118 cleaingi 'the' 'still W'ater'eati ' was ,,ct. ',gib:, ua.°13ni
feallnnd. ,-,e'd, .s.,',1t,d's133' f 121.' ' ;
the “schuh" of -the o• • ' tb 1 *
The ' ,,,r was .* rather one of - relief ' fam Ili': " . d • • d - d . ' ' • 418-111 '?'" r°w (1°158 Now give 'her, tea--.O,P: e:'-'-twe7teh-reee:'..?;--ws.
16. p
.riirsioldarnis shot out on the re -
and congratulation., It Was soon ascer, In the thy'season he. knows before- as And as the* tired creW responded to
tained that his*tiffairs were In a mad. , llaud what engagernents 'cam be made „cevi6n" dlil-le° the ..*°'ld Man's!'" vole° '
again: . i - , .. .., • • . the aimeal.their light beat -fie -alp '
die. He. had left no will, and the' pa, -.1 without ree.rar' ,d :to. :the:. State pre•tbe, ' • .d - •` ' e ' leaped • ' '
. W.ben the ten ,was; over, there
; P.ers in 'the- bands of his lawyers, did- weather, 'since' the state Of the' Weather , f Are on readY, ' freshmen? . Then . forward
4 not represent .the' ',lair a , bis :tosses is Pi*edeterMlinedi. ' _ ' ' g01" ' . -, . ... , • . , - • ; was open..natter 1,)(rt.,Ween them and .thei .7
/dons-, • it was, hardly a fortnight be; • . 1. ,i. ' - ; '.• : - ' t. • ' i : A4(.1,. Wall 011.e 'giant, heave 'they were . v,arsity. ' While' - :the -.L14)0)6410 res . bad
. :Still that,
fore ,a brother and =sister - turned ;tip,. '• i - Anie'lledn'i 41--'''''rulgiulli'd.'. - ' ; " • °ff.:, - ''' .... , ', - , ..,... :. ...' ,-'
&tripped four -lengths behind
each claiming dhe estate, and 'throtigh• • Whatever' May be the,- Volute of Con,rd Bruce kept 'nil:- eye steadily inxeu on little totanclIt iii the Stern' Was ,fiet sat..
hem It was learned that the °It-I.:tan frasbetween as, tliersels:no doubt that, 'the *--(yfq.y, jus, .he3,0na the. port. gild. • Isfied„
31144.peesa p4es;ecieot,dat, teast.; ;; Americans in eser tn6rea,ing numbers waleees Ite-elipped . pasts still- swirling' ' i-I*111 gelhd; tfi„.ePunt till We cross. „e.
80,00* in' gold, when he died. Or tide' ,are 'Settling III Etigianite 'His remark. :and .dimPlingsfrein 'the blow,s, of tbe,;1112O-" he announced, and then begafl.
stout blades *behind blind QuicklY, and „these terrilfis numbers once more:
sum only about VE/0 could be found. 'able*.;howl'inany .hare .made Pertnall'ent
The ,town ,watS! tul'lled -• 'upside down "1-19,11,0 in I--OlIdotiThey -like to live --Yet -with . the utmost. care he .. pulled : "One, two. three,i fonr",--- But 'with _
over the -.affair, ., and- it had 'got-. i t , 'there., , , , : . . ,,: :.„ ;.• ., ...‘. • ,strohe -after :stroke; ,a'sharp 'catch.' III -923"' he stoPPcd mad then called: '
court when, we moved into tbe village Yiiten .an American -Ilea Made h for a 'Powerful heave - then Otit shot h's " i'Let ber
That was inmidwinter As a . hods i tune, he tinds 4 it ,flidttIOtt„. drnpossilth„.., to lia„nds.,7 aud, this t s bon iders,.•foidowo on. , Thank., God. it was over!' Fightpairs
could 'not underatand or' interest mi.- lir•eidliietlillli ills' oWn'i9Pillattr. :There ", the reodr,er, but as - his Seat' ittiart'al •thd 0.f-, weftry bands dropped the oars at
; self • in the legal .effilipliettions of the -is siilnethildgdeltddllO.r.erY atmodspiRite Of. ,iend. Pflle s.lide•he•JIO,W--ed 'ff:down' t, bat -which' 'tiled had been -tugging ' or* es"
reasebut tbie fact that -Old Parke); bad' the ;.,Thrited States..tbat. makes', people -th•erelitigh„t be noSdhe, dkitig,of. the ,boat.; ltilose[tWo long 111119s, and "eight •Weary. '
mesh• This, 's -e "eilt.- into:strips.; dri5',Ossi,
• wise of the roll;' making" pieces_ si-,X**
. _ „ ,. . , _ _ - ,
• eight :incbes wide., " These are. sitsoutid
tightly around a , hoe orr-lirdo,tp bamdl,e...
