HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1901-1-24, Page 64.4f,
• COs-rEl_Lo.
W.011'''ilen emit le911e14.raAlln,iO4;41:11e1:111;es' 1 1 I 111 1
- might now have taken lo L•Lte Krt 3733vot.
ifT FeT0'.-'Syt " -1 CI 1IN S C.)
had we so taindk..q1, as we had coine (alt. 1.
tt'aat thergst/44k9-0t1h.0-§4,me:'.1xeiP; • 4%.,-;
(0 rt 110 leviter, but 'on the -whole we
tit -01110h ill best otherWi1e, and 1,0 SOME OF 5ThIE tiNTLEFt b'EX VERV that`tleY. ° ; Billy is troleel.
feteheki e bgttln to' thi1' • tr ;, Ct to a•oellt each
ri,%L;:e.i-rde:ili-'16,-c1"1.11d.1:0-, s\,,,:iiitni:0''Ll'nnttollitle-eo`dl...`tut'13,),,i,,OB3-e'11;41-ut°1-1.11.-'ee 11:y iii‘ tv.' :vit't:.1::,tlic c,.,.. 441`1,3,' :11'11111,0, rt. e e1':....::',, 1:6111,141"(11,1"top9ItIde.,6°Fladsil'ot4ti.libt, I'Ll:'45:01,--ab,b§'4t,i)rjailc,ghtl;tlav°e! 'illicit.' bethaS• a ,husby'tail arid bi,--..;-tellow
p ,. Ilkellt, , kit it ,doep tut ,itlie settino' ei the B.11 • , i f I- f •1
. ,, . ;-/ , ' eyes. 1 y is...rout o US 0 ‘S'Il tutu y,
a beautiful eatl' HIS for is and
• • ; , - Nistelt( o oc.e, t tr,.• ... l lii,„ • ielvelfit he •savs, to ve 4 -Sight "glo've , . . , ' • 'l .' ,i- ,-. '1 I 1 s
ft , seeeaed lighter here„ .w.s.e space i, ...!' , i, , l'I'4 .1),'".7 "''--• '.-.1>..,11 LI- pnlied,‘.0n,overlthein„ ,...,.0t,...tic-re is -tiardi but.a0 VV. 1.1,1,ake fili.-"co,?,oli11-,Y, ant at i
aba a trim Ns, a's na ore •0.)en, a. d. the.c, ear eiaceir•4 of W0111011. 7,1.1/1A;4tyg:0(3. , ill. mfr., , . . F - • , „, , ,,'',,,. ''••c* Z ,' Y hates, other ,ct.1"0. 4;12 :ti. , gtf.:47.1g 1)1.11-S3r ,
1 ' Tj' . L • ‘' N• , •i• 1-1)Pel''`tPe- '(u ales' •''lle "Pais '-°' dares $. Taco in 13ill .'s bael- '
jet ty appeared. 1.0 bu deserfed (1.41deed, . "Aiid this 1.11031,'' said the yowls' NA'ont, hh-i F° g -e a `&.ave °Vel'I th."nlIP'vh° d°°3 th t e t .ett '1 'n''' l,a'' P' 11 i 'el- ' I
all °Id.'" °1 -le) 'little' ItSe('`)I autl an, refert'hig -to tlm Iasi. name Oa the' lis ••,..' .P9,t,§P.. 4.71)-1.e,e4:, -.-t,il-l'l-, '), lli•-••ule.,,i,',...,-..17'4..,:ir.g„''iitr-eat'l - ..';'1")ne-taaiii; in*'ainii-nnt's--wi.lins lici;o1llYsgt":ult o'f the I
' as' far as ec'uld he seell 2.1°'' a Pers°n `"will git-c iiie a eleck thnio'rrb-WL •ksdthen't{";/Pe..hotttka.. -niii, •Pball.e-,,Oknr,,,,,,,,,7h,,,, aishe winde,w and she s.a.tw sneh„ a aui,isas sight. j
(tret,ch of ilaater,laY just before.. „ , (''‘V ' 11 114 finger -orminients that; ,ili'S'•011pOSSI; L 9 " • '
• • • YIird,- there -is iibVnd 'to' boa, fight,Alliless
, "VVr.t-,3 in the rle.,1",o.11bo1h0oti.-t,,,trlie.stars ; ' ,
v was. yitig a the eoruer o thehouse
(Copyright ;89G, by D. Apple.1‘11 & Cu. 'All rielt5 reservoli ,
Vo were past them presently, flop, the place 'with distinetness, yet one
ISailiag 111, and having gone •Otit.by ,the 1tnee'resoived
in the e-at,ranee stood the. senorita,
pale, aud "1"4..,ith her 'yellow hair fallino-
down her shoulders.- At her • back
were the'detalls 'of tlie room, mainly
a little ciunlorons ,furifititre .and the
scant drapery of the'barred svihdows.
• -.1-\,s soon- as thel, poor, creature got
the; light fairitl-- ftpCn ' us; ...and• espe:•'
cihIly•ii.s semi as she niadc. ant the Cap-
tain,. she 'ran, forwar.d and fell on her
knees- at his leer. ,
, • .
"011, senor, may- Christ reward you!
I had all but ,giyou'up hope 1,, ,
all ' right; senorita,"
'faid the captain, aWkwairdly. Ile for-
ot that the lady did not unclerEltan.d•
his E.nglisla He' -gave her :his. hand
'and, she -rose,"-lholting'.SWeetly and-
g•ratefully at. the •reSt.of us, •
But this 'w'aS rio•titrie for seritimenr:,
iminediately witlidreiv.a little and
look counsel trig -ether. '"T,Irere.seentt‘
up. I now thought, a faint bit of light. , to be no new plias.e to ,the matt,er,°'
was stealing down froiit, the passage, said Mr ityan.„ "The,senorita,'-sidisguise
,Inse, guessed that it Might be nothing will still serve."' ' • - -,, •
but starlight I glanced as well as I "Saythe captain -and Igo first, said
could' by the .eaptain, and kept -Mr. Mr. Tym. ‘.`The lady and 'yo'ui.Arddck,
Ty-tn'S figure in a" Vag,ue way in view, would do •well -to conie locx.t, 'and -.Mae!