and sprung .around, the trilnlr,,,stting„
the lower end. about two inches in't.be,.- .
ground.' ' They Stay well in place, are:' -.-
4-.1;e , quiekly -made, -cost little end 'are, ie,"fas:
/ -dents= When set .upon the 'tree r. they '
have -cost about 8. cents each; writes' -a t; .' .
'correSpOndent of National' Stock -Men. • .
- ; , ' •
dititrate Of Setiti For Top Drparsin.,gt. -
At the Rhode Island station this..-Yeati -; ,
. . , . , , , ..
& "top dressing, of -nitrate 'of :soda"- was •
al -Tiled to land sown, with redtop-, clod',
-V,er ;nnd t_ineothy on April, 14 tOre, Very, e.
'soon -after ,the ,grass started' tifi .groyir.7.,."
, The good yield , „notwithstanding, ',,tlier.,,;..
:severe eally di:Ought was doubtless ;at- .... '
frit:A.-table in a lar,ge. 'measure tonth0,; -
fact, that the ,plents -found at disPOsaii.
at, Once a generous- ainonnt -. of 'readilya
" essifiallable ,plant food. 7 There *i's'alsi • ,
ways t likely to be ,a -lack of assimilaldled---,-
ssiti-ogen very ea.rlY in ;tile •seastin; 'or.
• the reason that*the soil IS still tod-edld„ .
to, pe.d.r.cit of thn rapid forisaatio,n of,, ;
nitrates. This explains the erlieleney,, -.
of 'nlifrate of ;soda for 111,e.: spi•ingi top,.
-dressing of .grass 'and- gi'din; -Sillee iti,
-nit•regen. is- already' in" ri, form -sy'llieft'
plants call appropriate at ence. es. • ,• _
News vend NO*c144.--
, , ..
iinereaSfug. PoUnlatituti 't;'ill ,equired
mire. meat. , 'Years ;age,- ,When• ,sheelid .
"yrrire kept' almost exclusivelY for wool,„ ,
and'ihe agettelaualstered-ifor market _liti', •
poor • *comilitionS,lougb aucl tasteless,' •
"sheep' meatd, svids"not popular., ThoSed
daye Sure .past;!-mtflton- issappreciated,is;
antblornb is,a delicaes- that byingssbighd -
"Pr i cb kii " '' ' :Id 1-1 ttoli-'7- eating is rapidly inst
hidden a big' lot Of gold sonieWhe're wishto b,11,111'illed:ieandi„eiat ;tintlisiendedAldli,Htlid:s.e, Veins -ifiendbeffind.dihn' sVere, ;bodies ,slonclusd 00W11. 1140 ‘ their'sests, t sted; fr.- 1i57ei1rso 14;ei0'0-n51tseide- -no
appealed . to 'me , very strongly. ' The -0r9r •hese theY'im.a5" sulidne 'tbe,incari-'.'. doings ii.k. e, wises forenncd, as 'he, cau,gli.t istoo. tired to sib erect. ' . '-' ' "... 7; ' id , „- • , .-- i .dikddi. 01..),radooddidutifdIddXS: , , ..,
nawniill:a10 all his house s Were seareid" 'desdelledsto tile YerieSt glinamer. • Dint ' Ale': iYatel'; he felt the. fralisslieli l'iSe, lie;d,' ll,rliere 'leaned'''0Ver. the Win - Wale' and. ,len4ths'of*stilds, InaY.he'used, lapped to
ed t but lin ' t,l'ace ' cO,uld ,. be i found,. 'ellieif among tile attractions that this neafl-ii hilt); and- quiver ' likes a illy ing ' Plunged , his as Ms info the cold, 'eleiti iiet• the dentin ..tilixisienS,•:sind if.eurteens•
It was generally believed that he had 'ecidratity'-•bdsSfor Athedieriffs 1St -that they • P,hitigs-'" A thrld*, of:Ai:saltation:passed ,ivater.". ;Perfectly ;content was be as, will' give a' silot3Cfeeidleen; Lining's,
burled it, .butt. :Until the,stiOW melted 'no' eau es,e7a5el„ tithe,'7,- neWSphijetiTs. • Herei-'th,roidgh every- man, 1/i-theetewi. Theyt.. filled With ther,jOy e1.triitmpli,.,116 gaZed al'e Madedfrona,SenciingSsiWed to give.
or couldbemade ,to find the -cache. i''wealtiii<PerSoria,Cn ,-send fhben. m/Sdes- kneW"then ,thatthe' dletery,was ;ttieirS,-, :Odor il,l'e flitit darketthig bosom ef 'the one-half ..... h. -fell -din t'tliinkiteSs; ebutside
' On.. the' -.14th day of Karel), with :six., cis .re.P13' P -,i theli.=';Wigld, and '.itheydstill P,,-,4‘:the 'first ' tinid.' theYidhads felt th4; .1ili''-e a'5,4"hP the bill to Where, beruand.* siloathing'the'saille;:Siolni2iftir 511051 113
nelleS.,Of snow," Still on tlik., gyound; i i remain Private Perioned• i ',*.: • ;. 'i. t Shell Iirme and ithat',iiinelled 'victory.- ' ' dthere," 'a light alseatly; twinkled .en- the .11e1 28f feet, olltSid(ddbirneter,l, common
vent 'With my. father , into .t1' ' ' it* ' These rue soni f. thd ; = . - t 'And now the little ie cies ' r a campus Anc] 'as `e ' ' ' " .. Siding 'rabbeted -71110'd(l'• et,' et ' '' 2q
, Ie. Woods I ... ' ; - t• 9 0 nt ; I easons why kn. • ss se • .• i. • , --O, ' tYeain . ,oull - s = ,,,, , ' 4., - • ..- . -.; .da:69 - . id - ' d • • ' i 1-1111.. id . vet •-
lortd,of•wood„, „Nye had ,asdoire r, the fAlitericatieCoload:in the 'Brftish .me.„: "F43. V.U"'"' ." ' '', . ' , ,, , ; , ' §IVUOPF,i '11*a ; the toWer.',tbe 'ciliated,
oalter a f oxen and:a Sled 'and When 1,1 e fl • t Itropiddis grows="eivery yelp t B t 'th f-"SteadY . boYs'. 1..e.tcly!" be il d c P(;aled fort.1)..6 •Evenine., "gong ",--.