feelingwith some quickening of the .ritrecli canlbriiii.. up the. rear. We I
pulse, thitt it must now be soon that lie tinu:i3,.„
tall takecare 'to; Strollalong eare'1,1
won ach the top and cornandel. e
the observation of -the , guard.. The •We int,o7 the usideirrstood order.'
flight was long, but prese-ntly I saw ins ReenrdingiY, 'and;in silence passed out
n'gure cut out black and more distinct, , into the passage.' Mac IVrachlingerec3
and knew he was in the pasSaf,s-e* and P. and took the precaution tc
. • obstructina. a•vitindow. It wasnow eer close the' door, and we -were 'thus 'for
lain that there was no' light, slave of, the tinae;-ii,2 comparaltive clai.kness, the -
the stars, and this na-ustle the're•ascaa stars fetching, the place" Out. Only in
why the guard had not as yeit . per "
ceived him. •He turned, or I 'caught I touched my ellacti,V,to the 'senorita's
• the narrowing of his shape, anidiranae,' • to encourage her,: ,and
tilt -Lie -1y {the windcm, was ,free. agaiz ,e-slipPe.dr:rsoftly along, anctLwithaut
and now he -had surely advanced down hearingan,alarnaing soUnd reached. the
•thetpassagc. . ' ; head of. the st01rs, -. Bei1e Mr.iTm. I
I slipped alongside the eaptain,`and. •halted, but after ,a--olance 10 1
. be looked at me, the wonderment , Tdeseend.5. cattelaing,the noises
lus face „ponatng.',,ourtn'-the;faini Iightlici•w- plainer f•rbra•belovri bu notli-'
We were now close to the to Of the ing menacing,- ;qUietly:_ifollOivedi
but as yet could „not:don-I:Maudbefdre,' We found this. a•ear3vni_tdi hall
. • •
. the',:paisagei the, qon1innd wa1l 'out- Kale' .and deseytdd, gave -
tin g us off.. Of'a sudden l'hea,rd"a soft, glanc'e.' back at 2 us,41s;tlioub
- long step • and the -window above dark- that all ' were' rdad,,V,-;nid -with a' bold
- • -endil'g'", I rooked up and .saw Mr. T-ru. Step passed ,on. ,and :turned in the 1
"All's. well," he said, in a sharp Whis-- 1100 apt SclLnugeI fell",n clielese.1
per full 01 relief. • ti,I'he coast is,.elear." pace, Or t.w9. followedLI
This0,yastlsuch'ifta.ve...neWsitnat:for .did',11.0yEheSilLate;'',13 lid d
t. , • • • "
cm inst4ntjtratriy br.ought the cap- tremble he
.tain' an "naa 'ltd.' a standstill'. ll'fet only, heart, flor.thereit,yas but small danger,
• - • , • • • •• ,•
, while (doe catch his fireath. We ancl 2C.).sating131'°s'ef'-.1 nos arM:haild
made a straddling bound' of it to the %ITU' mine, andy'l .that1we----"P:ass'ed
.1eAch close behind. All Was had left if: ''.The
We opprortupity,„caneers • we1e-. stilt silt ing • or y]ng
a•31 Ty.nr.,•••sno.,-15-,--as we .,i„.e.re about•,-sa, Wlio nursedlhisiarna andftilr-ty 1esitLe him Yonder -
is • .the • •Walk..ecl. 'up °Wm- and the ha 7:e
door ; Master Ardick,,do you hail' the d..? 'ue1.4;
„ sen,prita„ and,. then p,roceedi as speed-''Lluare:9-tu: ,•Clo\Tar..'.036 „T", Anust
' aS you can with -thelareikiniin,tt cOnfe's, 'in 'shine p01turbatio,
Made toward the vattite.d gasSacc.„-e. 11
The-, business wanted 'no'
. leussion, and quickly we were all be- seemed an Intel. linable distance, but, '
, . .
g 10 iny,treniendouslirelief., no at -tempt.
'foie tlieedoor.'A`TeiY faint ofli
•came frqm the A)p6.'nhut nil7,,,as _made: to and af,ne
k,elLole' ba,sseci; sLier •
- le..''1211-e..tit*--sti Plat
tain :that the door waSlOcired; I first
of the strain. was n OW oyer, -,s•Vitli a
i " , entiy -tried ,t; butf oun.,d congratulatory- look Or two hut no
,.• , z "Pected; 'the .bolt 'shot rSto-Croirigt the -w°rcl§?' for '1.'Yere t -i)9 776;
," .ajid. tent ed tiie.court
narne raising m5'm5' voice a.. ." s I ;eontinned ion
to ithe keyhole,',I,spolre, the, seclf rita's Here we otip d the former disor der and
a • -,e,dnfii4rtigOir. Of-- l'411e:!..1516ea."11e'ers
3 d, • • stragg,ling, about _laughing or re,aring.
- Thebe was a itt,"t„le stirafidi.11,r'psent- drunken songs, soate orderingivti:teir.
s aq!slialt-en) am; • arms, and others in groups
reafward, door were at laS`t in the hail'.
of the stairs. Here it was dark, save
or the little illumination. of -the, buc-
enueers' caudles, and all deserted and
We did not close the door after
as, both because the lig-lit 'was of chute
time and because we thought tlie !let
would seem suspici,ons, though, indeed,
:the fellows.had scarcePappeared to no-
tice us. One thing ssow,puzzled ,itte a
little, Which was that. it seemed so
dark at the top Of the stairs. To be
sure, the guard might have deposited
his lanthorn, or candle, at the far end
of the passage, but even then, I
,;shoug-ht, some faint light would show.