- • , •
.waS liearied 'up !nye r rove , , - ' "
father is /nose subtle 'reason- •.' xor;
dm"leans. .Ideep• your eyes on • the stroke -de -itch' isew
off' With le'ftStne' behind to ,entA love to came °ere- T,he. widths' Ilas' se, .„ d7-1 „. r
it cisc] ,. deidil- a .1.0ead aSil'.andS:[rk
• clear ,tt "road' idtillied to '-rei'S • ManY'''Atnerloadis• and ' ..ff'llend.'dritid a".4iirte tOT.-tritini. .17A;11-1',"hik1;' ;-;,,,..---'"4e., i.,..,....J.4'...),I'v'
- 'd o; bit 'or 'ii, ,',,,,itni - . ..,' , , , ,, i. ainloSt 'ill' Of- theta' idln't 4.tiat '''yl .,..0' de ;voice .-he'shousede -- •, ' , , - " - ,, Abraham: T In&litl." wil4' ',i, 't' I Ot
'- ,11,..f,ter he 'is ,ptlt ofgigilt I eat :,downi ' tr:i'n g ;f9. ;'1.13. 'gland 'theY .iltie'doMing•fto it... '.‘17.l.:e - gat°1°g!' h°3S'I'We'r.e' gtItning'', J'Ilitit'is "Yettl°*6'';el*'s-,1°'' the' 131Sek' ElaWk
. ,
on,a; log to wrilel'i, . A ' rg.h.blt • heppinkss,Plade'for,.Which tbey',have a .gtetit re 4 :1cedlY 14P'lll"), •';',. • '‘';- .' ' ''''' Is;nr';;:,:.'41‘:'Nol'Pl'an''''.bia-Pgd.adIetticithia
about. - . I May -. bayedspent • *"tive•'en in dspeat .and, love,' where' they expect.. to '. ' Py, '-''-thi.S,''t/Ille' Brii6e4,s d'breath =NOS, '"Life 'of thicOla' 'relates' that 'daring
•Ufea- 'tvatelling,• the ';' attlthal . when 'ti isdn0 '7 eVerYthlug : finished al964iidg
•ind dordery : .f.ast."", and , the ;great 'OOPS n
.cif. this clonaign ''1,ineoln..onee ' had- 'ilia'
. . . . . . . ., .... , - ,.. ,.. . ... .. , ,. ,,,.. , ... „ ...., „ , ... :.
SlIgh,t, :,n9i§e, at, my i•Ightestartled Ale:1 auc -'qulet,-,--tondon.Teledtraph .:, -. ,' ,. ' ,'sweat -Po re 0, . bus ' ace ibm an — •company' marchingin.a column 20 tnen
'and -1 1601,640, 'around,. to' tind .00, John_ , . . ..;,;;.; ,;;.,;,, ,. ....,;, ,,,, , .,,,,, ,,, „„ • - . ,,, ,, ;,. , stantebe velitu,red totglailee'dwaY. 'frOild 'Wide i:Whetlibe Was,' StiddetlYdcOnfrOfft-'
'Darker .sitting Within, ten feet 01? me ' • ', ' .t. ' ' - . '14'60:11eilititf,': ' , -: ''',Y; '''' :t his, fulteb:Of ,.N,'Vtl(-Ot°,. Arid eift•of.the 'Cord ed."- With ' a high fend :With di
ies, had ;been • deserfdied, so -often .that " . `No, e :said ""'Farin,e,t., -:ideddergraII,S, her pfethiff."eye' be -saW, the ,othettsbonta •
• .,... .. ... ..t,..... - , ..• . ... , , .
•therecould,,be 'no mistake; :It. was the i'd1that, BoRtOn•feller• that' edineS here to .POW ,irdeirig 910113 00 .9vetl,'"terins nnd,
'little ' old 'Olin ..Withe'the ',et -fel) ,Obi.i' 1. '..'ruP:gie. Paper 1199°9'-'t 894nit:e-get;a16iig,' iiiii lialf:' 4'16-t'grAi- 41feb.d.': -'P,.'it'il8'' '0'''.