However, there was little time to
think on this, even supposing it to be
, of impart ...for Mr. Tyra had already be-
.• gab...to ia•Seend \the stairs. We fell into
his train, the captain first, next, and
'Ado Ivra.ch-last, and all crept softly
inide some sliow, ni-ietcilttng oft t e • The timnager, shook Iiiihoad dubth1,cars' aturanatrona .the'• Vai.lot4 ''',uniung-r;h°11sel-1 t9r-
eNpanse 01 the, ba,y, which gave aWider r .1. don't take any'stodk 'in his-Pro41!.11Plitee's
bouridarY seaward ; than one 0 OUId is." he said. "Ile is ti,dit as thoilbitgkficrly, '00 the washstands'.',..than ' Wffs 1 the
liavo ce,cd, and ort Inc left tht.ie mi a tven and slippery .as •eet, 1/6440.C',nage.,a,fess- years, g,o, and ),tins proba-;
was a quickening to MOTe, and bright- 'cr pay,s anylhingz till he has to; Etel 151Y because large M40)110,11 of is
er lights; Whey& the% sh ips • and small os that smile old gag about Paiing hl4'd seeme to haYe'n'ad° it i'-hle‘t°:he°6'
era Et laY. I could notw'g.ive soint: toinerroyir for the laSC six mmitals."'-' ' brtuttPl.,,ents.,:-1u •the1r-
was off :the land; tiiough. -as yet, it said the -con nti
'r •• •d thiS time!, they ba he their liana. -1.k Woln M7. it
tention to 'the wind Which' I iound "And, w.. "cl,onidno tuootiifiii 1„),,,eantic,ni
04. 4J41V544 44i4 44' And he wonlin , 1,11e ve \v.1,1"ea, sIght, but she illuStration, ot, 4 icor.
seemed, not confirmed, in strength' tam sortof care, and it 4454 -Very'refresh-
I • 't,1 t tl ' w
could • -
was Inoacrate sivell orijt a othwarend-ttbuyaiettinintitighcflienciltlfroiritihae."full ea11,;O1141-.'l, °Re'l len'Pne' Q°1-1" elS 'the 111-l4•Ther
d' 1 'tun- 'who -are f°r6ve1l.having ',adVertiq 51°41°
ten bY the 110 w rising ,ariel nk.ing of coo was so extraordinary,: that. the: inaw.:,,yal able thfouolf their o*oit 6are,„
hardly 31101e. than- a sniall stir. There ; - .1 .-d -• •
the' sbiPS,,land. the nia.: was „kra,rni,,with a toter 'scratched his head • in • pernleiltYi: Journal.;"1
kil'A Of IT01:11C smell and heaviness. ' "Well," he said, "yob. certainly an re -r,
133 this w ver 11 p011 the intirliahly fine collebtor:"..
jetty Mr. Tyai and 'the captaialwait- And after the yoin-t, Woman, Half t46,
in.* a.' bit till 'ray companion' and. I het dinnerttbid had takep'.Jime to ,g perienea with their iSerVantS, conies', from •
' ' both the ineal .and the Compliment :he. "their not knoWino• hbw. 10 treat thenii,- and ,
. ,
eould corrie no. - .-• she 1,,,as in..,.. this claLlictilty '-•could generally. boe'ott,eri,,- 0 4 ottr, N
the she. can taire 'cd'i-Eade, t°t111.1e, ,e°nel-usi°11 that ' " liOUGH•
- Jell 1""''' i'cl 1 ' " ' ' Was '''''-'"- ' '' 'e sat ` ' find sd t bl Sous says Ilonte Notes, " ' ' * - ' d- ' d ' 1 b
1., "I -11 la 11 fetch the sloop and it's ,„,•„:, Loi ,, ,I .
-' - ' took napele, a 3Iongr -tdi m'aet ttollefinbdItosituite' stsyhat7It '-'ill.611ilagei'obalionnit:raensdse,°pItaisclinngg th,theielinPse7Ivels.s ?ie - One 'beard 1,11' the i''''{Cek"fenc lq ItOw.4,1iiattnicle 11.
long' breath no \--V," said•Selling.ei cheer -
g o od-by to this hell -hole!" ' ' at teadhin-a., st6/10.glra°p11- ,"?-l..tarnielacttethilYr 1,1glit(;1•:,. thought 10 the Pesit3be ef.''the ullild they through
'''i Ntrvliahrliobtielitgsohniealie. b:Thr6oh\eYeylichi'laorint.1)e6petia6npatiproi4itlIgnb' I atglniz( and
e e, . .
The caption' now, left Us, and -I suGums., ressmaking and •pinn:,gr-4,.,phhy' coGyi;i,,e,,,.oftit,,!-Itie,o,fitraststeli3..vina,g,,i?St thhaeiv.,,,,,,isyvoinuild dis- . ' - . -m-• - 1, i'i h d
s'ianT an to 'nibble the grass. amine a g e
g *CI ' lied th ch'Idren to see.
gss':2esitfetdo tli.etit, nvi,1.13;1cch.°1.11I fPoatiii/i (.19'n11ev‘r6a4. 1pda sdso- i TIsrteeeriesIsi'ticti'Yn edatiadiY 7i.,.'-iai'ndaof a•ciolitilleeetii'nngq.'• •,- thno' that she Ina.:V--call'hcr °*.n' 'for evell i a` riBucta Billy saw them :too! ',IIde,',fnov, ''• ,
ahl,e-pjace ,d0 03 pr..eadang her c.eak 1 ‘,.-m.y" rust, 0114)197, iment. 1,.'va .c"\-:i,th, a when all the Cleaning of. the day is` done,
:While I loolted. anfrionsly in the d'
, -, 1_ ,,evel y o y,,
owners owed everybc i , and ,- h de ta, ally- moment to S '-til h' ' i tten I 'make a sting and the' indals seived, the 1. -ill nifty ring ' his tail angrilY"'afid crouched own
uns on et , 0 fl. ( , - , ; ' ' '' L .° '
- When .1iisit(?'"S,'Who sv-ire these Strane• k
p.poti the .pbinirs; , ,' .. : Small publishing house,:up „ town. tali' '
... , •
to some entirelY "unexpected duty. that ',dared to come- into ItiS` back .
rection. vs/hence the captain Was. to Owed then?. TheY Paw nob°45", and 1:1°::''
be expected.. a,• groi square oi,e just a,bout
.ivi ia,st . bedtime comes, then, •the o•oin - yriArdll? ofIleauuticatc dtrii,vewthlii'leneitobatitno.roat,,,, Was
b : . i tj, an lin,
0,i1,' lin e ,tbIevde3',.dba311,sidt(t,LideerlilsionIsttraotoekto my own sat
ing in bri,,.,,-htnesi and -freshness that' it e,_ itoldia,g lier _breath for, fear, there' Wag a
i - a, _, to which. the girl retires.!s often so want,.
roke o-ut of tlie; obSch • -'
isfaetion that IL had at last, struck tho -
"mediatelY gr°t'ing. "proved to be he the level of m abilities I began straight off encisesa-Very' bad effect uben her spiritS ' sciamble and a clatter an the °thee side.
and she goes to- sleep reeling, eves, „and of the fence, and - hiougls that very same
c1cleoul 1.? te ed 11.• • to take in money, and "when at the end
'I uttered 1101110 exclamation of, satis- of the first week 'the manager footed up tniserable., ' • hole Boxer, the neighbor's collie, poked,
A t sho h he. d his head. Poor ,BOxer,- he tried soT hard
factiOn; and Dona" Carmen was quickly Ifis receipts and found -that I had collect-, servan ' 1- ave 1 regular
Pn , loci. feat cr•vin'e„: "oh the blessed •ed subst.,rintions and advertising bills to ties and nothing snoisie should b71' heal/ell. to get through to 'save his little "friends
g upon her. ' She shoiderd have her resuilar, .a°,....,:e111,soutindll.,,tigloIttYpuBs1h11Y1;tshisito'tthi edle'tshtehrsotluigekti! ,,.
soAait!'„,' and we. hastened over. ' the' amount of $1,000, which, considerin
tici I '4. s non tuck y managed. The , the size of individual• accounts was a sum times off and u
y should ole be asked t no emislisdelati°n. ma
'illie sloop low and awkward. to geta. antd wueacsktcaondd'eeepalliendthn4cem.'hir'ees,lsried,tw. c'ITolar.,!icfii'buke e f_ 11 fenttheinmga'nli di, ss:ti:e, u ue h a: ' gbievl, upee' U.'e'sri dtelim.iite es 1, 1'1-I.:lien ds- Leta' nebtocliteliddYrhisv:tinvniej:°f°13ilta6zrt ill lazily as ea'esfliu„ainfnu-gt3O6' desanhthyi 3,
,, had_.considera'nly declined, leaving. as high as Pike's pe ti he fell on M.
and, the swell Churned' her up
doWri, but bye passed tlie'se'norita saf 'pulled out even by the band of a hea 6 of the,„
.ssants oaniad ii,r,iga.hhtes,aesehael,h,aiiti it`4Tghey,aadre,,,tn'iottweoarthhactihte otroublsounotf;fight:
ly aboard, and Mae Ti i - e , a t e so fan p o ia. y offer to rem - ,` ,, ".7,11b ht,l, i lits' cor
L eh, who e” born collector. Th ir li biii i s v 11 r i i•ii
last, , urn ,o , in an n.noyea _oil. ..s le,\actieoto elayt ion]. bankruptcy,
their game • -,d d h 1, .. ' ' ' -
, this lasit it s
, s nece,ssally .. , ,,- , 1 0\71%r:tors, earned Be oxaeyr hisawndatsethiseddiehdimi-oluteheer
the bow swung' rOund the,c.aiptaih gave refuge they finally ,sou" gh't '-wihen- 1- had Min" e.-Botteican'ii, ',.. --, ' while. , How' itnalainsint atheanrdabtlii,ets'chhAolpdpreel,n
a'. Pull at .the sheet and immediately collected 99 cents on every dollar 0001 ng 1 As
, many Peeples are.'aware flie Bon Illd laugh!
theo o orii yerked out and, tlic.sail filled.' to. them, I do not tell this in a, spirit Of olvflapreahrei,s, 0,,,ylliaesOtfl-lethleifegrwe'oanthesto;e:aMp'woorniitunvr;s,....1linnin;- and ' 'Pik. n--1151eld himself up a•L;(11
went to sleop.-Linsetrinati Enquirer. ,i• -,i
We :taok-. a long dip and slide, and on vanity, hilt simply to refute the statement'
lookinc, back I 1.ad the satisfactin 1-' that a- WOMan Couldn't earn 'her salt" at • the itistlY tandoirs Mine 'Eaucicault and • -' - , • •, --
- *u
Too 8•Ro)irr For Poi)n.. ''
emporium of The
-10eit'cle"Pn?' a gre'at-.4aP'9-Pen.hetwe-nn•s 'this town who'a.re so employed and- 'ea .c '.n„,j_ 1 . ,. . ,. it ssas litetauly the.i., first: ', • ' ' '•-i.'' ' :il''•:pal:;lien"eti2.Sear-9f4b. s°nn ut'ft.:t-tuli'eok`ad: fe`ua'
' ° r°11(rting. I khd.cv a°z9h"women
31111' kind eVer seen ,Mme . Baticicauit*W s
4,nd' ths,jetty. ,So,muehof the bus.iness. is considered gem 0.rigreftpi.li,9`,0 13;, her ' . weinan possessedof....a, 'greatliekr, ri.:s ' . recently °C m -e ole..P1 " P°8''
. ,. , _-• -. • . - . ' sessor of soine guinea pigs.- A, day at
tt . • , assured. . '
•• •
eraployers. • - ; ' t w s awe , anotteas httlpal 0_ aincl s meotnn.uns;.; ; tawco cage
thley were sa -
,The captain,'n, haule•alin his 'sheet, „. wes • side urniture,-dealer
9, fathei: ,
41J3 lug' that VI, ,-, 070111(1.,11,0t piassto lo •ed a wonaa-n collector for several 11 .
has' 21-ces, tb ihelfiet that ltr "-t " a 1 ne7d.: neocihtusiyieonnt, namboounth,lriat.gipniof.y
ships were r.cally, 't.e.i,-,..en" at -le
. 1 s (it is ,aubtfuti iftain4e, yemealirs 3'said , that if there. was an one hylljeiri on reallY co-oPerative'PrineiPles,.. •‘• a ,,,aelp,, ,, la which ,guinen ,ogs play 1 :,..