dorei.tt .ttie,:, tong hairs the ,Seedi'tgatd ; -7',*.e0 well, Our refits' alidit, 'Much' 'e,or 'Called' li'Y 'tile; yOiee of'.tlie.eekelcsiyahil .,• '
.,,tneat,,$ the, Oa'tOzirt,'Oa'p,,be Vii,00' eVery. ,§,t,Yle!,,,A1-1, WI;fep, 1?le ,refarred,. to .t,t,',8kIlsi ''''',:7.43,":„Midigaing . to giVet'Oil . ten, ''fellOWS,
. day in ,tbeYear; He hail.a.drk".blicilat'lrinle.'.4,,,"Alke1),Iiierl-nl Pa.44116''"the - -44061,1 it':'et.,tilt'c'hil''',oll'A'.'6g01:4'
?feet- Cuitsitleseemmen,',itirep.siding", or
6fili.;i1aii may be fu-Sech--47,.• -
tt :
, 1:3110,nehimigCteleis „,
IL( Marlie:t gardens„ Serfs of
'tiehaMeS bayes to die, folloWed to save
laboii in ,ari
.reMoviog*fitcfiatinal bitter 'dfoiftlity.
,t1Ines:: the dare ;setdelos,e td,
:getljeile os,,th spar daily -shade ',dine;
another; iansuiinaliy:bokrdsT'aiielset
'Creasio,;". ... -
Liquid airs by the Triples Proce,es, .719
Ilie dairy business: , • ,' i , ,':
o be- used foli-Fefiligerittillg ire rpeSeS ill,'
A eeerdflig , it), a, seedsalati,Ptill,likiii"
(1. sottaslies grow to highest. perfees'ts
tiozi in Idati,sas mai „Nelirrisi;a,,afid itiisl
froth thees states that inost of the see
in the marlt.et 0,0115j$, , ' ', , ; ' r
The lied- ...o,c.cupation of "forefiterd.
cite wIlieh la eaid ' to promise: well for'
young trten, the pay being good tpd.,t' e
rigirLitgainst,the,plantin,theirows., 'At. ',[i0-1,,i'.,as -vet 9°,lndrir,a-tir, tt.itiout'l
a e'
The ore...tter, nowe-vel ,,nsi.i.
otherd flutes 'albino -• vitt iettes al e c „ it to or„t;1.1,vite lit
• ,
tt ,Open
gate, sdliroligti td'Ilielf '0111Y °n° Ta", -they develop no, green OriefflorolihYdliAls d h , f ; t ,thd
_ 71iloYeil tliat''seera ,blanclied b , ,- '
trap out a' pi:in for, cutting ilta , Is
could!Pass at a ;time. I -Ie had no, .„dett. in:ft-Eu.1n their .,t,rnettire„ •B:tit'-‘,'t.,hp,t)It.. '. lung timber wit te merle° o . , ; .
off till° perloops?;s1;) whacyh'in,01tgecelt t1,1111e. elPoetilliPiallitty°,i -11„.12,-,:ot'asht,c''dyrecl'1"Igeri'l'aintidele'rs, -fife' Proe9ss 0 01°111:e88LIt'°111.1.,S; ''%;I'Y'llit(111 afstitt'1111.19ePII1( IliCialg"It or°:tr*iplittitlge
s.ng,e filo so - d r . t- .i S „ d - .., - id, frees, etc. '‘
iiild said':hk ' '' ' ' ' I-e°Irthitlgt'll;)'';14* 3° c°11 11111'()I'''r ta,teSt reports are of Injury ti) the ox; •
iiiTh'ilaY 11 cillniSsed- 'll'ilt i' rc(111'li'q*Iii).1*.itril :s6111111(1/11'' r''eilil 't.' i 111. e Arge,nthia,wileat caiop tta .,
''‘,43,-,n'e. tilsr linreediatelY'.a.ttel' of 'bo,Nvatelv..64,11,`,,. liven no ,Inuch the het, 6;Ptiooeretta,4e,,, 0.gt itt.issian, crop,04
.1)ga that gatel", ' ., alty'S 'Iteebati 4 .4outiiilr; , , , , t
cough; he bad bushy gray eyebtows;„ b0,11ddli , tao' bb e5e5 Wit"h; thefal* RertdY ‘,W14
bc .had missinir teeth, 1,•le sat these Uhralckll altinfore Amorlean, three -good work, hoys- foiii1 five gettid
•- ,