thing he could take " time to., talk: elf orlit ,, shi.d. that _•eaoh ,of her „shopm.eO'.Ne'7,-,,."it seems these yolingsters knew of
the city fell: The purpeiseidf ole stori,.. even in his bn'stest 111,61:01'its it. w1hteiree iitid _sh°l'it'uneti' as -111 -01 euiirse.'as all -'prothinent part. They started' tp.yh9ok,', •
r Meri„fs of the woman collector. `,T those concerned with the PittelY youngster, and they. caught him
, ,,,,, ‘,- • , and -fast.-
clerical the
west: We`•,(lid, indeed, give the ishi-P-s-• tiniTtstiorws6itinidans'ty hCaaviiiae-':i.t.FP.,e't'Siley°aatttaer)-t1Podn_ .NhFeirtio,daoinhga:tc'hillisthlie' l)frultthse.r N;stttieboli'llstheendt l'• ' d ., ,, ' •
He -felt so in.'badf abbut it that
_ber,t11,-,,' 1,1„),,on .dwhicif S. e.0.1-1---":11,er s‘ecnt.i.he.i.,,, -eitlie,1, liV;yalf oppehsvomtan_coe, ecn ote„:vaa `e„-ml.e. ,0f1rest,-11°Ili,daY',.. horries,l,a hospital and an , tD1 owa;mt.ihehnvuisvet,p.ap-a' le '''34:,n'10
lin:Ad a -
, , i
1 ' fannntlitythf" tt ndahnda.'1(1 her
dlaea'it19' it' was ' • •
‘,,,,,,,,.01, an ,..„ comp, ,..ta.oui, „. _i.- pity a 1 . •,, Physically the \VOL' 1." f,or th t ,f , ,,,,,guinen. pig by the tail that its eyes will
sloop s nose pointed at 'last, seaward. store is hail There is much walking to' . oun a : she a IV e , el vas 01-- , . .),, ,-._ - ..,.• -„
able. distance iritci the. ,bay, and the . `AI
'' ' ' ' " ' ' 1 '''' ' -cireoVer,,nianY of the People' who •bit3;-'; ' ' ' '- 11 ; '
be climbed tune among her _worlters, the, suns left ',LH
in each, case 1being caref.0 y- giaduated ' ,,, - - I told - ' h
...8y -ill's time we had triadd a -car s'de--- 'be done -.and-litany stairs to is_.father laughed outright. -
ontlines.'of the shore 'i id . our goods on the installmedi plaii are dis-- acciardinget to the time ,,the leg,",-a_repi had ,i; .' "1-`37, -who ,m w•olicer3'011 sac F
i • ' stuff as that' Louis V' 'it ' ' • '1,
to an: - .00 ,..1 1.. .., : ,,..1, . • g to • 4 W Wcomesto _ . . . Marche•.., s-Iy
- • • •-a recable. ;de I with • when it -, .` -bean in the service of the Eon .= i Th 6 =oys: ii „, - that ' L,,-- 1- , d
• ", ' • - • - • , ., ..--' • . collecting. But that is where I find the Chicago, Record " • , , •
., Louis, sober as a judge, and it's so; . I„
, - All- seenteil-to be Troll).- to els . 'w°13iala 'Ccileefer inl;'aillable° ' Fier 'fnild ' - :' ''. ' ' ' ' ''' : '' '''.- ' '. '
fely corralled m
however, •.reqUire.,-rhe.-introduetion
'a -"S., aw), and, begau;' "rt. Was a time, he, said,
"whe.n, vowed side the,tbasiness, was admitted -
o 'tar, to tIle .
,'• ,stverealt ', - ,. ' .. - • - • :, 1 „.l. l l „ ' „•,\, -.. ' 1-1-' 't . : )• i -,-- , ip , .
, , . o , , -,-."•-• • - e, ...,
Vt.h94Ei '-ther9,?, ,„ ., ,,.., , .: - ld's ,-4,1,,,c73, t4 :ist,,),,-4-It :andl, :h6;rd-
' i....',. , "rrieii,d„,,i,',11-1-dy,,, Capt. SeI,Linger,.,,and ' glatif--n.g. CaptBlyte; -: WO,S ' sprav.-le
a 1 c 1 is a w'
• -5-
10 deliver y "
au,. :-.", . i ' ' ; ' - ' '' - '-' .- '' 3 u c
I heard her give littl ' d ille1(1"Ft 6'vriS.-rdliS'Il'u)''.4'svas but u.s5:12-gle' I
- ... - atitero that you.l.vot of. We h,ave come i .6 .„-b.y b . ' q ." , H. ' ') 1
, . 1- ,.
., , , _ a e cry,'an. • she other ,,eaptai,n in sight, one St,eavea.
• • • ' - . ,,• : •
. , . .
.. - ..
woo was lonag-ing, in t,li.e main, gate.
This lastper son; ag•Iitholight,;-'‘Ve.s.the
seerned;,tst•ilipe;come up close to the
• ,"We are, al3ant to break in," I con-
iotinticd.t `-tot-et• sts,---areyondr,essecl?'
Serihr. „Alt, the 'sainta have
mY Prayers!" 1
"She understands the matter," I said
back to my companions. "Hand me
the pry, Mao Ivrach.." , •
•Prhe Scotchrhan bad .1etclied along•
this .iraplement-a short -bar ,of iron,
„ , , starte to sell some one else., His f
) ' first ott t d • i) t]..• connection with her employees homes
, .
. . 'e our min- of Patience is in.chal-C1t1hle,""ind ;-she -CeinPanionskiie ' of
es nonsense.- sasd the. father,- still
'and, having 6011clil,Fled these-'01--i'servul- inVentive. and res'Onreeftil to a d,egiee.-• If . tPanghtir.." • -
tioris..itfirned:to have 1144 '.1.11.t11- the ca t a 'on enelWay, Sure:that your , father knoWS-yest...:lan,g4i-lig,‘'
senor' a. • e ,,a in ter or •-o e. s c,wil i.no.ther,..an , what is best of all, lave him,, just 041 you take .his affe tion ' Well' Y°h g'irfr t° the cage and hold
.t She ..'t ' 1 f merlac' '' sh *1 u ''`g ' r '1?d-'.' .- ' la " ' " S 'e.
, , --- - , - • ;, .., • , I- - . one, up and you'll see."-
anxiously regarding the shore but lsne never gives up " • ' ,. -for granted,' but do you ever stop , to Just to, humor tile boy- the father weM -
tuille a, \IFI g b telling ;a bit,. 1.1110,u my - it is a curious thing that it Is T,'-ot iti - t4itik- hoW little you • have to -saY' tc-1-11m, out , ;In , a mothent, he"(Came back; look-
peolcing. ,. , .. the field of -distinctly feminine labor; such day after, day?" writes Helen Wifttrson ii.i.g.:Lwell, looking just like o Ilion vc, h,
' All favors us," I said in 0,cheerfu1 as dressmaking, .milliner.,Y.:' and the like, ' 1\100dy in The;Ladies' Horne Journal. has been badly old
' ' ' " ' ' find yourself t , - s ' ^
tone,. "Dia, a brief 1,,N1,5,11e Ian f-'11:',Jer' alul*1 htheartiatharee/7.°11-wannelicelalesi6ite°4-''wseehyk,stlitiOs was
silideaynottteeupidazozaY,cluor buylth6sittin-gar0611mis, - h 'The Iittletrasefali got me that time
our safely ss assurcu. , . , 4 e remailedto u, i en . • . ..
,,,, . - . . • t ,. so, one satecesSful collecter replied that it fire,. really talking to him with the vs-..
, ,, ram. as, senor, youput me ie. -heart, was a case of_the reftitation of thei theory vacity -and interest you show Gertrude's - - -
f`13ut .I don't see the noint,” said the
I - . d 1,1' ' '
•••., le. answe'ie '• 111 l•arlittic c• Slio' -that like 'Cures -like: .•"It:iniay take a' thief, f4ther,.. for,- examP,ie? tametlm.ekhe' seem 6,
, "NO."
etninine ,prettiness,. ‚55 55141 sporte,'anci to make . another woman Pay "her, draw •yoti•o,tit;'.1aut „vonanswiter,So indiffer- 1,
ttWell; 'guinea pigs have no t.ails."
l aid it beside het-. I could 'make. Qui debts'," ,tt1 ant-- the, manager- of , ently and with so little desire to keep up 1 . • ,
her 'feature§ better : now,. and their ,-a Itirge, ,collectinW agency. cive o e conversation that he feels rebuffed
• . • , , ,
.f 1 'sf •
s, ..1,30,,r1;t you 7,,,
took .().1lf her great 011 v,-ith a to'catelli a thief, but it doesrt't „take "a,wo- •-to -3-vant 'to .tallr, and itaks questions to '
_ _ -
ey ong t 'rites Hitd Rina.
v, on( pel cotton struck rne• with men and women 11)._my employ, and when and says no more., Do yob know that h. e 1 . -
Tnere was a-trian and he hadmaoght,
;the former sort of ',yonder. • rhave a bill ag4ins,t,,a 79,111a_n_r
I i aria- said ,to me on my last visit, when he
gui baenttdera, ty,eAA:crdclepthhtoegunipestcoattnheeteolliimoibi„eyhimpo.t,
miSghhet stnaayYle.nd aaeli),ul-tpiati3Onlygaircd.shmi,oetiff-Laasndi obIlvYesmenodaeaymlciati;nowto h"th°alutelinwethho- brightsi)oke'0of nye.°111Iwinish is
sI1-17hgeow° d they thought they had
t t II t b 1 but she doesn t seem t fi b lath
went on ' es0iilleeteratigd,14-L:11C‘,.},‘I'll'uisaet,P-•11 interesting'YPY3"---- „.
'9dear -•there' Was ''••
'int' after all;. Senor, I slionldsearca .; -ter how flintSY,hi..,hoW, Plausible: ,They 1 feeling In has QW1 kno
•, • - • • . - • •
(1 -Nell SO Din eh , ray oivn,gOod for- 1111 .6
_ foetid dot 1 '
0111 tune. Think oinaypoor friends.' Holy evenr,°buetelie"ysdtroll'vt.Iwrita;pkit:e.ii60,1,1)..)eini9n, 11,av,0 110 . -sligliet,`,1d,eti of this."
1,e ai.„; ,Fit,ing _Habit
'1'ney were slain -slain before laiy ver N t • "t
33 • . _ ,
tot cri was not -theirs a dreadfu. 1 f ate I by the men. . • -
3, assail tee lawyer einPloYs- a A„svonsan ,whothas long, suffered frato
eyes. But you knew it, senor?" roan' 'conectF,),r;*whom" he,':,,regards as -an ' the 'nail 'biting habit': annotin'Jee her - self
1' said. a siih, ' hatter taller, sex .ande,tba,calling,; ' ddn't -sire d the '
wutb , officer 0f the gb-ard, for I 'llot6i t-liat kne w, ito'' '" ' ' 'T. ' ' ' ' ' 'gen17,4"3:ss'hecosld,leidc,t t:Itheett'' ille0°P111' el/YliMI1IsteOttf. o0unt:Iletor '-','sioo'i:bbie.tde' "rtnheerena'a°dillii 1,.,...;1 we:a aM ef'age.tle, whenI,t he siseitibe svc,:unadse nacbtY-
three or his cornpany Ivere cloie'lay,
The boa.t slipped. a,lorig„,and still Nve > •
more'la'ocearieers; t,ho-rigi-i; I - c djs."." cl iso t . r,I.,.3,0er'56,e,inveaci:..11s°util.'",1slurd.L'''' al-L'.rin'l.h'-'171---'t},-hat..',1.8...' 11"Achie/e.eal1n' ealugtos nIuscitePoill$tecittetlenetollreeePt1;1,t$alt.i2°5116; leidir '1,,Iiijs,,-`/i'lld°s,4g•ahtt st1;„:..laeiti i;f6•Is"n'h-es 'e„c'thueld- i'°:Ceegillieb;Ye:',.
and that one carried a lani horn/ Two
say -who, seemed ta be stationed 'at " . d r ., , fr.ons,a'elient of illy einpl4er: ‘,Gfp,,..up.,t,p-7,,,,„,m- 1.,,,151..-"he-a.,ija.yiated.„, she, hegain by rink.
i, ,I. 1_, it. 'rile lightsib,ehmo -
the, 6.613,er tnt'e,...--tha,t. is, t,li'e postern'-- . ins . f ell:, t:°"1-.,Ittrl:, trw.i,EIt-',,i--i'i,g's.. a', . 1-n'''1-. his office cil4rY dayi'''w!tre" my. emPIPYor a , in llie cOmrison chain' Stitch 'in crochet -
y to, a fume s teal, oL pale r,adiaace„' instructions. 'Don't give him a' of t '
e a work and though at first he utnco
gleam ielr ancl the ocean \yitia its vastness -long. peace • Hound the very life out of him sci .
armor as they paced to and ii -o. • - .
'for ,r_••60•111(voit,cit_ th-g. ' • • I 'ti •
. • and glassY'lllader the'stars- till he pays., ,,TuSt 'walk right .111., t'-'14.geati14'tiilio.'na.ain'1„•aattreia*bli).yt' it,e°c•ftleite'diat,el,),et
Mr" TYin Wa-S 19911:' 91' hnciled ei.-.)e.(1°.0 Th-•brceze WaS.St'Illilight, ter Who ts tocrei and demand -that ,
tj") , hut, e6hs,tantan,d et Us S1idin-2.-1 stead., Y,du' out because...I id tor; 'self.' and she was table to!'-resisti% •Tif
• tern,- Lis say heie, -‘7,vas the . ) - .-11tre, What/110 other laWYer.an- New-York:cliisabon, Veryi. soon the ,c1.6elict,,
, more -o °score ,an the eariar
bra, ,\,;auns f.gart-hteir,.rweliiorvetcolf,. atnl de , ri rabf•it.e. rfao set li&i e nth; ob• e, , iMinny ,t`t.i,tot„cei-Ikest --shlatidpti!Igsoonea'obdy "d" tishot ,
'aea p ss • le urss
.s "a
-know ,, Dot iu,etions, y. traveled lin .and she+ jlad: •t'. • -
tie, where men litere freqr:eittly
csas t b t ti • rid t dowp the" eyator so o ten Ira eve y
-,(16dgin 0- 011 :0 tt rills gate' str-atn•-"tu P°.tuus.'" • Y\ e n • F ", • .
ve -upon the edge of the plateau, he --1°1•4 . est v."
ga „imile helt. oPportuii- "'01 tc"..hk'il'OW •- 'But he got dOwn the other side '
1.0W w„as the bold exposed ben eh. • 1 a " ' ° ° "1---1(A ,T0 Keeifi moilterticit •
"3 • .tlY 90. . • - could 'have done, anot-•it oeuo.oves. him 0 werit on tyithotit interruption and not-
Tire ,piaii, gate, ,on ,t4e, 0,,tb r., 1..andi•fet ,,, „of.prue,,,,sai,.„..--1 , „seit,i-,,,ge- 1... . i‘rpin'ere'fl-,c v.erfds.i.„11-1.f °'',,in'e*,.; f,„ -An.„,°, daY- 'A,' w„,-As.,,s;sicisC 'alisd -!''...'-'Th ''"`"'' Ih"-'els e. uyi'll'-'.,v'(,'1.1,,e".(;-'mko°e:PI'1,.)utl":4'1.:1°.:Ielin,t.L:iesi.yr 11' '' '11-„11 :.:sn rdi ntfh:17;til:k.::ruilethin.ho.cit. crit.lelI' 1 in. '. .
,..; tains liati.t,.101_,, c-,.,‘ev.,a.asso?)tnr,p-ii§oei.,:sid, e,r" ',„:,-1)-1,,e street, ,..(1,0 ,Y, .6,11,'„th.r,,,6'e :lie, c.:1- 0, 7, ..' ,1.1,, E,1-1:11dJoIrLi-l6li't,t,''Io'-'1011' 7s tu,. ,au'.dila'wghoy"-a°,,i'c'i dt,'; es. ,1„-irl 'o'n. al.: t'-fhittsild'e" '1)':;,•-1";b,idoc'ila,, tY.'2',.. ',,:c"ata,ant.'s14..h,,,e(IP;rt,f;:o'e',.1;e7hilkrirf Why docs hos.;vi-ihi:ea,,,c'itheilld: 1±‘ecs:stal,,,l-gyeol..::. .: „, „: v:.,•,' .,''':ao'. 1";.°,t):::ist:LI;:-1):,;1:-:litnintpf-lit'l,e'e7t,1:ndt:Y,,,3
. - ' • " ii.:, 'b'3'r,, o,411.1..„ streets the first „watch; I:will call e -y 0 clack• in the -,
„ ,.
a sno 1 o . c i r day. - ,•• . - • . _ • - • , - • • • ,
. 3, 3 ,. , , 1 , IIIII.„ 4
- ' and„ -w as 'darRen,e,d„ ioimany: places by 'at 'ItPlir, oelli.!, • - ': , , ' -- ;„1. - ' a1 'My' einioloYer-St in' his ` PriVaIe 01-ilee • s'itr, , uie isgqiier , 01 :1,,,,0:3,is ,41:0 . girls 1, ” Oft'oli, ori- i ,T,..,„sunny,d' i.,,-. in a,,,,,,:..
tr .,„,s,. „,7ar„ r.r3.,:rnitans„,;,pisoyhd ,hiis ,,w)si, This 1.)eliag settled, we .„-(1„-ite€ be- talking tO 'a Olteii,t';'"th,e'''d_(''' Wa1:6-Pel-ied hiis, -4' e0,trie -nn Old, iV1'6111L-11.1-1-a. Vei'.1111d-;,, ,Wiliter'in; Ef'' illglanadu!li,WIliti'es 11h'` 2 cfii‘tate'3.1
dam,hi-, pi.&'1,,,,,,ito.'thg,e1.1,1eyik;.;ile, and. .1t0y,t cd gp I?? ? 6,1c, -.1,1t g., f ojr71,110$3:EL, 111,1a I 0--5' si'dcld'iilYAlia'a 't°wIll-i'cled little:. 1)e•-• seP'''''' :old' '4vg-inali71' '''Sit111)1Y'''''IA:Lge•inel'olse::jell'a's'hga:-.,-suitint,11:140h,tlerile_dc' 11';ii'IllIkillilgi'Ciii;litlhe0'11.1:ile'1,1•*.16111illciet,i";
,.. ,. r, ,, ,, . , ..., 1, own . - . , (t -,4-.4,..,,,,licicl: , , -•,,, pedr,iitiii4eiptisly'.idtb.4the rt)enl•i i -' - ' not, had to do •tliE.,- di a . bl tli'n ' '1' 1 lid ' ` a' )'' ' '' I ' "Ir
in 'brief; all "Went 'veil', 1°r we Passe° . ' ' ' . ,Ina".e,.. 1' ;,Wi'y' plag'g,, "( ,..,'s84—;,,,:,),..,h,e,s4q., ,„::::77.-"..-5,1!),7,,,t!.-litil,.11's for 'a who' le' 'ffiluil': "..'Sho' has': ItCrself '', t„tartle.rt swat‘nrOf.graStiliqpi'er Ihn V Wilr:.',
'-'-,"--firt gilt': '1 w"C' i36,1;?, -1"6i. thinkli4 the 1a6:;,-1.(usblisi,itcl'elfj.11leary •seniteS i flialy b?`:- ''', W,,ats' terj,i „,,,,,,,17,--,-,..:°...,...T;', .-beeli-lir°,ne '46. 'shi'k '0l'0,1es,ii.?tn,e'ss,;a:Lid . 'lcap befot.6 "hi'ai; 'llsdi,r- hard 'beelie stl'ilc
breath ,s,°(1jrii.d.°i'o!::i'l7adu-il4r0
•el:ev.an aaw•'a,;1e,11,e,irada
11 ' .
.-N.!':;.,g-P,' , ,,--:!::.' '
::::'•se 'li'll'ri4illoP,us.:d. i arts,tl.ii ,lt'fh'ie,” , f.e
't , cas:c(S'' gw.' h'eire
'!'' illagitf''•
ilacywbrcofCheertotle ,1r ,
pc)' .-e..a' 'cal
loiilal. ;f'es°iPriIblst'isli11u'i 1looked.111°lealcag311- -----------.1kt o0i4yqu1 l)9101rat111(uringcula,cul"tnl'1
, i.•rx•• e
'Who door dwsu*oxeri,
. , •l
e esplay:-
with one endfattenclinto a
and uow passed. Jammed rt
in naidvay ,near thldland gave
Thedoor was wOod, but
l ',1the:ii;„fti:oivnte:,V6iiieitit1,
I positively refused
ta ecu 14bei 1 • ".i
vpgepyk ;haSaamOtlfetforn1tl
, 1 ;
arthat ofu-1hinn9010011
biock don't fuleker pace d drew on toleutra14411rajt tr ed11heettheIwI00( if.. be olterfor
baclnnPonntrAle trs11ipPertbide t1
tom ils
of (14----------
05111 - It ItOultl
i, t,t
If it'di'.d
not.:-Bet,tY,iRultde-e,, .n i• n
Boston N-
t- ll• '
t'• ho-'ht.-i..y."kdi.:,d
ilcOvP0Peeatls16 flast I
t aiirehennw4ile flono A cure Forvorrysayeler• crickt811dtMade the
11 1'0°libola O bedcpleumeaoltMif*1vents tt e t eir ol s ning the summer and fal% dead a
ibc&Lk7yet 511111131 Day,
-.ra'l ., ;•
, "....',,t.:->•.••• ,-
?,.. r...•,.,i,.ii`..,''',''','.i-,-''i
ds•nfr 11hnd",41,--.,,,to11Y,r'°7ra77.f
79s iorn ard 101eori'h1F P1'trichr:t
tenttirefoie wy 0oilyabou 111g10bePhot0rnP101(9n'iDuitriktn
- 11104 t3att6,s;
igli1b dug out
41jres /hi°fttiiiiil"'-' "r.Ntkthecid7g!Donot0osteds„p1letneoY e ThiS alIey-Ynl1dt'te usby ,r • ,aaiDi CII Voll onefc1t,isYer4c„,1!Lboirle Oht-fxtietiVti 41 a Witaf l•it' n`itnk
heavy ,and strouly set and this first
11o41 ' • "t1 't 1 't ” intTti time --of disaster .6661 ^Wetted; or evetilt b c rise
t 'n l'ttl *1.1t1 wc vtere ,' eat. -Was oat uroiound being save Abe face) from tiomZt,'
• •3 • =
J).01A lypIrte:',;(1 rfcl1\-.01i0,;''',-0.1VI,Alitivort got (ino."
'girt ° ,•• t...t-41.1,141vCrPdt, thejowili
' a -mailer clan of Tneet big st-ra ,rexe (1, yr" thharassiug dreams', an d so ou keep ta e temper' fro m,, be9p
(+Bort Onlylnuide it strain- and craolc.-
Grewin 0- ;impatient • and anxiona, 'I
'', „punched again, 'and' thisttime threw
'ray weIght•against‘lb.c bar. 'the bolt
imjta,ntly 'snapped'and the door swung
.quiv.ering bp•en. Tho
", n"'i" bel).Ilt--6t.'' .
'•'.:''„•„•-•'Lo.,h 2
tT n:.l4 e--i't g'
' l
,--•- - -- - '- i,('i,,
;.,. ', :1') c -k
iye' • y” edc-'•, i- ,-blut ‘ 'o
'4401 ... le -e. el! • ; ,s,., re . ieetoore or 't .• ; - - - .,- - ') t .
- aught' tal-c• .6,-- ,) -----------------------------------------------101i40T111pYGE ,I1,,T,,Cl'ET-Li:tff.);Xt 'Alltil' (iniid,', ig,- , ,,t‘411'(4.1' 46,ifi 'ci,1 t"gi011.ly, SVY§.44... ,ti. ,,.n.S., I.,,ife..' Upon A lady .1-Maitin-0,,-a-,sinan ho•str, em sltd .
I the,'bhat • ' • •.•"s'NQ It' TI -T;('‘ -IgNALLY thing .We,raiglitaS'ls'itell'reSelt. '0"O" t sWill
,.4010,1!„.1)1ackk,i 1,00,1olv? ot , 0. ,nes ' it I td
. , „ • , •cec. ..
u3' uail vetV .stYle• AO' k§:tiffitrttledg410,11kil lo d
.Oiii-, .
ttao would do it
fibotegra .kin0 t fiN-taittti4‘;',24§fic d ,
attics of (nit' rhen- :s01 t. I. came --Co at 'vaguely co.tisciou''atate- will ?Dalt(' Ole rain ie..0
p a i;e. . tile 'which r SaY to rriYsitlf: "This is
a- fitleerantia
i-tI at -ivbtes`•,nd,resaes,sai!fn"=
nd. ',.5ael
••.--, , • Wear. a't
, '
sal •
th'e` c' i it)?tPw
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